Information Technology To Knowledge Management
Information Technology To Knowledge Management
Information Technology To Knowledge Management
Madhu Chetty
Federation University Australia, [email protected]
Mehmood Chadhar
Federation University Australia, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Malik, Saleem; Chetty, Madhu; and Chadhar, Mehmood, "Information Technology and Organizational
Learning Interplay: A Survey" (2018). ACIS 2018 Proceedings. 64.
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Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
Madhu Chetty
Faculty of Science and Technology
Federation University Australia
Mount Helen, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Mehmood Chadhar
Faculty of Science and Technology
Federation University Australia
Mount Helen, Australia
Email: [email protected]
The objective of this paper is to provide a systematic review of the evolutionary trends in the research
domain of information technology and organizational learning. Having surveyed various journals and
key conferences between 2000 and 2018 on the topic, we observe that information technology (IT) has
expanded from its general form to various contemporary information systems, e.g. knowledge
organization systems, communication and collaborative systems and decision support systems.
However, organization learning (OL) now essentially occurs through knowledge management
activities, e.g. knowledge acquisition, storing, sharing and application of knowledge. The survey
reported here not only validates the interplay of IT and OL but also reveals some important intervening
factors between IT and OL, e.g. absorptive capacity, organization culture, user trust, acceptance and
satisfaction that work as deterministic elements in the reciprocal relationship of IT and OL. We propose
future research to explore interaction between big data analytical systems and organizational learning.
Keywords organizational learning, information technology, knowledge management, information
system, influential factors
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
1 Introduction
Information technology (IT) is an integral part of contemporary organizations which provides them a
suitable platform for learning. Organizational learning (OL) is a way for continuous improvement of
business processes and is achieved by management of tacit and explicit knowledge resources (Chadhar
and Daneshgar 2018). Organizations learn and improve if there exists a mechanism for its employees to
access required knowledge to run their daily activities. IT provides such mechanism within organization
and it can be in different forms such as information systems, applications, hardware infrastructure and
thus provides an infrastructure to acquire, retrieve and share data and information, which when
processed in some specific context becomes knowledge, to its members to perform their organizational
work (Broendsted and Elkjaer 2001). Hence, IT acts as a facilitator of knowledge management and
ultimately triggers organizational learning. Information technology expedites the ability of the
organizations to acquire new knowledge, transfer and represent this knowledge and apply it into their
informed decision making, enhance their performance and gain competitive advantages over their
counterparts. Nevertheless, organizations cannot achieve required benefits of IT, if they have not
imbibed the necessary modalities to learn latest market trends, customer behaviours and competitors
role (Tippins and Sohi 2003). OL plays a pivotal role in implementation, assimilation and utilization of
IT to enhance organization performance and gain competitiveness (Cegarra-Navarro et al. 2007; Cho
2007; Lin and Lee 2005; Pebrianto and Djamhur 2013; Reardon and Davidson 2007; Roberts et al.
2017; Torkestani et al. 2014). Knowledge acquisition, dissemination, representation and application are
the main constructs of OL which are supported by IT altogether or separately. Various researchers
(Chadhar 2017; Garrido-Moreno and Padilla-Meléndez 2011; Ke and Wei 2006; Myreteg 2015; Peltier
et al. 2013; Verwijs and Soekijad 2002) have demonstrated role of OL in implementation mainly in the
context of success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) systems. Although information technology and organizational learning are known to work
independently but inherently, it has been observed that they have an interactive and reciprocal
relationship (Robey et al. 2000). Having surveyed various literature, we observe that IT has expanded
from its general form to various contemporary information systems, in contrast to previous studies on
the topic, which enhance organizational learning and in response, OL provides a mechanism to utilize
the technology efficiently. Thus both IT and OL have interplay. There are also some factors, such as
organization culture, environment, user acceptance and satisfaction which affect the interplay of IT and
OL. The survey of the scholarly literature helped us to develop a framework, depicted in Figure 1 and
according to best of our knowledge, there is no such framework available in the literature before. The
figure illustrates the interplay of IT and OL by showing that IT enhances organization learning whereas
OL supports information technology, including the factors influencing this relationship.
