Algebraic: D-Modules

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Algebraic D-modules connection is said to be flat if the curvature ∇2 vanishes.

In this case, the de Rham complex,

dR• (F ) : 0 → F → Ω1 ⊗ F → · · · → Ω ⊗ F → 0

Generalities is a complex.
For a vector field ξ ∈ ΘX , denote ∇ξ : F → F defined by
Let k be an algebraic closed field of characteristic zero. Let ∇ξ (s) = (∇s)(1⊗ξ). Then ∇f ξ s = f ∇ξ s and ∇ξ (f s) = (ξ ·
X be a smooth algebraic variety. f )s+f ·∇ξ s for all f ∈ OX , ξ ∈ ΘX and s ∈ F by definition.
Denote OX the sheaf of regular functions. Denote The curvature can be computed to be ∇2 s(ξ, η) = ∇[ξ,η] s −
Mqc (X) (resp. Mq (X)) the category of quasi-coherent (re- [∇ξ , ∇η ]s for s ∈ F , ξ, η ∈ ΘX . So ∇ is flat if and only if
sp. coherent) sheaves. ∇[ξ,η] = [∇ξ , ∇η ] in Homk (F, F ).
Assume ∇ is a flat connection over F, then F is a left
Differential Operators. We say φ : O(U ) → O(U ) DX -module defined by ξ · s = ∇ξ s. Conversely, any DX -
is a differential operator over U of degree 0 if φ is a module is induced by a flat connection. In particular, as-
multiplication of some f ∈ O(U ); of degree k if [φ, ψ] sume a left DX -module F is coherent over OX , then it is a
is a differential operator of degree k − 1 for all differential locally free sheaf (vector bundle).
operator of degree 0. Denote D(X) the differential operator Dually, one can define the dual notation exchanging the
over X. Denote DX be the sheaf of differential operators. corresponding property by ∇f ξ s = ∇(f s), but it is seldom
As an algebra, DX is generated by the sheaf of vector used.
fields ΘX over OX with relation f · ξ = f ξ, ξ · f − f · ξ = ξf Let F , G ∈ Mqc (X) with connections both denoted by
and ξ · η − η · ξ = [ξ, η] for any ξ, η ∈ ΘX and f ∈ OX . ∇. Then we can define a connection over F ⊗OX G by
∇(s ⊗ t) = ∇s ⊗ t + s ⊗ ∇t where s ∈ F and t ∈ G.
Coherent D-modules. A sheaf is said to be a quasi- Similarly, we can define a connection over HomOX (F , G)
coherent (resp. coherent) DX -module if it is a sheaf of by ∇ξ (ϕ)(s) = −ϕ(∇ξ s) + ∇ξ (ϕ(s)) where ξ ∈ Θ, s ∈ F
DX -module (resp. finitely generated). Denote Mqc (DX ) and ϕ ∈ HomOX (F , G).
(resp. Mq (X)) the category of the category of quasi- Restricting to flat connections, this construction extends
coherent (resp. coherent) DX -modules. When we say DX - to left DX -modules. That is, for left DX -module F and
module, it is automatically quasi-coherent. G, define a left DX -module structure over F ⊗OX G by
Denote the sheaf correspondent to tangent bundle by ξ · (s ⊗ t) = ξ · s ⊗ t + s(⊗ ξ · t;) a left DX -module structure
ΘX . Note that DX is naturally filtered by degrees, with over HomOX (F , G) by ξ · (ϕ) (s) = −ϕ(ξ · s) + ξ · ϕ(s). All
associated graded ring commutative and isomorphic to notations the same as above.
S ∗ (ΘX ) over OX as OX -module. As a result, DX is noethe-
rian. Parallel Translation. Let F be a coherent sheaf
Denote Dop X the inverse ring of D X . We identify the
with connection ∇. We say a section s ∈ F is horizontal
sheaf of right DX -modules as sheaf of DopX -modules, and
or parallel if for any ξ ∈ Θ, ∇ξ s = 0. Denote the set
call DX -modules to be left DX -modules if it is necessary of horizontal section over Y to be F ∇ (U ). Note that the
to dintinguish. We define similarly Mqc (Dop X ), Mc (D X ),
sheaf U 7→ F ∇ (U ) is a locally constant sheaf. A fortiori,
Dqc (DX ), and Dc (DX ).
op op
F ∇ = HomDX (OX , F).
If we remove the assumption of being algebraic, consider
Left and Right D-modules. The sheaf OX of reg- the case of smooth or analytic, and k = R or C. For any
ular functions is naturally a (left) D-module. curve C, if there is any coherent sheaf F with connection,
The sheaf ΩX of highest differential forms over X is a it is necessary flat. For any x ∈ C, denote mx the only
right D-module locally by Ω · ξ = −Lξ ω for ξ a vector maximal ideal of Ox . By the existence and uniqueness of
field, where Lξ is the Lie derivative. In general, for any ODEs, the map Fx∇ → Fx → Fx /mx Fx is an isomorphism.
left (quasi-)coherent DX -module F , we can assign a right In general, by pulling back of F along curves, we define
(quasi-)coherent DX -module Ω(F ) = ΩX ⊗OX F locally by the parallel translation along paths. Then, the condi-
tion of being parallel is equivalent to say the section is
(ω ⊗ s) · ξ = ω · ξ ⊗ s − ω ⊗ ξ · s = −Lξ ω ⊗ s − ω ⊗ ξ · s. translation-invariant; the condition of being flat for connec-
tion is to say it does not depends on the choice of homotopy
This is an equivalence of Dx (DX ) and Dx (Dop X ) for x ∈ class of paths.
{c, qc}. This follows from the fact Dop ∼
= Ω ⊗ D X ⊗Ω
sheaf of algebras. Locally, the isomorphism is given by
Linear PDEs. Let F be a coherent DX -module. We
∑ (∂ ) ∑ ( ) can take a resolution by
fj (xi )gj ∂xi
7→ dx ⊗ gj − ∂x

