Fluid Motion Energy Converter

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7493,759 B2

Bernitsas et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 24, 2009
(54) FLUID MOTON ENERGY CONVERTER (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Michael M Bernitsas, Saline, MI (US);
Kamaldev Raghavan, Ann Arbor, MI 3,959,663 A * 5/1976 Rusby ......................... 290,53
(US) 4,024.409 A 5/1977 Payne
4,241,579 A 12/1980 Borgren
4.413,956 A 1 1/1983 Berg
5.426,332 A 6/1995 Ullman et al.
(73) Assignee: The Regents of the University of 6,153,944 A 11, 2000 Clark
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (US) 6,305,165 B1 * 10/2001 Mizuki, Sr. .................. 60/496
2004/0093863 A1* 5/2004 Huang ......................... 60/495
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 428 days. Holzman, David C., "Blue Power—Turning Tides into Electricity.”
Dec. 2007, Environment Health Perspectives
(21) Appl. No.: 11/272.504 (Environews|Innovations), vol. 115, No. 12, pp. A591-A593.
* cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Hoang MNguyen
(22) Filed: Nov. 10, 2005 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Harness, Dickey & Pierce,
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2008/O295.509 A1 Dec. 4, 2008 (57) ABSTRACT
Related U.S. Application Data A converter for producing useable energy from fluid motion
of a fluid medium. The converter includes a support structure,
(60) Provisional application No. 60/628,152, filed on Nov. at least one movable element immersed in the fluid medium
15, 2004, provisional application No. 60/644,749, and Supported externally on the Support structure such that the
filed on Jan. 18, 2005. movable element can move relatively to the structure in
response to the fluid motion by vortex induced motion, gal
(51) Int. C. loping or combination thereof, and at least one power device
FO3C I/00 (2006.01) Supported on the Support structure and coupled to the mov
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................... 60/497; 60/505 able element. The power device converts motion of the mov
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 60/495, able element to useable energy.
60/497, 505
See application file for complete search history. 19 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2009 Sheet 1 of 7 US 7493,759 B2
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2009 Sheet 2 of 7 US 7493,759 B2

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U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2009 Sheet 4 of 7 US 7493,759 B2

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U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2009 Sheet 5 of 7 US 7493,759 B2
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2009 Sheet 6 of 7 US 7493,759 B2
U.S. Patent Feb. 24, 2009 Sheet 7 of 7 US 7493,759 B2


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US 7,493,759 B2
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CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED The present invention will become more fully understood
APPLICATIONS from the detailed description and the accompanying draw
ings, wherein:
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an exemplary fluid motion
Application No. 60/628,152, filed on Nov. 15, 2004 and U.S. energy converter according to the present teachings;
Provisional Application No. 60/644,749, filed on Jan. 18, FIG. 2 is a detail of a connection for an exemplary fluid
2005. The disclosures of the above applications are incorpo motion energy converter according to the present teachings
rated herein by reference. 10 shown for allowing motion with one degree of freedom;
FIG. 3 is a detail of a connection for an exemplary fluid
INTRODUCTION motion energy converter according to the present teachings
shown for allowing motion with two degrees of freedom;
Ocean or fresh water or other moving fluid provides clean FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an exemplary fluid motion
and renewable energy. The total energy flux caused by Surface 15 energy converter according to the present teachings;
and under-water currents of the world has been estimated at FIG. 5 is a perspective view of an exemplary fluid motion
280 trillion watt-hours. World-wide there are many sites with energy converter according to the present teachings;
velocities of 5 knots or higher that are located in densely FIG. 6 is a sectional view of an exemplary fluid motion
populated areas, including the United States, Japan, the energy converter according to the present teachings illustrat
United Kingdom, Philippines, Ireland, and Italy. The poten ing a staggered array of movable elements;
tial world wide wave energy economic distribution in the FIG. 7 is a diagrammatic view of a linear power device;
electric market is estimated at 200 TWh (10' Wh). FIG. 8 is a diagrammatic view of a rotary power device:
Several devices have been conceived, studied and built, but FIG.9 is a diagrammatic view of a hydraulic power device:
the generated energy divided by the occupied Volume (energy and
density) is low. Although the existing devices can be satisfac 25 FIG. 10 is a table illustrating values of various parameters
tory for their intended purposes, there is still a need for for different scale energy converters according to the present
procedures and devices that can generate energy continuously teachings.
and at higher densities.
