Factors Leading To The Acceptance of Management Information System in Public Schools: A Path Analysis
Factors Leading To The Acceptance of Management Information System in Public Schools: A Path Analysis
Factors Leading To The Acceptance of Management Information System in Public Schools: A Path Analysis
Abstract:- The study aimed to determine the factors Multidimensional Top Management Support (Ahmed &
leading to the acceptance of management information Mohamaed, 2017), Social Influence Scale for Technology
systems in public schools. There were 300 Public school Design and Transformation (Agnis & Cugelman, 2019), A
Teachers who participated in the study. They were Conceptual and Operational Definition of Personal
selected using random sampling. The structural factors Innovativeness in the Domain of Information Technology
were management support, social influence, personal IT (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998), Validating Service Convenience
innovativeness, and convenience. The dependent variable Scale and Profiling Customers: A Study in the Indian Retail
was the acceptance of the management information Context (Aagja, Mammen,Saraswat, 2011). Perceived
system indicated by perceived usefulness and ease of use. Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of
The research employed a quantitative, non-experimental Information Technology (Davis, 1989). This set of
design and descriptive-path Analysis approach. The structures provides an impact on how well a company
face-to-face data collection process was utilized using a executes its strategy and goals. (Daily, 2021).
standardized instrument. The statistical tools used were
mean, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and path In concurrence, (Sharma, 2019)postulated that when
analysis. The findings of the study showed that the the information system was introduced, people began to
structural variables of Management Information System accept change inside and this may be impacted by how they
(MIS) such as management support, social influence, felt the new applications would impact their ability to do
personal IT innovativeness, and convenience yielded their jobs or performance. In academic institutions, for
very high-level results. Similarly, the acceptance of MIS example, the freedom of individuals is highly valued. The
in terms of perceived usefulness and ease of use yielded a aforementioned concept is supported by (Aubert, Barki,
very high level of acceptance. Furthermore, the Patry and Roy, 2018)wherein argue that benefits from
perceived structural variables are significantly related to information systems are not valued if organizations
the use of MIS. Finally, the Path analysis revealed a experience low utilization by the intended users.
significant relationship between various factors and the
perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of MIS. For instance, (Kim and Kankanhali, 2019), suggested
that when introducing new technologies, the acceptance of
Keywords:- Management, Structural Factors, Management change starts within the individuals and this could be
Information System, Public Schools, Path Analysis, influenced by the way they perceive the new applications
Philippines. and their effect on their job performance. This concept was
also supported by (Hidayanto and Ekawati, 2020) who
SDG Indicators:- #4 (Quality Education) revealed that the success of implementation would depend
on user acceptance and use of the technology in an
I. INTRODUCTION organization which is also related to the concept (Heeks,
2019)which revealed that information systems play an
Information system refers to an organization's use of a essential role in organizations with its power to change how
combination of hardware, software, and communication the business operates (Heeks, 2019). Since the power and
networks to gather relevant data (Emitus, 2021). It has been efficiency of information systems are constantly evolving
suggested, however, that problems such as information (Atler, 2021), companies need to adjust and incorporate up-
system failure are a result of structural issues at all levels to-date technology into their workplace. Hence,
that either increase or decrease an individual’s likelihood of organizations shall operate at the highest levels of efficiency
experiencing violence, exploitation, or abuse (Geneva, that cause them to implement new, updated Information
2021). systems into their business. Since most of the existing
studies are focused on the perceived level of usefulness; and
Cognizant of the importance of the studies on perceived ease of use (Ventakesh & Davis, 2000), the
information systems, the researcher has investigated related researcher attempts to investigate other related domains such
structural factors that are suspected to influence as Personal IT innovativeness and convenience. These
organizational components for best performance. predetermined factors are comprehensively discussed by
Development and Validation of an Instrument for (Lu, Yao & Chun-Sheng Yu, 2005) who described and
analyzed the significant influence of structural factors on the increased from 37.4 percent in 2016 to 47.8 percent in 2019.
acceptance of faculty members’ influence on the effective Furthermore, the Functional Literacy Rate has increased
and efficient use of information systems. from 90.3 percent in 2013 to 91.6 percent in 2019 (CHED
RO XI, 2022).