fj (xi ) ⊗ dx−1

j j DnX −→ D X −→ F −→ 0,

where dx any differential form dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn and dx−1 the Assume the first map ∗ is given by ej 7→ n j=1 Dij ei , with
dual basis for dx. ei the standard basis for some Dij ∈∑D(X). Consider
the linear partial differential equations n j=1 Dij fi = 0 for
Connections. Denote the sheaf of k-forms by ΩkX . i = 1, . . . , m over U . Denote Sol(U ) the set of solutions of
For a quasi-coherent sheaf F ∈ Mqc (X), a connection them. Then Sol(U ) is clearly forms a sheaf. One can check
over F is a morphism of k-module ∇ : F → Ω1X ⊗OX F with directly that HomD(U ) (F (U ), O(U )) = Sol(U ). In other
∇(f · s) = df ⊗ s + f · ∇s for all f ∈ OX and s ∈ F . It can word, Sol = HomDX (F , OX ).
be naturally extended to ∇ : Ωk−1 X ⊗OX F → ΩkX ⊗OX F If we remove the assumption of being algebraic, consider
with ∇(ω ∧ s) = dω ⊗ s + (−1)deg ω ω ⊗ ∇s for ω ∈ ΩiX , and the case of smooth in which case k = R. Consider the sheaf
s ∈ F . Define its curvature to be ∇2 , it can be shown that of distributions Dist over X, then HomD (F, Dist) is just
it is an element of HomOX (F, Ω2X ⊗ F), say, a tensor. A the local weak solution in classic analysis.