The following description is merely exemplary in nature
The present teachings provide a converter for producing and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its applica
useable energy from fluid motion of a fluid medium. The tion, or uses. For example, although the present teachings are
converter includes a Support structure, at least one movable illustrated for applications in connection with oceans, rivers,
element immersed in the fluid medium and Supported exter 35 lakes or other open water bodies, the present teachings can be
nally on the support structure such that the movable element used in applications involving bodies of fluid contained in
can move relatively to the structure in response to the fluid vessels of any size. Similarly, the present teachings are appli
motion by Vortex induced motion, galloping or combination cable at any scale, ranging from large scale power plants
thereof, and at least one power device Supported on the Sup capable of generating power of the order of Giga Watts to
port structure and coupled to the movable element. The power 40 portable devices generating power of the order of a fraction of
device converts motion of the movable element to useable a Watt. Moreover, the small-scale devices can be provided as
energy. kits for easy transport, assembled on location, disassemble
The present teachings provide a converter for producing and re-assembled as desired.
useable energy from fluid motion of a fluid medium, and The present teachings provide an efficient energy con
including a Support structure, a plurality of movable elements 45 Verter, which can harness certain types of fluid motion pro
immersed in the fluid medium and supported externally on the duced by fluid elastic instability and convert the fluid motion
Support structure Such that each movable element can move caused by the fluid elastic instability into a readily useable
relatively to the structure in response to the fluid motion by form of energy, such as electricity. Fluid elastic instability
Vortex induced motion, galloping motion or combination refers to fluid motion-structure interaction phenomena which
thereof, and at least one power device Supported on the Sup 50 result in instability. The elastic instability phenomena that are
port structure and coupled to at least one movable element. most relevant to energy extraction include the phenomena
The power device converting motion of the movable elements known as vortex induced vibrations (“VIV) or more gener
relatively to the structure to useable energy. ally vortex induced motion (“VIM), galloping, and flutter
The present teachings provide a method for converting ing.
fluid motion of a fluid medium to useable energy. The method 55 VIV/VIM is an oscillatory or vibratory motion typically
includes immersing at least one movable element in the fluid observed in bluff bodies mounted on Supports in a moving
medium, Supporting the movable element externally on a fluid and shedding vortices due to the ambient flow and their
structure, allowing Vortex induced motion, galloping motion own induced motion. The bodies and the Supports can be
or combination thereof of the movable element relatively to elastic or rigid. VIM is a nonlinear resonance phenomenon, as
the structure in response to the fluid motion, and converting 60 opposed to linear resonance which occurs only when the
the motion of the movable element relatively to the structure frequency of excitation from the flow, such as waves, for
into useable energy. example, is equal to the natural frequency of the oscillating
Further areas of applicability of the present invention will body. Linear resonance has a very limited range of large
become apparent from the description provided hereinafter. It amplitude oscillations and is used in existing energy devices
should be understood that the description and specific 65 with oscillating buoys, flaps, foils, or water columns.
examples are intended for purposes of illustration only and Galloping can be observed when two or more cylinders or
are not intended to limit the scope of the invention. other elongated bodies are arranged parallel to one another
US 7,493,759 B2
3 4
and perpendicular to the direction of flow at higher velocity the first and second planes need not be defined relatively to
than the velocity where VIM is observed. The parallel elon gravity forces. More generally, the first and second planes can
gated bodies can define a plane that is orthogonal to the be defined relatively to the direction of fluid flow and the axis
direction offlow or a plane that is co-planar to the direction of of the movable element 102 and the motion of the movable
flow. The elongated bodies, although parallel, can be posi 5 element 102 can take place on one of or both the first and
tioned in staggered or non-staggered arrangements. The term second elements with the axis C of the movable element 102
galloping is usually applied to large-amplitude, low-fre remaining parallel to itself during the motion. It will be fur
quency oscillation caused by fluid instability. When velocity ther appreciated that for bi-planar motion the trajectory of the
increases, the associated amplitudes may in principle grow motion can define a FIG. 8 shape.
without limit. Any bluff profile that can gallop can also 10 The support piles 108 can be configured to prevent their
exhibit vortex-induced vibrations or vortex induced motion, own undesirable vortex induced vibrations. The support piles
since an appreciable afterbody is a requirement for both. 108 can be, for example, hydrodynamically faired as shown
During galloping the oscillation amplitudes of the bodies in FIG. 1. Additionally vortex spoilers can be used with the
depend very strongly on their relative locations. The oscilla support piles 108 to prevent VIV of the support piles 108. The
tions of one body can affect the Vortex shedding and synchro 15 Vortex spoilers can be provided in various forms, such as
nization (lock-in) of another body. Although in some cases fairing attachments, helical Strakes, drag inducing append
the displacement of the front body is larger than the displace ages, and other VIV Suppression devices, including those
ment of a rear body, in most of the cases the rear body has available by CRP Balmoral Inc, Houston, Tex.
larger amplitude oscillations. Bodies having a cross section The movable elements 102 can be elongated elements,
that is not circular, Such as, for example, a square or other Such as prismatic or cylindrical elements, as illustrated in
polygonal cross-section, can gallop even when not in array FIG. 1, although movable elements 102 with different shapes,
form. A single non-circular elongated body can undergo gal Such as cylinders, ellipsoids, ovoids, spheres, combinations
loping, for example. or portions thereof or other bluff bodies can also be used.