Information System for Education Management
(EMIS) is a DepEd curriculum in compliance with MEC Apart from these initiatives, a challenge has been noted
Memo No. 83, sec. 1981 that offers details about in the Davao Region that the Net Completion Rate for
administrators of education in the organizing and provision Elementary has decreased from 2017-2021 (DEPED XI,
of instructional services. It is information. gathering, 2021). This dilemma has been noted as one of the extrinsic
analyzing, sharing, and applying for organizing, carrying motivators in the trajectory of this research. By investigating
out, overseeing, and assessment of how the school is run. the factors that influence the use of MIS, the issues
The methodical and current data provides guidance on what concerning the Teacher-Student ratio may be acted upon by
should be accomplished by the school and the methods used considering the perceived usefulness and ease of use of MIS
to do so while depending on the information at hand for the teachers. Hence, the hypothesized model on
(Cuartero and Role, 2018). usefulness and ease of use of MIS and other contributing
factors shall be investigated to extract information and
According to prior conversations related to the ongoing present some benchmarks for policy-making initiatives.
study, a considerable number of teachers in the Department
of Education have been exposed to management information The succeeding discussions present the highlights and
systems (MIS) and are currently implementing these the impact of the following factors: Management support,
technologies in their schools. However, it is concerning that Social Influence, Personal I.T. innovativeness and
these teachers have not undergone formal seminar or convenience,(Lu, Yao & Chun-Sheng Yu, 2005) and MIS
training sessions on how to use MIS in educational contexts. with system quality perceived usefulness and perceived ease
As a result, individuals rely primarily on personal of use as indicators (Davis and Ventakesh, 2000).
experiences with their devices, resulting to a self-taught
approach. Furthermore, other teachers demonstrate a clear The factor of top management support refers to many
lack of embrace of technology while they work to improve different forms, such as transparent feedback on
their skills in using these technologies. Many of them have performance, participation in crucial choices by employees,
expressed little interest in enhancing their MIS skills. open communication between employees and managers, and
Furthermore, despite the availability of alternate record- assistance with challenging jobs (Sussex, 2020). This was
keeping tools and methods, such as internet storage devices also supported by (Shihua, 2021) stating that management
like I-cloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox, teachers' support is crucial for the development of the service culture
competency levels in using these applications are unknown. and service innovation. In connection with the preceding
Furthermore, intermittent internet availability in the management support concepts, the aspects of psychological
surrounding area exacerbates these difficulties. Given these health, social well-being, and work-related functioning as
issues, there is an urgent need for research to fully well as managerial support for basic psychological
understand the reasons behind these challenges and other requirements are all linked to autonomous self-regulation at
factors influencing the acceptability of management work among employees (Wiliams, 2020). These all point out
information systems in Governor Generoso's area. that top Management, support plays a critical role in
facilitating the acceptance of Management Information
To improve the level of education and lifelong learning Systems (MIS) among employees (Livari & Hirschheim,
in the Philippines, part of the government’s agenda is the 1996) ; Lee, 2011 ) and that the visible involvement of top
governance and management of higher education. management in the implementation and ongoing use of MIS
According to the Commission on Higher Education fosters a supportive organizational climate, which, in turn,
(CHED), this shall assess the needs of Higher Educational enhances employees' confidence, trust, and willingness to
Institutions (HEIs) in terms of their resource management accept the system (Lee, 2011; (Rainer,R.,K.,Jr.,
and prioritization, faculty profile and training needs, and Cegielski,C.G.,& Splettstoesser-Hogeterp, I, 2014).
curriculum responsiveness (CHED RO XI, 2022). Hence,
the aid of MIS across learning institutions is seen as a Effective top management support involves providing
mechanism to upgrade the current system. necessary resources, clear communication, and promoting
the benefits of MIS (Goodhue, D.L., & Thompson, R.L.,
From a social perspective, the integration of MIS in 1995); (Lee, 2011); and this was supported by related
schools is seen as a pivotal contributor to the attainment of studies that revealed that the presence of top management
Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Quality support significantly influences the acceptance and
Education. MIS enhances the management and delivery of successful implementation of MIS, underscoring its
education by providing tools for efficient administration, importance as a critical factor in shaping organizational
student tracking, curriculum management, and performance acceptance and system effectiveness (Goodhue &
monitoring. Hence, it can contribute both to the Philippines’ Thompson, 1995; Iivari & Hirschheim, 1996).