Direct Images and Inverse Images Define the duality functor Dqc (DX ) → Dqc (DX )op by

Let f : X → Y be a morphism of algebraic varieties. For D(F • ) = R Hom•DX (F, DX ) ⊗OX Ω−1
X [n]
a quasi-coherent sheaf F over X, we define direct im- = R Hom•DX (F, DX ⊗OX Ω−1
X )[n],
age/push forward f∗ F = [U 7→ F (f −1 (U ))]. For a quasi-
coherent sheaf G over Y , we define inverse image/pull where n = dim X. Then D2 (F • ) ∼
= F • . Thus we can define
back f ∗ G = OX ⊗f −1 OY f −1 G, where f −1 G the sheaf as- f ∗ = Df ! D and f! = Df∗ D.
sociated to U 7→ limV ⊃f (U ) G(V ). We have
( ) L
R HomDX (F • , G • ) = ΩX ⊗LO X(DF

⊗DX G •)[− dim X]
Inverse Image. Assume there is a connection ∇ over = ΩX ⊗DX DF ⊗L
L •

[− dim X]
G, then we can define a connection over f ∗ G by ∇(f ⊗ s) = = R HomDX (OX , DF ⊗OX G).

df ⊗ s + f ∇s with f ∈ OX , s ∈ f −1 G which is presented by

a section s ∈ G. This is known as inverse image / pull The Kashiwara theorem claims that for closed embed-
back of the connection. In other word, ∇ξ (f ⊗ s) = ξf ⊗ ding i : X → Y , i∆ : M(DX ) → MX (DY ) is an equivalence
s+f ∇df (ξ) s.
∑ Under local coordinate {yi } of Y , ∇ξ (f ⊗s) = of category with MX (DY ) the category of DY -module sup-
ξf ⊗ s + f i (ξyi ) ⊗ ∂y ∂
· s. The curvature commutes with ported over X. The inverse is the restriction of i! by view
pull back, so the pull back of flat connection is still flat. each DX -module as a complex centralized at zero degree.
Restrict the case of flat connections, we defined for each
left DY -module G a D-module inverse image f ∆ G. As Spencer Resolution. We can pick a right DX -
sheaf, it coincides with inverse image of G, and the DX - module resolution
∑ structure over it is given by ξ(f ⊗ s) = ξf ⊗ s +
f (ξyi ) ⊗ ∂y ∂
· s, with notations above. It is clear (f ◦ · · · → Ωn−1 ⊗OX DX → Ωn
i X X ⊗O X D X (→ ΩX ) → 0

g) = g ◦ f . Denote DX→Y = f ∆ DX . Then a fortiori,
∆ ∆

f ∆ G = DY →X ⊗f −1 (DX ) f −1 G. by d(ω ⊗ P ) = dω ⊗ P + i dxi ∧ ω ⊗ ∂x

P , where ω ∈ ΩkX ,
P ∈ DX and {xi } a local coordinate. Dualize it to a left
Direct Image. Let F be a right DX -module, we define DX -module, we see a left DX -module resolution of OX
the direct image of it to be f+ F = f∗ (F ⊗DX DX→Y ).
Then we can transfer them into left DX -module. To be · · · → DX ⊗OX Λ1 ΘX → DX ⊗OX Λ0 ΘX (→ OX ) → 0.
exact, define DY ←X = Ω(f ∗ Ω(DX )), and for left DX -
Explicitly, it is given by
module F, define the D-module direct image f+ F =
f∗ (DY ←X ⊗DX F). When X → Y is a closed embedding, d(P ⊗ ξ1 ∧ · · · ∧ ξk )
then DY ←X is generated by DY and the sheaf of normal ∑
= ki=1∑ (−1)i+1 P ξi ⊗ ξ1 ∧ · · · ξbi · · · ∧ ξk
vector fields ΘY |X . In particular, when f is an open em-
+ 1≤i<j≤k (−1)i+j P ⊗ [ξi , ξj ] ⊗ ξ1 ∧ · · · ∧ ξk .
bedding, DY ←X = DX , so f+ F is f∗ F as OX -module.
However, in general (f ◦ g)+ ̸= f+ ◦ g+ .
So R HomDX (OX , F • ) = ΩX ⊗L •
D X F [− dim X].

