Pfizers Experimental Vaccine What Your Not Being Told

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Pfizer’s Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine—What You’re Not Being Told

By Johnny Vedmore |

Pfizer’s long history of scandals, and the fact that they have never been held to account for their
crimes, continues to be ignored by the media, even as its experimental mRNA vaccine candidate for
Covid-19 draws ever closer to US government approval.

The vaccine information war has kicked up a gear, and the mainstream media vultures are circling to
descend on any content that they can easily label and dismiss as misinformation.

Laws will be passed throughout legislatures globally to criminalise anyone who publicly
misunderstands any part of the complex biological processes involved in many of the new
experimental vaccine technologies that are being used to produce Covid-19 vaccine candidates.

Even now, intelligence agencies and intelligence-backed tech companies are set to deploy
sophisticated methods to censor content and deplatform news websites that they view as promoting
‘vaccine hesitancy’ as well as ‘vaccine misinformation’, particularly as a Covid-19 vaccine candidate
lurches closer to approval.

It is expected that by month’s end the mRNA vaccine produced by the scandal-ridden pharmaceutical
giant Pfizer will be approved by the US government via an emergency-use authorization, with other
countries expected to follow suit.

Pfizer, in anticipation of the seemingly imminent and assured approval of their vaccine candidate, has
already been manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses of its vaccine for weeks and has received
praise from governments and mainstream media alike for its self-reported claims that its vaccine is 90
percent effective.

In particular, the success of the experimental mRNA mass vaccination program appears to hinge on
the general population being unable to effectively articulate their concerns and objections.

Whilst the mainstream media are quick to point out when somebody makes an error in how they
believe the mRNA vaccine works, they don’t offer any further information than the official government

Public distrust in vaccination programs is not the fault of those who don’t understand the way this
brand-new technology works.

Public distrust is all-pervasive because only one side of the argument is allowed to be heard. We do
need to understand the technology involved, as there is a difference between mRNA vaccines and
DNA vaccines.

Having a general understanding of the reason why someone should object to being given an
experimental mRNA vaccine is necessary for creating a clear and coherent argument.

We are about to examine a subject that has been one of the most censored topics in the modern era.

But now, more than ever before, we are in desperate need of the information that is being
systematically hidden from the public.
This article will be banned and attacked by those who believe we, the general public, shouldn’t know
all the information about what they want to achieve from the coming mass global vaccinations.

The reason for the current establishment’s unwillingness to speak about this subject leads to perhaps
unnecessary suspicion.

Such suspicions will never be dismissed via the currently employed tactic of smearing anyone who
questions intentions.

If governments worldwide want their populations to submit to these vaccinations, then they need to
stop patronising people and speak honestly.

However, since that is unheard of, they will continue to employ coercive tactics, as they will be trying
out a never-before-approved experimental method to boost the immune system by manipulating the
process our DNA uses to signal for the creation of certain proteins, and we have little idea of what the
long-term impact this brand-new therapeutic technology could have on our health.


No politician, medical expert, or pharmaceutical representative is willing to accept responsibility for

challenges that might be around the corner.


Many of the pharmaceutical companies researching potential coronavirus vaccines are using old

They take a proverbial pinch of the virus and infect your immune system at a very low and slow rate,
allowing your body the time it needs to build up a natural immunological resistance to the illness.

But developing those types of vaccines is a slow and arduous process, and the current leaders in the
race to mass global vaccination are pharmaceutical companies using a radical new method that has
never been tried before.

‘They are going to hack the cells in your body in order to make them into drug factories’, says Nathan
Vardi, a staff writer for Forbes, in a video titled Why Pfizer Is Betting Big on an Unproven Treatment
for Covid-19, from March 2020.

‘The problem is with this approach’, Vardi admits, ‘is there’s never been an approved mRNA product’.

The various scientific explorations into the therapeutic applications of potential mRNA treatments are
still in their infancy, but the method has been lauded as a potential solution to the treatment of cancer
and infectious diseases, for protein replacement, and for gene therapy.


In January 2020, the de facto leader in the mRNA field was the pharmaceutical company Moderna,
but—in the wake of Covid-19—other major companies began to focus on the mRNA method.
Moderna was able to pioneer that method several years ago, thanks to funding largely provided by
the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation.


