Mind Jammer

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Starblazer Adventures in the Second Age of Space

b y Sarah Newton

“It was the Second Age of Space. The light of human civilization, which had flickered and threatened to die, suddenly burned
bright again with contact with the thousand worlds of space. Humankind laughed, filled with the joys of the power of a
new-found youth, and strode forth to bring its message of hope and regeneration to the stars...”
- from “The Songs Of Old Earth”, Book I

Starblazer Adventure!
Mindjammer is a sourcebook for the Starblazer Adventures role-playing game set in the strange and distant future
of planet Earth. Enter a universe of lost worlds, transhuman technologies, and clashing civilizations - a unique and
compelling space opera setting of action and adventure!

A Complete Setting!
Mindjammer provides everything you need to play using only the Starblazer Adventures rules. Choose from many
human cultures, transhuman, synthetic, and alien races – you can even play a sentient starship! This book introduces
the New Commonality Era, including: new species; advanced technologies; new - and sentient! - starships; the Mind-
scape; rules for cultural conflicts; starmaps of Commonality Space with world maps and descriptions; an action-packed
campaign of four linked adventures; and more!
Mindjammer requires the Starblazer Adventures rule book to play.

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Sarah Newton

SKU CB7703

STARBLAZER © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. 2009. Associated characters, text and artwork © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. 2009.
Starblazer Adventures in the Second Age of Space

Credits Contents
Writer Introduction 2
Sarah Newton

Editor Characters 4
Dominic McDowall-Thomas & Sarah Newton
Skills and Powers 12
Layout and Graphic Design
Will Chapman Gear 20
Production & Sales
Dominic McDowall-Thomas & Angus Abranson Starships and Space Travel 35

Starblazer Line Manager New Commonality Era 52

Chris Birch
Worlds and Cultures 63
Scott Acker, John Bogart, Craig J. Brain, Christopher
Dalgety, Jason Durall, Chris McWilliam, Tonpa Sarkkinen,
The Darradine Rim 86
Rich Spainhour, Rich Stokes, Andrew Whincup. Thanks
for all the help and support guys! Escape from Venu 128

Art Direction Mind’s Eye 143

Douglas Nicol
The First Casualty 159
Additional Artwork
Chad Sergesketter
(p9 “Hooyow”, p10 “Lowhigh”, p46 “Mindjammer”) The Black Zone 170

Maps Appendix I 192

Sarah Newton

Special Thanks Appendix II 194

To Chris Birch and all the guys at Cubicle 7, for writing and
producing the amazing Starblazer Adventures, and for Index 195
giving me the chance to write Mindjammer.
Media Enquiries: [email protected]
To Fred Hicks, Leonard Balsera, and Rob Donoghue, for
Sales Enquiries: [email protected]
writing Spirit of the Century and kicking this whole thing
Website: www.cubicle7.co.uk and www.mindjammer.com
off in the first place.
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd is a private limited company, reg.
To Simon and the guys at Profantasy for their wonderful no. 6036414. Our registered office is at Riverside House, Osney
Campaign Cartographer suite, which powers the maps Mead, Oxford, OX2 0ES, United Kingdom
in this book, and Bill Roach, whose Terraformer files really
made the planetary maps come alive! ©2009 Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd, Printed in USA

Dedication To my husband Chris, who always said it was possible.

The Second Age of Space
“It was the Second Age of Space. The light of human civilization, via Mindscape implants
which had flickered and threatened to die, suddenly burned - direct neural connectors to
bright again with contact with the thousand worlds of space. the Mindscape - and the staggering
Humankind laughed, filled with the joys of the power of a new- powers of technopsi. Synthetic life-forms
found youth, and strode forth to bring its message of hope and with the personalities of dead heroes pilot sentient
regeneration to the stars...” spaceships to the stars.

- from “The Songs Of Old Earth”, Book I The Commonality is a predominantly human civilization,
but one of staggering diversity. The inhabitants of Old Earth
You hold in your hands Mindjammer, a sourcebook for the who began the Expansion were a homogenous species; but
Starblazer Adventures role-playing game. Set in the strange the new Culture Worlds have changed all that, as races new
and distant future of our own planet Earth, it’s a cool yet and old are invented and explored anew. The Ten Thousand
believable science-fiction setting of lost worlds, incredible Worlds are human, too, in theory, but ten millennia of
technologies, and clashing civilizations. In these pages you’ll divergent evolution and genetic engineering have spawned
find a unique and compelling space opera setting, a whole some strange races and even new subspecies.
universe of action and adventure!
As well as humans and hominids, xenomorphs - uplifted
Mindjammer provides everything you need to play using animals, from chimp-like pithecines labouring in mining
only the Starblazer Adventures rules. It introduces the New colonies to the chelodont-riding snake-people of Zhaffrane
Commonality, an interstellar state centred on Old Earth - populate whole worlds in some regions, and the new
expanding back to the stars and contacting lost worlds Sentient Alliance is a force to be reckoned with. And there
colonized in the distant past. The Expansionary Era is a are extraterrestrial species, including the strange vegetable
time of turmoil; as the Commonality assimilates these lost intelligences of Drefnia and the warlike Hooyow - far more
colonies, it finds itself getting “colonized right back”, its alien than anyone ever dreamed.
traditions and stability shaken to the core. The secret agents
and special forces of SCI Force, the Security and Cultural The Commonality today struggles as it expands further into
Integrity Instrumentality, battle constantly to protect Old space, limited by the slow communication times of 2-Space;
Earth’s cultures from destruction, and everywhere the and the Mindjammers, sentient spaceships charged with
Commonality’s frontier bristles and sparks with war. maintaining interstellar communication and the fabric of the
Mindscape, work ceaselessly and heroically to hold the far-
What’s in this Book flung worlds together. In the Core Worlds around Old Earth,
a new 3-Space “gating” technology promises instantaneous
Mindjammer is a detailed yet open setting, with plenty of interstellar travel and technological revolution. Everywhere
room for exactly the sort of Starblazer adventures you want the Commonality struggles to keep control.
to play. This core book gives you the background and history
of the New Commonality Era, with new species and cultures; The Commonality is vast enough to contain any number of
new gear (including some very advanced technology!); Starblazer Adventures campaigns. This book focuses on one
new (and often sentient!) starships; the near-ubiquitous part of the Commonality frontier, where the Venu Empire, one
Mindscape; a starmap of an octant of Commonality Space, of the Commonality’s deadly foes, staged a devastating invasion
complete with world descriptions and planetary maps; an eighty years ago. It’s an area of constant friction, espionage, and
action-packed introductory campaign consisting of four intrigue, and everyone again is expecting war.
linked adventures - and much, much more! It’s a crunchy,

The Expansionary Era

technological take on the Starblazer Adventures rules;
everything you need to get playing is here.
Mindjammer takes place in an era of violent change. In the
The Commonality of Worlds past, Old Earth’s civilization had achieved utopia, blessed by
long life and hyper-advanced technology. But hand-in-hand
The Commonality is a beacon of light in the blackness of with utopia came stagnation and decay, and while the stars
space; ultra-advanced technology, its gift to the stars. The sang with the songs of men, Old Earth remained fossilized
Mindscape, a vast technological “shared consciousness”, for millennia, and slowly began to die.
links the citizens of the Commonality together, storing the
memories - even personalities - of dead generations. Every Two hundred years ago everything changed. Almost
Commonality citizen can boost their skills and knowledge
2 overnight, the scientists of Old Earth discovered the secrets

Th Second Age of Space

The ace
of faster-than-light travel. In their planeships they ventured will bring. So charge your blaster, think your commands to
to the stars, in search of the colonies they had sent out the starship’s brain, and fire up the planing engines - come
millennia before. and defend the light of humanity’s greatest civilization as it
spreads to the stars!
What they found stunned them. The galaxy was alive!
Everywhere they went, they found people. Vibrant cultures,
strange civilizations, worlds savage and untamed. Suddenly,
Old Earth felt itself old no longer, but young, and excited by
the prospects of an unknown future. It was a new age of
discovery and expansion - a Second Age of Space.

Now, the Commonality contacts lost colonies almost

every day, colonies which have evolved very differently,
sometimes into sub-species of homo sapiens, sometimes
different species altogether. The Expansionary Era is a time
of great conflict and clashing cultures, but also opportunity
and adventure.

How to Play
Mindjammer is a self-contained setting. You can play it
“out of the box”; or you can plug in your own campaign
(Human Space gives you plenty of room!). You can even use
this book as a toolkit and cherry-pick your favourite parts
for your own campaign! You can play with pre-existing
Starblazer characters, or with new ones created using the
species, careers and cultures in this book. We even provide
pre-generated characters so you can get started right away!
Play characters like:
• special operatives from SCI Force - the Security and
Cultural Integrity Instrumentality - investigating strange
new cultures and bringing them into the Commonality;
• dedicated agents of the Commonality armed forces,
defending the frontiers against the incursions of virulent
alien cultures;
• members of the heroic Space Force, patrolling
Commonality spacelanes and the virtual spaces of the
Mindscape on the lookout for spies, alien agents, and
renegade artificial intelligences;
• canny merchants - the so-called New Traders - mistrusted
by most as evolutionary throwbacks to the bad old days
of money and speculation, carving out a living carrying
information and goods between worlds, dodging the
Commonality’s laws and agents as they go;
• intrepid 2-Pilots, navigating the terrifying reaches of 2-
Space in their faster-than-light planeships, in constant
mental contact with their starship sentience comrades.
You can even play an intelligent starship yourself!
• explorers, soldiers, scientists, and just about any character
you can imagine in this adventure-filled galaxy of the
far, far future!

The Universe Awaits!

Never has there been a greater time of opportunity. Old
certainties are dying; the universe is in flux, and for the first
time in ten thousand years no one knows what the future

Th Second Age of Sp
The pace
Chapter One:
below. “Culture” is unique
to Mindjammer, influencing
your Aspects, career, and back-story;
most characters belong to the Commonality
culture, but feel free to make up your own - it’s a
big universe!

Genotype represents biological race or species, influencing
a character’s physical and mental capabilities. It’s distinct
from culture, which represents customs and social
conventions. Genotypes include: humans and hominids;
synthetics (artificial life forms, including sentient starships!);
xenomorphs (uplifted animals); aliens; and the Venu, one of
the Commonality’s principal foes.

Humans are the standard genotype of the New Commonality
Era. Except for longevity and ethnicity, Commonality humans
are physically little different from our own time.

“You could tell he was one of those New Trader types. He smiled Extreme Longevity
too much, and had a greedy look in his eyes, like he cared more Commonality citizens live many centuries. Until the
for those little nuggets of gold than he did for the people who Expansionary Era, life-spans were set by the Mortality
worked their knuckles to the bone making them. Guys like that Statutes at 500 years. Since then, considering the vastly
are evolutionary throwbacks, a step backward for the whole increased scope for accidental death facing Commonality
human race. Let’s hope they can do us some good...” citizens, most worlds have rescinded the Statutes and there’s
no legal maximum to how long you can live. Conservative
Creating Characters in the worlds may frown on the “new-fangled” life-spans and
quietly continue euthanasia at 500, but the Commonality
New Commonality Era recently celebrated its millionth citizen to reach 700 years
old, and bookmakers are taking bets on how long people
The Commonality is an interstellar civilization of staggering will live before accident takes them.
diversity. Rough and ready spacers rub shoulders with
solemn and traditional functionaries from complex This has changed society immensely. People routinely spend
Core World cultures; uplifted animal xenomorphs serve 30 years in education, not beginning careers until 40 or 50
aboard sentient starships with the minds and memories years old. You can start characters at the “Gritty” or “Standard”
of ancient war heroes; and everywhere the inhabitants of campaign levels, but you can also use the “Heroic” level or
lost colony worlds gaze wide-eyed and incredulous at the above for characters over a hundred years old to represent
technological marvels of a civilization ten thousand years their great experience.
old. Whatever character you want to play, there’s room for
it somewhere in Mindjammer. On Fringe and Outer Worlds the Commonality is pragmatic,
aiming to mitigate culture shock. Most contacted worlds
Create Mindjammer characters as shown in Starblazer have limited access to anagathics, and few have as yet been
Adventures. If you want to play a non-human, select one of profoundly affected by longevity.
the genotypes below or maybe come up with one of your
own. Genotypes give your character special abilities, and Long-lived characters may choose longevity Aspects such as
add flavour to a Mindjammer game. “Not Clumsy Any More”,“This is my 8th career”,“I get married
every fifty years whether I like it or not”, “You don’t grow up
Select a career and a “culture”, too. As well as Starblazer for the first ninety years”.
Adventures careers, there are Mindjammer-specific ones

What is the Mindscape? Character Names
The Mindscape is the virtual brain pervading Choose whatever name you like for your character.
Commonality Space to which all citizens are neurally Don’t worry if it seems fanciful or humdrum - chances
connected at maturity using the Mindscape implant. are it exists somewhere. If you choose a current Earth
Citizens isolated from the Mindscape (by distance or name, your character may come from a culture world
illness) report feelings of loneliness, isolation, even based on an ancient Old Earth culture, or might be a
depression. follower of the latest Commonality fashions. There are
some very strange names in the Commonality - you’ve
It’s a vast space, storing the entire experience of the got plenty of choice!
human race and the memory engrams of generations
living and dead, enabling skill enhancements and
the “pseudo-psionic” abilities known as technopsi Ethnicity
– essential to life in the New Commonality Era. Old Earth eliminated ethnic diversity millennia ago, resulting
in a homogenous population where personal appearance is
The Mindscape is the sole reason the Commonality a matter of fashion and preference. Out in the Ten Thousand
survives as a single civilization. With the vast distances, Worlds, however, every contacted world has its own ethnic
long travel times, and enormous number of worlds, the variations, developed over millennia of isolation. Further, the
Mindscape allows cultures, languages, and institutions Commonality is encouraging “culture worlds” with especially
to retain common identity. strong cultures and ethnicities often (but not always)
derived from Old Earth history. Today’s Commonality teems
Offenders in the Commonality have their Mindscape with ethnic diversity.
implants temporarily or permanently disabled,becoming
embargoes or exiles. Criminals create counterfeit
implants known as black chips, using the identities of
Hominids (Homo Variens)
Hominids derive from human stock which through geneering
innocent victims they’ve (usually) killed. Black chips are
or genetic drift have become separate subspecies. Some
hunted down by SCI Force, Mindscape sentinels, and
are far removed from their human ancestors. Two hominid
agents of the Communications Instrumentality.
species, the Javawayn and Chembu, are presented below;
you can find others in Chapter Seven: The Darradine Rim.

Hominids have a genotype Aspect indicating their species Hominid Species: the Chembu
and unlocking special Skills and Stunts. The Chembu are “genurgists” - specialists in genetic
enhancement. Their homeworld is a water-world inhabited
Hominid Species: the Javawayn by a kind of organic global mindscape, which welcomed the
The Javawayn are low-gravity hominids with no known original colonists (after some horrific misunderstandings)
homeworld. Inhabitants of “Sky Cities”, gigantic space- into a “massmind” relationship. Known as the “Planetary
faring vessels, they have little experience of planetary life. Intelligence” or just “Chembu”,it’s connected to the Mindscape,
They’re short, emaciated humanoids with large heads and although its thoughts are too alien for most people.
prehensile feet. Dwelling in 0.3G environments or less,
they’re known throughout the Commonality; even before Before the colonists’ arrival the Planetary Intelligence lived
the Expansionary Era they had a relativistic interstellar by genurgically modifying its environment; the Chembu
drive, now mostly updated with Commonality technology, hominids now have a symbiotic relationship with it, a
although more traditionalist Sky Cities still travel slower phenomenon with significant philosophical ramifications.
than light. They travel through the Fringe and Core Worlds, It has sensory, communication, and manipulative organs
providing excellent shipyards, luxury interstellar hotels, and best described as “psionic”, whose powers the Chembu have
“cruise ships”. Javawayn venturing briefly into environments been unable to replicate.
higher than 0.3G use grav harnesses.
Chembu are genurgy-enhanced waterworld dwellers (see
The Javawayn operate the Javawayn Corporacy, manufac- “Genurgy” in Chapter Two: Skills and Powers). They appear
turing grav suspensors and starship hulls. “streamlined”, with hairless, dolphin-like skin, lungs and

Javawayn Species Characteristics

Height: 1.5m Gravity: 0G - 0.3G
Hair: None Frame: Very Thin
Weakness: Kinetic Weapons

Aspects: Thin, wiry and nimble; at home in Low- and Zero-G environments.
Special Abilities: Small [Stealth]
Forbidden Skills: Might, Survival
Common Skills: Endurance, Zero-G Combat Stunt, Starship Skills

Chembu Species Characteristics

Height: 1.7m Gravity: Normal
Hair: None Frame: Streamlined normal
Weakness: Hot, dry conditions
Aspects: Amphibious hominids; Tough dolphin-like skin
Special Abilities: Gills [Athletics] as well as lungs; other genurgic enhancements (see page 19)
Forbidden Skills: None
Common Skills: Science (Genurgy), Athletics, Empathy, Mysteries

gills, and other genurgic enhancements. During character Types of synthetic include:
generation Chembu may take genurgy Skills (see page 19)
freely, without regard to resource cost. Mechanicals
Mechanicals are robots, generally humanoid or vehicle-
Synthetics shaped, employed for ruggedness and endurance and
Synthetics are artificial life-forms, ranging from entirely including attack droids, hazmat or industrial processing
mechanical to entirely biological constructs, though the synthetics, and alien environment explorers. Avatars of
distinction is often blurred; the key is that synthetics are planeships such as manowars are frequently mechanicals
made, not born. rather than variforms. Examples include numerous robots in
Starblazer Adventures, attack droids from Chapter Eight:
Synthetics are as intelligent as they need to be: intelligence Escape from Venu and Chapter Eleven: the Black Zone,
is easily created in the Commonality, and synthetics with and the hazmat synthetic Abraxas from Chapter Nine:
higher intelligence than humans are found operating Mind’s Eye.
starships, space stations, and orbital cities.
Selected synthetics have personalities derived from Installations are large-scale synthetics such as starship
thanograms, deceased human personalities stored in the sentiences, Global Mindscape Instances, and corpuses
Mindscape (see Chapter Five: the New Commonality Era (synthetics which operate buildings), including the Eidolon-
for more on the Mindscape). These eidolons have the same 4 station corpus and the “Wing Commander” starship
legal status as humans in the Commonality. They’re never sentience from Chapter Nine: Mind’s Eye, and Gentility-5
considered the same person as the original human whose from Chapter Ten: the First Casualty. See also “Installations”
personality they derive from, but are imperfect copies, with in Chapter Three: Gear. Create installations like starships,
many shared memories, but new, unique individuals. Many using the additional rules for starship sentiences in Chapter
eidolons revere their source personalities like a “parent”; some Four: Starships and Space Travel.
even display religious or reverential feelings. See Chapter
Two: Skills and Powers for more on eidolon creation. Variforms
Variform synthetics have organic components and varying
Eidolon Crisis morphologies. Less rugged than mechanicals, they include
Eidolons suffering Composure stress can undergo some ships’ avatars, and multi-service synthetics such as
a phenomenon known as Eidolon Crisis. This also sanitationals and domestics. An example is the stingray-
sometimes happens to basics whose development shaped “Sweeper” from Chapter Nine: Mind’s Eye. Create
exceeds standard parameters. Eidolon Crisis is a form variforms using the Mandroid and Robot rules (depending
of mental breakdown, with symptoms from mild whether the variform is principally organic or robotic).
neurosis to dangerous psychosis.
Starships as Player Characters
An eidolon suffering a Severe or Extreme Composure / Sentient starships are a major part of Mindjammer,
Systems stress consequence undergoes Eidolon Crisis, and you can create them as player characters as
a basic on a Major consequence or above.The synthetic shown in Chapter Four: Starships and Space
is mentally damaged, unstable and unpredictable; at Travel. The most famous are the Mindjammers,
worst it suffers total personality disintegration and sleek, sophisticated ships which constantly travel
violent psychotic episodes. See the Create Eidolon the Commonality’s spacelanes, synchronising the
Stunt on page 15 for the “Eidolon Compliances” and Mindscape and carrying its traffic between worlds.
suggestions for Eidolon Crisis. Consequences can With Mindscape implants of their own, they’re
be treated with the Technopsi Redaction Stunt (see telepathic starships!
Chapter Two: Skills and Powers).
Starship sentiences aren’t restricted to the physical
bodies of their starships, either. Using a remote
Not all synthetics are eidolons. For less demanding jobs, control drone known as an avatar, a starship may
such as sentient weapons, vehicles, or industrial equipment, transfer its consciousness (or a large part of it) into
simple, mass-produced personalities are sufficient. These an independent synthetic body, and embark on
basics are considered machines, without legal rights; they’re planetbound adventures! Think about giving a
“blank-born”, without memories, beginning rudimentary sentient starship character an avatar Aspect as well
mental development after their incept date. They rarely as the “Control Avatar” Technopsi Stunt, so it’s not
develop complex personalities, and are carefully screened restricted to the ship on adventures.
for deviations from acceptable norms.

Xenomorphs Xenomorph Types and Abilities
Throughout its history humanity has looked to the animal Type Abilities Comments
kingdom for companionship and aid, domesticating species Pithecine Lightning Fast Derived from gorillas,
as desired. For millennia, the Commonality has created Stunt [Athletics] bonobos, chimps. Make
animal companions with human-like intelligence and fully or excellent specialists and
partially humanoid body morphologies: the xenomorphs. heavy engineers.
Aspects: Sudden Burst of
Historically xenomorphs were considered property in the Speed, Fond of Hierarchies,
Commonality, but the Expansionary Era (with its thousands of Can I try that?
xenomorph and hominid worlds) has made this a nonsense, and Canid Heightened Derived from wolves,
xenomorphs find themselves in a legal limbo,subject to the whims Smell Stunt dogs. Make good soldiers.
of local custom.Xenomorph communities exist on society’s fringes, [Alertness] Aspects: Loyal,
doing menial jobs, avoiding the attentions of their often arbitrary Headstrong, I really love
creators; yet individual humans often accord xenomorphs equal doing this!
status in their families. Some lost colony (often hominid) worlds
Feline Lightning Fast Derived from cats, great
accept xenomorphs as partners of Commonality humans; others
Stunt [Athletics] cats. Make good starship
(usually with little experience of diversity) see them as animals
and fighter pilots.
or even abominations. The “Xenomorph Question” is a burning
Aspects: Sensuous
issue for the Evolutionary Ministry, and xenomorphs travelling the
Movements, Curious, I’ll do
Commonality face an unpredictable ride.
it my way thank you!
Ursoid Oversized Derived from bears. Make
Xenomorph characters vary hugely, from near animal
[Intimidation] good shock troops or
appearance to almost entirely human. This variance is
heavy labour.
genotype divergence (GD), a 1-100 scale from the animal
Aspects: Bull in a china
genotype towards the human norm. A GD25 cetacean is
shop, Bear with a sore head,
still mostly dolphin, whereas a GD75 one is very humanoid,
Eats anything.
though with obvious cetacean features such as rubbery grey
skin, blowhole, and streamlined physique. Xenomorphs with Cetacean Active Sonar Also known as Swimmers,
GD less than 5 or over 95 are largely indistinguishable from [Alertness] derived from dolphins,
the original animal or human genotypes. orcas. Make excellent
zero-grav specialists.
Aspects: Friendly,
The Sentient Alliance Mischievous, At home in
The Sentient Alliance is a Fringe World state and buffer zero-grav.
against the Venu, a polity of highly-motivated, mostly
xenomorph citizens sponsored by the Commonality. Aliens
It’s connected to the Mindscape and also receives Few people realized that extra-terrestrials would be so alien.
Commonality weapons and technological assistance. In all the First Age of Space, Old Earth had never heard back
Some say the Commonality is assuaging its guilt for from any slowships which had contacted alien intelligences,
millennia of xenomorph mistreatment; cynics point and the prevailing orthodoxy was that humankind was
out the Commonality is still mistreating xenomorphs alone, at least in this part of the galaxy (dubious signals
in the Commonality Core. received from the direction of Andromeda, and ambiguous
chatter from the 8th Millennium Deep Space Probes before
they mysteriously went offline were never considered
Before the Expansion, xenomorphs had no access to
conclusive). First Contact therefore came as a surprise.
anagathics, and had tragically short lives. Since the Xeno
Wars the situation has been chaotic, but Sentient Alliance
The more the Commonality expands, the more alien species
scientists are now developing longevity treatments with
it encounters. As yet, none has been advanced enough to
some success. Outside the Alliance, many xenomorphs
pose a threat, and Commonality researchers have many
remain downtrodden, resentful, even rebellious.
theories to explain this situation, all as provisional as
the previous “Just Us” orthodoxy. The Custodians of the
For a xenomorph character, select an animal heritage and its
Commonality acknowledge this might not always be the
genotype divergence; the most common types are shown
case, and after the Venu, the Commonality is cautious when
in the table below. You can choose special abilities based
encountering alien life.
on animal heritage, such as the “Lightning Fast [Athletics]”
Stunt for pithecines. Examples of xenomorph characters
Significant alien species in Commonality Space include
are the Kaskai and Cain White Wolf in Chapter Eleven: the
the Hooyow or “War Monsters”, the Lowhigh, or “Listeners”,
Black Zone, below.

described below, and the Planetary Intelligence, described Typical warrior Hooyow
in the section on the Chembu, above. Several species native Physical Stress: ………………
to the Darradine Rim (such as the Singers of Zvukimu and
Composure Stress: ………………
the Mozgooms of Drefnia) are presented in Chapter Seven:
Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2)
The Darradine Rim. Opinion is divided whether the strange
interstellar phenomena known as “Pulse Dragons” constitute Consequences: 3 Consequences
a life-form at all, let alone a sentient one. Encounter Size: 1
Human Space is big enough to contain any number of alien Good (+3) Weapons
species. Feel free to add as many as you like! Fair (+2) Fists Fists
The Hooyow Average (+1) Might Resolve
The Hooyow or “war monsters” are violent hexapedal aliens. Endurance Alertness
Contacted only 50 years ago, little is known about them. Survival Intimidation
They have three walking “modes” (2-legged, 4-legged,
6-legged), are cannibalistic, and like fighting; they’re
intelligent, technologically primitive, and short-lived, with a Aspects
violent world-view. Their homeworld Valhalla is quarantined, You slight my honour!
but specialist Hooyow serve the Commonality as soldiers or Hexapedal alien war-monster
martial arts instructors.
Eat your foe and take his strength
I serve the Commonality faithfully!
Hooyow interaction is governed by a complex behavioural
code the Commonality loosely calls “honour”. Decisions are Short-lived
based on hierarchical intimidation and short, non-lethal Life is struggle!
duels rather than discussion. Minor Weakness: Fire
Hooyow society lacks fire- and metals-based technology Usually selected from:
(Terrible (-2) Tech level); create Valhallan Hooyow characters Various Fists and Weapons Stunts
accordingly. Hooyow in Commonality service (informally Claws [Fists - Special]
dubbed “Valkyrie”) seem to be adapting native Hooyow Fast [Athletics - Special]
practises to the more high-tech Commonality environment. Lightning Fast [Athletics - Special]
Jump [Athletics - Special]
Human Spider [Athletics]
Scenario hook: A Day for Honour
Spider Feet [Athletics - Special]
Someone’s made a faux pas on Valhalla, the Hooyow
homeworld, and the only way out is by ritual combat. Outer Shell [Endurance - Special]
Before that, however, the candidate must prove Equipment
himself by enduring the Chau Cheng, the Test of the Chitin (-1 Physical Armour)
Wilderness. With Valhalla’s chlorine-tainted atmosphere Hooyow War Scythe (fibre-glass multi-blade: +3
and poisonous flora and fauna, can the PCs survive damage)
and face one of Valhalla’s champions to preserve the 2 Weapon or Fist attacks per exchange.
Commonality’s honour? Speaks: Hooyow, Universal

The Lowhigh
The Lowhigh or “Listeners” are a species of mysterious,
mystical “space gypsies”. They have no vocal organs, and
no eyes; what appear to be two enormous “ears” are in
fact infrared receptors. When humans first met them, the
Lowhigh seemed to be constantly listening for something -
hence their epithet. Unlike the Hooyow they are spacefarers,
sailing great, majestic lightjammers, and are found on several
worlds. They are 2.5m tall, with 500-year lifespans. Their dark
homeworld orbits a brown dwarf known as “Shrine”.

The Lowhigh are very alien. They seem barely interested

in humans or the Commonality. Their worlds have high

atmospheric helium and background radiation, suggesting
an industrialized, fusion-powered past; but their societies
are largely non-technological (except for the lightjammers),
and the Lowhigh remain tight-lipped.

Lowhigh communicate via fluctuating heat patterns in their

large, screen-like “ears”, requiring a synthetic interpreter
(hand-scanners work; a synthetic with infrared receptors
and emitters is better). Humans with IR goggles can learn to
“read” Lowhigh infra-speech, but reproducing it is impossible
without specialist equipment.

Typical Lowhigh Lightjammer Pilot

Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ………………
Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1
Good (+3) Starship Pilot The visit went horribly wrong. The Commonality contact
Fair (+2) Mysteries Resolve ship never returned, and eighty years ago the Venu
Engineering exploded out of the Orion Cluster in a frenzy of rage and
Average (+1) Might Alertness violence, using a dangerously unstable faster-than-light
Science Investigation drive reverse-engineered from Commonality technology
Resources Deceit and embroiling the Rim Sector in a terrible war. Even now
Aspects there’s very little known about the Venu; they appear to
Mysterious Space Gypsies be human supremacists, although there are reports of
Uninterested in human affairs horrifically mutated Venu being increasingly encountered,
often with extremely bizarre abilities: the reason for this is
No eyes, but they “see” heat
currently unknown. They’re extremely xenophobic, driven
Silent, inscrutable mystics
by religious fervour and a worship of “Venu”, believed to
Our past is not your affair be their hereditary God-Emperor. Their society seems
Majestic Lightjammer pilot intensely militaristic, but not as technologically advanced
Minor Weakness: no visual or audio senses as the Commonality; what technology they do have seems
Stunts shrouded in religious secrecy, and a class of Venu officers has
Enhanced Vision [Alertness - Special] been dubbed “technopriests”. A recent offshoot is the Cult of
Sixth Sense [Alertness] the Radiant Darkness, believed to be a new title of the God
Enthrall [Mysteries] Emperor and to refer to the zero-point technology the Venu
Equipment have purloined from the Commonality. The Venu religion
Voluminous robes seems to be very flexible and in almost continuous flux.
Specialized hand-scanner
Cultists of the Radiant Darkness wear masks, as do an
Speaks: Lowhigh infra-speech
increasing number of other Venu. These may be stylised
and decorative, or prosthetic, realistic-looking yet strangely
The Venu expressionless. It’s unknown what they signify. Some
The Venu are a great mystery, a human species from the captured Venu spies have been found with transplanted
distant Orion Cluster. During the First Age of Space, Old faces stolen from Commonality citizens.
Earth twice contacted its most distant, known colony
there, each message taking 3000 years there and back. The Venu are unremittingly hostile; the reasons for this
After the invention of planing, a visit to Psi Orionis was a are unknown. Raids from the Commonality-imposed
high priority. Quarantine Zone in the Rim Sector are almost constant, and


few doubt the Venu are preparing another war. Their agenda
is unknown, but it seems there can be no negotiated peace Cultures
with these strange, alien humans. All Mindjammer characters belong to a culture (usually the
Commonality culture) which influences their genotype and
Create mutated Venu characters with a “Venu Mutant” Aspects. Culture world characters can have Aspects from
Aspect, choosing Mutation Skills and Stunts from the list their homeworld as well.
below. A Venu Mutant character must take a Minor Weakness
for each Mutation Skill (Starblazer pages 262-3). Choose a culture from Chapter Six: Worlds and Cultures,
selecting one or more Aspects based (however loosely)
Create non-mutated Venu as standard humans; the Venu on its cultural Aspects. If your character’s culture has
culture write-up in Chapter Six: Worlds and Cultures lists conflicting Aspects, try selecting equally conflicting
some sample Aspects. Venu from the imperial homeworld character Aspects too!
tend to be somewhat taller than standard humans.

Suggested Genotype Abilities (Mutation Skills and

Stunts): Exude Energy Skill (Exude Radiation Stunt); Absorb Characters may belong to a profession, although it isn’t
Energy Skill (Sap, Absorb Radiation, Energy Drain, Absorb necessary: choose one from Starblazer Adventures or the
Kinetic Weapons, Absorb Energy Weapons, Life Drain Stunts); table below, or make up one of your own. Then, select a
Alertness and Athletics Skill Mutation Stunts; Endurance Skill career appropriate to that profession. Descriptions of the
Mutation Stunts; Fists Skill Mutation Stunts; Horrific Stunt Instrumentalities can be found in Chapter Five: The New
(Intimidation Skill). Commonality Era.

Key Mindjammer Professions and Careers

Profession Careers Comments
Armed Forces Military The Commonality Armed Forces.
Instrumentality (AFI)
Internal Security Security, Sci-Tech The Commonality “police force”.
Instrumentality (ISI)
Space Force Military, Explorer, Sci-Tech The embryonic Commonality navy.
Communications Explorer, Sci-Tech, Security, The Commonality diplomatic service, Mindscape operations,
Instrumentality Military, Diplomat and “foreign office”.
SCI Force Sci-Tech, Security, Military, The Security and Cultural Integrity Instrumentality - cultural
Diplomat operations.
New Traders Merchant Licensed and unlicensed traders operating on the edge of
Commonality law. See page 60.


Chapter Two:
Skills and Powers
This chapter expands the Starblazer Skills and Powers with assist them in a task. Tagging
new and modified Skills and Stunts, also showing how the the Mindscape is less powerful
Mindscape enhances character abilities. than using Skill Chips, but is more
common. An Academic might quickly search
the Mindscape for a nugget of information; an
Engineer seek out a schematic of a piece of equipment
he isn’t used to maintaining; an explorer look for a map of
a planet he’s flying over for the first time. See “Tagging the
Mindscape”, below, for more.

Raising the Bar

Given the increased expertise provided by the Mindscape,
why isn’t everyone a 2-Pilot or an expert marksman? Surely
the information is there: the memories of pilots of yesteryear,
expert skill systems, all stored in the Mindscape? The answer
to this is twofold: experience, and complexity.

First, Commonality characters are experts: tasks which our

21st century considers almost impossible are now routinely
handled by Skill Chips, and anyone can fly an airplane or
starship with the right chip - up to a point. Skill Chips and
the Mindscape enable humans to “raise the bar” for tasks
they attempt; in a universe where everyone can fly a starship
from A to B, the real experts undertake tasks impossible to
21st century humans. Mindscape enhancements and Skill
Chips first allowed humans to pilot through 2-Space; today,
someone with a Starship Pilot Skill Chip can pilot a ship in an
emergency, but a professional, with thousands of lives in his
hands, wants a Great (+4) Starship Pilot Skill and a Starship
Pilot Skill Chip (+2) before he even thinks about taking a
cruise liner through 2-Space. The risks are simply too high;
Skills and the Mindscape 2-Space travel is hard.
Commonality citizens are fitted at majority with Mindscape
implants, direct neural interfaces to the Mindscape, the Example: 2-Pilot Mister Jonaton Calm is taking a Settler Ship
vast, technological “shared consciousness” spanning the with 10,000 colonists in stasis through 2-Space. It’s a 65 light
Commonality and containing the memories of generations year trip, and a Fantastic (+6) difficulty. The ship has Fantastic
living and dead. The physical limits of the human brain are (+6) planing engines, so is within operating limits; however,
augmented by this “virtual brain capacity”, enabling mind- as per page 39 below, Mister Calm’s own Superb (+5) 2-Pilot
to-mind communication and the startling powers known as Skill restricts the Planing Engine Skill level to Superb (+5). At
technopsi, and users can draw on its stored memories and this rate, (Superb (+5) against Fantastic (+6) difficulty), there’s
experience to enhance their own abilities. a significant risk of something going wrong during the flight.
Fortunately Mister Calm has a Starship Pilot Skill Chip, giving
Mindscape enhancement comes in two forms. The first, Skill a +2 Skill bonus (raising him to Epic (+7)!). Now the Settler
Chips, are expert skill systems maintained and updated by Ship’s Fantastic (+6) planing engines are complemented
the Mindscape, which experienced users of a Skill can draw to Epic (+7). It’s still not brilliant odds, however, and Mister
on to augment their abilities. Skill Chips are treated as Stunts, Calm spends a Fate point to tag the Mindscape, looking for
and are detailed below. the memories of other 2-Pilots who’ve done this or a similar
run. That’s another +2 bonus; now a total of +9 versus +6, the
The second form of enhancement is tagging the odds are much better. He may need to burn a couple more
Mindscape. Individuals can spontaneously search the Fate points, but should make it through - and so should his
Mindscape for information, techniques, and memories to 10,000 sleeping passengers!
Skill Chips and Mindscape tags require reliable Mindscape
access. All Commonality member worlds have global
mindscapes connecting their citizens; Fringe Worlds have
some degree of Mindscape connectivity; Outer Worlds have
none at all. Individuals can take Personal Mindscape Instances
(PMIs) with them at a push, but these are far less powerful.

So, if you’re stranded on Planet Redneck, your starship AWOL

and your ZIP cells degrading, you’re on your own. Heck, if
your PMI fails, you’ll even lose your Skill Chips - and then
you’d better hope you have some real experience!

Skill Chips
A Skill Chip is a Stunt, available for many Starblazer Skills,
giving a +2 modifier to a character’s Skill level. The table
below lists those Skills which can be “chipped”.

An expert needs a Skill Chip for the core knowledge

enhancements for their job. They also need a high personal
Skill level to achieve complex results: a Skill Chip doesn’t
make you an instant genius. It’s necessary to get used to a
Chip, learn to use its techniques properly, and so on. That
requires habituation time, and is why characters can’t simply
bung in a chip and go.

Skill Chips operate even with only a Personal Mindscape

Instance (see Chapter Three: Gear), as long as the PMI has
been updated in the past few months; older PMIs only allow
a Skill Chip to provide a +1 bonus, or none at all, at the Story
Teller’s discretion.

Skills for which Skill Chips are available

Academics Engineering Mysteries Starship Pilot
Art Fists Pilot Starship Systems
Athletics Gambling Science Stealth
Burglary Guns Sleight of Hand Survival
Contacting Investigation Starship Engineering Weapons
Drive Leadership Starship Gunnery

Tagging the Mindscape

Characters can tag the Mindscape for those Skills which can
be enhanced using stored memories and experiences. This is
similar to the Exoeidetic Memory trapping of the Technopsi
Skill (below), but doesn’t require a Skill roll.

A character can’t tag the Mindscape using only a Personal

Mindscape Instance; a Shipboard Mindscape Instance or
better is required.

Example: Dr Thaddeus Clay is exploring the quarantined

Predecessor Ruins on New Howzat, looking for ancient
technologies to help the Commonality fight the Venu. In a tunnel
deep beneath the dying planet’s icecap, Clay comes across a
vast wall, intricately carved with unintelligible inscriptions.
Predecessor writings!

He tries to understand them. His Good (+3) Academics Skill is fact popular in some places (particularly Old Earth), with
boosted by his +2 Academics Skill Chip, added to his +4 roll for a base cost of Fair (+2), possibly more on lower tech or
a +9 total; however, Clay is uncertain whether even that will be restrictive worlds.
good enough to make any sense of these mysterious writings.
He decides to tag the Mindscape. Fortunately New Howzat is a
Commonality world, with a global mindscape accessible via geo-
sats and in-system relays, so he has no trouble hooking up to its
vast information sphere. Using his own knowledge and the links
and trails opened by his Academics Skill Chip, he locates a report
in the Mindscape on similar writings found beneath the jungles of
Sai-Lan, a world clear across Commonality Space. Smiling, he pays
a Fate point and adds an additional +2 for a final total of +11.

The Story Teller smiles: against a Legendary (+8) difficulty, Dr

Clay has gained 3 Shifts, enough to gain spin. The Story Teller
rules he has made a breakthrough!

New and Modified Skills and

This section modifies several Starblazer Skills, and adds some
new ones, including Technopsi, the use of the Mindscape to
achieve pseudo-psionic effects.

Academics Skill
We’ve modified the Research trapping as follows:

1 Research
Mindscape access via a Global Mindscape Instance or
greater is equivalent to a Legendary (+8) library; a citywide
or shipboard Mindscape Instance to a Fantastic (+6); and a
Personal Mindscape Instance to a Great (+4). Reduce these
levels by 2 if the Mindscape Instances haven’t been updated
in more than a few months. See Chapter Three: Gear for
Mindscape Instances.

Career Stunts
We’ve added the following new Career Stunt:

— Access to Restricted Technopsi

Requires relevant Aspect and one Technopsi Stunt Engineering Skill
Allows characters to select a Black or Special Operations We’ve added two new Stunts, as follows:
Chip instead of the standard Mindscape implant, enabling
the use of restricted Technopsi Stunts such as Mindburn
and Domination (see below). Characters must have an
— Mindscape
Allows engineering work on the Mindscape, including
appropriate Aspect such as “SCI Force Operative”,“Mind Cop”,
Mindscape Instance creation, repair, maintenance, modification;
or “Criminal Mastermind” explaining how they possess such
Mindscape architecture; and Mindscape physical structure.
a highly illegal or restricted device. See Chapter Five: The
See Chapter Three: Gear and Chapter Five: the New
New Commonality Era for more on Black Chips.
Commonality Era for more on Mindscape technologies.

Deceit Skill — Synthetics

We’ve modified the Disguise trapping as follows: Allows creation and repair of a synthetic body. These are
treated as basics (see Chapter One: Characters); creating
1 Disguise an eidolon from a basic requires the Create Eidolon Science
You can use genurgy to alter your appearance, giving a Stunt (see below).
14 +2 bonus. Requires access to genurgic therapies, and in
Science Skill Compliance (see page 7 above); a Composure consequence
We’ve modified the Hacking trapping, and added two new resulting from Eidolon Crisis can negate one of the four
Stunts, “Create Eidolon” and “Genurgy”. Compliances.

1 Hacking Creating an eidolon requires a Science roll against a difficulty

Mindscape or ship / installation systems “hacking” uses the equal to the eidolon’s highest Skill level, and an eidolon rig
Science Skill. It’s almost entirely illegal without ISI or SCI Force (see Chapter Three: Gear) of the same level or higher. The
authorization. The physical actions, interfaces, and nature process takes one day per point of difficulty. Each point of
of hacking in Mindjammer are “mental” processes using failure indicates one of the Eidolon Compliances is not met,
Mindscape implants and radically different from Starblazer and the eidolon should not be released from the rig: the
computer hacking, but the procedure and overall results are process must be started over again.
the same. Hacking a synthetic brain or ship sentience is no
more possible than hacking a human brain; that’s what the Scenario hook: Rogue Eidolon
Technopsi Skill is for. An ambitious but deluded scientist in the Successor
States has been working on an intelligent synthetic
You can also use Hacking to create fictionals - false eidolon soldier using the thanograms of dead warriors. His
memories and personalities in the Mindscape. See Chapter experiments have ended in disaster, and the prototype
Five: the New Commonality Era for more. A Black Chip or left the eidolon rig with only Level-2 Compliance:
a Special Ops Chip is required to use this trapping, and it’s stable and complete, but completely psychotic.
modified by Technopsi. Sentinels (see Chapter Five) often
defend against Mindscape hacking attempts. The PCs are called in to what remains of the scientist’s
laboratory to track down the deranged synthetic.
A Note on Languages
The Commonality speaks a language known as
“Universal”, also called “Unilingua” or “Galingua”. It’s an — Genurgy
amalgam of Anglic, Hispanian, and Shinese, with a wide Allows scientists to genurgically modify life-forms. Next
vocabulary derived from earlier Old Earth tongues. to technopsi, it’s the most common enhancement found
Most Commonality worlds speak Universal as their among Commonality citizens. See “Genurgy” (page 19) for
second language. possible modifications.

Since Expansion, and the establishment of culture Genurgic enhancements require a genurgy lab of a level
worlds throughout the Commonality, ancient Old Earth equal to the Genurgy Skill being acquired. The process takes
tongues predating Universal have made something of one day per level of enhancement, at a difficulty equal to the
a comeback. Those culture worlds exploring historical Genurgy Skill level. Failure indicates physical rejection, simple
cultures plunder all periods of Old Earth history where failure requiring more time, or corrupted enhancement, at
there’s a record, and there are worlds speaking Classical the Story Teller’s discretion.
Latin, Enlightenment French, Post-Ruin Frankite, and
Diaspora Yarpeen, all co-existing in the Commonality’s — Implant Tech
cultural melange. In such an environment Universal Allows characters to create, deactivate, implant, modify,
continues to be vital. and remove Mindscape implants. These are Superb (+5)
difficulty tasks. With the Hacking trapping (ie a Black or
Other languages include Venu, the languages of the Special Operations Chip), this Stunt may be used to create
Successor States, and the non-standard (and very Black and Special Operations Chips.
strange) communications of Lowhigh “infra-speech”
and multi-sensory “language” of the Chembu Planetary
Intelligence. Thankfully Skill Chips and interpreter Starship Engineering Skill
synthetics help make this cacophony intelligible! We’ve added a new Stunt, as follows:

— Push the Jump Maximum

— Create Eidolon Requires Cut the Limiters!
Eidolon creation is a tricky business, as much art as science; Creates bypasses and new routings to squeeze an extra
a viable sentient being has to be created, psychologically jump out of a power plant which has exceeded its jump
stable and free of neuroses or hidden psychosis. These maximum (see Chapter Four: Starships and Space Travel).
integrity, stability, neurosis, and psychosis checks are known It’s hazardous, but sometimes the difference between life and
as the Eidolon Compliances, and all eidolons are certified death. The engineer rolls Average (+1) Starship Engineering
“Level-4 Compliant” before being released from eidolon at the end of the jump: success means the additional jump
rigs into synthetic bodies. Eidolon Crisis can compromise was successful. Failure indicates a catastrophic failure of the
zero-point core, causing the power plant to explode and the
ship to take Structural stress damage equal to the amount Pulse Dragons
the roll was failed by: anyone within 1 zone of the power So far in the Expansionary Era any planeship
plant is automatically Taken Out; anyone within 2 zones emerging from 2-Space into deep interstellar space
takes an equal amount of Physical stress from the horrific (ie outside a solar system’s gravity well) has been
torsion field effects; and anyone within 3 zones (which for destroyed. Emergency transmissions have suggested
a small ship might be the whole ship) suffers equal power such ships were destroyed by vast interstellar life-
Z-radiation exposure. The ship makes a precipitate 2-Space forms or energy fields, since dubbed “Pulse Dragons”.
emergence (see Chapter Four). The nature of Pulse Dragons is unknown.

If the Starship Engineering roll was successful, the engineer

can try for yet another jump, at a +1 difficulty (so the second
jump is Fair (+2)). Further jumps can be attempted until the
ship is finally overhauled or the power plant explodes.

Starship Pilot Skill

We’ve added two new trappings, “2-Space” and “Starship

1 2-Space
There are two types of starship pilot in Mindjammer: 2-Pilots
and N-Pilots. 2-Pilots pilot ships faster-than-light through 2-
Space (between star systems), whilst N-Pilots do so slower-
than-light, usually within a single star system, through N-
Space or Normal Space. See Chapter Four: Starships and
Space Travel for more on 2-Space and N-Space. 2-Space travel takes 8.75 hours per light year travelled. A
ship’s planing engines open up a “tear” in N-Space, and the
2-Pilots are in constant, low-level neural contact with their ship passes through into 2-Space; the engines then carry
ship’s sentience throughout the 2-Space “jump”, ensuring the ship the distance. Gravity wells of any size perturb 2-
it remains concentrated and develops no aberrations. Space, and a close encounter can destroy an entire ship:
When aberrations do develop, 2-Pilots can counsel ship’s consequently all ships are fully aware and concentrating for
sentiences, and in emergency take the sentience offline and every second of the journey. 2-Space travel is draining, and
pilot the ship themselves - a last resort causing extreme starships can suffer mental breakdowns on demanding runs,
mental trauma to the 2-Pilot. See “Star Drive Operations” in which is why 2-Pilots are skilled in Starship Therapy.
Chapter Four: Starships and Space Travel for details.
1 Starship Therapy
Starship Therapy is analogous to the Medical Attention
trapping of the Science Skill, allowing System stress and
consequences suffered by sentient starships due to failed
star drive operations to be healed. The trapping can be used
two ways.

First, Starship Therapy can reduce a sentient starship’s System

stress caused by failed star drive operations. This requires a
full action by the 2-Pilot on a sentient starship target which
is taking no other action (ie forfeiting its next action). This
is Mediocre (+0) difficulty; success with at least one shift
means the starship may remove one point from its System
stress track. Every further two shifts removes one more point;
five shifts clears three boxes. Success can also “stabilize” a
2-Space is an unfathomable interdimensional mess to human starship which has suffered a seemingly fatal consequence
minds.Mindscape visualizations allow humans to filter and extract (eg a self-referential feedback loop), limiting the extent the
key data permitting interstellar navigation using the 2-Space drive. consequence can be compelled. A starship cannot receive
Starships calculate their own navigation plans for common runs, more than one Starship Therapy attempt per exchange.
but it’s considered courteous for 2-Pilots to collaborate: 2-Pilots
may also have to calculate nav-plans themselves in case of 2-Space Secondly,Starship Therapy can treat long-term consequences
mishaps or if the ship sentience is offline. due to failed star drive operations. This requires physical
access to the starship, and may require equipment or spares. A character failing an Exoeidetic Memory roll can spend extra
It takes a scene; if successful, the starship recovers from the time to locate the memory: the amount the roll was failed by
consequence in one less step on the Time Increments table. indicates the additional steps on the Time Increments table
Only one attempt per consequence may be made. Difficulty required to locate it. This is only possible if the Mindscape
depends on consequence severity: Instance used is sufficiently sophisticated: Global Mindscape
Instances or greater allow Fantastic (+6) memories or above
Starship Therapy: Consequence Treatment Difficulty to be found in this way; citywide or shipboard MIs locate
Consequence Difficulty Superb (+5) memories; and a Personal Mindscape Instance
Mild Mediocre only locates Good (+3) memories or lower. This restriction
only applies once the original Exoeidetic Memory roll has
Moderate Fair
Severe Great (requires Class-6 Ground or
Orbital spaceport facility) Exoeidetic Memory deals with stored memory engrams of
Extreme Fantastic (requires Class-7 Ground or minds living and dead; these may contain no knowledge at
Orbital spaceport facility) all, but rather “stored experience”, recalled like one of your
own memories. Attempts to use the Mindscape to boost Skill
Technopsi Skill knowledge use Skill Chips or Mindscape tagging instead.
Technopsi uses Mindscape technology to create pseudo-
psionic effects, allowing characters to perform acts of Example: Thaddeus Clay has found himself among the
virtual telepathy, remotely control devices, operate sensor Sandpeople of New Howzat. The tribal chieftain is eyeing
systems, and even attack and dominate other Mindscape him expectantly, waiting for the customary greeting ritual.
users. Technopsi requires a Mindscape implant (see Chapter Clay has already failed an Academics roll and has no idea
Three: Gear). The Technopsi Skill has a number of trappings what the ritual is, so desperately searches the Mindscape
and Stunts, some of which require a Special Operations or for some information which might help! It’s a Great (+4)
Black Chip to use. Exoeidetic Memory roll; Clay fails, with a +1 roll added to his
Fair (+2) Technopsi - and stands there speechless, rooted to
Most Commonality citizens use Technopsi for its Exoeidetic the spot!
Memory and Telepathy trappings; Skill Chips or tagging the
Mindscape (see above) don’t involve the Technopsi Skill. Fortunately New Howzat has a Global Mindscape Instance,
which means that memories up to Fantastic (+6) difficulty
Trappings can eventually be found - if you spend enough time. As sweat
1 Exoeidetic Memory trickles down Clay’s neck, and some of the Sandpeople braves
Similar to tagging the Mindscape, Exoeidetic Memory allows begin to heft their spears in irritation. Clay continues to
users to recall memories stored within the Mindscape: search the Mindscape: half a minute later (the next step on
these memories need not be their own. Like Skills such as the Time Increments table) Clay gets an additional +1, taking
Academics and Science, it can be used for assessments and him to +4, just succeeding! As it’s a declaration, Clay’s player
declarations. It requires a few minutes to use: make a skill roll comes up with an elaborate bow and noble-sounding speech;
against a difficulty based on the obscurity of the memory the tribal chieftain grunts, and waves Clay forward - he’s just
sought. A Fantastic (+6) memory was probably provided scraped through!
by only one or two people in the entire Mindscape; Superb
(+5) by a handful of leading experts; Great (+4) by the top
specialists in a field; while Good (+3) and lower are part of
the common corpus of Mindscape memory. Difficulties
beyond Fantastic are appropriate for “lost” or “destroyed”
memories. If the Mindscape Instance used hasn’t been
updated in a month or more, increase the difficulty by +2.
Shifts correspond to the depth of detail discovered.

A successful roll finds the desired memory, “remembering”

something experienced by someone else; the character
gains a single use of a knowledge skill (Science, Academics,
etc) at their Technopsi Skill level. On a failure, the character
doesn’t locate the memory, but may attempt to search
longer (see below) - or, perhaps more entertainingly, may
stumble onto an illegal fictional memory that gets him
deeper into trouble!

1 Remote Control — Domination* (Restricted)
Many tools and vehicles can be controlled remotely by Requires a Black or Special Operations Chip
technopsi, including sensor drones, combat drones, and Similar to the Mind Control Dominate Stunt but more limited,
remote lifters. Normally you can’t use Remote Control on Domination allows the user to take control of a target’s body.
a device already being used by someone else, but many Treat as a Composure conflict of Technopsi against Resolve;
devices are “open access”, and can be used as soon as another each success causes Composure damage, and forces the
user has finished. Special Operations Chips allow Hacking target to act according to the attacker’s will. Actions are
and Domination attempts to wrest control of a remotely clearly jerky and clumsy, and there’s no fine control; a person
controlled device from a user. can’t be Dominated to fly a starship, for example. If Taken
Out by Domination, the target suffers brain damage and
1 Sensorview falls into a coma.
Sensorview is used to interpret results from personal sensor
arrays, hand scanners, sensor drone arrays, ship sensor arrays, Domination can also take control of a device controlled by
sentient weapon arrays, including detecting Mindscape users the Remote Control trapping; a Taken Out result indicates
(see page 24). Once Sensorview has detected a Mindscape user, the attacker has wrested control from the defender.
you can use Telepathy to communicate directly if you know them,
or offer them a handshake (see below) if you don’t. Black Chip or
Special Operations Chip users can make technopsi attacks.

Where sensor data provides bonuses to Skills such as

Science or Engineering, successful Sensorview rolls can
provide temporary Aspects like manoeuvres. Failure on the
Sensorview roll still allows the original roll to be made. Where
sensor use is an integral part of the Science or Engineering
check, Sensorview can modify the skill roll.

1 Telepathy
Allows users to communicate across the Mindscape.
Communication is in words, but no verbal communication
takes place. Difficulty is Average (+1), +1 per additional
person targeted. Communication is private and cannot
(easily) be intercepted (requires a Black or Special Operations
Chip). There can be a communication delay depending on
the distance separating the parties.

An individual can voluntarily expose their Mindscape ID to — Lightning Attack

another user in the same zone: this is called a handshake. Requires a Mindscape-connected Force Blade or Energy Mace.
The recipient offers their Mindscape ID in return. Handshakes The character uses technopsi to manipulate the plasma
utilise the implant’s very basic sensor package, where containment field of a force blade or energy mace. The
signals to and from the Mindscape allow simple ID transfer field moves - and therefore attacks and defends - extremely
at physically close range. quickly, independent of the wielder’s physical reactions,
allowing the attacker to modify Alertness and Weapons by
A successful Telepathy roll also allows a “direct perception Technopsi for initiative and attacks.
feed” between (say) an observer and a sentient starship.
— Mindburn* (Restricted)
Stunts A Technopsi attack restricted to SCI Force, Mindscape
— Blaster Bolt Defence sentinels, and agents of the Communications Instrumentality.
Requires a Force Blade or Energy Mace Black Chip users can also use Mindburn, though of course
Allows the wielder to “parry” a bolt from an energy weapon, it’s illegal. Mindburn is a Composure attack, resisted by
using the Weapons Skill instead of Athletics as a defence Technopsi or Resolve modified by Technopsi.
against energy weapon attacks.
A target must be identified using a PSA / Sensorview package
— Control Avatar before you can make a Mindburn attack (see “Sensorview”
A more sophisticated form of the Remote Control trapping, above). Once identified, there’s no fixed range for Mindburn
usually only employed by remote operation specialists and attacks, except that they can’t be conducted over relativistic
sentient starships with an interest in the “personal touch”. distances (ie you pretty much have to be on the same planet,
or at least in orbit).
18 See Chapter Three: Gear for more on avatars.
— Redaction Genurgic Enhancements
Redaction is “Mindscape psychotherapy”, used to treat
The following Special Abilities are available as genurgic
organic or synthetic minds suffering Mindscape-related
damage. It’s an advanced form of Starship Therapy (see
Alertness (Sonar, Eagle Eyes, Enhanced Hearing,
the Starship Pilot Skill), and can be used instead at +2
Enhanced Vision, Extrasensory Digits, Heightened
difficulty. Redaction treats Mindscape-related Composure
damage in the same way as the Science Skill Medical
Athletics (Fast, Gills, Jump)
Attention trapping.
Barb Thrower
Endurance (Hard Hide, Outer Shell, Regeneration,
— Truth Scan* (Restricted) Quills)
Uses the target’s Mindscape implant as a polygraph, allowing Fists (Claws, Jaws, Tail, Tentacles)
the character to use Technopsi against the target’s Deceit Fly
Skill to determine if they’re lying. Intimidation (Horrific, Oversized)
Genurgy Science / Engineering (Supermind)
Genurgy is the enhancement of an organism’s physical form. Stealth (Small)
Principally available from Chembu Genurgy Corporacy, Toxic (Weapon, Blood, Spit)
although other Commonality scientists provide independent
services using the Genurgy Science Stunt.
True Psionics
Use the Starblazer Adventures Alien and Mutant Special “True” psi-powers (ie not technopsi) are barely known in the
Abilities: a character requires an appropriate genurgy Commonality, although it’s thought that many organics possess
Aspect to use genurgic enhancements such as “genurgically latent abilities. Research into true psionics is ongoing.
enhanced soldier” or “suited for my waterworld home”.
Genurgy modifies the subject’s own body (developing Psionics is theorized to be the manipulation of the zero-point
gills, for example), although it could be a separate bio- energy field by a living brain, causing real-world effects. Humans
engineered organism, such as (in the case of gills) a creature don’t seem biologically capable of psionics, and research
which fits over the character’s mouth and nose and pumps invariably involves genurgic enhancements to “awaken” or
breathable air into his lungs. Such creatures need adequate “induce”such capabilities.Any character with psionics is therefore
environments (salt water baths, nutrient solutions) to a rare “sport”, hiding his abilities to avoid the Commonality’s
maintain them in working condition, which is why most psionic research centres; such characters use the Starblazer
genurgic enhancements are direct physical modifications. Psionics rules. There’s rumoured to be a psionics organization
located on one of the Fringe or Outer Worlds.
Chembu Genurgy always charge for their services. A
character undergoing genurgic enhancement during play Recently there have been rumours that the Venu
must make a Resource roll for each Genurgy Skill sought possess some kind of psi-power, although its extent or
with a difficulty equal to the target Skill level. Special Abilities source isn’t clear - it could equally be some unknown
available as genurgic enhancements include: form of technopsi.

Chapter Three:
“And souls and conscience gave he them all, from the humblest Ubiquitous
scanner to the proudest warship. And they awoke, and gave Intelligence - But No
praise for it.”
The computers of Old Earth’s early technological
- from the Salt Lake Computational, banned by the
era were a stepping stone to greater things. Like the
Commonality in 73 NCE
abacus and slide-rule before them, they haven’t been
part of the Commonality’s toolkit for millennia, and
Starblazer Adventures provides gear for pretty much any
are now just historical curiosities. Their successors are
science-fiction setting. Mindjammer, however, makes certain
synthetics, ubiquitous intelligence, and the Mindscape. In
assumptions about technology, and defines equipment
the New Commonality Era, intelligence is everywhere, its
more precisely. For example, the New Commonality Era has
manufacture trivial; from sidearms to starships, intelligence
no teleporters, and computers are as archaic as abacuses
is commonplace (although the Fringe and Outer Worlds
and slide-rules. This chapter gives guidelines for creating
may have other ideas).
Commonality gear, and examples of equipment, weapons,
and armour.
Infinite Storage Capacity
Technical restrictions on information storage went out with
archaic computers in prehistoric times. Nowadays no one
even thinks about data “storage”; there’s more than anyone
will ever need. Finding the information you’re looking for,
though - that’s a different matter!