Figure 1: classification and relationship diagram of IT and OL (source: Developed for this research)
2 Methodology
We started our study to provide a systematic review of the evolutionary trends in the research domain
of IT and OL to facilitate researchers and practitioners working to overcome implementation and
utilization problems of information systems to increase their efficiency. Instead of being exhaustive and
covering the entire domain of IT and OL, the survey aims to focus essentially on the interplay between
IT and OL and the interceding factors which have influence on this interplay. To achieve this, we have
chosen a specific criterion to select articles for this survey. Only recent (from January 2000 till July
2018) refereed journal and conference articles are included. The articles that emphasised certain terms
in their title, such as “organizational learning” or any of its dimension and “information technology” or
any of its application, are counted. Next, from the numerous databases available, we have restricted our
search only to Scopus database because of its larger collection of scholarly journals and non-exhaustive
nature of our study. With this restriction we have found 101 research articles. There is a small possibility
that not all articles may get properly filtered and may thus escape in being included in this survey.
The survey is divided into four main categories: (i) Relationship between knowledge management and
organizational learning, (ii) Studies that describe information technology as an enabler of organizational
learning, (iii) Studies that treat organizational learning concepts to support information technology; and
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
(iv) Factors that affecting interplay between information technology and organizational learning. The
survey reported here enables us to make specific conclusions about IT and OL and indicates some
directions for future research reported by different authors in the literature.
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
Knowledge management systems facilitates organizations to collect, store, share and apply knowledge
to achieve productivity in business. They support organizational processes and routines and contribute
into overall organizational learning process (Gasson and Shelfer 2007; Yıldırım 2017).
Organizational memory information systems such as databases, electronic bulletin boards, company
yellow pages, intranet portals and knowledge repositories etc. provide means to organizations to access
and protect their experiential knowledge to solve problems and perform better decisions making (Ji and
Salvendy 2001; Olivera 2000). The systems keep knowledge available within organization when any
employee leave the organization (Sudharatna 2015). Organizational memory systems initiate
organizational learning through which employees reuse or gain new knowledge to perform their duties
(Basaruddin et al. 2011).
Transactive memory information systems can be in the form of expertise directories, job description of
employees, organizational organograms and social networks etc. that are digitally accessible to
employees through information technology. These systems facilitate employees to know who knows
what within organization and help them in improved tacit and explicit knowledge management and
enhancing their learning experience and performance (Dunaway and Sabherwal 2012; Joy et al. 2012;
Spraggon and Bodolica 2017; Wang et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2012) . An organization can learn faster and
perform better than an organization that has not established any transactive memory system (Argote
2015). Organizational knowledge is usually stored in organization routines and transactive memory
system helps employees to know who knows what about those routines, thus promoting knowledge
management among employees (Argote and Guo 2016).
4.2 Communication and Collaborative Systems
These are systems which facilitate collaboration and communication among employees, teams; virtual
or distributed, or inter-organizations to acquire or share knowledge. E-collaboration among employees
of an organization increases their productivity (Choi and Ko 2012). We have divided communication
and collaboration into Web 2.0 tools and Enterprise social network systems.
Organizations use Web 2.0, social media technologies such as social websites, blogs, discussion forums
etc., to increase collaboration and participation among employees to accomplish their tasks efficiently.
Employees acquire and share knowledge through these tools and improve their learning experience and
hence influence organizational learning for innovation, better performance and competitiveness
(Boateng et al. 2009; Boateng et al. 2010; Huang and Güney 2012; London and Hall 2011; Menolli et al.
2017; Thomas and Akdere 2013; Zeng et al. 2015).
Enterprise social network systems (ESNS), also known as Enterprise 2.0, for instance Microsoft Yammer
etc. imitate characteristics of Web 2.0 tools except these are used only within organizational boundaries.
ESNS helps employees to capture and disseminate internal knowledge which ultimately enhance
organizational learning, processes and outcome (Aboelmaged 2018; Qi and Chau 2018)
4.3 Decision Support Systems
Decision support systems are used to apply the acquired knowledge. Information technologies has
changed traditional decision tacking actions. Now organizations use technology supported systems to
take better informed decisions about their counterparts, business strategies and goals. These systems
support organizations to learn quickly and adopt rapidly to the changes; customer behaviours, supply
chain, competitive forces, resource management etc., that are happening around its turbulent business
environment (Bhatt and Zaveri 2002). We have found CRM and Big data analytical systems as a decision
support system in our survey.