Fluttering is also an instability induced by fluid motion Furthermore, the cross-section of the movable elements 102
structure interaction. Typically, a slender body undergoes 25 can be circular, oval, elliptical, oblong, square or rectangular
asymptotically periodic or quasi-periodic motion in a flow. with or without rounded corners, polygonal with or without
Fluttering is the result of an instability phenomenon called rounded corners, and combinations orportions thereof. Addi
Hopf bifurcation and is not generally caused be vortex shed tionally, the cross-section can include turbulence stimulators,
ding. Fluttering is, at least phenomenologically, distinct from Such as Small sharp protrusions and Surface roughness, as
VIV/VIM, as those terms are currently used and presently 30 discussed below.
understood. In an illustrative aspect, the connecting assembly 120 can
The present teachings utilize only VIM and galloping, and include biasing elements 122, such as, for example, springs,
not fluttering, to extract useable energy from a flowing coils, leaf springs, or other elements providing resilient, elas
medium. tic, Superelastic, or shape-memory Support, and arranged to
Referring to FIG. 1, an exemplary energy converter 100 35 allow motion transversely to the axis C of the movable ele
according to the present teachings includes a movable ele ment 102 in the direction A, as illustrated in FIG. 2, or in both
ment 102 supported on a support structure 104 which is directions A and B, both transversely to the movable element
external to the movable element 102. The movable element 102, as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 3. It will be appreciated by
102 is immersed in a fluid medium 80 generally flowing or the person of ordinary skill in the art that other biasing mecha
capable of flowing in the direction indicated by fluid velocity 40 nisms capable of providing restorative forces for allowing
V. The velocity V can be substantially perpendicular or can vibration/oscillation of the moveable elements can be used,
have a component which is Substantially perpendicular to the instead of or in addition to spring-like structures. Bearings
movable element 102. The support structure can include first 126 can slide on shafts 124 configured for motion in the
and second elongated members or Support piles 108 coupled directions A and B. Bearing casings 128 can be provided for
to the first and second ends 102a, 102b of the movable ele 45 enclosing the bearings 126 and Supporting the biasing ele
ment 102 by connecting assemblies 120. The support piles ments 122. End connectors 130, such as pins or other con
108 can be hollow defining an interior space 109, in which the necting devices can be used to attach the ends 102a, 102b of
connecting assemblies 120, as well as other instruments, can the moveable element 102 on the bearing casings 128, on the
be received. The connecting assemblies 120 between the Sup opposite side from the biasing elements 122. It will be appre
port piles 108 and the movable elements 102 can be config 50 ciated that the connecting assembly 120 is not limited by the
ured to allow Substantially uni-planar motion in directions arrangement and combination of elements illustrated in
indicated by (double) arrow A in FIGS. 2 and 4, or bi-planar FIGS. 2 and 3. Other arrangements within the purview of a
motion in directions indicated by (double) arrows A and B in person of ordinary skill in the art can be used to provide the
FIGS. 1, 3 and 6. The uni-planar motion illustrated in FIGS. desired degree of freedom for motion of the movable element
2 and 4 can take place in a first plane Substantially perpen 55 102 in directions orthogonal to the axis C of the movable
dicular to the velocity V and defined by an axis C extending element, while keeping the axis C Substantially parallel to
between the first and second ends 102, 102b of the movable itself during Such motion. Active control mechanisms, such
element 102 and the direction defined by arrow A. The bi as, for example, controllable servomotors, can be added as
planar motion illustrated in FIGS. 1, 3, and 6 can additionally desired to assist in maintaining Such motion.
include motion in a second plane defined by the velocity V 60 The arrangement of FIG.1, including two support piles 108
and the axis C of the movable body. In large scale applications and a movable element 102 can be used as a modular unit that
in which fluid medium is a natural body of water, Such as an can be repeated in two or three dimensions to define an energy
ocean water or fresh water from lakes, ponds, and rivers, the converter 100 having a substantially two-dimensional or a
first and second planes of motion are Substantially vertical three-dimensional array form. The energy converter 100 can
and horizontal, respectively. It should be appreciated, how 65 include a Support structure 104, including the Support piles
ever, that in other applications, such as in Small-scale appli 108 and equipment mounted therein, as well as a foundation
cations and or applications involving an artificial fluid flow, 110. The uppermost unit of the energy converter 100 can be
US 7,493,759 B2
5 6
telescopic. Such that it can extend for Surfacing out of the fluid tive arrangement of the movable elements relatively to the
medium 80 for easier access to equipment inside the Support direction of the flow or the fluid medium's velocity profile,
piles 108, for maintenance and repairs. The uppermost unit varying the relative location of the movable elements 102 in
can also include a cap (not shown) with a fluid-tight hatch, the fluid medium 80. The staggered arrangements can include
which can be opened to provide access to the inner space 109 staggering in one or two directions substantially orthogonal
of the Support piles 108. In some applications, depending on to the axis C of the movable elements 102. Further, the oscil
the scale of the energy converter 100, an access route in the lating mass ratio m of the movable element, defined as the
form of a ladder, lift, staircase or other can be provided inside ratio of the movable element 102, including all its moving
the support piles 108. Access can also be provided by pres parts and attachments, over the displaced fluid mass, can be
surized submarine-type double hatch. 10
varied. Additional parameters that can be changed include the
FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary three-dimensional energy stiffnesses of the biasing elements 122, the types of the power
converter 100 including four rows of two dimensional units. devices 142 and associated damping choices.