Discretionary Interfaces
Technological devices possess sufficient intelligence and
Mindscape connectivity to present information in any
form required. The user chooses the interface he wants
(usually an HUD or direct Mindlink), a feature known as “DI”
or Discretionary Interface. Lower tech cultures may have
more familiar interfaces to 21st century eyes (including the
primitive “keyboard / monitor”!), but intelligent Mindscape-
linked devices are the Commonality norm.

Mindlink (direct Mindscape interface) mimics sensory input;

the recipient can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell things,
providing a rich sensory experience. Often this degree of
immersion - known as a “virtuality” - is distracting, however,

Technological Paradigms of the

New Commonality Era
Ubiquitous Intelligence - But No Computers
Infinite Storage Capacity
Discretionary Interfaces

Notes on Gear
Abundant Power
No Faster-Than-Light Communication
Technological Paradigms Ubiquitous Anti-grav
The following technological paradigms define Commonality Extreme Miniaturization
life; several modify the Starblazer Adventures rules No Matter Transport - But Matter Creation
significantly. Each is treated in greater detail below.

and a “virtual vision” interface is more appropriate, where
information appears as “icons”, etc, framing the user’s vision, Schematic of a Zero-point Cell
to be viewed when convenient. Virtualities are used more The theory for zero-point energy cells was known for
for entertainment where distraction isn’t an issue. millennia, but practical cells only became a reality
with the development of extra-dimensional “planing”
For Skill Chips and Exoeidetic Memory, DI takes the form technologies. Most of a ZIP cell transducer (the ZIP core
of direct memory engrams, identical to “remembering” or Casimir Plate Array) exists “trans-dimensionally”;
knowledge, except the knowledge in question was originally the ZIP cell is merely a visible N-Space “socket” to the
experienced by someone else. unlimited other-dimensional ZIP field. ZIP cell size
therefore relates only loosely to the power provided,
Abundant Power and seemingly innocuous-looking microcells can
The main energy source in Mindjammer is zero-point produce vast amounts of power.
energy, the underlying background energy of empty space.
Colloquially known as ZIP, there are ZIP Cells, ZIP Batteries,
ZIP Power Plants, and so on. Although zero-point energy is
essentially limitless and free, its extraction and utilization
degrade the power units which convert it into usable form,
entailing regular overhaul or replacement.

No Faster-than-light Communication
Interstellar communication is limited by the speed of light, or
by communications carried by planeships travelling through
2-Space. The Mindjammers are the Commonality’s com-ships,
travelling between worlds,updating the Mindscape,and keeping
information flowing between the stars. In the limited number of
Core Worlds now connected by 3-Space Gates, however (see The Transducer - the ZIP core, comprising 1 x 1023 C-
page 37), information transfer is nearly instantaneous. plates (Casimir Plates, each a few atoms thick, of gold-
coated quartz - most of which don’t actually exist in
Ubiquitous Anti-grav N-Space), transduces energy from trans-dimensional
The Commonality achieved gravity control millennia ago, space via a dimensional “breach” known as the
and anti-grav is its principal slower-than-light propulsion Heisenberg Minimum (or Zanthrium Monopole - the
technology, from starship gravity engines to the suspensor diameter of the ZIP core); this creates a massive torsion
modules powering flyers, speeders, and personal grav belts. field, shielded by a...

Containment Field - contains the torsion field and its

Extreme Miniaturization
associated Z-radiation.
With recent developments in 2-Space technology,
equipment these days is only as big as it needs to be. It’s
Generator - generates power from the ZIP core
possible to make equipment such as synthetics and personal
mindscape instances vanishingly small - but most people
prefer things at least hand-sized for practical use.
Microdyne Transformer - steps up the generator
output into usable power.
No Matter Transport - But Matter Creation
Less a technical issue than one of persistence of identity, Capacitor - stores up sufficient energy for makepoints,
matter transport is destructive of the original, merely planing engines, etc to use.
creating a copy at the destination (indeed, given sufficient
energy input, the original need not even be destroyed).
Nascent 3-Space technologies look like providing far more physical mining and extraction is still more economically
reliable instantaneous transportation. feasible, but for food and air replenishment on starships
and space habitats, ammunition creation in weapons, and
Nevertheless, matter transport research has led to medical product synthesis, makepoint technology provides
breakthroughs in mass / energy conversion. A makepoint enormous advantages.
(M/EC-Point) duplicates or creates quantities of matter,
given sufficient energy input; even with a ZIP plant, however, Makepoints draw their energy from the ZIP cell capacitor
quantities are small. For larger amounts of material, array, once sufficient energy has accumulated to “make”


Sentient: the item is sentient. It will usually have the
The Reinvention of Money Mindscape improvement to communicate.
Having managed without money for millennia, the
Commonality has recently reinvented it in the form Sentient Items
of the EECU - the Expansionary Era Currency Unit, A sentient item is a synthetic housed in a piece of
popularly called the “Credit” - to cope with the complex equipment. It cannot normally move, and communicates via
economic situation on the frontier. The Commonality DI (Discretionary Interface).
Core still doesn’t use money, however, apart from
where it’s fashionable on certain culture worlds. On Commonality member worlds with sufficient Tech Level
equipment is automatically sentient, the Craftsmanship,
Mindscape, and Sentient improvements included in the
Device and Gadget Improvements base cost. Characters may acquire further improvements
The following improvements are additions and modifications through Personal Gadgets, etc.
to those in Starblazer. Improvements available on a world
depend on its Tech Level: the following list indicates the On a non-Commonality world items aren’t sentient by
minimum. default; sentient ones are only available at +6 cost (for the
Craftsmanship, Mindscape, and Sentient improvements), or
Gadget and Device Improvements as a Personal Gadget.
Improvement Tech Level Required
Additional Capability Varies You can take a superior sentient item (see below) as an
Aspect or Stunt. These have unique improvements.
AI Control Good
Alien Technology Varies
The following sentient item types are available:
Alternate Usage Varies
Armed Varies Sentient Items on Commonality Worlds
Armoured Varies Commonality Sentient Item: all items (weapons, etc) on
Conscious Great Commonality worlds have the Craftsmanship, Mindscape, and
Craftsmanship Varies Sentient improvements at no extra cost; items have a +1 bonus.
Hair Trigger Varies
Magic Tech Legendary Improved Commonality Sentient Item: sentient items
Mindscape* Superb available on Commonality worlds can be improved, requiring
Miniaturization Fantastic a Personal Gadget Aspect and Stunt. The base item already
has Craftsmanship, Mindscape, and Sentient improvements
Maximization Great
(as above), so Personal Gadget improvements could add
Regenerating (ammo, etc)* Fantastic the “Eidolon” upgrade (imprinting a weapon with the
Rugged Fair personality of a past weapons-master for +2 attack bonus),
Sentient* Superb the “Nightsight” upgrade (the weapon sees in the dark), and
Special Effect Varies the Regeneration improvement (the weapon regenerates
Upgrade Varies its own ammo), giving a +3 attack bonus (+1 for standard
sentient weapon, +2 for the Eidolon upgrade).
*detailed below.

New Improvements
Mindscape: the device has Mindscape connectivity and can
be controlled via technopsi. With the Sentient improvement
as well, it can communicate via technopsi. The device has a
DI (Discretionary Interface).

Regenerating: the item uses makepoint technology

to “regrow” its ammunition, overhaul its ZIP cells, etc.
Regenerating weapons cannot be tagged “Out of Ammo”;
autofire-capable weapons can do a full autofire action once
per scene, then continue with non-autofire actions without
running out of ammunition. Characters wishing to conduct
successive autofire exchanges within a single scene must still
change the weapon’s clip or power cell. Any Regenerating
weapon can use the “Set to Explode” manoeuvre.

Sentient Items on Non-Commonality Worlds included the Starblazer “Might Lifting Table” in Imperial and
Sentient items are rare on non-Commonality worlds; most Metric below.
equipment is non-sentient. Obtaining even a “standard”
sentient item requires a higher Resources roll. Might Lifting Table
Might Capacity (lbs) Capacity (kg) WF*
Sentient Item: a sentient item with, for example, Abysmal (-3) 10 5 0
Craftsmanship and Sentient improvements is +4 cost
Terrible (-2) 50 25 1
on a non-Commonality world. It has a +1 bonus, and no
Mindscape improvement as it’s manufactured outside Poor (-1) 100 50 1
the Commonality. Mediocre (+0) 150 (small man) 75 2
Average (+1) 200 100 2
Improved Sentient Item: you can use a Personal Gadget Fair (+2) 250 125 3
Aspect and Stunt to acquire an improved sentient item on Good (+3) 300 150 3
a non-Commonality world. Starting with a standard, non- Great (+4) 350 175 4
sentient item, Personal Gadget allows the Eidolon upgrade Superb (+5) 400 200 4
(+2 bonus) and Sentient and Craftsmanship improvements; Fantastic (+6) 450 225 5
the weapon has a +3 attack bonus (+1 for Craftsmanship, +2 Epic (+7) 500 250 5
for the Eidolon upgrade).
Legendary (+8) 600 300 6
Each +1 +100 +50 +0.5
Sentient item bonuses are added to the Skill roll;
sentient weapons don’t add to stress damage, unlike
*Weight Factor - see Starblazer Adventures page 126.
other weapon bonuses.

Tech Level Access Restrictions

Mindjammer worlds have different levels of Asterisked (*) items require the “Access to Restricted
technology, from barbaric pre-gunpowder worlds to Equipment” Stunt before you can attempt to acquire
advanced interstellar civilizations. You can’t always them. In some cases the new “Access to Restricted
obtain the gear you want wherever you want it. Technopsi” Stunt may be required: this is mentioned
This is handled using “Tech Levels”. Mindjammer in the item description.
equipment tables have a Tech Level column; you
need to be on a planet with that Tech Level or
higher to obtain the item easily - or have some very
good contacts!
Personal Gear
The following items supplement or replace personal gear in
See Chapter Six: Worlds and Cultures for more on the Starblazer rulebook.
Tech Levels.
Personal Gear Table
Item Tech Level Wt (kg) Cost
PDA and Skill Assistance Devices Biomed Suit Superb 1 Superb
Skill Chips (see page 13) have replaced Starblazer PDAs on
EVA Harness Great 5 Fair
most Commonality worlds, although they’re still common
on worlds without Mindscape connectivity or of Great (+4) Feeder Tanks Fantastic 1 Fair
Tech Level or less. Specialists often carry PDAs as backups Hand Scanners* Superb 0.25 Good
when Skill Chips are unavailable. Mindscape Implant Superb n/a Superb1
Black Chip* / Special Superb n/a Epic
PDAs which enhance Skills directly are a “poor man’s Skill Ops Chip*
Chip”, and the two bonuses do not stack: someone with an Mindscape Tracer* Superb n/a Great
Engineering PDA and Engineering Skill Chip has a +2 bonus, Monitor Band Cloaks* Superb 0.25 Superb
not +3. This includes the following PDAs: Engineering, P-Suit Great 0.5 Superb
Science, Library, Military, Medical, and Security Bypass. Other Personal Sensor Array Superb 1 Good
Skill Assistance Devices stack with Skill Chips at the Story
Teller’s discretion. 1: Commonality citizens receive Mindscape implants
automatically; the cost is for non-Commonality citizens.
In the following tables we’ve included item weights for colour Biomed Suit: Usually fitted into p-suits, hazmat gear, or
and for Story Tellers using the Starblazer Encumbrance rules. combat armour, a biomed suit is an intelligent reactive mesh
Mindjammer weights and measures are metric, so we’ve capable of synthesizing blood, skin, antiseptics, anaesthetics,


and effecting simple First Aid-level injury treatment in Mindscape Tracer*: Requires the “Access to Restricted
situ. It hooks into the wearer’s Mindscape to inform him of Technopsi” Stunt. A restricted-access passive sensor built
necessary actions (“lie still”, “breathe deeply”), providing first into a hand scanner or personal sensor array. If you’re looking
aid or medical stabilization (wearer’s choice) 6 times in 24 for an individual with a Mindscape implant (Investigation
hours (auto-replenishing via makepoint every 4 hours) with a Skill roll to get the ID), you can trace them using this device.
Fair (+2) Science Skill. The subject forfeits its next action when It requires orbital scanner support for a range greater than
receiving this treatment. The suit requires occasional feeding, continental, and a Sensorview Skill roll.
but mostly survives off wearer biomass and a single ZIP cell.
Monitor Band Cloak*: Requires the “Access to Restricted
EVA Harness: One step down from a grav-pack, fitted in p- Technopsi” Stunt. Small transmitters worn on the belt or
suits for shipboard personnel and combat armour for grav disguised as everyday apparel (scanners, belt buckles,
troops. epaulettes) which emit a field suppressing the Monitor
Band constantly broadcast by a Mindscape implant,
Feeder Tanks: Small, baton-sized genurgy cylinders allowing agents to operate undetected. A cloak cuts the
producing 12 hours of breathable air every 24. Two feeder user off from the Mindscape, including access to Skill Chips
tanks can provide a p-suit (etc) with breathable air indefinitely, and technopsi, and suppresses any Personal Mindscape
as long as the feeder tanks are “fed” occasionally. Instances (see below). It’s possible to hack an active Monitor
Band cloak if you’re pretty sure someone has one and you’re
Hand Scanners*: Personal sensor arrays (see below) are at handshake distance (ie in the same zone); this is a Hacking
passive sensors. For active sensing, including sophisticated attempt resisted by Technopsi.
life and motion scanners, a wide variety of hand scanners
and sensor drones are available, including: radar; sonar; life When deactivating a cloak, your Mindscape implant takes
signs (both organic and synthetic via neural array emissions, a short while to reconnect to the Mindscape, although you
etc); motion; x-ray scans; ultrasound. start broadcasting the Monitor Band again immediately.

Commonality hand scanners are DI- (Discretionary Interface)

Detecting the Monitor Band
equipped; most people use a Mindscape / virtual vision
The Monitor Band can be detected on routine passive
feed. They’re sophisticated devices, only as big as needed
sensor sweeps (an Average (+1) sensors roll using
to incorporate the sniffers, spectroscopes, and other sensor
Sensorview, Ship Systems, etc). With a Monitor Band
inputs. As well as performing all the passive scans of a
cloak a Superb (+5) roll with an Advanced Sensor Suite
personal sensor array, scanners are intelligent enough to
or Black / Special Operations Chip roll is required.
answer most questions about the data they gather: treat
as an Average (+1) Science or Engineering Skill. Characters
with Science or Engineering Skill gain a +2 bonus from a
P-Suit: A one-piece fitted adaptive mesh overall
hand scanner, modified by Sensorview.
incorporating a Haze Field for combination light kinetic
armour and energy shield, standard issue for active
Mindscape Implant: The most significant genurgic
personnel. It’s low-powered, with a force visor sealing
enhancement in the Commonality, and essential for normal,
against vacuum or noxious environments and 3 hours
everyday life, it’s implanted in everyone at maturity (except
of breathable air recycled from the wearer’s body, with
for the rare, tragic individuals who are genurgy-resistant,
optional feeder tanks. You can also incorporate an EVA
who often choose euthanasia or self-exile beyond the
harness, personal sensor array, or biomed suit.
Frontier). Mindscape implants permit individuals to use
Mindscape functions such as Skill Chips and technopsi.
Commonality characters usually have an Aspect for their
Mindscape implant.

Mindscape implants not connected to the Mindscape emit

a faint yet detectable signal known as the Monitor Band.
Sensor arrays can detect the Monitor Band (see below).

Black / Special Operations Chips*: Requires the “Access

to Restricted Technopsi” Stunt. Black Chips and Special
Operations Chips are illegal and legal versions of the same
thing - Mindscape implants with all the usage restrictions
removed, capable of Mindscape hacking and restricted
technopsi such as Domination and Mindburn. Characters
acquiring Black or Special Operations Chips require an
appropriate Aspect to cement this valuable piece of gear.

Personal Sensor Array (PSA): Usually fitted into a p-suit
or other apparel, a PSA is a wearable passive sensor array
capable of detecting local emanations on most frequencies,
including infrared, ultraviolet, radio, microwave, Mindscape,
and Monitor Band at a 2-zone range. It requires a Sensorview
(Technopsi) check to use.

A PSA (or hand scanner) and Sensorview roll are required to

identify individuals in visual range for technopsi effects (such
as handshakes, Telepathy, or Mindburn). See the “Technopsi”
section in Chapter Two: Skills and Powers for more.

Armour Table
Armour Stealth Penalty Kinetic Energy Cons Tech Wt (kg) Cost
Absorption Field -3 - -3A3 4 Superb 5 Legendary*
Assault Armour -3 -3A3 - 4 Great 35 Epic*
Assault Field -3 - -3 3 Great 4 Epic*
Compound Armour -3 -3 - 3 Good 30 Fantastic*
Dispersion Field -1 - -1 2 Fair 2.5 Fantastic*
Haze Field - - Var1 1-3 Good + 1.5 Superb +
High Threat Assault -6 -3A3 -3A3 4/4 Fantastic 120 2 x Epic*
Low Signature - -1 -1 1/1 Great 2.5 1 x Superb, 1 x
Insertion Suit Fantastic*
Mesh -1 -1 - 1 Average 4 Great
P-Suit -2 -1 -1 1/1 Great 5 Superb
Primitive Hide -1 -12 - 1 Terrible 8 Mediocre
Primitive Rigid -3 -32 - 3 Poor 24 Great
Primitive Semi-Rigid -2 -22 - 2 Poor 16 Fair
Repulsor Field -2 - -2 2 Good 4 Epic*
Shocksuit -2 -2 - 2 Fair 10 Superb*
Venu Light Armour -2 -1 -1 1/1 Good 8 Superb*
Venu Marauder -5 -3 -2 3/2 Great 35 2 x Epic*
Venu Trooper Armour -3 -2 -1 2/1 Good 20 Superb*
Zero-G Armour -4 -2 -2 2/2 Good 16 Epic

1 : against laser weapons only

2 : against primitive weapons only
3 : these powerful armours can take an additional fourth Extreme consequence (see Starblazer page 233)


Armour counters two attack types: kinetic, caused by melee
weapons and firearms; and energy, caused by laser, plasma
and disruptor/torsion field weapons firing coherent light,
bolts of plasma energy or space-time distortion fields. There
are two corresponding types of armour: body armour often
combines both.

Kinetic Armour: composite, alloy, and adaptive armours

blocking kinetic attacks. “Primitive” armour only protects
against primitive weapons such as swords and axes, offering
no protection against firearms.

Energy Shields: full-blown force fields and stealthier, lower-

powered “Haze Fields”, energy shields use magnetic, energy,
or distortion fields to repel energy attacks. Energy shields
can be switched on and off as required. Weight refers to
the field projector, either a belt pack, harness, or back-pack,
depending on size. Assault Field*: a less cumbersome version of the
Absorption Field, offering similar protection and slightly
lower endurance for a big increase in manoeuvrability. More
Weapon and Armour Aspects
athletic combatants prefer this model. Aspects: Distorting,
Weapons and armour have unique features
Noisy, Vacuum-sealed.
which affect their usability and performance: in
Mindjammer, these are represented by Aspects.
Compound Armour*: an unsealed, less protective version of
Armour Aspects include things like: Noisy, Heavy;
Assault Armour composed of rigid ceramic plates. Aspects:
Weapon Aspects include: High Recoil, Recoilless, High-
Bulky, Intimidating.
Explosive, Armour-Piercing, Anti-Tank. Both attacker
and defender may tag these Aspects.
Dispersion Field*: better than a low-end Haze Field but
more noticeable, offering low-level protection against
Armour Penalties energy weapons. It’s not as noisy as more powerful fields,
Wearing armour imposes a penalty equal to its defensive but still easily detectable. Aspects: Noticeable, Visually
bonus on all manoeuvres and Acrobatics, Athletics, and Distorting.
Stealth rolls. This doesn’t include Athletics rolls made to
defend in combat. Haze Field: a holographic interference mesh designed
to interrupt lasers, Haze Fields offer no protection against
other types of energy weapons. The low-power models
Wearing more than one type of Armour are practically invisible in the visible spectrum, but higher
You can wear two types of armour simultaneously - one
models become increasingly opaque. Aspects: Difficult to
kinetic and one energy, as seen in armour such as p-suits
See Through (high-end models), Stealthy, Unobtrusive.
or Zero-G Armour. You can also select separate kinetic
and energy armour packages yourself and combine them;
High Threat Assault Armour*: the Commonality’s most
they’re listed separately below as many combatants prefer
powerful, intimidating suit of powered armour, almost
not to overburden themselves.
equivalent to some of the Venu combat walkers in its
protective qualities. Over 2.5 metres tall, fully vacuum-
Absorption Field*: the Commonality’s most powerful
sealed with EVA harness and exoskeleton providing mobility
energy shield; it makes a loud buzzing noise and distorts the
and +1 bonus to strength-related tasks (Might, Fists, etc), it
view and manipulative ability of the user. It can be pressure-
comes with four built-in Good (+3) Quality combat drones
sealed and in emergency protect a wearer from vacuum,
(see below) providing a +2 attack bonus when attached or
although there’s only a limited air supply. Aspects: Airtight,
acting as a +5 independent Minion group. It’s a mean bit
Noisy, Clumsy, Distorting.
of kit, but extremely cumbersome and noisy. Aspects: Very
Loud, Powered Armour, Intimidating, Very Bulky, Vacuum-
Assault Armour*: the Commonality’s best battle dress,
sealed, EVA Harness.
vacuum-sealed and composed of rigid ceramic plates. It’s
intimidating to look at, bulky and restrictive; many wearers
Low Signature Insertion Suit*: like a p-suit without the PSA
insist on exoskeletal improvements to compensate and
and biomed suit improvements, the Insertion Suit is designed
provide extra strength. Aspects: Bulky, Intimidating,
to be worn under clothing. It has two improvements over
the p-suit: a hard-to-detect energy shield, and an excellent
stealth profile (no Stealth Penalty). Aspects: Stealthy.

Venu Trooper Armour: a heavy-duty suit of composite
ceramic plate, usually in Venu legion colours, it has a primitive
unstable force field and is vacuum-sealed with a basic EVA
package. It’s expensive, hard to maintain, and bulky, and
standard issue for Venu troopers. Aspects: Unstable, Bulky,

A more expensive vacuum-sealed EVA version exists known

as Venu G-Armour, usually worn by Venu marines.

Zero-G Armour: a flexible suit of vacuum-sealed adaptive

mesh incorporating an EVA harness. Aspects: Vacuum-
sealed, EVA Harness.

Melee Weapons
Melee weapons use the Weapons Skill.
Mesh: the lightest modern armour, consisting of lightweight
adaptive fibre covering torso and abdomen which goes Fists: all unarmed attacks, including punches, kicks, and
rigid against blunt trauma damage. Lower tech mesh refers throws.
to the heavier “bulletproof jackets”. Aspects: Head and Limbs
Exposed. Blade: a one-handed weapon, including spears and crushing
weapons such as maces and hammers.
P-Suit: described above.
Sword: a two-handed weapon, including large weapons
Primitive Hide: soft and hard leather, laminated wooden such as long spears, great axes and flails.
and studded armour, and cuirbouilli, none of which will stop
a bullet; their protective value is against primitive weapons Vibro Knife: an early powered melee weapon with a rapidly
(melee weapons and bows) only. vibrating blade.

Primitive Rigid: various plate metal armours with good

weight distribution, these are nevertheless cumbersome
and fatiguing to wear, but very effective against primitive
weapons. Aspects : Noisy, Cumbersome, Fatiguing.

Primitive Semi-rigid: metal chain armour, scale mail, and so

on, these armours tend to be heavy. Aspects : Noisy, Heavy.

Repulsor Field: mid-range energy shield offering good

compromise between obtrusiveness and protective ability. It
isn’t vacuum-sealed. Aspects: Noticeable, Visually Distorting.

Shocksuit: a full adaptive mesh bodysuit offering good all-

round protection, though the head is somewhat exposed to Vibro Sword: a larger version of the Vibro Knife.
kinetic attacks. Aspects: Head exposed.
Energy Knife: a smaller version of the Energy Sword.
Venu Light Armour: also known as a Venu Status Suit,
includes various light armours worn by Venu officers and Energy Sword: an archaic duelling weapon, AKA a Force
commanders. It incorporates a Venu mask, and can be Blade. May be used with the Blaster Bolt Defence and
pressurized for a few minutes. It doesn’t have EVA capability, Lightning Attack Technopsi Stunts.
but shipboard officers frequently combine it with an EVA
harness. Aspects: Showy, Face Mask. Energy Mace: often built into p-suits as a holdout weapon,
it can also be conformed as a plasma shield (-1 energy
Venu Marauder Armour: currently the “best” Venu armour, armour). May be used with the Blaster Bolt Defence and
although it can’t be used around unprotected allies due to Lightning Attack Technopsi Stunts. Example: Hydrodyne M-
its continuous radiation bleed. Aspects: Bleeds Radiation, 200 Integral Defender.


Weapons Table
Weapon Bonus Type4 Autofire Rng Tech Wt (kg) Cost
Melee Weapons
Fists +0 K N 0 n/a Na n/a
Blade +1 K N 1 Poor 0.5 Mediocre
Sword +2 K N 0 Poor 4 Fair
Vibro Knife +2 K N 0 Good 1 Fair
Vibro Sword +4 K N 0 Good 4 Good
Energy Knife +3 E N 1 TH Great 1 Good*
Energy Sword +5 E N 0 Great 1.5 Fantastic*
Energy Mace +4 E N 0 Great 1.5 Fantastic*
Monofil +6 K N 0 Superb 1 Epic*
Slug Throwers
Hand Gun +2 K Y 1 Average 1 Good
Auto Rifle +3 K Y 3 Fair 3 Great
Shotgun +4/+25 K N 2 Average 3.5 Great
Sniper Rifle +4 K N 4 Fair 8 Superb*
SMG +3 K Y 2 Fair 4 Great*
Null Weapons
Null Pistol +4 L Y 1 Good 1.5 Superb*
Null Rifle +5 L Y 4 Good 2.5 Fantastic*
Disintegrator Rifle +6 E N 2 Epic 5 Epic*
Venu Protein Disruptor Pistol +3 E N 1 Great 1.5 Superb*
Venu Protein Disruptor Rifle +4 E N 2 Great 4 Fantastic*
Blaster Weapons
Photon (Blaster) Pistol +2 E N 1 Great 1.2 Fantastic*
Mark IV Photon Blaster (Rifle) +4 E Y 3 Great 3.5 Epic*
Meson Blaster (Rifle) +6 E Y 3 Epic 10 Legendary*
Plasma Launcher2 +6 E N 4 EX Superb 7 Legendary*
Heavy Weapons
HMG +5 K Y 3 Average 20 Fantastic*
Rocket Launcher1 +5 K N 3 EX Fair 15 Epic*
Thermic Lance Special E N 1 Superb 10 Epic*
Venu Heavy Disruptor +5 E Y 3 Great 25 Epic*
Vehicle-Mounted Weapons
High-Explosive Autocannon +82 K N 4 Good n/a 2 x Superb*
High-Energy Laser Cannon +81 E N 5 Good n/a 2 x Fantastic*
Very Heavy Disruptor Cannon +82 E N 4 Great n/a 2 x Epic*
Non-Lethal Weapons
Hypo Gun Special K N 1 Good 2.5 Good
Neural Whip +3 E N 0 Great 1 Superb
Shok Gun / Stun Pistol Special E N 1 Great 2 Great
Shok Stick / Stun Baton Special E N 0 Great 1 Good
Snare Gun Special K N 1 Great 3 Great
Grenade Launcher Attachment +13 K N +1 Fair +1 Good
Grenade Launcher +23 K N +1 Fair 1.5 Great
Bio +6 K N 2 Good 0.2 Fantastic*
Smoke +6 K N 1 Average 0.2 Good
EMP +6 K N 1 Good 0.2 Superb*
Explosive (“Frag”) +6 K N 1 Average 0.2 Great*
Snare +6 K N 1 Good 0.2 Good
Sonic +6 K N 1 Good 0.2 Good
Stun +6 K N 1 Fair 0.2 Good
Radiation (“Rad”) +6 K N 2 Fair 0.2 Fantastic*

1:Explosive. Treat as grenade effect on target zone. 2 :Treat as Military Grade explosive effect on target and zone.
3 :Bonus to attack, not damage. 4 :Attack Type. K = kinetic; E = energy. 5: +4 damage in same Zone, +2 otherwise.

Monofil: lethal invisible blade comprising a single
monofilament held in place by a suspensor field. If two Gunfire in Zero-G
monofils ever connect, one or both suspensor fields may Puts a temporary Aspect of “Affected by Zero-G Recoil”
collapse and the monofilament blade drift free, causing on a character. Null Weapons avoid this.
terrible damage.
Blaster Weapons
Slug Throwers Blaster weapons use the Guns Skill.
Also known as kinetic mass ejectors or kino weapons, slug
throwers use the Guns Skill. Blaster Pistol: the Starblazer Photon Pistol. Example: Tyce
Systems T-20 20 megawatt blaster pistol.
Hand Gun: also known as Kinopistols.
Blaster Rifle: the Starblazer Photon Blaster. Example: Tyce
Auto Rifle: also known as Kinorifles. Example: Magnatech Systems T-50 50 megawatt blaster rifle.
AR7 7mm autorifle.
Meson Rifle: the Starblazer Meson Blaster. Basically a hand-
Shotgun: shotguns do most damage at close quarters (same held particle accelerator, this enormous weapon comes with
zone), attenuating rapidly with distance. Aspects: Up Close a suspensor field and steady harness for portability. Aspects:
and Personal, Ineffective at long range. High-explosive. Example : The Pleskov (PASARM) Nova-1220.

Sniper Rifle: a heavy, stable weapon capable of accurate fire over Plasma Launcher: the Starblazer Plasma Launcher.
great distances, though difficult to use in close combat. Aspects: Aspects: High-explosive.
Stable, Accurate over Great Distances, Useless in a Fire fight.

SMG: light portable machine gun firing wide bursts of Heavy Weapons
ammunition, less effective against specific targets. Aspects: Heavy weapons use the Guns Skill, except for the Thermic
Burst-fire. Lance.

HMG: a heavy tripod-mounted machinegun with excellent

Null Weapons armour-piercing anti-vehicle capability, Uses ammunition
Recoilless laser or disruptor weapons, popular in zero- very rapidly and is susceptible to overheating, even with a
G combat and boarding actions. They use the Guns Skill. makepoint. Aspects: Armour-piercing, Hard to Reload.
Aspects: Recoilless.
Rocket Launcher: the Starblazer Rocket Launcher. A
Null Pistol: also known as Laser Pistols. Example: Tyce Systems shoulder-mounted weapon firing 2kg explosive shells. It’s
LP-25 25 megawatt laser pistol. very susceptible to running out of ammunition, even with
a Regenerating improvement. Aspects: High-explosive,
Null Rifle: also known as Laser Rifles. Example: Mai Ling Null- Limited Ammunition.
70 70 megawatt laser rifle.
Thermic Lance: the Starblazer Thermic Lance. Uses the
Disintegrator Rifle: experimental and very hard to obtain, Weapons Skill. Aspects: Armour-piercing.
this large weapon fires a torsion beam which literally tears
its target apart. Aspects: Terrible Wounds. Example: AFI X-2 Venu Heavy Disruptor: a heavy tripod-mounted disruptor
Torsion Disintegrator (Classified). cannon with good anti-vehicle capability. It leaks Z-radiation
constantly. Aspects: Armour-piercing, Bleeding Z-radiation.
Venu Protein Disruptor Pistol: a little-seen Venu weapon
used by officers and the mysterious technopriests, it’s just
as unstable and radioactive as the rifle version. Aspects: Vehicle-Mounted Weapons
Bleeding Z-radiation. Vehicle-mounted weapons use the vehicle’s Projectile
Weapons or Guns Skill or the gunner’s Starship Gunnery Skill.
Venu Protein Disruptor Rifle: the main Venu trooper
weapon, a scaled-down version of the Venu disruptor High-Explosive Autocannon: a heavy shell projector used
cannon based off stolen technology from Commonality on cannons and combat walkers. Aspects: High-explosive.
torsion field projectors. It’s dirty and inefficient, emitting
Z-radiation which the Venu don’t seem to mind! Aspects: High-Energy Laser Cannon: a heavy recoilless null-cannon
Bleeding Z-radiation. used in Commonality vehicles. Aspects: High-explosive.


Very Heavy Disruptor Cannon: a heavy Venu weapon - so a 5 stress character has been reduced to -5 or greater). It’s
usually mounted in combat walkers. Aspects: High-explosive, a Fantastic (+6) difficulty, increased by +1 if the subject has
Bleeding Z-radiation. suffered a Serious consequence, +2 for an Extreme. Restored
characters receive a weird “Brought Back from the Dead”-
Non-Lethal Weapons type Aspect. Attending doctors complement the medical
Non-lethal weapons use either the Weapons or Guns Skill; installation’s skill roll.The process takes a month; each negative
see below. Shift increases this by 1 step. If the time exceeds a year, a new
personality imprint is required; basically a new character, on
Hypo Gun: from Starblazer; uses the Guns Skill. the Fringe it may inherit the dead character’s possessions (the
Core Worlds don’t allow inheritance at all), and some of his
Neural Whip: a Venu weapon causing agonizing pain at the Skills, Stunts, and Aspects from any retrievable thanograms.
slightest touch. It does Composure damage, which you can
convert to a Severe consequence for a Fate point. Neural Stasis Chambers: energy fields in which all temporal
whips may be used in Intimidation as well as Weapons activity is halted. AKA Zero Fields or Null Fields, they’re often
attacks. used when transporting a dead or dying character to a
medical facility, or for passengers travelling great interstellar
Stun Pistol: the Starblazer Shok Gun; uses the Guns Skill. distances (typically over a month), or for storage. Found on
starships or in large installations and medical facilities.
Stun Baton: the Starblazer Shok Stik; uses the Weapons
Skill. Eidolon Rigs: the equivalent of laboratories or workshops for
scientists engaged in eidolon creation (see page 15), eidolon
Snare Gun: from Starblazer. rigs are “specialized workspaces” (Starblazer pages 132-3),
and must be equal or higher level than the eidolon created.
Whilst a basic synthetic (see Chapter One: Characters) is
Grenades required to house an eidolon, the eidolon rig acts as a “virtual
Grenades use the Weapons Skill to throw up to 1 zone; Grenade housing” while the creator-scientist engineers, modifies, and
Launchers increase range to 2 zones and use the Guns Skill. integrity-tests the eidolon personality.

Grenade Launcher Attachment: attachable to any slug Drones: small synthetics (typically mechanicals) with anti-
thrower, null, or blaster rifle; projects grenades to extended grav suspensors and limited autonomous intelligence are
ranges with better accuracy than thrown grenades. everywhere in the Commonality. Treat them as Minions,
acquired as Personal Gadgets, Stunts, or Aspects; you can
Grenade Launcher: an independent grenade launcher also buy drones you have a Skill for, such as Technopsi
weapon, roughly rifle-sized; projects to extended ranges Remote Control or Sensorview.
with better accuracy than thrown grenades.
Drones use their Quality as their Skill; a character may also
Tools take direct control using the Technopsi Skill Remote Control
or Sensorview trappings, either modifying the drone’s skill
by Technopsi or using the Technopsi Skill instead. Drones
Medical Installations:including advanced shipboard medical may be controlled at interplanetary distances, although at
facilities, sentient hospitals, and autodocs, there are two types: -1 per zone of separation due to time delay.
Great (+4) and Fantastic (+6). At an Epic (+7) Resources cost,
Fantastic (+6) installations can bring characters back from the Combat Drones: grav-powered flying drones, often saucer-
dead, as long as they aren’t irretrievably dead (where the shaped and less than 50cm across, usually armed with
stress track has been exceeded by the starting stress or more low-recoil Null weapons and with Guns as their primary

Tools of the New Commonality Era

Tool Scale Tech Weight Cost
Medical Installation - Great (+4) 2-3 Good n/a n/a
Medical Installation - Fantastic (+6) 3 Superb n/a n/a
Stasis Chamber 1-3 Good n/a n/a
Eidolon Rig 2 Superb n/a n/a
Combat Drone 1 Superb 5-10 Fantastic*
Sensor Drone 1 Superb 3-5 Superb
Starship Combat Drone 2 Superb 50-150 Epic*
Avatar 2 Superb 100 2 x Superb

Control Avatar Stunt, typically used by starship sentiences as
mobile EVA housings to leave their ships or interact face-to-
face with humans. For easy maintenance avatars are usually
mechanicals (see page 7), humanoid, and quite human-
looking. While theoretically anyone with the appropriate
Stunt may take control of an avatar, people (and especially
starship sentiences) get quite proprietorial about “their”
avatars, and rarely if ever let them be used by others.

Using an avatar restricts your skills, including Starship Skills

for a starship sentience, by your Technopsi Skill, and gives
you no extra actions: either you or your avatar can act in an
exchange, not both.

Physical damage to an avatar doesn’t transfer back to the

controller, but Composure or Systems damage does. The
controller may relinquish the avatar any time as a free action.
Skill. Some types of powered armour have combat drones
attached. Their power is rapidly depleted, although most use An example of a ship’s avatar can be found in Chapter Ten:
makepoints to recharge quickly. The First Casualty.

Combat Drones Good (+3) Minions

Group of 4 Combat Drones, with Good (-3) Energy
Shields and armed with Micro Null Cannon (+4 Stress,
Vehicles not described in Starblazer Adventures are
Range 1).
detailed below.
Aspects: Small, Fast Moving, Power Quickly
- Independent Combat ……… ……… Wheeled or Tracked Vehicles
Drone Group (+2 bonus) ……… ……… Rare on Commonality member worlds, but common on
(Guns +3) lower-tech Fringe and Outer Worlds.
- Attached Combat Drone ……… ………
Group (+2 bonus to ……… ……… ATV: an All-Terrain Vehicle used for exploration or on new
controller) colonies, from a 2- or 4-person transport to a self-contained
mobile habitat with specialist labs, etc, for extended
Sensor Drones: a small grav pod about 10cm across operations. Comes in wheeled, half-track, and full-tracked
allowing a user to remotely use passive or active sensors versions, and is pressure-sealed.
(such as a hand scanner or PSA). The Technopsi Remote
Control trapping is required to manoeuvre and manipulate Ground Tank: a tracked assault platform; see Chapter
the sensor drone. It can be targeted by weapons and isn’t Eleven: the Black Zone for sample ground tank stats.
particularly robust; a good hit will take it out, although more
advanced models can be quite hard to hit. Sensor drones Battle Platform: a juggernaut the size of a small starship,
have Technopsi (Sensorview) as their primary Skill. and about as big as wheeled or tracked vehicles get.

Sensor Drone Fair (+2) Minion Hover Vehicles

A single unarmed Sensor Drone. Rare in the Commonality except for relatively low-tech
Aspects: Small, Fast Moving, Hard to Hit Fringe or Outer Worlds with swamp environments.
- Independent Sensor Drone (+0 ……
bonus) (Sensorview +2) Hovercraft: from small 2- or 4-person models to large multi-
person passenger carriers.
- Attached Sensor Drone (+1 bonus ……
to controller) Hover Tank: a small-scale but agile assault platform.

Space Combat Drones: See Chapter Four: Starships and Battle Platform: the size of a very large passenger hovercraft.
Space Travel for details of space combat drones.

Avatars: a special type of drone, avatars are physical

Anti-grav Vehicles
Anti-grav vehicles are the Commonality standard, found
constructs similar to synthetics controlled by the Technopsi
on most worlds where the Commonality has a presence,

Vehicles of the New Commonality Era
Vehicle Scale Speed Tech Skills Cost
Living Mount 2 Average n/a - Fair
Wheeled or Tracked Vehicles
Ground Car 2 Fair Average 1 x Average Good
Sports Car 2 Good Average 1 x Average Superb
ATV 2 Fair Average 1 x Average Superb
Ground Truck 2 Average Average 1 x Average Great
Ground Bus 2 Average Average 1 x Average Great
Scout 2 Good Average 2 x Average Great
APC 2 Fair Average 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Superb*
Ground Tank 2 Fair Average 1 x Good, 2 x Fair, 3 x Average Fantastic*
Battle Platform 3 Average Good 2 x Good, 3 x Fair, 4 x Average Epic*
Hover Vehicles
Hovercraft 2 Fair Average 2 x Average Great
Hover Tank 2 Fair Fair 1 x Good, 2 x Fair, 3 x Average Fantastic*
Battle Platform 3 Average Good 2 x Good, 3 x Fair, 4 x Average Epic*
Anti-grav Vehicles
Grav Belt 2 Average Great n/a Great
Thruster Pack 2 Good Great n/a Great
Flyer 2 Great Great 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Superb
Grav Scout 2 Good Great 2 x Average Great
Grav Transport 2 Good Great 2 x Average Great
Grav Train 3 Great Great 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Epic
Subway 3 Good Great 2 x Average Fantastic
Grav Tank 2 Great Great 1 x Good, 2 x Fair, 3 x Average 2 x Epic*
Battle Platform 3 Average Great 2 x Good, 3 x Fair, 4 x Average 3 x Epic*
War Platform 4 Average Great 2 x Great, 3 x Good, 4 x Fair, 5 x Legendary*
Flying Vehicles
Helicopter 3 Good Fair 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Fantastic
Dirigible 4 Fair Average 2 x Average Fantastic
Airplane 4 Great Average 2 x Average Fantastic
Waterborne Vehicles
Boat 3 Poor Poor 1 x Average Fair
Sailing Ship 3 Average Mediocre 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Superb
Transport Ship 4 Average Mediocre 2 x Fair, 3 x Average 2 x Superb
Warship 4 Fair Average 1 x Good, 2 x Fair, 3 x Average 2 x Epic*
Submarine 3 Fair Average 2 x Fair, 3 x Average 2x Legendary*
Combat Walkers
Commonality 2 Fair Good 1 x Good, 2 x Fair, 3 x Average 2x Legendary*
Assault Walker
Venu Predator 2 Fair Great 1 x Good, 2 x Fair, 3 x Average 2 x Epic*
Venu Tripod 3 Fair Great 2 x Good, 3 x Fair, 4 x Average 3 x Epic*
Venu Quad 3 Average Great 1 x Great, 2 x Good, 3 x Fair, 4 x 3x Legendary*
Walker Average
Venu Crawler 3 Fair Great 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Fantastic
Other Vehicles
Triphib 2 Good Great 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Fantastic
Remote Lifter 2 Poor Good 1 x Fair, 2 x Average Great


even though local technology may not be able to construct Waterborne Vehicles
them. Many are sentient synthetics. Mindjammer anti-grav Found as “hobby vehicles” within the Commonality, but
vehicles not only avoid terrain effects but gain a +1 or +2 more frequently on lower tech Fringe or Outer Worlds.
speed bonus over similar ground vehicles.
Boat: a small 2- to 4-person vessel, sometimes man-powered,
Grav Belt: the Starblazer Grav Plate. sometimes capable of extended habitation.

Thruster Pack: the Starblazer Grav Pack. Sailing Ship: often a pleasure craft with up to 100 crew
depending on size, they’re the backbone of trading fleets
Flyer: a personal grav vehicle capable of sub-orbital (surface- on low tech worlds.
to-starship) operations, although most models aren’t
vacuum-sealed. They’re the most common personal vehicle Transport Ship: large container vessels distributing goods
on Commonality worlds. Sentient models are available but on low-tech worlds.
not always chosen; autopilot is standard for longer journeys.
The Security instrumentalities have armed and armoured Warship: an aquatic, low-tech war platform, either sail-
flyers, but these aren’t available for civilian use. Flyers are driven or powered depending on tech level.
prestige items on many recently contacted worlds.
Submarine: a submersible battle platform.

Combat Walkers
Combat walkers are a combination of vehicle and
armour. They’re more common in non-grav cultures, or in
environments requiring extreme robustness.

The Commonality has some impressive Scale-2 powered

armour straying into combat walker territory, but
Commonality tech and tactics focus more on combat
drone and grav vehicle combinations. The Venu use combat
walkers extensively due to their lack of decent suspensor
technology and combat drones, and include some alarming
Scale-3 monsters, mobile artillery platforms which walk
rather than run on tracks or wheels.

Grav Tank: stats for a sample Commonality grav tank can be Commonality Assault Walker: the logical development of
found in Chapter Eleven: the Black Zone. high-threat assault armour, a 3-metre tall humanoid walker
usually fitted with twin auto- or laser cannon. Aspects:
Battle Platform: the size of a small starship, these are being Extremely Intimidating!
made in increasingly large numbers.
Venu Predator: large 4-metre tall bipedal walkers, usually
War Platform: a vast, floating, castle-like construct the size skirmish troops carrying HMG-size artillery. See Chapter Eleven:
of a starship, usually controlled by an AFI Staff Sentience. the Black Zone for an example. Aspects: Towering Walker.

Venu Tripod: 5-metre tall tripod walkers usually employed

Flying Vehicles as mobile anti-tank artillery towers. See Chapter Eleven: the
Replaced by grav vehicles on most Commonality worlds, Black Zone for an example. Aspects: Gang up on the Tanks!
flying vehicles are found on low tech and Fringe and Outer

Helicopter: a standard rotary-wing aircraft.

Dirigible: a large airship, usually helium-filled.

Airplane: a variety of fixed-wing aircraft including passenger

jets and fighters, their capabilities vary widely.


Venu Quad Walker: enormous quadrupedal walkers with suppressed by a Monitor Band cloak. Subcutaneous PMIs
heavy armament deployed as “line breakers” and infantry are rumoured to be in use by Special Operations Chip users.
support - the Venu equivalent of battle platforms or giant
tanks. See Chapter Eleven: the Black Zone for an example. Shipboard or Installation Mindscape Instance (SMI or
Aspects: Terrifying Mechanized Monster. IMI): within a range equal to weapons range Skill Chips
operate normally, the Mindscape can be tagged, and
Venu Crawler: long, snake-like troop carriers with multiple Exoeidetic Memory locates Superb (+5) memories or less.
sections, their armament is largely defensive. Aspects: Rapid Starships with SMIs usually have a corresponding Aspect.
Global Mindscape Instance (GMI): covers part or all of a
Other Vehicles planetary surface, with satellite LMI located around the
Remote Lifter: midway between tool and vehicle, this is a system to expand coverage and prevent lag. Skill Chips
large exoskeleton used for shifting heavy loads. It operates and Mindscape tagging operate normally, and Exoeidetic
autonomously or under a controller using Remote Control Memory locates Fantastic (+6) memories or more. Global
(Technopsi). Typical skills include: Fair (+2) Might, Average Mindscape Instances indicate a Commonality member
(+1) Fists, Average (+1) Athletics. world, or one on the verge of entry; the only real difference
may be the frequency the GMI is updated by Mindjammer
Triphib: a grav flyer with submersible capability, triphibs visits. A GMI is normally a planetary Aspect.
have orbital capacity and are often carried aboard
explorer ships. Other Installations
Sentient Corpuses: the intelligences which control
— New Vehicle Armour Stunt: Anti- buildings and structures. See Chapter Nine: Mind’s Eye and
Personnel Armour Chapter Ten: the First Casualty for examples.
The vehicle is unaffected by normal personnel weapons
except those with “High-Explosive”, “Armour-Piercing”, or Starship Sentiences: synthetic brains operating the
“Anti-Tank” Aspects. All starships have this Stunt by default. Commonality’s sentient starships, including the famed
Vehicles with this Stunt can still be affected by explosives. Mindjammers. See Chapter One: Characters for general
information, and Chapter Four: Starships and Space Travel
for how to create starship sentiences.
Installations blur the boundaries between equipment and
structures such as starships, space stations, or buildings.

Local Mindscape Instance (LMI)

Normally the Mindscape isn’t something you “see” as a
physical object. Orbital or system-wide Mindscape relay
satellites are unobtrusive, and your Mindscape implant
connects you invisibly and automatically.

This isn’t always the case. Many planets, especially Fringe

and Outer Worlds, have no Mindscape access. In such cases,
devices are available containing “copies” of the Mindscape
(imperfect and out-of-date to varying degrees) to power
Mindscape-related abilities such as Skill Chips. These are
Mindscape Instances: fuzzier, less-detailed versions of
the Mindscape, but still usable and updating themselves
automatically whenever in contact with the Mindscape
proper. Without a full Mindscape connection, the highest
level LMI determines Technopsi ranges and capabilities. LMI
signals are easily detectable.

Personal Mindscape Instance (PMI): a Personal Gadget.

Within its 1 zone range Skill Chips operate normally, but
the Mindscape can’t be tagged, and Exoeidetic Memory
only locates Good (+3) difficulty memories or less. PMIs are
usually small devices the size of a hand scanner, and can be

Chapter Four :
Starships and Space Travel
The alien warship dropped out
of 2-Space, its primitive planing
engines distorting space-time with
churning vortices of Z-radiation.

The Commonality man-o-war was ready for them.

“Venu Warhawk, Venu Warhawk, I repeat, stand down! You are

outgunned and outmanoeuvred, Cut your gravity engines and
cease targeting the planetary surface immediately, or we will
use annihilating force!

“Dammit! Don’t these people understand? What - they’re firing

on us? Do they want to die? This makes no sense...

“All right! Activate the Torsion Field Projectors. Tear that ship
out of the sky!”

Space Travel has begun to slow. On the Venu frontier a “Quarantine Zone”
Before the advent of the planing engine, Old Earth seeded has been established, a no man’s land many light years deep,
the galaxy by slower-than-light generation and stasis ship. where the Commonality is repurposing its Space Force to
For ten millennia colonies were established in isolation from the principles of active defence. This section provides a
one another, dependent upon Old Earth for information, snapshot of a dynamic, constantly changing milieu - Human
forced to wait years for communications to arrive. Space in year 193 of the New Commonality Era.

Later, with the Mindscape, synthetic intelligences were

Galactic Directions and Coordinates
transmitted by tightbeam communication, and slowships
The Commonality uses three-dimensional coordinates
became rarer. Evolution continued to diverge, and the further
to locate stellar objects, with a reference point centred
the synthetics travelled, the less the colonies they found
on Old Earth (at coordinates 0,0,0) and constantly
resembled Old Earth. Even then it was clear there were
updated by Mindscape. Units are in light years. Bearings
many colonies seeded by generation ship which did not
use 360-degree notation along horizontal and vertical
communicate back to Old Earth, lost in the depths of space.
planes aligned with the galactic plane: 180/180 would
indicate directly “behind” and “down”.
As the Commonality expands, it finds hitherto unknown
worlds, colonized in the far-off past. Before the Expansionary
Several popular conventions exist to supplement this
Era, the furthest world in communication with Old Earth
system. First, two sets of compass directions can be
was the strange culture of the Venu beyond the Orion
used to refer to the vertical and horizontal planes:
Nebula – more than 1500 light years distant – with whom
“North and South” indicates directly “up” the vertical
there had been only four known contacts in recorded
plane and “behind” along the horizontal. Above and
history. Commonality explorers have now established that
below the galactic plane are “up” and “down”, and
generation ships penetrated much further: the Lost Colonies,
towards and away from Old Earth “in” and “out”.
when they are finally found, will likely stretch more than
5000 light years from Old Earth, containing a vast number of
inhabited systems colonized by Old Earth in antiquity and, Human Space: a roughly spherical volume of space 10,000
potentially, other non-human species. light years across, the theoretical maximum extent of
slowship colonization during the First Age of Space. Human
Astrography Space contains over 4 billion stellar bodies.
The Expansion isn’t proceeding smoothly in all directions.
Each year the frontier becomes larger, Commonality Commonality Space: a volume of space roughly 3000 light
exploration assets more attenuated, and recently Expansion years in diameter, containing 27 sectors, centred on the 35

Core Worlds and marking the current extent of Expansion. Commonality Space. The five component “layers” of the
Commonality Space contains 3375 subsectors, many only sector are shown, each comprising 25 subsectors; one such
cursorily explored, and over 100 million stellar bodies and layer (the second) is expanded to show individual subsectors
an unknown but extremely large number of inhabited and political regions, including Venu Space, the Q-Zone, and
worlds. Over 100,000 worlds have been contacted to date. the Outer Worlds. Other examples of Commonality Sectors
The “Commonality Space Projection” on the inside front include the Core Worlds and the Antares Codominion.
cover is a 2-dimensional representation of key regions of
Commonality Space; the adjacent “Commonality Space Subsector: a cubic volume of space 200LY a side. A sector
Schematic” breaks the same volume of space down into a contains 125 subsectors on a 5 x 5 x 5 grid (in order of
cube of 3 x 3 x 3 sectors, centred on the Core Worlds and also vertical plane, horizontal axis, vertical axis), each containing
showing the Rim Sector. approximately 32000 stellar bodies and anywhere from zero
to 100 known populated worlds. The central subsector in a
The Core Worlds: the sector of Commonality Space centred sector is at grid reference 3-3-3. The adjacent diagram “Rim
on Old Earth, dominated by the core Commonality culture, Sector Subsector Schematic” indicates the position of the
containing roughly four million stellar bodies, and 2500-3000 Darradine Restoration, subsector 2-4-2 of the Rim Sector.
populated worlds, of which at least 1000 are considered “Core
Commonality”. Parts of the Core Worlds were invaded during Octant: a cubic volume of space 100 light years a side.
the Venu War (110-120 NCE), and the scars are still visible. A subsector contains 8 octants, each containing some

The Fringe Worlds: the thousands of worlds

on the edge of Commonality Space still in
the throes of contact and assimilation.

The Outer Worlds: mostly uncontacted

worlds beyond Commonality Space but
within the projected area of Human Space,
where Commonality explorers are slowly
searching for the children of Old Earth.

Province: a subdivision of Human or

Commonality space 2000 light years a
side and containing 5-10 sectors, and
some thirty-two million stellar bodies.
Provinces are more common on the edges
of Commonality Space.

Sector: a cubic volume of space 1000 light

years a side, there are approximately a
thousand sectors in Human Space. A sector
of average stellar density contains four
million stellar bodies, and 1000-3000 known
populated worlds.

The adjacent diagram “Rim Sector Subsector

Schematic” shows a sector on the edge of

Astrographical Units of the New Commonality Era

Name Shape Diameter (LY) Stellar bodies Known worlds Comments
Human Space Spherical 10000 4 billion Unknown

Commonality Cubic 3000 100 million 100,000+ Contains 27 Sectors (3x3x3)

Province Cubic 2000 32 million 8000-24000 Contains 8 Sectors (2x2x2)
Sector Cubic 1000 4,000,000 1000-3000 Contains 125 Subsectors (5x5x5)
Subsector Cubic 200 32000 0-100 Contains 8 Octants (2x2x2)
Octant Cubic 100 4000 0-20 Not used in unpopulated areas.

4000 stellar bodies and anywhere from zero to 20 known beyond the Kuiper Belt) and travel in-system using gravity
populated worlds. Unpopulated or sparsely populated engines, the ship sentience piloting and the N-Pilot on
subsectors may not use this level of designation at all. surveillance and standby.
Example: The Darradine Rim.
2-Space is an “other-dimensional” space entered and
The Darradine Restoration Subsector travelled through using the planing engine star drive. Travel
Subsector 2-4-2 of the Rim Sector. The Black Zone
in 2-Space is a thousand times the speed of light, crossing
Campaign presented in this book is set in Octant
just under 3 LY per day or 20 LY per week (actual figures are
Gamma, the Darradine Rim: see Chapter Seven for
8.75 hours per 1 LY, 2.75 LY per day, or 19.2 LY per week).
more details.
The schematic below shows the eight octants of
the Darradine Restoration subsector, labelled alpha
through theta.

Planing engines project a 2-Space field or Tachyon

distortion field around a starship. Operating this field on
a planet or within a gravity well is extremely dangerous,
poisoning the environment and potentially destroying the
ship. See Starblazer page 139 for operating planing engines
Alpha – Galatar Octant too close to a gravity well.
Beta – Whalebone Nebula
Gamma – Darradine Rim (subsector and octant 3-Space
capital: Ajeux) Not much is known about 3-Space – it’s a young science,
Delta – Willard-Khutep Gulf (nicknamed “The Big less than fifteen years old. 3-Space gates exist on several
Empty”) Core Worlds (less than fifty in total) allowing practically
Epsilon – Sepulchre Cluster instantaneous travel at roughly a million times the speed of
Zeta – Venu Frontier (includes the Menelaos light - crossing one light year in 31.5 seconds, roughly 120
Confederacy, a Fringe World confederation, and part light years per hour. In 3-Space, the whole of Commonality
of the Q-Zone) Space could be crossed in 26.25 standard hours! Gates are
Eta – Pravassalaf Rim (capital: Upper Avlania) expensive and delicate, so roll-out to other worlds is slow,
Theta – Rift Octant (Shinean cultural zone. Capital: but 3-Space theoreticians predict gates will one day even
Koh-Mense) operate on planetary surfaces.

Many 2-Pilots and planeships are worried about 3-Space:

The Nature of Space Travel if predictions are correct they could soon find themselves
Faster-than-light travel is still a new invention in the redundant, at least within the Commonality. Many are
Commonality, less than two hundred years old and well increasingly eyeing futures out on the still-expanding frontier.
within living memory. New discoveries - and new dangers

Starships of the New

- are being encountered every day. Ships travel slower than
light in N-Space, or faster in 2-Space, and in the Commonality
Core the 3-Space gates are experimenting with even faster
forms of travel.
Commonality Era
Sentient Starships
N-Space Commonality starships are intelligent, thinking beings. None
Piloting through 2-Space in a solar system is “impossible”: of the Commonality’s foes can match this, and Commonality
there are too many gravity wells. Planeships drop into N- exploration and expansion has so far outshone all of its
Space (or Normal Space) at the N/2 Boundary (usually competitors.


Scenario hook: a Tear in Space
A new Instrumentality is being established separate
from Space Force to oversee the construction of
3-Space gates in all sector capitals - the so-called
Far Gate Project. It’s a huge undertaking, opposed
by some Custodians of the Commonality due to
“strategic risk”, but the 3-Space Instrumentality is
pushing ahead. Rumours abound that construction
has already begun, shrouded in absolute secrecy.

The new and mysterious 3-Space Instrumentality has

had a terrible accident at an experimental 3-Space
gate in the Rim Sector, and the whole star system
has been quarantined. The PCs are called up under
strictest secrecy to enter the system and bring the
situation under control - what will they find?

In recent history, however, sentient starships have had

a strategic downside: their intelligence has tended to
prioritise interpersonal and other “soft” skills at the expense
of “harder” ship skills such as weaponry and military tactics.
Sentient starships have stable, well-rounded personalities,
but have been found severely wanting against, for example,
the Venu, whose non-sentient fleet single-mindedly
concentrates on armaments and manoeuvrability.The defeat
the Commonality suffered in the Venu War (110-120 NCE)
led to major shipbuilding reform, and it’s hoped the new
Creating Sentient Starships
Commonality manowars will be a definite improvement.
Create a sentient starship like you would a character, but with
access to both personal and starship Skills. It should have a
“sentient starship” Aspect, giving it a synthetic brain with its
own (usually) eidolon personality. Ship sentiences usually
have the Sentient Ship Control Stunt (see below), operating
their ship as well as an organic crew - although ships
themselves “like” having crews and rarely travel alone (with
the exception of Mindjammers). Ships like Mindjammers
also have a “shipboard LMI” Aspect and the Technopsi skill,
but freighters, attack ships, and new traders forego these
in favour of weaponry or increased cargo space, relying on
direct voice communication between ship and crew. This is
one of the reasons why Mindjammers have such a mystique
- they’re “telepathic starships”.