Customer relationship management system works as knowledge management tool within organization.
CRM system provides customers information orientation, their behaviour towards product buying,
loyalty, purchase patterns etc., which help top management to take informed decision about sales and
marketing. The informed decisions, equipped with customer knowledge acquired through CRM system,
improve organization performance (Stein and Smith 2009).
Big data is considered organization asset upon which analytics, through specialised tools, are applied to
generate new knowledge. Big data analytics enhance organizational learning and facilitate organizations
to improve their decision making activities and gain competitive advantage over their contenders
(Calvard 2016; Erickson and Rothberg 2014; Fredriksson 2018; Kabir and Carayannis 2013; Khan and
Vorley 2017; Lambrou 2016; Le Dinh et al. 2016; O’Connor and Kelly 2017). Predictive knowledge can
be extracted from big data which improves organization’s decision making capability. Sumbal et al.
(2017) have illustrated the concept by an exploratory study in oil and gas industry. Similar
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
demonstration has also been reported by (Khan and Vorley 2017). Different organizational learning
models are used to generate knowledge from big data. Philip (2018) used SECI model to exemplify the
knowledge creation from big data. Other model of knowledge creation from big data are proposed by
(Chan 2014; Izhar and Shoid 2016; Noh 2018).
Information enhances Organizational
Technology supports Learning
(Tacit & Explicit) Knowledge
mediates Application
Factors Knowledge
Figure 3: OL for IT (source: Developed for this research)
It acts as a catalyst to increase efficiency and effectiveness of an information system (Louis Raymond
2000). Vishwanath and Sankaranarayanan (2017) have demonstrated role of organizational learning in
customer value creation through information technology supported CRM. Organizational learning
enhances quality of customer data, contributing into better decision making regarding product and
services, interactive customer marketing strategies and tactics, that fuels organization performance
(Peltier et al. 2013). Similar concept regarding organizational learning as success factor of customer
relationship management system have been reported by (Stein and Smith 2009). Organizations find
implementation and post implementation of contemporary enterprise resource planning systems (ERP)
a big challenge because of their complexity. Tomblin (2010) has proved organizational learning as a
facilitator in deployment of ERP system. He has exemplified use of organization learning as a basis to
understand and learn two phases of ERP; implementation and post implementation. Exploration and
exploitation are two main dialects of organization learning that have different impact on of information
technology in context of organization performance. There is trade-off between these two concepts and
organizations need to keep balance in them for better organization performance (Hunter 2003).
Figure 4: Factors affecting interplay between IT and OL (source: Developed for this research)
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
maximum benefits of the technology (Dong and Yang 2015). Marabelli and Newell (2009) have
explained role of absorptive capacity in organizational learning and implementation of ERP system in a
worldwide organization.
Benefits of contemporary technologies such as Web 2.0, CRM, ERP etc. are manifested in better
knowledge management, learning and performance only if employees have trust on technology or
among each other (Brockman et al. 2017; Simeonova 2017).
The organization environmental conditions affect organizational learning, exploration and exploitation,
when employees make use of information technology. Information technology contribute to
organizational learning differently in environmental turbulence and organization turnover (Kane and
Alavi 2007).
Meta knowledge, knowledge exchange and knowledge structure, is more important than technical or
professional competences to use an information system. If employees have no knowledge about contents
structure of information system then it becomes itself a learning barrier. Therefore, employee
‘knowledge about contents, characteristics of co-workers, cooperation between employees and self-
competences works as a success factor in implementation of an information system and motivate
learning process (Herrmann et al. 2003; Hrastinski and Monstad 2014).
Although organization leaning helps employees to gain skills and knowledge to use information
technology but organizations cannot achieve required results if the employees are reluctant to accept
that technology. Lee et al. (2013) investigated the influence of user acceptance on IT and concluded that
user acceptance played a vital role to accept a new technology among operating room nursing staff.
