Google Corporate Strategy PDF
Google Corporate Strategy PDF
Google Corporate Strategy PDF
search engine, software, online advertising technologies, cloud computing and hardware.
Since 1998 when Google became a company in a garage in Menlo Park, California, it has
developed into a torchbearer of corporate innovation in the era. Google’s preference
for long-term innovation is reflected in many aspects-from its well-known "20% personal time"
policy that employees can use for personal projects (this policy led to the birth of Gmail and
AdSense), to its establishment in 2009. The quasi-independent venture capital part Google
Ventures, and then to its future-oriented innovation "moon plan" Google X Innovation Lab
(renamed X).
However, in recent years, the company has begun to transform its experimental methods, risky
R&D, and decentralized company structure. After taking charge of Google in 2011, CEO Larry
Page (now the leader of Alphabet) announced that Google would put more wood after “less
arrows” and put more resources in a more important direction: from democratizing. The
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At the same time, Google has expanded from its core search and advertising business to a wider
range of business areas, covering many fields from consumer hardware to automobiles to
Corporate strategy is considered as the most essential and broad ranging strategy level within
organizational strategy. The corporate strategy level concerns itself with the entire enterprise
on a more or less abstract level, where decisions are made by corporate headquarters with
Google’s corporate strategy extensively focuses on advertising as its business function. About
96 percent of its revenues come from online advertising, which means that creating new
advertising space is critical to the company’s growth. Google sells advertising space on its
search pages through a program called AdWords, which is linked to specific keywords.
Google also runs an advertising program called AdSense, which allows any Web site to
display targeted Google ads relevant to the content of its site. Web site publishers earn money
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Google has tried to learn a lot of information about its customers so that it can customize its
advertisements to meet the needs of its customers. Indeed, if the company acquires a lot of
information regarding its customers, it is able to fine-tune its adverts to reach the right
customers. Through this strategy, it may equally be easy for the company to charge more
Part of the evidence of Google’s commitment to this strategy manifests in its commitment to
give its users free accounts, thereby giving it an opportunity to scan these accounts and identify
keywords that it can use to customize its advertisement messages to reach its customers.
it is also important to understand that Google’s strategy stands out in a larger strategic
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It can be said that compared with other activities, Google has created the greatest value in
inbound logistics activities. Google’s core business is search. Internet users use Google’s
search to find the information they need. Therefore, the content list generated as a search result
search result is created by private and organized Internet users, and it is provided to Google for
free. Therefore, due to the unique aspects of Google's business model, its core search business
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2. Google operations
The main source of value for Google’s operations can be designated as the company’s technical
capabilities, especially its advanced search algorithms. All of Google’s business areas are
guided by its organizational culture, based on challenging the status quo, and using
Online search and the integration of advertising into search results represent Google’s core
business. Google also sells physical technology products through its website
Google has only a few physical stores around the world, and the company relies on online sales
channels to generate revenue. Therefore, the source of value of Google's outbound logistics
refers to the avoidance of bills related to the fixed and variable costs of physical stores because
Google’s marketing strategy relies on the integration of online and offline communication
channels to convey marketing messages. Google's sales are mainly conducted through online
sales channels.
Google’s source of value in marketing and sales is obvious and is related to having the most
popular online marketing platform. There are many other methods, Google uses its own
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5. Google services
Google forums have played an important role in assisting customers with various technical and
other issues. There are also customer service phone numbers for various Google services.
1. Firm Infrastructure
Google has managed a huge infrastructure globally. It is led by its founders with Sunder Pichai
2. HRM
HRM is a strategic focus at Google and the brand pays some of the most enormous salaries in
the entire industry. Google has established one of the most attractive corporate cultures focused
at employee empowerment and welfare. Not just fat salaries, the brand has made major perks
3. Technology
Google is one of the technology giants and at the core of its business model is Information
technology. Its business is centered on the most efficient search engine. Google also invests a
very large sum in innovation every year. It also offers cloud-based services.
4. Procurement
Alphabet has entered many long-term contracts with its suppliers for procurement. Timely
availability of raw material is important for continuous delivery of its products and services.
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Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible
and useful.
Google first and foremost focuses on creating the perfect search engine. Google search works
because it uses the millions of links on other Websites to help determine which sites offer the
most valuable content. The company has become the worldwide market leader for search
engines through its strategic business focus and constant product innovation.
Google creates and distributes its products for free. Google’s ultimate goal is to reach as many
people as possible on the Web—whether by PC or by mobile devices. The more users on the
Web, the more advertising Google can sell. Google’s new products not only accomplish this
In October 2015, Google’s corporate restructured its corporate code of conduct from “Don’t
As noted, the firm fulfills the world’s information component by crawling webpages. The
company organizes the information through its proprietary algorithms or programs. Google
also fulfills the universal accessibility component of its mission statement by offering its
services worldwide. Such processing and organizing of information also make search results
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