Skill points, Aspects, and Stunts for sentient starship

characters are determined as for Starblazer starships. At
the Story Teller’s discretion, additional Skill points can be
allocated for personal skills up to the limits in Starblazer
Chapter Three (15, 20, or 35 points) to reflect experienced
ship sentiences. Thus, a “gritty” Medium (3) Advanced
sentient starship might have 15 Skill points, of which a
maximum of 9 (one less than the next Scale up) can be
allocated to starship Skills. Sentient starships select from
either personal or starship Skills; some personal Skills (such
as Might or Endurance) aren’t usable unless the ship has
an avatar (see page 7). Starship Skill limits imposed by ship
Scale (Starblazer page 310) apply to starship Skills but not
personal Skills; even though they may reach the limit for

Don’t Like Numbers?
Mindjammer 2-Space Distance and Ranges Table
Mindjammer star drive operation assumes you’re happy
calculating distances between star systems, even using Planing Engine Skill / Jump Maximum / Jump
Pythagoras’ Theorem. It’s crunchy, and pretty realistic, but Jump Difficulty Distance
not everyone wants that much detail - maybe you’re happy Abysmal (-3) No jump possible
eyeballing distances, or just not running that type of game. Terrible (-2) Within current star system only
Poor (-1) Just about limp to the next
If that’s you, then the following method might be star system
just right! It uses the “Distance and Range” table Mediocre (0) Any neighbouring star system
from Starblazer page 313, modified to work with Average (+1) Two or three star systems away
Mindjammer’s strategic assumptions (such as, you Fair (+2) Several star systems away
can’t just jump right to the Venu homeworld!). You Good (+3) Anywhere within the current
still use the rules above for jump maximums, piloting octant
difficulties, overhauls, and so on - you just don’t need to Great (+4) Just about make it to the next
bother with the numbers. octant
Superb (+5) Two or three octants away
According to the table opposite, a ship with Average (+1)
Fantastic (+6) Any neighbouring subsector
planing engines can jump to two or three star systems
before requiring overhaul, and a jump to “anywhere Epic (+7) Two or three subsectors away
within the current octant” is Good (+3) difficulty. Legendary (+8) Several subsectors away

starship Skills, starship sentiences continue developing as modified by the 2-Pilot’s Starship Pilot Skill; see below for the
individuals. The sentient space habitats of the Commonality effects of failure. Planing engines have a jump maximum,
Core, thousands of years old, are very experienced indeed. the total light years they may travel before requiring ZIP
(power) plant overhaul taking a few days (see “Power Plants”
— New Ship Systems Stunt: Sentient Ship below); starships can extend this with additional power
Control cores (X-Cores) - see below.
A superior version of the AI Autopilot Stunt for a sentient
starship, which operates as if it has a human (etc) pilot, and Example: A Freighter with Average (+1) Star Drive and a 2-Pilot
ship’s Skill rolls suffer no penalty.Sentient starships, particularly with Good (+3) Starship Pilot Skill is attempting a slightly risky
those carrying passengers, also have organic (usually human) 25 LY jump (Fair difficulty); modifiers are +1 (Star Drive Skill)
2-Pilots for collaboration and emergency backup. and +1 (2-Pilot Skill modifier) for a total of +2. The worst result
is -5 (a -5 roll, modified to -3, against a +2 difficulty): the “Failed
Star Drive Operations” table indicates this would be a Severe
Starship Operations consequence to the ship’s Star Drive Skill and starting location.
If the Freighter had damaged planing engines operating at only
Star Drive Operation
Poor (-1), the worst result would be -7, taking the ship sentience
Operating a starship’s planing engines to make an
offline and requiring the 2-Pilot to take over. Normally a 25 LY
interstellar “jump” is a Star Drive Skill check against the
jump takes 9 days - consequences may modify that, indicating
“distance difficulty” on the table below; shorter jumps are
2-Space emergence at a different location or time.
easier, longer ones more difficult. The Star Drive Skill is

Jump Maximum by Star Drive Jump Difficulty by Distance

Star Drive Skill Jump Maximum Distance to be Jumped Difficulty

Abysmal (-3) No jump possible - -
Terrible (-2) Within current star system only Current star system Terrible (-2)
Poor (-1) 3 LY 1-3 LY Poor (-1)
Mediocre (0) 10 LY 4-10 LY Mediocre (0)
Average (+1) 20 LY 11-20 LY Average (+1)
Fair (+2) 30 LY 21-30 LY Fair (+2)
Good (+3) 40 LY 31-40 LY Good (+3)
Great (+4) 50 LY 41-50 LY Great (+4)
Superb (+5) 60 LY 51-60 LY Superb (+5)
Fantastic (+6) 70 LY 61-70 LY Fantastic (+6)
Epic (+7) 80 LY 71-80 LY Epic (+7)
Legendary (+8) 90 LY 81-90 LY Legendary (+8)

Failure and Consequences
If your Star Drive Operation roll fails, your ship suffers
damage and the jump may fail - see below. Consequences
to the ship sentience are treated by the Starship Pilot Skill
Starship Therapy trapping (see Chapter Two: Skills and

Failed Star Drive Operations

Target Distance
Difficulty missed by: Result
1 Minor consequence to ship’s
Star Drive Skill*, and to starting
location. Jump still occurs, and
the ship arrives at its destination.
2-3 Major consequence, as above.
4-5 Severe consequence, as above.
At the Story Teller’s discretion,
jump may fail and ship remain at
its point of origin.
6+ Extreme consequence: ship
sentience is offline, and 2-Pilot
must take over piloting and
reroll, otherwise the ship makes
a Precipitate 2-Space Emergence
(see below).

*if the 2-Pilot is making this roll, consequences represent

Composure damage.

Precipitate 2-Space Emergence

Precipitate 2-Space Emergence occurs on badly failed Star Drive
Operation rolls and also on catastrophic failures from pushing
the jump maximum (see Chapter Two: Skills and Powers).
The planeship is hurled back into N-Space at an indeterminate
point, usually somewhere between the start and end points of
its course. Players may pay a Fate point to make a declaration
that they emerge at a reasonably favourable point; Story Tellers
may pay the players a Fate point and compel them to emerge
somewhere unfavourable instead!

Jump Detection
During 2-Space entry or emergence tachyons and other
faster-than-light 2-Space particles interact with N-Space,
distorting space-time in a Tachyon distortion field -
commonly called a “jump wake”. N-Space gradually returns
to normal, but for a period after entry / emergence the jump
wake is detectable by sensors at a difficulty equal to the
Star Drive Skill of the ship causing the wake. Multiple ships
produce multiple overlapping wakes, making it difficult to
gauge numbers. The Track FTL Stunt calculates the jumping
ship’s destination or system of origin.


Unfavourable 2-Space Emergences
Oort Cloud Ship emerges in the cometary “Oort Cloud” at the boundary of the star system’s gravity well (some
50,000 to 100,000 AU out!). It may be damaged by cometary debris collisions and face tricky
manoeuvres in areas of high debris density. It’s a long haul to the inner solar system on gravity
engines; it’s the Story Teller’s choice whether this is the origin or destination world.
Collision! Depending upon damage suffered this is a minor or major collision with a moon, asteroid, comet, or
even planet, in either the origin or destination system.
Solar Emergence Ship emerges in the sun’s corona! Damage is to shields and comms first, then drives, then life support.
The ship must navigate tortuous magnetic storms to return to “empty” space!

Gravity Engine Operations

Scenario hook: Slowship Starships manoeuvre using gravity engines, with almost
The PCs’ ship has made an “unscheduled visit” to unlimited slower-than-light endurance and negligible ZIP
its target system’s Oort Cloud on a failed Star Drive plant wear-and-tear. In-system manoeuvres usually take a
Operations roll. Before crawling into the central solar few hours (less for larger starships), and rarely more than a
system on its gravity engines, it detects another ship, few days unless you have poor (or damaged) gravity engines.
out here in the Big Empty! Sensors show it’s a slowship
- with the markings of a colony ship from the First Age Power Plants
of Space! What secrets does it contain? Are there still Starships are powered by ubiquitous, free zero-point energy.
colonists inside, waiting to arrive at their destination? Although ZIP plants never need refuelling, the conversion of
Are they in stasis - or, worse, are their descendants still ZIP energy into usable power causes eventual power plant
there, regressed into savagery? deterioration, requiring overhaul after a certain number of
light years has been travelled - the jump maximum. Failure
to overhaul can lead to catastrophic failure; the power plant
Activating Planing Engines in Dangerous explodes and weird torsion field effects rip through the
Environments vicinity, bathing the ship in zero-point radiation or Z-rays.
Planing engines are designed for activation in space, far from
gravity wells; activation anywhere else can be extremely Overhauling a starship ZIP plant is a Maintenance / Repair
dangerous. Roll as indicated on Starblazer page 139: failure action, requiring a Resources Skill roll (see Starblazer page
indicates damage to the planeship and Z-radiation damage 65). It takes a few days, and can also include the standard
to the vicinity (1 zone per shift of failure). See Starblazer starship maintenance if you make time for it. Maintenance
page 238 for Z-radiation power by consequence (a Major rolls must be performed at a Commonality world shipyard,
consequence indicates Great (+4) power Z-radiation although Commonality outposts and waystations in Fringe
contamination, etc). In extreme cases (activating planing World systems are usually sufficient.
engines on a planetary surface, etc) the entire ship can be
lost in a catastrophic explosion and the local environment Some ships carry their own “spares” instead of cargo if they’re
contaminated with Legendary (+8) Z-radiation. travelling off the beaten track and have cargo holds; one
level of Cargo Hold Skill dedicated to spares covers a single
Ship Scale and Approximate Maintenance roll; the full time period is still spent. A ship’s
Displacement ZIP plant can produce its own spares with the Makepoint
Starblazer starship scales equate to the following Workshop Repair System Stunt (see below). Capable
rough categories of starship displacement (in tonnes). engineers can also extend their ship’s jump maximum - see
Most starships are Scale 3, 4, or 5, with capital ships and the ”Push the Jump Maximum” Starship Engineering Stunt
medium to large space stations Scale 6 or above. in Chapter Two: Skills and Powers.

Non-sentient ships without self-repair and makepoint

systems are unable to keep ZIP plants operating cleanly and
Starship Scale Displacement (tonnes)
efficiently; this is the reason behind the Venu “Dirt Drive”.
Scale 1 1 kg
Scale 2 100 kg
— New Star Drive Stunt: X-Core
Scale 3 10-1000 tonnes Provides an additional zero-point power core for the ship’s
Scale 4 1000-100,000 tonnes Star Drive. An X-core doubles the ship’s jump maximum.
Scale 5 100,000 to 10 million tones
Scale 6 10 million to 1 billion tones Example: A tramp freighter with Average (+1) Star Drive has
Scale 7 1 billion to 1000 trillion tones a 20LY jump maximum. With the X-Core Stunt, this is doubled
to 40LY.


— New Repair System Stunt: Makepoint Venu Disruptor Cannon: an unstable and radioactive short-
Workshop range Venu weapon derived from Commonality Torsion Field
Allows a starship to undertake Maintenance / Repair rolls Projectors but usable on smaller craft. They don’t do double
by using a makepoint workshop to produce materials and damage against Commonality planing engines, but do so if
spares; it can also repair Extreme consequences. The ZIP turned against their own Dirt Drives. Aspects: Dangerously
plant must be functioning to use this Stunt. Maintenance unstable. Highly radioactive.
/ Repair takes 3 steps longer than at a shipyard, as the ZIP
plant slowly drip-feeds power to the makepoint to replicate Space Combat Drones: see Chapter Three: Gear for rules
parts, but a properly-equipped ship can eventually perform on drones. Space combat drones are a major component
its own Maintenance / Repair without shipyard facilities. in Commonality starship battles, used instead of manned
fighters (they still take up fighter bays, etc) and forming
an armed, mobile, ablative “shield” intercepting big gun
Maintenance / Repair Times and Difficulties with a
ordnance and enemy fighters and attacking mother ships
Makepoint Workshop
directly. Starship combats not involving drones are generally
Repair Difficulty small-scale encounters.
using Makepoint
Consequence Time to Repair Workshop Drones are controlled either by a starship sentience or by
Minor A few hours Good a gunner (modified by Technopsi Remote Control), and
Major A few days Superb Commonality space combat has often felt cold and distant,
Severe A few weeks Fantastic without the immediate danger and “grittiness” of manned
Extreme Half a year Legendary fighter dogfights. However, this has begun to change; the
ZIP Plant A few weeks* Superb Venu don’t have space combat drones, using manned
Overhaul fighters and deploying refractive Haze Fields, sand, and
Standard A few weeks* As Maintenance roll jamming beacons to degrade remote gunner control.
Maintenance Commonality drones have had little success against these
countermeasures, and space combat with the Venu has
* requires a few days at a shipyard become very costly; consequently, since the Stop-Start
War (150 NCE) the Commonality has begun to develop
Time periods are fixed by the speed of makepoint manufacture, fully synthetic and even manned fighters along the Venu
and can’t be reduced by Shifts from the repair roll. frontier.

Starship Weaponry Space Combat Drones Average (+1) Minions

Mindjammer uses the following starship weaponry in Group of 4 space combat drones (Scale-2) with
addition to that provided in Starblazer Adventures. Average (+1) Manoeuvre and armed with an Average
(+1) Beam Weapon (range 0).
Zero-point Bombs / Torpedoes: an unstable and highly Aspects: Small, Evasive
radioactive series of weapons used by the Venu. There are - Independent Space Combat …………
standard versions (treat as Projectile Weapons) and larger Drone Group (+2 bonus) (Beam
Torpedo versions. Weapons +1)
- Attached Space Combat Drone … … … …
Gravity Cannon: a Beam Weapon creating disruptive gravity Group (+2 bonus to controller)
wells in a limited volume of space. If these intersect with a
ship, they can cause explosions and structural integrity
collapses, and can damage large ships (Scale 5+) just by
proximity (treat as Plasma Weapons).

Torsion Field Projectors: an “Unusual” Weapon invented

by the Commonality since the Venu War, these huge spinal
mounts are fitted in the latest manowars, though the new
manned heavy fighter has an experimental, range 0 model.
They disrupt a target’s structural integrity, particularly
effective against the already-unstable Venu Dirt Drive
(double the damage which gets through armour) and often
causing Venu ships to simply explode. The manowar version
is range 1.


New Defensive Starship Skill: Venu — New Starship Flight Bay Stunt: Drop
Countermeasures Shuttles
Employed by the Venu to counter Commonality space combat The ship can deploy 200 ground troops per Skill level to a
drones by interfering with their performance, weapons, planetary surface each exchange using drop shuttles. The
targeting, and remote control. They’re a combination Haze ship must be in orbit. Drop shuttles have 3 structural stress
Field generator, sandcaster, and jamming beacon, deployed boxes and can take 1 consequence.
as a defensive screen around a Venu vessel under drone
attack. Venu countermeasures have proved so effective that — New Starship Stunt: Swarm
the Commonality has begun to produce a manned heavy Requires: starship must be a fighter.
fighter to supplement drone attacks. Allows a fighter wing to attack a ship 1 Scale larger than
usual. One fighter attacks, with the rest acting as minions.
The Skill may be taken to level 3; each level reduces the
Effort of drone attacks by -1.
The Targeting Systems Skill
Sentient starships don’t have “targeting computers”
(though the Venu might), which is why Mindjammer
redefines this Skill as an “advanced targeting” ability.
The ship’s sentience is an experienced marksman, or
has enhanced targeting equipment and routines.

— New Starship Weapons Stunt: Orbital

Orbiting starships can attack similar scale planetary surface
targets as part of their normal function; a Scale-6 Venu
capital ship can attack ground targets as small as Scale-4.
The Orbital Assault Stunt goes beyond this, allowing an
orbiting ship to place an “Attacked from Space!” Aspect on a
zone and any adjacent zones, taggable to affect individuals
and smaller scale targets.

Additionally, someone on the ground with the “Support”

Military Career Stunt (see Starblazer page 47) can call in
an orbital assault on a zone. The orbiting ship requires the
Orbital Assault Stunt, and the ground observer must make
an Average (+1) Leadership Skill check: shifts generated are
the number of orbital assault exchanges which can be called
in during the session. All targets in the zone must defend
against a Great (+4) attack and take +4 stress damage if hit.
Orbital assault exchanges take roughly the same time as
unit-level exchanges, and can be devastating against unit-
sized targets.

— New Starship Cargo Hold Stunt: Troop

The ship can transport 100 ground troops per Skill level. If the
Cargo Hold takes a consequence it must receive immediate
repair or 5 troops will die each exchange.


— New Starship Stunt: On Target! Commonality Ships
Requires: starship must be a fighter; Targeting System Skill.
For a Fate point a fighter can attack a larger, out-of-scale ship
up to Scale-6, or Scale-7 if a weakness Aspect is identified and Starship Technical Readout
tagged. One or more manoeuvres may be required to get into Scale: Medium (3) Advanced
position before attacking, at the Story Teller’s discretion. Structural Stress: ………
System Stress: ………
Fate Points: 5 Refresh: 5
The Venu Dirt Drive: A Weakness Aspect Consequences: 3
The main Weakness Aspect in space combat in the Armour Cons: n/a
Commonality, and the thinking behind the Advanced Shield Cons: n/a
Heavy Fighter. If you’re armed with a Torsion Field
Jump Maximum: 30 LY
Projector against an opponent with a Venu Dirt Drive,
you can treat the Dirt Drive as a Weakness Aspect.
Fair (+2) Technopsi Planing Engines
Avg (+1) Manoeuvre Beam Weapon
— New Starship Stunt: Stay on Target!
EWS Repair System
Requires On Target!
As above, but the fighter inflicts an automatic consequence Cargo Hold
if successful. Ships up to Scale-7 may be targeted. Aspects
Sentient Starship
— New Starship Stunt: It’s Away! Shipboard LMI
Requires Stay On Target! Look, ma, it’s a Mindjammer!
As above, but the fighter inflicts an additional consequence Stunts
for every point of spin generated on the roll. Sentient Ship Control
Atmospheric Entry
Common Ship Types X-Core
Many types of planeship travel the Commonality’s Mindburn
spacelanes. The Commonality fields many itself, known for Auto-repair
their sleek and advanced design; its enemy the Venu Empire
acquired its planing technology by theft, and its ships are Equipment
inefficient and overstretched, the Empire only just capable Single Tyce Systems Laser Cannon
of their manufacture. There are other ships, too, from Mai Ling “Steadfast Defender” EWS System
mysterious Lowhigh lightjammers to Javawayn Sky Cities:
this section presents a selection of the ships of the New With no faster-than-light communications technology in the
Commonality Era. Commonality, the Mindjammers carry communications and
information between the stars. They travel continuously from
world to world, reinforcing and updating the Mindscape, tying
the Commonality together. Mindjammer synthetics often
become fascinated by the thought traffic of the Mindscape,
and want direct with organics; often they retire from service
and transfer their intelligence to Fast Couriers, or even actual
synthetic bodies. Mindjammers have 2 Average Skills and 1
Stunt more than a standard Medium (3) Advanced starship.




Fast Courier


Fast Courier New Trader
Starship Technical Readout Starship Technical Readout
Scale: Medium (3) Advanced Scale: Medium (3) Advanced
Structural Stress: ……… Structural Stress: ………
System Stress: ……… System Stress: ………
Fate Points: 6 Refresh: 6 Fate Points: 6 Refresh: 6
Consequences: 3 Consequences: 3
Armour Cons: n/a Armour Cons: n/a
Shield Cons: Minor Shield Cons: n/a
Jump Maximum: 30 LY Jump Maximum: 30 LY

Skills Skills
Fair (+2) Manoeuvre Planing Engines Fair (+2) Cargo Hold Planing Engines
Avg (+1) Technopsi Beam Weapon Avg (+1) Cargo Hold Beam Weapon
Energy Shields Manoeuvre
Aspects Aspects
Sentient Starship Yeah, I’m a New Trader - wanna make something of
Shipboard LMI it?
I’m sorry, we’re on official business Hey - we can do a deal!
Stunts Hear me, baby - hold together...
Sentient Ship Control Stunts
Atmospheric Entry Sentient Ship Control
Overdrive Atmospheric Entry
Afterburner Cargo Pods
Single Tyce Systems Laser Cannon Equipment
Hydrodyne Systems 16-G Repulsor Shield Single Tyce Systems Laser Cannon
Various often lucrative and semi-legal cargos
Small, agile ships used by the Instrumentalities for urgent
business, Fast Couriers have a crew of 1 or 2 and (depending The above model is a Profit-class New Trader, a small 1-
on model) from 3-4 to 30-40 passengers. Lightly armed and person freighter with room for an extra crewmember and
armoured, often with an ex-Mindjammer sentience, they two passengers. Although there’s a decent cargo hold, its
take their jobs very seriously. Long endurance models have freight capacity really takes off when it bolts cargo pods to
the X-Core Stunt instead of Overdrive or Afterburner. its outer hull (incidentally sending manoeuvrability and hull
integrity through the floor...).

There are many New Trader models, including the Adam

Smith-class Merchant, the Keynes-class Subsidized Freighter,
and the Friedman-class Bulk Transport. Most sacrifice almost
everything for cargo capacity, but the most sensible still
install Fair (+2) Planing Engines or the X-Core Stunt.


Other Commonality Ships The following are some of the better-known Venu starships.
System Defence and Customs Boats: usually semi-
automated STL vessels patrolling star systems for Venu Capital Ship
smugglers, Customs Boats are staffed by officious Customs Starship Technical Readout
Inspection Synthetics. There’ll also be a fully-manned “SDC Scale: Enormous (6)
Station” in-system with a complement of marines in case of Structural Stress: …………………
System Stress: ……………………
Settler Ships: the Expansionary Era is a time of migrations, Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 2
people in transit, looking for better lives.This class of planeship Consequences: 3
includes Homesteaders, Waggon Ships, and Mass Transports. Armour Cons: Minor, Major, Severe
Shield Cons: n/a
Manowars: a generation of Commonality manowars is Jump Maximum: 20 LY
entering service with new Torsion Field Projectors and heavy
fighter bays, but older models are still operational, including Skills
the Mars-class battleship. Superb (+5) Flight Bay
Great (+4) Flight Bay
Bombardiers: enormous vessels specialising in orbital
Zero-point Torpedo Launcher
assault, including the Thor-class Bombardier.
Good (+3) Flight Bay Ablative Armour
Interdiction Boats: active around quarantined worlds and Ship Systems
along the Q-Zone; includes the Refusal-class Quarantine Fair (+2) Hardened Structure
Enforcer. Venu Countermeasures
Beam Weapon (Dirty Mary Disruptor
Heavy Manned Fighter: a new development for Cannon)
Commonality forces in response to Venu tactics. Avg (+1) Manoeuvre Repair System
Planing Engines (Venu Dirt Drive)
Explorer: includes unmanned exploration drones and the Exotic Weapon (Dark Radiance)
manned Icarus- and Botany Bay-class Explorers (the former Aspects
a 1-person scout).
Dreadful victor of the Battle of Oppen-14
Surveillance Ships: usually drones, often placed around The Commonality has no defence against this!
worlds in Stage Zero Cultural Integration. Heart of the Fleet
There’s something in the hold...
Javawayn Sky Cities: colossal vessels famed throughout Bizarre Venu control system and design
the Commonality. Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives
Chembu Bioships: unusual and often uncomfortable Quick Launch
biotechnological amalgams, bioships are the Chembu’s Carrier Bays
preferred long-range transport. Hardened Ship Systems
Show Your Better Side
Venu Ships Orbital Assault
Venu Ships are more primitive than Commonality vessels, and Anti-fighter Barrage
often downright dangerous. Their unstable and radioactive Torpedoes Away!
“Dirt Drive” makes them death-traps in emergencies.
Reinforced Prow
The standard Venu starship weapon is an unstable disruptor
cannon based on stolen Commonality technology, nicknamed Equipment
the Dirty Mary.Ships have only the inefficient Disruptor Shield, Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon
and can’t take the Energy Shield Skill above level 1, instead 24 Venu fighters
relying on physical armour and countermeasures in combat Zero-point Missiles and Torpedoes
with Commonality vessels and space combat drones. Dark Radiance Exotic Weapon

Venu ships have no ship sentiences, and only rudimentary AI. The “Ancestral Voice” is the capital ship from Chapter
For 2-Space navigation they use human cyborg-pilots wired Eleven: the Black Zone. It carries 24 fighters. The “Dark
directly into their ships; these brainjacks frequently burn out Radiance” exotic weapon affects target crews with terrifying
and go insane - most are basket cases even on good days. visions without damaging the ship - it does System damage

or makes a Composure attack against every member of the Venu Drop Ship
crew, resisted by Resolve. Venu capital ships deploy huge Starship Technical Readout
numbers of zero-point missiles and torpedoes, and use
Scale: Enormous (6)
countermeasures against Commonality drones.
Structural Stress: ……………
System Stress: ……………
Venu Destroyer
Fate Points: 6 Refresh: 6
Starship Technical Readout
Consequences: 3
Scale: Huge (5)
Armour Cons: n/a
Structural Stress: …………………
Shield Cons: n/a
System Stress: ……………………
Jump Maximum: 30 LY
Fate Points: 5 Refresh: 5
Consequences: 3
Armour Cons: Minor, Major
Superb (+5) Cargo Hold
Shield Cons: Minor
Great (+4) Cargo Hold Cargo Hold
Jump Maximum: 20 LY
Good (+3) Cargo Hold Flight Bay
Flight Bay
Fair (+2) Cargo Hold Flight Bay
Great (+4) Disruptor Cannon
Flight Bay
Good (+3) Disruptor Cannon
Planing Engines (Venu Dirt Drive)
Disruptor Cannon
Avg (+1) Cargo Hold Cargo Hold
Fair (+2) Manoeuvre Ablative Armour
Manoeuvre Ship Systems
Hardened Structure
Beam Weapon
Avg (+1) Ship Systems Energy Shields
Mine Dispenser
Slow-moving and cumbersome
Planing Engines (Venu Dirt Drive)
Built with a single-purpose in mind
Look at the size of that thing!
Bristling with Destructive Firepower
There’s something in the hold...
Looks indestructible
Bizarre Venu control system and design
There’s something in the hold...
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives
Bizarre Venu control system and design
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives
Troop Carrier [Cargo Hold]
Drop Shuttles [Flight Bay]
Hardened Ship Systems
Split Fire
Overload (Disruptor Cannon)
Overload (Energy Shields)
Reinforced Prow
Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon
Radiant Descent-class Drop Shuttles
Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon Venu Drop Ships are gargantuan vessels capable of
Venu Disruptor Shield carrying 2000 troops and landing them from orbit onto a
planetary surface in on-board drop shuttles (and retrieving
Venu destroyers travel in squadrons of six supporting them too).
capital ships. Dedicated combat vessels, they’re limited in
non-combat actions.


Venu Fighter Venu Insertion Ship
Starship Technical Readout Starship Technical Readout
Scale: Medium (3) Scale: Medium (3)
Structural Stress: ……… Structural Stress: ………
System Stress: ……… System Stress: ………
Fate Points: 7 Refresh: 7 Fate Points: 6 Refresh: 6
Consequences: 3 Consequences: 3
Armour Cons: n/a Armour Cons: n/a
Shield Cons: Minor Shield Cons: Minor
Jump Maximum: 20 LY Jump Maximum: 20 LY

Skills Skills
Fair (+2) Manoeuvre Avg (+1) Energy Shields
Avg (+1) Energy Shields Manoeuvre
Beam Weapon Planing Engines (Venu Dirt Drive)
Aspects Beam Weapon
Don’t worry - she’ll hold together! Aspects
Bizarre Venu control system and design There’s something in the hold...
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives Bizarre Venu control system and design
Stunts Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives
Atmospheric Entry Stunts
Overload (Beam Weapon) Atmospheric Entry
Overdrive Overload (Beam Weapon)
Equipment Blind Jump
Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon
Disruptor Shield Equipment
Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon
The standard Venu fighter. It has a crew of 2. Disruptor Shield


A multi-purpose vessel analogous to the Commonality Fast
Courier. It’s often intercepted on espionage missions within
the Commonality.

Venu Warhawk
Starship Technical Readout
Scale: Large (4)
Structural Stress: ……………
System Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 4 Refresh: 4
Consequences: 3
Armour Cons: n/a
Shield Cons: Minor
Jump Maximum: 20 LY

Good (+3) Manoeuvre
Fair (+2) Beam Weapon Ship Systems
Avg (+1) Energy Shields
Planing Engines (Venu Dirt Drive)
Marine Facilities
Legendary history
Turn on a credit
Bizarre Venu control system and design
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives Non-Commonality Ships
Stunts The following are some of the better known non-
Atmospheric Entry Commonality vessels.
Outremer Destroyer: derived from decommissioned
Hit & Run
Commonality ships (as most Successor State vessels are) the
Overdrive (Planing Engines) Outremer Destroyer is famed for its spectacular livery.
Blind Jump
Boarding Capsules Sentient Alliance “Cat’s Claw”: a converted Wayland-class
Explorer (obsolete in the Commonality) used for fast patrol
Equipment work in the Sentient Alliance. Rapidly becoming its signature
Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon vessel.
Disruptor Shield
Squadron of Venu Mutant Marines Sentient Alliance “Serpent’s Strike”: a converted
Commonality Fast Courier used in system defence, it has a
Venu Warhawks are strike ships, and their crews wear decent strike capability for its size.
raptor-masks. They have a crew of at least 4 and room for a
complement of Venu mutant marines and 4 officers. Slowships: while theoretically any slower-than-light vessel
is a “slow ship”, the term usually refers to large-scale sublight
interstellar transports such as pre-FTL colonization ships.
The main originator of slowships was Old Earth during the
First Age of Space. Slowships use low-acceleration plasma
drives and are occasionally equipped with gravity engines
for in-system travel.

Malfunctioning, lost, or simply delayed slowships left

over from the First Age of Space have occasionally been
encountered, and are known as “relics”. Varying hugely in
design, but usually enormous, some still travel with crews in
stasis or generation ship populations.

Chapter Five:
The New Commonality Era
“Were we on the brink of extinction? I’d say so, yes. Three or
four centuries ago, no one had any interest in anything. It History
was like everything worth knowing had already been known, For millennia humankind spread
everything worth doing already done, and a million times over. out from Old Earth in great colony ships.
We were happy enough, with our drugs and our slaves, and our Colonies grew in isolation, taking strange and
endless diversions. But we were on our way out: something had surprising paths, dealing with the challenges of new
gone, some zest, some spice, that made it all worthwhile. worlds with whatever lay to hand. Messages from Old Earth
took centuries to arrive, and while the stars sang with the
Now you get to live as long as you want, as long as you don’t songs of men, it was a cacophony, and no great interstellar
get killed. Life is dangerous again. And, somehow, that suddenly civilization ever arose.
makes it all worth living.”
Two hundred years ago the discovery of 2-Space thrust
- Kasim Kasah, Technopsi Redactor-in-Chief, Ministry these worlds together after millennia apart. Conflict and
of Evolutionary Planning (Mysore Vallis Chapter), Europa chaos reigned. Old Earth, which controlled access to 2-Space,
prevailed, and the New Commonality Era – also called the
Expansionary Era – was declared, the first true interstellar
civilization of humankind. Some worlds still resist, inimical
or simply too alien after millennia of divergent evolution,
but a new era has begun, revitalising the once decadent
cultures of Old Earth. Where money had been unknown for
millennia, New Traders now ply the spacelanes with their
“Expansionary Era Currency Units”; where Old Earth had
been a vast and indulgent garden, explorers now push onto
new worlds, and bizarre and hazardous environments. It’s
an age of exploration and invention, a new Golden Age for
Humankind - the Second Age of Space.

The Xeno Wars and the Sentient

During the Venu War (110-120 NCE) the Venu invaded and
occupied Commonality and Fringe Worlds in the Rim Sector,
installing violent and oppressive pro-Venu governments. By
the time they’d been pushed back, their malign influence
had coloured the more unpleasant so-called “Successor
States”, and internecine war continued.

By 150 NCE these had become proxy conflicts known

later as the Stop-Start War. It eventually fizzled, Venu and
Commonality forces withdrawing, but the more pro-
Venu States instigated anti-xenomorph pogroms on pro-
Commonality worlds. This became another proxy war - the
Xeno Wars.

Dates for the end of the Xeno Wars vary, but eighteen years
ago in 171 NCE a political alliance between pro-xenomorph,
pro-Commonality worlds arose which was strong enough
to dampen most of the violence. This “Sentient Alliance”
is the first xenomorph state, forming a buffer between
the Commonality and the Venu and their Successor State


Th New Commonality
The y Era
The following timeline indicates key events of humankind’s history, viewed from the Expansionary Era.

New Commonality Era First Age of Space Event

14500 BE -4000 FA Prehistoric Age of Technology
14000-12500 BE -3500 FA Autumn Cultures and the Fall of Man
12500-11000 BE -2000 FA Dark Age: Glaciation and Ice Age
11000 BE -500 FA Commonality: Unification of world civilization as global climate
control established.
10500 BE 0 FA First Age of Space: colonization of the solar system and early
interstellar voyages
10500-5500 BE 0-5000 FA The Great Diaspora: invention of stasis fields; humankind spreads
to the stars
9500 BE 1000 FA Longevity: anagathic treatments transform human society
7000 BE 3500 FA Orion Contact: First contact with the most distant of Earth’s
colonies, the civilization which will one day be known as Venu.
5500 BE 5000 FA End of Exploration: Commonality colonization gradually stops.
4000 BE 6500 FA Orion Contact: Second contact with the Orion cluster.
1500 BE 9000 FA Stagnation: Commonality in full contraction; superstition and
social decay accelerates. Religion and news declared illegal on
Old Earth.
1000 BE 9500 FA Orion Contact: Third contact with the Orion cluster.
1 NCE 10501 FA Expansionary Era - the Second Age of Space: invention of
Planing. Humankind travels to the stars and finds them already
inhabited by Old Earth’s descendants. Establishment of the New
70 NCE 10570 FA Orion Contact - the Venu Empire: first visit to the Orion Cluster
ends with the Commonality ship being seized. The Commonality
does not retaliate. Further clandestine surveys reveal a paranoid
militaristic society in the cluster - the Empire of Venu.
110 NCE 10610 FA The Venu War: Empire of Venu invades Commonality Space with
newly built war fleet and tries to conquer Old Earth. Tide is turned
at the heroic Battle of Styphon V
120 NCE 10620 GE The Successor States: in the chaotic aftermath of the Venu War a
number of small interstellar polities form in the vacuum left by
the retreat of Venu and the Commonality. These become known
as the Successor States.
150 NCE 10650 FA The Stop-Start War: a series of skirmishes on the Venu Frontier;
the Venu retreat; the Commonality does not feel it yet has the
strength to follow.
160 NCE 10660 FA The Xeno Wars: a backlash against xenomorphs in some of the
Successor States following the Stop-Start War causes revolution
fuelled by xenomorph arrivals from across the Commonality.
171 NCE 10671 FA The Sentient Alliance: foundation of a xenomorph polity in the
Successor States by Commonality mandate following the Xeno
193 NCE 10693 FA Present Day.


The New Commonality

y Era
Cultural Neutralization
The Commonality Today Commonality policy emphasises self-protection: does a
This is the year 193 of the New Commonality Era. It’s an era world pose a threat? Neutralization of cultural threats is the
of cultural exploration, as the Commonality contacts lost highest priority, and whole cultures may be quarantined and
colonies settled in Earth’s distant past, and of conflict, when even (theoretically) destroyed, though the Commonality
such contact proves violent. isn’t believed to have ever resorted to this final sanction.

For two hundred years the Commonality has been Cultures are evaluated for technological, material and
expanding, contacting lost colony worlds. In places they’ve cultural resources, and the Commonality deals with threats
bombed recalcitrant governments back to the Stone Age, in simultaneously, establishing embassies or covert ops and
others they’ve created “autonomous regions” and planted exploiting resources at the same time.
psy-ops to coax populations into the Commonality fold.
There are interdictions, quarantines, and embargoes - and
all the efforts required to enforce them. How do the Fringe Worlds view the
As the Commonality pushes outwards, it finds life everywhere. While the lost colonies are populated by humans
Most intelligent life is descended from colonists from the First or their near relatives, they don’t always receive the
Age of Space, and sometimes divergent evolution has made Commonality with open arms and unalloyed joy.
this very alien indeed, but some has also been extra-terrestrial. Here are some of the more unusual reactions which
So far, none have independently developed faster-than-light Fringe Worlds have displayed when confronted with
travel, although many have adopted it with enthusiasm. the arrival of the Commonality.

Exploration and Contact Men like Gods: the Commonality is too much to
The Expansion’s early years were a blitzkrieg: worlds resisting comprehend, and the culture treats its representatives
Commonality control were simply mowed down. The like supernatural envoys. Worship, sacrifice, and
Commonality believed it was doing this for the best reasons, darker offerings may be made to curry the envoys’
and was often contrite afterwards, but self-determination favour and placate their wrath; if the Commonality
was never an option for contacted worlds. isn’t careful, the culture collapses quickly.

With time the Commonality has come to feel it doesn’t Children of the Gods: the culture is awed, and cedes
have to use ordnance all the time to impose its will. authority to the Commonality’s representatives.
Instrumentalities have become subtle, using psy-ops and This hero worship may turn to aggression if the
long-term manipulation: they want to incorporate worlds, Commonality misbehaves.
after all, not destroy them.
Weird Alien Invaders: the culture is too paranoid
to accept the Commonality at face value, perhaps
exacerbated by evolutionary divergence. It treats the
Commonality as invaders, violent resistance usually
resulting in quarantine.

Thank God you came! The culture preserves a

memory of Old Earth, perhaps even preserving one of
its ancient cultures, and welcomes the Commonality
as long-lost brethren. What happens next - when
each culture finds out what the other is really like - is
where it gets interesting.

Interstellar Fascists: the culture’s views on liberty

are less repressive than the Commonality, regarding
Commonality culture as something imposed on them
(which it is...). At worst this degrades into resistance
and quarantine; at best the world may be a prime
culture world candidate.


e New
N Commonality
C Era
Expansion and the Culture Worlds - Chronodisplacement
Responses to a Threat There’s one great limitation to the Mindscape: the speed
The Expansionary Era opened a door which it’s been of light. Without intervention, the Mindscape in one star
impossible to close. Virulent alien cultures and vibrant new system would differ hugely from another; its participants,
ideas have threatened the Commonality’s stability, forcing memories, information and skills. Mindjammer planeships
it to protect itself. SCI Force and the Instrumentalities deal travel constantly between Commonality worlds, updating
with direct cultural attacks; when they find a colony world local nodes with information gathered on their voyages. The
with a strong and vibrant culture which has aspects they Mindscape is therefore reasonably synchronized – one end of
can exploit, they take steps to reinforce that culture and Commonality Space may be several years out of step with the
provide bastions against cultural contamination from other, but the corpus of information is broadly the same.
beyond the Frontier. In many cases these cultures are new
and unknown, in others they are descendants of historical Lack of Mindscape synchronization is a new phenomenon
Old Earth cultures: in both cases SCI Force encourages them occurring since Expansion. Travellers sometimes “run ahead”
to develop their cultural identities, while at the same time of the Mindjammers, and find the local Mindscape isn’t
defusing any dangerous elements and taking advantage of synchronized with their own memories and experiences
their strengths to defend the frontier. The Commonality is - a phenomenon known as Chronodisplacement.
creating cultural conflict within its borders, hoping it will act Chronodisplacement can be disconcerting for those
as inoculation rather than disease. relying on the Mindscape as a backup for their memories
and sense of self; for others, it’s liberating, freeing one from
dependence on what’s sometimes a psychological “crutch”
Scenario hook: What’s up - you never - an independence increasingly necessary in the struggle
against foes such as the Venu.
seen an American before?
The young and vibrant culture world of Nu Californy,
based on prehistoric American West Coast cultures, is
developing in ways its ancient and long-dead parent
Compelling the Mindscape?
Chronodisplacement lets a Story Teller compel the
never could. It has a powerful instinct for freedom
Mindscape: a Mindscape tag may fail, or a Skill Chip
and the virtues of trade, and a healthy suspicion of
provide bogus or less than helpful information.
the “folks back east” in the Commonality Core.
It shouldn’t happen regularly, but if the PCs have
been travelling rapidly across multiple star systems,
A group of Nu Californyans have managed to restore
Chronodisplacement might be an issue.
a battered old classic starship from the sixties - and it
works! So, saddle up, and let’s go see the Commonality
- the folks back east won’t know what’s hit them!
In the Mindscape memories are stored as engrams, rather

The Mindscape than words or pictures. They’re uploaded to the Mindscape

via a process known as a thoughtcast.
The Mindscape is the virtual brain pervading Commonality
Space to which all Commonality citizens are connected. Thoughtcasts are usually voluntary, though the Technopsi
A technical construct relying on synthetic storage and Dominate Stunt can compel them.Additionally,a thanogram
broadcast technologies, there are Mindscape satellites, thoughtcast can be initiated, a personality and memory
vaults, and networks throughout the Commonality, including “snapshot” taken at time of death: invasive once begun,
local nodes, often the only Mindscape instance in outlying the process can be damaging, and people usually wait till
areas. Administrators of such nodes are called dirigeants; they’re dying before triggering one. Treat it as a Superb (+5)
on Fringe Worlds they are often Temples of Universal Mind attack against Resolve, lasting 5 exchanges, converting any
(see below). shifts directly to Composure consequences; once started it
can’t be stopped.

Awareness and Sentience in the

The Mindscape is a storage medium; it’s not self-aware.
Thanograms don’t exist as “personalities”, though their
memories are accessible: an eidolon must be created
in an eidolon rig (see Chapter Two: Skills and Powers
and Chapter Three: Gear) to embody the thanogram
as a recognizable personality. There’s an ethical side, too;
thanograms can be interrogated in eidolon rigs if required.

The New Commonality

y Era
Fictionals Mindscape Restricted Content
The Mindscape also contains information which isn’t “true”. Atts: see Sentinels, below
There are pseudo-memories in the Mindscape which never Aspects: Otherwise invisible
happened to anyone; personalities which have never existed
Other Skills: Stealth +3, Alertness +2, Resolve +2, Science
outside a work of literature. These are fictionals, and they’re
where the Mindscape begins to stretch the human mind.
Physical Stress: …………… (1 Consequence)
Imagine a world where you could talk to the Buddha, or Secrets Stress: …………… (3 Consequences)
to Jesus. Or where you could remember flying like a bird Notes: protected by Mindscape sentinels (see below);
through the sky, or wielding creative powers like a god. All the content defends itself using Resolve against Science
these things and more exist in the Mindscape, allowing the (Hacking). You can also attack the content’s Secrets stress
human mind to experience impossible things, imaginary using Skills like Contacting or Resources, representing
events, and grow and develop from the experience. Reality, both real-world and Mindscape attempts to circumvent
simulation, fiction, and memory blur in the Mindscape. the restriction - a longer term attack.

The nature of the Mindscape requires that fictionals are Mindscape Sentinels Fair (+2) Minions
clearly identified. Sentinels patrol the Mindscape validating Group of 8 Mindscape sentinels with Fair (+2) Technopsi
content: counterfeiting an actual is a major crime, usually (Mindburn and Domination Stunts) and Average (+1)
only perpetrated by Black or Special Operations Chip users. Alertness and Resolve. Sentinels frequently operate
independently, but can also attach to Commonality
agents operating in the Mindscape if required.
Scenario hook: Silent Death in Cicero Aspects: Blindingly Fast, Mindless Subroutines, In Their
Station Element
Fictionals are a gift to mad scientists and criminals - - Independent Sentinel Group (+3 …… …… ……
who with a yearning for global domination wouldn’t bonus) (Mindburn +2) …… …… ……
want to create a synthetic version of Vlad the Impaler …… ……
or Napoleon? Cerberus, or Hydra? - Attached Sentinel Group (+3 …… …… ……
bonus to Mindscape agent) …… …… ……
The PCs are working for the Internal Security …… ……
Instrumentality, tracking down a serial killer on the
Javawayn Sky City “Cicero Station” whose modus
operandi is like some giant, predatorial insect; the
The Temple of Universal Mind
Life in the Commonality blurs the distinctions between
few surviving witnesses report a terrifying shape
life and death, real and artificial, individual and communal,
in the shadows, with enormous claws and jaws. Yet
even what it means to be alive and human. Commonality
there are no unaccounted life-signs on the station:
citizens have had millennia to learn to cope with this;
by all accounts this looks like a fictional, a synthetic
Fringe and Outer Worlds, unused to the Mindscape,
nightmare created by a madman - but is it? And if it is,
thanograms, and eidolons, experience profound culture
who created it, and what is it going to do next?
shock. The Commonality handles this with the Temple
of Universal Mind: a quasi-religious organization run by
the Communications Instrumentality, it’s a world’s first
Restricted Access and the Mindscape Mindscape Instance, marking the arrival of Commonality
Mindscape content can be restricted to specific individuals; culture.The Temple often limits Mindscape access to external
to everybody else, it’s not even there. A Black or Special interfaces, though Commonality citizens can usually access
Operations Chip is needed, allowing you to restrict any by implant.
content, not just that which you’ve created.

Accessing restricted content is difficult; it’s a Science Government of the

(Hacking) roll against the Technopsi of the person resisting
it. Restricted content is also defended by sentinels, sub- Commonality
routines patrolling the Mindscape for renegade eidolons, Commonality government is diffuse and pervasive. For
Black Chip incursions, masquerading fictionals, and millennia it rigidly controlled Old Earth and a handful of Core
destructive memes. Sentinels are non-sentient, attracted by Worlds; since Expansion, it has strained to encompass many
illicit activity: Story Tellers can compel “Black Chip” Aspects thousands. Commonality government is oligarchic rather
to have them turn up when operations such as Hacking or than democratic (though democratic governments can
Mindburn are underway. exist on individual worlds), with governors and apparatchiks
appointed from the top down. It’s a system which governed
Treat Mindscape restricted content as a Starblazer Old Earth, at the cost of eventual stagnation and decay.
56 Adventures trap, as in the following example. The “New” Commonality is adapting it to govern a galactic

e New
N Commonality
C Era
Temple of Universal Mind
Organization Sheet
Scale: Colossal (7) Consequences Physical Stress
Scope: Commonality (9) Minor: ………………
Fate Points: 3 Major: Composure Stress
Refresh: 3 Severe: ……………………

Skills Holdings
Great (+4) Communication The Sanctum
Good (+3) Influence (Fringe Worlds) Diplomacy (Fortified, Secure, Hidden)
Sway (Fringe Worlds)
Fair (+2) Influence (Core Worlds) Secrecy
Reputation Admin
Average (+1) Sway (SCI Force) Security
Resources (Information on Fringe) Arms (Temple Guard)

Benevolent Dictators
We know best
Global Mindscape
We control access to the Mindscape

Commonality Government
Organization Sheet
Scale: Commonality Space (9) Consequences Physical Stress
Scope: Commonality (9) Minor: …………………
Fate Points: 1 Major: Composure Stress
Refresh: 1 Severe: ……………………

Skills Holdings
Great (+4) Communication Unity Technology None
Good (+3) Control (Commonality Space) Sway (Sentient Alliance)
Sway (Fringe Worlds) Diplomacy
Fair (+2) Sway (Successor States) Influence (Q-Zone)
Experimental Technology Arms
Admin Security
Average (+1) Trade Influence (Venu Space)

Interstellar government spanning all of Commonality Space
We governed Old Earth for millennia
Byzantine and complex
We must contact our brothers in space
The stability of the Commonality is paramount
The defence of the Commonality is paramount
The Expansion will inoculate us against stagnation and decay
The Custodians of the Commonality rule
The Pansectorate makes plans; the Instrumentalities carry them out

The New Commonality

y Era
empire, but many parts are entrenched in the old ways The Space Force Instrumentality
and resistant to change, and the result is often inefficiency Space Force is in a state of flux. Originally a civilian
bordering on chaos, and endless political intrigue. exploration and transport organization, since the first Venu
War it’s been quickly militarized, and is still learning. It has
The Instrumentalities a huge intelligence bureau, frequently in conflict with SCI
The Instrumentalities are one of the two arms of Commonality Force, gathering strategic, tactical, and technological know-
government. Their nearest historical analogues are the how from contacted worlds.
civil services or mediaeval guilds: they aren’t commercial
entities, but organizational structures for executing the will The Communications Instrumentality
of the Custodians of the Commonality – its mysterious and The Communications Instrumentality manages inter-world
shadowy pseudo-rulers. communications, including diplomatic missions and the
Mindscape. It includes diplomatic, Mindscape technical and
Instrumentalities are Commonality-wide, and organize operations staff, sentinels, and technopsi agents.
themselves as required. Each has multiple arms, including
Executive, Enforcement, and Intelligence. There are five The Security and Cultural Integrity
principal Instrumentalities. Instrumentality
Known as SCI Force, the Security and Cultural Integrity
The Armed Forces Instrumentality (AFI) Instrumentality protects the Commonality against internal
Until recently, the Commonality had no need of a standing and external threats, including powerful ideologies and
army; even the notion seemed archaic. Contact with the Venu meme attacks (see Chapter Six: Worlds and Cultures). It
changed all that: nowadays the Armed Forces Instrumentality has its own pilots, marines, and military, separate from the
(AFI) recruits and trains on almost all Commonality worlds. AFI and Space Force.
Easiest on Culture Worlds with ancient military traditions,
forces are raised on standard Commonality worlds, too.
The Ministries
The Ministries or Directorates are the second arm of
The situation is chaotic. The AFI General Staff sentiences try to
Commonality government, coordinating the policies
coordinate a myriad different armies, corps, divisions, legions,
which the Instrumentalities carry out. Ministries interact
regiments, all with their own organizations, but it will take
at sector-level in an umbrella organization called the
time to hone the AFI into an effective force. Right now the AFI
Pansectorate; there’s a Pansectoral “Moot” in session at
is aiming at a locally-coordinated defences (subsector-level
every Sector Capital.
at best) in the event of another Venu invasion; it hasn’t been
tested in the fire of war, and will likely be found wanting.
There are five Ministries: War and Defence, Internal Affairs,
Transport and Exploration, Evolutionary Planning, and
AFI characters belong to a “lower tier” organization such as a
Broadcast Propaganda. The correspondence between
subsector or octant division, or even a planetary legion. AFI-
Ministries and Instrumentalities is as follows:
level organization is “nice in theory”, but still a pipe dream.

Ministry Instrumentality
The Internal Security Instrumentality (ISI)
War and Defence Armed Forces
Many aspects of Commonality life would seem bizarre and
oppressive to our 21st century eyes. The Fringe Worlds Internal Affairs Internal Security
are more free-thinking, their customs often shocking to Transport and Exploration Space Force
Commonality sensibilities, but the Core Worlds are a web of Evolutionary Planning Security and Cultural
byzantine customs and prohibitions. Trade and money are Integrity (SCI Force)
social taboos in the Core, religion and democracy are illegal, Broadcast Propaganda Communications
and the uncontrolled dissemination of news is banned.
Sample Instrumentality: SCI Force
Where the Core Worlds and Fringe meet, there’s friction, Instrumentalities and Ministries are Starblazer
and the Internal Security Instrumentality has its hands Organizations; this section details the Security and Cultural
full keeping the peace - often despite the unfathomable Integrity Instrumentality (SCI Force).
machinations of SCI Force. ISI characters are the interstellar
police, investigators and crime-fighters.


e New
N Commonality
C Era
SCI Force
Organization Sheet
Scale: Interplanetary (8) Consequences Physical Stress
Scope: Commonality (9) Minor: …………………
Fate Points: 6 Major: Composure Stress
Refresh: 6 Severe: ………………………

Skills Holdings
Superb (+5) Influence (Commonality) Bunker World
Great (+4) Sway (Commonality) Information (Commonality) (Fortified, Secure, Hidden, Isolated,
Good (+3) Unity Technology Unusual)
Fair (+2) Arms (Special Ops) Security
Average (+1) Admin Communication
Mediocre (+0) Trade Diplomacy

We are the Commonality’s protectors!
Ruthless pragmatists
Highly motivated
Superb propagandists
We won’t make the “Venu mistake” again!
Ask not what we can do for you, but what you can do for us!
The future of humankind is in our hands
SCI Force sees all!

SCI Force is frequently a source of adventure in the New

Commonality Era. Handling the “Five Stages” of cultural Scenario hook: Freelander
integration, it comprises several Bureaux: Offworlders are generally forbidden from landing
on Old Earth. The Freelanders, an offworld terrorist
The Evaluation Bureau (“Bugs and Slugs”) handles Stage faction aiming to disrupt Old Earth’s ancient culture,
Zero: Interdiction and Manipulation. It’s a scary Bureau, in an have attacked Cola Station, Earth’s principal orbital
abstract, clinical way. spaceport. SCI Force are sent in to regain control,
and ensure Old Earth’s cultural integrity isn’t
The Contact Bureau handles Stage One: Contact. It’s the compromised by Freelander propaganda.
most scientific and least frightening of the Bureaux, although
ruthless in its operations. The Five Stages of Cultural Integration
SCI Force undertakes five stages of cultural integration, as follows:
The Acculturation Bureau handles StageTwo:Normalization
and Stage Three: Acculturation. It fields special operations Stage Zero: Interdiction and Manipulation. When a
teams for “sanctions” and cultural manipulations. lost colony world is contacted, an indefinite quarantine is
imposed while it’s observed and evaluated. This can include
The Monitor Bureau (the “Behaviour Police” or “Hush Ops”) covert psy-ops to develop the culture to a point where it
handles Stage Four: Cultural Integrity. It’s the scariest of the may be successfully contacted.
Bureaux - in a “stop-doing-that-or-die” kind of way.
Stage One: Contact. At this stage full and open contact
SCI Force operatives are organized into teams associated begins. Embassies are established, diplomacy begins, and
(often permanently) with specific Bureaux. Teams include: campaigns undertaken to win hearts and minds.
Research, Manipulation, Sanction, Technical, Insertion,
Science, Construction and Reconstruction. Teams are Stage Two: Normalization. Once Contact has gone far
sometimes combined (“Sanction and Insertion Teams” are enough, SCI Force introduces the core Commonality culture,
frequent these days), and members seconded to other an often troublesome process as the native culture’s values
teams for specific operations. are overthrown.


The New Commonality

y Era
Stage Three: Acculturation. The Acculturation Bureau
sometimes designates a planet for development as a “culture The New Traders
world”, where the native culture is preserved and enhanced For historical reasons, New Traders are viewed with
before incorporation into the Commonality mainstream. suspicion by Commonality citizens. Many consider
Such worlds often retain strong features of their origin them evolutionary throwbacks, little better than
cultures in the First Age of Space; Shinean worlds, due to licensed pirates or gangsters, but they perform a
their innate conservatism, make excellent culture worlds. valuable service on Fringe and Outer Worlds, where
Others may be acculturated with only peripherally-related they’re seen as a “necessary evil” by the Pansectorate
extinct Old Earth cultures, where SCI Force deems it a useful government and as romantic heroes by local
combination. populations. They’re a rough, hardy bunch who play
fast and loose with the Commonality’s trade and
Stage Four: Cultural Integrity. Once a culture is incorporated information embargoes, constantly suspected by SCI
into the Commonality mainstream,it’s monitored for deviation Force of harbouring spies, criminals, and worse. While
from Commonality norms. This is particularly important on the Commonality would like to control all inter-world
the Fringe, where Commonality worlds are a “shield” against trade, the pell-mell of the Expansionary Era makes this
virulent cultural influences from beyond the frontier. impossible. New Traders are heroes throughout the
Fringe, and social pariahs in the Core.

unknown on Old Earth for millennia: the Commonality of

Old Earth had no need of money or interstellar trade. Some
corporacies were created from pre-Expansion corporations;
others from extinct megacorporations from Old Earth history.
As sources of troublesome memes they have a complex
relationship with the Commonality and the New Traders,
operating in a strange, extra-legal space; many people still
believe entrepreneurial activity to be “primitive” and socially
dangerous. Corporacies and their attendant instabilities are
one way the Commonality is a victim of the Expansion as
much as its beneficiary.
The Custodians Corporacies are Starblazer organizations, usually Scale
The Custodians of the Commonality are its true rulers. Elusive, 7 or 8. They’re also often vectors for Casual Contact and
shadowy figures, often working alone and accountable to Technological Exchange meme attacks (see Chapter Six:
no one, their agendas are species-level, spanning many Worlds and Cultures).
lifetimes. Some have palaces and centres of power; others
seem invisible, appearing only when required. They’re
scary people with authority over all affairs in their domain, Sample Corporacy: Chembu Genurgy
including life and death. Chembu Genurgy corporacy was formed when the Chembu
took their genurgy business offworld. It’s a little over a
A single Custodian rules a Sector. The Custodian interacts century old, clearly divided into Chembu and non-Chembu;
with the Pansectorate Ministries, setting policies which the the Chembu form all the corporacy’s upper management.
Instrumentalities carry out. Watcher Craypast is ruler of the
Rim Sector; he’s said to be rarely at his palace on the sector Chembu Genurgy is efficient, affordable, and extremely
capital of Tsen Tair, instead travelling between the sector’s secretive. Rumours abound that its CEO is the Planetary
many worlds. There are many rumours and alleged sightings Intelligence itself, and that it has a nefarious, inhuman
of this mysterious figure. agenda. However, while a ruthless competitor, the
corporacy openly advocates Commonality policy and
It’s rumoured that at least one of the Custodians is a synthetic. puts enormous resources into Commonality coffers. It’s
Some say all of them are. also one of the foremost corporate world developers;
almost every octant of Commonality Space has a Chembu
corporate world.
Corporacies of the New
Commonality Era Chembu has offices on most Commonality Worlds. Even
beyond, the infamous Chembu bioships - semi-organic
The corporacies of the New Commonality are“new industries” faster-than-light vessels - travel the Fringe Worlds offering
established in the Expansionary Era in response to demands their services to whoever can afford them.


e New
N Commonality
C Era
Chembu Genurgy Corporacy
Organization Sheet
Scale: Colossal (7) Consequences Physical Stress
Scope: Commonality (9) Minor: ………………
Fate Points: 3 Major: Composure Stress
Refresh: 3 Severe: ………………

Skills Holdings
Great (+4) Weird Technology (Genurgy) Chembu Homeworld
Good (+3) Influence (Commonality) Trade (Fortified, Ancient, Unusual, Big)
Fair (+2) Secrecy Resources
Unity Admin
Average (+1) Security Diplomacy
Technology Control (Chembu

We can change you to suit your needs
Commonality leaders in Genurgic Enhancement
We are Chembu - Chembu is One
Backed by the Planetary Intelligence
Unfathomable Agendas
We have branches everywhere
Commerce is life!

Other Corporacies
The following is a listing of some of the largest corporacies in the Commonality.
Corporacy Area(s) of Endeavour Sample Aspect
Chembu Genurgy Biotech and genetic enhancements Backed by the Planetary Intelligence
Combatechnologies, Inc Combat armour, combat drones
Darradine Industries Technopsi devices, Mindscape implants We bear the Commonality in mind.
Gant Shipyards Planeship construction and repair
HAL AG Industries Gravtech, suspensor fields Old Earth corporation with friends in high
Hydrodyne Technologies Transport and vehicles We’ll get you there!
Javawayn Industries Gravtech, Sky Cities, luxury space hotels and Low-gravity Hominids
cruisers, Zero-G Habitats
Kessel Yards Shipyards, ship hulls
Magnatech, Inc Kino weapons
Mai Ling Military Optics Combat drones, sensor arrays, sensor drones,
sentient weapons
Morbius Metals Raw materials, metals Digging mines everywhere.
Murasaki Corporation Combat walkers, remote lifters
Neverine Pharmaceuticals Biomeds
Pleskov & Sons Armaments Heavy weapons We sell BIG guns!
TKX (Trondheim-Kawasaki Synthetics, genurgic enhancements Better than the best!
Tyce Systems Null weapons, blasters Weapons to last you a lifetime.
Universal Products Multiple areas We make everything, everywhere.


The New Commonality

y Era
The Empire of Venu
The exact nature of Venu government is a mystery, but is believed to be a harsh, oppressive theocracy headed by a hereditary
“God Emperor”.
Venu Government
Organization Sheet
Scale: Venu Space (9) Consequences Physical Stress
Scope: Venu Space (9) Minor: ………………………
Fate Points: 1 Major: Composure Stress
Refresh: 1 Severe: …………………………

Skills Holdings
Superb (+5) Control (Venu Space) None
Great (+4) Influence (Q-Zone) Arms
Good (+3) Security Unity
Secrecy Sway (Darradine
Fair (+2) Technology Assassination
Sway (Successor States)
Average (+1) Trade Administration
Communication Experimental Technology
Influence (Commonality Space)

Theocratic Dictatorship
Venu Rules All
The Commonality Must be Destroyed!
Only the Strong are fit to rule
Negotiation is Weakness
Chaotic hierarchy based on intimidation
We do not ask questions but carry out orders

Venu Technology specifically designed to exploit this weakness. The Venu have
The Venu Empire captured planing technology over a no advanced technologies like the Mindscape, synthetics,
century ago, and immediately set about conquering its or extreme longevity, although they do have rudimentary
neighbours. They expanded rapidly, first recapturing the AI, and things we would recognize as “computers”, which
colony worlds with which they’d lost contact, then moving the Commonality regards as extremely primitive. Their
out on a mission of conquest. By the Venu War the Venu had technology is bulkier and less sophisticated than the
fusion power; by the Stop-Start War they had hybrid zero- Commonality. While they don’t use space combat drones,
point technology; now they’re using the infamous, polluting they do use attack droids in ground combat.
“Dirt Drive”, and expanding, conquering, and colonising at a
frightening rate. Venu security isn’t as good as the Commonality, nor is the
Empire physically as large or able to command the same
Venu tech level averages Great (+4): First Age of Space, resources. However, they’re much more violent, and have
notwithstanding their imperfect “Dirt Drive”. In starship been on a war footing since before Commonality contact;
combat this drive is dangerously unstable and sometimes their aggression has Commonality on the defensive. What
explodes; Commonality Torsion Field Projectors are they lack in sophistication they make up for in fanaticism
and disregard for their own safety.


e New
N Commonality
C Era
Chapter Six:
Worlds and Cultures
“On Old Earth news, like religion,
had been illegal for millennia. But
here, out on the Fringe, it was life itself.
Worlds which had been isolated for thousands
of years suddenly clamoured for information, and if the
Commonality fought shy of giving people what they wanted
because they might not be able to handle “the Truth”, well, hey,
that was what we were for.