Net Enrolment Rate and Functional Literacy Rate in
schools. In secondary education as in March 2021 in Senior
High School, for example, the Net enrolment rate has
Also, social influence has emerged as a critical believe how useful the technology would be (Ma, Jin Gam
determinant influencing individuals' acceptance of & Banning, 2017). For instance, a research finding has been
Management Information Systems (MIS), as peer opinions acknowledged for adopting communication tactics to
and behaviors significantly shape perceptions and attitudes demonstrate the value of incorporated technology in their
toward technology adoption (Venkatesh, V.,Morris, business operations (Lederer, 2022). Apart from this, it is
M.G.,Davis G.B., & Davis, F.D. , 2003). The impact of defined as the degree to which individuals perceive how
social factors, including subjective norms, social interaction, easy it is to use the technology (Ma, Jin Gam & Banning,
and the influence of opinion leaders, is paramount in 2017).
understanding the drivers of MIS acceptance within
organizational contexts (Chin, W.W , 1998) Ifinedo, 2011) . This study is anchored on the Theory of Planned
Behavior of (Davis and Ventakesh, 2000). The theory
These concepts shape the people in fostering a positive supposes the idea that people behave logically by their
environment for MIS acceptance and continued usage attitudes, personal norms, and sense of behavioral control.
(Ifinedo, 2011); (Moore,G.C., & Benbasat, I. (1991), 1991) Although not often actively or consciously considered, these
and recognize the influential power of superiors and elements serve as the framework for making decisions. In
colleagues within the workplace which influence other words, even if people don't express a certain attitude, it
individuals' beliefs, behaviors, and overall acceptance of still might have an impact on their choices.to predict an
MIS (Moore & Benbasat, 1991). individual's intention to engage in a behavior at a specific
time and place. The theory intended to explain all behaviors
The concept of Personal IT innovativeness reveal over which people can exert self-control.
reveals that the person's disposition or attitude reflects his or
her propensity to experiment with mobile health devices and In psychology, the theory of planned behavior
another technological advancements (Donoghue, 2019). (abbreviated TPB) is a theory that links beliefs and
This was supported by (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998) who said behavior. The concept was proposed by Icek Ajzen to
that the construct of personal innovativeness in information improve the predictive power of the theory of reasoned
technology has moderating effects on both the causes and action by including perceived behavioral control. It is a
effects of individual perceptions of new information theory explaining human behavior. It has been applied to
technology. Also, (Rosen, 2021)reiterated that personal studies of the relations among beliefs, attitudes, behavioral
innovativeness is characterized as a person's openness to intentions, and behaviors in various fields such as
experimenting with new information technologies. advertising, public relations, advertising campaigns, and
healthcare. Based on the (Azjen, 2001) recommendation,
The last factor which is convenience refers to anything three basic items are used to determine the intention of a
that makes life easier or more comfortable by reducing job person and the stems or the items statement stats as I intend;
requirements (Yuhns, 2021). (Anderson, 2018) explained I want; and I plan. Furthermore, the dependent variable is
that customer convenience has long been considered, supported by the theory of the Technology Acceptance
especially in consumer behavior and retail literature. The Model” (TAM), developed by (Davis, Bagozzi, and
idea of convenience has not gotten more attention in Warshaw, 1989), which serves as the theoretical basis for
marketing given the understanding in marketing theory that this research. This model seeks to figure out what aspects
convenience, or lack thereof, is related to the non-monetary influence user satisfaction in the use of a Management
cost of the exchange to the customer (Warde, 2018). Information System.