In this example, each row unit includes five support piles 108
and six movable elements 102 between adjacent support piles The various parameters described above can be selected
108. It will be appreciated that the number and arrangement 15 such that the movable elements 102 operate in the range of
of support piles 108 and movable elements 102 can vary Reynolds numbers "Re' that support VIV, and that such range
depending on the particular applications, as discussed below. is as broad as possible. Further, the above parameters can be
The foundation 110 can be positioned at the bottom of a river selected to provide the broadest synchronization range for the
or a lake, on a seabed, or on any other fixed or floating purpose of maximizing the mechanical energy produced by
offshore or other marine structure or can also be a portion of the motion of the movable elements 102. The following para
such structure. The foundation 110 can also be floating and graphs describe various theoretical considerations that can be
positioned by a mooring system or positioned dynamically by used in selecting appropriate parameters for a particular
thrusters driven by a control system and receiving positioning application.
input by beacons or by a land-based, satellite or combined For moveable elements 102 that are cylindrical with circu
global positioning system (GPS). 25 lar cross-sections VIV can occur for the entire range of Rey
The energy converter 100 can include a power system 140 nolds number Re except for Re-A0 corresponding to the
for converting the motion of the movable elements 102 to pre-vortex-shedding range: 150<Re<400 corresponding to
readily useable form of energy. The power system 140 can be the Tritton transition region; and 3x10<Re<5x10 corre
mounted in the inner space 109 of the support piles 108, as sponding to the transition region from laminar to turbulent
illustrated in FIG. 4, or can be externally mounted or free 30 flow. These ranges are obtained experimentally and are valid
standing on the foundation 110. The power system can for smooth cylindrical elements 102. The ranges are affected
include commercially available power devices 142, such as by various factors, including, for example, the condition of
those illustrated in FIGS. 7-9, combinations thereof, or other the cylinder surface, the ambient flow vorticity, fluid condi
power devices. For example, although a combination of linear tions affecting its viscosity, such as salinity and temperature.
power devices can be used for bi-planar motion, a planar 35 Some of these factors can be modified in the design or opera
power device can be constructed using a somewhat flattened tion state in a passive or active manner to ensure that the
magnet that can move in a coil in two directions in a plane. movable elements 102 remain in VIV for substantially the
FIG. 7 illustrates an exemplary linear power device 142 entire practical range of Reynolds numbers. A non-exhaustive
that converts linear reciprocation motion in the direction A list of techniques which can be used to achieve broad range
from the movable element 108 to electric energy using a 40 VIV include the following:
permanent magnet and a coil. Low speed reciprocating gen (a) If the movable element 102 has a circular cross-section,
erators for direct drive energy converters are known in the art. the diameter of the cross-section can be changed, because the
See for example the article A low speed reciprocating perma Reynolds number changes linearly proportionally with the
ment magnet generator for direct drive wave energy convert diameter. This change is practical only for Small changes in
ers, Mueller M.A. & Baker N.J., IEE Power Electronics and 45 diameter;
Electrical Machines & Drives Conference, Bath, April 2002, (b) The cross section of the movable element 102 can be
pp. 468-473. FIG. 8 illustrates a rotary power device 142 using changed. A half-circle facing the flow, a shape between a
a gear system 144. Such as a rack and pinion to convert linear circle and its enclosing square, an oblong shape with its long
reciprocation motion in the direction A to rotary motion for axis placed transversely to the flow, or any of the previous
use with a rotary generator 146. Rotary generator systems are 50 shapes with Small but sharp protrusions to stimulate turbu
known in the art and are commercially available from ABB lence will change significantly the three ranges of non-VIV
Inc., Norwalk, Conn. FIG. 9 illustrates a hydraulic power discussed above;
device 142 which can use the reciprocation motion of two (c) Introduce Surface roughness, which has a strong impact
movable elements 102 to pressurized fluid energy in a tank on the non-VIV ranges. Introducing Surface roughness pas
148 for Subsequent conversion to electricity using a generator 55
sively will be very effective when the incoming flow condi
150. Hydraulic generators as integrated systems are available tions are known a priori and do not change significantly over
from distributors of Cummins, Inc., Columbus, Ind. It will be time.