We’re the Embargo Runners. Some people call us criminals;

some people say we’re pirates. I say we’re the lifeblood of the
Commonality, keeping everything moving, keeping everything
alive. Even if sometimes it hurts...”

- Jabe Macarthur, at his trial for Uncontrolled

Information Dissemination, Shinchikyu, 193 NCE

Technological Development
Most Mindjammer technology is “Commonality standard”,
or that of its major foe, the Empire of Venu. Many other
technologies exist, however; the galaxy is vast, and not
all cultures solve the same problems the same way. The
Commonality uses anti-grav suspensors as its standard
transport technology; on the Fringe or Outer Worlds, you
can find jetpacks, ornithopters, micro-dirigibles, or any one
of a number of alternatives.

Mindjammer uses the Starblazer Tech Level to indicate what

a world is capable of producing, suggesting the technology
easily obtained on a planet. Higher tech items are usually
available in spaceports and specialist outlets; Resources rolls
are +1 difficulty for each Tech Level difference.

For example, on a Great (+4) Tech Level world spares for a

Planing Engine (Fantastic (+6) Tech Level) are available on a
Resources roll 2 levels more difficult than normal.

The table below, and other gear and weapons tables in this
Worlds book, indicate the Tech Level at which item production
becomes possible.
Mindjammer worlds use the Starblazer planet generation
rules, with a few additional details. Create a world normally,
Why is Tech Level important?
and then select tech level, planet and government type,
Within the Commonality, for the most part, it isn’t. Ignore
spaceport facilities, and any Commonality embargo using
it. Most items can be bought easily enough, even if
the guidelines below.

manufactured offworld at higher technology centres - it’s
Using Tech Level in play
just a question of waiting for delivery. On Fringe and Outer
There are various ways to use Tech Level in play.
Worlds, however, Tech Level is more important; if you’re
Starblazer Adventures uses an item’s cost as its
forced to search for an item or repair something on a low-
manufacturing difficulty; you can use Tech level
tech world, you’ll have problems: the local technology
instead. You can restrict a workspace’s quality
won’t be able to manufacture the item, or provide the raw
(Starblazer page 132-3) by the Tech Level of the
components to make one yourself, and on isolated worlds
planet where it’s located, and require Resources rolls
there won’t even be anywhere to order it from.
to get a better one. Finally, you can limit a character’s
Science, Engineering, or Starship Engineering Skill
A planet’s Tech Level isn’t the same thing as an Organization’s
by a planet’s Tech Level: a character with Good (+3)
Technology Skill. The latter indicates how technologically
Science on a Good (+3) Tech Level world would have
sophisticated an Organization is, how much it uses
to travel to a higher tech world to improve his Skill
technology in its everyday operations. It’s possible to have
further. Be careful, though: it’s fine to restrict Extras
an organization which uses relatively little technology on a
like this, but it can be frustrating for PCs!
high-tech world.

Tech Level Classification

Tech Level Tech Level Name Comments
Abysmal (-3) Post-animal
Terrible (-2) Stone Age Palaeolithic to Neolithic and invention of agriculture.
Poor (-1) Metal Age Bronze and Iron Ages
Mediocre (0) Age of Enlightenment Renaissance, exploration, enlightenment
Average (+1) Industrial Age Steam, Electricity, Nuclear Power
Fair (+2) Computer Age Early space travel
Good (+3) Age of Genurgy Early genurgy
Great (+4) First Age of Space Artificial Gravity
Superb (+5) Age of Ubiquitous Anti-aging techniques, synthetics
Fantastic (+6) Second Age of Space Planing, Commonality Standard, ZIP Plants
Epic (+7) Age of 3-Space Gating, Commonality Maximum
Legendary (+8) Interdimensional Age
(Theoretical Higher Levels)

The Commonality Embargo

There’s a Commonality embargo on non-Commonality worlds to prevent the transport of advanced technologies to worlds
the Commonality doesn’t think should have them. There are three Qualities of Embargo:
Good (+3) - Quarantined: world closed.
Fair (+2) - High Level: Outer Worlds, Venu, Isolated Fringe Worlds.
Average (+1) - Medium Level: Most Fringe Worlds.
Open - no Embargo: within the Commonality and between Commonality Member Worlds.
You run foul of the Embargo whenever you try to carry technology (for any reason) to an Embargoed planet which is
higher than its current tech level.
Skills: Intimidate, Manoeuvre, Investigation, Alertness, Resolve
Physical Stress: ……………
Secrets Stress: ……………
Consequences: Equal to Quality
Notes: Play out interactions with the Commonality Embargo in as much detail as you want. Try running the Embargo or
sneaking through; this is an attack using Manoeuvre or Stealth against the Embargo’s Physical stress. Or try smuggling, or
even bribing customs agents; an attack using Deceit or Leadership (for administration, bureaucracy, bribery) against the
Embargo’s Secrets stress. A Taken Out result means you’ve been captured and are facing arrest and impoundment of your
ship and cargo; Embargo Runners usually concede well before that.


Planet Types
Mindjammer worlds have a Planet Type, indicating their
Population Levels
For 200 years the Expansion has been contacting lost
relationship to the Commonality. Select one during planet
human or hominid colony worlds, colonizing new
generation; depending on location, some Planet Types are
ones, and discovering alien civilizations. Once initial
more appropriate than others.
contact teams have left, settlers, researchers, and
traders arrive, in a seemingly endless stream: there’s
Commonality Aligned World: usually on the Fringe and
no shortage of migrants from the Core, heavily-
possessing a Temple of Universal Mind.
populated even before the Second Age of Space,
and even once-lost colonies may have Commonality
Commonality Autonomous World: a Commonality
populations in the millions.
member, but very individual and usually isolationist. Often
has a Commonality Embassy and travel restrictions beyond
This means there are high-population worlds
the spaceport compound. May have a Global Mindscape
throughout Commonality Space, even on the Fringe.
The Expansionary Era is an age of huge migrations,
spacelanes everywhere packed with Settler Ships,
Commonality Culture World: a full Commonality member,
Homesteaders, and Mass Transports, filled with
but with a strong culture, sometimes derived from a historical
people seeking better lives and adventure.
Old Earth culture.

Commonality Member World: a cosmopolitan world where

the standard Commonality culture holds sway. Government Types
The following government types expand on those in
Commonality Outpost: usually unpopulated apart from a Starblazer: select one during planet generation.
base or space station.
Commonality Controlled (Oligarchy): the standard
Commonality Quarantine World: usually on the Fringe, Commonality government, run by Pansectorate and
the planet is quarantined by Space Force and visitors are Instrumentality representatives. Checks and measures aim
forbidden. Quarantine happens for many reasons; the world to prevent corruption, but don’t always work, and graft and
may be dangerous for visitors, or need protection from nepotism are endemic on some worlds.
Corporate Control: corporate worlds are owned and run
Independent World (no Embassy): usually a Fringe or by a single corporacy (although joint ventures are possible).
Outer World, the world may have little or no Commonality They’re Commonality members, although access may be
contact. restricted by corporacy policy.

Independent World (w. Embassy): usually a contacted Dictatorship: often found on Fringe Worlds in Stage One or Stage
world on the Fringe where Commonality presence is still Two Cultural Integration; the world is governed by a single political
light. group, often a single person or the armed forces. Dictatorships are
usually oppressive, and unstable in the long-term.

Feudal: feudal governments tend to be features of lower

tech, non-Commonality worlds, though also of Corporate
or even Commonality Oligarchy Worlds under special
conditions. They’re characterized by full or part slave
ownership, populations “owned” by governments either
directly or through economic dependency and indenture.
Worlds where xenomorph populations are governed by
Commonality governments are often feudal.

Monarchy: monarchies are found most often on Fringe or Outer

Worlds, a form of “compromised dictatorship” where population
groups have their interests represented to varying degrees by
complex webs of tradition. Monarchies can be very stable.

Representative Democracy: democracy is illegal in the

Core Worlds, but on the Fringe it’s a serviceable middle-
ground on low to medium population worlds without
strong Commonality presence.

Spaceport Facilities

Spaceports are ground-based or orbital facilities statted Spaceport Facilities

using the Starblazer starship rules. In planet generation Spaceport Class Facilities Present
treat Spaceport Facilities as a Planetary Skill from Abysmal
Abysmal (-3) No facilities whatsoever
(-3) to Legendary (+8): select one for each world.
Terrible (-2) Area of cleared ground
Spaceport Tech Level is generally higher than Planetary Tech Poor (-1) Landing strip
Level; add the Spaceport Class modifier to the Planetary Tech Mediocre (0) Huge (Scale-5) Ground Facility
Level (so, +2 for a Fair (+2) Spaceport Class), to a maximum of Average (+1) Enormous (Scale-6) Ground Facility
Fantastic (+6) for non-Core worlds (Second Age of Space) and Fair (+2) Colossal (Scale-7) Ground Facility
Epic (+7) (Age of 3-Space) for worlds in the Commonality Core. Good (+3) Colossal (Scale-7) Ground Facility
plus Huge (Scale-5) Orbital Facility
Descriptions of Spaceport Facilities (Space Station)
Ground Facility: passenger and cargo transport, and ground Great (+4) Colossal (Scale-7) Ground Facility
facilities containing the planet’s principal Commonality plus Enormous (Scale-6) Orbital
representation, including any Global Mindscape Instance Facility (Space Station plus Dry Dock)
or (on Fringe Worlds) Temple of Universal Mind, although Superb (+5) Colossal (Scale-7) Ground Facility
this is usually moved from the spaceport’s Commonality plus Colossal (Scale-7) Orbital
Extralegal Zone to the capital as soon as possible. Facility (Space Station plus Starship
Construction Yards)
Orbital Facility: a Commonality Extralegal Zone (subject to Fantastic (+6) As above plus Huge (Scale-5)
Commonality rather than local law) containing docking bays Starbase
for ships without atmospheric entry capability and regular Epic (+7) As above plus Enormous (Scale-6)
shuttles to the planetary surface if appropriate. Starbase
Legendary (+8) As above plus Colossal (Scale-7)
Starbase: a military spaceport, usually run by Space Force or Starbase
occasionally SCI Force, generally out-of-bounds to civilians
(although some starbases have civilian sections).

Mindjammer Waystations: minor repair facilities no larger
than Scale-5 usually found every 10 worlds, often attached
to an existing orbital facility.

Mindjammer Depots: major repair yards no larger than

Scale-6 found every 100 worlds or more (one per subsector),
generally an independent orbital or space facility.

Other Facilities: includes Explorer Waystations on the

Fringe, Corporate or Commonality research stations.

How Ubiquitous is Faster-than-Light

Although the Commonality is the main provider of
planeships, during the earlier days of the Expansionary Era it
provided planing technology to other cultures fairly freely -
at least until the Venu attacked. Many polities possess planing
technology in addition to the Venu, including Outremer,
the Successor States, and the Sentient Alliance; some have
travelled to the edges of Human Space and beyond - well
out of the Commonality’s reach.

The Commonality may not always be the main source of Scenario hook: Cover Up
planing technology. The galaxy is a big place, and there Ships have been going missing in 2-Space.The PCs,
are spacefaring alien civilizations out there - witness the part of Space Force, SCI Force, or the ISI, are sent
Lowhigh. Although they didn’t have planing technology to investigate. There’s a huge cover-up underway,
when contacted, other alien races may well have. What, and evidence of widespread conspiracy - it looks
for example, is behind the rumours of the so-called “Pulse like this has happened before. But what’s been
Dragons” dwelling in interstellar space - extremely fast- covered up? And why?
moving, high-energy beings or devices which have been
utterly inimical when encountered? No one knows if these
are a new alien race or an ancient alien technology - or some
other phenomenon entirely - but the Commonality remains
watchful for the day an alien species with its own faster-
than-light technology comes calling...

The Expansionary Era is a time of cultural upheaval.Thousands
of worlds have been suddenly thrust upon one another,
and the Commonality is sweeping through them, trying to
assimilate, integrate, control. Cultures clash, form alliances,
resist, rebel; unscrupulous New Traders run embargoes to sell
technology to the highest bidders. The result is chaos.

Cultural conflict is one of the main themes of Mindjammer

- what happens when cultures separated by millennia
suddenly collide. These rules allow you to describe cultures
and their conflicts in detail, and most importantly show how
player characters can get involved, whether smuggling new
ideas and technologies, engaging in diplomacy, or policing
the frontier. The galaxy is changing - and capable heroes can
remould entire worlds to their designs!

Cultures and Polities

Mindjammer cultures are a modified form of Starblazer
organization. They differ from governments and other

“polities”,although it’s normal to find both cultures and polities
coexisting on a planet or in an interstellar community. Often What is a Culture?
a polity created by a world’s ruler, conqueror, or government Broadly speaking, a culture is “how people live”. It’s a
attempts to rule a culture created by its population. society’s customs and values, the things it considers
good, bad, worthwhile. In Earth history, culture is the
Create a culture more or less as you would an organization. cause of war and conflict - when the people “over there”
Start by deciding on its Scale and Scope, and then select do things or believe things which we think are “wrong”,
Skills, Stunts, and Aspects, and calculate Stress tracks, then we try and persuade them of the error of their ways
according to the guidelines below. Cultural Aspects differ - often violently. Cultural conflict has been the driving
from organization and planetary Aspects: a planet force behind much if not all of known history - and in
might have the Aspect “Global Warming”, indicating that the Expansionary Era, that engine is in overdrive!
it’s affected by global warming; a culture with that Aspect
means it’s preoccupied by the threat and concept of In Mindjammer, cultures can “fight” one another,
Global Warming, whether the phenomenon is happening a process known as Meme Attack. Cultures can be
or not. destroyed, but more likely they’ll take consequences
and their cultural Aspects be modified or replaced.
Cultural conflict can change a culture completely: this
The Culture Sheet is what the Commonality is trying to avoid - or at least
Cultures are written up on a Culture Sheet, an example of control - as it contacts lost colony worlds.
which is shown below.

Sample Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Minor:
Fate Points: Stability Stress
Refresh: Extreme:

Skills Stunts
Superb (+5)
Great (+4)
Good (+3)
Fair (+2)
Average (+1)


Cultural Conflicts


Scale and Scope this is a change to the Starblazer rules (see Starblazer page
Cultures use the “Cultural Scale and Skill Points” table below. 282); see “Scope of Attacks” below for more.
Cultures are usually Colossal (7), but may also be Interplanetary
(8), Star Empire (9), or Enormous (6); or, rarely, from Large (4) for Culture / Organization Scope
small-scale tribal cultures to Huge (5). Cultures have a number Scope Extent of Cultural Influence
of Skill points as shown on the table. National (4) Nation-sized region only.
Continental (5) Single continent only.
Cultural Scale and Skill Points Planet (6) Single world only.
Scale Skill Points Description Subsector (7) Up to subsector level.
Large (4) 5 Small-scale tribal or Sector (8) Up to entire sector.
national culture Commonality Space (9) Throughout the whole
Huge (5) 15 Continent-sized Commonality.
culture Human Space (10) Throughout Human Space.
Enormous (6) 25 Planet-sized culture
Colossal (7) 35 Culture covering Cultural Stress
several planets up
A culture has Stability and Strength stress tracks equal to its Scale.
to subsector-sized
This is one of the reasons why sub-cultures are more vulnerable
Interplanetary (8) 45 Up to sector-sized
to Meme Attack (see below), and why the Commonality works
culture; medium
space culture to prevent them from breaking off from the mainstream.
(Sentient Alliance,
Successor States) Cultures can take a total of three consequences before being
Taken Out. Stability consequences include: Loss of Integrity,
Star Empire (9) 55 Large-scale
Xenophobic, Discontented; Strength consequences include:
space culture
Loss of Sense of Self, Uncertain, Insecure. See “How Cultures
(Commonality and
Come into Conflict” below for handling damage.
Venu Empire)
Galactic (10) 65 Hypothetical
galactic culture Cultural Aspects (Memes)
(none as yet Cultures have “memes”, ideologies or beliefs which colour
known) and define that culture. These are represented by cultural
Aspects: a culture has a number of cultural Aspects equal
Cultures also have Scope, indicating their sphere of influence. to its Scale.
Cultures like the Chembu have Scope vastly exceeding
their Scale, being the principle providers of genurgic New Aspects can be introduced into a culture. This can be
enhancements in the Commonality. Scope is defined on the a consequence of cultural contact, invasion, propaganda
table below: numbers used match those used for Scale, rather attack, immigration, or even smuggling of forbidden
than the number of zones under the culture’s influence. In technologies and ideas (such as smuggling planing engines
Mindjammer this table is also used for organization Scope; into a quarantined pre-FTL culture).

Cultural Aspects (Memes) Frankenstein Foods Pinnacle of Creation

Here are some cultural Aspects to get Global Warming Power of the Mind
you started: Human Beings are Nothing Special Religion
Abomination Against Nature Just One World Among Millions Science
Centre of the Universe Live and Let Live Survival of the Fittest
Communism Machines Will Take Over the World! They’re Stealing Your Thoughts!
Cult of Celebrity Materialism Uniqueness of the Human
Curious Militarism Form
Democracy Mutability of Body Form White Man’s Burden
Every Man for Himself Pacifism Word of God
Fear of Terrorism Patriotism Xenophobic
Fire of Independence Personal Insignificance


depending on the tech level it’s deployed at, indicated by
its Skill level; Stone Age Comms involves the spoken word,
for example, while in the Second Age of Space it’s the
Mindscape. These Capability Bands generally span more
than one tech level: Comms (Spoken) spans the Post-animal
and Stone Age tech levels. A Capability Band at its lowest
tech level is rudimentary; as it increases, it becomes more
established and widely available.

Each time a culture advances a Capability Band (Information

(Computers) to Information (Synthetics), for example), it faces
a Meme Attack introducing cultural Aspects associated with
the new Capability Band. This applies whether the Capability
Band comes from outside or from a culture’s own research
Cultural Skills efforts. Within a Band, a Skill level increase entails a rise in
Cultural Skills represent things a culture can “do”, whether tech level capacity. A culture doesn’t have a tech level per se:
technological capability or the ability to resist or attack other each of its Capabilities do. A planet’s tech level indicates its
cultures. Cultural Skills are not bound by the Skill Pyramid ability to exploit the Capabilities of the prevailing culture.
rules. See the “Cultural Scale and Skill Points” table above for
the Skill points a culture receives. Movement from an old Band to a new without recourse
to subterfuge requires not just R&D, but a Breakthrough
Skill levels default to Mediocre (+0). A culture can increase its (see below). This takes time and resources; espionage or
Skill points by taking Skills at levels below Mediocre; taking smuggling are much quicker.
a Skill at Poor (-1) gains +1 Skill Point, Terrible (-2) gains +2,
and Abysmal (-3) gains +3. Small-scale tribal cultures may A culture must have a Capability Skill for its members to learn
take all Capability Skills at Terrible (-2) for an additional +16 related personal Skills. So, members of a culture without the
Skill points (a total of 21), enabling them to have significant Comms (Mindscape) Skill cannot learn the Technopsi Skill;
Assertion, Assimilation, Infiltration, or Propaganda Skills. cultures without Transport (FTL) produce no 2-Pilots.

Skills Cultures can modify their Capabilities by expending Skill

There are a fixed number of cultural Skills. points (gained by activities such as cultural expansion), or
by reorganizing their Skill pyramid. If a culture is trying for
Assertion: a culture’s ability to assert itself and fend off a Capability Skill which it doesn’t have free access to (such
incursions, or to impose itself on another culture without as a Fringe World culture trying for a Capability embargoed
using the Propaganda Skill (such as after an invasion). by the Commonality), the Capability must somehow be
Assertion is the default Skill to attack or defend against smuggled in or otherwise acquired. New Capability Skills
Meme Attacks. Using Assertion to defend against a Meme introduce new cultural Aspects and Meme Attacks.
Attack triggered by a Capability Band doesn’t allow the
defending culture to utilize the technologies enabled by Infiltration - Cultures use subterfuge to conduct Meme
that Capability Band openly. Assertion attacks affect the Attacks on other cultures; activities like technology
Strength stress track. smuggling cause Meme Attacks which attack stealthily.
Infiltration attacks affect the Stability stress track.
Assimilate: a culture’s ability to integrate new ideas, used
to attack or defend against Meme Attacks resulting from Propaganda - strong cultures impose themselves on weaker
casual contact between cultures, or where the defending ones using the Propaganda Skill. Propaganda is the default
culture wishes to accept the Meme Attack’s Aspects or for deliberate cultural attacks, open war, or propaganda
an associated Capability. Using Assimilate against Meme campaigns. Propaganda attacks affect the Stability stress
Attacks transported by new Capability Bands allows the track.
defending culture to utilize the technologies enabled by
that Capability Band. Cultural Stunts
A culture has Stunts equal to half its Scale, rounded down.
[Capability] (Band): Cultures have technological capabilities
- their “cultural know-how” - the more advanced of which — All or Nothing
(such as faster-than-light travel) are jealously guarded. Used in deliberate cultural attacks (see below); allows the
The Commonality maintains embargoes to prevent its attacking culture to take consequences on behalf of its
Capabilities from falling into the wrong hands. Capability Meme Attacks; it throws its whole weight behind the attack,
Skills comprise: Armaments; Biological; Comms; Information; putting its reputation on the line. It can keep the meme
70 Power; Psi; Resource Exploitation; and Transport. Each varies


Capability Skill

Skill Level





Tech Level
Abysmal Post-animal Tools Non- Herbal Memory Physical Hunter- Spoken
powered Gatherer

Terrible Stone Age Clubs and bows Non- Herbal Memory Physical Agriculture Spoken

Poor Metal Age Blades Non- Surgical Libraries Physical Agriculture Written

Mediocre Age of Enlightenment Black powder Powered Surgical Libraries Mechanical Agriculture Written

Average Industrial Age Gunpowder Powered Surgical Libraries Mechanical Industry Written

Fair Computer Age Nuclear Powered Medical Computers Electricity Industry Radio

Good Age of Biotech Laser Space Biotech Computers Broadcast Industry Radio


Great First Age of Space Blaster Space Genurgy Computers Broadcast Automated Radio

Superb Age of Ubiquitous Disruptor Space Genurgy Synthetics ZIP Automated Mindscape
Intelligence Travel

Fantastic Second Age of Space Torsion FTL Genurgy Synthetics ZIP Makepoint Psionics Mindscape

Epic Age of 3-Space Disintegrator FTL ZIP Makepoint Psionics

Legendary Interdimensional Age FTL Psionics

*Psi refers to human cultures, where Psi Power requires advanced genurgy. For non-human cultures with active psi powers, this Capability becomes active at lower tech
levels (or may be unrestricted by tech level).

attack going where it would otherwise get destroyed, but — Propaganda Campaign
suffers as a result. Allows Meme Attacks to affect larger or smaller cultures
(up to 3 steps smaller or larger rather than 2). It uses the
— Cultural Assault Propaganda Skill.
For a Fate point, the culture makes a Meme Attack on an
adjacent zone equal in size to its Scope. So, a Scope-7 culture — Q-Ships
(subsector) could attack a neighbouring subsector. Allows a +2 full defence against Meme Attacks.

— Cultural Revolution — Shock and Awe

Allows a culture to launch Meme Attacks on itself. Requires Memetic Virus

— Culture Worlds Allows a Meme Attack to be made on part of a culture only,

Requires Traditionalist such as a planet, as long as that part is under physical attack
by an organization belonging to the attacking culture. See
Allows the culture to bring to bear a group of Minions “Scope of Attacks” below for more.
(culture worlds) which may be attached or used separately
in a cultural conflict. This stunt may be taken multiple times, — Suicide Synthetics
increasing the quantity or quality of the Minions. Gives a +1 bonus to Infiltration attacks using disposable
hidden synthetics.
— Hunter-Killer Eidolons
Gives a +1 attack bonus against incoming Meme Attacks. For — Traditionalist
a Fate point, a successful attack on a Meme Attack with this Allows cultures to take 1 less Stress damage per attack.
Stunt negates one of the Meme Attack’s cultural Aspects.
How to do things with Cultures
— Memetic Cascade
Requires Memetic Virus and Shock and Awe
How Cultures Come into Conflict
Cultures attack one another using Meme Attacks; attacks
can happen in several ways.
Allows the culture to target parts of a larger culture with a
single Meme Attack, even if they aren’t under physical attack.
Casual Contact: occurs whenever there’s regular, non-
So, a culture could launch a Meme Attack on a single planet,
aggressive contact between cultures, often unintentionally.
even if that planet was part of a larger culture.
These Meme Attacks use Assertion or sometimes Infiltration.
Two cultures with incompatible Aspects attack one another
— Memetic Torpedo in separate Meme Attacks. A culture not wishing to attack
Requires Memetic Virus uses its own Propaganda to complement the target culture’s
A Memetic Torpedo is an EW package which can be delivered
to a target (usually a planet), containing vectors and viruses Technological Exchange: this usually means technology
capable of initiating multiple Meme Attacks simultaneously. smuggling. Meme Attacks use the Infiltration Skill, defended
Each Meme Attack transports the same cultural Aspects, against with Assertion. See “Cultural Change via Introduced
but must use a different Skill. The Stunt costs 1 Fate point Technology” below for cultural Aspects introduced by these
to use. Meme Attacks.

— Memetic Virus Deliberate Cultural Attacks: occur during war or other

Requires Cultural Assault hostilities using Propaganda defended against with
Propaganda or Assertion. They’re not always inimical; the
Allows a culture to make an Infiltration attack against any Commonality frequently tries to modify cultures, often
culture, regardless of Scale and Scope. The Memetic Virus supported by the culture’s government, in which case add
attempts to spread as widely as it can before attacking. Each the target culture’s Propaganda Skill to the Stress damage if
exchange, make an Infiltration manoeuvre, resisted by the the Meme Attack succeeds.
target culture’s Assertion; each shift represents a zone of
Scope reached by the Meme Attack that exchange (placing Example: The Commonality is trying to introduce the
a temporary Aspect on each zone as it goes). Once full Scope Aspect “Mutability of Body Form” to the Amidan culture.
is reached the Memetic Virus makes its Meme Attack. If an This conflicts with the “Robots Will Take Over the World”
Infiltration roll fails, the Virus attack is negated. The Stunt Aspect, as SCI Force predicted, causing a Meme Attack
costs 1 Fate point to use. of the Commonality’s Good (+3) Propaganda against


Amida’s Good (+3) Assimilate. The Amidan government Memetic Virus Meme Attack
actually supports the Commonality Meme Attack with its Scope: 9
own Average (+1) Propaganda: this adds +1 Stress to the Skills: Great (+4) Assertion, Good (+3) Infiltration
Commonality’s attack if successful.
Aspects: Hail the Radiant Darkness!
Strength Stress: ……………………… (0 Consequences)
Scope of Attacks
A culture can attack cultures within 2 steps of its Scale. Stunts Notes: Attacks a culture, in this case using Infiltration,
modify this: cultures exist with memes so violent they’ve and defends using Assertion. The culture defends using
affected the entire Commonality, explaining its extreme Propaganda, Assimilate, or Assertion, and attacks back
caution (some would say paranoia) with new cultures. using the same. Cultures fight one another by each
sending Meme Attacks against the other culture.
Further, a culture can only attack cultures whose Scale falls
How to make a Meme Attack
within its own Scope (ie its own area of influence). A Scope-
A culture makes a Meme Attack as a casual contact,
7 culture (local subsector) can attack cultures of Scale 7 or
technological exchange, or deliberate cultural attack,
less as long as they’re in the same subsector and within 2
as described above. The attack introduces one or more
steps of its own Scale; a Scope-1 culture can attack cultures
cultural Aspects to the target culture, which can attack the
on the same planet, as long as its Scale is within 2 steps of
Meme Attack back using either Assertion or Assimilate, or
the target.
Propaganda in certain cases. Run as a conflict over multiple
exchanges, each taking roughly a year, although Story
However, if you isolate part of a culture - such as by invading
Tellers should as usual be flexible with time periods based
and occupying a planet - you can target that part as if it had
on circumstances. Cultural conflict can take a long time!
a lower Scale and Scope using the Shock and Awe Stunt.
The targeted part is treated as having Stress equal to the
The exchange proceeds as follows:
reduced Scale, making it easier to affect.
1. Any culture which is the target of a Meme Attack takes 1
Example: The Edessene League, a Scale-7 multi-world culture
point of Stability stress damage at the start of the conflict. This
with Scope 7 (local subsector), cannot carry out Meme Attacks
can’t be healed until all Meme Attacks affecting it are over.
against even a local Commonality planet, as its Commonality
culture (Scale 9) isn’t encompassed by the League’s Scope
2. The Meme Attack’s cultural Aspects affect the target culture
7. However, if the Edessene League attacked, occupied, and
as temporary Aspects for the attack’s duration; these can be
isolated the planet, its Scale would be treated as 6 (Planet-sized
freely tagged. Aspects affect 1 zone of Scope, expanding at 1
culture) for stress and targeting, putting it within the League’s
zone per exchange. The Memetic Virus Stunt allows a Meme
Scope-7 reach. It could then use its Shock and Awe Stunt to
Attack to make an Infiltration manoeuvre to spread the effect
launch Meme Attacks against the planet’s culture, temporarily
further and faster, up to the attack’s maximum Scope.
Scale and Scope 6, with only 6 Stability and Strength stress
rather than 9.
3. A successful Meme Attack causes Stress damage to the
Strength or Stability track, depending upon the Skill used.
For the same reasons sub-cultures like the Successor States
and Sentient Alliance are more vulnerable to Meme Attacks
4. Any consequences must indicate the impact of the Meme
than the Commonality culture from which they’ve recently
Attack’s Aspects on the damaged culture. For example, a Meme
broken away. This is why the Commonality is keen to stop
Attack with the “Science!” cultural Aspect on a culture with the
sub-cultures splitting off - the principal mission of SCI
“Fundamentalist Religion” cultural Aspect may cause a Major
consequence “Belief Systems Shaken to the Core”.
How to make Meme Attacks 5. If there’s no external culture making the Meme Attack, ie
A Meme Attack is how one culture attacks another. It’s it’s caused by internal R&D or Breakthroughs or the Cultural
treated like a Starblazer trap (see Starblazer page 540), with Revolution Stunt, treat as if the culture is attacking itself for
Skills, Aspects, stress tracks, and attacks with a cultural Skill. determining attack Skill levels, stress tracks, and so on.
See “How Cultures Come Into Conflict” on page 72 above for
which Skills are used to attack and defend. The Skill level is 6. Cultures won’t usually be Taken Out in a Meme Attack,
that of the culture. generally conceding first and replacing one of their
old cultural Aspects with a new one. The Aspect being
A Meme Attack has a Scope equal to the Scale of the target replaced must be related to one of the Meme Attack’s
Culture; its Strength stress track is equal to its Scope. Meme cultural Aspects if possible. For example, a Science Meme
Attacks can’t usually take consequences. The following could replace a Religion Meme, or a Communism Meme could
example shows a massive Memetic Virus Meme Attack made replace a Democracy Meme, and so on. Likewise, a Xenophobia
by the Empire of Venu against the Commonality. Meme could combine with another Xenophobia Meme into an
Extreme Xenophobia Meme! 73

Meme Attack Manoeuvres time resulting in the development of sub-cultures. Cultures
Meme Attacks may be affected by manœuvres such as change slowly: each exchange is roughly a decade.
diplomacy and incitement. These needn’t occur at the
cultural level; PC manoeuvres can affect Meme Attack Each decade a culture may:
exchanges using the “Player Intervention” rules (Starblazer • Swap two adjacent skills
page 292). • Change an Aspect
• Change a Stunt
Healing Meme Attack Damage
Stress clears out at the end of a scene. Meme Attack A polity can attempt to change a culture’s Skills via research
exchanges take roughly a year, so recovery time scales are & development, social engineering, or technological
longer. Minor consequences clear in a year (if the culture is breakthroughs. One attempt may be made each exchange,
free of conflict in the next scene); Major after a few years; requiring a Skill check against a difficulty equal to the level
Severe after several decades; and Extreme require work of the Skill to be changed; failure means no improvement.
(often involving the player characters) over decades to bring Shifts reduce the time taken; see below for the Skill check
the culture back from the brink. required.

Cultural Change Research & Development: allows a Capability Skill to be

improved within a Capability Band. So, a Good (+3) Transport
Cultural Change via Introduced Technology (Space Travel) capability may be improved to Superb (+5)
New Capability Bands introduce one or more cultural Aspects Transport (Space Travel), but no higher. This requires a
to a culture. These Aspects may be “positive” or “negative”; a Resources Skill check, modified by Control and restricted by
culture hungry for inclusion in the Commonality will view Technology, against a difficulty equal to the level of Skill to
the Mindscape Capability Band more positively than one be changed.
which sees the human body and privacy of thought as
sacred. The table below gives sample cultural Aspects for Technological Breakthroughs: allows a Capability Skill
Capability Bands. to move from one Capability Band to the next. A Superb
(+5) Transport (Space Travel) capability can break through
You can’t use a new Capability Band immediately: each new to Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL). This requires a Resources
tech level requires a year or so to assimilate, so advancing Skill check, restricted by Control and Technology, against
from Average (+1) Armaments (Gunpowder) to Good (+3) a difficulty equal to the level of Skill to be changed, plus
Armaments (Laser) takes at least 2 years. Double this if two. The culture must satisfy all prerequisites for the new
you’re keeping the Capability secret. This takes longer if the Capability Band before the breakthrough can be made.
culture made the advances itself (see “Self-directed Cultural
Change”, below). If the Capability Band is higher than the Social Engineering: allows modification of a culture’s non-
tech level of the planet whose culture is trying to exploit Capability Skills, requiring a Resources Skill check, modified
it, only a rudimentary application (limited numbers, parts by Control and Communication, against a difficulty equal to
supplied from off-world) is possible; increase the difficulty the level of the Skill to be changed.
of Resources, Engineering, or other rolls by the tech level
Maximum Change
For an introduced Capability you don’t have to win the Cultures have a maximum number of Skill points, which is
technological exchange Meme Attack; you still end up with one less than the starting Skill points of the next culture
the new Capability unless you don’t want it (in which case Scale up. So, a Large (Scale-4) culture (which begins with 5
you have to win the Meme Attack to turn the Capability Skill points) can advance to a maximum of 14 Skill points.
down). The Meme Attack simply determines whether your
cultural Aspects change as a result. Cultural Divergence
Culture worlds are Commonality worlds with slightly differing
It’s possible to avoid the Meme Attack caused by a Capability cultures, which gives them additional Aspects which the
Band by keeping the Capability secret; the Capability Commonality can invoke to make and resist Meme Attacks.
operates at one Band lower, and doesn’t enable personal In some cases, however, parts of a culture (such as planets or
skills for the culture’s members. subsectors) can be made to diverge from a parent culture to
their disadvantage, such as by changes in cultural Aspects
Self-directed Cultural Change resulting from planetary invasions or Memetic Virus attacks.
Cultures may change at the controlling government’s Regions which diverge in this way are called local cultures.
instigation. A culture spread across many polities
(government-level organizations) gradually creates local If a local culture diverges too far from its “parent”, so that it
manifestations of that culture, each slightly different, in shares less than half of its cultural Aspects with its parent
culture, it becomes a new culture and undergoes a reduction

Capability Band Prerequisites and Sample Aspects
Capability Band Prerequisites Associated Cultural Aspects
Armaments (any) Militarism
Armaments (Black Killing at a Distance is Ignoble!
Armaments (Gunpowder) Mass Casualties are the cost of War
Armaments (Nuclear) Power (Electricity); Resource Mutually Assured Destruction; We Don’t Deserve to
Exploitation (Industry) Survive!
Armaments (Laser) As above Minimum Damage for Maximum Effect
Armaments (Disruptor+) Power (ZIP); as above These horrendous wounds cannot be justified!
Transport (all but Non- Science!
Transport (Powered) Power (Mechanical); Resource These New-fangled Machines Ain’t Natural!
Exploitation (Industry)
Transport (Space Travel) Power (Electricity); Information We can spread to the Stars!
(Computers); as above
Transport (FTL) Power (ZIP); as above Just One World Among Millions; The stars are in our
Biological (all but Herbal) Survival of the Fittest; Man should not play God!
Biological (Surgical) We can conquer Death!
Biological (Medical) Doctors are the protectors of life.
Biological (Biotech) Information (Computers) Mutability of Body Form; We can do anything!
Biological (Genurgy) As above What IS human, anyway?
Information (all but I don’t trust these new-fangled inventions!
Information (Computers) Power (Electricity)
Information (Synthetics) As above; Resource Exploitation Personal Insignificance; Machines Will Take Over the
(Automated) World; What IS intelligence, anyway?
Power (all but Physical) Science; I don’t like this weird technology; Hey! This
will take our jobs away!
Power (Mechanical) Resource Exploitation (Industry) The World is a Great Machine - and we can control it.
Power (Electricity) As above Power is cheap.
Power (ZIP) As above; Information (Computers) Power is all around us.
Resource Exploitation (all We’re losing touch with the Old Ways!
except Hunter-Gatherer)
Resource Exploitation Mother Earth provides.
Resource Exploitation Men Become Machines
Resource Exploitation Power (Electricity); Information Robots will take over the world; Where have all our
(Automated) (Computers) jobs gone?
Resource Exploitation Power (ZIP); as above A future of leisure and happiness.
Psi (Psionics) Power of the Mind; They’re Stealing Your Thoughts;
Abomination Against Nature
Comms (all except Separated and Yet Together; I don’t like these new-
Spoken) fangled ways!
Comms (Written) We can share our knowledge
Comms (Radio) Power (Electricity) The world is one
Comms (Mindscape) Power (Broadcast); Information Personal Insignificance; Power of the Mind; Science;
(Synthetics); Resource Exploitation Machines Will Take Over the World!


in Scale (Planetary 6, Multiplanet 7, etc). This happened Each Meme Attack reduces a target culture’s Stability stress
in recent history when the Successor States broke away track by 1. For multiple attacks this may cause consequences in
from the Commonality: the Commonality remained Scale addition to those caused by the Meme Attacks themselves. In
9 (Star Empire), and the Successor States became Scale 8 time, large and powerful cultures may take out smaller ones.
(Interplanetary), ending up with less Skill and Stress points,
making them more vulnerable to cultural conflict. The Hand of God - An Example of
Meme Attack
Cultural Destruction The New Trader Star of Dawn has run the Commonality
Cultures with antagonistic aspects generally remain in Embargo and smuggled a Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL)
constant, low-level Meme Attack. Even though Meme Attacks capability into the Hand of God culture.
can be damaging, cultures are resilient and may persist for
many generations, even under intense attack.

Hand of God Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Enormous (6) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Planetary (6) Minor: ………………

Fate Points: 4 Major:

Severe: Stability Stress
Refresh: 4 Extreme: ………………

Skills Stunts
Superb (+5) Propaganda Cultural Assault
Great (+4) Assertion Propaganda Campaign
Memetic Virus
Good (+3) Transport (Space Travel) Comms (Radio) Assimilate
Fair (+2) Biological Power (Electricity) Adaptability
Resource Exploitation (Industry)
Average (+1) Armaments (Gunpowder) Information (Libraries)
Abysmal (-3) Psi (Pre-Psi) (Gain +3 SP)

Created in the Image of God
Centre of the Universe
Uniqueness of the Human Form
Pinnacle of Creation

Cultural Conflicts


The Hand of God culture begins as follows: Exchange 1
The Meme Attack looks like this:
Hand of God is a closed, paranoid, self-willed, xenophobic culture
with no interest in the universe outside. No place for a holiday! Technological Exchange Meme Attack
Star of Dawn introduces the Fantastic (+6) Transport Scope: 6
(FTL) capability Skill into the culture. This is technological Skills: Great (+4) Assertion, Average (+1) Infiltration
exchange, a Meme Attack using the Commonality’s Average Aspects: Just One World Among Millions, Science!
(+1) Infiltration Skill, and bearing the cultural Aspects Strength Stress: ……………… (0 Consequences)
“Science!” and “Just One World Amongst Millions”. The Hand
of God culture wishes to accept the FTL technology, and so
In the first exchange Hand of God’s Stability stress is reduced
uses its Good (+3) Assimilate Skill to defend.
by 1 point (from 6 to 5) due to the Meme Attack: people go
mad, the media freak out, church leaders froth at the mouth,
Initial Effects politicians fight in the streets.
Hand of God begins to advance its Transport capability from Good
(+3) Transport (Space Travel) to Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL). This The Meme Attack then attacks with Average (+1)
will take three exchanges of roughly a year each, advancing 1 Skill Infiltration against Good (+3) Assimilate. It freely tags
level per exchange (so three years before Hand of God can build the “Just One World Among Millions” temporary Aspect,
a rudimentary planing engine). Manu-Tei, the planet of the Hand succeeding with a total of 6 against 3, for 3 points of
of God culture, has a tech level of Good (+3) Age of Biotech: even damage to Hand of God’s Stability stress track. The Story
after three years it will only utilize the Fantastic (+6) Transport Teller decides the culture takes a Minor consequence
(FTL) capability at a rudimentary level. Any Resource, Engineering, (“Challenge to Holy Authority”), and reduces Stability
or construction-related rolls will be +3 difficulty, and parts may from 5 to 4.
have to be sourced off-world. In particular, Transport (FTL) has the
prerequisite Power (ZIP), which Hand of God doesn’t have, so it will Hand of God then attacks back with Good (+3) Assimilate,
need to acquire this technology to produce a planing engine. rolling a +2 for a total of +5 against the Meme Attack’s +3
(it rolled a -1, added to +4 Assertion). The Meme Attack’s
The Transport (FTL) capability introduces the “Science” and Strength stress track is reduced from 6 to 4.
“Just One World Amongst Millions” cultural Aspects, which
Hand of God acquires as temporary Aspects for the Meme At the end of the exchange the culture sheet looks like this
Attack’s duration. The Story Teller declares the “Science!” (see below) - note the increase from Good (+3) Transport
Aspect is opposed by the Hand of God “Religion” Aspect, and (Space Travel) to Great (+4) Transport (Space Travel).
“Just One World Amongst Millions” by “Centre of the Universe”,
indicating the areas where cultural conflict will break out.


Hand of God Culture (end of exchange 1) Culture Sheet
Scale: Enormous (6) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Planetary (6) Minor: Challenge to Holy Authority ………………
Fate Points: 4 Major:
Refresh: 4 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: …………„„

Skills Stunts
Superb (+5) Propaganda Cultural Assault
Great (+4) Assertion Transport (Space Propaganda Campaign
Travel) Memetic Virus
Good (+3) Transport (Space Travel) Comms (Radio) Assimilate
Fair (+2) Biological Power (Electricity) Adaptability
Resource Exploitation (Industry)
Average (+1) Armaments (Gunpowder) Information (Libraries)
Abysmal (-3) Psi (Pre-Psi) (Gain +3 SP)
Created in the Image of God
Centre of the Universe
Uniqueness of the Human Form
Pinnacle of Creation
*Science! (Temporary Aspect)
*Just One World Among Millions (Temporary Aspect)

Cultural Conflicts
Year 1 Technological Exchange Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL) capability Skill triggering Meme Attack with cultural Aspects
“Science!” and “Just One World Among Millions”.

Exchange 2 Instead it chooses to attack back, rolling +1 and spending

The Meme Attack rolls 0, freely tagging the “Science!” a Fate point to tag its “Created in the Image of God” Aspect
temporary Aspect for a total of +3 against Hand of God’s for a further +2, for a +6 total against the Meme Attack’s roll
disastrous -5 (for a total of -2), resulting in 5 stress damage. of 0 (+4 total). The Meme Attack takes 2 Strength stress - it’s
Hand of God elects to take a Major consequence, “Religious now down to 2.
Belief Shaken”, and reduces Stability from 4 to 3. At this point,
if it wanted to, Hand of God could simply concede, changing At the end of the second exchange (year two), Hand of God’s
its “Centre of the Universe” Aspect to something similar to culture sheet looks like this (see below) . Note that the Transport
“Just One World Among Millions”. It would still gain access to (Space Travel) has risen another level to Superb (+5).
the new FTL capability Skill.


Hand of God Culture (end of exchange 2) Culture Sheet
Scale: Enormous (6) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Planetary (6) Minor: Challenge to Holy Authority ………………
Fate Points: 3 Major: Religious Belief Shaken
Refresh: 4 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: ………„„„

Skills Stunts
Superb (+5) Propaganda Transport (Space Cultural Assault
Travel) Propaganda Campaign
Great (+4) Assertion Transport (Space Memetic Virus
Good (+3) Transport (Space Travel) Comms (Radio) Assimilate
Fair (+2) Biological Power (Electricity) Adaptability
Resource Exploitation (Industry)
Average (+1) Armaments (Gunpowder) Information (Libraries)
Abysmal (-3) Psi (Pre-Psi) (Gain +3 SP)

Created in the Image of God
Centre of the Universe
Uniqueness of the Human Form
Pinnacle of Creation
*Science! (Temporary Aspect)
*Just One World Among Millions (Temporary Aspect)

Cultural Conflicts
Year 2 Technological Exchange Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL) capability Skill triggering Meme Attack with cultural Aspects
“Science!” and “Just One World Among Millions”.

Exchange 3 The Meme Attack is over. At the end of the third exchange,
The Meme Attack rolls -3, freely tagging the “Challenge to the culture sheet is as follows; note the culture has now
Holy Authority” Minor consequence for a total of +0, against developed its Transport (FTL) capability; this is as a result of
Hand of God’s roll of 0 (a total of +3); its attack fails. three years having passed, and nothing to do with winning
the Meme Attack. Hand of God has two consequences
Hand of God attacks back: it rolls +4! It spends a Fate point to which will clear up in a few years, by which time it’ll be back
tag its “Xenophobia” Aspect, for a whopping effort of +9! The to its usual, xenophobic self!
Meme Attack rolls a +1, for a +5 total: respectable, but not
enough to save it. It takes 4 stress, exceeding its remaining
2 points and Taking it Out.


Hand of God Culture (end of exchange 3) Culture Sheet
Scale: Enormous (6) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Planetary (6) Minor: Challenge to Holy Authority ………………
Fate Points: 2 Major: Religious Belief Shaken
Refresh: 4 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: ………„„„

Skills Stunts
Fantastic (+6) Transport (Space Travel) Cultural Assault
Superb (+5) Propaganda Transport (Space Propaganda Campaign
Travel) Memetic Virus
Great (+4) Assertion Transport (Space
Good (+3) Transport (Space Travel) Comms (Radio) Assimilate
Fair (+2) Biological Power (Electricity) Adaptability
Resource Exploitation (Industry)
Average (+1) Armaments (Gunpowder) Information (Libraries)
Abysmal (-3) Psi (Pre-Psi) (Gain +3 SP)

Created in the Image of God
Centre of the Universe
Uniqueness of the Human Form
Pinnacle of Creation
*Science! (Temporary Aspect)
*Just One World Among Millions (Temporary Aspect)

Cultural Conflicts
Year 3: won technological exchange Meme Attack with cultural Aspects “Science!” and “Just One World Among Millions”;
gained Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL) capability Skill.

Gaming Meme Attacks You can connect Meme Attacks to in-game events. Let’s say a
Mindjammer focuses on character-level play. Organization- cultural Aspect has a famous exponent who’s been the target
and culture-level play is assumed to take a supporting role of an assassination attempt. If he’s killed, any Meme Attacks
to the PCs’ story. using that Aspect, or attempts to defend against external
Meme Attacks affecting that Aspect, will be penalized;
Meme Attacks allow the drama of cultural conflict raging the PCs are charged with protecting him. Other examples
through the New Commonality Era to become an integral include natural disasters (causing Stability damage to a
part of Mindjammer games. PCs can take ideological stands, culture), results of nearby wars, visits by dignitaries, factional
get involved in “meme running” to change cultures, or intrigues, media triumphs, and so on. You can tie the fate of
simply trigger cultural upheaval by smuggling technology the New Commonality Era to the PCs’ actions.
or contacting new worlds - or try to stop all of the above!
Think how events the PCs are involved in might affect the
One of the easiest ways to manage cultural conflict in your cultures around them. Discoveries, battles, or diplomatic
campaign is to maintain Culture Sheets for its main cultures, incidents may introduce new cultural Aspects; technological
such as the Commonality or the Venu. As your campaign breakthroughs or unknown alien artefacts may provide
progresses, Meme Attacks and the actions of PCs gradually bonuses to a culture’s R&D efforts or even its Capability Bands
modify the cultures in your campaign. directly. Keep a track of these Aspects and modifiers: once
per game year, you can play out a “Cultural Conflict Turn” for


the cultures concerned. It’s up to you how you do this: you
can do it solo, offline, and present the results to your players Cultures of the New
as a fait accompli in your next session; or you can devote the
whole or part of a session to it, and play out the exchange
Commonality Era
as a game at the cultural level. Let the players play the part This section contains culture sheets for the major cultures
of the culture they identify with; that way, the effects of of the New Commonality Era, including information for use
damage, consequences, Skill and Aspect changes have more in character generation (see Chapter One: Characters).
significance. Players can even change their character’s own The sample character Aspects are derived from the cultural
Aspects to keep pace with the cultural change. Aspects; encourage players to come up with their own, too.

Commonality Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Star Empire (9) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Commonality Space (9) Minor: We must protect our culture …………………„„
Fate Points: 4 Major: Venu is a special case!
Refresh: 4 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: ……………………„

Skills Stunts
Epic (+7) Transport (FTL) Hunter-Killer Eidolons
Fantastic (+6) Armaments (Torsion) Biological Information Q-Ships
(Genurgy) (Synthetics) Memetic Virus
Power (ZIP) Resource Comms Memetic Torpedo
Exploitation (Mindscape) Culture Worlds
(Makepoint) Culture Worlds
Superb (+5)
Great (+4) Assertion
Good (+3) Psi (Pre-Psi) Propaganda
Fair (+2)
Average (+1) Assimilate Infiltration

Mutability of Body Form
Power of the Mind
Live and Let Live
Mankind’s Destiny is in the Stars!
The Commonality is the One True Way
Mankind is young again!
Mankind is a stepping stone to a bright future of evolution
*The Ends Justify the Means (temporary Aspect from Venu Casual Contact)

Cultural Conflicts
Venu Casual Contact (Scope 9) - defending with Great (+4) Assertion and Aspect “Live and Let Live” against Venu’s Great
(+4) Assertion and Aspect “Ends Justify the Means”.


Commonality Culture The Neo-Cultures
All culture worlds are significant for possessing strong and
Sample Character Aspects: We Know Best, One True Path, vibrant cultures capable of withstanding the impact of
Well-Meaning, Evangelistic, Culture Vulture, There’s No Place cultural conflict. Some have unique cultures found nowhere
Like Old Earth, Mindscape Implant. else in the Commonality; others derive from ancient Old
Character Genotypes: Commonality citizens may be human, Earth cultures, in particular the so-called Autumn Cultures
hominid, or synthetic. For xenomorph see the Xenomorph which preceded the Commonality and which formed the
sub-culture below. core of the Great Diaspora. These are the Neo-Cultures,
Commonality sub-cultures sharing more than half the
Commonality culture is the “standard” for Mindjammer Commonality’s Aspects and providing some of their own.
characters. It’s currently trying to assimilate the many
cultures contacted in the Expansion.
Character Aspects of the Commonality Neo-Cultures
The Commonality is a devolved benevolent dictatorship. It Neo-Culture Sample Character Aspects
often strays into grey territory to solve problems, and many Neo-Shinean Inscrutable, Conformist, Self-denying
worlds resist Commonality control. In the conflict with the Venu Neo-Franchian Joi-de-Vivre, Passionate, Indignant
the Commonality is making efforts to win hearts and minds, Neo-Mirkan Gung-ho, Adventurous, Frontier Folk
but sometimes resorts to dubious means to achieve its ends.
Neo-Anglan Stiff upper lip, Tolerant, Proud
Commonality characters have a mandatory “Mindscape Neo-Yarpeen Bureaucratic, Inclusive, Relaxed
Implant” Aspect (or something similar) (see Chapter Three:
Gear), unless they’ve chosen an Aspect like “Mindscape The Xenomorphs
Implant Rejection” or “Mindscape Incompatibility” instead. The xenomorphs are a Commonality sub-culture; all
Characters without Mindscape Implants are regarded as members have the “xenomorph” genotype (see Chapter
handicapped; most come from Fringe or Outer Worlds. One: Characters). Sample character Aspects include: Proud,
However, there are some advantages, including a lack of Submissive, Insecure, Emotional, As Good As You, What Are
traceability and immunity to technopsi. You Looking At?

Chembu Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Colossal (7) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Commonality Space (9) Minor: …………………
Fate Points: 3 Major:
Refresh: 3 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: …………………

Skills* Stunts
Fantastic (+6) Biological (Genurgy) Transport (FTL) Hunter-Killer Eidolons
Superb (+5) Armaments (Disruptors) Power (ZIP) Information Cultural Assault
(Synthetics) Memetic Virus
Comms (Mindscape)
Great (+4) Resource Exploitation (Automated)
Good (+3) Infiltration
Fair (+2) Propaganda
Average (+1) Assimilate Assertion Psi

We are the future
Our bodies are temporary, always in flux
We want you to feel the joy of the Planetary Intelligence!
In the Commonality not of the Commonality
The body can be perfected
We will give this gift to everyone
We must control evolution

Cultural Conflicts

82 *Chembu cultural Skills total 44 points rather than 35, incorporating 9 points of advancement.

Chembu Culture
Sample Character Aspects: The Body Can Be Perfected, I Can Make That For You, This Is Something You Need

Character Genotypes: Chembu are hominids (see page 6).

The Chembu are genurgically modified hominids occupying several heavily modified worlds in a “Chembu Autonomous
Region”. They have representatives throughout Commonality Space as the Chembu Genurgy corporacy. Chembu also make
highly-tailored synthetics.

Sentient Alliance Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Interplanetary (8) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Commonality Space (9) Minor: ……………………
Fate Points: 6 Major:
Refresh: 6 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: ……………………

Skills* Stunts
Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL) Cultural Assault
Superb (+5) Propaganda Comms Q-Ships
(Mindscape) Propaganda Campaign
Great (+4) Assertion Armaments Information All or Nothing
(Blasters) (Computers)
Power (Broadcast) Resource Exploitation (Automated)
Good (+3) Infiltration Biological
Fair (+2) Assimilate
Average (+1) Psi

At last there is a place where xenomorphs can be free!
The Venu are the greater evil
It’s a Brave New World
Watchful if not paranoid
There are always enemies at the gates
The Commonality protects us
We broke free of our masters!
We must find our own way

Cultural Conflicts

Sentient Alliance Culture

Sample Character Aspects: Enemies at the Gates, I’ll Find my own Way, Touchy, It’s a Brave New World!

Character Genotypes: Sentient Alliance citizens are mostly xenomorphs, with human and hominid minorities.

The Successor States are a bickering group of small interstellar cultures sponsored by either the Venu or the Commonality.
The Sentient Alliance is one of the larger, and the only interstellar xenomorph culture in Human Space (though there are
xenomorph cultures on several individual worlds).


Venu Culture Culture Sheet
Scale: Star Empire (9) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Venu Space (9) Minor: ………………„„„
Fate Points: 6 Major: My mutations are honourable!
Refresh: 6 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: ……………………„

Skills Stunts
Fantastic (+6) Transport (FTL) Propaganda Psi Memetic Virus
Superb (+5) Armaments (Disruptors) Infiltration Information Cultural Revolution
(Synthetics) Shock and Awe
Power (ZIP) Cultural Assault
Great (+4) Assertion Comms (Radio) Biological
Resource Exploitation (Automated)
Good (+3)
Fair (+2)
Average (+1)
Mediocre (+0) Assimilate

The Ends Justify the Means
Trust the Technopriests
Science will save us!
Mutation is hideous!
Artificial Intelligence is an Abomination in the eyes of God!
The old ways are best
You should have no god but Venu
There are more things in heaven and earth...
Hail the Radiant Darkness!
*Mutability of Body Form (temporary Aspect from Commonality Casual Contact)

Cultural Conflicts
Commonality Casual Contact (Scope 9) - defending with Great (+4) Assertion and Aspect “Artificial Intelligence is an
Abomination in the eyes of God!” against Commonality’s Great (+4) Assertion and Aspect “Mutability of Body Form”.


Venu Culture Communications Instrumentality personnel are being
promoted way above their capabilities just to fill diplomatic
Sample Character Aspects: Venu Rules All, Strength and administrative positions. They’re complemented by
Through Order synthetics and the Mindscape where possible, but all the
same there’s the feeling that the Commonality is only just
Character Genotypes: Humans, some Mutants coping with the huge job on its hands.

The Venu culture is Mindjammer’s “enemy” culture. Most Outer Worlds Culture
Venu are humans, though with an increasing number of
mutants. There are no xenomorphs or synthetics: both Sample Character Aspects: Xenophobic, Traditionalist,
genotypes are forbidden in Venu society. The Venu have Conservative, Close-minded, Our Way Is Best, You Can’t Do It
conquered some hominid worlds, but aren’t believed to be Like That
in contact with any alien species.
Character Genotypes: Humans, hominids
Fringe Worlds Culture
Beyond the frontier, the Fringe Worlds, and polities like the Venu
Sample Character Aspects: Independent, Proud, We’re Special Empire, lie the countless worlds of Human Space - the theoretical
region some 10,000 light years in diameter which lay within reach
Character Genotypes: Humans, hominids, rare xenomorphs. of Old Earth’s slowships during the First Age of Space.These are the
Synthetics and most xenomorphs are usually arrivals from Outer Worlds - the alien worlds and lost colonies constantly being
the Commonality. rediscoveredbySpaceForce,NewTraders,andtheCommunications
Instrumentality. Most lie beyond the Commonality’s reach, and
Fringe Worlds are usually those the Commonality is currently though the frontier is pushed back every year, it will be centuries
trying to assimilate, often with great difficulty.They’re all Scale 7 before it pushes beyond the Outer Worlds.
or smaller. Hand of God (see above) is a Fringe World culture.
The above statistics are for a primitive Outer World culture;
There are thousands of worlds being contacted out on it’s hard to generalise as they’re all very different. Most are
the Fringe, so many that thinly-spread Space Force and planet-sized, a few comprising a handful of worlds at most.

Outer Worlds Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Large (4) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: National (4) Minor: …………
Fate Points: 6 Major:
Refresh: 6 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: …………

Skills Stunts
Good (+3) Assertion Assimilate Propaganda Traditionalist
Fair (+2) All or Nothing
Average (+1) Infiltration Psi
Mediocre (+0) Resource Exploitation (Agriculture) Comms (Written)
Poor (-1) Armaments (Blades) Transport (Non- Biological
Powered) (Surgical)
Information (Libraries) Power (Physical)

We live by the sword
What is the name of your tribe, stranger?
We have a prophecy
Your ways are wrong!

Cultural Conflicts

Chapter Seven:
The Darradine Rim
“Have you seen the Rim? It’s breathtaking. So many stars, like If you’re interested in creating
diamond dust, so many teeming with life, waiting to be found. your own worlds, but still want
You could spend a thousand years exploring, and never visit the to use the material in this chapter (the
same world twice. And that’s what I intend to do.” various species, the conflict with the Venu), try
detailing a neighbouring octant or subsector. For a
- interview with Youthful Curiosity-439, Space Force completely blank canvas, Commonality Space contains
exploration drone, passing through Ajeux system in early 193 NCE another 26 sectors, each of 125 subsectors of 8 octants apiece,
so you have space to set a huge, home-grown campaign
and still play within Commonality Space. Last of all there
are the uncharted realms of the Outer Worlds. Commonality
scientists theorize that colony slowships penetrated at
least 5000 light years from Old Earth, over 3000 light years
beyond the Commonality frontier in all directions. There are
vast reaches of space potentially populated with Old Earth’s
descendants - space empires, alien civilizations, terrible
galactic threats, and more!