The independent variable which is the Structural Also, (Aizen, 1991) forecasts that deliberate actions
Factors composed of the following items: social, political, are made. by behavioral goals that are significantly impacted
economic, and environmental factors at the national, by a person's attitude toward a behavior, the arbitrary
regional, and international level (Geneva, 2021). The standards that govern how that behavior is carried out.
findings of Goldman, (2018) explained that strong social
and cultural capital, as outlined in the individual aspects, The independent variable focuses on structural factors,
links students to a network of people who can offer which are represented by the indicators of management
perspective on the college experience and faculty members support, social influence, personal IT innovativeness, and
(Semrush, 2021). On the other hand, the dependent variable convenience. Management support encompasses various
is the Information System. It refers to the study of forms, including transparent feedback on performance and
individuals, groups, organizations, and the connections employee participation in decision-making processes. Social
between them (Tamu, 2023) . Also, (Wehner, 2023), influence refers to the process through which individuals or
explained that information systems are used by businesses at groups affect the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of others via
all levels of operation to gather, process, and store data. As a direct or indirect communication, conformity, persuasion, or
result, Management Information System (MIS) experts are coercion. Personal IT innovativeness pertains to an
can play a significant role in areas like information security, individual's inclination to independently experiment with
integration, and exchange by cooperating with other mobile health devices, irrespective of others' reported
members of their work group as well as with their customers experiences. Additionally, convenience refers to elements
and clients (Baker, 2023). The IT's first indicator perceived that enhance ease and comfort by reducing job requirements
usefulness (PU) refers to the extent to which individuals (Lu, Yao & Chun-Sheng Yu, 2005). The dependent variable
is the perceived level of usefulness of the Information undoubtedly aids the researcher in understanding the
System, measured in terms of individuals' belief in its Significance of being digitally oriented individual.
utility, and the perceived ease of use, denoting individuals'
perception of the system's usability (Ma, Jin Gam). II. METHOD
The researcher has not come across similar studies in Research Respondents
the locality since most of the previous studies were An on-line sample size calculator was used in
conducted abroad. Future developments, such as the identifying the total number of respondents. Stratified
integration of tablet and smartphone-based attendance random sampling was used to obtain a sampling frame as
monitoring, are advised. Additionally, a campus kiosk shown in the summary of the distribution of respondents
linked to the database server should be installed for the (Calder, 2013). The stratified random sampling is the
purpose of accessing grades and schedules. (B.G. Grepon, technique for the selection of sample, and there is a chance
2022) Thus, there is an urgency to conduct the study to for each member of the population to pick sample. (Iliyasu
contribute to the existing body of literature. & Etikan,, 2021) This study has come up with a total
number of 300 respondents from different public schools.
The primary objective of this study is to examine the The breakdown of respondents per school is as follows:
factors influencing the acceptance of the management Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational School (SAVS) had 54
information system (MIS) among Public School Teachers. respondents, Tibanban National High School (TNHS) had
Specifically, the researcher aims to achieve the following 80 respondents, Sigaboy Central Elementary School 48,
objectives: Firstly, to determine the perceived level of Enrique Orencia Elementary School 59, Serapion C. Basalo
structural factors, including management support, social Elementary School 13 and Nangan National High School
influence, personal IT innovativeness, and convenience. 46.
Secondly, to measure the level of acceptance of the MIS
among Public School Teachers in terms of perceived The proposition of (James, 2017), states that the ideal
usefulness and perceived ease of use. Thirdly, to ascertain number of respondents is 300. Further, the researcher
the relationship between structural factors and the ensured that the respondents understood the content of the
acceptance of the MIS among employees. Lastly, to analyze survey questionnaire and were capable of relating their life
which domain of technology factors significantly influence experiences, especially in the school setting.
the acceptance of MIS among Public School Teachers.
Through these objectives, the study aims to provide insights Respondents who volunteered to participate in the
into the factors that impact the acceptance of MIS among survey and who are Public School Teachers of Governor
Public School Teachers, ultimately contributing to the Generoso, Davao Oriental were included; on the other hand,
enhancement of information systems implementation and the students were excluded from this study; hence, the focus
utilization in educational institutions. of the study was the Public-School Teachers because the
suspected challenges are directly attributable to the latter.
