Rapid Communication: Spontaneous Abortions and Policies On COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy

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Science, Public Health Policy, An Institute for Pure

and the Law and Applied Knowledge (IPAK)

Volume 4:130–143 Public Health Policy
November, 2021 Initiative (PHPI)
Clinical and Translational

Rapid Communication
Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19
mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy
Aleisha R. Brock1, Simon Thornley2

The use of mRNA vaccines in pregnancy is now generally considered safe for protection against
COVID-19 in countries such as New Zealand, USA, and Australia. However, the influential CDC-
sponsored article by Shimabukuro et al. (2021) used to support this idea, on closer inspection, provides
little assurance, particularly for those exposed in early pregnancy. The study presents falsely reassuring
statistics related to the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy, since the majority of women in
the calculation were exposed to the mRNA product after the outcome period was defined (20 weeks’
In this article, we draw attention to these errors and recalculate the risk of this outcome based on the
cohort that was exposed to the vaccine before 20 weeks’ gestation. Our re-analysis indicates a
cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion 7 to 8 times higher than the original authors’ results
(p < 0.001) and the typical average for pregnancy loss during this time period. In light of these findings,
key policy decisions have been made using unreliable and questionable data. We conclude that the
claims made using these data on the safety of exposure of women in early pregnancy to mRNA-based
vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are unwarranted and recommend that those policy decisions be
Copyright © The Authors — Published Under the Creative Commons License
Share/Alike (see https://creative commons.org/licenses/)
Correspondence: [email protected]
COVID-19; Pregnancy; Adverse Events; Spontaneous Abortion

1 Dr Aleisha Brock Ph.D., MVS, BSc. Whanganui, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected]
2 Dr Simon Thornley Ph.D., MPH(Hons), MBChB. Senior Lecturer, Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The
University of Auckland, Park Rd, Grafton, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected]
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Critical appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance — Oct. 2021

Contents reactions post-vaccination until 12 months after the

final dose. The authors concluded that there were
1 Introduction 131
2 Exploration and discussion of study 131 no obvious safety signals precluding mRNA
3 Further discussion 135 vaccine use in pregnancy. This was further justified
4 Conclusion 137 with reference to a cumulative incidence of
5 Editor’s notes 137 spontaneous abortion of 12.6% (104/827) that was
6 Editor’s references 137 considered similar to historic studies; however,
7 Authors’ references 138
Shimabukuro and colleagues correctly acknowledge
8 Supplementary tables 142
that “the proportion of pregnant persons who
reported spontaneous abortion may not reflect [the]
1 Introduction true post-vaccination proportions because
participants might have been vaccinated after the
The use of mRNA vaccines in pregnancy are period of greatest risk in the first trimester, and very
reported as being safe for pregnant women and their early pregnancy losses might not be recognized”.[4]
unborn child(ren) for protection against COVID-
19, in countries such as New Zealand,[1] USA,[2] However, closer inspection of the 827 women in
and Australia.[3] However, the article by the denominator of this calculation reveals that
Shimabukuro et al. (2021)[4] used to support this between 700 to 713 women were exposed to the
idea, on closer inspection, provides little assurance, vaccine after the timeframe for recording the
particularly for women exposed in early pregnancy. outcome had elapsed (up to 20 weeks of
Here, we outline these concerns and question the pregnancy). Hence, a re-analysis of these figures
unrestricted use of these vaccines in pregnant indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous
women. abortion ranging from 82% (104/127) to 91%
(104/114), 7–8 times higher than the original
authors’ results.
2 Exploration and discussion of
Using information from the article, we derived
the study used to inform
the periods of pregnancy in which women were first
current recommendations exposed to the vaccine, and hence approximate
The authors analyzed the v-safe registry data from counts of women who were at risk of spontaneous
14 December 2020 to 28 February 2021 (an 11- abortion after receiving the mRNA product: those
week span), which included 827 pregnancies (of exposed before 20 weeks’ gestation. Live births
3,958 enrolled) for which there was a recorded occurred in 712 women (724 infants, including 12
outcome. Data was collected from three U.S. multiples), with 700 (98.3%) first exposed to the
vaccine safety monitoring systems: the v-safe after- vaccine in the third trimester, and only 12 women
vaccination health checker, the v-safe registry, and exposed before 26 weeks’ gestation. Although
the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System many more women in the study were vaccinated
(VAERS). The Centers for Disease Control and before 20 weeks, the outcomes of their pregnancies
Prevention’s (CDC) v-safe registry is a new CDC were largely not available and could not have
smartphone-based active surveillance system resulted in a livebirth within the study timeframe.
developed for the COVID-19 vaccination program, The available results of this cohort only captured
which sends text messages to participants to prompt outcomes in ~8% (96/1,132) and ~0.8% (14/1,714)
them to complete an online survey to assess their of women in the first and second trimesters,
health status and encourage reporting of adverse respectively.
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Critical appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance — Oct. 2021

