Course For Marketing MKH 07101

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0 KH 07101-Principles of Marketing; Credits:10; Total hours:100; Type: Core

Course Aim
To enhance an understanding of basic marketing principles for running business.

Expected Course Outcomes

1. Use marketing concepts in business undertakings            
2. Examine the concept of markets            
3. Evaluate the elements of marketing in business
4. Assess the effects of business environment in marketing of the organization and its

5. Use appropriate marketing strategies to market business products

Course Contents
Nature and Scope of Marketing Meaning of marketing; Evolution of marketing;
Functions of Marketing, Organisation of Marketing Functions, Role of Marketing to
other Functional Areas in Business Market Structures and Market Segmentation
Meaning of Markets, Type of Markets and their Characteristics, Market Segmentation
Elements of Marketing Meaning of Marketing Mix, Pricing Policy and Decisions,
Product Mix and Development, Promotion Mix, Distribution Mix Marketing
Environment Meaning of marketing environment, Significance of Marketing
Environment, Elements of Marketing Environment and their Effect in Business
Marketing Strategies and Business Growth Meaning of Marketing Strategies, Types of
Marketing Strategies, Concept and Theories of Business and Product Growth,
Application of Marketing Strategies at Different Stages of Business and Product Growth
Learning Materials: Books, Chalk Board, Anti-dust chalks, white board, white board
marker pens, flip charts, marker-pens.

Assessment Methods
Integrated Method of Assessment:
Continuous Assessment (40%) is obtained from a minimum of two test, assignments,
Quizzes: Semester Tests - 25%Assignments – 10%, Quizzes – 5%
University Examination – 60%

Teaching Methodology
This module will be taught through lectures, tutorials, case studies, etc.

Reading List

1. Stanton, J.W. (1981); Fundamentals of Marketing (6th Edn). Mc Graw Hill - Inc;
New York.
2. Dibb, S.L .etal. (1994). Marketing: Concepts and Strategies (2nd European
Edition). Houghton Mifflin Company. Uk.
3. Kotler, P. (1984). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control (5th
Edn). Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
4. Kotler, P. (2003). Marketing Management (11th Edn). Prentice Hall Inc; New
5. Wilmshurst, J and Adrian, M. (2002). The Fundamentals and Practice of
Marketing (4th Edn). Heinemann UK Butterwort; London.

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