General Mathematics: S.Y. 2021 - 2022 1 Quarter

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S.Y. 2021 - 2022
1st Quarter

Grade Level/ Strand/Section:
Teacher: Romeo S. Pacoma
Quiz No.1


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers before the number.

1. Which of the following is not true about function?

a. Function is composed of two quantities where one depends on the other.
b. One-to-one correspondence is a function.
c. Many-to-one correspondence is a function.
d. One-to-many correspondence is a function.
2. In a relation, what do you call the y values or the output?
a. Piecewise b. Range c. Domain d. Independent
3. Which of the following tables is NOT a representation of functions?
X 2 1 0 1
Y 3 6 7 2
X 2 1 0 1
Y 3 6 7 2

X 2 1 0 1
Y 3 6 7 2

X 2 1 0 1
Y 3 6 7 2

4. In this table, what is the domain of the function?

X 1 2 3 4 5
a. D: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} b. D: {a, b, c, d, e} c. D: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} d. y = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, a, b, c, d}
5. Which of the following relations is/are function/s?
a. x = {(-1,2), (-3,4), (-1,7), (5,1)} b. g = {(-3,2), (3,1), (-3,2), (5,7)}
c. h = {(6,1), (-2,3), (2, 6), (7, 2)} d. y = {(2,3), (3,2), (-2,3), (3, -2)}
6. Which of the following relations is/are function/s?
a. the rule which assigns to each person the name of his brother
b. the rule which assigns the name of teachers you have
c. the rule which assigns a pen and the color of its ink
d. the rule which assigns each person a surname
7. A person can encode 1000 words in every hour of typing job. Which of the following expresses
the total words W as a function of the number n of hours that the person can encode?
a. 𝑊(𝑛)=1000+𝑛 b. 𝑊(𝑛)=1000/𝑛 c. 𝑊(𝑛)=1000𝑛 d. 𝑊(𝑛)=1000−𝑛
8. Judy is earning ₱300.00 per day for cleaning the house of Mrs. Perez and additional ₱25.00 for
an hour of taking care Mrs. Perez’s child. Express the total salary (S) of Judy including the time (h) spent for
taking care the child.
a. 𝑆(ℎ)=300+25ℎ b. 𝑆(ℎ)=300−25ℎ c. 𝑆(ℎ)=300(25ℎ) d. 𝑆(ℎ)=300/25ℎ
9. Which of the following functions define the volume of a cube?
a. 𝑉=3𝑠, where s is the length of the edge b. 𝑉=𝑠3, where s is the length of the edge
c. 𝑉=2𝑠3, where s is the length of the edge d. 𝑉=𝑠/3, where s is the length of the edge
10. Eighty meters of fencing is available to enclose the rectangular garden of Mang Gustin. Give a
function A that can represent the area that can be enclosed in terms of x.
a. 𝐴(𝑥)=40𝑥−𝑥2 b. 𝐴(𝑥)=80𝑥−𝑥2 c. 𝐴(𝑥)=40𝑥2−𝑥 d. 𝐴(𝑥)=80𝑥2−𝑥

Quiz No.2


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers before the number.

1. Which of the following is not a polynomial function?

a. f(x)=2x-10 b. g(x)=4x2-3x+8 c. p(x)=x3-7 d. s(x)=|3x-4|-9
2. What kind of function is being illustrated by f(x)=(3x-11)/(x+7)?
a. Rational Function b. Constant Function
c. Greatest Integer Function d. Absolute Value Function
3. Find the function value given h(x)=9-5x of x=3m.
a. 9-15m b. 9-15m2 c. 9+15m d. 9+15m2
4. Which of the following shows an exponential function?
a. f(x)=3x+8 b. f(x)=2x3-7 c. f(x)=3x-6 d. f(x)=|x|-8
5. Find the function value given h(x)=3x-8 if x=9a+1
a. 27a+5 b. 27a-5 c. 18a+11 d. 18a-11
6. Which of the following is the value of the function f(x)=|4x -8|+2 given x=2?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11
7. Evaluate the function h(x)=|x|-11 given x=3.5
a. -8 b. 8 c.-9 d.9
8. Give the value of the of the function c(x)=3x -36 at c(5).
a. -21 b. 14 c. 111 d. 39
9. Evaluate: h(x)=5x -3x+9 given x=3
a. 45 b. 63 c. 135 d. 153
10. Given g(x)=(x2-3)/2, determine g(5)
a. 11 b. 7/2 c. -11 d. -7/2