User satisfaction is an important measure of effectiveness of an information system. It plays a critical
role in learning, use or implementation of an information system within an organization. Organization
can’t achieve its goals if its employees are not satisfied with the technology being implemented, thus
limiting its role in organizational learning (Goswami et al. 2006).
Reciprocal relationship between information systems such as transactive memory information system
and knowledge management is mediated by communication among employees of an organization.
Timely, useful and thoughtful communication among employees foster knowledge sharing within
organization (Chen 2014).
Organization culture plays an important role to facilitate organizational learning and information
technology . It has great effects on implementation, utilization and governance of information
technology for knowledge sharing (Ruppel and Harrington 2001). It works as an instigator of knowledge
acquisition and sharing ultimately fostering organizational learning and performance (Chuang et al.
2013). An organization can’t survive and innovate if it has no culture to learn about new market trends,
emerging technologies and strategies of its rivals (Al-Tameem 2004; Shao et al. 2017).
Organizational learning capabilities are known as the management practices or conditions within
organization which may foster organizational learning . Continuous learning is necessary for
organizations for their survival. OLC help organization to implement and utilize information technology
for better decision making, to gain competitive advantages and enhance its performance (Nwankpa and
Roumani 2014).
7 Conclusion
We have consolidated a large body of knowledge on information technology and organizational learning
that reveals intertwined nature of these two disciplines and validates previous studies of their interplay.
For IT to OL research stream, we conclude that information technology enhances organizational
learning or its dimensions in many ways such as knowledge organization systems help for knowledge
storage and retrieval, communication and collaborative systems make knowledge acquisition and
dissimilation efficient, and decision support systems promote application of knowledge, thus improving
overall business processes and gaining competitive advantages.
For OL to IT research stream, we believe that organizational learning supports deployment,
implementation and assimilation of information technology. Organizations can increase their
performance, innovate and gain advantage over their counterparts only if there is some mechanism to
capture, store and share knowledge through information technology. This mechanism is provided by
organizational learning in the form of single loop learning, double loop learning, ‘community of practice’
and SECI model.
Australasian Conference on Information Systems Malik, Chetty & Mehmood
2018, Sydney IT & OL Interplay
Our survey has also identified some influential factors such as organization culture and environment,
user acceptance and satisfaction, meta-knowledge, absorptive capacity that need to be considered while
implementing information technology in an organization. There are also some limitations of our
research. First, we have used only one, albeit very authentic, database of record, Scopus. Second, we
have included only peer reviewed articles of a specific period. Therefore, there is possibility of missing
some relevant research, however large inclusion of body of knowledge into our survey has reduced the
chance to challenge our results. This paper highlights some gaps in the literature that work an
opportunity for future research such as relationship of big data and artificial intelligence with
organizational learning. As most of the literature indicates that organizations fail in successful
implementation of information systems, therefore an empirical investigation of the interaction between
big data and organization learning will open new doors for organizations to deploy, implement and
assimilate big data systems effectively. We also hope that such kind of research will act as a classification
model to find cause and outcome of the relationship of big data and OL. Relationship and gaps of the
theories reported in this paper, provide an opportunity for IS researcher to conduct future research.
Directions for Future Research
Some future directions reported in surveyed literature are: Firstly, the researchers, in IT to OL research
stream, commends further inquiry to seek interaction of information technology with different sources
of organizational learning e.g. individual learning. They also solicited to explore enabling role of
different information intensive techniques such machine learning and data mining into organizational
Secondly, in the reviewed literature of OL to IT stream, researchers seem to be interested to find
exclusive impact of each source of OL on implementation of various information systems such as e-
commerce applications. Role of OL for implementation (pre implementation vs post implementation)
of distinct information systems such as ERP and CRM is also suggested for future exploration.
Finally, although there are many factors reported in the literature that affect interaction of information
technology and organizational learning, however additional factors for instance manager’s ambiguity
regarding information technology or competitors, relational capital, organization structure,
management style and reward system in organization need further inquest. These factors are very
important because they may cause low performance of information technology and hindrance in
organizational learning and hence draw attention to be addressed. Reverse effect of information
technology and organizational learning on such factors is another future research direction that is
reported in the literature.
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