appreciated that various combinations of power devices 142,
or planar power devices, such as those described above, can (d) Introduce fixed (passive) turbulence stimulators which
be used with the energy converter 100. 60 can be very effective when the incoming flow conditions are
As discussed above the energy converter 100 is scalable known a priori and do not change significantly over time.
and flexible. The energy converter 100 can be constructed by (e) Introduce controllable (active) turbulence stimulators
combining modular units of different sizes and numbers, when there is significant variation of the incoming flow veloc
varying the number, the dimensions, and the cross-section of ity.
the movable elements 102, varying the spatial density of the 65 Specialized turbulence stimulators employing a wire
movable elements 102 and their relative arrangement, includ matrix are commercially available from Cal Gavin Limited,
ing staggered and non-staggered alignments, varying the rela Alcester, England, and can be used for specific applications.
US 7,493,759 B2
7 8
Additionally, the interaction of the fluid flowing over the For uni-planar motion the combined stiffness k of the bias
energy converter 100 can be controlled by controlling the ing elements 122 can be estimated from the following theo
timing of Vortex shedding, and therefore the turbulence retical equation when the mass ratio m is greater than 0.54:
behind the movable elements 102 by different methods, such
as, for example, by using plasma actuators to increase the
frequency and amplitude of oscillation, thereby increasing f'(5.75)? V2
a -- a ---
electrical energy generation. See, for example, “Plasma pit: L(n - 0.54) k for L(n - 0.54)
Based Actuators for Cylinder Wake Vortex Control. Thomas
E. McLaughlin et al., 2nd AIAA Flow Control Conference 28 10 where
Jun.-1 Jul. 2004, Portland, Oreg.
For a given Reynolds number, a movable element 102 can
be in Synchronization over broad ranges depending on the
oscillating mass ratio m, the displaced fluid mass, and the f,water
stiffness of the Supporting springs. The synchronization range 15
can be infinite form-m, where meit is an experimentally
determined critical mass ratio, Substantially equal to 0.54. f is the frequency of oscillation and f is the natural
This range, however, does not result in maximum amplitude frequency in water which is usually one for high mass ratio
of oscillation which would in turn maximize the mechanical (mid 10) and greater than one for low mass ratio.
energy of the movable cylinder 102. The energy converter 100 For m less than 0.54 any stiffness can be used, at least
can Substantially increase or maximize overall the mechani theoretically. See, for example, the article “Resonance for
cal energy by identifying a broad enough range of synchro ever: existence of a critical mass and an infinite regime of
nization with a high enough amplitude of oscillation by resonance in Vortex-induced vibration' R. Govardhan and C.
selecting appropriate parameters. Thus, when m is greater H. K. Williamson, J. Fluid Mech. (2002), vol. 473, pp. 147.
than the critical mass ratio m, the range of synchronization The power system 140, which converts the mechanical
decreases, but the amplitude of oscillation can be increased energy in the movable elements 102 to electricity, can include
by controlling various parameters, as discussed above. Such an electrical generation control, which, for example, can
as the stiffness of the biasing elements 122, the oscillating include adjustable resistance in the electrical circuit for intro
mass of the movable element 102 including any appendages 30
ducing an amount of damping to the mechanical system of the
thereon, damping introduced in the mechanical oscillations Vortex induced motion, and a control system for controlling
of the movable element 102 by the power devices 142, and the the mount of damping. Introduction of electrical resistance
length L of each movable element 102. results in useful and harnessable electricity. Too small elec
In vortex induced vibration/motion, the correlation length trical resistance can result in VIV exceeding its self-limiting
amplitude, causing VIV fluctuations and intermittent energy
of the flow past the movable element 102 is defined as the 35
generation. Too large amount of electrical resistance can
length of the movable element 102 along which Vortices shed result in excessive damping of the VIV motion, effectively
in phase. The correlation length of each movable element 102 eliminating VIV and energy generation.
in lock-in in the energy converter 100 can be selected to be Various materials can be used for the construction of the
equal to its length L. The length Lofthe movable element 102 components of the energy converted taking into account the
can be selected to be sufficiently long to ensure low m, but 40
environment of operation in a particular application. Thin
not so long that could result in a flexural mode excitation walled elongated movable elements 102 can be used for
which can reduce correlation length. weight reduction and for providing sufficient rigidity or stiff
The stiffness of the biasing elements 122 can be controlled ness. Exemplary materials include coated aluminum, com
by an automatic control mechanism for increasing or maxi 45 posites and sandwich panels. Coating is can be important for
mizing the range of nonlinear resonance without causing the preventing corrosion or marine fouling.