The Darradine Rim

The Darradine Rim is Octant Gamma of the Darradine
Restoration subsector, subsector 2-4-2 of the Rim sector
on the edge of Commonality Space. A region of intense
exploratory activity badly affected by the Venu War of 110-
120 NCE, it borders the Quarantine Zone with the Venu
Empire, and is a hotbed of activity against the Commonality’s
nefarious foe.

Like all Commonality Space, the Darradine Rim has

been opened up in the last two centuries. It contains
numerous Old Colony worlds, populated by humans
during the First Age of Space, several hominid and
xenomorph races, and significant alien presences at
Drefnia and Zvukimu. The octant capital at Ajeux is also
the subsector capital, and is some 250 light years from
the sector capital of Tsen Tair.

The Darradine Rim schematic (see the inside front cover of

this book) shows only the 20-odd star systems significant
to the Commonality; there are many other undiscovered
systems. The octant contains some 4000 stellar bodies (of
all descriptions), and it’s likely there are other habitable
Your Mindjammer Campaign or semi-habitable worlds out there awaiting discovery
and exploration. The major technological civilizations
Human Space is a vast, roughly spherical volume of space have probably all been discovered, but even that isn’t
10,000 light years in diameter, centred on Old Earth. You completely certain.
can set your Mindjammer campaign anywhere within this
space, using as much or as little of this book as you want. This
chapter presents “the Darradine Rim”,a single octant 100 light The Venu Frontier
years a side, as an introductory campaign of pregenerated The Commonality has many “frontier zones” and areas of
worlds for you to get playing right away, and as an example friction and cultural conflict; the Darradine Rim borders one
of the environments of the New Commonality Era. With the of them, the frontier with the Venu Empire, a tense region of
four linked adventures and pregenerated characters at the space 50 light years deep quarantined by the Commonality,
known as the “Quarantine” or the “Q-Zone”.
86 end of this book, all you have to do is jump in and go!

The D
How do you handle space travel?
Some people like playing through space travel in detail, plotting every jump, describing every journey. With
navigation and maintenance rules, docking and trading procedures, this can be great fun: the “Trading Campaign” is an
indispensable staple of science-fiction gaming.

But you don’t have to play like this. Depending on your game style, you can just gloss over space travel. Don’t feel you
have to go into the minutiae of space travel just because you can: it’s perfectly okay to say, “after two weeks in 2-Space
you arrive at your destination”. The main thing is - have fun!

Calculating Distances
The same goes for calculating distances between star systems.These rules let you get some pretty detailed results - but only if you
want to.Try one of the following three methods - all equally valid, they depend on how much crunch you want in your game:

The Don’t-Like-Numbers Method: if you’re happy with a really broad brush approach to interstellar travel, don’t even
bother with distances at all. Check out the “Distance and Range” table on page 39 for how to be fast and loose with
interstellar travel.

The Rough Method: this is a middle-ground between detailed calcs and a fast-and-loose approach. You still need the
Horizontal and Vertical Separation (see below), but just round it off to the nearest 10 light years - in this method we
don’t need finer detail than that.

Once you’ve got the two numbers, look them up on the table below. The result is the rough Actual Separation between
star systems. So, for the Chinhice-to-Furnace distances from the example below we get 20LY Horizontal and 30LY Vertical
Separation (rounded off). On the table this gives 36LY, which isn’t far from the 35.2LY we get from the full calculation.

Horizontal Separation in Light Years (LY)

LY 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
10 14 22 32 41 51 61 71 81 91 100
Vertical Separation in Light Years (LY)

20 22 28 36 45 54 63 73 82 92 102
30 32 36 42 50 58 67 76 85 95 104
40 41 45 50 57 64 72 81 89 98 108
50 51 54 58 64 71 78 86 94 103 112
60 61 63 67 72 78 85 92 100 108 117
70 71 73 76 81 86 92 99 106 114 122
80 81 82 85 89 94 100 106 113 120 128
90 91 92 95 98 103 108 114 120 127 135
100 100 102 104 108 112 117 122 128 135 141

The Detailed Method: this method gives you maximum accuracy, at the price of a bit of maths. You can use Pythagoras’
Theorem to calculate the distance between star systems in 3 dimensions, even from data on a 2-d map. Here’s what you
do: first, measure the distance between systems on the map. For example, on the Darradine Rim schematic the distance
between the Chinhice and Furnace star systems is about 20 light years. That’s the Horizontal Separation. Now, you need the
Vertical Separation: that’s the difference between the Z-coordinates (the numbers in brackets next to each star system).
Chinhice has a Z-coord of +0, and Furnace has +29: that means they have a Vertical Separation of 29 light years.

Now the maths: take the square of the Horizontal Separation and the square of the Vertical Separation and add them
together. Then, take the square root of that. The result is the Actual Separation - the real distance in 3 dimensions
between the two systems. For Chinhice and Furnace, this looks like:
Actual Separation = Square Root of (20LY x 20LY) + (29LY x 29LY)
= Square Root of 1241LY (400 + 841)
= 35.2 LY ...And that’s it!


The Darradine Rim

Since the Venu War the Commonality has been cautious and up-to-date astrographical data. Using the Mindscape
about sharing its technology with newly-contacted cultures. you can tag any Mindjammer Route as an Aspect when
The Commonality Embargo is one of SCI Force’s main making a Star Drive Operation roll to travel along one.
activities along the frontier, and the cause of the high levels
of espionage and counterespionage between the two states. Starship Encounters in the
Commonality Q-Ships patrol the Q-Zone;“suicide synthetics”
infiltrate Venu space, and memetic viruses take the fight Darradine Rim
deep into Venu society. This continuous war of attrition has Use the table below either as part of the Starblazer
one goal: to keep Commonality tech out of Venu hands. In Adventures Plot Generator, or just when you need a random
practice the Quarantine increasingly drives Venu scientists starship encounter.
towards hazardous and experimental research.
Worlds of the Darradine Rim
Mindjammer Routes This section contains planetary maps, planet sheets, and
Mindjammers travel all Commonality worlds, but some descriptions of the twenty or so worlds of the Darradine
more regularly than others. The Darradine Rim schematic Rim, referenced on the star map on the inside front cover. It’s
indicates these Mindjammer Routes. Through frequency of mostly a Commonality-controlled region, with humans the
use, Mindjammer Routes are easier to navigate than other dominant species, although there are large populations of
interstellar routes, and the Mindscape contains more reliable xenomorphs, hominids, and even alien species.

Darradine Rim Starship Encounters

D1 Vs D2 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Unusual Vessel Chembu Lowhigh Ship with Trigger-happy Javawayn Sky
(Slowship, unknown Bioship Lightjammer Zybote Hooyow Training City
alien vessel, etc) Ambassador Vessel
asks to come
2-3 Mindjammer Fast Courier Customs Boat New Trader New Trader New Trader
4-5 Settler Ship Sentient Outremer Surveillance Space Force Patrol Commonality
Alliance Vessels Vessels Drones Explorer Ship
6 Space Force Task Commonality Commonality Pirates! Venu Spyship Venu Raiders
Force Manowar Q-Ship

Neo-Franchian Culture World and Subsector Capital


AJEUX III Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: 1 moon, 1 ring system
Primary Terrain Mixed
Atmosphere Breathable (0.81 atm: N2 70%, O2 22%, H2O 4%, Ne 2%, Ar 1%, Trace: CO2, H2S, SO2)
Population Superb (+5): 2 billion (60% human; 20% synthetic; 15% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Great (+4): Fleur-de-Lys Down Spaceport (Scale-7 ground facility); Arc-en-Ciel Orbital (Scale-6
space station plus dry dock)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Superb (+5): Octant and Subsector Capital
Resources (wealth) Superb (+5)
Resources (materials) Fantastic (+6)
Resources (industrial) Good (+3)
Military Capability Fair (+2)
Planetary Security Good (+3)
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Superb (+5)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Culture World (Commonality-controlled Oligarchy)
Parent Star G5V Main Sequence Star
Culture World (neo-Franchian)
Subsector and Octant Capital
Ancient Slowship Colony
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts None
Planets in System 11 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 73,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 21 deg
Year Length 137 standard days
Day Length 23 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 11,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.84G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 13 deg C
Hydrosphere 70%

Culture Commonality Culture World (neo-Franchian) currently in Stage III Cultural Integration:

The capital of the Darradine Rim octant and Darradine believe it’ll become a vibrant powerhouse of art and culture. The
Restoration subsector, Ajeux is a terraformed garden world Ajeux Games are already a subsector-wide institution.
first colonised by slowship which has recently (75 years ago)
rediscovered its ancient Franchian roots. It’s now one of the Ajeux has a mild climate and strong maritime traditions. Its
Commonality’s culture worlds, where strong and energetic capital, Montparle, stands on the coasts of the great Pacific
cultures are carefully nurtured and enhanced. Many consider the Sound, famous for its skyscrapers, seafood (including some
turbulent cultural melee of Ajeux life to be affectation, but others impressive flying fish), and architecture.


The Darradine Rim

Fringe World Ancient Colony with Beautiful Ring System

Amida is a hot, tropical world. It rotates extremely slowly, Amida lies on the border of the Q-Zone, and is still reeling
taking 34 standard days to complete a day-night cycle - the from being contacted 30 years ago. Originally a Balkanized
“Long Day” and “Long Night” - with profound implications world of many “nations”, it is now struggling with an
for the ecosphere. Plants are dormant every 17 standard embryonic world government. Intrigue and political in-
days, animals change behaviour patterns, and non-tropical fighting is intense, and the Commonality Embassy has its
latitudes have enormous storms. Amidan civilization clusters hands full. A Temple of Universal Mind has been established
around the calmer equator, despite the heat. in Daisetta, named the “Academy of Commonality Studies”
to avoid clashing with the Amidans’ neo-Buddhistic religion.
Amidans live a 26-hour diurnal “Cycle” of 8 hours sleep, 8 A relic xenomorph race of pithecines called the Kaskai lives
hours work, and 10 hours non-work: there are 16 Cycles in in the deep jungles, revered by the Amidans as part of this
an Amidan day period and 16 by night. An Amidan “week” “God-Under-A-Tree” religion: this reverence has been a
is 8 Cycles; there are 4 such “weeks” per Amidan “day”. Treat vector for introducing Commonality ideas, and Daisetta has
an Amidan “day” as a conventional month: half the month is a sizable population of Commonality xenomorphs.
dark, half light. Even during the Long Night there is usually
some light from Amida’s second and third distant “suns”, Daisetta - the City of Spires - is famed for its tree-lined
which appear as little more than extremely bright stars. avenues, spacious feel, and mystical bent. Although most of
Amida is relatively untouched by the Expansion, Daisetta is
The first week of light or darkness is when Amida’s storms quickly becoming a popular if exotic destination.
occur; things are calmer at equatorial latitudes, but still
this is when the planetary capital of Daisetta gets most of Amidans have a standard build, with ruddy and dark brown
its weather, including blizzards towards the end of the first skin tones and brown or black hair, divided into several
week of darkness. During the second week of each day or racial groups. The women of Daisetta are very exotic and
night period temperatures drop or rise sharply, although the renowned for their beauty. Planetary population is only 20
weather is calmer, with cold, clear and frosty weather at night, million, concentrated in the highlands with isolated nation-
and sweltering, almost unbearable heat by day (generally states, small families, and a non-mechanized society engaged
a holiday period for relaxing and staying in cooler areas). in small-scale agriculture. “Suburbs” are very dispersed, and
Tourists and offworlders often have difficulty adjusting to Amidan cities are small.
this attenuated diurnal period, and drugs are available for
“Amidan star-lag”. See Chapter Eleven: The Black Zone for more details on Amida.


AMIDA II Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: ring system, no moons
Primary Terrain Mixed (Garden World)
Atmosphere Breathable (0.8 atm: N2 72%, O2 18%, H2O 5%, Noble 4%, Trace: CO2, CH4)
Population Great (+4): 20 million (90% Daisettan human, 7% Kaskai xenomorph, 3% Commonality xenomorph
and human)
Spaceport Facilities: Average (+1): Daisetta Down (Scale-6 (Enormous) Ground Facility); Commonality Orbital Sensor
Station (Scale-4)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Superb (+5): court of the Sultan of Daisetta
Resources (wealth) Good (+3)
Resources (materials) Good (+3)
Resources (industrial) Mediocre (+0): agricultural world
Military Capability Mediocre (+0): pacifist culture
Planetary Security Average (+1): cadre of Commonality xenomorphs
Tech Level Good (+3): Age of Biotech
Trade Level Average (+1): low-level trade in luxuries and agricultural products
Embargo Average (+1): mostly on armaments and items offending cultural sensibilities

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Independent World w. Embassy (Monarchy)
Parent Star K8V main sequence star (in triple star system)
Ancient Slowship Colony
Mystical world of spires and tropical rainforests
Xenomorphs are revered and respected here
Religion of the God-Under-A-Tree
The Long Day and Long Night of Amida
Limited Mindscape Access: no GMI
There are three suns!

Asteroid Belts 5
Planets in System 7 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 30,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 24 deg
Year Length 44 standard days
Day Length 815 standard hours (34 standard days)
Planetary Diameter 16,000 km
Surface Gravity 1G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 30 deg C
Hydrosphere 63%

Culture Currently in Stage II Cultural Integration: Normalization


The Darradine Rim

Frozen Homeworld of the Snowpeople

The Snekket are the snowpeople of Belawis, a frozen world

with a forbidding ecosystem. Hairy, white-furred hominids Scenario hook: Cold Steel
descended from geneered colonists from the First Age of The PCs have been sent to find out why Scyldvik, an
Space, the Snekket were contacted in the early years of the isolated earldom in the northern fjords, has taken
Expansionary Era. Although few offworlders show interest its shipment of prestigious blaster rifles but not
in this icebound planet, the Snekket themselves are keen to returned its contingent of troops for the Armed
travel throughout the Commonality; while ill able to tolerate Forces Instrumentality. On arrival they’re met with
warm climates, their cold-world endurance makes them extreme hostility; the old earl is dead, and his young
perfect for deep-space mining and cold-world combat ops. successor and his barbarous court want nothing to
The Snekket frequently refer to themselves as “abominable”, do with these weak and dishonourable offworlders!
apparently an obscure and very ancient joke.
Scyldvik needs a reminder that the Commonality
Belawis has embraced Commonality culture enthusiastically is strong, and honourable - but also friends to the
since contact, and its traditions are changing. Belawisi snowpeople. But how?
society is feudal, Snekket communities bound by tradition to
territories owned by a hardy aristocratic class. It’s prestigious
sinister reputation. It’s theorised they’re the dwelling place
for aristocratic courts to send regiments of “guards” offworld
of a powerful and malevolent interstellar intelligence; all
to serve the Commonality, in return for trade luxuries and
who travel to these worlds meet with death, often at their
increased influence.
own hands. Existing data on the worlds comes from probes
which have made it through; what remains unclassified
Cham-Fida Diu-Wayn Planets shows four planets of an unearthly beauty in a clearly
Stellar Anomaly / Navigational artificial rosette. Strange fluorescences swirl around the
Stellar Primary Hazard cluster, an unforgettable yet chilling sight.
Planets in System 4

Planetary Aspects
Malicious inhuman intelligence of vast and terrifying scale
Vivid nightmares - no one stays here long!

One of the most unusual planetary arrangements in Human

Space, this four-world rosette is a known navigation hazard,
avoided by all astrogators except the occasional probe from
the Commonality Research Facility “Telemachus Station”
92 a light year away. The Cham-Fida Diu-Wayn planets have a

BELAWIS I Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: no moon
Primary Terrain Tundra (Barren)
Atmosphere Breathable (1.2 atm: N2 68%, O2 24%, H2O 3%, Noble 3%, CO2 1%, Trace: N2O)
Population Great (+4): 100 million (99% Snekket hominid; <1% human; <1% synthetic; <1% xenomorph; <1%
Spaceport Facilities: Average (+1): Belawis Down Spaceport (Scale-6 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Average (+1)
Resources (wealth) Fair (+2)
Resources (materials) Superb (+5): mines of heavy ores (including smaller Zanthrium deposits)
Resources (industrial) Fair (+2): ore extraction, some processing
Military Capability Average (+1): enthusiastic, but dispersed and badly-coordinated
Planetary Security Mediocre (0)
Tech Level Great (+4): First Age of Space
Trade Level Good (+3): regular ore shipments, agricultural imports
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Feudal)
Parent Star MV main sequence star
Frozen world of ice and snow
Homeworld of the hairy Snowpeople
Ancient Slowship Colony
Humans are a minority here!
Best and most lethal skiing in the subsector!
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 0
Planets in System 7 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 8,500,000 km
Axial Tilt 22 deg
Year Length 11 standard days
Day Length 26 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 16,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.2G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature -26 deg C
Hydrosphere 80%

Culture Currently in Stage II Cultural Integration: Normalization


The Darradine Rim

Zanthrium Mines on a Gas Giant moon

Chardos IV is a huge, brownish-red gas giant, with a dense Morbius Metals governs Chardos, running the mining
moon rich in zanthrium; its mines are infamous throughout operations and the rough and ready Chardos Station, the
the sector, as the almost continuous moonquakes make moon’s principal settlement. Everything on Chardos is
mining in Chardos’ huge mechanical digger “Worms” low-slung and robust to resist the quakes, the high winds
hazardous indeed. Natives are thickset, independent, and buffeting the surface, and the sandstorms (which can
tough, complemented by an Ursoid xenomorph minority last weeks). Most of the population are Morbius Metals
who also make excellent miners. employees, either miners or managers, or service, support,
and “entertainment” workers, though the high-G means few
pleasure workers stay long.


CHARDOS A-IVa Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: moon of system gas giant
Primary Terrain Desert
Atmosphere Incapable of supporting life (1.95 atm: CO2 72%, N2 16%, Ne 6%, Ar 4%, Trace: H2O)
Population Fair (+2): 75,000 (60% human; 20% synthetic; 15% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Mediocre (+0): Chardos Station (Scale-5 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Mediocre (+0)
Resources (wealth) Average (+1)
Resources (materials) Superb (+5)
Resources (industrial) Fantastic (+6): Zanthrium ore mining and processing
Military Capability Mediocre (+0)
Planetary Security Average (+1)
Tech Level Great (+4): First Age of Space
Trade Level Good (+3)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Corporate Control)
Parent Star F8V main sequence star (in triple star system: M-class and close binary)
The Mines of Chardos IV
High-G World of Earthquakes!
The Great Mechanical Digger Worms
Thickset, independent, and tough natives
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 3 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 6,360,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 11 deg
Year Length 236.28 standard years
Day Length 14 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 15,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.5G (Very Dense Core)
Mean Temperature -83 deg C
Hydrosphere 0%

Culture Commonality Standard: Stage IV (Cultural Integrity)


The Darradine Rim

Ancient Shinean Culture World

Chinhice is an ancient Shinean colony, home to many strange Visitors to Chinhice are forbidden to leave Bey Chang
and inscrutable ways. Originally colonised more by force of spaceport and its domed startown without an official
numbers than organisation, it has remained true to its origins, guide, and arrivals are carefully screened to prevent them
with one of the highest agricultural world populations in importing “unauthorised” Breather masks. While spaceport
the Rim Sector. Rigidly regimented, Chinhicean society is tech levels are roughly Commonality standard, those on the
a constant battle with the planetary environment, whose planet proper are considerably lower than the Good (+3)
right-hand amino acid-based ecosystem supports none of average would imply.
the bacteria to allow terrestrial-analogue organisms to thrive,
or even to decompose. Chinhicean rice paddies are carefully Chinhice is a geologically young planet, in transition from a
sterilized before planting, and“seeded”with specially brewed CO2 to O2 atmosphere. The planet supports lots of native sea
microorganic fertiliser to provide the base soil stratum in life, but little on land, mostly just bacteria and blue-green
which edible rice can grow. Everything is recycled into this algae mats covering the coastal areas. There’s little ozone
“sowdirt”, including the dried and processed bodies of the layer, and UV and mutation levels are high.
Chinhicean dead – nothing goes to waste.
The Chinhiceans have had several thousand years to
Chinhice has high levels of atmospheric CO2 which are convert large areas of their planet to terrestrial plant life,
lethally toxic to normal humans; all native Chinhiceans particularly in the lowlands; the uplands are still barren and
are geneered to cope, but visitors require a combined fairly lifeless. In the seas, genurgically-modified algae mats
compressor / scrubber called a Breather. People dwell mostly are now producing more O2, which should result in a thin
in the lowlands, where oxygen levels are higher. but breathable atmosphere for offworlders in the next few
hundred years.


CHINHICE V Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: ring system; no moon
Primary Terrain Steppe (Barren)
Atmosphere Semi-breathable (1.09 atm: N2 69%, O2 15%, CO2 10%, Noble 3%, H2O 2%, Trace: CH4, SO2)
Population Superb (+5): 4 billion (100% adapted human)
Spaceport Facilities: Great (+4): Bey Chang Spaceport (Scale-7 ground facility and Scale-6 orbital facility (space station
plus dry dock))

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Average (+1)
Resources (wealth) Average (+1)
Resources (materials) Superb (+5): agricultural products, esp. Rice
Resources (industrial) Fair (+2)
Military Capability Good (+3)
Planetary Security Fair (+2)
Tech Level Good (+3): Age of Biotech
Trade Level Superb (+5): agricultural exports, high-tech imports
Embargo Good (+3): imposed by Chinhicean government

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Autonomous World (Dictatorship)
Parent Star K4V main sequence star
Ancient Shinean colony - strange and inscrutable ways
High CO2 atmosphere means visitors need to wear Breathers
Weird ecosystem - terrestrial organisms cannot even decompose
Irrigation Channels Everywhere - Don’t Waste Water!
High-population intensive farming
Rigidly regimented society
Nothing goes to waste!
Restricted Mindscape Access

Asteroid Belts 3
Planets in System 7 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 64,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 7 deg
Year Length 138 standard days
Day Length 41 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 18,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.2G (Moderately Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 10 deg C
Hydrosphere 40%

Culture Commonality Culture World (Shinean) in Stage IV: Cultural Integrity.


The Darradine Rim

Chembu Genurgy Corporacy World of Painted Deserts

Delebor is a dry, lifeless world with an acidic atmosphere. isolated homesteads or small settlements stretching all around
Its “painted deserts”, dotted with acidic pools, are lethally the planet.Most structures are underground:the thick,yellowish
beautiful. Chembu Genurgy own the planet, and have many atmosphere is corrosive, and a large part of a Soup Farmer’s day
research and production facilities growing new products consists of repairing their processing plants.
and organisms from the planet’s raw materials. The Soup
Farmers of Delebor, the lowest rank of CG employees, are Air transport is easy in Delebor’s thick atmosphere, and
notoriously restive, and CG maintain their own private police heavy-duty grav tankers make weekly or monthly pickups
force to club them down when required. in outlying areas. These enormous “Soup Tankers” contain
supplies, shops, and are a Soup Farmer’s only way to get
Chembu Depot is Delebor’s main settlement, accounting for to Chembu Depot and off-world - putting them at the
a third of its population; the rest live in far-flung “Soup Farms”, corporate government’s mercy.


DELEBOR V Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: 1 moon
Primary Terrain Desert
Atmosphere Acidic (6.8 atm: N2 38%, NO2 32%, NO 12%, CO2 7%, HNO3 5%, Ne 4%, Ar 2%)
Population Good (+3): 250,000 (70% human; 10% Chembu hominid; 15% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Mediocre (0): Chembu Depot (Scale-5 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Average (+1)
Resources (wealth) Fair (+2)
Resources (materials) Great (+4)
Resources (industrial) Fantastic (+6): acid and organic compound extraction and processing
Military Capability Mediocre (+0)
Planetary Security Fair (+2)
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Superb (+5): finished and semi-finished genurgy products
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Corporate Control: Chembu Genurgy)
Parent Star K9V main sequence star
Weird Chembu world
Lethal beauty of the Painted Deserts
Pools of acids everywhere!
The restive Soup Farmers
Heavy-handed private police force
Fairly low gravity
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 11 (3 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 40,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 6 deg
Year Length 66 standard days
Day Length 340 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 9,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.8 G (Moderately Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 26 deg C
Hydrosphere 0%

Culture Commonality Corporate (Chembu Genurgy) in Stage IV: Cultural Integrity


The Darradine Rim

Famed Planet of the World Trees

The Mozgooms of Drefnia are famous throughout the relationship which forms the basis for a strange kind of trade,
Commonality – the World Trees. Thousands of metres as the Zybotes are able to activate latent psionic powers in
tall, with root systems covering thousands of square their human companions.
kilometres, they are one of the few vegetable intelligences
ever encountered. Together with the Zybotes, symbiotic Drefnia’s high CO2 content puts the atmosphere on the
motile fungi, the Mozgoom form a single, world-spanning edge of breathability, but most humans get by without
civilization. Tree City is where the Commonality and the breather masks for a month or so (although they may get
Mozgoom meet, though rare scholars, ambassadors, and terrific headaches and nausea for the first few days until
traders are permitted further, and where selected Zybotes they acclimatize). The Commonality maintains a SCI Force
leave their world to travel with agents of the Commonality, a presence in the system; the planet itself is quarantined.


DREFNIA A-III Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: ring system; no moon
Primary Terrain Jungle
Atmosphere Breathable (0.9 atm: N2 64%, O2 25%, H2O 4%, CO2 3%, Noble 3%, Trace: CH4, NO2)
Population Fair (+2): 15,000 humans and others at Tree City; also, 2.5 million Zybote and unknown population
of Mozgoom in deep jungle
Spaceport Facilities: Mediocre (0): Tree City (Scale-5 ground facility)
Average (+1): SCI-Force Quarantine Facility (Scale-6 orbital facility (space station plus dry dock))

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Good (+3): World Tree Council at Tree City
Resources (wealth) Poor (-1): Intellectual and psionic research resources
Resources (materials) Fair (+2): Undeveloped agricultural world
Resources (industrial) Abysmal (-3): No industry
Military Capability Abysmal (-3): No defences
Planetary Security Superb (+5): SCI-Force Quarantine
Tech Level Abysmal (-3): Post-animal organization only. No technology.
Trade Level Abysmal (-3)
Embargo Good (+3): Quarantined world

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Aligned World (Vegetable intelligence communion)
Parent Star G5V main sequence
Giant thinking trees bigger than skyscrapers!
Weird flying fungi can read your mind!
Quarantined world - it’s forbidden to leave Tree City, and we can’t guarantee your safety.
Scientists’ paradise - cool contemplation, cultural research, and strange psionic secrets everywhere.
Spies could be everywhere!
One of the best kept secrets in the galaxy.
Local Mindscape in Tree City only; no GMI.

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 13 (3 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 85,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 31 deg
Year Length 160 standard days
Day Length 696 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 12,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.92G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 18 deg C
Hydrosphere 60%

Culture Drefnian. Limited Commonality Influence (Stage I Cultural Integration: Contact).


The Darradine Rim

Zybotes are human-sized, roughly diamond-shaped floating creatures similar in shape to a stingray. Their primary sense is
sonar, and they have 2-metre long manipulating tentacles around their frontal “mouth” (in fact an absorbent palate) and a
barb thrower in their flexible “tail”; they also have psionic powers such as telepathy and telekinesis. Sometimes found on
“fact-finding” missions aboard Commonality planeships, they provide human companions with limited psionic powers.
The stats below are for an independent Zybote. Zybote companions can also be statted using the Starblazer Companion
rules, with Advances like Independent, Communication, and the Skills below.

Typical Zybote
Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 5 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1
Good (+3) Fly
Fair (+2) Telepathy Telekinesis
Average (+1) Fists Alertness
Barb Thrower
Motile fungus
Psionic and symbiotic sentience
Alien thought processes
Travelling in the Commonality to learn
Minor Weaknesses: Sonic weapons, salt water, radioactivity
Flight [Fly]
Probe [Telepathy]
Psionic Symbiote [Telepathy]*
Active Sonar [Alertness]
Extra-sensory Digits [Alertness]
May “carry” various Commonality items it is “investigating” (a recent Zybote nicknamed Rummage aboard the
NCS Far Voyager developed an inexplicable attachment to the ship’s coffee maker, and became distressed
whenever separated from it. Rummage has since returned to Drefnia, and the Far Voyager has found a new
coffee maker...)
*Allows a human to develop a Psionic Skill (requires an Advancement) when in the same Zone as the Zybote.
Maximum level is the Zybote’s Telepathy Skill level.


Corporacy-controlled Desert Hotworld

Victim of a runaway greenhouse effect, Furnace boasts for the raw materials – including quartz, aluminium oxide
atmospheric pressures which would squash an unprotected (and ruby and sapphire deposits), sulphates, and molten or
man flat in milliseconds. It’s a murky, torrid world, with high near-molten metals and heavy ores – simply lying around for
axial tilt, and host to murderous hurricanes and acid storms. the taking. This extremely challenging environment is home
No one in their right mind would visit this place, were it not to Darradine Industries and Morbius Metals refineries.


The Darradine Rim

FURNACE II Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: 1 moon
Primary Terrain Hotworld Desert
Atmosphere Corrosive: incapable of supporting life (57.48 atm: CO2 72%, Cl 12%, N2 11%, H2SO4 5%)
Population Good (+3): 100,000 (60% human; 35% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Mediocre (0): Morbius-Darradine Down (Scale-5 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Average (+1)
Resources (wealth) Great (+4): Corporacy complexes on-world
Resources (materials) Superb (+5): Extensive deposits
Resources (industrial) Superb (+5): Mineral and metal extraction and processing facilities
Military Capability Average (+1)
Planetary Security Average (+1)
Tech Level Great (+4): First Age of Space
Trade Level Great (+4): import of heavy vehicles, food, luxuries; export of minerals, metals
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Corporate Control: Darradine Industries and Morbius Metals)
Parent Star G8V main sequence star
Runaway greenhouse effect
Atmospheric pressure would squash a man flat in milliseconds
Murky, torrid
Murderous hurricanes and acid storms
No one in their right mind would visit this place!
Heavy Corporacy presence
These workers need entertaining!
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 8 (2 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 50,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 20 deg
Year Length 72 standard days
Day Length 204 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 14,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.1G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 763 deg C
Hydrosphere 0%

Culture Commonality Standard (Stage IV: Cultural Integrity)


Swamp World of Goggle-eyed Xenomorphs

A sweltering swamp world and gas giant moon, Galagole

is inhabited predominantly by amphibian xenomorphs Scenario hook: The Lost City
– fattish, baldish, goggle-eyed humanoids with pallid, There’ve been stories of ancient ruins and lost
moist skin of a greenish hue. A poor, agricultural treasures in the swamps of Galagole for years, and
backwater, there’s little to interest the visitor beyond the only cranks and treasure-hunters ever take them
exotic cuisine. The Commonality maintains a secretive seriously. But in a waterfront bar a local f-person
training base for amphibious commandos here, off- approaches the PCs, a trader with a regular run
limits to practically everyone. While f-people dwelling to the secretive Commonality commando base
close to Galagole Down seem reasonably civilised (if upriver. He offers them a treasure he got from
rustic), rumours persist of savage tribes in the deep the swamp tribes up there - a small statuette of a
swamps practising bestial cults and presiding over lost weird-looking starship, apparently made out of
and hidden treasures; such rumours should of course be solid gold!
treated with skepticism.
What are the Commonality commandoes doing
Galagole’s low-lying archipelagos and shallow seas make in the deep swamp? Are they really just “training”?
hover vehicles the best transport, although many f-people Could the rumours of treasure-laden ancient cities
rely on vehicles pulled by the amphibious vadakroffs be true? And a starship!?
(“kroffies” for short). Preventing things rotting or rusting in
Galagole’s atmosphere is a perennial problem.
questions about their ancestry. Rumours abound about a
The f-people seem to be a type of xenomorph or hominid, native race dwelling in the deep swamps, dark and savage,
but not necessarily a geneered one, raising uncomfortable with whom the early colonists somehow interbred.


The Darradine Rim

GALAGOLE A-IId Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: moon of system gas giant
Primary Terrain Swamp
Atmosphere Breathable (0.8 atm: N2 57%, O2 31%, Noble 6%, H2O 5%, Trace: CO2, CH4)
Population Great (+4): 10 million (85% xenomorph; 10% human; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Poor (-1): Galagole Down Spaceport (landing strip)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Poor (-1)
Resources (wealth) Poor (-1)
Resources (materials) Fair (+2): swamp-based agricultural products and exotic foods
Resources (industrial) Mediocre (0)
Military Capability Terrible (-2)
Planetary Security Mediocre (+0)
Tech Level Average (+1): Steam, electricity, and fusion plants.
Trade Level Poor (-1)
Embargo Average (+1): medium embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Aligned World (Mostly Lawless, Tribal)
Parent Star K4V main sequence star in binary system
This food is disgusting!
Low gravity world
These guys have really disturbing, fishy eyes...
Hot, damp, sweltering swamp world
Rumours of savage tribes in the deep swamp
Local Mindscape in starport only; no GMI

Asteroid Belts 2
Planets in System 8 (3 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 950,000 km from gas giant; 42,000,000 km from primary
Axial Tilt 14.9 deg
Year Length 16 standard days (around gas giant); 74 standard days (around primary)
Day Length 20 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 5,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.42G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 24 deg C
Hydrosphere 80%

Culture Galagole in deep swamp; Commonality Standard influence around Galagole Down (Stage II:


Come to the Romantic Jemelan Quartz Groves!

Jemela is a garden world, famed for its tides, flying animals, synthetics, workers acting as coordinators and technicians.
and some of the finest quartz deposits in the sector. Mai The Jemelan Quartz Groves are said to be one of the most
Ling Optics owns the planet, also exploiting its beauty for romantic spots for light years around, and many people
its tourism potential. Mining and refining is mostly done by come to marry beneath the gorgeous gas giant “Jewel”
hanging in the Jemelan sky.


The Darradine Rim

JEMELA IIh Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: moon of system gas giant (“Jewel”)
Primary Terrain Garden World (Mixed)
Atmosphere Breathable (1.44 atm: N2 67%,O2 23%,Noble 6%, H2O 3%, Trace: CO2, SO2)
Population Great (+4): 250 million (50% human; 45% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Fair (+2): Crystal City Down (Scale-7 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Good (+3): good PR, good tourist relations
Resources (wealth) Superb (+5): agriculture, Mai Ling Optics, plus tourism
Resources (materials) Superb (+5): agricultural world with extensive quartz deposits
Resources (industrial) Superb (+5): quartz extraction and processing facilities
Military Capability Average (+1)
Planetary Security Average (+1)
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Great (+4)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Corporate control: Mai Ling Optics)
Parent Star K8V main sequence star
Come and spend your honeymoon in the beautiful Quartz Groves of Jemela!
Finest quartz deposits in the subsector
Mai Ling Optics corporate world
Synthetics do most of the hard work
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 7 (4 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 2,000,000 km from gas giant; 45,000,000 km from primary
Axial Tilt 2 deg
Year Length 24 standard days (around gas giant); 80 standard days (around primary)
Day Length 26 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 14,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.1G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 13 deg C
Hydrosphere 70%

Culture Commonality Corporate (Stage IV: Cultural Integrity)


New Howzat
Dying World with Mysterious Quarantined Ruins

New Howzat has the most spectacular set of Predecessor New Howzat has seen numerous archaeological expeditions
ruins in the sector, scattered across the planet and around since its discovery a century ago; the planet has little else to make
its Bright Face magma ocean and polar Dark Side icecap. it commercially viable. Its location on the Mindjammer Routes has
The ruins were clearly once more extensive but have created a rough,frontier colony at Woolamalong Down Spaceport,
long since succumbed to erosion; evidence suggests and considerable trade – some legal – passes through this lively
New Howzat suffered major ecological damage in the if often dangerous world. The Commonality quarantine on the
last million years, including atmospheric denudation and Howzat Ruins apart from a token “tourist zone” only seems to
a shift of the planetary axis. Today it’s a dying world, a encourage all manner of charlatans and treasure hunters.
shattered biosphere struggling to survive on the dead sea
beds of its habitable zone. Most soil has oxidised into red High levels of atmospheric helium suggest a technological
dust, although the thin atmosphere remains breathable culture using hydrogen fusion existed on New Howzat in
with compressor / filter masks. the last million years. Its rings are theorized to be remnants
of a moon destroyed in the same period.


The Darradine Rim

NEW HOWZAT I Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: tidally-locked, ring system, no moons
Primary Terrain Desert
Atmosphere Breathable in habitable zone (thin atmosphere, breathable with compressor / filter masks: 0.42
atm (N2 59%, O2 35%, He 2%, Xe 2%, H2O 1%, Trace: CO2, SO2, H2O))
Population Good (+3): 500,000 (variable, mixed)
Spaceport Facilities: Average (+1): Woolamalong Down Spaceport (Scale-5 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Poor (-1)
Resources (wealth) Poor (-1): Mostly generated by trade and unequally distributed.
Resources (materials) Poor (-1)
Resources (industrial) Poor (-1): Locally made personal shields.
Military Capability Fair (+2): SCI Force Quarantine Station
Planetary Security Good (+3): SCI Force quarantine
Tech Level Fair (+2): Computer Age
Trade Level Fair (+2): focussed on the Howzat Ruins. Import of personal shields.
Embargo Good (+3): SCI Force quarantine

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Quarantine World (Dictatorship)
Parent Star M4V main sequence star
Mysterious ruins of the ancient Predecessors!
Tidally-locked world with Bright Face and Dark Side
A red planet - a dying world
Rough and tumble trading station
Don’t mess with the Commonality Quarantine!
There’s more to this place than meets the eye...
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 4 (2 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 4,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 90 deg
Year Length 4 standard days (89 hours)
Day Length Tidally-locked (89 hours)
Planetary Diameter 16,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.18G (Medium Core)
Mean Temperature 5 deg C
Hydrosphere 3%

Culture Commonality Standard (Stage IV: Cultural Integrity)


Nimbu Prime
Double-planet System with Classified Commonality Research Station

Nimbu is a twin world system in the star system’s second Earth’s moon in the sky, orbiting every six weeks causing
orbit; its partner Secundus is a crater-pocked ice ball with enormous tides thirty times as strong as Old Earth’s and
a thin atmosphere marginally breathable with the aid of dwarfing those of the smaller moons. The planet is covered
compressor masks. Nimbu Prime is a cold, uninhabited with salt marshes and some devastating tidal bores.
earth-like world with a distant bright sun. The biosphere
is carbon-based, with the highest life-forms reptile Nimbu’s atmosphere has a high oxygen content, and fires
analogues; there’s no evidence of sentient life. Nimbu start easily. Plant life has developed protective coatings, high
was discovered a few decades ago, and has a research water content, even flame-retardant compounds, but even
base which while not secret isn’t exactly public; a native so forest fires are common, contributing to the atmosphere’s
creature known as a Colony Lizard is believed to exhibit high ammonia content. Nimbu is wild and inhospitable,
rudimentary psionic powers. but it’s due more to remoteness and Commonality
discouragement that no one has set up a colony here yet.
The lack of gas giants means there’s a lot of debris from
the planetary accretion disk still in-system, with signs of
major impacts on Nimbu Prime in geologically recent time.
The planet has spectacular meteor showers, and in-system
navigation can be hazardous: ships dropping out of 2-Space
may find themselves right in the middle of an uncharted
debris field!

Uncharted Debris Field

Skills: Fists +3, Athletics +2, Alertness +1
Aspects: Bash to Bits, Pilot’s Nightmare
Physical Stress: …………… (2 Consequences)
Secrets Stress: ……… (1 Consequence)
Notes: Match Guns vs Athletics to blast your way out
(Physical Stress), or Manoeuvre vs Athletics to dodge your
way out (Secrets Stress).

Nimbu orbits far from its primary. It has two close, fast moons
(1500-2000km diameter), as well as the great violet-white
orb of the frozen world Secundus, four times as large as Old

The Darradine Rim

NIMBU II-alpha Class-8 Terrestrial World: 2 moons
Primary Terrain Mixed
Atmosphere Breathable (0.9 atm: N2 54%, O2 36%, H2O 4%, Ar 3%, CH4 2%, Trace: CO2, SO2, NH3)
Population Mediocre (0): 30 persons (research base)
Spaceport Facilities: Poor (-1): Landing Strip

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Fair (+2)
Resources (wealth) Abysmal (-3)
Resources (materials) Good (+3)
Resources (industrial) Average (+1)
Military Capability Abysmal (-3)
Planetary Security Abysmal (-3)
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Poor (-1)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Outpost (Research Station)
Parent Star A3V Main Sequence Star
Cold world with long days and long years.
There are some REALLY big lizards here!
Spectacular meteor shows.
Classified Research Station.
Rich in resources and completely unexploited - but why?
No Mindscape

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 5 (no gas giants)
Orbital Distance 400,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 11.2 deg
Year Length 3 Standard Years
Day Length 34.4 Standard Hours
Planetary Diameter 11,500 km
Surface Gravity 0.9G (Moderately Dense
Mean Temperature 9 deg C
Hydrosphere 54%

Culture Commonality Standard (Stage IV: Cultural Integrity)


Cratered Wonder of the Darradine Rim

Olkennedy was recently designated one of the wonders of Olkennedy is an ancient slowship colony discovered a
the Darradine Restoration, a matter of great pride to its newly- century ago. It was quarantined for much of the intervening
contacted inhabitants. It’s a mountainous, volcanic world, period as SCI Force engineered its culture to be less
uninhabitable for the most part except for its spectacular traumatized by Commonality arrival. Quarantine was
“Crater”. Deep enough to have its own atmosphere and lifted about twenty years ago when it was decided to stop
ecosystem, it takes up 1/12th of the planet’s surface, responsible engineering Olkennedy as a neo-Mirkan culture world (its
for the planet’s bizarre weather, including the “Precipitation name means “Old Canada”) and instead incorporate it into
Zone” or “Snowlayer” between Crater and uplands where rising the Commonality mainstream as quickly as possible. Many
moisture-laden air falls as snow along the Crater’s rim,producing people are still awestruck by the sudden arrival of a vast and
spectacular snow-capped peaks and amazing waterfalls. sophisticated interstellar civilization on their doorstep.


The Darradine Rim

OLKENNEDY B-I Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: no moon (various moonlets)
Primary Terrain Mixed (within Olkennedy Crater)
Atmosphere Breathable (within Olkennedy Crater: 1.33 atm (N2 67%, O2 27%, Noble 4%, H2O 1%, Trace: CO2, SO2)
Population Great (+4): 30 million (40% human; 10% hominid; 40% xenomorph; 10% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Fair (+2): Craterport Down Starport (Scale-7 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Average (+1)
Resources (wealth) Average (+1)
Resources (materials) Fair (+2)
Resources (industrial) Fair (+2)
Military Capability Average (+1)
Planetary Security Average (+1)
Tech Level Great (+4): First Age of Space
Trade Level Fair (+2)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Representative Democracy)
Parent Star MV main sequence star in binary system
Ancient Slowship Colony
The Olkennedy Crater - one of the wonders of the Darradine Restoration!
Nearly a neo-Mirkan Culture World
There’s a whole interstellar civilization out there!
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 2 (no gas giants)
Orbital Distance 6,500,000 km
Axial Tilt 3.7 deg
Year Length 8.3 standard days
Day Length 18 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 17,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.3G (Dense Core)
Mean Temperature -15 deg C (on surface); 14 deg C (in Olkennedy Crater)
Hydrosphere 5%

Culture Fringe World currently in Stage II: Normalization.


Stormswept World of the High Pampas and Everfalls

Tambini is a large, high-G world of plateaus and gorges. and ground-based facilities; the Javawayn themselves remain
The plateaus are subject to high winds; the gorges are in orbit or special low-grav habitats.
sheltered and inhabited. Amazing electrical storms occur
at the interface: life cooked up pretty quickly here, and the The Tambini natives are hominids descended from the original
mutation rate remains high; pools of potent amino acids slowship colonists; until the Commonality’s arrival they led an
dot the High Pampas. Tambini has two distinct ecologies: arboreal existence in the Everfalls (many still do). They’re mainly
the gorges are packed with jungle-like vegetation; and their quadrupedal, with four powerful “arms” for rock- and tree-
walls form the “Everfalls”,rainforests of massive, thick-trunked climbing and making powerful leaps in the Everfalls environment.
trees, hundreds of feet wide and thousands of feet high. Nowadays even they use grav-belts to assist them.

Tambini is renowned for its grav flyers; anti-grav transport is There’s a theory that the Javawayn are somehow descended from
widespread on the planet. Javawayn Industries have orbital theTambini hominids,and thatTambini is the unknown Javawayn
homeworld. Neither species can answer authoritatively.


The Darradine Rim

TAMBINI A-III Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: dual ring system; no moon
Primary Terrain Steppe (Barren)
Atmosphere Breathable (1.5 atm (N2 74%, O2 20%, H2O 3%, Xe 2%, Trace: CO2, NO2, HNO3) : dense in Everfalls;
breathable with compressors on High Pampas)
Population Great (+4): 50 million (30% hominid; 20% human; 45% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Great (+4): Tambini Down (Scale-7 ground facility); Everfall Highport (Scale-6 Javawayn Sky City)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Good (+3)
Resources (wealth) Good (+3)
Resources (materials) Good (+3)
Resources (industrial) Good (+3): Export of anti-grav technologies widespread
Military Capability Average (+1)
Planetary Security Average (+1)
Tech Level Great (+4): First Age of Space
Trade Level Good (+3): Javawayn Industries major plant
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Commonality-controlled Oligarchy)
Parent Star MV main sequence star in triple star system
Ancient slowship colony
Weird arboreal natives
Amazing electrical storms at the tops of the Everfall gorges
Pools of amino acids on the High Pampas
Vertical jungles of the Everfalls, thousands of meters high
High-gravity world
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 8 (3 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 21,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 13 deg
Year Length 30 standard days
Day Length 62 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 30,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.9G (Moderately Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 24 deg C
Hydrosphere 20%

Culture Commonality Standard currently in Stage II: Normalization.


The Sky Cities of Zalmoxis and the Infamous Casino Vulcanica!

This euphemistically named world is the third moon of the Grundshlaker, is the location of the legendary Casino Vulcanica,
ruddy gas giant Zalmoxis, and one of the most geologically where whole worlds are gambled and won in a single night.
unstable bodies in the entire octant. A constantly erupting mass
of volcanoes, earthquakes, lava spouts and aurorae, it’s beautiful, Surface installations on Tremor are mostly semi-automated
deadly,and a popular tourist destination.The Sky Cities of Zalmoxis sulphur mines operated by high-endurance synthetics,
III are palatial, operated by the Javawayn and catering for the but also including several research stations investigating
elite of the Darradine Restoration; one of the most exclusive, the Tremor’s extraordinary environment.


The Darradine Rim

TREMOR A-Va (ZALMOXIS-a) Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: 1st moon of system gas giant
Primary Terrain Volcanic
Atmosphere Toxic (0.68 atm: SO2 88%, O2 10%, Trace: K, Na, Cl, CO2)
Population Great (+4): 2 million (70% human; 10% hominid; 15% xenomorph)
Spaceport Facilities: Great (+4): Shaker Station (Scale-7 ground facility plus Scale-6 orbital facility (space
station plus dry dock))

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Superb (+5)
Resources (wealth) Fantastic (+6)
Resources (materials) Fair (+2): sulphur
Resources (industrial) Fair (+2): sulphur mining and processing
Military Capability Fair (+2)
Planetary Security Good (+3)
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Great (+4)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Government Commonality Member World (Corporate controlled)
Parent Star Classification F9V main sequence star in binary star system (MV companion)
Risk it all in the Casino Vulcanica!
The Sky Cities of Zalmoxis III
Lethally beautiful, erupting mass of unstable lava fields
Come join the tourists on Tremor!
Intense magnetosphere and beautiful aurorae
Global Mindscape Instance

Additional Information
Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 9 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 249,000,000 km
Axial Tilt None
Year Length 1 standard year 334 standard days
Day Length 41 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 5,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.5G (Very Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 92 deg C
Hydrosphere 0%

Culture Commonality Standard (Stage IV: Cultural Integrity)


Cold Dry world of the Viri Hominids

A dry cold world contacted 140 years ago and homeworld The Viri have pale green complexions and dry, almost reptilian
of the Viri hominids. It’s a twin planet, sharing a common skin.For hominids,they’re very alien:reserved,logical,sometimes
centre of gravity with its companion Esmirunt in the only arrogant and inhuman, they nevertheless make splendid
occupied orbit of its M0V primary, itself companion to a K9V artists - Viri music and architecture are known throughout
main sequence star. There are two other distant M-class stars the Commonality. Viri are natural scholars, excelling in science,
in this rare four-star system. academics, and engineering: their scientists have made several
Mindscape innovations, and many Commonality starships
employ Viri doctors, engineers, and science officers.


The Darradine Rim

VIRI A-1 I-alpha Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: no moon
Primary Terrain Steppe
Atmosphere Breathable (0.73 atm: N2 66%, O2 31%, H2O 2%, Trace: CO2, Noble, SO2)
Population Great (+4): 10 million (70% hominid; 10% human; 5% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Fair (+2): Twin Cities Down (“Dakrazar”) Starport (Scale-7 Ground Facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Great (+4)
Resources (wealth) Good (+3)
Resources (materials) Good (+3)
Resources (industrial) Fair (+2)
Military Capability Average (+1)
Planetary Security Fair (+2)
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Good (+3)
Embargo Mediocre (+0): No Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Aligned World (Oligarchy)
Parent Star M0V main sequence star with K9V close companion in multiple star system (2 other MV stars)
There are four suns in the sky!
Exotic flora and fauna
Cold dry homeworld of the alien Viri
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts None
Planets in System 2 (no gas giants, although 2 gas giants orbit Viri A-2, the close companion)
Orbital Distance 18,600,000 km
Axial Tilt 3 deg
Year Length 149 standard days
Day Length 19 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 8000 km
Surface Gravity 0.69G (Moderately Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 3 deg C
Hydrosphere 30%

Culture Commonality Standard currently in Stage II: Normalization


Sub-aquan Neo-Shinean Culture World

Xaiwu is a cold world, polished and scoured, shiny and Chembu Genurgy is active on Xaiwu, and about a third
cracked from space. Under the icy surface a vibrant ocean of the population sports gills and other sub-aquan
ecosystem thrives: huge Seaworms, kilometres long, patrol enhancements. The rest use other modifications, including
the shallows, and deep down, where the pressures are great, ingenious exoskeletons and submarine craft. While the
swim herds of beautiful flickering Fluocytes. Xaiwu is a neo- conurbations remain domed with standard terrestrial
Shinean colony, only 150 years old but already supporting atmospheres, it’s expected that Xaiwu will gradually
200 million people in 5 vast undersea conurbations. The become an aquatic culture.
world has a booming agricultural industry.


The Darradine Rim

XAIWU IV Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: ring system; 15 moons
Primary Terrain Water (frozen surface)
Atmosphere Incapable of supporting life (Trace - life confined to oceans)
Population Great (+4): 200 million (100% human)
Spaceport Facilities: Good (+3): Topside Down Spaceport (Scale-7 ground facility plus Scale-5 orbital facility (space

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Good (+3)
Resources (wealth) Great (+4): agriculture, tech, tourism.
Resources (materials) Great (+4)
Resources (industrial) Average (+1)
Military Capability Average (+1)
Planetary Security Good (+3): naturally protected
Tech Level Fantastic (+6): Second Age of Space
Trade Level Great (+4): agricultural products and sub-aquan equipment exports.
Embargo Mediocre (+0)

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Culture World (Dictatorship)
Parent Star F5V main sequence star
Highly-populated undersea cities
Neo-Shinean culture world
Enormous native fauna
Thriving agricultural world
Cool sub-aquan vessels
A third of the population have gills!
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 3 (2 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 179,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 14.9 deg
Year Length 415 standard days
Day Length 996 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 24,000 km
Surface Gravity 1.0G (Medium Core)
Mean Temperature -20 deg C
Hydrosphere 100%

Culture Commonality Culture World (Neo-Shinean) currently in Stage IV: Cultural Integrity


Get away from it all with the Snakepeople of Zhaffrane!

The immense, horse-like chelodonts of Zhaffrane stand the ceremonial headdresses of the native snake-people
fifteen metres tall at the shoulder. They feed off succulent xenomorphs. The snake-people are descendants of original
saprophytes in the tops of Zhaffrane’s hard, spiny balonti colony farm-workers, and are renowned as chelodont
trees, from which mungi, the local brandy-like distillate, mahouts; many still follow semi-nomadic lifestyles. In the
is made. Zhaffrane is a geologically ancient world, Expansionary Era Zhaffrane has become a destination for
tectonically stable, and lifeforms have evolved extraordinary tourists and colonists seeking a “simpler” existence, and all
specializations, including the explosive blastbeast and the the benefits and perils which the commercial and cultural
iridescent laserhawk, whose crystalline feathers decorate melange of the Commonality brings.


The Darradine Rim

ZHAFFRANE III Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: ring system; no moons
Primary Terrain Mixed
Atmosphere Breathable (0.95 atm: N2 57%, O2 35%, H2O 4%, Noble 3%, Trace: CO2, SO2, CH4)
Population Great (+4): 20 million (80% xenomorph; 15% human; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Average (+1): Balontiville Down Starport (Scale-6 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Fair (+2)
Resources (wealth) Average (+1): tourism
Resources (materials) Average (+1)
Resources (industrial) Terrible (-2)
Military Capability Poor (-1)
Planetary Security Mediocre (+0)
Tech Level Poor (-1): Metal Age
Trade Level Poor (-1)
Embargo Average (+1): Medium Embargo (license needed to sell tech beyond Balontiville)

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Commonality-controlled Oligarchy around Balontiville; elsewhere
Government Lawless, Tribal)
Parent Star K9V main sequence star in binary system (G9V companion)
Ancient Slowship Colony
Semi-nomadic snakepeople tribes
Come and experience a simpler existence with the snakepeople of Zhaffrane!
Local Mindscape in Balontiville only; no GMI

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 9 (3 gas giants)
Orbital Distance 30,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 8.7 deg
Year Length 44 standard days
Day Length 83 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 16,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.94G (Moderately Dense Core)
Mean Temp 15 deg C
Hydrosphere 50%

Culture Fringe World currently in Stage I Cultural Integration: Contact


Beautiful Homeworld of the Mysterious Singers

Zvukimu is an old binary system. The beautiful crystalline lets a lot of UV through. They’re clumsy in standard gravity,
peaks of Zvukimu A-II rise out of the atmosphere, inhabited but make excellent astronauts, starship techs, and zero-G
by an extremely rare race of plasma beings called the Singers, combat troops. Zvukimu has good starship manufacture
whose presence is accompanied by haunting piping and and repair yards.
singing. Mildly interested in communicating with visitors,
they otherwise have little constructive contact with the Zvukimu is home to Gentility Base, an intelligent space
Commonality. habitat and one of the main SCI Force bases in the Restoration.
Offering emergency repair and intelligence facilities, and
Zvukimu’s lowlands have a thin yet breathable atmosphere training the elite Zvukiman zero-G troops, it’s also home to
and low gravity,hence Zvukiman hominids are tall and gangly, the Communications Instrumentality’s diplomatic embassy
with barrel-like chests and black skin - the thin atmosphere to the Singers (they don’t have much to do).


The Darradine Rim

ZVUKIMU A-II Class-8 Terrestrial Planet: no moon
Primary Terrain Mixed (Garden World)
Atmosphere Breathable (Thin, 0.45atm: N2 52%, O2 39%, H2O 4%, Noble 4%, Trace: CO2)
Population Superb (+5): 1 billion (85% hominid; 5% human; 5% xenomorph; 5% other)
Spaceport Facilities: Fair (+2): Singer City Down starport (Scale-7 ground facility)

Planetary Skills
Diplomacy Fair (+2)
Resources (wealth) Good (+3)
Resources (materials) Great (+4)
Resources (industrial) Good (+3): starship repair and maintenance; processed industrials
Military Capability Good (+3)
Planetary Security Fair (+2)
Tech Level Great (+4): First Age of Space
Trade Level Good (+3): import of weapons, export of starship technology
Embargo Mediocre (+0): no Embargo

Planetary Aspects
Planetary Commonality Member World (Commonality-controlled Oligarchy)
Parent Star MV Main Sequence Star (in binary system with MV close companion)
Ancient Slowship Colony
Beautiful crystalline peaks
The mysterious Singers of Zvukimu
Thin atmosphere
Low gravity
Tall and gangly natives - excellent astronauts, starship techs, and zero-G troops
Global Mindscape Instance

Asteroid Belts 1
Planets in System 3 (1 gas giant)
Orbital Distance 16,000,000 km
Axial Tilt 7 deg
Year Length 23.7 standard days
Day Length 66 standard hours
Planetary Diameter 10,000 km
Surface Gravity 0.63G (Moderately Dense Core)
Mean Temperature 19 deg C
Hydrosphere 52%

Culture Fringe World currently in Stage II Cultural Integration: Normalization


The Singers of Zvukimu
Singers are very alien, like glowing airborne jellyfish. Some liken them to angels, with elongated hands, arms and legs, and
huge, delicate “wings” of light. They never “land”, and can’t withstand high gravity or atmospheric pressure. They’re capable
of charged particle and plasma attacks, generate their own plasma shields, and have a “Singer Song” Skill which enthrals
other beings (treat as the Pheromones Skill).

Typical Singer
Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 6 Scale: Medium (3)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1-6
Fair (+2) Exude Energy Absorb Energy
Average (+1) Stretchy Telepathy
Singer Song*
Unfathomable Alien Plasma Beings
Aloof and uncaring
Insubstantial and unaffected by physical weapons
Haunting Song
Minor Weaknesses: Fire, Water, Gravity, Air
Exude Plasma [Exude Energy]
Energy Drain [Absorb Energy]
Energy Boost [Absorb Energy]
Absorb Energy Weapons [Absorb Energy]
Monstrous Special Ability
Extreme Conditions
Plasma Fist
Plasma Bolt
*Operates like the Pheromones Skill

— New Stunt: Exude Plasma [Exude Energy]

The character can send a stream of plasma against a target in the same zone. The plasma stream is capable of
frying electrical systems. On a successful hit the character can pay a Fate point and add an Aspect “Electrical
Disruption” to a target or a Minor consequence. The Aspect doesn’t cost a Fate point if the target isn’t trying to
avoid it. Energy shields will protect against this attack.


The Darradine Rim

Chapter Eight:
Escape from Venu
“To: Dr. Thaddeus Clay, Leader-Responsible 74th I&S Team out
of Gentility Base (Morgan / Zvukimu) en route to Ajeux Station Background
- MIND ONLY on the edge of the Quarantine Zone which
NCE62. the Commonality has been wooing - successfully
THOUGHTCAST BEGINS - for thirty years. The nefarious Venu have breached the
##### Q-Zone and kidnapped Amida’s heir, Princess Kirei Nahino
Local node confirms kidnap of Amidan heir-to-throne and Deh. Their ultimatum: expel the Commonality Ambassador,
transport to Venu space by agency unknown. D-field trace or the Princess will be killed!
indicates 98% probability of 2-Space emergence in uninhabited
star system x-24-alpha. Priority override: activate SCI Force Ten days ago the corpus sentience at Gentility Base in the
Insertion and Sanction Team and divert to x-24-alpha. Retrieve Zvukimu system received word of the kidnap. Rudimentary
Amidan heir.TOP URGENCY. All other considerations secondary: Amidan orbital sensors have tracked the kidnappers to
first order memetic cascade. uninhabited star system “X-24-alpha” just inside the Q-Zone,
##### and the Commonality has sent a SCI Force Insertion and
From: Gentility Base Acting Corpus Sentience Pandora-12. Sanction Team (the PCs) to resolve the situation.
The PCs arrive at X-24-alpha nineteen days after the kidnap,
twelve days behind the kidnappers. Using a captured Venu
Insertion Ship and some Venu disguises, the PCs hope to bluff
their way to the Princess and rescue her from her evil captors!

Story Teller’s Overview

The kidnappers have taken the Princess to a hidden Venu
listening post in the X-24-alpha system, and are waiting for a
Venu security patrol to take her to Venu space. The listening
post isn’t expecting pursuit, but is expecting the Venu patrol,
initially assuming the PCs are allies rather than enemies.
Clever PCs may bluff their way right into the station!

This is an introductory adventure for Mindjammer, a search

and rescue mission “behind enemy lines”. It’s also the first of
four linked scenarios in this book forming what we’ve called
“the Black Zone Campaign”. It’s divided into three parts:
location information for the X-24-alpha star system and the
Venu Listening Post; plot information for the range of likely
actions the PCs might take; and statistics and descriptions for
principal characters. We’ve also provided four pre-generated
characters so you can get started right away!

The Silent Witness (Venu: Shum-mu-Shei) orbits at the edge of
the ring system (Barrier Value: 1) of the X-24-alpha system’s gas
giant. It’s primitive, sinister and gloomy, a far cry from the shining
edifices of the Commonality. It houses a crew of 65, including
three squadrons of the mysterious Venu Mutant Marines.

