Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft® Visual Studio 2010
Visual studio 2010 delivers the following key advances:
Cloud Development Developers will need to modify the way they write applications
On October 27th 2008 we announced Windows® Azure™ and the architectures they use for these applications.
the comprehensive cloud environment from Microsoft. With
Windows® Azure™ Tools for Microsoft® Visual Studio® Creating parallel capable code using current technologies is
you can build, debug and deploy services and applications unfortunately not trivial. Multi-thread programming introduces
for Windows Azure. not only application architecture challenges to complexity and
Windows Azure offers a scalable hosting environment for robustness but also exposes the tooling developers use as being
the Internet, built on geographically distributed data centers. optimized for single-threaded development.
It handles load balancing and resource management, and
automatically manages the life cycle of a service based on Microsoft is making a major commitment to make parallel
requirements that you establish. With the service, you include development accessible to a wide range of developers, whether
code specifications for the service topology, the number of they are using native code or the .NET Framework. With Visual
instances to deploy, and any configuration settings. Windows® Studio 2010 we are delivering:
Azure™ deploys the service and manages upgrades and failures
• Visual Studio IDE support for Parallel development
to maintain availability.
• Native C++ libraries and compiler support
The Windows Azure environment is designed as a utility
for Parallel applications
computing model, so that you pay only for the resources
used by your service, while benefitting from the reliability and
performance provided by the hosting environment. The .NET Framework 4.0 also provides the core framework
support to build parallel applications through technologies such
Windows Azure Tools provide the means to create services as P-LIINQ and parallel language semantics and framework
and applications within the framework of Visual Studio. That components. Visual Studio 2010 provides integrated parallel
includes a project model specifically for Windows Azure, as development support. In Visual Studio 2010 the debugger is
well as the debugging capabilities of Visual Studio. With Visual
aware of the parallel nature of code and can present the state of
Studio, you can build a package containing your service, and
the application execution during debugging across the different
use Windows Azure Tools to deploy the package to Windows
parallel execution units. The debugger also has custom displays
Azure through the Windows Live Developer Portal.
for parallel code such as task & thread windows and a “multi” or
“cactus” stack view window that graphically shows the execution
Parallel Development
path of the individual tasks.
As demands for application performance increased, customers
have traditionally solved the problem by simply increasing the
Being able to develop and debug your application doesn’t
underlying power of the hardware that the application is running
mean that it takes advantage of all the available power. To
on. Over the last several years developers have seen the CPUs
help developers do this, Visual Studio 2010 also includes
that their applications run on start to include 2, 4 or more cores.
a parallel capable performance analyzer that enables you
While the power of the hardware has increased, the transition
to extensively instrument you code to visually see the
to a multi-core environment has impacted the applications that
concurrency issues that are in your applications. Combine
developers write. The majority of applications will not be able to
this with the features of the Visual Studio IDE, and developers
automatically take advantage of this multi-core hardware change.
have a highly productive, visual environment for building the
best parallel capable applications available.
Ever since the first release of Visual Studio, Microsoft has set the bar for developer productivity and flexibility. Visual Studio
2010 continues to deliver on the core developer experience by significantly improving upon it for roles involved with the
software development process.
Learn more
Microsoft® Visual Studio® Team system 2010
Modeling that Works with Code architectural picture of existing code; understanding how they
For most businesses only 20% of the code being written today fit together; understanding how they “work.” This leads to better
is for new applications; the majority of work is being done on information about using, re-using, or discarding existing code.
existing code bases. The Architecture Explorer provides architects and developers
a mechanism for visualizing code assets in a number of ways
When working on existing code, architects and developers have not
including graphs, stacked diagrams and dependency matrices.
necessarily had good enough tools to understand the system, know
what needs to be done to make required updates, or been able to The introduction of the Architecture Layer Diagram means that a
anticipate the impact of changes made. Often it isn’t until much developer or architect can use models to enforce constraints on
later that an unexpected bug is discovered as a result of a change. code as well. The Architecture Layer Diagram can be coupled to
code making it an active diagram that can be used for validation.
Our modeling tools have tight integration into the actual code
For example, when an architect designs a system where the
of the application. This means that a developer or architect
presentation layer should not talk to the data layer, you want to be
can use models to explore existing code assets. The new
able to enforce that model at check-in. Visual Studio Team System
Architecture Explorer in Visual Studio Team System gives
2010 can do that. These capabilities delivered in VSTS 2010 are
developers and architects the capability of creating a full
part of the Microsoft’s overall modeling story.
The new Architecture Explorer enables individuals to create a visual representation of existing code assets.
Visual Studio Team System 2010 Feature Highlights
Eliminating “No-Repro” Bugs This tool – the Microsoft Test Runner – is a standalone tool that
For From designing an application through developing code, a tester uses to guide him through a series of steps to complete
finding bugs that can’t be reproduced is a common problem a test case. When the test case is started, the Microsoft Test
– the “no-repro” bug. Many factors drive these types of bugs, Runner takes a snapshot of the system data, including OS version
and we’ve worked to create tools to help isolate the issue and and Service Pack and other pertinent system data. As the test is
enable faster fixes. being run, the tester can use the tool to capture images of the
application under test, or even partial or full screen video of the
One way this is solved in Visual Studio Team System 2010 is with
test being run. If an issue is discovered, the tester can create a
the use of a tool that can specify the exact state of the build
new bug in Team Foundation Server and attach these artifacts.
used by a tester and allow a comparison to the state of the build
When attached, the screen capture video is fully indexed with the
used by the developer when trying to reproduce the bug. It is
test steps as bookmarks, making it easier for the developer to see
often the subtle differences between these two that create the
what went wrong on the tester’s machine. All of these artifacts
no-repro state, and a new tool within Visual Studio Team System
help to eliminate the no-repro scenario, and help build a better
2010 has been designed to specifically address this.
bridge between development and test.
The Microsoft Test Runner gives testers a set of defined validation steps to easily create an actionable bug, including
system information, screen images, and a fully indexed screen capture video.
Visual Studio Team System 2010 Feature Highlights
The Test Impact View identifies all the tests that should be run to
validate a code change.