amplitude of the motion of the movable element 102 to reach A seal mechanism can be used to seal the interior of the
a self-limiting value in the case of VIV. There is no such support piles 108 and the equipment therein from the fluid
self-limiting value in the case of galloping instability. Various environment at the point of connection of the movable ele
stiffness control mechanisms are within the purview of the 50 ment ends 102a 102b to the bearing casing 128. A variety of
person of ordinary skill in the art, such as those described in seal mechanisms are commercially available and can be used
“Adaptive Passive Vibration Control, M. A. Franchek, M. W. singly or in combination in energy converter 100. Seal
Ryan and R. J. Bernhard, Journal of Sound and Vibration, mechanisms can include metal or composite material plates
1995, 189(5), 565-585; U.S. Pat. No. 4,935,651: “The Elec Supported by springs and sealed with mechanical seals, such
trodynamic Vibration Absorber', ''A. K. Abu-Akeel, Journal 55 as those available from MIPR CORP, Newcastle, Me.: mem
of Engineering for Industry, 1967, 741-748, and others. branes, such as those available from John Crane USA, Pitts
The power P that can be extracted by the energy converter burgh, Pa.; expansions joints, such as those available from
100 from the fluid flow can be provided by the following Piping Technology and Products Inc., Houston, Tex., and
equation: others.
60 All the electrical and mechanical equipment used in the
1 operation and maintenance of the energy converter 100 can be
P = nipDLV housed in the inner space 109 of the support piles 108, as
discussed above. In this regard, it is emphasized that no equip
ment or other structure is contained inside the movable ele
where p is the density of the fluid medium, D is the cylinder 65 ments 102, which can be solid or hollow, or hollow and filled
diameter, L is the cylinder length, V is the flow velocity in the with a lightweight core for weight reduction purposes. Any
case of a steady current, and man efficiency coefficient. equipment or Support or other structure inside the movable
US 7,493,759 B2
elements 102 can limit the amplitude of motion of the mov Verter can be used to provide clean energy, for example, to a
able elements 102 and cause vortex induced motion to cease. factory, a large naval base, an offshore oil rig and other com
A uni-planar working prototype of the energy converter parable scale facilities, and can also serve as breakwater to
100, built in October 2005, includes two support piles 108 and protect shoreline. The large scale energy converter can be
one movable element 102 having length L=0.914 m and a deployed in oceans, the Great Lakes, and other lakes and
hollow circular cross-section of outer diameter D=0.127 m VeS.
and wall thickness of 3.17 mm. The biasing elements 122 in The exemplary medium Scale energy converter model of
the prototype are springs with combined total stiffness kequal Table I can be appropriate for a powerplant Supporting a town
to 820 N/m. The prototype is tested in a water medium with a or community with fewer than 10,000 households. The
flow velocity of 1 m/sec at the Marine Hydrodynamics Lab of 10 medium Scale energy converter can be used to provide clean
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. For the tests energy to, for example, a small factory, a naval base, an
conducted in November 2005, the prototype of the energy offshore oil rig, a moored cruise ship or floating casino, or
converter 100 provides an efficiency m up to 60% even at the other ship or floating structure, and other comparable scale
low flow velocities of the tests. Amplitudes of vortex induced facilities. In the case of the oil rig application, the medium
motion nearly twice the diameter D of the oscillating cylinder 15 scale energy converter can be mounted on the oil rig. In the
are achieved. Such amplification does not seem to have been case of the moored ship, the energy converter can be deployed
previously observed. under the moored ship to substitute for engine-idle mode.
Referring to FIGS.5, 6 and Table I of FIG. 10, conservative The exemplary Small scale energy converter model of
estimates of power P generated by five exemplary applica Table I can be appropriate for a power plant Supporting a
tions for different scale energy generation projects are illus community with fewer 1,000 households or families. The
trated in table form. The estimates are based on a flow velocity Small scale energy converter can be used to provide clean
of 3 knots and with a conservative efficiency of 52%, as energy, for example, to a small naval operation, to an offshore
compared to the experimental results obtained in the proto oil rig on which the energy converter is mounted, or to a
type discussed above. In Table 1, P is the generated power P moored ship to substitute for engine-idle mode, under which
in MW, for an energy converter 100 having N cylindrical 25
the energy converter can be deployed.
elements 102 arranged in the arrangement illustrated in FIG. The exemplary micro hydro Scale energy converter model
4, in which the elements 102 are staggered in the flow direc of Table I can be appropriate for a power plant Supporting a
tion and are aligned in the other two directions. Each element camp or community with fewer than 100 families. The micro
102 has diameter D and length L. The spacing of the elements scale energy converter can be used to provide clean energy,
102 can be defined by the distances t and p, with p=8 D and 30
for example, to a small naval operation, to an offshore oil rig
t=5D, as shown in FIG. 6. These exemplary values for t and on which the energy converteris mounted, or to a moored ship
p can be selected when interference between the elements 102 to Substitute for engine-idle mode, under which the energy
during the Vortex induced motion needs to be avoided. As converter can be deployed.