The station is a holding place for the Princess before transfer

deep inside the Empire. The crew don’t have the facilities or
expertise for the operation - which is why speed and bluff
128 just might work!
Station Security Automated Defences: remote turrets, stun fields, etc,
The Silent Witness is much lower tech than Commonality inhibiting movement through restricted areas. Barrier
standard, and so are its security measures. Value: 2; make Fair (+2) rolls of Hacking, Engineering,
Burglary, or Trick Shot [Guns] (shooting the turrets, etc) to
Security Doors: a heavier version of the standard station bypass.
door with Barrier Value: Impassable; make Average
(+1) rolls of Might, Thermic Lance, Mining Torch, Hacking, Inside the Station
Demolition, Engineering, or Burglary to bypass. The following descriptions show possible location Aspects
in bold. The station is dark and distracting, with flickering
Blast Doors: thick sliding doors preventing Docking Bay lights and constant background noise. Here and there
access with Barrier Value: Impassable. Make Fair (+2) are information panels or propaganda posters written in
rolls of Thermic Lance, Mining Torch, Hacking, Demolition, Venu. The atmosphere is extremely oppressive.
Engineering, or Burglary to bypass.
L0: Turbolift
Docking Bay Shields: primitive force fields protecting the
The turbolift accesses every deck, and has a primitive,
Docking Bay from vacuum when the bay doors are open.They
hackable control panel. Characters can force access and
must be dropped to allow ships through, decompressing the
climb the lift shaft. There’s a guard post by the turbolift on
bay. Shields have Barrier Value: Impassable; make Good
each deck (see the Plot Stress Consequences table below for
(+3) rolls of Starship Beam Weapons, Starship Projectile
the number of guards).
Weapons, Hacking, or Burglary to bypass.



Escape from Venu
Silent Witness 2. Forward Bridge
Station Technical Readout Includes viewscreens and communications and sensor
controls. Station Commander Vrak commands here, with
Scale: Huge (5)
3 comms specialists and 1 first officer.
Structural Stress: ………………
System Stress: …………… 3. Research Stations
Fate Points: 3 Refresh: 3 Information analysis and science stations usually manned
Consequences: 3 by 3 crew.
Armour Cons: n/a
Shield Cons: Minor L3: Main Habitat Deck
Jump Maximum: n/a Comprising habitats, recreation, workshops, and a central
guard post.
Good (+3) Advanced Sensor Marine Facilities 4. Assembly and Mess Area
Suite A messy and cluttered area used for Crew Mess and
Fair (+2) Beam Weapon Beam Weapon Assemblies, and combat practice and dominance bouts by
the Mutant Marines (#8, below).
EWS Flight Bay
Ship Systems
5. Kitchen
Avg (+1) Manoeuvre Energy Shields Food storage and preparation; four cooks produce awful
Hardened Structure Repair System fare.
Steers like a Cow 6. Crew Quarters
Super Snooper These multiple occupancy dormitories are one-third
Needle in a Haystack occupied (eight crew).
Bizarre Venu control system and design
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives 7. Droid Shop
Stunts Attack Droids are repaired and maintained by two mechanics
in this dark, distracting, cluttered engineering workshop.
Track FTL
Droid components are everywhere.
Enhanced Comms
Sensor Probes 8. Mutant Marines
Long-term Life Support These quarters for 3 platoons of 13 Mutant Venu Trooper
Split Fire marines each are littered with equipment.
Repair Drones
Boarding Capsules 9. Guard Station and Brig
An ad-hoc guard post and brig, manned as long as Princess
Equipment Kirei Nahino Deh is prisoner in the makeshift prison cell
Dirty Mary Disruptor Cannon opposite. It’s rough and ready, and frankly a bit amateurish.
The cell door is a Security Door (see page 129).
3 Squadrons of Venu Mutant Marines
Venu Fighter
10. Auditorium
A large chamber with rows of benches and a podium on
L1: Upper Gunnery Deck a low dais.
1. Gunner Station and Escape Pods
A cramped deck containing the gunner station for a “Dirty 11. Gymnasium
Mary” disruptor cannon, guard post, and access to ten If there are currently no Plot Stress consequences (see page
6-person escape pods. Power conduits leak Average 133) then 2 Venu troopers will be exercising here.
(+1) power Z-radiation (see page 132). The deck isn’t
usually manned unless the station is on alert (Plot Stress L4: Docking Bay
consequence Minor or above). Three crew work here, though due to shifts there’s usually
only two. When a ship arrives it’s a hive of activity.
L2: Bridge and Command Deck
The operational centre for the Silent Witness; there’s a central 12. Security Station
guard post. A platoon of 13 Mutant Marines is stationed here if


13. Docking Bay 1
If successful, the PCs’ Venu Insertion Ship (see page 50) Z-Radiation Effects
docks here. There’s also a guard post. All doors are Blast Z-radiation affects characters according to Starblazer
Doors (see page 129); the space doors are Blast Doors page 238. General exposure is Great (+4) Power up-
protected by Docking Bay Shields. close and Good (+3) in the vicinity. Vac-sealed armour
reduces exposure by 1 level.
14. Docking Bay 2
Houses a Venu Fighter (see page 50) used for system patrols, General Z-radiation exposure is a conflict lasting a
as well as a guard post. Doors are the same as #13 above. number of exchanges equal to the Power level (Great
+4 means 4 exchanges). Other exposure (such as close
15. Cargo Bays combat with an Attack Droid) may work differently.
Each bay contains two cargo lifters - treat as rudimentary
Commonality Assault Walkers (see page 33). Both bays are
protected by Automated Defences (see page 50).

L5: Power Plant Deck

16. Power Plant
A big, primitive Venu “dirt plant”, radioactive and
contaminated; characters entering are exposed to Z-
radiation. Primitive-looking hazmat suits reduce exposure
by 2 levels. The deck is protected by Automated Defences
(see page 129).

L6: Lower Gunnery Deck

17. Gunner Station and Escape Pods
A cramped deck similar to #1 containing the gunner station
for a “Dirty Mary” disruptor cannon. Power conduits leak
Average (+1) power Z-radiation. The deck is unmanned
unless the station is on alert (Plot Stress consequence Minor
or above).

The PCs arrive disguised as Venu troopers and flying the
“Latent Martyr”, a captured Venu Insertion Ship (see page
50 for statistics). They’ll be mistaken for the Venu Security
Patrol the Silent Witness crew are expecting. Among the pre-generated characters, Dr Thaddeus Clay has
a concealed Personal Mindscape Instance (see page 34).
We’ve divided this section into “scenes”. Each assumes you’ll This is affected by the cloaks, but if they’re switched off PCs
tackle events as “bluffs” or “fights”. “Bluff” means the PCs try can communicate with one another by Mindscape and use
to get into the station by claiming to be the Venu patrol; Skill Chips. If you’re using other characters, decide whether
“Fight” means they stop bluffing and start blasting their way anyone has a PMI: if not, Mindscape abilities can’t be used
in! Your game will probably be a combination of the two - or even if the cloaks are deactivated.
even a third way entirely!

The main thing is, not all the scenes need to happen, or Plot Stress
happen in order. Use them as a guide, and be prepared to We’re using the Starblazer Plot Stress rules to monitor the
improvise! PCs’ progress. Use the same Plot Stress Track both outside
and inside the Listening Station. We assume that when the
Because the Venu have no Mindscape, and subterfuge is PCs arrive, no one inside the station suspects a thing; bit
critical (at least to begin with!), everyone’s using Monitor by bit, as the PCs fail their bluff attempts or behave weirdly
Band cloaks (see page 24), disguised as belt buckles or Venu (weirdly for the Venu, anyway), the Venu become suspicious,
epaulette decorations. This means the Monitor Band signal until they finally work it out - and attack the PCs! This can
broadcast by the PCs’ Mindscape implants isn’t detectable, happen inside or outside the station. The table below
and they aren’t targetable by technopsi, but also that PCs shows sample events and associated Plot Stress; use these
can’t use Mindscape abilities, including Skill Chips, without to gauge Plot Stress on the Plot Stress Consequence table
switching the cloaks off and becoming detectable. (see page 133).

Escape from Venu
Sample Plot Stress Events decompress and the bay doors open, taking 3 exchanges;
Action Plot Stress each shift reduces this by 1 exchange. Zero exchanges or less
means the bay doors open immediately, causing explosive
The PCs fail to initiate radio contact +1 Stress
decompression (see below);
A bluff attempt fails Equal to Shifts
The PCs fail a Venu language attempt +1 Stress Use a Thermic Lance or Mining Torch to cut through the
The Venu detect the Monitor Band +2 Stress hull (Barrier Value: 6, 3 Consequences) and board directly
The PCs betray their lack of Venu +2 Stress (causing Explosive Decompression - see below).
Plot Stress Consequences
Scene One - Approaching the Silent No The PCs are doing great. They’re
Witness Consequences allowed to dock, taken to the Princess
Scene One starts 4 zones from the station (use the System and allowed to escort her back to their
Zone Map on page 129). Upon arrival, the PCs know only ship. No one suspects a thing. Guard
that the ship which kidnapped the Princess arrived in this posts are at normal alert levels (one
system - they don’t know what they’ll find. They need to guard per post).
make sensor scans and so on to locate the Silent Witness. …… - Minor The station crew is mildly suspicious.
Consequence PCs are allowed to dock, but Docking
Bluffing: Standard Venu procedure is that the Silent Witness Bay guards are on alert. They allow
waits for radio contact when an unidentified ship arrives. the PCs to the Princess, but insist on
Any bluffs are Mediocre (+0) difficulty; if the PCs don’t make checking IDs, etc, very carefully, using
radio contact, this rises to Average (+1). Remember contact Skills such as Empathy, etc, against the
has to be made in Venu, not Universal; it also requires the PCs’ defences. Tag this consequence
PCs to transmit Venu security codes - which fortunately SCI to the disadvantage of further bluff
Force has provided them with, together with false identities attempts. Guard posts are on elevated
to go with their disguises. Run this as a single exchange or alert (two guards per post).
a social conflict using Skills like Deceit, Rapport, Intimidate, ……… - Major The station crew is pretty sure
modified by Empathy, Academics (Languages). If successful, Consequence something is up, but isn’t sure what.
the station instructs the PCs to proceed to dock. The PCs are permitted to dock, but are
led away at gunpoint for interrogation.
Fighting: If the PCs go in guns blazing, or if the bluff attempt Further bluff attempts are much more
fails, the Silent Witness switches to battle stations and sends difficult. Guard posts are at high alert
out the Venu Fighter (see page 50) to intercept. (three guards per post).
If operational, the PCs’ Monitor Band
Scene Two - Getting In cloaks may be detected during the
interrogation (use the Silent Witness
This scene takes place once the Insertion Ship has closed to
Advanced Sensor Suite against a
1 zone on its final approach to the station.
Superb (+5) difficulty). If detected,
or if the PCs aren’t using cloaks, the
Bluffing: Continue monitoring Plot Stress. Strange actions
Venu detect the Monitor Band on an
by the PCs increase Plot Stress, including failed Deceit or
Average (+1) passive sensor roll: treat
Language checks while docking, and inaccurate cultural
as a Serious consequence.
………… The station crew set a trap. The PCs are
Fighting: PCs attacking the Silent Witness encounter stiff - Serious permitted to dock, but are arrested at
resistance! The “Dirty Mary” Disruptor Cannons attack Consequence gunpoint, and imprisoned in the Brig
continually, and landing on the station or carrying out until the next Security Patrol arrives.
boarding actions encounters an Attack Droid dispatched Guard posts are at full alert, and attack
to clear the hull. Set Plot Stress to “Extreme Consequence / anyone they don’t know.
Taken Out” - PCs will have to fight every step of the way after …………… The station crew attack immediately.
forcing an entry like this. To get into the station they must - Extreme If the PCs haven’t yet docked, the
either: Consequence / Silent Witness sends out its Fighter to
Taken Out intercept; if the PCs are already in the
Bypass the Docking Bay doors (see “Blast Doors” on Station, all Venu forces become hostile
page 129). Each Shift of failure means the process takes an and open fire. Guards actively pursue
extra exchange. Success means the Docking Bay begins to the PCs unless evaded.


Fighting: Have the PCs make Alertness rolls (possibly
Empathy or Investigation) to notice something has changed.
The number of shifts indicates how much to tell them.

Scene Three - Finding the Princess Scene Five - The Grand Finale
The PCs have entered the Silent Witness and are heading for Certain Doom!
the Princess.
Scene Five occurs once the PCs get back to the Docking Bay.
Bluffing: The PCs are taken directly to the Brig (#9). Suspicious The bay doors are open, the shields are up, and a huge Venu
actions still increase Plot Stress (as Scene Two, above). Warhawk (see page 51) has arrived outside the bay. The
decompression alarms are sounding!
Fighting: Set Plot Stress at “Extreme Consequence / Taken
Out”. The PCs must fight their way to the Brig, maybe using
Burglary (Casing) to locate it, rescue the Princess, and fight a
retreat to the Docking Bay!

Scene Four - the Real Security Patrol

just showed up!
Scene Four takes place once the PCs have encountered the
Princess and are about to return to the Insertion Ship.

Bluffing: The Venu escorting the PCs suddenly receive a

communication from the Bridge: a Venu Security Patrol has
entered the system and is approaching the Silent Witness to
transfer the Princess. The PCs are imposters!

Set Plot Stress to “Serious Consequence” immediately: the

Venu try to arrest the PCs and imprison them in the brig until
the patrol arrives. If the PCs resist, set Plot Stress to “Extreme The Twist!
Consequence / Taken Out”. By their ship the PCs notice an Attack Droid and a
Commonality human - a traitor! He notices the PCs and
appears alarmed; Princess Kirei explains it’s Doctor Remnai
Noyo - the scientist who kidnapped her!

The Final Showdown!

Doctor Noyo hits an emergency release, and the docking bay
explosively decompresses (see “Explosive Decompression”,
below)! The Attack Droid attacks as he launches himself
towards the Warhawk: there are two boarding capsules
under its wings. What do the PCs do? Is their ship disabled?
Could they steal a boarding capsule? Can they neutralize
the droid? Do they pursue the traitor, leaping into space for
a zero-G battle to the death? What about the Princess?


Escape from Venu
Explosive Decompression
Characters caught in explosive decompression
without pressure suits or similar protection suffer a
Fair (+2) attack against Endurance, Might, etc, doing
+5 Physical stress damage.

Characters must hold on to not be swept away

by the evacuation, regardless of whether they’re
wearing pressure suits. It’s a Good (+3) manoeuvre
against Might, Athletics, etc, placing a temporary
Aspect “Unbalanced” or “Floating Out of Control”.
Shifts indicate how far the target is ejected from the
Docking Bay, how out of control, and the difficulty of
regaining control, requiring Athletics at -1 or Zero-G
Combat rolls. His Dark Radiance, Asharak-Um
The Warhawk is commanded by the sinister
Characters not wearing pressure suits suffer Vacuum Commissar Asharak-Um. Whether the PCs encounter
Exposure effects (Starblazer page 238) every him depends on actions in Scene Five.The Commissar
exchange. begins inside the Warhawk with a platoon of Venu
Troopers, and tries to prevent the PCs escaping with
Use the Zero-G Combat rules (Starblazer page 238) the Princess. He may never leave the ship, instead
for characters fighting under these conditions. sending his troopers to fight and using his psi-
powers (particularly Domination) from a distance.

There are a number of possible outcomes to this scene: Epilogue
The outcome of the adventure has the following possible
Dead! consequences:
If the PCs are dead, read “The Rescue Fails” below to see how
events unfold. The Rescue Succeeds
Returning triumphant with the Princess, the PCs will have
Captured! won the favour of the Amidan government. Give them the
PCs captured are in a fix! The Venu patrol transports them “Favour [Diplomat]” Stunt when interacting with Amida or
to Venu space for “interrogation” - a horrible prospect. Run SCI Force. The Commonality gains the temporary Aspect
as a separate adventure, giving the PCs chance to escape, “Heroes of the Day”, taggable in the next exchange of its
avoiding a fate worse than death! See “Epilogue” below for propaganda campaign on Amida (see page 72).

The Rescue Fails
A failed rescue may have different consequences depending
Assuming the PCs regain the Insertion Ship, they’ll be
on whether the Princess is alive or not.
hotly pursued by the Warhawk. Escape by planing engine
(probably involving a blind jump) requires the PCs to put 2
If the Princess is dead, the PCs will be cold-shouldered if they
or more zones between them and the pursuing Warhawk
return to Amida, and may suffer reprisals. The Commonality
(Starblazer page 357).
gains the temporary Aspect “Running Roughshod over our
traditions” for the next cultural conflict exchange only.
Failing that, the PCs may try and steal one of the Warhawk’s
boarding capsules and escape beyond detection range
If the Princess is alive, things are worse, as public opinion
(Starblazer page 358). They’ll have to decide a destination:
turns against the Commonality for abandoning her to the
a nearby moon or planet, the gas giant rings, the system
Venu. The Amidan government expels the Commonality
asteroid belt. Use the System Zone Map on page 129.
Ambassador, and withdraws support for the Commonality’s
propaganda campaign.


Intelligence on the Venu Venu Attack Droid
The PCs’ debriefing increases SCI Force knowledge of the Physical Stress: ……………
Venu, and, vitally (if the PCs witnessed them), of the psi- System Stress: ……………
powers of Asharak-Um the Radiant Cultist. Thaddeus Clay
Fate Points: 5 Scale: Small (2)
gains the temporary Aspect “His Hypothesis Vindicated”,
usable on a Contacts, Rapport, Science or Resources roll Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
related to psionics research. Also, the Commonality culture Encounter Size: 1-6
gains +1 on its next Research & Development roll to increase Skills
its Psionics capability. Fair (+2) Guns Athletics
Average (+1) Exude Energy
Doctor Noyo Alertness Weapons
Doctor Noyo links to Mind’s Eye, the next scenario in the Aspects
Black Zone campaign. If he’s still alive at the end of the Clunky Venu robot technology
adventure, you can use him as an irritant or even nemesis Climbs like a spider
as the Black Zone campaign develops. If he makes it that far, Single-minded Killing Machine
we’ve included him as an optional extra in the Black Zone, Just as agile in zero-G
the last scenario in the campaign (see Chapter Eleven).
Leaking Z-Radiation
Minor Weakness: Blaster Weapons
The Radiant Cultist Stunts
If the Venu Commissar is killed, the Venu send assassins to
Exude Radiation [Exude Energy]
avenge his death.Story Tellers should decide an appropriately
bad moment for them to appear! Zero-G Combat [Weapons]
Active Sonar [Alertness]
If the Commissar survives, his attitude depends on how Human Spider [Athletics]
successful the PCs were, ranging from scorn to a raging Spider Feet [Athletics]
desire to avenge himself for his humiliation at their hands! Equipment
Protein Disruptor Cannon (+4 Stress, Range 2)

Dramatis Personae and Z-Radiation Leak (see “Z-Radiation Effects” on

page 132. A single attack of Fair (+2) Power against
Statistics physically adjacent targets - it has no real range)
-1 Kinetic Armour, -1 Energy Shield
Use the following statistics for the minions, extras, and
named characters encountered in this scenario.

Attack droids The Traitorous Doctor Noyo

Doctor Remnai Noyo is the traitorous Commonality scientist
Attack droids are rusty brown four-legged spider-like robots
who kidnapped Princess Kirei and took her to Venu space. He’s
with disruptors and primitive force fields, and obeying Venu
a link to the Nimbu Research Station in Mind’s Eye, the next
Command IDs. There are four in the station: one in Scene
scenario in the Black Zone campaign (see the next chapter).
Two, one in Scene Five, and two reinforcements if needed.
They belch out Z-radiation and make a free Exude Energy
Originally from Amida, Doctor Noyo was seconded to Nimbu
attack whenever physically damaged.
Prime under Dr Tungus, where he gained an insight into the


Escape from Venu
source of Venu psi-powers; by delivering the Princess he Princess Kirei Nahino Deh
hopes to shift his planet from alliance with the Commonality
and towards the Venu. He hopes one day to be a powerful Physical Stress: ……………
psion and Venu plenipotentiary on Amida. Composure Stress: ………………
Fate Points: 8 Scale: Small (2)
Doctor Remnai Noyo Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences (4 social)
Physical Stress: ……………
Encounter Size: 1
Composure Stress: ………………
Fate Points: 6 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences Good (+3) Resources
Encounter Size: 1 Fair (+2) Rapport Resolve
Skills Average (+1) Leadership Contacting
Good (+3) Science Alertness
Fair (+2) Resources Academics
Average (+1) Guns Intimidation Heir to the Throne of Amida
Resolve Investigation I can do it myself!
Alertness Starship Pilot That’s not the proper way to behave!
Aspects Noblesse oblige
Dedicated to the power of Science! Stunts
Amida needs ruling with a firm hand!
Introduction [Diplomat]
Mindscape implant
The Commonality doesn’t know how to use its Smooth Recovery [Resolve]
power! Equipment
They’ll never ignore me again! Somewhat dirtied royal robes
You can’t be expected to understand
Access to Labs [Career]
Death Defiance [Endurance]
Station Commander Vrak
Station Commander Vrak is a violent and sadistic cyborg
Scientific Genius: Genurgy [Science]
with primitive Venu tech replacing his left arm and the left
Takes One to Know One [Deceit] half of his face. He’s a disgraced ex-soldier, exiled to the Silent
Equipment Witness rather than terminated because he’s a war hero.
Mindscape implant
P-Suit (-1 Kinetic Armour, -1 Energy Shield) The Silent Witness Crew
Tyce Systems “T-25” 25MW laser pistol (+4 Stress, Silent Witness crew members are minions, each with a skill
Range 1) appropriate to their station. From the Commonality point
Speaks: Amidan, Universal, Venu of view, they’re brainwashed fanatics loyal to their God-
Emperor in a vicious hierarchy of fear and violence. They
Princess Kirei avoid combat unless ordered by a superior - they’re needed
for the functioning of the station.
Heir to the Amidan throne at only 21 years old, Princess Kirei
is young and inexperienced, but by no means incompetent.
Brought up in the royal house of an ancient and complex Commissar Asharak-Um,
culture, she’s been groomed since birth to take power. She’s Head of the Security Patrol
extremely self-willed, with a strong sense of honour. The Security Patrol is led by a sinister individual who terrifies
every Venu. Tall, cloaked, with a “scintillating” black face
Doctor Noyo’s Ship mask, he also has several psi-powers, source unknown. It’s
The identity and whereabouts of the ship Doctor Noyo evident he belongs to a leader caste; less evident is that he’s
used to kidnap Princess Kirei have been left vague. a mutant, as removing his mask will reveal.
Maybe it was an Amidan prototype, or a Commonality
ship? A hidden Venu vessel? Perhaps it’s already Information about the Commissar is valuable: most of the
returned to Amida - or maybe it lies somewhere in the 150 years since Venu contact has been as enemies, and the
X-24-Alpha system. Use Noyo’s ship if players become Commonality knows little about Venu organization and
lost or stranded, or their own destroyed - or in further capabilities, especially developments since the Xeno Wars.
adventures following Escape from Venu! The Commissar looks like something new...

Station Commander Vrak Commissar Head of the Security Patrol
Physical Stress: ………………… Asharak-Um
Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ………………
Fate Points: 4 Scale: Small (2)
Fate Points: 5 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1
Encounter Size: 1
Skills Skills
Great (+4) Exude Energy Great (+4) Mind Control
Good (+3) Intimidation Leadership Good (+3) Mental Bolt Intimidation
Fair (+2) Endurance Guns Fair (+2) Leadership Mysteries
Might Resources
Average (+1) Alertness Athletics Average (+1) Deceit Science
Fists Weapons Resolve Absorb
War Hero of the Pleysho Campaigns
Devoted Servitor of the Dark Radiance
Speak the word “Exile” and die!
I bear the scars of my allegiance (Venu Mutant
Commands the Silent Witness through fear and Aspect)
Feel the caress of Z-Radiation!
Primitive Venu cyborg technology You will bow to my will!
Losing What Little Humanity He Had Left Arrogant Venu commissar
(Mandroid Aspect)
All Must Fear Me!
My loyalty is to the Emperor! You Do Not Know the Power of the Dark
They should have let me die! Radiance!
No one knows what this power has cost me! The Commonality is Weak!
I see things differently now (Eagle Eyes vision) Minor Weakness: Sonic Weapons (Good Science /
Mysteries Skill check)
Minor Weakness: Water (Good Investigation /
Science Skill check) Minor Weakness: Force Fields (Good Science /
Mysteries Skill check)
Mandroid Arm (+1 Might, Endurance, Athletics,
Fists, and Weapons skill checks) Dominate [Mind Control]
Mandroid Eye (+1 Alertness skill checks) Mental Blast [Mental Bolt]
Scary [Intimidation]
Exude Lightning [Exude Energy]
Aura of Menace [Intimidation]
Eagle Eyes [Alertness]
Claws [Fists] Absorb Radiation [Absorb Energy]
Scary [Intimidation] Equipment
Equipment Black-lacquered body armour (-2 Kinetic Armour,
-1 Energy Shield)
Mandroid Claw (+1 Stress)
Protein Disruptor Pistol (+3 Stress, Range 1)
Electricity Projector (Range 1, built into
cybernetic arm, possible “Electrocuted” Aspect / Energy Mace (built-in: +4 Stress)
Venu Marauder Armour (-3 Kinetic Armour, -2
Energy Shield)


Escape from Venu
Venu Wardog Squad Leader
Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1 + 12 minions
Good (+3) Guns
Fair (+2) Leadership Intimidation
Alertness Stealth
Average (+1) Exude Energy Athletics
Fists Might
Hideous Venu Mutant
I killed my way to Squad Leader!
The Commonality is weak and will
Battle is what I live for!
Blinded by the urge to kill
No one beats me!
Exude Radiation [Exude Energy]
Horrific [Intimidation]
Minions [Leadership]
Protein Disruptor Rifle (+4 Stress, Range 2)
Venu Trooper Armour (-2 Kinetic Armour, -1
Energy Shield)

Venu Troopers Minions

A team of 4 Average (+1) Venu Trooper minion with the
Guns Skill. A typical squad comprises 3 teams.
- Independent Venu Trooper Team … … … …
(+2 bonus) (Guns +1)
- Attached Trooper Team (+2 bonus … … … …
to Squad Leader)

Pre-generated Characters
You can use the following characters to get playing
immediately, or create your own.

Venu Wardog (Squad Leader) and Dr. Thaddeus Clay

Famous psychologist and psychohistorian, Dr.Thaddeus Clay
Venu Trooper Minions is 193 years old. Born on Old Earth, he remembers when SCI
Venu Troopers are deranged, psychopathic killers, controlled Force was first founded after the Venu War. He has worked as
only by their fear of those above them. A typical Venu a SCI Force controller for years, training and operating teams
Wardog leads a squad of 12 trooper minions. in the field.


Phase One - Training Dr. Thaddeus Clay
Noticed in school for his brilliance and his fits and seizures,
Physical Stress: ……………
Clay was hypersensitive, always “reading” people. Suspected
of being a latent psion, he was recruited into the Security Composure Stress: ……………
Instrumentality in 37 NCE to continue his “education”. Fate Points: 6 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Phase Two - Thaddeus Clay and the
Encounter Size: 1
Treachery of Venu!
Assistant supervisor overseeing the first Venu mission (70 Skills
NCE), the disastrous failure of which made Clay doubt the Great (+4) Empathy
superiority of the “Commonality way”. Shocked out of his Good (+3) Science Academics
self-absorption, he began to see others as “real people”.
Fair (+2) Leadership Resources
Phase Three - Thaddeus Clay and the Mind
Masters! Average (+1) Starship Investigation
In 190 NCE Clay led a SCI Force team against undercover Systems
Venu in the Sentient Alliance. He lost his entire team, bar Guns Mysteries
one. Clay had been wondering why he could never “read” Aspects
the Venu, theorising the Venu had natural psi-powers. His
Pathologically Hypersensitive
undercover team was intercepted, which for Clay proved his
theory true. Not everyone subscribes to “Clay’s Hypothesis”, Loner
but it’s taken very seriously in some circles. Special Operations Chip
There’s More to People than Meets the
Phase Four - Guest Starring in Jackson Eye
Stark and the Memory Assassin! Self-sacrifice for the Commonality is
Clay had been in charge of Jackson Stark’s training. When unavoidable!
Stark was ordered to kill a Fringe World ruler, Clay saw this
The Venu have psi-powers - so must we!
would be a psychohistorical disaster, and triggered a failsafe
response in Stark causing him to fail. When military psy-ops The future cannot be entrusted to the
tried to kill Stark, Clay brought him in, told him who he was, military!
and recruited him. Jackson Stark is a man - not a machine!
Jackson Stark
A hard-as-nails special ops agent and a good man to have Redaction [Technopsi]
on your side, Stark is ruthless, independent, and capable - Access to Weapons [Career]
with some terrible personality flaws. Local Area Resources [Career]
Access to Restricted Technopsi
Phase One - Training Equipment
Born on Cynax IV, at age 8 Stark saw his parents killed by Special Operations Chip
his “uncle”. Insanity runs in his family, and Jackson never Monitor Band Cloak
recovered from the trauma, believing he’s mad himself.
Personal Mindscape Instance (concealed)
People said his uncle killed himself after the murders, but
his body was never found. Jackson became a feral street kid, Venu Status Suit (-1 Kinetic Armour, -1
until he was recruited by a clandestine black ops group. Energy Shield)
Venu EVA Harness
Phase Two - Jackson Stark and Venu Protein Disruptor (+4 Stress, Range 2)
the Memory Assassin! Venu Mask
For years Stark suffered blackouts, with days and even weeks Disguised as Venu Security Patrol Leader
he couldn’t account for. When he confronted the black ops Commander Sharum


Escape from Venu
group they used technopsi to control his will. They gave Lyra Da Luz
him a mission to kill a Fringe World ruler, but something Lyra Da Luz is a light-fingered criminal type from the Hispanian
happened, and when Stark aborted his mission and dropped culture world of Altamira. A good example of the “unusual
off the radar, military psy-ops decided to terminate him. characters” the cultural reclamation sometimes throws up,
In fact a SCI Force controller called Thaddeus Clay (Stark’s she’s an out-and-out criminal, a con, and probably a certifiable
secret controller for years) had triggered conditioned sociopath. On the Core Worlds she’d have been re-educated
responses in Stark he didn’t even know he had; the military years ago - out on the Rim, she’s a positive asset!
still don’t know why he aborted the mission. Clay converted
Stark’s Mindscape implant to a special operations chip, Phase One - Training
explained who he was, and recruited him into his new SCI Growing up in overpopulated Hispanian ghettoes on
Force Insertion and Sanction Team. Altamira, Lyra used her looks and charm to get by. If that
spilled over into a little larceny - well, hey, a girl’s gotta live!
Phase Three - Guest Starring in Max Proffitt
and the New Bahamut Disaster! Phase Two - Lyra Da Luz and the Jade Crown
Stark’s team was sent to apprehend Dr. Maledict Miserius. Affair!
Although the Doctor escaped, Stark captured a bewildered In love with suave businessman Jameson McFayre, Lyra
Max Proffitt. Realizing he was just a greedy fool who’d found out he was a jewel thief asking her to take part in a
fallen foul of Miserius’ plans, Stark brought him to SCI Force, heist of the fabled Jade Crown. The caper went wrong, and
thinking he might be useful. McFayre abandoned Lyra to face the rap alone!

Jackson Stark Phase Three - Guest Starring in Thaddeus

Physical Stress: ………………
Clay and the Mind Masters
Composure Stress: …………… As she was facing re-education, SCI Force controller Thaddeus
Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2) Clay offered Lyra a way out: work for him. She agreed to join
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences an undercover team operating in Sentient Alliance territory.
Encounter Size: 1 During the mission she got cold feet and fled, and the rest of
Skills the team was captured by the Venu. She had to persuade Clay
Good (+3) Guns she hadn’t betrayed them; she’s still not sure if he believes her.
Fair (+2) Fists Alertness
Athletics Lyra Da Luz
Physical Stress: ……………
Average (+1) Technopsi Endurance Composure Stress: ……………
Weapons Stealth Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2)
Drive Burglary Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Aspects Encounter Size: 1
I learned to hide my fear! Good (+3) Burglary
Nothing hurts me! Fair (+2) Deceit Contacts
Haunted by a past he can’t remember Sleight of Hand
More of a machine than a man Average (+1) Guns Stealth
Alertness Empathy
Special Operations Chip Rapport Athletics
Max Proffitt owes me his life! Aspects
Stunts Come to Lyra, baby!
So light-fingered it hurts
Mindburn [Technopsi] That bastard McFayre hung me out to dry!
Skill Chip: Guns (+2 on Guns checks) Mindscape implant
Supply Officer [Career] I have a bad feeling about this...
Equipment I don’t trust Clay - he doesn’t trust me!
Special Operations Chip Alarm Sensibilities [Burglary]
Monitor Band Cloak Lock Master [Burglary]
Venu Trooper Armour (-2 Kinetic Armour, -1 Bump & Grab [Sleight of Hand]
Energy Shield) Equipment
Venu Protein Disruptor (+4 Stress, Range 2) Mindscape implant
Venu Trooper Mask Monitor Band Cloak
Disguised as Venu Trooper Venu Trooper Armour (-2 Kinetic Armour, -1 Energy
Venu Protein Disruptor (+4 Stress, Range 2)
Venu Trooper Mask
Disguised as Venu Trooper 141

Maximillian Proffitt Maximillian Proffitt
Phase One - The Economic Principle Physical Stress: ……………
Max spent years as a hard-nosed New Trader in the Fringe Composure Stress: ……………
Worlds, shipping whatever it took to turn a profit and keep
the rust-bucket “Rosemary Princess”, a 150-year old Keynes- Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2)
class Freighter, running. Handy with a gun, and knowing Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
when to cut his losses, Max had a reputation for striking a
Encounter Size: 1
hard bargain and leaving economic mayhem in his wake.
Phase Two - Max Proffitt and the New Good (+3) Starship Pilot
Bahamut Disaster! Fair (+2) Resources Deceit
Then everything changed. On what Max thought was a Contacting
routine smuggling run to New Bahamut, he transported a
virulent bio-plague engineered by the evil Doctor Maledict Average (+1) Guns Athletics
Miserius. In the ensuing devastation, Proffitt found himself Intimidation Rapport
on the side of SCI Force, trying to apprehend Miserius and Alertness Sleight of
stop the plague. The plague was brought under control, Hand
but thousands perished, and Miserius escaped. In return for
not locking Proffitt away, SCI Force decided he would “help Aspects
them out” instead. The Rosemary Princess*
Mindscape Implant
Phase Three - Guest Starring in Lyra Da Luz SCI Force have me over a barrel!
and the Jade Crown Affair!
Max Proffitt’s first “favour” for SCI Force was to be the Doctor Miserius haunts my dreams
“getaway guy” for Jameson McFayre and Lyra Da Luz after Nothing personal - it’s just business
the Jade Crown caper. McFayre never showed; Da Luz turned Lyra Da Luz hates my guts!
up and was promptly arrested.
Ticket to Travel [Career]
Merchant Funds [Career]
Small Ship [Career]
*Rosemary Princess Keynes-class Freighter
Mindscape Implant
Monitor Band Cloak
Venu Trooper Armour (-2 Kinetic Armour, -1
Energy Shield)
Venu Protein Disruptor (+4 Stress, Range 2)
Venu Trooper Mask
Disguised as Venu Trooper
Has Major Composure Consequence “Mentally
Traumatized” after piloting Venu Insertion Ship
through 2-Space!


Escape from Venu
Chapter Nine:
Mind’s Eye
A CONFIDENTIAL REPORT “Gregarious Curiosity-255”, a SCI Force “Fast Courier”, issuing
WITHIN THE COMMONALITY equipment for a mission to the Nimbu system to find out
To: Sister Andrea Kanjattu, 4th what’s happened to the research team.
assistant sub-director, Eidolon Project,
Mysore Vallis Chapter, Ministry of Evolutionary
Planning, Europa / Manhome Story Teller’s Overview
The Nimbu station has been researching into a native
EIDOLON STATION NIMBU PRIME 16.49:-9.66:-7.3 animal species, the colony lizard, which appears to possess
NCE14. rudimentary psionic powers. Its director of research Doctor
REPORT PRIORITY COMMUNICATION BOUNCE Milani Tungus has become obsessed with the work, causing
RESULT CODE: 7 (NO RESPONSE, STATION CORPUS OFFLINE) some of his staff to make confidential reports expressing
PROBABLE MONITOR BAND MALFUNCTION concern. Synthesising a genurgic therapy from his research,
RECOMMEND ORGANIC TEAM DISPATCH INVESTIGATION IN Tungus experimented - secretly - on himself, following which
ACTUO he began to be the focus of paranormal events: spontaneous
PK occurrences, odd noises like yelps, growls, and whispers,
LAST KNOWN COMMUNICATION FROM NIMBU PRIME people getting migraines, bizarre smells.
Somewhere along the way Doctor Tungus became completely
########## unhinged, and began talking to some (apparently) imaginary
creature. His journal (currently offline and lost somewhere in
From: Mindscape Node Dirigeant Vindragupti, Eidolon Station the Base) refers to it only as “the Entity”.
4, Nimbu Prime
## MINDJAMMER TO EYES : NON-MINDSCAPE TRAFFIC ONLY Two months ago the Entity began to physically manifest
## URGENT around the station. Somehow it “took control” of 5 staff,
including 2 xenomorphs and 1 synthetic, forcing them to
Revered Sister. commit atrocities, killing their colleagues one by one.
Please accept formal report of suspected introversion by Project
Chief (Organic) Doctor Milani Tungus. Accompanying pere- Of the original 40 staff, two remain alive (1 organic, 1
quantum manifestations suggest that Phase One pathworking synthetic), hiding in the station, including Vindragupti,
has been achieved. Request 3rd stage redactor be dispatched originator of the first (and only) distress message. Of the
to relieve Doctor Tungus and appoint organic replacement to other 38, 5 are Possessed, 1 is Doctor Tungus, and 32 are
interface with station corpus. Recommend extreme urgency. dead, their remains scattered about the complex.

Vindragupti. We’ve structured this scenario as a mystery investigation

with elements of horror and physical and mental conflict.
Emergency code 14-gamma on full personal responsibility. Like Escape from Venu, it’s divided into sections on location,
Out. plot, and statistics.

Nimbu Prime
Background You can find details of the Nimbu system on page 111. The
The Ministry for Evolutionary Planning has lost contact with PCs arrive at the station in the middle of a cool but lively
a research station on planet Nimbu Prime, where a psionics spring as everything is emerging from winter dormancy.
research project has gone terribly wrong. Following the
events of Escape from Venu, the PCs return to Gentility
Base, the SCI Force base in the Zvukimu system, where Eidolon Station
they ascertain that the Amidan Princess’ kidnapper was a The research station is located in the equatorial belt in
scientist from the same station. Gentility-5, the SCI Force dense forest by the shore of a large shallow lake. Established
base sentience, has intercepted a confidential report (see twenty-five years ago by the Ministry of Evolutionary
above), filed several weeks earlier and not expected to reach Planning, it’s a tower-shaped structure with greenhouse
and hydroponics wings, heavily automated and with about
Manhome for over a year, and introduces the party to the 143

Min Eye
40 staff, including 12 variform synthetics and a number of Sensorview) reveal the station Mindscape is down, although
chimp-like pithecine xenomorphs, and headed by Chembu there’s a Monitor Band open to the north (the power plant).
hominid Doctor Milani Tungus, Professor of Perecognitive Active sensor sweeps reveal numerous lifeforms (mostly
Reversion from Chembu Genurgy corporacy. colony lizards, plus 8 others - the Survivors and Possessed);
neither active nor passive sensor sweeps pick up the Entity.
The station’s sentient corpus (“Eidolon-4” - see page 158) and Active sensor sweeps or broadcasts to the Monitor Band
Local Mindscape Instance have both been severely damaged cause Plot Stress (see page 152), eventually attracting the
and the Mindscape is offline. Effectively blind, the station attention of Eidolon-4 and the Entity.
attacks all intruders as hostiles using its automated defences
until its primary control interface (area 4b) can be accessed. Detail
The following descriptions show possible location Aspects
First Glance in bold.
Approaching from the landing strip to the south, the station
appears covered with colony lizards, the core habitats Eidolon Station is badly damaged. Most interior lights aren’t
heavily damaged, and what’s left of a flyer is lodged in the working; there are flashes of light, strange screams, cries,
burnt-out ruin of the top floor. yelps; alarms go off randomly; there are gouts of steam
and smoke. The five Possessed wander at random, attacking
Analysis anything.
The colony lizards swarming the station exterior are
behaving abnormally, pressing up against the windows and There are remains everywhere, mostly human. Investigation
trying to get in. They are agitated and may attack intruders. or Forensic (Science) checks indicate death by blunt trauma,
Passive scans (hand scanners or personal sensor arrays with and that the remains have been... well... chewed on...


Min Eye
Automated Defences
The Roof Level Guns (+4), +2 Stress, Range 0
The top floor of the station is a large circular area
Aspects: Small Target, Pinned Down!
filled with debris and mostly-ruined. It’s a tangle
of fallen roof, remains of walls, and burnt-out Alertness +2, Science +2
electronics. However, it’s still accessible, both via Physical Stress: ………… (0 Consequences)
the elevator and the emergency stairwell, although Secrets Stress: ……… (0 Consequences)
it’s open to the elements and partly waterlogged. Notes: Match Alertness vs Alertness to jump back and
avoid the trap; your Athletics vs its Guns to dodge;
The crashed flyer is in a bad state, requiring a Superb Science vs Science to work out where to stand, etc; Stealth
(+5) Engineering roll (+1 with a Vehicle Repair Kit) vs Alertness to creep up on it; Guns vs Guns to destroy
to get back into shaky working order. (Physical Stress); Burglary (etc) vs Science to disarm
(Secrets Stress)
Crashed Flyer
Physical Stress: …………… Detail
Systems Stress: …………… There’s a terrible smell of rotting flesh everywhere.
Internal doors are unlocked standard doors. Automated
Fate Points: n/a Scale: Small (2)
Defences such as stun-nets and beam weapons are active
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
where indicated; if the station corpus has been alerted (see
Speed: Fair (+2) Crew: 1 “Plot Stress”), they attack until destroyed or deactivated (see
Skills adjacent box); otherwise they’re inactive.
Fair (+2) Manoeuvre
Average (+1) Anti-gravity Model
I seem to have sustained significant
Should handle like a dream - but
Open to the elements
Atmospheric Entry [Manoeuvre]
Sentient Vehicle Control [Vehicle
Carries up to 3 passengers.

Core Habitats
Containing living and dining quarters, sick bay, general
laboratories, and gym and conference facilities.

First Glance
The Core Habitats are in semi-darkness, the outer doors
closed and locked (Average (+1) Burglary). The top
floor (originally xenomorph pens) has been completely
destroyed, ravaged by fire, and a flyer is jack-knifed into
the rubble.

Passive scans reveal Old Earth-normal O2 levels; active
scans show life signs in areas 1, 4, and 12 (synthetic)
on level one, 17 on level two, and 24-25 on level three.
Shouting, etc, will attract the attention of Vindragupti (in
4) and Sweeper (in 12).


Mind's Eye
M y
1. Vehicle Stand
Crawling with colony lizards, and housing a damaged
remote lifter (see page 34), Great (+4) Engineering to repair,
+1 with a Vehicle Repair Kit.

2. Vehicle Garage
Also an airlock, currently non-functional but repairable on a
Fair (+2) Engineering roll (+1 with a Vehicle Repair Kit).

3. Airlock
Equipped with Automated Defences and a functioning
airlock, requiring an Average (+1) Burglary roll to activate
manually as the station Mindscape is down.

4. Lounge Lobby
Littered with disturbed and broken furniture, sickly-looking
pot plants, and ubiquitous remains. Vindragupti is hidden 6. Meeting Room
on top of elevator at #a (Mediocre (+0) Stealth and an “Area Strewn with bodies - it looks like they tried to put up a fight.
in Darkness” temporary Aspect), and will make a Mindscape Three of them have stun batons.
handshake (see page 18) if any PC has a working PMI (see “Plot
Stress”). Area #b marks an emergency stairwell, and #c marks 7. Sickbay
the Eidolon-4 corpus (station sentience), with hackable Functions as a Great (+4) medical facility.
physical control panels and terminal access (Mediocre
(+0) roll, Fair (+2) to avoid alerting the sentience). Hacking the 8. Doctor Tungus’ Quarters
corpus gains access to Doctor Tungus’ journal (see below). Doctor Tungus kept his research notes in an antique glassteel
journal in his quarters, although it’s also physically connected
5. Laboratory to the station corpus and can be accessed by hacking from
Functions as a Great (+4) general laboratory. #4. Unusually it’s not connected to the Mindscape, but that’s

Min Eye
not unheard-of for someone as secretive (and now paranoid) 9. To the Water Plant
as Doctor Tungus. Treat the journal as a synthetic character in Equipped with Automated Defences. The biolock door
its own right; it has a voice interface, and a physical glassteel requires Average (+1) Burglary to open.
display - from the Commonality point of view it’s a quaint
old antique. 10. To the Power Plant
As above.
Doctor Tungus’ Journal
The journal is quite fragmented, and a little deranged. 11. Area
An Average (+1) Redaction (Technopsi) roll will As above, but the biolock door is already open.
coax some sense out of it, depending on the Shifts
generated: 12. Area
The Automated Defences and biolock door have been
0 Shifts: Doctor Tungus believed the colony lizards destroyed; assessment with a Fair (+2) Investigation roll
were the key to a genurgic therapy which would (complemented by Science or Engineering) reveals they
unlock genuine psi-powers in the human mind. were Destroyed By Intense Cold.

1 Shift: He experimented on himself; the journal The Possessed sanitation synthetic Sweeper patrols
contains full details of the therapy (see page 149 for between here and the Zoology Dome, usually in the
reproducing it). connecting tubeway.

2 Shifts: He reported positive results, including 13. Lobby

hallucinations and uncontrolled paranormal events. Equipped with Automated Defences.

3 Shifts: Doctor Tungus then starts to get paranoid – 14. Autokitchen

feeling something is watching him “from inside his mind”. A bloody mess, although there are no remains here. A lot of
kitchen equipment is missing; a Good (+3) Investigation roll
4 Shifts: Doctor Tungus repeatedly refers to this reveals forensic traces leading towards the elevators.
something as an “Entity”. Shortly after this last entry,
all hell broke loose on the station. 15. Refectory
Tables and chairs, many broken, all jumbled.


Mind's Eye
M y
16. Auditorium and Lounge First Glance
Variform chairs and tables, many broken. Laboratory equipment is everywhere; the outside crawls
with colony lizards.
17. Gymnasium
The Possessed human Symbra the Engineer; attacks using
Good (+3) Telekinesis Skill and Move Heavy Loads Stunt,
hurling gym equipment at intruders.

18. Freshers
Partly flooded; the walls are streaked with blood.

19. Lobby
Equipped with Automated Defences; forensic traces lead
towards 24-25, where a whining sound like an electric saw
can be heard.

20 - 30. Staterooms
Equipped with freshers, variform furniture (bed-desk-chairs-
gym), holo-projectors, and voice comms with the Eidolon-4

24 - 25. Combined Staterooms

The separating wall has been demolished, creating a single,
detritus-strewn chamber. The Possessed organic Bardu
Maniflian the Chef has dragged autokitchen equipment
here, and is preparing a grisly “feast” with the remains - it’s
a horrible, cannibalistic mess.

The Zoology Labs

O2 levels in the Zoology Labs are kept at Nimbu Prime levels
(ie considerably elevated), making everything extremely
flammable. Fires break out easily, though not for long -
there isn’t much combustible material.

Min Eye
A Mediocre (+0) Science (etc) roll reveals the lab equipment The Bio-Locks
operates as a Superb (+5) genurgy lab. Labs have fire An Average (+1) Science (etc) roll reveals all lab
extinguishers, automated fire control, fire doors, and doors are biolocks - similar to airlocks - to prevent
signs saying “Attention! No naked flames!” environmental contamination: whatever the
researchers were doing, this was a concern. The
presence of EVA suits, not usually required on Nimbu,
is another puzzle.
31. Chemlabs and Pharmaceuticals
A Fantastic (+6) genurgy chemlab. The biolock to #32 is
open, and there’s a colony lizard here.
Replicating Doctor Tungus’ Work
32. Culture Labs and Botanicals Doctor Tungus’ journal details the genurgic therapy
A Fantastic (+6) culture / botanical genurgy lab. The biolocks he developed and used on himself. Enterprising PCs
to #31 and #33 are open, and there are two colony lizards. can replicate it on a Fantastic (+6) Science roll.

33. EVA Gear and Prep Working from scratch without prepared
Contains 6 EVA suits. The biolock to the outside is open, and compounds (ie away from the station) takes
there are four colony lizards. several weeks; scouring the station for compounds
and using the station labs reduces the period by
34. Life Lab one or two steps.
A Fantastic (+6) laboratory for medicine synthesis, stocked
with invitro growth facilities containing Old Earth Once created, the genurgic therapy must be
lifeforms and various stages of colony lizard. Some are administered. Treat this as a Fantastic (+6) disease
dead; the labs aren’t being tended. attack on the subject (Starblazer page 238); the
subject must survive 6 daily exchanges to develop
35. Vivarium the Aspect “Psionic Beacon” or “Latent Psion”. At the
With transparent glassteel outside walls, and divided Story Teller’s discretion characters who are already
into cages and environments, some with Old Earth latent psions may develop a single Psionic Skill or
microclimates stocked with terrestrial test subjects. Doctor Stunt and a Minor Weakness; such characters risk
Tungus is tending 12 colony lizards; he’s very strange - see being “invited” to one of the Commonality research
“Doctor Tungus, are you insane?” on page 152. labs for an extended stay!


Mind's Eye
M y
36. Observation 1 First Glance
Scanners and remote manipulation devices for observing The domes contain temperate, tropical, and aquatic environments
and interacting with the environments in #35. and small animal pens.The exterior is crawling with colony lizards.

37. Observation 2 Analysis

As above. Passive scans reveal O2 levels are Old Earth-normal. Average
(+1) active scans of test subjects reveal they’re transgenic;
38. Sensory Deprivation Module detailed (Good (+3)) analysis in the Zoology Labs ascertains
Used to encourage psionic emergence in test subjects; they’re compatible with Nimbu-derived genurgy.
the animals here are in a bad way. Anyone approaching or
passing is subject to an Aura of Fear location Aspect.
The domes are much spookier by night than by day. The
The Hydroponics Domes water in the hydroponics and aquatics dome is near black,
Multipurpose hydroponics domes used for food production, penetrated by flashes of light; foliage is dark and uncanny;
genurgic experiments, and producing terrestrial test subjects. animal noises are magnified and strange.


Min Eye
39. Hydroponics problem solving and information gathering giving way to
Contains dome and biolock control interfaces.The transparent direct action and combat. Each phase may have one or more
walls look into the hydroponics aquaria (areas #a). “scenes”: not all scenes need to happen; use as much or as
little as you need.
40. Greenhouse Dome - Temperate
Biolocks lead to rat, rabbit, and temperate fauna pens. Many Phase One: Initial Investigation
are dead. The PCs arrive at the Base, ascertain its condition, and piece
together clues to what happened.

Initial: Even from outside it’s obvious something is wrong.

There’s a crashed flyer jack-knifed into the roof, and the
station Mindscape is down. See “Eidolon Station” on page
143 for more.

Closer Looks: PCs enter and explore the station, rapidly

coming across the remains of the station staff, and maybe
Doctor Tungus’ journal (see page 147).

The Mystery Deepens: Astute PCs will notice the bizarre

behaviour of the colony lizards, concluding something
strange is affecting them. This is a clue that there may be
some psionic force at work in the station.
41. Greenhouse Dome - Warm Temperate
Biolocks lead to snake and lizard pens. Most are dormant;
some are dead. Phase Two: Exploration
The action moves from information gathering to encounters
42. Greenhouse Dome - Aquatic - some violent. If they haven’t already, the PCs may meet the
Abraxas, the surviving hazmat synthetic, is hiding at the Survivors Vindragupti and Abraxas.
bottom of the pool (Fair (+2) Investigation roll or active scan
at -1).

43. Greenhouse Dome - Tropical

Two Possessed pithecine xenomorphs have smashed most
of the pens, letting some very large insects loose.

The Power Plant

The station’s sentient power plant, comprising ZIP plant,
makepoint, and supply shop. Usually maintained by Symbra
the Engineer (see #17), it’s in need of attention.The plant knows
roughly what’s been going on, but is keeping a low profile.

It’s your choice how you play Mind’s Eye, and how much
of the plot suggestions presented here you use. We’ve
structured it as a “horror mystery”, where a seemingly routine
investigation has a bizarre and terrifying cause. We imagine
the scenario is likely to play like this: the PCs arrive at Eidolon
Station and discover something is wrong; they explore the
base encountering various Extras and eventually the Entity,
which they attempt to neutralize or destroy; finally, they try
to take word of the events back to the Commonality.

Key Phases
We’ve divided these plot elements into three “phases”:
Investigation, Exploration, and Conflict, plus an Epilogue.
They overlap, but in general the pace picks up as you go,

Mind's Eye
M y
Doctor Tungus, Are You Insane? Doctor Tungus is in the Doing enough damage in a single attack will kill
Vivarium (area 35). He appears quite insane. He talks about the Entity. This requires a massive explosion, probably
the Entity “coming through”, proud that he “did it”. Then he destroying the station.
becomes fearful, tearfully admitting he “cannot control it...
it has done... questionable things...” He declares his faith in The party just leaves. The Entity may try and stop them,
his “servants” (the colony lizards!) to protect him. Finally he even attacking the PCs’ship. Nimbu Prime will be quarantined
becomes suspicious: who are the PCs, anyway? They’re with until another expedition can be organized.
the Entity, aren’t they? They’re just like the rest... Becoming
hysterical, he orders the colony lizards to attack the PCs - The PCs prevent the Entity “discorporating” and attack it.
which they do... But how? Be generous here: any reasonably well thought-
out plan should stand a good chance of working.
The Importance of Scanning For example, Average (+1) Science or Engineering rolls theorize
Active scanning risks attracting the Entity’s attention,
some kind of dimensional interference might pin the Entity in
but it’s an important part of maintaining the
place - maybe even a 2-Space Tachyon distortion field from
adventure’s pace. Eidolon Station is large, and the
the Gregarious Curiosity’s planing engines. They’d have to
Possessed and Survivors few: while a suspenseful
lure the Entity onto the ship, switch on the 2-Space field, and
search may be fun for a while, watch out for it
then attack... it just might work! Operating the 2-Space field
becoming frustrating, and encourage active sensor
on a planet is dangerous, though - possibly contaminating
sweeps to cut straight to the action! See page 24 for
the environment with Z-radiation for kilometres around and
more on scanning.
causing a catastrophic explosion of the ship (see page 41). If
this happens, the Entity will die - but the party, if they escape,
The Possessed: At some point the PCs encounter one of will be stranded. Maybe the Ministry will send a follow-up ship
the Possessed - probably a combat encounter. Stress how in a year or two...
terrifying and incomprehensible the Possessed are - how
are they even alive? Science can’t explain this! This is evil! Plot Stress - The Entity Closes In
A good way to control the pace of Mind’s Eye is to gradually
Certain Doom - the Entity manifests: See“Plot Stress”below bring the Entity into play as it notices the PCs. You can even
for how the Entity might gradually show itself. Encountering put the PCs on the clock: make them feel hunted, pursued,
the Entity marks the end of Phase Two. that unless they hurry something appalling will happen (it
will...). Mysteries and Alertness rolls can detect something is
Phase Three: Conflict up; see below for active scans in the Entity’s vicinity.
The PCs know what the problem is, and what they’re up
against: they attempt to neutralize the threat and / or escape We’re using Plot Stress to bring the Entity into play, caused
from the planet. by the following events:

The Twist: This is an optional plot element. If the players are Plot Stress Events
having a hard time, one of the Possessed may try to contact Event Plot Stress imposed
them. Twisted and tortured, he communicates to the PCs
Each Possessed encountered One full consequence
that he wants them to control him somehow - perhaps using
Each active scan 2 Stress
Technopsi Domination. A gruesome ally like this accelerates
the final showdown (see “Plot Stress”), but might give the Active PMI in vicinity No effect
PCs the edge they need. Active Monitor Band in vicinity No effect
Each Mindscape ability use 2 Stress
Climax - The Final Showdown: the PCs try to take out (including Skill Chips or
the Entity. But how can it be killed? When it manifests, it’s technopsi)
susceptible to physical damage, including gunfire; but Every locked door or biolock 1 Stress
it “discorporates” at will, and when it returns all physical bypassed
damage is gone! It’s susceptible to psionic attacks, but no Hacking the station corpus 3 Stress
one has such powers. This is something for the PCs to figure Each use of Technopsi Dominate One full consequence
out - but give them plenty of help if they need it. They could on a Possessed
try the following:
Keep a running total of Plot Stress; when it causes a
Doctor Tungus’ recombinant therapy. Not advisable, but consequence, use the following table to determine what
they may survive and end up with a psionic power which could happens:
help. See “Replicating Doctor Tungus’ Work” on page 149.


Min Eye
Plot Stress Consequences Psionics Capability Knowledge
Consequence Description The powers wielded by the Possessed don’t seem to be
…… - Minor The PCs come to the attention of the psionic. The genurgic therapy Tungus underwent did
station corpus and will be attacked trigger a latent psionic capacity, but a passive “beacon”
by any Automated Defences they which attracted the Entity’s attention. The Commonality
encounter. will probably follow this line of dangerous experimentation
……… - Major The PCs come to the attention of the - returning Doctor Tungus’ research provides a temporary
Entity. It uses Empathic Talent to find Aspect “Psionic Latency achieved via genurgy” for the
the weakest PC and hits them with a Commonality’s next R&D roll on its Psionics Capability (see
Telepathy Probe. It then uses Dominate Chapter Six: Worlds and Cultures).
to instil fear into as many PCs as it can
before running out of Fate points and Information on the Entity
retiring. The Entity’s existence is alarming. An intelligence of an
……… - Severe The Entity uses Dominate and Mind order never before encountered and existing in “other-
Control against the PCs, forcing one to dimensional” space, it seems able to intrude into our space
attack the others, etc. at will. With abilities similar to psionics, including controlling
………… - The Entity uses its Cold Blast against the human minds, it seems inimical and obsessed with cruelty
Extreme PCs. and destruction.
………… - Taken The Entity physically manifests and
Out attacks the PCs directly. Reporting on the Entity triggers a Memetic Virus attack on
the Commonality. The Commonality responds by trying to
cover up the information as quickly as possible.
At the start, the PCs may not realize they’re being affected
by anything at all; even when they do, it might not be Evil Interdimensional Intelligences Meme Attack
obvious there’s some invisible, discorporate foe attacking Memetic Virus
them. The Entity attacks as long as it has Fate points, or until Scope: 9 (Commonality Space)
significantly damaged, whereupon it discorporates and Skills: Great (+4) Assertion, Good (+3) Infiltration
heals itself. Successful PSA or hand scanner scans during Aspects: Evil Interdimensional Intelligences!
attacks indicate a localised disturbance similar to a 2-Space Strength Stress: ……………………… (0
anomaly: this is the Entity. Consequences)
Notes: Starts at Scope 1 (a handful of people only,
Epilogue including the PCs). Each exchange, it makes an Infiltration
Possible conclusions to Mind’s Eye include: manoeuvre, resisted by the Commonality’s Great (+4)
Assertion. Success means the story begins to leak, each
Shift representing an extra point of Scope affected by
The Entity is Killed the Aspect. Once the full Scope (9) is reached, the Virus
The station is freed of the Entity, and the remaining Possessed attacks. The Commonality defends using Propaganda,
collapse insensate (see “Staff Recovery” below). The PCs may Assimilate, or Assertion, and attacks back using the same.
get Doctor Tungus into redactive therapy - unlike Doctor If it can stop the virus from reaching the Scope at which it
Noyo, he isn’t a traitor, just unhinged. can make an attack, it will be neutralized.

The Entity Survives Statistics

If the Entity survives, and Eidolon station remains in its
clutches, the planet will be quarantined until a more
powerful team can be sent. Colony Lizards
Colony lizards are one metre long iguana-like creatures
If the Entity has been expelled from the station but not killed, native to Nimbu Prime which appear to display rudimentary
it will be free on the planet or somewhere in space. It will be psionic abilities, including a communal awareness and a
violent, vindictive, and looking to wreak its vengeance on form of mental bolt. They’re the focus of the Eidolon Project
the PCs. studies headed by Doctor Milani Tungus.