Figure 1. Comparison of the exposure and outcome cohorts used by Shimabukuro et al. (2021).[4]
Four cohorts of exposure were reported: periconception (30 days before last menstrual period though 14
days after), first trimester (conception to 14 weeks), second trimester (14 to 28 weeks), and third trimester
(from 28 weeks until birth). Two cohorts of outcomes reported: first mRNA vaccine received before 20
weeks; and first mRNA received from 20 weeks’ gestation. The infant was followed for 28 days during
the perinatal period (birth–28 days).

To compound the confusion, several overlapping 3. The remaining 13 women exposed during the
periods of exposure and outcome were reported and second trimester (from 14 up to 28 weeks’
used to define cohorts of women. Exposure to the gestation) cannot be further classified as first
vaccine was defined by trimester (periconception, exposed to mRNA before or after the 20-week
first, second, and third). Outcomes were defined as cut-off for defining the type of pregnancy loss
women first exposed to the mRNA vaccine before (spontaneous abortion or stillbirth), and
20 weeks’ gestation; and first exposed from 20 therefore a range is reported to reflect this
weeks’ gestation. The infant was followed for 28 uncertainty.
days during the perinatal period (birth–28 days) The sweeping conclusions of safety that
(Figure 1). Shimabukuro et al. (2021)[4] make are not
Ranges are provided in these analyses as the total convincing, given their study’s limitations. These
number of women whose mRNA injections include:
occurred before, or after, 20 weeks’ gestation were
1. Study design issues include:
not specified in the article. From the information
provided in the text and tables, we understand that: a. No unexposed pregnancies were used;
1. At least 114 women were first exposed before b. 94% of the cohort were healthcare workers;
20 weeks (reported as pregnancy losses): c. Less than 15% of pregnant women in the v-
a. Of which, 96 were in the first trimester: safe registry were also enrolled in the
conception up to 14 weeks’ gestation; pregnancy registry.
b. The remaining 18 pregnant women must have 2. For pregnancy loss in the first 20 weeks, an
been exposed in the first part of the second incorrect denominator was used in calculating
trimester: 14 weeks’ to 20 weeks’ gestation. the cumulative incidence. Their calculation
included cohorts that were first exposed to the
2. During the third trimester (from 28 weeks’ injection after the outcome was defined
gestation until birth), 700 pregnant women were (spontaneous abortion). This point was discussed
reported to have been first exposed to mRNA by McCullough and colleagues.[5]
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Spontaneous Abortions and Policy on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines — Nov. 2021

