De Guzman, Monica-Activity 1 STS

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Name: Monica C.

De Guzman
Year & Section: BSE-Mathematics I-1

For the following items, write TRUE if you feel that the statement is correct and FALSE
if the statement is not.

1. Technology is the application of science. TRUE

2. Scientific theories are much less valid than scientific laws.
3. Science and technology has potentially negative societal
impacts. TRUE
4. STS is a multidisciplinary study and draws heavily on the
social sciences. TRUE
5. Science mainly concerns on the acquisition and production
of knowledge from the natural world. TRUE
6. Though the knowledge generated by STS is important, it
has little bearing on government policymaking. FALSE
7. The study of STS is important for both the natural science
community and the social science community. TRUE
8. The domain of science requires skills such as critical
thinking and problem-solving but less on creativity and
imagination. FALSE
9. When we try to look into how various social factors affect
the development of science and how developments in science
affect human society, we are delving into the STS
territory. TRUE
10. STS deals mostly with historical developments of
science and technology and its impact to society and less with
the philosophical implications of these developments. TRUE

Metacognitive reading report

1. Refer to the work of Lewis Wolpert entitled The Medawar Lecture 1998
Is Science Dangerous? answer the following questions:

a. What were Wolpert's major points and support to his claims?

• Wolpert’s explained his major points such as technology,
social responsibility, eugenics, politics, and reproduction:
cloning, genes, and stem cells on how and why science is
dangerous. In technology, some of it may release danger
chemicals which can affect our environment. Additionally, there
are ethical problem in eugenics and In vitro fertilization (IVF) by
abusing and misusing of it. While scientists have lack both
wisdom and social responsibility and they referred to as a
‘playing at God’. There is a survey that show some distrust of
scientists in politics.
b. Does he believe that science and technology is dangerous?
• No, the science and technology itself is not dangerous as we
understand it but literally the danger comes from on harmfully
uses or abusing of it.
c. What were his ideas regarding eugenics, cloning, and stem cells?
Do you agree or disagree on his points regarding these issues? Why
or why not?
• I agree to the idea about cloning carries a high risk of
irregularities and makes the child very rebellious. It may also
have the probability of abuse. Moreover, I agree on stem cells
that can give rise to a wide variety of different cell types, have
the potential to alleviate many medical problems from damage
hearts to paralysis owing to damage nerves. But in contrast it will
lead to destruction of human embryo, and I do not agree of that
d. What role does the public play in the purported dangers (or lack
thereof) of science and technology?
• The public plays a vital role since they are the one who created
the science and technology whether it will benefit us or not. It
depends on us human how will be use it as good or bad and we
will also suffer when we use it excessively without thinking of
the majority just like of some scientist.
e. What role does politics play in the purported dangers (or lack
thereof) of science and technology?
• The role does politics plays a leader in our society because they
will facilitate all the innovation by working together through
science and technology. And they encourage public to become
more productive in these perceptions.
f. What three concepts from the article will you never forget?
The three concepts are:
1. Science made virtually no contribution to technology until the
nineteenth century. Even the great triumphs of engineering like
the steam engine and Renaissance cathedrals were built without
virtually any impact of science.
2. Science is at the core of our culture, almost the main mode of
thought that characterizes our age.
3. Science is not the same as technology. In contrast to technology,
reliable scientific knowledge is value-free and has no moral or
ethical value.
g. What three realizations did you have after reading the article?
State your answer in the following manner: Before reading the b
article I thought… However after reading, I can now say that I
1. Before reading the article, I thought technology cannot produce
without science. However, after reading, I can now say that
technology itself were built without any impact of science. And
they have a big difference to each other.
2. Before reading the article, I thought that stem cells provide new
cells for the body as it grows. However, I can now say that it can
also have the potential to alleviate many medical problems from
damage hearts to paralysis owing to damage nerves.
3. Before reading the article, I thought and believed that science and
technology always benefits people and have no bad effects.
However, I can now say that some people are not aware on the
negative effects on society because of their misuse and abuse.

h. What three things are still unclear to you after reading the article?
The three things that are still unclear:
1. The concept about Eugenics and IVF
2. Fear and distrust of science
3. Special social responsibilities of scientists
Poster- MAKING

The poster that I made is all about my good or

positive insights about science and technology. I just
only portray it as good because I think that science and
technology generally benefit us. As you can see, the
center of my poster is the image of a human because our
life is made easier because of science and technology.
The different discoveries and inventions are made
possible by humans through science and technology that
sustained our need in everyday life. These are the
transportations, medicines, vaccine, different gadgets
like laptops and cellphones that uses on online classes
and internet. But always be aware in the world we live
since some of the discoveries and inventions have a
negative impact on our nature.

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