Now, as 2020 draws to a close, the race to develop the winning Covid-19 vaccine is in full swing, and
another Big Pharma company has seemingly beaten Moderna to the development of a supposedly
effective mRNA vaccine, thanks to Pfizer teaming up with BioNTech, a small German company, to pip
Moderna to the post.

But, in this race to ‘save humanity’, there are bound to be pitfalls, especially when introducing
completely new health technologies into mainstream use.

Has Pfizer rung the finishing bell in this global race to end the current pandemic, or, instead, is it
hurtling towards a disaster of epic proportions?

There are very informative scientific papers available from just before the pandemic began that give
us an insight into this new mRNA technology.

So here I’ll examine the DNA manipulating method, the vaccine, the people behind the research and
development at BioNTech, but most important, I’ll examine Pfizer, and look at how the company has
avoided accountability when things go wrong—and things do go wrong at Pfizer.


The vital interaction that mRNA has with our DNA has made selling mRNA vaccine technology
extremely difficult for those who believe it’s the future of human medicine.

The fact that it will alter the function of your DNA in your body has made many people suspicious of
what unexpected horrors could arise through mass use of this new and experimental technique.

Unsurprisingly, the people marketing the vaccines have tried to downplay the aggressive and
genetically manipulative nature of the treatment.

In fairness, trying to explain the workings of such a complex new technology in plain English is
exceedingly difficult.

This is apparent when one listens to representatives of the mainstream media, who are often mealy
mouthed when describing the biological processes that will take place when you receive the mRNA

But inability to articulate the technology isn’t surprising when you consider that part of your DNA, after
breaking in two through a natural process, will then be combined with the experimental mRNA in a
way that seems esoteric to many of us.

It’s almost impossible to imagine such a process taking place in one’s own vulnerable biological
system, in one’s DNA, the most precious building blocks of life that define your very existence.

After a preprogrammed strand of mRNA has merged with a naturally severed part of your DNA, it will
request the production of a protein that should help trigger your immune system.
In theory, this should boost your immune system and aid in the mass production of the proteins
necessary to successfully fight the specific illness.

The inserted messenger-RNA (thus, mRNA) should be relatively easy to design and programme as
long as the scientists involved have the genetic coding for the infection it is to fight.

In this case, the necessary data was released in January 2020 by the Chinese. Mild side effects to
this process should be expected.

Although no extreme side effects were reported by Pfizer during the stage 3 testing of their mRNA
vaccine, nearly every participant suffered mild symptoms, including swelling of the arm, irritation of
the skin, and headaches, to name just a few.

But, as we shall see, the information that Pfizer releases about its clinical trials and what happens in
reality can be quite different.

I have just described the basic information you require for understanding how the coming mRNA
vaccine works, but what I can’t describe to you is what happens in the long term.

This form of therapeutic alternative has never been allowed or sanctioned before, aside from small
clinical trials. There has never been an FDA-approved clinical trial for mRNA medicine because its
usage comes with an abundance of ethical and moral questions and unknown possibilities.

At the same time, the utilization of the mRNA method could also be one of the biggest leaps forward
in technology ever recorded in human history.

If we give the technology the benefit of the doubt and assume that it has no negative long-term side
effects, then it is a potential treatment for almost every human illness on earth.

Opening this mRNA floodgate would mean normalising regular vaccinations for nearly every
imaginable ailment. In the best-case scenario, you could be vaccinated against cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer’s, and any other human ailment that derives from a fault in your

In the worst-case scenario, you could be left dead or crippled like Pfizer’s victims in its experiments
on Nigerian children during the late 1990s.

All that being said, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has a major downside to it. Pfizer and Moderna have
stated that their mRNA vaccines need to be kept at -70° C and -20° C, respectively, which is a
significant logistical challenge.

Without these extremely cold temperatures, the mRNA and combined nanoparticles will lose their

There are no studies on the effect of poorly stored mRNA vaccines on the human body.

In comparison, DNA vaccines are much easier to transport and store as they are much more stable

As we have seen, the potential for mRNA technology is boundless.

If the vaccine is successful in normalizing the process of gene editing for medicinal benefit, there will
be pressure to continue editing genes in other ways.

It isn’t hard to see that the technology could have cosmetic, medical, and military applications that
could range from phosphorescent skin to military bio-weapons beyond our imagination.

That is the reason why the people behind this technology are reluctant to speak about its potential
game-changing mRNA method, for it represents our first real steps into trans humanism.

Long Article Continues Here:



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