3. The authors did not disclose essential appear to be based on the date the reports were
descriptive statistics required to critique their received rather than the event date and are likely
recommendations, such as: to be underreported.
a. Number of live births for women whose first
mRNA vaccinations occurred before and A closer look at the data
after 20 weeks’ gestation; Despite the study’s limitations, some information
b. The total number of pregnancies in these can be derived that was not presented by the
groups. authors. A flow diagram (Figure 2) illustrates the
outcomes of 827 pregnant women in the study,
4. Exposure and outcomes were provided using which resulted in 724 live births (including 12
two measures of gestation that are not multiples). Using Figure 2, the total numbers in
interchangeable: trimester (first, second, third) each exposure group can be estimated with some
and gestation (either less than 20 weeks, or 20 uncertainty (ranges provided; see Table 1). The lack
weeks or more) (Figure 1). of follow-up in the first outcome cohort creates
5. The timing of the first and second mRNA uncertainty in the statistics presented in the original
vaccinations was absent, with no indication of article.[4] However, by combining Table 1 with
outcome. Additionally, no analysis was provided Table 4 of the original manuscript,[4] we investigated
to determine if the pregnancy outcome differed the nature of the association between mRNA
by exposure to the type of product, either: vaccine use in pregnancy and pregnancy outcome
Pfizer/BioNTech’s BNT162b2 or Moderna’s (Table 2) by cohort.
mRNA-1273. The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥
6. The inclusion or exclusion of adverse events that 104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion
occurred within 14 days of exposure was not following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and
specified. 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred
before 13 weeks’ gestation (Table 4, footnotes).[4]
7. A high baseline rate of 26% was used for the
This is a very high proportion of pregnancy loss
historical comparison of spontaneous abortion
observed in those exposed to the mRNA
risk, an estimate that includes clinically
vaccination before 20 weeks’ gestation, ranging
unrecognized pregnancies and differs
from 81.9–91.2% (n = 114–127), which is
substantially from the definition used in this
significantly different to baseline estimates from
study (clinically recognized pregnancies).[5]
other studies (11.3%, n = 79,978 [6]; p < 0.001),
Comparable estimates of clinically recognized
being 7- to 8-fold higher than expected (p < 0.001).
pregnancies, range from 8% to 15%.[6–8] Here,
The authors’ interpretation of no difference in the
we use a clinically recognized spontaneous
observed incidence of pregnancy loss in those who
abortion rate of 11.3% (from a study carried out
received their first mRNA vaccine before 20 weeks’
in Manitoba on n = 79,978 women).[7]
gestation compared to baseline must be questioned.
8. Possible underestimation of spontaneous abortion.
At face value, the study presented indicates that
Spontaneous abortions were the most frequently
exposure to mRNA vaccination in the third
reported pregnancy-related adverse event;
trimester is safe and supported by another study
however, voluntary reporting systems are
exploring exposure from 29 weeks.[9] However, as
notoriously delayed. The VAERS reports
highlighted by McCullough and colleagues,[5]
through to February 28, 2021 used in this article
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Critical appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance — Oct. 2021

Figure 2. Flow diagram of the outcomes of the 827 pregnant women who received mRNA vaccines,
resulting in 724 live births.

12.6% of this group reported ‘Grade 3’ adverse Correction to Shimabukuro et al. article
events (i.e. severe or medically significant but not Following the submission of this article, a
immediately life-threatening)[10] and 8% reported correction was published to the study in
a temperature above 38°C after the second mRNA question.[13] The authors correctly state that “No
dose (which can induce miscarriage or premature denominator was available to calculate a risk
labor). The study follow-up concluded 28 days after estimate for spontaneous abortions, because at the
birth, with long-term effects of prenatal exposure to time of this report, follow-up through 20 weeks was
infants unknown. Other studies of mRNA safety not yet available for 905 of the 1224 participants
prior to the third trimester are limited by design, vaccinated within 30 days before the first day of the
such as: the timeline of exposure to the mRNA last menstrual period or in the first trimester.
vaccine was not provided;[11] and women that Furthermore, any risk estimate would need to
experienced pregnancy loss between the first and account for gestational week–specific risk of
second dose were excluded.[12] spontaneous abortion.” Table 4 was updated to
reflect this correction. However, the article’s
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Spontaneous Abortions and Policy on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines — Nov. 2021