Derived Categories. Denote the derived category of

bounded complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves by Dqc (X). Holonomic D-modules
Denote the full subcategory in Dqc (X) consisting of com-
plexes with cohomology coherent by Dc (X). It is also the Consider the cotangent bundle T ∗X, with projection π :
derived category of bounded complexes of coherent sheaves. T ∗X → X. For a local coordinate {xi }, the local vector
Denote the derived category of bounded complexes of ∂
field ∂x i
defines local function over T ∗X, and it will be de-
quasi-coherent DX -modules by Dqc (DX ). Denote the full noted alternatively by ξi . It is clear {ξi , xi } form a local
subcategory in Dqc (DX ) consisting of complexes with coho- coordinate of T ∗X.
mology coherent by Dc (DX ). It is also the derived category
of bounded complexes of coherent DX -modules. The cate-
Sympletic Structure. Over T ∗X, there is a tau-
gory of quasi-coherent sheaf or quasi-coherent DX -module ∗
tological form λX ∈ Ω (T X), such that for any form
have finite projective dimensions, so the derived functor can
α ∈ Ω1 (X), viewing as a map X → T ∗X, the pull back
be defined.
α∗ (λ) is α itself. This uniquely determines λX , since for
By an algebra argument, for F • ∈ Dc (DX ) and G • ∈
any point x ∈ X, and y ∈ Tx∗X, the union of images of
Dqc (DX ), we have
Tx X under dα for all α(x) = y is whole Ty (T ∗X). Define
ωX = dλX ∈ Ω2 (T ∗X), and call it the standard sym-
R HomDX (F • , G • ) = R HomDX (F • , DX ) ⊗L •
DX G .
pletic∑ form. Locally, under ∑coordinate {xi }, it is given by
λX = ξi dxi , thus ωX = dξi ∧ dxi .
Functors. For G • ∈ Dqc (Y ), define the derived in- For smooth map f : X → Y , the map df : Tx X →
verse image by Xf (x) Y for each point x induces two maps T ∗Y ← X ×Y
∗ q ∗
T Y → T X. Then two pull back of tautological forms co-
f ! G • = Lf ∆ G • [d] = DX←Y ⊗f −1 DX f −1 G[d] ∈ Dqc (X)
incide, say q ∗ λX = p∗ λY . This is functorial in the following
where d = dim X − dim Y . Then (f ◦ g)! = g ! ◦ f ! . X ×Z T ∗Z −→ X ×Y T ∗Y −→ T ∗X
For F • ∈ Dqc (X), define the derived inverse image ↓ ↓
by Y ×Z T ∗Z −→ T ∗Y
f∗ F • = Rf∗ (DY ←X ⊗L •
D X F ) ∈ D qc (Y ). ↓
Then (f ◦ g)∗ = f∗ ◦ g∗ . T ∗Z