shown in FIG. 4, h is a representative height of the energy As discussed above, and depending on the application,
converter 100 and S is the area of the footprint of the energy 35
various ways of founding or mounting the energy converter
converter plant. The oscillating mass ratio m is estimated as can be used including the following: jacket-type foundation
2.2 and the amplitude of oscillation as 0.8 times D. For each typical of offshore platforms on Soft marine sediments; grav
scale in Table I, the estimated overall weight of the energy ity-type foundation typical of offshore platforms on hard
converter 100, including the weight of the support structure sea-bed; tension leg platform type of foundation for deeper
104 including the weight of the foundation 110, when are 40
waters; anchoring for Smaller systems used in lakes and riv
appropriate, are provided as an indication of the power den ers; mounting on an offshore platform to generate electricity
sity of the corresponding energy converter 100. It should be for the platform; mounting under a moored ship or a boat;
appreciated by the person of ordinary skill in the art that the mounting on a floating device to provide energy to instrumen
values provided in Table 1, as well as the arrangements of tation, and other mounting methods.
FIGS. 5 and 6 are merely representative of many possible 45
configurations and dimensions that can produce the corre Giga, Mega, large and medium scale energy converter
sponding scale of required power output. powerplants discussed above can require heavy marine foun
The exemplary Giga scale energy converter model of Table dations. Smaller scale energy converters can be mounted on
I can be appropriate for a power plant Supporting a city with vessels, boats, ships, offshore platforms. The smaller convert
over a 1,000,000 households, when a household is estimated 50 ers can also be provided in a kit and assembled by the end
to use on the average about 1 kW per year according to public user. Accordingly the Smaller scale energy converters can be
U.S. Government data. Several such power plants can be disassembled and moved to a different location or vessel, and
positioned properly to Support bigger cities. As side benefit, then reassembled.
the energy converter of the Giga scale can serve as breakwater From the above discussion, it will be appreciated that the
to protect shoreline. The Giga scale energy converter can be 55 energy converter 100 of the present teachings is a scalable and
deployed in oceans, the Great Lakes, and other large bodies of flexible energy conversion device that can harness natural
Water. renewable fluid flow or other artificial fluid flow and provide
The exemplary Mega Scale energy converter model of energy in readily useable form, such as electric energy, for a
Table I can be appropriate for a power plant Supporting a city particular application. The energy converter takes advantage
with fewer than 1,000,000 households. The Mega scale 60 of and enhances the typically undesirable instability phenom
energy converter can be used to provide clean energy to a enon of Vortex induced vibration/motion and allows variable
factory, and can also serve as breakwater to protect shoreline. amplitude motion to the greatest possible amplitude that can
The Mega Scale energy converter can be deployed in oceans, beachieved. Further, the energy converter 100 can be used in
the Great Lakes, and other relatively large bodies of water. bi-planar motion of two degrees of freedom, further enhanc
The exemplary large scale energy converter model of Table 65 ing Vortex induced vibration/motion. The energy converter
I can be appropriate for a power plant Supporting a city with 100 can operate with high values of correlation lengths in
fewer than 100,000 households. The large scale energy con nonlinear resonance of the oscillating elements 102. The
US 7,493,759 B2
11 12
energy converter 100 can optimize the generation of electric plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, the plurality of
ity by controlling electrical output and mechanical damping. movable elements defining a three-dimensional array.
Although exemplary embodiments and configurations for 8. The converter of claim 7, wherein each movable element
the energy converter 100 are discussed above, it will be appre has a longitudinal axis, and wherein the longitudinal axes are
ciated that many variations of the geometry, parameters and 5 parallel.
combinations of various parts can be used within the spirit 9. The converter of claim 8, wherein the longitudinal axes
and knowledge provided by the present teachings. For are staggered relatively to the velocity direction of fluid
example, the movable elements 102 can be placed at variable motion.
distances therebetween and can have a wide range of lengths. 10. The converter of claim 8, wherein the longitudinal axes
Although movable elements 102 in the form of elongated 10
are staggered in two directions substantially perpendicular to
bodies are illustrated in the drawings, the movable elements the longitudinal axes.
102 can be replaced by spheres, whose critical mass ratio 11. The converter of claim 1, further comprising a plurality
0.72. Numerous other modifications and options, some of of movable elements defining a two-dimensional array.
which have been discussed above, are within the purview of
the person of ordinary skill in the art. 15 12. The converter of claim 1, wherein the foundation com
The foregoing discussion discloses and describes merely prises a fixed platform, or a floating moored platform, or a
exemplary arrangements of the present invention. One skilled dynamically floated platform.
in the art will readily recognize from Such discussion, and 13. The converter of claim 1, wherein the each biasing
from the accompanying drawings and claims, that various mechanism includes a plurality of springs arranged on a plane
changes, modifications and variations can be made therein Substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, each
without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as biasing mechanism coupled to the movable element for
defined in the following claims. allowing motion of the movable element orthogonally to the
What is claimed is: longitudinal axis of the movable element.