abstract, results and discussion continue to state and (S) protein to hACE-2 competent mice was
discuss the initial findings of the study, including identified. Administration of SARS-CoV-2 and
the 12.6% spontaneous abortion rate observed in spike (S) protein resulted in the stimulation of
those exposed to mRNA before 20 weeks being platelets to release coagulation factors, secretion of
within background ranges, rather than being inflammatory factors and formation of leukocyte-
updated to account for the correction. This produces platelet aggregates in hACE-2 transgenic mice.[20]
a discontinuity between the corrected results table In vivo, the circulation of spike (S) protein of
and the text. The authors continue to stand by their COVID-19 patients contributes to hyper-
statement that there are no safety signals for use of coagulation. In the presence of the spike (S1)
the mRNA products in pregnancy. protein alone, findings indicate that healthy blood
flow may be interfered with through major
ultrastructural changes in whole blood (platelet
3 Further discussion hyperactivation noted in vitro).[21]
As discussed by Shimabukuro et al., the morbidity A pre-eclampsia-like syndrome was observed in
and mortality of COVID-19 disease in pregnancy is five of 42 pregnant women infected with COVID-
reported to be increased and, therefore, used to 19, and was coupled with severe pneumonia in a
justify the current international recommendations prospective observational study.[22] Given the
for the widespread use of mRNA vaccines in relationship between spike (S) protein encoded by
pregnancy, since pregnant women were excluded mRNA vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 virus, we
from the initial vaccine trials.[14] However, in two suggest there could be a biological mechanism for
recent studies, this increased risk was not pre-eclampsia-like syndrome in vaccinated women.
observed;[15,16] rather, they observed that the rate
Given pregnant women were excluded from the
of critical care unit admission and mortality in
initial clinical trials, the possible impact on mRNA
pregnancy was comparable to those rates among the
vaccines on the fetus and reproductive capacity of
general population of the same cohort;[15] and in-
women were informed using animal studies (female
hospital mortality in pregnant women was lower
rats). The Pfizer-BioNTech study of rats was
than non-pregnant patients hospitalized with
reported to indicate no issues in fertility of the
COVID-19 and viral pneumonia.[16]
exposed animals or their pups. However, more
The biological pathway underlying these careful scrutiny of the study indicates an increase
epidemiological findings has been elucidated. (approximately 2 times) of pre-implantation loss
Researchers have found that SARS-CoV-2 enters (9.77% compared to 4.09% in the control group),
and fuses with the host cell via angiotensin- but findings were reported to be within historical
converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptors, and the control data ranges (5.1–11.5%). There was
spike (S) protein S2 subunit using the heptad-repeat additionally a low incidence of gastroschisis,
domains, HR1 and HR2.[13,14] Pfizer/BioNTech’s mouth/jaw malformations, right-sided aortic arch
BNT162b2 and Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccines and cervical vertebrae abnormalities in fetuses,
encode this spike (S) protein, which is designed to once again reported to be within the range of
be delivered into the human cell and translated.[19] historical control data. The study did not assess
The coagulopathy induced by SARS-CoV-2 was placental transfer of BNT162b2 mRNA.[23]
investigated in hACE-2 competent mice by Zhang Likewise, the Moderna studies indicated no harmful
and colleagues[20] and in vitro by Grobbelaar and effects in pregnancy, embryo/fetal development,
colleagues.[21] The binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike parturition or post-natal development in studies
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Spontaneous Abortions and Policy on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines — Nov. 2021