Symbols. It is known that the associated graded alge- Minimal Extensions. Let Y be a locally closed s-
bra of DX is S ∗ Θ = π∗ (OT ∗X ). For a differential operator mooth subvariety of X. Denote i : Y → X the inclusion.
P ∈ D(X), define its symbol σ(P ) to be the image in Assume i is affine, that is preimage of affine set is affine,
O(T ∗X). Locally, under coordinate {xi }, it is given by then DX←Y is locally free over DY , thus i∗ is exact. For
∑ ( ) ∑ ( ) any holonomic sheaf F, i∗ F is still holonomic, and so is i! F.
fj (xi )gj ∂
7−→ fj (xi )gj ξi , Define the minimal extension L(Y, F ) to be the image of
j j i! F → i∗ F.
When F is an irreducible OY -coherent DX -module,
where ξi : T ∗U → k sending df to ∂x ∂f
as a member of L(Y, F) is an irreducible DX -module. It is the unique
coordinate. irreducible submodule of i∗ F and the unique irreducible
More general, let E and F be two vector bundles over X. quotient module of i! F . Furthermore, any irreducible
A sheaf map E → F is said to be a differential operator holonomic module is of this form L(Y, F). Two of them
if it can be expressed by a matrix with coefficients in DX L(Y1 , F1 ) = L(Y2 , F2 ) if and only if Y1 = Y2 and F1 = F2
locally after some trivialization. It is in general not a OX - after restricting to some open subset U both in Y and Y ′ .
module morphism (morphism of vector bundles). The asso-
ciated graded sheaf of all differential operators from E → F Curves. Let C be a smooth curve. For a point p ∈ C,
is HomOX (E, F ) ⊗OX S ∗ (Θ) = π∗ HomOT ∗X (π ∗ E, π ∗ F). denote mp the unique ideal of Op , and Kp the fraction field
For a differential operator P : E → F over X, we can define of Op . There is a unique completion C containing C as an
the its symbol to be the corresponding OT ∗X -morphism open dense subset. For any p ∈ C \C, (j∗ OC )p = Kp where
π ∗ E → π ∗ F. Locally, it is simply the indices-wise symbol. j : C → C the inclusion.
Let M be a finite dimensional Kp -module. A meromor-
Singular Support. We denote OiX the differential phic connection is a k-linear map ∇ : M → Ω1C ⊗Op M
operators of degree ≤ i. For a quasi-coherent DX -module with ∇(f s) = df ⊗ s + f ∇s for all f ∈ Kp and s ∈ M .
F , we say it has a good filtration if there is a filtration It is called regular if there is an mp ∇-invariant Op -lattice
F 0 ⊇ F 1 ⊇ · · · such that DiX ·F j ⊆ F i+j , and F i /F i−1 is L. That is, there is an Op -finitely generated submodule L
naturally a coherent OiX / Oi−1
X -module. A D X -module has such that M = Kp L and mp ∇(L) ⊆ Ω1C ⊗Op L.
a good filtration if and only if it is coherent DX -module. Let F be an OC -coherent DC -module (that is, a flat
Consider the associated graded module of is a coher- connection). For any p ∈ C \ C, we say F has a regular
ent sheaf over T ∗X with respect to some good filtration, singularity at p if (j+ F )p is a regular meromorphic con-
and we call the support of this sheaf singular support nection We say F is regular, if it has regular singularity
and denote it by SS(F) ⊆ T ∗X. It turns out that sin- at each point p ∈ C \ C.
gular support does not depend on the choice of good fil- Under local coordinate z with z(p) = 0, Op = k[x, x−1 ],
tration. We define the defect of a coherent DX -module and Kp = k(k). We can recognize Ω1p = Op , under which
F to be def F = dim SS(F ) − dim X. One can prove df is recognized with df dz
. So the condition of being Op -
that dim SS(F ) ≥ dim X (each irreducible component), and coherent and mp ∇-invariant is equivalent to that of being
SS(F) is actually a union of coisotropic subvarieties. Fur- Dνp -invariant, where Dνp is the subsheaf of subalgebra of DC
thermore, F is coherent OX -module if and only if SS(F ) is generated by OC and z dz d
. So F has a regular singularity
simply the zero section of T ∗X. at p if (j+ F)p is a union of Dν -coherent modules.
Roos theorem ensures that for coherent DX -module For a holomonic DC -module F , it is said to be regular
F , H i (DF) = 0 unless − def F ≤ i ≤ 0, and if F|U is OU -coherent and regular in the above sense.
dim SS(H i (DF )) ≤ dim X − i.
Regular D-modules. In general case, a holomonic
Holonomic D-modules. A coherent DX -module F DX -module F is called regular if the restriction of it to
is called holonomic if F = 0 or dim SS(F ) = dim X. An any curve is regular. The curve criterion asserts that a
algebraic argument ensures that holonomic DX -module is holomonic DX -module F is regular if any irreducible sub-
stable under subquotient, extensions, and artinian. It is quotient of it is of the form L(Y, E) with E a OY -coherent
clear from above that the duality functor D maps holomon- and regular DY -module. We denote Drh (DX ) the full sub-
ic DX -module to holomonic DX -module (rather than a category of complexes with cohomology regular in Dh (DX ).
complex). It turns out f ! , f∗ and D preserve regularity, thus so are f!
Let Dh (DX ) be the full subcategory of complexes with and f ∗ .
cohomology homonomic in Dqc (DX ). It is nontrivial but
true that it is also the category of bounded complexes of Examples. Consider the case X = C. Let z be a local
holonomic DX -module. coordinate, and ζ the coordinate for cotangent bundle cor-
It turns out f ! , f∗ preserve holonomicity, thus so are f! responding to dz d
. The DX -module F = DX / DX ·z dz d
and f ∗ . Under the category of Dh (DX ), and a morphism good filtration such that the corresponding OT ∗X -module
f : X → Y , we have is O / O ·zζ. As a result, SS(F ) is the union of zero section
1. There is a canonic morphism f! → f∗ , which is isomor- of T ∗C and the fibre of T ∗C at 0 ∈ C. So F is holomonic.
phic for proper map f . On the other hand, in the analytic case, the solution
2. If f : X → Y is smooth, then f ! = f ∗ [2d] with d = d
z dz f = 0 is given by f = c log z in any simple-connected
dim X − dim Y . subspace in {z ̸= 0}.
3. HomDh (f! F • , G • ) = HomDh (F • , f ! G • ).
4. HomDh (G • , f∗ F • ) = HomDh (f ∗ G • , F • ).
Perverse Sheaves
By an induction on dimensions, one can show that for a
holonomic sheaf F, there is some dense open subset U such In this section, we assume k = C, and we denote X an the
that F|U is OU -coherent. underlying space of algebraic variety X equipped the com-