Quiz No.3


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers before the number.
(2points each)

1. The following are notations for composite functions EXCEPT,

a. h(p(x)) b. f(x)g(x) c. (s◦t)(x) d. f(g(x))
2. Find h(3)+d(2) if h(x)=x-1 and d(x)=7x+3
a. 2 b. 5 c. 14 d. 19
2 2
3. t(x)=-x +7x+1 and r(x)=5x -2x+8, find (t-r)(2)
a. 18 b. -18 c. -13 d.13
4. f(x)=4x+2 and g(x)=3x-1, find (f-g)(4)
a. 0 b.-9 c. 7 d.-8
5. r(x)=x+5 and q(x)=2x2-5, Find q(r(-2))
a. 8 b. -8 c. 13 d.-13
Quiz No.4


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers before the number. (2
points each)

For numbers 1-2 use the problem below:

Cotta National High School has 1,200 students enrolled in 2016 and 1,500 students in 2019. The
student population P grows as a linear function of time (t), where t is the number of years after 2016.
1. Which of the following functions represents the student population that relates to time t?
a. P(t)= 100t + 1,200 b. P(t) = 1,200t -100
c. P(t) = 1,200t + 100 d. P(t) = 100t – 1,200
2. How many students will be enrolled in Cotta National High School by 2020?
a. 1,800 b. 1,700 c. 1,600 d. 1,650

For numbers 3 – 5 use the problem below:

A proposed tricycle fare would charge ₱20.00 for the first 5 km of travel and ₱0.75 for each
additional kilometer over the proposed fare.
3. Find the fare function f(x) where x represents the number of kilometers travelled.
a. f(x) = 20 + 0.75x b. f(x) = 20 - 0.75x
c. f(x) =16.25 + 0.75x d. f(x) = 6.25 - 0.75x
4. How much is the proposed fare for distance of 3 km?
a. ₱4.00 b. ₱8.00 c. ₱12.00 d. ₱20.00
5. Find the proposed fare for distance of 55 km.
a. ₱57.50 b. ₱91.25 c. ₱60.50 d. ₱105.75

Quiz No.5


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers before the number. (2
points each)

1. What symbol must be placed in the blank to make the sentence rational equation:
= 8
a. f(x) b. y c. ≤ d. 3
2. If the owner held a fund-raising activity that aimed to help her employees and collected
₱1500.00 per employee, which of the following represents the total amount an employee will receive?
a. 𝑓(𝑥)=45000𝑥+1500 b. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥 +45000+1500
c. 𝑓(𝑥)= 45000𝑥+1500 d. 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑥−45000+1500
3. Which of the following is a rational function?
2𝑥+5 𝑥+2 𝑥−8
a. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = √5 b. 𝑓 (𝑟) = 𝑥−1 + 2 c. 𝑥 + 4 ≥ 𝑥−1 d. 4𝑥\ = 20

For numbers 4-5 refer to problem below:

Due to Typhoon Rosing the bus slows down the regular trip rate which results to additional 2 hours
in covering a 140-km distance to its regular time.
4. Write a function that expresses the time t as a function of regular rate r in travelling.
140 𝑟 140+2 𝑟
a. 𝑡 (𝑟) = 𝑟 b. 𝑡(𝑟) = 140 c. 𝑡(𝑟) = 𝑟 d. 𝑡(𝑟) = 140+2
5. What function expresses the time as a function of rate during the typhoon?
140 𝑟 140+2 𝑟
a. 𝑡 (𝑟) = 𝑟 + 2 b. 𝑡(𝑟) = 140 + 2 c. 𝑡(𝑟) = 𝑟 d. 𝑡(𝑟) = 140+2

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