carried out in rats.[24] The rodent studies and protein HR1 (or HR1a28) or HR2 has the ability to
information on those who found themselves inadvertently inhibit syn1, preventing the cell
pregnant during the original clinical trials were fusion required for placental attachment, resulting
relied on by clinicians to confer safety in pregnancy in pregnancy loss. The rodent studies carried out by
and breastfeeding, in combination with the belief Pfizer and Moderna to determine if there could be
that there were no biologically plausible reasons an impact on fertility and development may need to
that mRNA technology would be harmful.[14] be repeated in Old World primates, such as
macaques, as they have similar syn1 and syn2
Concerns for the effect of mRNA vaccinations
proteins to humans, whereas rats do not. The
in pregnancy and during breastfeeding include, but
presence of autoantibodies to syn1 was investigated
are not limited to, the following issues.
by Mattar et al., and although a change from
Transmission of mRNA and spike protein baseline of autoantibodies to syn1 occurred in all 15
The transmission of mRNA and spike protein pregnant women exposed to the first dose of the
across the placenta and through breast milk is of Pfizer-BioNTech product, the change was not
concern, given the unknown effect on development deemed high enough to be considered biologically
in utero or on a breastfeeding infant. There were no significant.[25] Given the small sample size, these
mRNA spike-encoding region amplifications findings may indicate that further investigation is
detected in aqueous or liquid breast milk fractions required. Further, an altered syn1 expression is
0–7 days post-vaccination (n=5) in a study carried associated with pre-eclampsia, hemolysis, elevated
out by Mattar et al. in 15 pregnant women and five liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome,
breast-feeding women who received one Pfizer- intrauterine growth restriction and gestational
BioNTech (BNT162B2) mRNA vaccination.[25] diabetes mellitus in observational studies.[29–31]
However, the presence of spike protein itself was Synctyin-1 is also required for gamete fusion
not tested for. The authors of this study urge (syn1 and ACET2 receptors present in sperm [32]
caution, given the small sample sizes and study and oocytes [33]) and, additionally, found in the
duration of only one week post-exposure. In testes34 and ovaries.[33,35] In the Comirnaty
contrast to this study, voluntary reporting systems (Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine) Package Insert
such as VAERS have received numerous reports of submitted to the Food and Drug Administration
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), (FDA), the manufacturers state that potential
gastrointestinal upset, rash, anaphylactic reaction impairment of male fertility has not been evaluated
and death (for example, VAERS ID26: 1166062; (page 15).[36] A single-center prospective study
927664; 939409; 954010; 1166062; 1224688; was carried out on the impact of mRNA vaccination
1254975; 1272428; 1343886; 1395088; 1415059; on sperm number and motility in 45 men prior to
1445743; 1031318; 1113464; 1182232) following mRNA vaccination exposure (following 2–7 days
exposure to breastmilk of a recently vaccinated abstinence), and again 70 days post-exposure to the
mother. second vaccination. No significant negative
Inhibition of Synctyin-1 impacts on sperm parameters were reported;
however, the study did not assess the fusogenic
Other mechanisms which may be disrupted by the potential (syn1 is in the acrosome of the sperm
injection include syncytin-1 (syn1), a fusogenic head) or synctyin antibody levels in this cohort and
protein of retroviral origin, essential for cell fusion is recommended for further research.[37]
and placental development.[27] Studies are
required to determine if mRNA encoded spike (S)
Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Spontaneous Abortions and Policy on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines — Nov. 2021