plex topology. We exchange OX by the sheaf of analytic [3] Kirwan, Woolf, An introduction to intersection homolo-
functions, DX the sheaf of analytic differential operators, gy.
etc. [4] Etingof. Introduction to algebraic D-modules (unpub-
Let X be a topological space temporarily. Denote ZX lished note).
the constant sheaf over X, and M(ZX ) the category of all [5] Beilinson, Bernstein. Deligne. Faisceux pervers.
sheaves over X an . Denote the derived category of bounded
complexes in M(ZX ) by D(ZX ). For any continuous map
f : X → Y , we can define functors f! , f∗ : D(X an ) →
D(Y an ) and f ∗ , f ! : D(Y an ) → D(X an ).
Appendix: Notations Table
1. There is a canonic morphism f! → f∗ , which is isomor- Notations Explanation
phic for proper map f . OX sheaf of regular functions over X
2. If f : X → Y is smooth, then f ! = f ∗ [2d] with d = O(U ) regular functions over U
dim X − dim Y . Op stalk of OX at p ∈ X
3. HomY (f! F • , G • ) = HomX (F • , f ! G • ). DX sheaf of differential operators over X
4. HomY (G • , f∗ F • ) = HomX (f ∗ G • , F • ). D(U ) differential operators over U
ΘX the sheaf of vector fields
Moreover, there is a Verdier duality functor D :
ΩkX the sheaf of k-forms
D(X ) → D(X ) .
an an op
ΩX the sheaf of highest differential forms
L(Y, F ) minimal extension; it is denoted by i∗! F in [1].
Constructible Sheaves. Let CX be the constan-
SS(F) the singular support of coherent DX -module F;
t sheaf over X an . We denote M(CX ) the sheaf of CX -
it is called by characteristic variety and denoted
modules, i.e. the category of sheaves of C-vector spaces
an by Ch(F ) in [2].
over X . Denote the derived category of bounded com-
plexes in M(CX ) by D(X ). an f ∗ F push forward of coherent sheaf F