Staff Recovery Colony lizards attack only in self-defence. Those

accompanying Doctor Tungus also attack to defend the
Any Possessed surviving the Entity’s destruction will be
Doctor, or at his command.
suffering Extreme Composure consequences, but may
eventually be brought back to health.


Mind's Eye
M y
Colony Lizards Minions
Group of 4 Fair (+2) Minions armed with bite or mental
bolt. Peak skill is Fists.
Aspects: Climb Unhindered, Weird and Uncanny,
Minor Weakness: Fire
- Independent Colony Lizard Group (+4 …… ……
bonus) (Fists +2) …… ……
- Attached Colony Lizard Group (+2 …… ……
bonus) …… ……

The Survivors

Vindragupti is the dirigeant of the Nimbu Mindscape node

who issued the initial distress call.

Vindragupti Mindscape Dirigeant

Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ………………
Fate Points: 6 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences Abraxas Hazmat Synthetic
Encounter Size: 1 Physical Stress: …………
Skills Composure Stress: ………
Good (+3) Technopsi Fate Points: 10 Scale: Small (2)
Fair (+2) Science Engineering Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences*
Average (+1) Resolve Alertness Encounter Size: 1
Athletics Skills
Aspects Good (+3) Might
Mindscape Node Dirigeant Fair (+2) Endurance Engineering
Mindscape implant Aspects
Synthetics are people too! Hazmat Synthetic
Doctor Tungus is a danger to us all! Mechanical (Basic)
The Mindscape is everything Let me take care of that for you!
Stunts I don’t want to hurt you - I can’t control myself!
Redaction [Technopsi] Stunts
Implant Tech [Science] Herculean Strength [Might]
Mindscape [Engineering] Piledriver [Might]
Synthetics [Engineering] Wrestler [Might]
Equipment Equipment
Mindscape implant Mindscape implant
Speaks: Universal Armoured housing (-2 Kinetic Armour)
Speaks: Universal
*Has Severe Composure Consequence (Eidolon
Abraxas Crisis)
A hazmat synthetic responsible for ZIP core and makepoint
maintenance and the station’s aquatic environments, it
suffered considerable Composure damage from the Entity
and is currently in Eidolon Crisis (violent and uncontrollable Doctor Milani Tungus
psychosis - see page 7). Technopsi redactors can eventually Professor of Perecognitive Reversion from Chembu Genurgy
treat Abraxas, but in the meantime it’s dangerous. Abraxas is Corporacy, Doctor Tungus is a Chembu hominid (see page 6).
encountered in area 42. Although actually 237, his apparent age is only 34. Until recently
he had been regularly reporting huge progress in his research.


Min Eye
Since the Entity’s appearance, Doctor Tungus is haunted The Possessed
by bizarre extradimensional manifestations, disturbing and Emaciated shadows of their former selves, eyes burning
possibly terrifying to those he comes into contact with. with strange energies, the Possessed survive by eating
He unconsciously “commands” these manifestations. See colony lizards, bits of their dead colleagues lying around the
“Doctor Tungus, are you insane?” on page 152 for more. His station, and even gobbets of their own flesh. An unknown
synthetic journal in his quarters (area 8) is also accessible power animates their bodies - they should have collapsed
from the Eidolon-4 corpus (area 4). and died ages ago.

Doctor Tungus has a strange rapport with the colony lizards, The Possessed are preternaturally strong, with psionic-like
and a dozen accompany him, acting as Minions if he is abilities. They can also regenerate. They’re insane, filled with
threatened. His Reinforcements Stunt lets him call six more a terrifying hatred for all intelligent beings.
for 1 Fate point.
The Possessed Common Stats
Doctor Milani Tungus Physical Stress: ………………
Physical Stress: …………… Composure Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ………………… Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2)
Fate Points: 4 Scale: Small (2) Consequences: 3 Consequences
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences* Encounter Size: 1
Encounter Size: 1 Skills
Skills Good (+3) Per Possessed (below)
Great (+4) Science Fair (+2) Endurance Fists
Good (+3) Academics Resolve Average (+1) Might
Fair (+2) Engineering Resources Aspects
Mysteries Emaciated Shadows of their Former Selves
Average (+1) Investigation Intimidation Strange Energies drive their Shattered Bodies
Leadership Alertness Preternaturally strong
Aspects Cannibalistic
Genurgically-enhanced Chembu Hominid +1 Aspect per individual Possessed
Haunted by Extra-dimensional Manifestations Stunts
Paranoid and Unhinged Regeneration [Endurance]
Mindscape implant + Stunts per individual Possessed
Psionic Beacon Equipment
Obsessive-compulsive Mindscape implant
See how my children feed! Speaks: Universal
With the power of the mind we can rule the
Nothing must stand in the way of the Great Work!
Gills [Athletics]
Supermind [Science]**
Scientific Genius: Genurgy [Science]
Scientific Invention [Science]
Minions [Leadership]
Reinforcements [Leadership]
Mindscape implant
Hand Scanner
Speaks: Universal
*Is suffering Severe Composure Consequence
“Post-traumatic Stress Disorder”
**Dr Tungus uses Science instead of Athletics
when determining Initiative.


Mind's Eye
M y
Symbra the Engineer Sweeper the Sanitation Synthetic
Encountered in area 17. Before being possessed, Symbra Encountered in area 12, Sweeper looks like a robotic floating
was the power plant engineer. He still carries his equipment, stingray: he can envelop things, secreting a powerful acid;
though he has little use for it. his spine-like tail “sucks up” debris and juices; two tentacles
with sharpened “claws” cut material apart. Sweeper was
Symbra Possessed Human intelligent, diligent, and good-humoured – before the Entity
Physical Stress: ……………… possessed him.
Composure Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2) Sweeper Possessed Synthetic
Consequences: 3 Consequences Physical Stress: ………………
Encounter Size: 1 Composure Stress: ……………
Good Skill Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2)
Good (+3) Telekinesis Consequences: 3 Consequences
Individual Aspects Encounter Size: 1
Let me see how this works! Additional Skill
Minor Weakness: No Fine Manipulation (Fair Good (+3) Weapons
Investigation Check) Fair (+2) Fists, Athletics
Individual Stunt Average (+1) Alertness, Might, Fly
Move Heavy Loads [Telekinesis] Individual Aspects
Equipment Acid-secreting
P-Suit (-1 Kinetic, -1 Energy) Floating synthetic stingray
Hand Scanner Individual Stunts
Equipment Repair Kit Claws [Fists]
Flight [Fly]
Bardu Maniflian -2 Kinetic Armour and -2 Energy Shield
Encountered in area 24-25. Before being possessed, Bardu
was a research scientist and keen chef (for special occasions Possessed Xenomorphs 1 & 2
and celebrations). In combat he makes one Horrific Pithecine xenomorphs with the appearance of upright and
(Intimidation) attack and one Vibroknife (Weapon) attack intelligent chimpanzees, they’re encountered in area 43.
every other round.
Pithecine #1 Possessed Xenomorph
Bardu Possessed Human Physical Stress: ………………
Physical Stress: ………………
Composure Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2) Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: 3 Consequences Consequences: 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1 Encounter Size: 1
Good Skill Good Skill
Good (+3) Weapons
Good (+3) Athletics
Individual Aspects
Individual Aspects
Very Twisted Approach to “Food”!
Minor Weakness: Slower than normal Tree-swinging Psycho
Individual Stunts Individual Stunt
Scary [Intimidation] Lightning Fast [Athletics]
Horrific [Intimidation] Equipment
Mindscape Implant
Vibroknife (+2 Stress, Range 0 / 1 Thrown)


Min Eye
Pithecine #2 Possessed Xenomorph The Entity Star Monster
Physical Stress: ……………… Physical Stress: ……………
Composure Stress: …………… Composure Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2) Fate Points: 4 Scale: Large (4)
Consequences: 3 Consequences Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1 Encounter Size: 1
Good Skill Skills
Good (+3) Stealth Good (+3) Mind Control*
Individual Aspects Fair (+2) Fists Intimidate
Like a Shadow on the Wall Average (+1) Empathic Talent* Telepathy*
Individual Stunt Discorporate (Special Skill)*
Deceptive [Stealth] Aspects
Equipment Powerful Malevolent Alien Intelligence
Mindscape Implant Incomprehensibly Inhuman
The Entity Insubstantial Unless Manifest (untouched by
An other-dimensional being appearing in our dimension as physical world)
a group of amorphous, constantly shifting “blobs”, hovering Major Weakness: Unable to discorporate in
in mid-air, blacker than black. They constantly squirm, shift, distortion field.
reform; trying to look at them is difficult, as though your eye Stunts
“slides right off them”. When the Entity attacks, new “blobs” Claws [Fists]
appear out of nowhere, with tentacles and pseudopods Dominate [Mind Control]*
inflicting terrible cold burns. Extreme Conditions [Endurance]
Extreme Habitat [Endurance]
The Entity does not speak. Its Intimidate attack conveys an
Horrific [Intimidation]
overwhelming malevolence, causing physical revulsion in those
Probe [Telepathy]*
nearby. It “discorporates” at will; when it reappears (in the next
scene), all damage has healed and Fate points been restored. Monstrous Special Abilities
The Entity sends out “sub-entities” to possess a target (its Cold Blast
Mind Control and Dominate attacks). It’s usually physically Equipment
manifest when it does this. Initially discorporate, the Entity n/a
will eventually manifest to confront the PCs. In theory it’s *Entity can use psionics restricted by Discorporate
large enough to attack the PCs’ planeship! Skill when discorporate.


Mind's Eye
M y
The Synthetics The Power Plant Sentience
These are the non-possessed synthetics in Eidolon Station. Encountered in the Power Plant (off the north edge of the map).

Eidolon-4 The Power Plant Sentient Synthetic

The station corpus, although not possessed, is traumatized, Structural Stress: ……………
damaged, most of its sensors offline or destroyed. Believing System Stress: ……………
it’s under attack by an unknown and extremely hostile Fate Points: 9 Scale: Large (4)
force (it is...), until it receives confirmation to the contrary Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
it assumes the PCs are part of that force and treats them Encounter Size: 1
accordingly. Eidolon-4 can be hacked from area 4 and Doctor
Tungus’ quarters (area 8), as well as accessed by Mindscape
when operational or if the PCs have a PMI. It can also be Good (+3) Beam Weapon
contacted by voice from certain locations. Fair (+2) Energy Shields Ablative
Average (+1) Engineering Repair
Eidolon-4 Station Corpus
Structural Stress: …………… Technopsi
System Stress: …………… Aspects
Fate Points: 9 (1) Scale: Huge (5) I’m responsible for the continued functioning
of this Base!
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1 Strong sense of self-protection
Skills Stunts
Good (+3) Base Systems Makepoint Workshop [Repair System]
Mister Fix-It [Engineering]
Fair (+2) Sensors* Automated
Thump of Restoration [Engineering]
Average (+1) Technopsi* None
Help! We’re under attack!
Local Mindscape Instance (offline) Fast Courier “Gregarious Curiosity-
The Base must be protected! 255” (“The Wing Commander”)
A fast courier controlled by a sentience called “Gregarious
Curiosity 255”, nicknamed “The Wing Commander” for all its
Research Computer [Base Systems] stories from the Venu War. It loves human interaction, and is
Equipment toying with the idea of one day getting an avatar.
Local Mindscape Instance
See page 47 for fast courier statistics. The Wing Commander
*Currently unusable has the Mindburn Stunt, but no longer has a Special
Operations Chip; it also has Good (+3) Starship Gunnery, Fair
(+2) Rapport, and the Aspect “The War? I don’t like to talk
about it. But since you insist...”


Min Eye
Chapter Ten:
The First Casualty
“Scramble. Scramble.This is As more ships arrive, filled with refugees, chaos reigns. The
Gentility-5. Elevated urgency. I have news begins to come through: Amida has been invaded!
detected a single uncontrolled 2-Space
emergence less than 0.1 AU from the Base. Silent
running - no communication. Initiate Contact Sequence Story Teller’s Overview
Alpha: evaluation and possible extreme sanction, no delay. Unknown to anyone, among the Amidan ships is a traitorous
Mindjammer-class starship, the Lux Veritatis, intent on sowing
Execute.” mayhem and sabotaging Gentility Base and attempts to
relieve the beleaguered Amida. Incredibly, the Lux Veritatis

has defected to the Venu!

Following Mind’s Eye, the PCs have returned to Gentility Base for While the base swarms with refugees and everyone worries
debriefing and recovery. One day, during the PCs’watch, the base the next arrival will be the vanguard of a Venu invasion,
sentience Gentility-5 announces the arrival of an unidentified, the PCs must work out what’s going on, and uncover the
uncontrolled craft, heading directly towards Gentility Base. sentient starship traitor.

Location Gentility Base
Station Technical Readout
The setting for this scenario is the whole of Gentility Base, Scale: Enormous (6) Advanced
and parts of the Zvukimu system (including its mainworld, Structural Stress: ………………
Zvukimu A-II). This gives a lot of freedom of action to the System Stress: ……………………
PCs, and much of what follows is guidance on dealing with Fate Points: 4 Refresh: 4
the plot developing in various directions. As ever, when the Consequences: 3
players go off the rails, let them - there should be enough Armour Cons: Minor (Reflective)
information here to help you improvise!
Minor (Ablative)
Shield Cons: Minor, Major, Severe
Zvukimu System Jump Maximum: n/a
See page 125 for details of the Zvukimu system. Use the
System Zone Map below for in-system manoeuvres. Skills
Superb (+5) Launch Bays Launch Bays
Gentility Base Great (+4) Ship Systems Cargo Hold
Gentility Base is an intelligent space habitat and one of Launch Bays
the main SCI Force bases in the subsector. It’s home to Good (+3) Rapport Technopsi
one thousand souls, including support staff, families, and Energy Shield Repair System
about a hundred Insertion and Sanction Team and special Fair (+2) EWS FTL Inhibitor
operations personnel. SCI Force PCs are reasonably high Beam Weapon Marine Facilities
rank, with access to senior staff. Advanced Sensors
Avg (+1) Manoeuvre Ablative Armour
Gentility Base incorporates a starship docking ring offering Reflective Armour
repair facilities, and low and zero-G environments for training Grappling System
the prestigious Zvukiman Zero-G Force. Hardened Structure
The station corpus, Gentility-5, is female, caring yet
efficient, with a dry sense of humour. There’s a subordinate Aspects
sentience, Pandora-12, which takes command if Gentility-5 Sentient SCI Force Base
is unavailable for any reason. Pandora has a younger, more Independent Shipboard LMI
playful - even naive - personality. Special Operations Chip
Caring yet Efficient
Key Staff at Gentility Base All for one, and one for all - that’s how my station
Kasim Kasah: over 300 years old, Kasim Kasah is Senior SCI works, mister!
Force Strategist on Gentility Base and the PCs’ boss. With the The Commonality is bigger than any one of us
appearance of an active and well-groomed man in his early Stunts
fifties, he commands great respect. Sentient Ship Control
Control Avatar
Helen Balu: Helen Balu has the unenviable task of heading Point Defence (Beam Weapons)
the Commonality’s diplomatic mission to Zvukimu’s Singers Long-term Life Support
(see page 127) and consequently spends most of her time at Makepoint Workshop
Gentility Base with nothing to do. She has contacts with the Redaction
Singers, and knows Harmony (see below), and can introduce Passenger Quarters (400 people)
the PCs if requested. Balu belongs to the Communications Advanced Med-bay
Instrumentality rather than SCI Force, giving her greater Hardened Ship Systems
freedom of action. Sensor Drones
Tractor Drones*
Kim and Dom the Javawayn Twins: Kim and Dom are
Javawayn hominids and the station’s chief engineers. They Equipment
spend most of their time in the Aerial or Engineering and Docking Ring
Power Plant sections. They always wear grav belts.
* allows Gentility to affect ships down to Scale-3 with
Sokratis, Master of Archives: Sokratis is the chief science Grappling System Skill.
officer, a small, hovering football-sized synthetic surrounded
by a cloud of tactile / tractor fields. It’s one of SCI Force’s
principal experts on Venu technology.


A Note on Investigative Skills
Horatio Chin, Zvukiman G-Force Commander: A SCI Force Whenever PCs conduct investigations using Skills
commander and head of “Eagle-5”, the division of Zvukimu’s like Investigation, Science, or Rapport, assume rolls
elite Zero-G Force based on Gentility. The Zero-G Force are Average (+1) difficulty: success provides one
(popularly called “G-Force”) belongs to SCI Force rather than item of information, and each Shift provides another.
the Armed Forces Instrumentality; most personnel are based Descriptions in the text present possible findings in a
on Zvukimu or on active service throughout the subsector. list; give the PCs as many of these as their Shifts allow.

Plot Example: In Scene 4, the PCs are investigating Halflight’s

inert body.The text runs:“Investigation or Science checks
This is an event-based scenario; certain events happen in a reveal he’s an avatar, used by a Commonality planeship,
certain order, unless the PCs get involved and change things with augmentations undertaken by a lower-skilled
(which of course they will). It puts the PCs “on the clock”, (probably Venu) engineer, and that the bomb is a zero-
using Plot Stress to ensure events continue to happen, and point bomb”. This means the PCs can make Average (+1)
not give the PCs chance to rest and regroup. This should Investigation or Science checks; if they succeed with 2
be a chaotic, pell-mell scenario, the PCs struggling to cope Shifts, the Story Teller might reveal Halflight is an avatar,
with events spiralling out of control while trying to work out used by a Commonality planeship, with augmentations,
what’s going on! for three items of information in total.

e First
F Casualty
Episode One: All Hell Breaks Loose vicinity, its comms systems silent, tumbling chaotically and
Refugees from the Amidan invasion suddenly begin to out of control!
arrive in the Zvukimu system. Hidden among them is the
traitorous Mindjammer Lux Veritatis, which tries to infiltrate Passive scans indicate a Keynes-class subsidized freighter, a
Gentility Base in the body of its avatar, Halflight, and several Commonality workhorse here on the Fringe. As it’s potentially
synthetics (see page 31 for more on avatars). Halflight hostile, Gentility initiates active scans and possible extreme
attempts various acts of sabotage, and the PCs must track sanction (blowing it out of the sky).
down and neutralize the threat. We’ve divided the episode
into four scenes. The PCs are the acting bridge crew in control of Gentility
operations. It’s up to them how to handle this sudden
Lux Veritatis’ Goals emergency.
Lux Veritatis aims to get Halflight and its three synthetic
henchmen into Gentility Base; sow mayhem, creating
explosions, murdering crewmen and refugees; infiltrate
a Mindscape virus into the station sentience; and make a
Mindburn attack on Kasim Kasah, Senior SCI Force Strategist.
Halflight will then make its way to “the Aerial”, Gentility’s
zero-G communications hub, and destroy it by setting off
the distortion bomb hidden in its torso!

Plot Stress
PC actions cause Plot Stress as follows:

Plot Stress Events

Event Plot Stress imposed
Each refugee debriefed / treated 1 Stress
Chelenn’s Story One full consequence Contact Sequence Alpha: Possible PC Actions
Each successful Forensics check 1 Stress Although Gentility-5 is the station sentience, the PCs are its
Killing Halflight’s Henchman One full consequence agents and final decision-makers. They have various options,
Destroying the Mindscape Virus One full consequence including:
Saving Kasim Kasah One full consequence
Launch Sensor or Space Combat Drones: standard
Plot Stress consequences are as follows: procedure, PCs control these using the Technopsi Skill
Remote Control and Sensorview trappings. They require
Plot Stress Consequences Average (+1) manoeuvres to get close: use the PCs’ Starship
Pilot skill complemented by Technopsi; success gives a
Consequence Description
temporary Aspect “Perfectly Positioned” on subsequent
…… - Minor Explosion and Murder (see Scene active scan or Starship Gunnery checks. See page 42 for
2: Saboteurs!) more on space combat drones.
……… - Major The Mindscape Virus (see Scene 3:
The Mindscape Virus) Detailed Scans: active scans using the station sensor
……… - Severe The Attack on Kasim Kasah (see package or sensor drones (a +2 bonus): see Starblazer
Scene 3) page 350. Depending on Shifts, successful active scans
………… - Extreme The Aerial: the zero-G tower, the reveal multiple life signs - there are approximately 200
Avatar IS a bomb! (See Scene 4: souls aboard!
The Aerial)
………… - Taken Out The Avatar explodes! (See Scene 4: Plot Trajectory: requires a successful Ship Systems (Sensors)
The Aerial)* Skill check. Shifts reveal the ship isn’t manoeuvring, is in free
tumble, and will pass Gentility Base by several hundred
* only if Scene 4: the Aerial isn’t being played. kilometres (a close shave!) heading towards Zvukimu’s
asteroid belt, arriving within 5 exchanges and likely suffering
Scene 1: Refugees a catastrophic collision.
The station sentience calmly announces “Action Stations”
during the PCs’ watch, as a battle-damaged planeship makes Attack the Ship: launch space combat drones under PC
a sudden uncontrolled 2-Space emergence in the station’s control (see page 42). Gentility (Scale 6) cannot attack the
incoming vessel (Scale 3) directly.

Take Control of the Ship: PCs can intercept with their own invasion’s earliest stages, and probably don’t have detailed
ship, use physical grapples, and tow the ship to Gentility’s tactical knowledge.
docking ring. Or, they can wait until the ship passes close
by, and use Gentility’s tractor drones to try and get a lock; Chelenn’s Story: Chelenn is a blind Amidan sculptor who
they’ll only have one chance at this, before the ship enters was on the same refugee ship as Halflight and his Henchmen.
the asteroid belt. If the PCs want to try and do both, let them Several times during the journey her uncanny hearing
- this is a test of initiative too! picked up traces of Monitor Band signals; as everyone on
her ship claimed to be Amidan, she knew something strange
Results was afoot.
There are three likely results:
Successfully retrieve the ship: the ship safely docks and Unless the PCs prevent it, at some point (see “Plot Stress”,
disembarks hundreds of people, humans and synthetics, above) Halflight’s synthetic henchman act. There’s a huge
many injured, clearly refugees. PCs who’ve completed explosion, the lights flicker, people begin screaming. PCs
Escape from Venu will recognize many as Amidans. hurrying to the scene see a bomb has detonated, and there
are casualties.
Destroy the ship: the PCs may acquire Aspects like “Ruthless”
or “I had to let them die to save the station!” The subsequent More Possible PC Actions
arrival of refugee ships may trigger remorse or attempts at Seal off the Area! This will ensure Halflight’s henchman is
self-justification. within reach.

The Ship enters the asteroid belt and is destroyed: similar Forensics: PCs with appropriate investigative abilities
to the above, and a good opportunity for Aspects: did the (such as the Forensic Science or Impossible Detail Stunts, or
PCs try to help the ship, or just let it be destroyed? Good (+3) Science or Investigation checks) may detect the
explosion was caused by a small and sophisticated zero-
Aftermath point bomb with a short timer.
Just as the emergency is resolved, Gentility-5 reports
multiple 2-Space emergences throughout the system. There Monitor Band: Halflight and his Henchmen have Mindscape
are ships everywhere: many bear battle damage. This is implants, and are using Monitor Band cloaks. PCs may detect
developing into a refugee crisis! these, identifying the Henchman from the refugees. See
page 24 for detecting Monitor Band cloaks.
Let the PCs act as they see fit. There are over twenty ships, all
telling the same story: Amida has been invaded by the Venu Scan or Interrogate Everyone: much easier if the PCs have
in overwhelming force. The battle for the system was raging; sealed off the area. Scan indicates a bio-check; interrogate
ground troops had landed and nukes been used. This day means Investigation or Intimidation checks.
alone, over ten thousand refugees arrive at Zvukimu - and
the PCs must decide what to do! Gentility Base recommends Whodunnit?
processing them on-board before releasing them to Assume scene Aspects like Tense, Urgent, Paranoid, Trust No
Zvukimu below - but right now it’s the PCs’ call. One! The PCs try to flush out Halflight’s henchman: he’s a
synthetic, and shows up on bio-scans; his body probably
Scene 2: Saboteurs! retains traces of explosive; PCs may detect his Monitor Band
One of Halflight’s synthetic henchmen rampages through the cloak. Finally, he may just crack under interrogation. Once he
station, destroying and killing indiscriminately. Mayhem! snaps, however, he attempts to take as many PCs with him
as he can!
There are refugees everywhere. Weary and injured, lying
in corridors, conference rooms, cafeterias; the station is Use the stats overleaf for all of Halflight’s Henchmen.
struggling to cope. Things are confused and chaotic.
Scene 3: The Mindscape Virus
Possible PC Actions Halflight attacks the Gentility sentience by introducing a virus
First Aid: PCs with medical or redaction skills can treat into the station Mindscape, then makes a Mindburn attack on
wounded and traumatized refugees; treat as manoeuvres Kasim Kasah, Senior SCI Force Strategist.
providing temporary Aspects such as “Confiding and
Talkative”. Depending on Plot Stress, the PCs are probably checking
security records for signs of Monitor Band cloaks, tracking
Debriefing: PCs with Investigation or Rapport skills may down any other disguised synthetics on the refugee ships.
question survivors about conditions on Amida: review The Suddenly - without warning - the station Mindscape
Black Zone scenario below for details. Bear in mind that no goes down! Lights flicker, spasmodic and unintelligible
matter the Shifts generated, these are refugees from the warning messages blare over the speakers. Sirens go off -

e First
F Casualty
Halflight’s Henchmen Synthetics life support and gravity. Gentility-5 intercepted that attack, as a
Structural Stress: …………………………… result of which she’s currently offline and the Mindscape down.
The virus is still attacking the station - it’s only a matter of time
System Stress: ……………
before it gains access to something critical!
Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
The Mindscape Virus
Encounter Size: 1 or 2
Technopsi +3, Might +2, Science +2
Aspects: Scorched Earth!
Superb (+5) Fists*
Ship Systems +1, Deceit +1, Stealth +1
Great (+4) Athletics*
Structural Integrity: ………………… (3
Good (+3)
Secrets Stress: ……… (0 Consequences)
Fair (+2) Alertness
Notes: Attacks using Technopsi (Mindburn) vs Technopsi
Average (+1) Weapons Guns or Resolve, doing Composure damage; you attack back
Might with Technopsi vs Technopsi, doing Structural Integrity
*Mandroid bonuses included damage, or Science (Hacking) (restricted by Technopsi)
Aspects vs Science, causing Secrets damage. If the virus attacks a
Mindscape implant synthetic, consequences affect Skills as in Starship Combat;
Looks like a human but metal underneath! if a Skill is rendered offline, the virus can take over it as long
(Variform Synthetic Aspect) as it possesses the Skill itself. So, a virus with Ship Systems
Single-minded Combat Specialist Skill attacks the Ship Systems Skill; if the Skill goes offline,
Minor Weakness: Electricity the virus assumes control of life support, sick bay, station
Stunts gravity, and so on! Viruses can hide using Stealth and
Martial Arts Deceit, and case and infiltrate a target using Burglary.
Outer Shell (Endurance)
What is the Virus trying to do?
Mandroid Arms x2 (+2 Stress, +2 Fists)
Disable the Base: as in “Diagnosis” above, the virus is
Mandroid Legs x2 (+2 Stress, +2 Athletics)
attacking the station systems, trying to take them out. See
Mandroid Chest (+2 Stress, Outer Shell)
the box above; each exchange the virus attacks Gentility
Equipment Base. Let the PCs play the part of Gentility Base, with 6
Mindscape implant Systems Stress, a Minor consequence “Mindscape Offline”,
Monitor Band Cloak and a Ship Systems Skill reduced to Good (+3).
No Weapons But Fists
-1 Kinetic Armour (Outer Shell) Mindburn Kasim Kasah: a Good (+3) Technopsi attack by
Halflight, tagging the “Infected by Mindscape Virus” scene
Aspect for a total +5. Because the Mindscape is down the PCs
depressurization klaxons sound - fire alarms start to ring. But may not initially realize Kasim Kasah is under attack at all - maybe
from the Mindscape - nothing. Where is Gentility-5? make Alertness or Investigation rolls to realize something is
wrong. Characters with Special Operations Chips can attempt
This places an “Infected by Mindscape Virus” Aspect on the Fair (+2) Technopsi Skill checks to break into the malfunctioning
scene. Mindscape and work out the Senior Strategist is under attack!
Identifying the Problem - Possible PC Actions Dealing with the Virus - Possible PC Actions
Technopsi: PCs can’t access the Mindscape; the Monitor Aiding Kasim Kasah: PCs with Special Operations Chips
Band seems corrupted, and any technopsi attempts fail, suffer virus Mindburn attacks while aiding Kasim Kasah.
including accessing the security records. Personal Mindscape If they successfully defend, they can perform Technopsi
Instances are no better - there are a few seconds of activity manoeuvres to place temporary Aspects like “Mindburn
before PMIs exhibit the same signs of corruption and fail Shielded” or “Point Defence against Mindburn Intrusions” on
completely. Kasim Kasah.
Special Operations Chips: PCs with Special Operations Attacking the Virus: the PCs attack the Mindscape virus
Chips may see the Mindscape has been brought down directly (see box above).
by a rogue sentience - a Mindscape virus! Mindscape
viruses are rare, usually the preserve of mad scientists and After the Virus - Possible PC Actions
supercriminals - but someone brought one along today. Back to the Security Records: the Mindscape virus tried
to destroy security record information, salvageable on
Diagnosis: a Science roll modified by Technopsi reveals: the Investigation / Science / Hacking rolls: a visual identification
164 Mindscape virus initially targeted the station systems, including

of four individuals, one clearly the synthetic which caused If Halflight is disabled before reaching the Hub, Investigation
the mayhem in Scene 2 - Halflight and his henchmen! or Science checks reveal he’s an avatar - not even a synthetic!
- used by a Commonality planeship, with augmentations
Aftermath undertaken by a lower-skilled (probably Venu) engineer,
Having restored the Mindscape and identified Halflight and that the bomb is a zero-point bomb.
and his remaining henchmen, tracking them is easy.
Unfortunately, it looks like they’re heading for the zero- Halflight’s statistics (below) are for an avatar: in other words,
G environment of Gentility’s control core, dubbed “The they’re derived from the statistics for Lux Veritatis on page
Aerial”. Casing (Burglary) rolls indicate the target is the 169, and are a combination of the avatar’s physical housing
comms hub - Gentility’s nerve centre itself. Active scans (providing its Structural Stress, Armour, etc) and those of Lux
reveal a radiation source moving with the group - it looks Veritatis’ Skills, Aspects, and Stunts appropriate for avatar use.
like they have a bomb!
The revelation that Halflight is an avatar raises a disturbing
Scene 4: The Aerial possibility: the traitor could be a planeship! The idea that a
The climax of the episode. Halflight and his henchmen are sentient starship - symbol of the authority and power of the
heading for the Aerial’s hub (and Gentility’s primary “brain”) to Commonality - could have been subverted by the Venu is a
blow the station. However, Halflight isn’t carrying a bomb - he shock for the Commonality, placing a “Planeship Paranoia”
is a bomb! His physical housing is just a shell - an avatar - and temporary Aspect on the Zvukimu system and triggering a
a carefully crafted explosive device! Memetic Virus Meme Attack on the Commonality.

The PCs are on the clock, a confusing, three-dimensional The “Planeship Paranoia” Meme Attack
combat in multiple zones with the “Zero-Gravity” location Scope: 9
Aspect. Remember PCs can tag this on Halflight and his Infiltration +3, Assertion +4
henchmen for effect! Halflight is trying to make it to the Aspects: Planeship Paranoia!
Comms Hub and blow himself up; his synthetics are trying Stunts: Memetic Virus, Cultural Assault
to defend him. Strength Stress: ……………………… (0
The scene has elements of chase, block, and fire fight. Halflight
Notes: Attempts to spread as widely as it can before making
starts 10 zones from the Hub, and makes Sprint manoeuvres
its attack: see the “Memetic Virus” Stunt description on
to try and get there: the PCs start 4 zones from Halflight, and
page 72 above.
9 zones from the Hub (these are zero-G manoeuvres, with a
-1 penalty unless characters are wearing EVA harness - they
aren’t by default - or have zero-G training). The henchmen lay Episode Two: Suicide Mission
blocking fire to give Halflight a head start. If he makes it to the Hardly have the implications of the Halflight avatar begun
Hub, he explodes, destroying the Aerial (including the Gentility- to dawn on SCI Force than a refugee planeship blasts out
5 sentience and station Mindscape) and placing an Extreme of Gentility’s docking ring into interplanetary space! It looks
consequence on anyone present (including the PCs!). like the rogue planeship has been found - and it’s speeding
towards Zvukimu’s asteroid belt!


e First
F Casualty
Halflight Avatar of Lux Veritatis The Rogue spends 3 exchanges gathering debris, during
Structural Stress: ………………… which the PCs may attack or attempt boarding actions. The
Rogue then heads back towards Gentility, towing its retinue
System Stress: ………………
of huge chunks of rock on a collision course!
Fate Points: 2 Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: 3
Scene 2: Race Against time
Armour Cons: n/a
The PCs may be pursuing the Rogue or even be on board.
Shield Cons: Minor, Major, Severe
Encounter Size: 1 Possible PC Actions
Skills Detailed Scan: detailed scans reveal no life-forms on
Great (+4) Fists* board the Rogue; however, there is a tightbeam com-link
Good (+3) Deceit* Athletics* between the ship and an unknown destination - someone
Fair (+2) is communicating with the Rogue!
Average (+1) Resolve Guns
Technopsi Attack the Rogue: the PCs may choose to attack and
destroy the Rogue, though they may miss out on tracking
Lux Veritatis to its hideout (see Episode Three, below).
I am a living bomb!
Variform Synthetic Avatar
Board the Rogue: paradoxically this gives the PCs more
Black Chip
time; while Starblazer exchanges don’t have a fixed length,
Machiavellian Traitor starship exchanges are generally longer than individual
Embrace the Radiant Darkness and Despair! ones. Figure a starship exchange lasts about 30 minutes
Weirdly Enhanced Mindjammer (sometimes more, sometimes less), while an individual
Cruel and Sadistic exchange is a few seconds to a few minutes. Boarding the
The Commonality left me for dead in the battle Rogue gains a little time as it speeds towards Gentility with
for Oppen-14! its lethal cargo!
Mindburn [Technopsi] On board the Rogue, Investigation, Science or Ship’s Systems
Martial Arts [Fists] rolls reveal this is no sentient starship - the PCs have boarded
Lethal Weapon [Fists] a ghost ship, another remote-controlled weapon!
Mandroid Chest (+2 Stress, Zero Point Bomb)
Equipment Find the Source of that Tightbeam! Most easily done on
No weapons (Fists only) board the Rogue, but also possible remotely. On-board the
Black Chip PCs must break into the Bridge and hack the ship’s systems
Assault Field (-3 Energy Shield) (an Average (+1) Science roll modified by Technopsi);
Monitor Band Cloak remotely, they need precise sensor calibration to track where
the tightbeam is originating (an Average (+1) Ship Systems
roll, +1 per zone distance from Zvukimu A-II). The tightbeam
* skills have been restricted by Technopsi originates from a mountainous region of Zvukimu, where
the planet’s surface rises out of the atmosphere - home of
Lux Veritatis’ Goal the mysterious alien Singers!
The rogue ship isn’t the sentient ship everyone’s looking
for - it’s being remote-controlled by Lux Veritatis from What happens if the Rogue gets to Gentility Base?
somewhere else in the system. Lux’ goal is to steer the ship Normally the Rogue wouldn’t be able to ram something
into the asteroid belt and use its tractor beams to capture a as large as Gentility Base - it’s too small. However, thanks
load of debris, then drive both ship and debris at ramming to the “cloud” of debris it’s dragging behind it, this time it’s
speed into Gentility Base! got a chance. Treat as a ramming attack as if the Rogue was
Scale 4 rather than Scale 3 (due to the debris); make sure the
Scene 1: Cat and Mouse players take the part of Gentility Base as the Rogue attacks!
The PCs chase the Rogue and catch up with it before or in
the asteroid belt. Use the System Zone Map: if the PCs begin
immediately, the Rogue begins 1 zone ahead. Once in the Belt,
Episode Three: The Singers
Lux Veritatis is hiding on Zvukimu, having convinced
it’s difficult to detect (the Belt is Barrier Value 3) and catch
the mysterious Singers it’s being hunted unjustly by the
up with as it’s making ludicrously dangerous manoeuvres
Commonality. The PCs must convince this unfathomable
- use the Chase rules each exchange. An Alertness roll
alien species of Lux’ treachery!
(modified by Sensorview or Ship Systems) reveals the Rogue
is using its tractor beam to gather asteroids behind it!

will turn hostile: Lux Veritatis has turned Song of God against
The Rogue Ship the Commonality.
The Rogue is a Profit-class New Trader (see page 47)
with an additional Average (+1) Grappling System Possible PC Actions
Skill and some unusual Aspects. If the PCs capture it Conflict: the PCs may fight the Singers. This is tough, even
without destroying it, it could be restored for use. though the PCs may be in their starship; figure there are
five Singer “leaders” with the same stats as the Chorist,
Aspects: below, each with 4 Singer Minions. Lux will exhort them to
Single-minded Pilot! a fight to the death; if the PCs surrender they’ll be captured
This ship runs crazy risks (see below).
Ghost Ship
What the hell is controlling this thing? Negotiate: negotiating is difficult without a Singer on your
side, and Lux will urge the PCs are summarily executed! Treat
as Great (+4) difficulty; Helen Balu is taggable as an Aspect
if present, as is Plainchant Foo; skills like Academics can be
used in manoeuvres relating to knowledge about Singer
customs. A successful negotiation roll still fails, but reveals
the Singer known as Harmony (the PCs’ best hope for a
negotiated solution) has been imprisoned on charges of
treason (instigated by Lux Veritatis, of course)! The PCs may
choose to surrender, fight, or escape; if they surrender they’ll
be captured (see below).

Captured: If captured, they are put in strange Singer plasma

cages, ready for a “trial”. This is where they meet Harmony;
see below.

Rescue or Escape: captured PCs may try and escape, taking

Harmony with them. Likewise, if they know Harmony is
imprisoned, they may try to stage a rescue (presumably in
p-suits - there’s no atmosphere, remember). Deactivating
the plasma cages is a Great (+4) roll of Engineering, Science,
or Burglary. If they’re escaping, make Stealth rolls against
Lux Veritatis’ Goal the Singer guards’ Average (+1) Alertness; if they’re trying a
If the PCs have tracked Lux Veritatis to Zvukimu’s surface, rescue, they need rolls before and after.
they’ve got it cornered; its “goal” is to fight and escape if it
can, or go down in a blaze of devastation if it can’t. Scene 2: Persuasion
This scene takes place if Harmony has been rescued. She
Song of God proceeds directly to Lux Veritatis and begins a Composure
There are various Singer “nations” on Zvukimu; Song of God conflict before the Singers to persuade them of Lux’ lies. The
is one of them. The tightbeam leads directly here, high above PCs can assist with manoeuvres using the evidence they
the atmosphere, and scans pinpoint the Mindjammer’s have against Lux.
neural array and precise location.
Scene 3: The Fight with Lux Veritatis
Song of God is a natural crystal formation similar to an If Harmony begins to win the debate with Lux Veritatis,
Aeolian harp but on an enormous scale. Plasma interference have the PCs make an Average (+1) Alertness roll to notice
and the rarefied atmosphere cause the fluted spires of the Lux’ energy cannon powering up. Lux fires on the Singers,
mountains to “sing”, and the Singers live amidst the unearthly attacking the PCs and Harmony first, then heading into
“music”. orbit where the Singers can’t follow but the PCs can. The
Zvukimans scramble the Planetary Defence Force but don’t
Scene 1: Captured by the Singers engage unless instructed by Gentility Base.
If Lux Veritatis hasn’t been alerted, and especially if Helen
Balu (see page 160) is involved, the PCs’ first encounter with If Lux can’t destroy the PCs, or the PCs don’t follow, it makes
the Singers may be peaceful. Have them meet a Singer such one last, desperate attempt at vengeance, turning its planing
as Plainchant Foo (see below), giving them a false sense of engines on the Song of God (see page 41). This will kill many
security. Then, as they meet other Singers, their reception Singers and devastate the environment - can the PCs stop it?


e First
F Casualty
Stats Harmony
The Singers A pro-Commonality Singer known to Helen Balu, currently
Details of the Singers of Zvukimu can be found on page 127. imprisoned in Song of God because she opposed Lux
Veritatis. Fearsome when opposed, she’s fascinated by
The Chorist humans, and caring of their welfare (which can feel a bit
A respected old Singer, physically weak but mentally condescending...).
powerful. Leader of the Song of God.
Harmony The Friendly Singer
The Chorist Singer Leader Physical Stress: ……………
Physical Stress: …………… Composure Stress: …………………
Composure Stress: …………………
Fate Points: 6 Scale: Medium (3)
Fate Points: 6 Scale: Medium (3)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1-6
Encounter Size: 1-6
Great (+4) Empathy
Great (+4) Rapport
Good (+3) Resolve Rapport
Good (+3) Resolve Empathy
Fair (+2) Exude Energy Absorb
Fair (+2) Exude Energy Absorb Energy
Average (+1) Stretchy Telepathy
Average (+1) Stretchy Telepathy
Singer Song* Mysteries
Singer Song* Mysteries
Respected leader of the Song of God These humans interest me!
Unfathomable Alien Plasma Being Unfathomable Alien Plasma Being

I must decide according to our laws! Compassionate - if a bit condescending

Insubstantial and unaffected by physical Insubstantial and unaffected by physical

weapons weapons
Haunting Song Haunting Song
Minor Weaknesses: Fire, Water, Gravity, Air Minor Weaknesses: Fire, Water, Gravity, Air
Stunts Stunts
Exude Plasma [Exude Energy] Exude Plasma [Exude Energy]
Energy Drain [Absorb Energy] Energy Drain [Absorb Energy]
Energy Boost [Absorb Energy] Energy Boost [Absorb Energy]
Absorb Energy Weapons [Absorb Energy] Absorb Energy Weapons [Absorb Energy]
Monstrous Special Ability Monstrous Special Ability
Extreme Conditions Extreme Conditions
Equipment Equipment
Plasma Fist Plasma Fist
Plasma Bolt Plasma Bolt
*Operates like the Pheromones Skill *Operates like the Pheromones Skill


Plainchant Foo Lux Veritatis
A young, excitable singer who sides with the PCs. Use the
Mindjammer Technical Readout
statistics on page 127, replacing “Aloof and Uncaring” with
“Enthusiastic and engaging”. Scale: Medium (3) Advanced
Structural Stress: ………
Lux Veritatis System Stress: ………………
A traitorous Mindjammer who has betrayed the Commonality Fate Points: 2 Refresh: 2
and defected to the Venu. Its statistics are the “master” from Consequences: 3
which the avatar Halflight’s statistics were derived. Armour Cons: Minor, Major, Severe
Shield Cons: Minor
Epilogue Jump Maximum: 30 LY
The PCs’ actions define this scenario’s outcome, and they’ll
be recognised accordingly, with praise, reward, or criticism. Skills
Gentility Base could be damaged, or even destroyed; Superb (+5) Fists
relations with the Singers could be better, or worse. Lux Great (+4) Deceit Athletics
Veritatis may be destroyed, or still at large, unknown or an Good (+3) Beam Weapon
open traitor to the Commonality. Projectile Weapon
Ablative Armour
There are other implications, too. Although Lux was in Fair (+2) Manoeuvre Resolve
league with the Venu, some of its equipment could only be EWS Planing Engines
obtained through restricted Commonality channels. There’s
Avg (+1) Guns Technopsi
a conspiracy in the Commonality - but who, and why?
Energy Shields
Before anything, though, a loyal ally of the Commonality is Mine Dispenser
under attack - Amida needs help! Repair System
Sentient Starship
Black Chip
Look, ma, it’s a Mindjammer!
Machiavellian Traitor
Embrace the Radiant Darkness and Despair!
Weirdly enhanced Mindjammer
Cruel and sadistic
The Commonality left me for dead in the battle for
Sentient Ship Control [Ship Systems]
Atmospheric Entry [Manoeuvre]
X-Core [Planing Engines]
Mindburn [Technopsi]
Control Avatar [Technopsi]
Hardened Ship Systems [Ship Systems]
Martial Arts [Fists]
Lethal Weapon [Fists]

Single Tyce Systems Laser Cannon
Mai Ling “Steadfast Defender” EWS System
PASARM “Rapid Pursuit” Z-Winder Missiles


e First
F Casualty
Chapter Eleven:
The Black Zone
“Can’t you hear it? I can hear it. I can hear it all the time. It The Black Zone takes
sounds like a voice... it sounds like music... it sounds like all the place against the backdrop of
sounds of my childhood, all the lost hopes for the future when I a full-scale planetary invasion. Events
was just a pup. I want to laugh and cry at the same time. happen at three levels: character, unit, and
organization; organizations and units use the
You know: all those people, in the City, just lying on the Starblazer Organizations rules; events at all levels affect
ground and starving to death in bliss while they listen to the one another; and players have a wide choice of action.
Uranawaltzer - I know how they feel... We’ve loosely assumed PCs will be interested in capturing
or destroying the Venu superweapon (especially given its
I can’t let you destroy it. It must be rescued! It’s the most beautiful weird powers), and the four episodes below generally head
thing in the world - it’s a gift from God!” in that direction.

- Cain,also known as the White Wolf,former mercenary with We’ve divided the scenario into “Location”,detailing key areas
the 4th Amidan Xenomorph Cadre,outside the Black Zone,193 NCE of the Venu occupation; “Plot”, describing the four episodes;
and “Statistics”. There’s also a section on unit-level actions,
Background describing how the Venu, the Amidan resistance, and the
Commonality xenomorphs are battling it out.
The Venu have invaded Amida! Fleet encounters and
ground battles are ongoing, but the Resistance is weak and Describing the Venu
the Venu Occupation Force huge. The PCs are sent to Amida The Venu are Mindjammer’s bad guys. They’re
to reconnoitre the threat, take any action to hinder the mysterious, mutated Space Nazis; little is known
invasion, and report back to the Commonality. about them, beyond their penchant for melodrama,
sharp dressing, and disgusting skin conditions. Their
On planet, the PCs hear rumours of a frightening Venu “super- coldly intellectual leaders treat their troops almost
weapon” which has closed off the capital city in a forbidding as badly as the people they’re fighting, driving them
“Black Zone”, and of a terrifying “Braineater Plague”. PCs who like cattle and slaughtering them just as easily. Led by
took part in Mind’s Eye, above, may get a sense of déjà-vu... the Dark Radiance Cultists - their thought police and
Machiavellian leaders - they’re a twisted and sinister
Story Teller’s Overview foe whose motivations remain unfathomable.
The Uranawaltzer is indeed a super-weapon, and among its
Players may have already met them in Escape from Venu.
many effects is the “Black Zone” over the city of Daisetta, a force
However, the Black Zone is a full-scale invasion, and the
field within which a strange inaudible “music” enthrals the
Venu are going overboard with their incomprehensible
minds of the population as they succumb to starvation and
xenophobic destructiveness. Can nothing stop them?
exposure. It also provides the Venu with a Mindscape-like power,
Take full advantage - if your players don’t hate these guys’
enabling Cultists of the Dark Radiance, led by High Commissar
guts, you’re doing something wrong!
Hell Mur, supreme leader of the Invasion Force, to communicate
telepathically on-planet and boost their psi-powers.

PCs with Minions?!

A Complex Scenario Unit-level combat abounds in the Black Zone, and PCs
We’re not making any bones about it - The Black can lead groups of soldiers on heroic missions. We’ve
Zone can be a complex scenario. It’s the climax of provided opportunities for PCs as agents of SCI Force to
the campaign, with huge scope for action. There assume command of groups of minions, running them
are multiple episodes, pitched battles, and a cast independently or attaching them to their own characters.
of thousands, which players can approach in any
number of ways. Take time to familiarize yourself PCs can take control of any friendly unit by making a
with the material, and decide how much or how Leadership roll against the unit leader’s Leadership Skill
little you’re going to use. We’ve provided hints and (default Mediocre (+0)). Failing has no consequences unless
suggestions, but as ever in Starblazer, the main the Story Teller wishes; success means the PC assumes
thing is to keep it moving, let actions speak louder temporary command, controlling the unit’s actions at unit-
than words, and have fun! level, or treating it as a group of minions at character-level.

The Black Zone

See page 90 for Amidan planetary details; cultural details are as follows.

Amidan Culture Culture Sheet

Scale: Enormous (6) Consequences Strength Stress
Scope: Planetary (6) Minor: Simple robots may be permissible... ………………
Fate Points: 4 Major:
Refresh: 4 Severe: Stability Stress
Extreme: …………„„

Skills Stunts
Great (+4) Comms (Radio) Information Resource Cultural Assault
(Computers) Exploitation Propaganda Campaign
(Automated) Memetic Virus
Good (+3) Transport (Space Power (Broadcast) Assimilate
Fair (+2) Biological (Medical) Armaments
Average (+1) Assertion Propaganda
Mediocre (+0) Psi (Pre-Psi) Infiltration

Religion (The God Under A Tree)
Revere the Kaskai xenomorphs
Science! (result of Commonality contact - Power capability band)
Robots Will Take Over The World! (result of Commonality contact - Resource Exploitation capability band)
Live and Let Live
*Mutability of Body Form (temporary Aspect from Commonality Propaganda Campaign)
*Hail the Radiant Darkness (temporary Aspect from Venu Meme Attack, currently affecting 1 zone only - Daisetta)

Cultural Conflicts
Commonality Propaganda Campaign (Scope 6) - defending with Good (+3) Assimilate and Aspect “Robots will
take over the world!” against Commonality’s Good (+3) Propaganda and Aspect “Mutability of Body Form”. Amidan
government supports Commonality Propaganda Campaign with Average (+1) Propaganda, giving +1 Stress to successful
Commonality attack.
Venu Meme Attack (Scope 6) - defending with Average (+1) Assertion and Aspect “Revere the Kaskai xenomorphs”
against Venu Fantastic (+6) Propaganda and Aspect “Hail the Radiant Darkness!”. Amida is attacking back with Average
(+1) Assertion versus Venu Superb (+5) Assertion.

The World
Amida is a trinary system, with L- and M-class companions, distant enough to treat Amida A (the main star) as its own system,
although Amidan skies clearly have two additional distant suns.

The System Zone Map shows only the largest zones; each planet, for example, has orbital and atmospheric zones. The
multiple asteroid belts are separate zones, as are the battle debris zones and the zone where fleet battles are raging. The
Amidan system is a complex, dangerous environment.


The Black Zone

The People forming a large part of the Amidan diet. An integral part of
Amidan cities are lightly populated and dispersed, with Amidan society, before the Invasion they constituted 10% of
lots of small-scale agriculture. Most people live in the less Daisetta’s population; now there are none. Many have joined
sweltering uplands, but even these are very hot. The capital, the Resistance, and there are “fighting monks” training in
Daisetta, has a population of just under one million; built on secret to rescue their spiritual leader!
five hills (“Daisetta” means “Five Hills”) along the Viridis river,
it has borne the brunt of the Venu invasion. Amida Invaded!
The Venu invaded a month or two ago. Since then, there’s
The God Under A Tree: the Amidans are a religious people. been constant conflict between the Venu Occupation
In the Core Worlds religion has long been illegal for the doubt Forces, Amidan Resistance, and xenomorphs.
and disruption it sows, but the Commonality has learned
to its cost that it’s nevertheless alive and well, in society’s Outside the Black Zone conditions are “normal” for an occupied
unobserved corners and amongst the poor, lost, and needy. planet. Venu military governors and Commissars command the
Xenomorphs in particular harbour strong religious feelings, government, food is rationed, there are reprisals, casual brutality
and Amida is no exception: the native Kaskai form the and a curfew during each cycle’s rest period. Bitter conflict has
priesthood of a pseudo-Buddhistic religion called “the God broken out as the Amidans have woken up to the Venu brutality,
Under a Tree”. Their spiritual leader, Mugon the “High Holy”, and many have fled to the Resistance in the lowland jungles.
normally dwells in a temple city in the southern jungles, but
has been forcibly relocated by the Venu to a temple east of
Daisetta - possibly as hostage to ensure Amidan compliance.
Daisetta and the Surrounding Area
See the map “Daisetta and Surrounding Area” on the inside
Everyone’s concerned about the High Holy’s imprisonment,
back cover.
and there rumours of Venu atrocities against Commonality
xenomorphs - though not, as yet, the Kaskai.
The Ruined Cities: during the initial invasion the Venu
bombarded the cities around Daisetta from orbit, killing
The Royal Family: the Amidans are devoted to the Sultan’s
hundreds of thousands and leaving radiation-contaminated
family, though less so than the High Holy. If the PCs played
ruins. The Daisetta area is depopulated - refugees have fled to
Escape from Venu, people will remember them for their
other cities (under the Venu jackboot) or the Resistance, though
role in trying to rescue the kidnapped heir to the Amidan
survivors can be found scrabbling for food and avoiding Venu
throne, Princess Kirei. The whereabouts of the Amidan royal
patrols and radioactive fallout. It’s a terrible mess.
family is currently unknown.
Daisetta Down Starport: Amida starport’s ground facilities
The Kaskai: a pithecine xenomorph species like fully
were taken intact by the Venu, and are locked down and
upright gorillas. They’re a deeply religious, joyful culture,
heavily garrisoned. The Commonality-run orbital sensor
strong in dance, theatre, music, and the vegetarian cuisine

The Black Zone

station suffered extensive damage, though it’s still in a though they have Commonality grav-tanks (requiring the
stable orbit: no one knows what’s happened to the hundred xenomorph drivers interned in the Concentration Camp).
or so crew.
The Xenomorph Concentration Camp
The Kaskai Temple: this beautiful temple of wood and
incense high on the forested slopes east of Daisetta now A recently-constructed prefabricated prison camp confining
houses the Kaskai High Holy, Mugon, and a garrison of Venu Daisetta’s Commonality xenomorph minority, commanded
troops. The Amidans haven’t attempted a rescue as they fear by sadistic Commandant Am-Falta (see page 189).
(rightly) for the High Holy’s safety. PCs doing so need to get
it right first time... The camp has three “Alert Levels”: low, raised, and attack. The
manning levels below are for low alert, unless otherwise
Unit Distribution: the Resistance is concentrated in the stated. Patrols comprise either a full squad (1 Squad Leader
south-eastern jungles, patrolled by Venu attack droids. plus 3 4-man teams), or a single 4-man team. There are 1000
troops (including guards), 20 Venu Predators, and 10 Tripods
Patrols: PCs travelling around Daisetta and environs guarding the camp; see page 191 for statistics.
encounter the following patrols:
Combat Walker Hangar: 20 Tripods and 10 Predators are kept
Venu Ground Patrol: 1-3 tripods (see page 191), or a foot here, with 50 engineers. During an attack they’ll be in the field.
patrol of 1-3 squads and 1-2 Predators.
Landing Berm: for flyers and shuttles. There’s a single squad
Venu Droid Patrol: usually encountered in the wilds, guard post here - during an attack they’ll be in the field.
especially the lowland jungles.
Surveillance Tower: contains the camp’s scanners, 3 squads of
Venu Air Patrol: a pair of horribly polluting Venu fighters (see guards; during an attack,the tower directs a squad to any attacker
page 50); the Resistance have no airpower to counter with, within minutes; one squad always remains to man the tower.


The Black Zone

Surveillance Tower Gun Towers: eight gun towers are manned by 4 Venu
Physical Stress: …………… trooper minions (32 total). The tower provides -2 armour
against kinetic and energy weapons.
Systems Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 7 Scale: Medium (3)
Gun Towers
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Physical Stress: ……………
Speed: n/a Crew: 13
Systems Stress: ……………
Fate Points: 3 Scale: Medium (3)
Good (+3) Projectile
Weapon Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Fair (+2) Armour Shields Speed: n/a Crew: 4
Average (+1) Investigation Alertness Skills
Tower Systems Good (+3) Projectile Weapon
Aspects Fair (+2) Armour Shields
Coordinates troop movements and attacks Average (+1) Investigation Alertness
Eye in the sky Aspects
Communications hub Excellent field of view
Stunts Good cover
Anti-personnel armour You can’t miss it!
Equipment Stunts
Very heavy disruptor cannon (+8 explosive None
damage vs personnel, area 1, range 5) Equipment
Medium armour plating (-2 kinetic, -2 energy) Venu Heavy Disruptor (+5 Stress, range 3)
Medium armour plating (-2 kinetic, -2 energy)
The Tower Troops Minions
3 squads of 13 Average (+1) Venu troopers; 1 is attached
Headquarters: 4-storey building housing Commandant Am-
to the tower, 2 are independent. They’re armed with Venu
Falta and 700 troops - during an attack they’ll all be in the field.
Disruptor Rifles (+4 Stress, range 2) and wearing Venu
Trooper Armour (-2 kinetic, -1 energy).
Barracks: irregular 3-4 storey barracks for 300 camp guards.
Attached Trooper Squad (+4 …………………………………
During an attack they’ll all be in the field.
2 x Independent Trooper ………………………………… Main Gate: Barrier Value 3, patrolled by a 4-man team;
Squads (+1 Guns, +4 bonus) ………………………………… during an attack, it’s guarded by 10 squads, 5 Tripods, and
10 Predators.

Outer Fence: Barrier Value 2, patrolled by a 4-man team

every 15 minutes; during an attack it’s unpatrolled.

Inner Gate: Barrier Value 3, guarded by a 4-man team; during

an attack there’ll be 2 squads here.

Inner Fence: Barrier Value 3, a 4-man team makes a circuit

every 15 minutes. During a raised alert searchlights from the
nearby gun tower pass every minute, calling in a squad to
anything suspicious. During an attack it’s unpatrolled.

Internment Huts: housing 700 xenomorph prisoners (30 per

hut), including Cain (see page 188). They’re malnourished,
unarmed, and very angry.

The Black Zone

The once-beautiful City of Spires lies devastated by the Venu
invasion, its tree-lined avenues burned, cupolas and spires
tumbled to the ground. A sinister, uncanny force field covers
it, cutting off the sunlight - the Black Zone.


The Black Zone

The Black Zone is kilometres wide, covering the city. Inside, Black Zone Defences
everywhere is in near darkness, every sound muffled. This The Black Zone swarms with Venu forces, unaffected by the
“Dark Radiance”emanates from the mysterious Uranawaltzer; Uranawaltzer. PCs must make Stealth rolls to avoid Venu
it’s unnatural, and doesn’t register on sensors. ground patrols (see page 173).

Anyone entering the Black Zone sickens rapidly and lapses

into a coma: no one knows why. People call it the “Braineater
plague”; first, you hear strange sounds, like music, just out
of the range of hearing. This gets slowly stronger until you
collapse in a kind of trance. The Black Zone is filled with the
bodies of Amidan citizens, lying outstretched on the ground,
starving to death and listening in rapture to “something” -
the music of the Uranawaltzer.

The Academy of Commonality Studies

This is Amida’s former Global Mindscape Facility. During the

invasion it was stormed by the Dark Radiance Commissariat,
who installed the deadly Uranawaltzer which immediately
suppressed all Mindscape activity. Since then, the building
and immediate surroundings have been in total darkness
- the concentrated heart of the Black Zone, visible from a
distance as a strange, amorphous patch of night. The Dark
Radiance Guard and Commissars see in it normally, but Venu
Troopers are as blind as anyone. Artificial light and night-
Outside the Black Zone is the Penumbra, an area of semi- vision goggles are minimally effective, although infrared
shadow 10 kilometres deep. Obvious on bright days, by vision works normally. Mechanical synthetics can see, but
night or when overcast it requires an Alertness roll to see. The organic ones cannot.
Resistance don’t know what the Penumbra is: see “Tagging
the Uranawaltzer” on page 176. The Academy is a figure-eight shaped building with
magnificent portals north and south, approached by
See page 191 for Uranawaltzer stats and details of the grandiose steps flanked by fountains. Its two wings bear
Braineater plague. tall spires, known locally as “the Spires of Glass and Gold”.
Heavily damaged during the attack and since repaired, it has
a sinister, Venu feel, black and red drapes flanking the doors,
and Dark Radiance guards everywhere.

Interior and Defences

Each approach to the Academy is defended by 2 squads
of Dark Radiance guards (see page 187). Inside two main
chambers, 70 metres across and almost circular, flank a
central hall and offices - the Dark Radiance’s operational
heart. The easternmost chamber - previously the Hall of
Information - serves as their headquarters; the westernmost
houses the Uranawaltzer.

Defences are tight, with 500 Dark Radiance guards in the

Academy and another 2500 Venu troopers nearby in the
Black Zone. In an attack 10 squads of Dark Radiance guards
(130 troopers) remain protecting the building.