4 Conclusion 5 Editor’s notes

We question the conclusions of the Shimabukuro et Editor’s Note 1: This report was peer-reviewed by
al.[4] study to support the use of the mRNA vaccine reviewers not affiliated with the authors. The
in early pregnancy, which has now been hastily process was single-blinded (the authors do not
incorporated into many international guidelines for know who the reviewers are).
vaccine use, including in New Zealand.[1] The Editor’s Note 2: On June 24, 2021, Dr.
assumption that exposure in the third trimester Shimabukuro also presented data from the Vaccine
cohort is representative of the effect of exposure
Safety Datalink to the US Advisory Committee on
throughout pregnancy is questionable and ignores Immunization Practices (ACIP) and concluded that
past experience with drugs such as thalidomide.[38] the system captured no (zero) serious adverse
Evidence of safety of the product when used in the events or deaths that could be attributed to the
first and second trimesters cannot be established COVID-19 vaccine. On June 10, 2021, Dr.
until these cohorts have been followed to at least the Shimabukuro reported no increased risk of
perinatal period or long-term safety determined for myocarditis using data from the VSD to the
any of the babies born to mothers inoculated during Vaccines and Related Biological Products
pregnancy. Additionally, the product’s manufacturer, Advisory Committee (VRBPAC). Soon after these
Pfizer, contradicts these assurances, stating: presentations, US FDA issued an advisory on the
“available data on Comirnaty administered to risk of myocarditis and pericarditis from the
pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine- Pfizer/Biontech Bnt162b2/Comirnaty vaccine. The
associated risks in pregnancy”, and “it is not known information present to ACIP was critical in their
whether Comirnaty is excreted in human milk” as decision on vaccine recommendations. I have
“data are not available to assess the effects of addressed the absence of and failure of
Comirnaty on the breastfed infant” (page 14).[39] “pharmacovigilance” in a recent Editorial in this
Due to the nature of the mRNA vaccine roll-out, journal.
healthcare providers need to report any issues in
pregnancy to further determine the safety of this
product. Caution should be exercised in the
6 Editor’s references
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8 Supplementary tables

Table 1. Estimating the total numbers in each group for exposure (gestation when first mRNA vaccine
received) and outcome (loss of pregnancy, live birth); using information reported in the article by
Shimabukuro et al. (2021).[4] Ranges for unknown values provided.

Gestation Loss of pregnancy: Loss of pregnancy: Pregnancies Total

Other (ectopic, Spontaneous abortion / resulting in live
induced abortion) stillbirth birth(s)
< 20 weeks 10 104 0 – 13 114 – 127
≥ 20 weeks 0 1 699 – 712 700† – 713
Total 10 105 712 827
† 700 reported in Table 4 (footnotes) from Shimabukuro et al. (2021)[4] to have received their first mRNA dose in
the third trimester.

Table 2. Examining the association between the gestation (weeks) pregnant women were first exposed to
mRNA vaccine and pregnancy outcome, using (i) cumulative incidence, (ii) difference in the cumulative
incidence observed versus published estimates (expected), and (iii) the risk ratio of pregnancy loss in the
mRNA vaccinated group, compared to historic studies of women who did not receive the mRNA vaccine
(published incidence).

Gestation Pregnancies Published Cumulative Difference in Risk Ratio

resulting in incidence of incidence of cumulative (RR)
live birth(s) pregnancy loss pregnancy lossb incidence (95% (95% CI, sig.)
(count)a (%) (%) (95% CI) CI, sig.)
0 11.3 c 104/114 (91.2%) 0.799 8.07
(84.1, 95.5) (0.743, 0.856) d (7.60, 8.57) d
< 20 weeks
13 11.3 c 104/127 (81.9%) 0.706 7.25
(73.9, 87.9) (0.635, 0.777) d (6.66, 7.88) d

699 <1 1/699 (0.1%) within range e -

≥ 20 weeks
712 <1 1/712 (0.1%) within range e -

All analysis carried out in R 4.1.0, using the epiR package.

a First exposure to mRNA of 13 pregnancies vaccinated in the second trimester (from 14 up to 28 weeks gestation)
were unable to be further categorized by exposure before or after 20 weeks gestation, as required for pregnancy
loss definition: spontaneous abortion (< 20 weeks gestation) and stillbirth (≥ 20 weeks gestation); therefore, a
range has been provided (as defined in Table 1).
b Excluding pregnancy loss as a result of other (ectopic, induced abortion; n = 10).

Sci, Pub Health Pol, & Law Spontaneous Abortions and Policy on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines — Nov. 2021

c Baseline of clinically recognized spontaneous abortion set to 11.3% based on a study carried out in Manitoba,
Canada on n=79,978 women.[7]
d indicates a statistically significant relationship (sig. < 0.001) in the observed loss of pregnancy when mRNA was
received <20 weeks gestation (observed) when compared to the published incidence (expected).
e 700 received their first mRNA dose in the third trimester, with no indication of the time to delivery post-exposure.


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