1. A converter for producing useable energy from fluid 14. A converter for producing useable energy from fluid
motion of a fluid medium, the converter comprising: 25 motion of a fluid medium, the converter comprising:
a foundation Submerged in the fluid medium; a Support structure including a platform Submerged in the
a Support structure including first and second Support piles fluid medium and a plurality of piles directly affixed on
directly affixed on the foundation substantially perpen the platform, each pile substantially perpendicular to the
dicularly to the foundation and perpendicular to a Veloc platform and to a velocity direction of the fluid motion;
ity direction of the fluid motion; 30
a plurality of movable elements, each movable element
at least one movable element submerged in the fluid having a longitudinal axis, the movable elements Sub
medium, the movable element having first and second merged in the fluid medium and movably Supported
ends along a longitudinal axis, the first and second ends between the piles with biasing mechanisms along first
movably coupled to the first and second piles with first and second axes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
and second mechanisms respectively, such that the mov 35
such that each movable element can move relatively to
able element can move relatively to the first and second the piles in response to Vortex induced fluid motion, or
piles along first and second axes Substantially perpen galloping fluid motion or combination thereof, and
dicular to the longitudinal axis of the movable element, at least one power device Supported on the Support struc
the first axis substantially parallel to the velocity direc
tion and the second axis Substantially perpendicular to 40 ture and coupled to at least one movable element, the
the velocity direction, in response to each of vortex power device converting motion of the movable ele
induced fluid motion, or galloping fluid motion or com ments relatively to the structure to useable energy.
bination thereof, and 15. The converter of claim 14, wherein each movable ele
at least one power device Supported on the Support struc ment can oscillate relatively to the Support structure in two
ture and coupled to the movable element, the power 45 non-parallel planes.
device converting motion of the movable element to 16. The converter of claim 14, wherein each biasing
useable energy. mechanism includes a plurality of springs arranged on a plane
2. The converter of claim 1, wherein the movable element Substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, the bias
is elongated and has a polygonal, circular, elliptical or curvi ing mechanism coupled to each movable element for allow
linear cross-section. 50 ing motion of each movable element orthogonally to the
3. The converter of claim 1, wherein the movable element longitudinal axis of the movable element.
is cylindrical or spherical or ellipsoidal. 17. A method for converting fluid motion of a fluid medium
4. The converter of claim 1, wherein the movable element to useable energy, the method comprising:
is solid or hollow with or without a core. positioning a structure having a platform and a plurality of
5. The converter of claim 1, wherein the movable element 55
parallel piles directly affixed on the platform in the fluid
can oscillate relatively to the Support structure in two non medium, the piles perpendicular to a Velocity direction
parallel planes. of the fluid motion;
6. The converter of claim 1, wherein the power device is a Submerging at least one movable element in the fluid
linear power device or a rotary power device or a hydraulic
power device, or a combination thereof, or a planar power 60 medium, the movable element defining a longitudinal
device. axis;
7. The converter of claim 1, wherein the support structure movably supporting the movable element between two
includes a plurality of piles and wherein the converter further piles with a biasing mechanism for motion along first
comprises a plurality of movable elements, each movable and second axes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis;
element movably mounted between two piles from the plu 65 allowing each of Vortex induced fluid motion, or galloping
rality of piles with a biasing mechanisms, each biasing fluid motion or combination thereof to move the mov
mechanism including a plurality of springs arranged on a able element relatively to the piles; and
US 7,493,759 B2
13 14
converting the motion of the movable element relatively to further comprising biasing the movable element for motion
the structure into useable energy. orthogonally to the longitudinal of the movable element.
18. The method of claim 17, wherein the biasing mecha 19. The method of claim 17, further comprising biasing the
nism includes a plurality of springs arranged on a plane Sub movable element for motion in two non-parallel planes.
stantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, the method k . . . .

PATENT NO. : 7,493.759 B2 Page 1 of 1

APPLICATIONNO. : 1 1/272504
DATED : February 24, 2009
INVENTOR(S) : Michael M. Bernitsas et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Column 3, line 28 “be should be --by--.

Column 7, line 54 Delete the quotation mark before “A.K.’.
Column 8, line 31 “mount should be -amount--.
Column 8, line 44 “Coating is should be --Coatings--.
Column 8, line 55 “Me' should be --ME--.
Column 10, line 20 After “fewer, insert --than--.
Column 11, line 12 After “ratio, insert --is--.
Column 11, line 66, claim 7 After “with', delete “a'.
Column 12, line 18, claim 13 After “wherein, delete “the'.

Signed and Sealed this

Twenty-eighth Day of July, 2009

4 (O-e-
Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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