We call a sheaf F ∈ M(C f G pull back of coherent sheaf G
∪ X ) constructible if there is −1
some stratification X = Xi with each Xi locally closed f G inverse image of sheaf G
algebraic subvarieties such that F|Xian is finite dimensional f ∆F push forward of DX -module F
and locally constant. Denote the full subcategory of com- f+ F pull back of DX -module F
plexes with cohomology group constructible in D(X an ) by f F •
push forward of DX -module complex
Dcon (X an ). It turns out f! , f∗ , f ! , f ∗ , D preserve the con-

∫ =
Rf ∗ (D ←X ⊗ L
D F ), it is denoted by in
structibility. Furthermore D2 (F • ) ∼
= F • and f ∗ = Df ! D
X f
and f! = Df∗ D.
f! F • shriek-pull forward of DX -module complex =
A complex F • ∈ D(X an ) is called perverse sheaf if ∫
Df ! DF • , it is denoted by f ! in [2]
dim supp H (F) ≤ −i, and dim supp H (F ) ≤ −i. The full
i i

subcategory of perverse sheaves forms an abelian category. f ∗G• pull back of DX -module complex = Df ! DG • ,
For a smooth locally closed subvariety Y ⊆ X, and it is denoted by f ⋆ in [2]
a local system E (a locally constant sheaf), the intersec- f !G• shriek–pull back of DX -module complex =
tion homology complex of Deligne–Goresky–MacPherson, Lf ∆ G[dim X − dim Y ], it is denoted by f † in
IC• (Y, L) is a perverse sheaf with H − dim Y (IC• (Y, E))|Y = [2]
E and H i (IC• (Y, E)) = 0 if i < − dim Y . •
DF duality functor =
R Hom•DX (F • , DX ⊗OX Ω−1 X )[dim X]
Riemann–Hilbert Correspondence. Denote the
Mqc (X) the category of quasi-coherent sheaves

de Rham functor dR : D(Dan X ) → D(X ) by dR(F ) =

• • Mc (X) the category of coherent sheaves

ΩX ⊗DX F . It coincides R Hom(OX , F )[dim X], the de-

rived version of horizontal sections. Also denote Sol : D qc (X) derived category of bounded complexes of qua-

D(DX ) → D(X ) by Sol(F ) = R HomDX (F , OX ).
an op an
• an sicoherent sheaves
Note that Sol(F • ) ∼ = dR(DF •
)[− dim X]. D c (X) derived category in Dqc (X) with cohomology
The Riemann–Hilbert correspondence claims that coherent
Mqc (DX ) the category of quasi-coherent left DX -module
dR : Dh (DX ) → Dcos (X an ) Mc (DX ) the category of coherent left DX -module
Mqc (Dop X) the category of quasi-coherent right DX -module
is an equivalence of categories commuting with f ! , f ∗ , f! , f∗ Mc (Dop ) the category of coherent right DX -module
and D. Dqc (DX ) derived category of bounded complexes of qua-
Furthermore, if we recognize a sheaf by a complex cen- sicoherent DX -sheaves
tralized at zero position, then regular holomonic sheaves
Dc (DX ) derived category in Dqc (DX ) with cohomology
correspond to perverse sheaves; the irreducible regular
holomonic DX -module L(Y, E) corresponds to the intersec-
• Dh (DX ) derived category in Dqc (DX ) with cohomology
tion homology complex IC (Y, E).
Drh (DX ) derived category in Dqc (DX ) with cohomology
References M(CX ) the category of sheaves of CX -modules
[1] Bernstein. Algebraic Theory of D-modules (unpublished D(X )
the derived category of bounded complexes in
note). M(CX )
[2] Hotta, Takeuchi, Tanisaki. D-Modules, Perverse D con (X an
) the derived category in D(X an ) with cohomol-
Sheaves, and Representation Theory. ogy construcible

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