The Black Zone

Tagging the Uranawaltzer
Venu Commissars can tag the Uranawaltzer to
enhance their psi-powers anywhere on-planet:
PCs need an assessment (using Investigation,
Science, or even Technopsi) to realize this. They can
also communicate telepathically. Using Venu psi-
powers in the Black Zone treats all targets as being
in the same zone; in the Penumbra treats targets
as 1 zone removed; and elsewhere on-planet as 2
zones removed.

Tagging the Uranawaltzer in its presence provides

a +3 bonus rather than +2.

The Uranawaltzer and the Mindscape

No Mindscape Instances (not even PMIs) can be
accessed within the Black Zone and Penumbra.
Science rolls reveal they’re still functional, but for
some reason organic brains can’t interface with
them. This even applies to Special Operations and
Black Chips. Maybe the Uranawaltzer is some kind
of suppressor?

The Chamber of the Uranawaltzer How many Units?

The westernmost chamber was originally the Hall of Armies come in all shapes and sizes. In Starblazer,
Education, housing Amida’s Global Mindscape. It’s still there, an Organization brings to bear a number of “Armies”
strangely non-functional, and the chamber is home to the or “Fleets”, or a number of “Units”, equal to its Sway
Uranawaltzer. During an attack, it’ll be heavily defended by or Control Skills in a region. Whether you use the
4 squads of Dark Radiance guards, 10 technopriests, High larger Armies and Fleets or the smaller “Units”
Commissar Hell Mur and his two assistant Commissars. If depends upon whether the Organization is Scale 7,
Asharak-Um survived Escape from Venu, Story Tellers may 8 or 9 (Planetary, Interplanetary, or Star Empire), or
want him to reappear here, too! something smaller.

The Uranawaltzer is 2 metres tall, a staff-like artefact, clearly Example: The Empire of Venu is a Star Empire; its Good
technological, surrounded by a nimbus of blazing “black (+3) Sway (Darradine Restoration) Skill brings 3 Fleets
light” - the Dark Radiance. Motionless bodies of hapless and Armies to bear in the Darradine Restoration
Amidans cover the floor, comatose or simply entranced by Subsector.
the whirling “music” filling their minds.
How big is an Army or Fleet? How many “Units” do
The technopriests tend the Uranawaltzer, moving bodies, they contain? Although Starblazer doesn’t answer
posing their limbs, somehow modulating the radiance and that question specifically, Mindjammer assumes
its song. It’s all incomprehensible; some of the more “drained” that an Army or Fleet comprises 10 Units per point
bodies seem strangely insubstantial. PCs who’ve played of the parent Organization’s Arms Skill. So, for the
Escape from Venu may recognise one of the technopriests Venu Empire, with its Great (+4) Arms Skill, each of
as Doctor Noyo - assuming he survived! See page 185 for his its Armies comprises 40 Units; for the less-militarized
updated statistics. Commonality, each Army comprises 20 Units.

In this scenario, the Venu Invasion Force comprises

Unit-level Actions 40 Units. What those Units are is described below.
Mass battles and unit-level actions form the backdrop to the
Black Zone. This section provides guidelines for including
unit-level conflicts in your game. Amidan force, for example. This “force” comprises all units
in that action; each force has its own statistics block, like
Using the Starblazer Organizations rules, in a unit-level a character, starship, or organization: see Episodes 1-4 for
action one “force” fights another; the Venu force fights the examples.

The Black Zone

What’s an Army Unit?
An army consists of a number of units with identical statistics How to do things with Forces and Units
but differing Aspects. Unit types are described below; not all The following bullet points summarize the
army forces have all types. Starblazer rules for unit-level conflict.

Unit Type Description • When creating a force, designate one unit

Infantry A battalion of 1000 troops, frequently the “core unit”, then attach other units to it as
attached to Armour or Anti-armour minions.
Special Infantry 200 elite troops such as • Each force has a single stat block, with stress
commandoes, Special Infantry units points, Skills, Aspects. Examples are provided
often form the core of a PC-led below.
special missions force.
• The “core unit” only provides 5 stress points;
Infantry Support Mechanized units like tanks or
each additional unit adds 1 more.
combat walkers, providing covering
fire and anti-tank or anti-artillery
• Make one roll for each force each exchange -
support for ground troops.
either an attack or a manoeuvre.
Armour Grav tank or Venu Quad Walkers
forming the core of a force with
• Determine Initiative using the parent
infantry units attached. Their job is to
organization’s Technology or Security Skill.
break through the lines.
Troop Carrier Reinforcements capable of replacing • Resolve attacks or manoeuvres using the
Infantry units. You need Troop Carrier commander’s Leadership Skill, plus any
units to use the Reinforcements applicable Leadership Stunts.
(Leadership) Stunt.
Anti-armour Venu Tripods, Commonality Combat • The defender resists with its Leadership Skill.
Drones, flexible units whose job
is to take out Armour units. They • If you get spin before applying the damage
frequently form core units; like bonus, you can choose how to allocate damage
Armour, they may have Infantry units - so you can target a significant unit.
• Any Aspects belonging to the core unit may
be invoked; additionally, 1 additional Aspect
Tips for playing at Unit-level from the parent organization and from each
Unit-level play can become abstract and mechanical; attached unit may also be invoked. This is a
here are a few tips to avoid that happening. modification of the Starblazer rules. If a unit is
destroyed, its Aspect is no longer available.
First, involve the PCs as much as possible. Make sure
the players have a copy of the “Force Sheet” with the • Although units are treated as a single force,
statistics of the force they’re assisting; let them spend on a map you can show them individually,
Fate Points to perform Highlight Scenes (Starblazer undertaking manoeuvres to surround or isolate
pages 292-3); involve them in Emergency Scenes; or units, and so on.
let them play such scenes out, just as if the conflict
was happening at Organization level. Any of these
activities can be manoeuvres creating temporary
Aspects. Let the PCs bring their own Leadership Lastly, be clear about the nature of the conflicting forces
Skills into play as well, influencing tactical decisions and victory conditions. In the fleet battle in Episode
and colouring the narrative as the Forces conflict. One, the Amidan force is heroically trying to buy their
refugee ships time to escape - there’s not much hope it’ll
Secondly,personalize the Forces.Give individual units ever damage the Venu force opposing it. If the refugees
personality, names like “Commander Beyn’s Shock escape, that’s a “victory” for the Amidans.
Troops” or accessible labels like “Rabble of Pitchfork
Farmers”, Make sure they behave in appropriate ways
rather than like pieces on a board.


The Black Zone

Venu Forces
The Venu Invasion Force is massively more powerful than the Amidans; its leader, High Commissar Hell Mur, has Good (+3)
Leadership, with +1 bonus on fleet actions and an additional +3 to fleet or army actions for a Fate point. See page 62 for the
Venu organization sheet.

The Venu have 7 fleet units and 33 ground units in the Amidan system, as follows:

Venu Fleet Forces

Unit Number Comments
Capital Ship 1 The “Ancestral Voice” (see page 48)
Destroyer Squadron 1 6 destroyers (see page 49), including the “Assassin”,“Dark Wing”,“Crimson
Skull”, and “Shade”.
Drop Ship Squadron 2 2x 6 drop ships (see page 49) carrying 24,000 troops total.
Warhawk Wing 1 12 warhawks (see page 51)
Fighter Wing 2 2x 12 fighters (see page 50)

Venu Ground Forces

Unit Number* Comments
Infantry 5 5x 1000 Venu troopers in blood red armour.
Aspects: Deranged Psycho Warriors, Foot-sloggers.
Droid 3 3x 500 Attack Droids painted blood red.
Aspects: Z-Radiation, All-weather, Stupid Robots.
Special Infantry 2 2x 50 Venu troopers in black-trimmed gold Venu Marauder armour.
Aspects: Elite Soldiers, Powered Armour.
Infantry Support 5 5x 20 Venu Predator combat walkers.
Aspects: Towering Combat Walkers.
Armour 4 4x 2 Venu Quad Walkers.
Aspects: Terrifying Mechanized Monsters, Belching Z-Radiation Dirt Drives,
Nightmare Disruptor Cannon.
Troop Carrier 2 2x 10 Crawlers.
Aspects: Reinforce the Infantry, Rapid Move.
Anti-armour 6 6x 10 Tripods.
Aspects: Gang up on the Tanks!

*we’ve already placed 27 of the 33 Venu ground units, leaving 6 more to use as reinforcements.

Amidan Forces
The Amidan Resistance has 20 units. 10 are in the Daisetta area, hidden in the jungle lowlands east of the capital; Venu attack
droids are flushing them out.

Amidan Ground Forces

Unit Number Comments
Infantry 5 5x 1000 ground troops.
Aspects: We gotta get the hell outa here, One day it’ll be payback time!
Armour 2 2x 50 ground tanks; also operate as Infantry Support.
Aspects: Primitive tracked vehicles.
Troop Carrier 1 2x 50 armoured personnel carriers.
Aspects: Faster than the infantry.
Anti-armour 2 2x 50 mobile artillery.
Aspects: Cumbersome.

The Amidan Resistance, even with Commonality xenomorph allies, is horribly outclassed. They’re just not a warlike culture.
With limited Leadership skills, each force has only Average (+1) Leadership, with a +1 “Unit Leader” Stunt. This is why Cain
(see below) is so important - he can make a real difference to the Amidans’ survival chances.


The Black Zone

The Amidan government’s Organization sheet (from which unit statistics are derived) is as follows:

Amidan Government
Organization Sheet
Scale: Colossal (7) Consequences Physical Stress
Scope: Planet (6) Minor: ………………
Fate Points: 7 Major: Composure Stress
Refresh: 7 Severe: ……………………

Skills Holdings
Great (+4) Unity The Kaskai Temple
Good (+3) Diplomacy Communication (Isolated, Ancient)
Lore (Religion)
Fair (+2) Admin Resources
Control (Amida) Trade
Average (+1) Technology Security
Arms Sway (Darradine Rim)
Influence (Darradine Rim)

Planet of diplomatic intrigue
Cut off for Centuries
Ancient and tradition-bound
Mystical world-view
Why do we need weapons - we threaten no one!
Influential xenomorph minority!

Xenomorph Forces
Amidans are well-disposed towards xenomorphs, and a Commonality xenomorph minority was introduced as part of the
cultural integration. The Venu are using them as scapegoats for the invasion, rounding them up as “Commonality spies”.

Most Commonality xenomorphs are imprisoned in the Xenomorph Concentration Camp (see above), including 4 xenomorph
ground units. Their statistics are derived from the Commonality Organization sheet on page 57.

Xenomorph Ground Forces

Unit Number Comments
Infantry 1 1x 500 xenomorph ground troops “the Amidan Irregulars”.
Aspects: Rag-tag Bunch, Determined Guerrillas.
Special Infantry 1 Commander Beyn and his Shock Platoon! 150 xenomorph elite ground
Aspects: Fierce Ursoid Soldiers, Unfeasibly Strong, Good Armour, Grav Belts.
Armour 1 1x 50 grav tanks.
Aspects: We make up for our numbers!
Anti-armour 1 1x 100 combat drones. Can also operate as Infantry Support.
Aspects: Swift and silent.


The Black Zone

Scene 2: The Fleet Battle
Venu and Xenomorphs There’s a battle raging between Venu forces and some rag-
The Venu view xenomorphs as abominations fit only tag Amidan systems defence and customs boats under the
for destruction. On Amida, they’ve taken hostage command of grizzled old New Trader veteran Captain Milo
Mugon, the Kaskai leader, forcing him to make McRae. His leadership skills simply aren’t cut out for this
pronouncements turning the Amidans against the kind of engagement, and it’s a doomed, heroic struggle as
Commonality xenomorphs. He’s doing this under he tries to protect a handful of refugee transports escaping
threat to his own people, although the Venu have to FTL distance (see Starblazer page 357). The Amidans
left the Kaskai alone for now. desperately need decent leadership - and the PCs can
provide it in the nick of time and help hold off the Venu just
long enough to let the refugee ships get away! Let the PCs
Plot get involved either using their Leadership Skills or taking
We’ve divided the Black Zone into four episodes: the PCs Highlight Scenes, as well as letting the players play the
arrival in system; meeting the Resistance; rescuing the Amidan force.
xenomorphs; and finally trying to capture or destroy the
Uranawaltzer. Each episode consists of scenes; none of these
are required, but are rather suggestions for how PCs might
proceed. Story Tellers should chop and change as they see fit.

Episodes take place against the backdrop of invasion. Unit-

level combat is ongoing, and PCs can participate in battles
and influence their outcomes. Consider each episode as
one organization-level exchange or one unit-level scene, as
appropriate; its outcome can affect the organization-level
conflict directly.

Who am I playing?
The Black Zone operates at several levels: PCs
undertake missions, infantry and armour units
engage in mass combat, starships carry out orbital
bombardments or fire support. All these levels can
be played out if you want to. Make sure you avoid
rolling for both sides, though! Even if the PCs aren’t in
leadership positions, always let the players manage
the good guys’ forces - things are desperate enough!

Episode One: The Gauntlet

The PCs arrive in the Amidan system on a reconnaissance
mission to find it full of Venu ships - a battle is raging
between a Venu Fleet and the remnants of the Amidan
system defence force! The PCs pick up a distress call - there’s
a disabled Amidan ship out there, and a Venu warship
closing in! Victory Conditions
For the Amidans and PCs to win, the flotilla of refugee ships
Scene 1: Running the Gauntlet has to get 2 zones clear of the Venu, from where they can
At some point the PCs will want to get to the planet’s surface. jump into 2-Space. Both forces start in the same zone. The
Use the System Zone Map on page 172; the PCs must make PCs’ best chance is probably to have the Amidans engage in
Manoeuvre rolls to cross the intervening zones to the planet. defensive manoeuvring: you can play this out with counters
Each exchange, the Venu try to detect them; assume range on the System Zone Map, or just narrate it. Ships take
isn’t an issue (there’s a lot of ships in-system), and that Venu advantage of location Aspects, Forces invoke their own, and
sensors are all Good (+3). If detected, the PCs will be pursued PCs burn Fate points to perform Highlight Scenes to provide
by one or more Venu warhawks or fighters (Story Teller’s bonuses. On any round the Amidans make a manoeuvre, the
choice), beginning at a distance of 5 zones. Can the PCs get Venu attack. Will the refugees get away before the Amidan
to Amida before being destroyed? defenders are destroyed?


The Black Zone

Venu Force 1: the Invasion Fleet (7 Units) Map, with all 3 ships beginning 5 zones from each other,
Total Force Stress: …………… plus … … … … … … (3 and the Chelesta Arion in a debris field. Stats for the Venu
Consequences) Warhawk are on page 51; the Chelesta Arion is a New Trader
(page 47) with a Minor consequence: Manoeuvre Damaged
Fate Points: 2 (from Hell Mur)
and a Major consequence: FTL Disabled (she’s dead in the
Core Unit: Venu Capital Ship “Ancestral Voice”
water - although her beam weapon still works!).
Attached: 1 Destroyer Squadron “Death Storm” (6 ships),
2 Drop Ship Squadrons (2x 6 ships), 1 Warhawk Wing (12
ships), 2 Fighter Wings (2x 12 ships) Scene 4: Orbital Insertion
Scans from Amida high orbit reveal the global Mindscape is
down, and the capital city of Daisetta is cloaked in a strange,
Ancestral Voice Aspects:
black force field kilometres across - the Black Zone. It’s up to
• Dreadful victor of the Battle of Oppen-14
the PCs where they land, but a Venu air patrol (see page 173)
• Belching Z-Radiation Dirt Drives
will be dispatched to intercept them - they’ll need to avoid
• The Commonality has no defence against this!
or neutralize it before they can touch down.
• Heart of the Fleet
Drop Ship Squadron Aspect:
• Slow-moving and Cumbersome Organization-level Effects
Destroyer Squadron Aspect: The fleet battle in Episode One represents a single
• Bristling with Firepower organization conflict exchange. If no Amidan refugee ships
Attack / Manoeuvre: Good (+3) Leadership (from leader escape, treat as a -1 to the Amidan government organization’s
High Commissar Hell Mur), +1 Stunt bonus, +2 Unit bonus defence roll; if the Ancestral Voice is destroyed, treat as -1
(6 units), +3 Stunt bonus for 1 Fate point to the Venu Empire’s defence. Other favourable results can
result in temporary Aspects; otherwise there’s no effect.
Initiative: Good (+3) Security or Fair (+2) Technology

Amidan Force 1: Captain McRae’s Rag-tag Defenders Episode Two: The Amidan Resistance
(5 Units) The PCs arrive on-planet, experiencing local conditions,
Total Force Stress: …………… plus … … … … (3 encountering Venu forces and eventually the Amidan
Consequences) Resistance. They can find out about the Black Zone, the
Fate Points: 5 (from Captain McRae) Braineater plague, rumours about the Venu “superweapon”;
and also about the Kaskai, the xenomorph persecutions, and
Core Unit: 1 Squadron of “McRae’s Irregulars” (6 ships,
the Concentration Camp and plan to free the xenomorphs.
including the “Blowfly” customized freighter)
Attached: 1 Systems Defence Squadron “Amidan
Throughout this episode there’s an ongoing battle between the
Customs Authority” under Commodore Vivas Thraze (6
Invasion Force and the Amidan Resistance. The PCs experience
ships), 1 Skirmisher Wing under Commander Seleness
this first-hand, possibly influencing the outcome themselves.
Pataipur (12 ships), 1 Drone Wing (12 starship combat
drones), 1 Refugee Ship Flotilla (3 ships)
Aspects: Scene 1: Touchdown!
McRae’s Irregulars Aspects: After dealing with the Venu air patrol, the PCs choose a
• I never thought I’d see the like! landing zone; we’ve provided a Daisetta Regional Map on the
• Chaotic and Improvised Tactics inside back cover, although they could land anywhere. The
Systems Defence Squadron Aspect: PCs encounter the Amidan environment (the devastation,
• Desperate defenders the day / night cycle), and orient themselves. They can land
Flotilla Aspect: any time of day or night, but we suggest the end of the
• We’ve got to buy them some time! second week of darkness, in the cold just before dawn.
Skirmisher Wing Aspect:
• This is just like shootin’ the rapids back home! Scene 2: Reconnaissance
Combat Drone Aspect: The PCs witness the battle in Scene 3 from a distance. Give
• Small and evasive them opportunities for reconnaissance (see Episode Three
Attack / Manoeuvre: Average (+1) Leadership from for details), identifying the Amidan resistance and maybe
Captain McRae, +1 Unit bonus (3 units) encountering a Venu patrol (see page 173).
Initiative: Average (+1) Technology
Scene 3: Battle and Retreat
Scene 3: The Distress Call The PCs meet the Amidan resistance in a battle with a Venu
In the battle for Amida desperate stands are everywhere. The mopping-up force involving orbital support, likely in or near
PCs pick up a distress call from the Chelesta Arion, a battered one of the devastated cities. Players can use their Leadership
old Amidan trader, and detect a Venu Warhawk closing in! Skills or take Highlight Scenes to affect the unit-level battle,
This is a starship combat encounter; use the System Zone as well as playing the part of the Amidan Resistance.

The Black Zone

This is a desperate, unbalanced battle. The Amidan resistance, Amidan Force 2: Retreating Infantry (2 Units)
led by Commander Kime Balchetti, is trying to retreat into the Total Force Stress: …………… plus … (3 Consequences)
jungles, pursued by the Venu. Figure they need to put 3 zones
Fate Points: 5 (from Commander Balchetti)
between themselves and the Venu to successfully escape.
Core Unit: 1 Infantry Unit “the Daisetta Defenders” (1000
Venu Force 2: the Mopping-up Force (4 Units) Attached: 1 Anti-armour Unit (Mobile Artillery)
Total Force Stress: …………… plus … … … (3 Aspects:
Consequences) Infantry Aspects:
Fate Points: 2 (Hell Mur) • We gotta get the hell out of here!
Core Unit: 1 Armour Unit (2 Venu Quad Walkers) • One day will be payback time!
Attached: 1 Infantry Unit (1000 Venu Troopers), 1 Droid Anti-armour Aspect:
Unit (500 Attack Droids), 1 Anti-armour Unit (10 Venu • Cumbersome Mobile Artillery
Combat Tripods) Attack / Manoeuvre: Fair (+2) Leadership (from
Aspects: Commander Balchetti), +1 Unit bonus (1 unit)
Quad Walker Aspects: Initiative: Average (+1) Technology
• Terrifying Mechanized Monsters
• Belching Z-Radiation Dirt Drives Scene 4: A New Home
• Nightmare Disruptor Cannon Even if the battle turns into a rout, some survivors make it to
Attack Droid Aspect: the jungles. Gan Baruki is an Amidan resistance leader (see
• Stupid Robots page 189); you can use him as the PCs’ entry point into the
Venu Trooper Aspect: Resistance - maybe they save his life in an individual-level
• Deranged Psycho Warriors action in the battle. The PCs may be able to take command
Tripod Aspect: of some of the Resistance forces with his help (see “PCs with
• Gang up on the tanks! Minions?!” on page 170).
• Orbital Assault (see page 43)
Attack / Manoeuvre: Good (+3) Leadership (from leader The Amidan resistance are heading into the deep jungle.
High Commissar Hell Mur), +1 Unit bonus (3 units), +3 They’re accompanied by some militant Kaskai including
Stunt bonus for 1 Fate point Beltander, the “gorilla” leader of the guerrillas! The PCs
Initiative: Good (+3) Security or Fair (+2) Technology can find out from the Resistance about the Black Zone, the


The Black Zone

mysterious Uranawaltzer, and the Xenomorph Concentration Venu Force 3: the Xenomorph Concentration Camp (3
Camp - and the strange evangelistic xenomorph leader, the Units)
White Wolf (Cain). Total Force Stress: …………… plus … … (3
Try not to railroad the PCs; they’ve a lot of options, so present
Fate Points: 4 (Am-Falta)
the facts as the PCs (and the Resistance) see them, and let
Core Unit: 1 Infantry Support Unit (20 Venu Predators)
them decide what to do next.
Attached: 1 Infantry Unit (1000 Venu Troopers), 1 Anti-
armour Unit (10 Venu Combat Tripods)
Organization-level Effects Aspects:
If either force is destroyed, the parent organization suffers a
Infantry Support Aspect:
further -1 on its defence roll this exchange; other favourable
• Towering Walkers
results may result in temporary Aspects; otherwise there’s
Infantry Aspect:
no effect.
• Deranged Psycho Warriors
Anti-armour Aspect:
Episode Three: The Xenomorph • Gang up on the Tanks!
Concentration Camp • Covering gun towers
The PCs take part in an attack on the Xenomorph • Perimeter Fencing
Concentration Camp (see page 173) to try and free the • The Surveillance Tower sees all!
Commonality xenomorphs and add their forces to the Attack / Manoeuvre: Fair (+2) Leadership (from Camp
Resistance. They meet Cain, one of the xenomorph leaders, Commandant), +1 Unit bonus (2 units)
and hear of the “Holy Uranawaltzer”, which in some strange Initiative: Good (+3) Security or Fair (+2) Technology
way seems responsible for the Black Zone and the Braineater
plague. Maybe they realize it’s a key element in the Venu Amidan Force 3: The Strike Force (2 Units)
superweapon - maybe even the superweapon itself! Total Force Stress: …………… plus … (3 Consequences)
Fate Points: 4 (Gan Baruki, or the PCs)
If the PCs began Episode Two just before dawn on Amida’s Grit: 1
“Long Day”, this episode takes place during the days just Core Unit: 1 Armour Unit (50 ground tanks)
after dawn, as the light and heat begin to grow. Attached: 1 Infantry Unit (1000 gropos)
Scene 1: Camp Recon Armour Unit Aspect:
The PCs, perhaps aided by the Resistance (maybe Gan Baruki’s • Primitive Tracked Vehicles
squad), carry out a reconnaissance of the concentration camp. Infantry Aspect:
This requires 3 Stealth (or similar) rolls; one to get to the camp, • One day it’ll be payback time!
one to observe, and one to get back again. Failure indicates Attack / Manoeuvre: Average (+1) Leadership, +1 Unit
the PCs encounter a Venu patrol (see page 173). If the PCs bonus (1 unit)
encounter a patrol while spying on the camp, it’ll call for
Initiative: Average (+1) Technology
reinforcements unless they deal with it quickly and quietly.

Use skills like Burglary (Casing) and Investigation to

Scene 3: The White Wolf
If the rescue is successful the PCs meet Cain, charismatic
reconnoitre the camp, allowing assessments of the number
leader of the xenomorphs (see page 188). As well as helping
of units, camp Aspects, general layout, location and frequency
the Amidan Forces with his high Leadership Skill, Cain is also
of patrols, gun towers, and so on. PCs may make multiple
obsessed with the Venu superweapon, the Uranawaltzer,
recon rolls, but each takes up an exchange and requires a
which he is convinced has mystical powers. He’s convinced if
Stealth roll to avoid a Venu patrol.
the Resistance can capture it the Venu invasion will collapse!
Scene 2: Attack on the Camp
The attack on the camp is a diversion to tie up Venu forces
Organization-level Effects
If Cain is rescued, the Amidan government organization
while the PCs rescue the xenomorphs. Each unit-level
gains a temporary Aspect for its next action, as well as Cain’s
exchange gives the PCs up to half an hour to conduct
Leadership Skill in future unit-level conflicts. If either side’s
individual-level actions. The Resistance will retreat before
force is destroyed, the corresponding organization suffers a
losing too many troops, so the PCs need to hurry!
-1 to its defence roll.


The Black Zone

Episode Four: Attack Venu Force 4: Defenders of the Black Zone (20 Units)
on the Black Zone Total Force Stress: …………… plus … … … … … … … …
There are many reasons for an attack on the Black Zone; …… …………… …………
we’re assuming that the Resistance attack is providing cover (3 Consequences)
and distraction for the PCs to get to the centre of the Black
Fate Points: 2 (Hell Mur)
Zone and capture or destroy the mysterious Uranawaltzer.
Depending on previous episodes, the attack probably takes Core Unit: 3 Armour Units (3x 2 Venu Quad Walkers)
place during the second week of daylight, when conditions Attached: 2 Troop Carrier Units (2x 10 Combat Crawlers),
around Daisetta are still, stifling, and baking hot. 3 Infantry Units (3x 1000 Venu Troopers), 2 Droid Units
(2x 500 Attack Droids), 2 Special Infantry Units (2x 50
Powered Armour Walkers), 4 Infantry Support (4x 20 Venu
Scene 1: The Big Battle
Biped Walkers), 4 Anti-armour Units (4x 10 Venu Combat
The Amidan Resistance launches a near-suicidal attack on
the Black Zone. Their goal - to push through to the heart of
the Black Zone, the old Academy of Commonality Studies, Aspects:
home of the mysterious Uranawaltzer. It’s 10 zones from the • You’ll never get through alive!
edge of the Penumbra to the Academy, and the Resistance • Orbital Assault (see page 43)
will be met by the massed Venu defences, including orbital • We protect the Uranawaltzer - it protects us!
support, and in any case can’t spend more than an exchange • Dark and shadowy - difficult to see
or two in the Black Zone itself due to the insidious music Quad Walker Aspects:
of the Uranawaltzer (see page 191). Once through to the • Terrifying Mechanised Monsters
Academy, the PCs break from the main force and conduct • Belching Z-Radiation Dirt Drives
their own individual-level raid. Remember that xenomorphs • Nightmare Disruptor Cannon
are unaffected by the Braineater plague, but the Amidans Troop Carrier Aspect:
and PCs will need to find some way round it. • Rapid Move
Infantry Aspect:
• Deranged Psycho Warriors
Attack Droid Aspect:
• Stupid Robots
Special Infantry Aspect:
• Elite Soldiers
Predator Aspect:
• Towering Combat Walkers
Tripod Aspect:
• Gang up on the Tanks!
Attack / Manoeuvre: Good (+3) Leadership (from High
Commissar Hell Mur), +4 Unit bonus (19 units), +3 Stunt
bonus for 1 Fate point
Initiative: Good (+3) Security or Fair (+2) Technology

Scene 2: Raid on the Academy

Once the main attack has reached the centre of the Black
Zone, the PCs begin their raid on the Academy. See page
175 for details of the Academy, the Uranawaltzer, and its
defences. There’s a Venu Insertion Ship (see page 50) on the
burnt grass south of the Academy to take Lord Hell Mur to
the Ancestral Voice in case of emergency.

If the Uranawaltzer is captured or destroyed, the Amidans

will retreat.

Organization-level Effects
If the Uranawaltzer is captured or destroyed, the Venu suffer
an automatic consequence. If either side’s force is destroyed,
it suffers an automatic consequence. Other favourable results
provide temporary Aspects in the ongoing struggle between
the Amidans and Venu; otherwise there’s no effect.

The Black Zone

Amidan Force 4: Everything We’ve Got! (6 Amidan Units
+ 4 Xeno Units + whatever else is left!)
Total Force Stress: …………… plus … … … … … … … …
… (3 Consequences)
Fate Points: 4 (Cain)
Core Unit: 1 Xenomorph Armour Unit (50 Grav Tanks)
Attached: 1 Xenomorph Infantry Unit (500 “Amidan
Irregulars” Xeno Ground Troops), 1 Xenomorph Special
Infantry Unit (Commander Beyn and his Shock Ursoid
Platoon of 150 troops), 1 Xenomorph Anti-armour Unit
(100 Combat Drones), 1 Amidan Armour Unit (50 Ground
Tanks), 1 Amidan Troop Carrier Unit (50 APCs), 1 Amidan
Anti-armour Unit (50 Mobile Artillery), 3 Amidan Infantry
Units (3000 gropos)
• Cain is leading us!
Destroying or capturing the Uranawaltzer will be a serious
• This is do or die!
setback to Venu plans in the Darradine Rim, emboldening
Grav Tank Aspect:
the Amidan resistance and maybe even forcing the Venu to
• We make up for our numbers!
begin a withdrawal. At the least they’ll be on their back foot.
Xenomorph Infantry Aspect:
The Amidans will also win the current exchange of cultural
• Determined Guerrillas
conflict with the Venu Meme Attack (see page 73), inflicting
Xenomorph Special Infantry Aspect:
maximum damage (1 stress, +2 if Cain is part of the attack,
• Fierce Ursoid Soldiers
+2 if the High Holy has been freed, and +2 if the Royal Family
Xenomorph Anti-armour Aspect:
are with the Resistance).
• Swift and Silent
Amidan Armour Aspect:
If the Uranawaltzer is still in place at the end of the
• Primitive Tracked Vehicles
scenario, the Venu stranglehold will continue to tighten,
Amidan Troop Carrier Aspect:
the Resistance’s days will be numbered, and the Kaskai will
• Faster than the Infantry
begin to feel the brunt of the Venu persecution.
Amidan Anti-armour Aspect:
• Cumbersome Mobile Artillery
Either way, ground and fleet operations are likely to continue
Amidan Infantry Aspect:
on Amida for some time to come, giving ample scope for
• One day it’ll be payback time!
future adventures. The planet’s story is by no means over,
Attack / Manoeuvre: Superb (+5) Leadership (Cain), +3 and may include: rescuing Mugon from the Kaskai temple;
Unit bonus (9 units), +1 Stunt bonus and uncovering the fate of the Amidan royal family, including
Initiative: Average (+1) Technology Princess Kirei (see Escape from Venu). The Venu have been
using orbital bombardment and fire support, and you could
also run side missions for PCs attempting to destroy the
orbital ships’ weaponry and give the Amidans a chance
against overwhelming odds!

Finally, with the Amidan invasion, it looks like war is at last

breaking out between the Venu and the Commonality.
Things are about to get a lot more lively in the Darradine

Additional Statistics
Doctor Noyo
For players who’ve already played Escape from Venu, Doctor
Noyo is back! (Assuming he survived, of course!) His traitorous
dreams of being Venu plenipotentiary on Amida don’t seem
to be working out: he’s drained, cadaverous, with burned
looking skin which somehow “shines” with a “black light”. Oh
- and he never sleeps. His updated stats are as follows:


The Black Zone

Doctor Remnai Noyo High Commissar Lord of the
Hell Mur Radiant Darkness
Physical Stress: ……………
Physical Stress: ………………
Composure Stress: ……………… Composure Stress: …………………
Fate Points: 6 Scale: Small (2) Fate Points: 2* Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Encounter Size: 1
Encounter Size: 1 Skills
Skills Superb (+5) Mind Control
Good (+3) Science Deceit Great (+4) Mental Bolt Intimidation
Good (+3) Leadership Guns
Fair (+2) Resources Academics Resolve
Resolve Fair (+2) Absorb Energy Mysteries
Average (+1) Guns Intimidation Alertness Deceit
Average (+1) Might Weapons
Investigation Alertness
Fists Endurance
Starship Pilot Mysteries Athletics
Aspects Aspects
I am the Radiant Darkness!
All hail the Radiant Darkness!
You will beg for death!
Drained and cadaverous, never sleeps
Mere mortals cannot handle this power
Amida needs ruling with a firm hand! You will never know what I fear!
Mindscape Implant Tall forbidding inquisitor
I have killed men for less...!
The Commonality doesn’t know how to use its Look into my eyes...
power! Defeating you will be child’s play!
The Venu will reward me for my loyalty, you’ll see! I am the legend of Oppen-14!
Don’t try to play games with me!
People like you can’t be expected to understand
Stunts Dominate [Mind Control]
Access to Labs [Career] Mental Blast [Mental Bolt]
Death Defiance [Endurance] Absorb Radiation [Absorb Energy]
Scientific Genius: Genurgy [Science] Energy Drain [Absorb Energy]
Absorb Energy Weapons [Absorb Energy]
Takes One to Know One [Deceit]
Life Drain [Absorb Energy]
Equipment Squadron Leader [Leadership]
Mindscape implant Fleet Commander [Leadership]
Admiral [Leadership]
Venu Status Suit (-1 Kinetic, -1 Energy) Legendary Commander [Leadership]
Venu Technopriest robes Scary [Intimidation]
Venu Disruptor Pistol (+3 Stress, Range 1) Aura of Menace [Intimidation]
Speaks: Amidan, Universal, Venu Aura of Fear [Intimidation]
The Venu High Commissar Hell Mur, Lord of Neural Whip (+3 Composure Stress on
the Radiant Darkness Weapons and Intimidation attacks, range 0)
Hell Mur is supreme commander of the Venu Invasion Force, Venu Status Suit (-1 Kinetic Armour, -1 Energy
High Commissar of the Radiant Darkness, and a powerful, Shields)
sadistic, and utterly ruthless psion. Pity the PCs if they come Venu Mask
to his attention - he’s a nasty piece of work. *Hell Mur has 5 Refresh Advances


The Black Zone

The Dark Radiance Commissars Radiant Darkness Cultist
If the PCs have played Escape from Venu they’ll already Physical Stress: ………………
have met a Dark Radiance Commissar, Asharak-Um. High
Commissar Hell Mur has two Commissars in his retinue: Ad- Composure Stress: ……………
Karal and Neg-Sai. Use Asharak-Um’s statistics from Escape Fate Points: 6 Scale: Small (2)
from Venu. If Asharak-Um survived Escape from Venu, you Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
can have him appear here, too. Encounter Size: 1
The Dark Radiance Bodyguard Great (+4) Guns
Fanatics sworn to protect the Dark Radiance - and especially
Good (+3) Intimidation Exude Energy
the chamber of the Uranawaltzer - comprising squads of
12 Dark Radiance guards led by a single Radiant Darkness Fair (+2) Endurance Leadership
Cultist. They’re sadistic, violent cyborgs and mutants: the Athletics
guards wear Venu Marauder Armour in gold with black trim; Average (+1) Alertness Mysteries
the leaders wear the same, coloured black with gold trim. Fists Weapons
The Kaskai
We Protect the Dark Radiance with our lives!
Pithecine xenomorphs similar to upright gorillas, dwelling
in Amida’s deep jungles. Although peaceful and spiritual Venu Mutant
beings, they’re terrifically powerful and capable of pulling a My guardsmen obey my every wish!
grown man limb from limb. Don’t make one angry. Kneel before me and obey!
The Commonality is weak!
Average Kaskai Xenomorph There are things so terrifying...
See how the Dark Radiance burns you!
Physical Stress: ………………
Minor Weakness: Torsion Field (Good
Composure Stress: ……………… Investigation / Science Skill check)
Fate Points: 7 Scale: Small (2) Stunts
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences Exude Radiation [Exude Energy]
Encounter Size: 1 Radiation Blast [Exude Energy]
Scary [Intimidation]
Shot on the Run [Guns]
Good (+3) Might Equipment
Fair (+2) Rapport Empathy Venu Disruptor Rifle (+4 Stress, range 2)
Athletics Black Mask
Average (+1) Alertness Resolve Venu Marauder Armour (black with gold trim;
Endurance Fists Aspects Bleeds Radiation, Unreliable; -3 kinetic
armour, -2 energy shield)
Survival Mysteries
Aspects Dark Radiance Guard Minions
Huge and powerful pithecines (Genotype A typical Radiant Darkness Cultist leads a Squad of 12
Divergence 75) Good (+3) Dark Radiant Guard Minions, divided into
The same light shines on us all! 3 Teams of 4 Troopers. Good (+3) Guns, wearing Venu
The Venu bring nothing but darkness Marauder Armour (gold with black trim).
Stunts - Independent Dark ……… ……… ………
Herculean Strength [Might] Radiance Team (+2 ………
Cold Read [Empathy] bonus) (Guns +3)
One hit to the body [Endurance] - Attached Dark Radiance ……… ……… ………
Team (+2 bonus to ………
Radiant Darkness
Varies Cultist)


The Black Zone

Venu Psi-powers Also known as the White Wolf, Cain was a mercenary until
Confirmation of Venu psi-powers is vital information he heard the song of the Uranawaltzer. Since then he has
for SCI Force, as they seem a new phenomenon. PCs discovered the evangelistic skills of a born leader. He wants to
who capture Venu Commissars “for research” may take the Uranawaltzer for himself, believing it’s a holy relic.
extract the following information:
Cain “The White Wolf”
Venu Commissars are surrounded by something
similar to a 2-Space distortion field. Physical Stress: ………………
Composure Stress: ………………
Venu psi-powers operate on radically different principles
Fate Points: 4 Scale: Small (2)
- this is Weird Science and Mad Science territory.
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Commissars have been exposed to lethal levels of Z- Encounter Size: 1
radiation, but it doesn’t appear to affect them: even
any Mutations they have are old.
Superb (+5) Leadership
Great (+4) Rapport Guns
Mugon, the Kaskai High Holy
Currently under Venu “house arrest” at the Kaskai Temple east Good (+3) Empathy Alertness
of Daisetta (see page 173), having been forcibly transferred Athletics
from the temple city in the southern jungles.
Fair (+2) Intimidation Fists
Mugon Kaskai “High Holy” Endurance Resolve
Physical Stress: ……………… Average (+1) Drive Might
Composure Stress: …………………
Fate Points: 5 Scale: Small (2) Resources Stealth
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences Survival
Encounter Size: 1
Skills Aspects
Superb (+5) Mysteries I’ve heard the music of the Uranawaltzer!
Great (+4) Rapport Empathy
Good (+3) Resolve Leadership The Uranawaltzer is a gift - we can use it against
Survival the Venu!
Fair (+2) Academics Might Now I kill people for a reason
Athletics Resources
Follow me - join the cause!
Average (+1) Alertness Art
Endurance Stealth You’re a human - you can’t help it.
Contacting Come on! Let’s get them!
Aspects I’m the leader of the pack! (Canid: Genotype
Even monkeys fall from trees (Pithecine: Divergence 75)
Genotype Divergence 75)
Spiritual leader of the Amidans
See through the Veil to the reality beneath Heightened Smell [Alertness]
Only - connect Enhanced Hearing [Alertness]
The same light shines through everything Jaws [Fists]
Words are not enough Squadron Leader [Leadership]
Bend with the wind Force Leader [Leadership]
There is no why - only is. Shot on the Run [Guns]
The Venu find darkness within! Equipment
Listen to the man called Cain!
Stunts Magnatech AR7 7mm autorifle (+3 Stress,
Creature Friend [Survival] range 3)
Call of the Wild [Survival] Mesh armour (-1 kinetic armour)
King of the Beasts [Survival]
Herbal Remedies [Mysteries]
Psychic [Mysteries]


The Black Zone

Venu Troopers Gan Baruki
See page 139 for Venu Trooper stats. Typically they’re a 13- A typical leader in the Amidan resistance, Gan is brave and
man squad, forming Venu patrols and manning guard posts. self-sacrificing.

Venu Attack Droid Gan Baruki Resistance Leader

See the stats on page 136 above. Attack droids may also Physical Stress: ………………
appear as minions, as follows:
Composure Stress: …………………
Fate Points: 4 Scale: Small (2)
Venu Attack Droids Minions
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Venu Attack Droids attack in groups of 3. They are Good
(+3) Quality, with -1 Kinetic and -1 Energy armour, armed Encounter Size: 1
with Protein Disruptor Cannon (+4 Stress, Range 2). Even Skills
as Minions, they’re pretty tough! Great (+4) Resolve
Aspects: Leaking Z-Radiation, Spider Robot Good (+3) Rapport Guns
- Independent Attack Droid Group ……… ……… Fair (+2) Leadership Athletics
(+1 bonus) (Guns +3) ………
- Attached Attack Droid Group (+2 ……… ………
bonus to Droid Leader) ……… Average (+1) Endurance Stealth
Survival Fists
Commandant Am-Falta Aspects
Am-Falta is an officious and nasty example of the oppressive For Liberty and the Sultan!
Venu hierarchy’s finest. He’s cruel, dishonourable, and I’m not afraid of these mutants!
pathologically inclined to blame everyone but himself for Self-sacrificing
his failings. I lead from the front
I swear upon my family’s honour!
Am-Falta Camp Commandant Stunts
Physical Stress: ……………
Steel Determination [Resolve]
Composure Stress: ………………
Smooth Over [Rapport]
Fate Points: 4 Scale: Small (2)
Rain of Photons [Guns]
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Long Shot [Guns]
Encounter Size: 1
Quick Decisions Under Fire [Leadership]
Great (+4) Deceit Equipment
Good (+3) Intimidate Contacting Mai Ling Null-70 laser rifle (+5 Stress, range 4)
Fair (+2) Resolve Alertness Mesh armour (-1 kinetic armour)
Average (+1) Leadership Guns
Athletics Drive The Amidan Resistance
Aspects These are the local Amidan militia, civilians and a handful
Our lives for the Emperor! of professionals armed with whatever they can get. They’re
People must know pain and fear before they truly Average (+1) minions.
Who is to blame for this debacle?! Amidan Resistance Minions
I can get away with it - who will stop me?
Group of 8 Average (+1) Minions armed with
You will obey the rules!
autorifles (+3 Stress, range 3) wearing Mesh armour
Don’t think - just obey.
(-1 kinetic armour)
Aspects: Desperate Defenders, Informal Militia
Takes one to know one [Deceit]
Scary [Intimidation] - Independent Resistance ……………………
I know a guy who knows a guy [Contacting] Group (+3 bonus) (Guns +1)
Insider [Contacting] - Attached Resistance Group ……………………
Force Leader [Leadership] (+3 bonus)
Con man [Deceit]
Equipment Amidan Irregulars
Venu Disruptor Pistol (+3 Stress, range 1) What’s left of the Commonality xenomorph cadre which was
Venu Light Armour (-1 kinetic, -1 energy) training Amida’s armed forces. They’re Fair (+2) minions.


The Black Zone

Amidan Irregulars Xenomorph Minions Grav Tank
Group of 8 Fair (+2) Minions armed with blaster Physical Stress: ……………
rifles (+4 Stress, range 3) wearing Shocksuits (-2 Systems Stress: ……………
kinetic armour) Fate Points: n/a Scale: Small (2)
Aspects: Disciplined guerrillas, Aggressive Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Speed: Great (+4) Crew: 3
- Independent Irregulars …… …… …… ……
(+3 bonus) (Guns +2) …… …… …… ……
Good (+3) Beam Weapon
- Attached Irregulars (+3 …… …… …… ……
Fair (+2) Energy Shield Manoeuvre
bonus) …… …… …… ……
Average (+1) Guns Armour
Anti-gravity Model
Ursoid Shock Troops
This is the special infantry company headed up by Commander Aspects
Beyn. There are 150 of these Good (+3) minions. Sleek and fast
Manoeuvres like a dream
Don’t go round - go through!
Ursoid Shock Troops Xenomorph Minions
Group of 8 Good (+3) Minions armed with laser rifles
(+5 Stress, range 4) wearing Shocksuit / Repulsor Field Anti-personnel armour
combinations (-2 kinetic, -2 energy armour) Show your better side [Manoeuvre]
Aspects: Nobody gets in our Way! This is a BIG gun! Equipment
Razor sharp claws and teeth Hi-energy laser cannon (+8 explosive damage
- Independent Ursoid ……… ……… ……… vs personnel, area 1, range 5)
Shock Troops (+3 bonus) ……… ……… ……… Plasma launcher (+6 damage, range 4)
(Guns +3) ……… ……… Medium energy shields (-2)
- Attached Ursoid Shock ……… ……… ……… Light armour plating (-1)
Troops (+3 bonus) ……… ……… ………
……… ………
Venu Predator Biped Walker
Vehicles Physical Stress: ……………
Systems Stress: ……………
Ground Tank Fate Points: 3 Scale: Small (2)
Physical Stress: …………… Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Systems Stress: …………… Speed: Fair (+2) Crew: 1
Fate Points: n/a Scale: Small (2)
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences
Good (+3) Guns
Speed: Fair (+2) Crew: 3
Fair (+2) Manoeuvre Armour
Good (+3) Projectile Weapon Average (+1) Energy Shields Guns
Fair (+2) Armour Guns Might
Average (+1) Manoeuvre Aspects
Aspects Towering Walkers
Incredibly rattling and noisy Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drive
A real pig to manoeuvre Coming through!
Don’t go round - go through! Stunts
Stunts Anti-personnel armour
Anti-personnel armour Split Fire [Guns]
Show your better side [Manoeuvre] Herculean Strength [Might]
Shot on the Run [Manoeuvre] Piledriver [Might]
Equipment Equipment
High-explosive autocannon (+8 explosive Twin heavy disruptors (+5 Stress, range 3)
damage vs personnel, area 2, range 4) Medium armour plating (-2)
Heavy machine gun (+5 damage, range 3) Light energy shields (-1)
Medium armour plating (-2)


The Black Zone

Venu Tripod The Uranawaltzer
Physical Stress: …………… The Uranawaltzer is clearly a fragment of a much larger
Systems Stress: …………… device - perhaps a control rod or key. It’s of completely
unknown age and manufacture, almost 2 metres long, and
Fate Points: 5 Scale: Medium (3)
composed of an unknown white metal which burns with
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences searing Z-radiation and emits an uncanny field of “darkness”.
Speed: Fair (+2) Crew: 3
Skills The Uranawaltzer gives off a strange “music” which prevents
Good (+3) Beam Weapon Guns Mindscape reception, and makes a direct mental attack on
Fair (+2) Manoeuvre Armour certain targets (the “Braineater plague”). The plague only
Vehicle Systems affects human and similar synthetic minds - xenomorphs
Average (+1) Energy Shields and mechanicals seem immune.
Gang up on the tanks! Z-radiation sources shield targets from the Braineater
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives plague, including items such as Venu disruptor rifles and
Towering Tripods most types of Venu armour. These are hazardous in their
own right, of course.
Overload [Beam Weapon]
The Uranawaltzer generates a force field effect several
Anti-personnel armour
kilometres in diameter known as the Black Zone. This
Overload [Energy Shields]
functions as a -3 energy shield, and anything within is
Equipment affected by the Braineater plague.
Very heavy disruptor cannon (+8 explosive
damage, area 1 range 4) It’s possible to deactivate and remove the Uranawaltzer (see
Heavy disruptor (+5 Stress, range 3) below), requiring immunity to Z-radiation or a stasis field
Medium armour plating (-2) and some very heavy duty lifting gear.
Light energy shields (-1)
The Uranawaltzer
Mind Blast +3, Power +2 Radiation
Venu Quad Walker
Aspects: Enthralling Song
Physical Stress: ……………
Systems Stress: …………… Structural Integrity: …………… (3 Consequences)
Fate Points: 5 Scale: Medium (3) Secrets Stress: ……………
Consequences: Up to 3 Consequences Notes: The Braineater plague is a Mind Blast attack against a
Speed: Avg (+1) Crew: 3 target’s Composure stress track, resisted by Resolve; also, at
Skills range 0, a Good (+3) Power radiation attacks Physical stress
Great (+4) Beam Weapon vs Endurance. You can physically attack the Uranawaltzer;
Good (+3) Beam Weapon Armour it emits Z-radiation blasts covering an entire zone equal in
Fair (+2) Guns Vehicle power to the damage done. If the Uranawaltzer is Taken
Systems Out, it explodes with a 2-zone range and a Force equal to
Average (+1) Energy Shields Manoeuvre the final stress damage which causes the Taken Out result.
Troop Carrier You can also use Science (etc) against the Secrets stress
Aspects track to represent “fathoming it out”,inventing containment
Terrifying mechanized monster fields, etc, to nullify the Uranawaltzer’s effects.
Belching Z-radiation Dirt Drives
Nightmare Disruptor Cannon
Split Fire [Beam Weapon]
Anti-personnel armour
Overload [Heavy Weapon]
Overload [Energy Shields]
Twin very heavy disruptor cannon (+8 explosive
damage vs personnel, area 1, range 4)
Heavy disruptor (+5 damage, range 3)
Heavy armour plating (-3)
Light energy shields (-1)


The Black Zone

Appendix One:
New and Modified Skills and Stunts
The following tables list all new and modified Skills and Stunts described in Mindjammer.

Character Skills
Skill Stunt Page Ref
Career or General Stunts
Access to Restricted Technopsi Page 14
Skill Chip Page 13
Academics Page 14
Deceit Page 14
Engineering Mindscape Page 14
Synthetics Page 14
Science Page 15
Create Eidolon Page 15
Genurgy Page 15
Implant Tech Page 15
Starship Engineering Push the Jump Maximum Page 15
Starship Pilot Page 16
Technopsi Page 17
Blaster Bolt Defence Page 18
Control Avatar Page 18
Domination Page 18
Lightning Attack Page 18
Mindburn Page 18
Redaction Page 19
Truth Scan Page 19

Vehicle and Starship Skills

Skill Stunt Page Ref
General Stunts Anti-Personnel Armour Page 34
It’s Away! Page 44
On Target! Page 44
Orbital Assault Page 43
Stay On Target! Page 44
Swarm Page 43
Cargo Hold Troop Carrier Page 43
Flight Bay Drop Shuttles Page 43
Planing Engines X-Core Page 41
Repair System Makepoint Workshop Page 42
Ship Systems Sentient Ship Control Page 39
Venu Countermeasures Page 43


Culture Skills
Skill Stunt Page Ref
Assertion Page 70
Assimilate Page 70
[Capability] Page 70
Infiltration Page 70
Propaganda Page 70
All or Nothing Page 70
Cultural Assault Page 72
Cultural Revolution Page 72
Culture Worlds Page 72
Hunter-Killer Eidolons Page 72
Memetic Cascade Page 72
Memetic Torpedo Page 72
Memetic Virus Page 72
Propaganda Campaign Page 72
Q-Ships Page 72
Shock and Awe Page 72
Suicide Synthetics Page 72
Traditionalist Page 72


New and Modified Skills and Stunts

Appendix Two:
AFI - the Armed Forces Instrumentality, the Commonality army. Propaganda Campaign - cultural
Black Chip - illegal Mindscape implant with the security conflict measures usually undertaken by the
restrictions removed. Commonality.
Chembu - hominid species specializing in genurgic enhancement. Psionics - human psi-powers do not exist within the
Commonality, the - principal polity of Human Space. AKA the New Commonality, although extensive genetic engineering work is
Commonality. underway to make them a reality.
Corporacy - a megacorporation; pseudo-commercial organization Quarantine Zone - neutral space separating the Commonality from the
with Commonality-wide presence. Empire of Venu. AKA the Q-Zone.
Cultural Conflict - two-way culture shock occurring when the SCI Force - Security and Cultural Integrity Instrumentality; special psy-
Commonality contacts a lost colony world. ops security force and cultural “thought police” of the Commonality,
Culture World - world with a strong and vibrant culture fostered by SCI charged with controlling the impact of the Expansion.
Force acculturation as part of the Commonality’s cultural defences. Sentient Alliance - a xenomorph Successor State founded 20 years ago
Darradine Rim - part of the Darradine Restoration subsector on following the Xeno Wars.
the edge of Commonality Space. Sentinel - a non-sentient Mindscape subroutine; how the Mindscape
Dirt Drive - primitive star drive used by the Venu, reverse- protects itself.
engineered from stolen Commonality technology. Skill Chip - Mindscape-powered chip providing expert skill knowledge.
Eidolon - sentient synthetic with memories and personality derived Characters with Skill Chips gain a +2 bonus to that skill.
from a dead human. Slowship - a slower-than-light starship; often refers to Old Earth colony
Empire of Venu - violent, oppressive Star Empire and the ships from the First Age of Space.
Commonality’s principle foe in this region of space. Many Venu 2-Space - form of hyperspace. Starships using the Commonality planing
wear masks. engine enter 2-Space to travel faster than light.
Expansion - process by which the Commonality is expanding 3-Space - a new, experimental form of hyperspace, through which
outwards from Old Earth and contacting lost cultures colonized travel is almost instantaneous. Used only by the 3-Space gates in the
during the First Age of Space. The Expansionary Era began 200 Commonality Core.
years ago and is still proceeding apace today. Special Operations Chip - highly-restricted Mindscape implant without the
First Age of Space - period of slower-than-light space colonization, usual safety features. Allows use of aggressive and invasive forms of technopsi.
beginning about 10,000 years ago and lasting several thousand years. Successor States - states arising in the vacuum following the Venu War.
Fringe World - recently-contacted world on the edge of They are violent polities, fighting for their existence.
Commonality Space. Synthetic - an artificial lifeform. Many synthetics are intelligent.
Gating - almost instantaneous interstellar travel using the new Tachyon Distortion Field - same as a 2-Space Field.
(and rare) 3-Space gates. Technopsi - pseudo-psionic powers enabled by the Mindscape, including
Genurgy - biotechnological and genetic enhancement of technological telepathy, remote control of devices, etc.
organic bodies. Ten Thousand Worlds, the - title for the inhabited worlds of Commonality
Gravity Engine - principal slower-than-light drive used in the Space. “Ten Thousand” is used in the sense of a great, uncountable number:
Commonality. there are actually many more than 10,000 such worlds.
ISI - the Internal Security Instrumentality, the Commonality police force. Thanogram Thoughtcast - an uncontrolled upload of a person’s
Makepoint - mass-energy converter using ZIP cells to produce memories into the Mindscape, usually triggered voluntarily at death. Can
small amounts of matter. cause brain damage.
Mindburn - Technopsi attack affecting human or synthetic brains. Thoughtcast - process of uploading memory engrams to the Mindscape.
Requires a Special Operations or Black Chip. Most thoughtcasts can be accessed by any Mindscape user.
Mindscape - technological “shared consciousness” connecting Tsen Tair - capital world of the Rim Sector, and location of the palace of
citizens of the Commonality. the sector custodian, Watcher Craypast.
Mindscape Implant - neural implant connecting all members of Venu, the - (pron. VAY-NOO) one of the Commonality’s principal foes; a
the Commonality to the Mindscape. human race originating in the Orion cluster, they have an oppressive, evil,
Monitor Band - “dial tone” signal broadcast by Mindscape implant. and expansionary empire beyond the frontiers of the Rim Sector.
Monitor Band Cloak - small device which masks the Monitor Band, Venu War, the - first major interstellar conflict of the Expansionary Era (110-
rendering Mindscape devices inactive. 120 NCE) between the Empire of Venu and the Commonality. Did great
New Commonality of Worlds, The - principal Star Empire in this damage to the Rim Sector and led to the formation of the Successor States.
region of space, centred upon the ancient and highly advanced Watcher Craypast - one of the Custodians of the Commonality;
civilization of Old Earth. mysterious ruler of the Rim Sector.
N-Space - “normal” space (usually interplanetary) travelled Xenomorph - sentient beings derived from Old Earth animals and often used
through using gravity engines. as cheap labour. In most of Commonality Space they form an underclass.
Outremer - one of the largest of the Successor States. Xeno Wars, the - (160-170 NCE) a proxy war between the Commonality
Pansectorate - the sector-level Commonality government, and Venu in the Successor States; led directly to the formation of the
comprising the various Ministries. Sentient Alliance.
Planeship - starship fitted with planing engines and capable of Zanthrium - radioactive heavy element which causes “dimensional
faster-than-light travel. resonance”. A key component of planing engines.
Planing - faster-than-light travel through 2-Space, using the ZIP Module - Zero-point energy power cells used by the Commonality in
planing engine. all devices from laser pistols to space stations.
Planing Engine - the Commonality’s star drive. AKA a D-Drive or Z-Radiation - highly dangerous, mutagenic distortion field emitted by
Dimensional Drive. inefficient or damaged ZIP Modules. Venu Dirt Drives emit Z-radiation
Predecessors - mysterious non-human species which vanished a constantly. AKA Z-Field.
194 million years ago. No one knows why or where they went.

Ajeux 88 Memes 69
Aliens 8 Mindjammer 2, 44
Amida 90 Mindscape 5, 55
Armour 25 Ministries 58
Bardu Maniflian 156 N-Space 37
Belawis 92 New Howzat 109
Chardos 94 Nimbu Prime 111, 143
Chembu 6 Olkennedy 113
Chembu Genurgy 60 Plot Stress 132
Chinhice 96 Possessed Xenomorphs 156
Colony Lizards 153 Princess Kirei 137
Commissar Asharak-Um 137 Psionics 19
Commonality 2 Sentient Alliance 52
Commonality Ships 44 Space Travel 35
Cultural Aspects 69 Starship Operations 39
Cultures 67 Station Commander Vrak 137
Culture Sheet 68 Sweeper the Sanitation Synthetic 156
Darradine Rim 86 Symbra the Engineer 156
Delebor 98 Synthetics 7
Discretionary Interfaces 20 Tambini 115
Doctor Milani Tungus 154 Technopsi 17
Doctor Noyo 136 Tech Level 23
Dr. Thaddeus Clay 139 The Entity 157
Drefnia 100 The Hand of God 76
Eidolon-4 158 The Possessed 155
Eidolon Crisis 7 The Power Plant Sentience 158
Encumbrance 23 The Survivors 154
Freelander 59 Thoughtcasts 55
Fringe Worlds Culture 85 Timeline 53
Furnace 103 Tools 30
Galagole 105 Trappings 17
Genotypes 4 Tremor 117
Genurgy 15 Turbolift 129
Gunfire in Zero-G 29 Universe 3
Hacking 15 Vehicles 31
Hominids 5 Viri 119
Hooyow 9 Weapons 28
Installations 34 Worlds 63
Instrumentalities 58 Xaiwu 121
Jemela 107 Xenomorphs 8, 82
Lowhigh 9 Xeno Wars 52
Lyra Da Luz 141 Z-Radiation Effects 132
Melee Weapons 27 Zhaffrane 123
Zvukimu 125

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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Mindjammer © 2009, Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd; Author Sarah
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modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright Mindjammer ISBN 978-1-907204-12-8. SKU CB7703.


Starblazer Adventures in the Second Age of Space
b y Sarah Newton

“It was the Second Age of Space. The light of human civilization, which had flickered and threatened to die, suddenly burned
bright again with contact with the thousand worlds of space. Humankind laughed, filled with the joys of the power of a
new-found youth, and strode forth to bring its message of hope and regeneration to the stars...”
- from “The Songs Of Old Earth”, Book I

Starblazer Adventure!
Mindjammer is a sourcebook for the Starblazer Adventures role-playing game set in the strange and distant future
of planet Earth. Enter a universe of lost worlds, transhuman technologies, and clashing civilizations - a unique and
compelling space opera setting of action and adventure!

A Complete Setting!
Mindjammer provides everything you need to play using only the Starblazer Adventures rules. Choose from many
human cultures, transhuman, synthetic, and alien races – you can even play a sentient starship! This book introduces
the New Commonality Era, including: new species; advanced technologies; new - and sentient! - starships; the Mind-
scape; rules for cultural conflicts; starmaps of Commonality Space with world maps and descriptions; an action-packed
campaign of four linked adventures; and more!
Mindjammer requires the Starblazer Adventures rule book to play.

Join our community for discussion & downloads:


Sarah Newton

SKU CB7703

STARBLAZER © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. 2009. Associated characters, text and artwork © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. 2009.

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