The adoption and use of management information Public School Teachers were probably more challenged in
systems by employees is a complicated process, yet it has accepting the management information system in this era
the potential to address intricate problems (Ugur, 2021). As due to their old practices, particularly in teaching. Public
such, management information systems can be utilized to School Teachers who refuse to participate in answering the
assist education managers in reaching decisions that are questionnaires are excluded. Withal, they are free to
strategic, tactical, and operational (Emis, 2019); however withdraw from their participation in the conduct of the study
structural factors may affect their acceptance of if they find that some questions make them uncomfortable.
management information systems. Their reasons and well-being are highly prioritized by the
researcher. The respondents of this study covered the
Hence, the objective of this research is to examine the public school teachers both Elementary and Secondary
pertinent factors influencing how individuals should because these teachers did not undergo formal training or
perceive the value of MIS and consider adopting necessary seminars on the use of MIS in their schools. They relied on
changes and coping with this fast-changing world. their personal experiences as they used their gadgets,
Furthermore, this study aims to analyze which domain of therefore they were all self-taught.
structural factors best influences the acceptance of
Management Information Systems (MIS) among Public Material and Instrument
School Teachers. This study utilized adapted and modified research
questionnaires. The first instrument was adapted from
This study provides information that will undoubtedly (Ahmed & Mohamed, 2017) on the Development and
be useful and a reference for their upcoming research. Last Validation of an Instrument for Multidimensional Top
but not the least, this gives the researcher clear and Management Support, (Agnis & Cugelman,2019) on the
substantial information about the factors influencing how Social Influence Scale for Technology Design and
individuals should evaluate the importance of MIS and Transformation, (Agarwal & Prasad, 1998) on A Conceptual
consider implementing essential modifications to cope with and Operational Definition of Personal Innovativeness in the
this fast-changing world in Public Schools. This information Domain of Information Technology, (Aagja, Mammen and
Saraswat, 2011) on Validating Service Convenience Scale
and Profiling Customers: A Study in the Indian Retail Design and Procedure
Context. The second instrument was adapted from This study utilizes a quantitative non-experimental
(Davis,1989) on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of research design, employing a descriptive-correlational
Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology. technique and a structural equation model to develop an
These questionnaires were carefully restructured. To optimal fit model for business performance. Non-
validate the adapted and modified questionnaires, a panel of experimental research is a prominent approach where
six experts was involved. This panel consisted of five researchers observe natural occurrences without introducing
internal validators and one external validator. The validation external factors. (Asenahabi, 2019). Moreover, this study
process considered several factors, including objectivity, employed the Path Analysis approach. Path Analysis is the
appropriateness, suitability of questions within each simplest case of the Structural Equations Model. Generally,
category, presentation, organization of items, and alignment path models ordinarily contain several measure variables
with the primary objective of the study. The validated configured in more complex ways than simple mediation.
survey questionnaire received an excellent rating of 4.20. These types of models were originally called causal models
(Clement, 2022). By using the Path Analysis, the researcher
Furthermore, to guarantee the suitability of the was able to evaluate hypothesized relationships between the
instrument, the questionnaire was pre-tested using Cronbach variables represented by the data.
Alpha, a method used by academics to examine the validity
of multiple-question surveys utilizing the Likert scale. To The following procedures were utilized to obtain the
satisfy the assumptions on the reliability (at >.70 Cronbach data required for this research study. The researcher drafted
Alpha) of the instrument, a Pilot survey test was conducted a letter addressed to the School Principals of various public
for 40 respondents. The faculty members were instructed to schools in Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental, with the
give ratings, based on a five-point scale ranging from 5 adviser's recommendation and approval from the Dean of
(very high) to 1 (very low), as presented in Tables 1. the Professional Schools of the University of Mindanao,
requesting permission to conduct the study on Factors
The first draft of the research questionnaires was Leading to the Acceptance of Management Information
submitted to the researcher’s adviser for comments and the Systems in Public Schools. After getting the approval, the
final copies were submitted to a panel of experts from the researcher administered the research instrument; during this
University of Mindanao and one external validator, for time, respondents were informed of the study's premise
enhancement. (Informed Consent Form) and, if they agreed, were given a
questionnaire, which the researcher assisted them in
The questionnaires were subjected to pilot testing with completing. This study was conducted Face-to-face from
30 samples using Cronbach alpha to determine the November 2023 to December 2023.
reliability. Excellent internal consistency is demonstrated by
the high Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of Management After administering the research instruments, the
Support (0.896), Social Influence (0.332), Personal IT researcher processed the Public Schools to personally
Innovativeness (0.357), Convenience (0.669), Perceived administer the survey questionnaires to the identified
Usefulness (0.738), Perceived Ease-of-Use (0.900). This respondents. One hundred percent of the distributed
implies that the scales in question are probably valid and questionnaires were retrieved. The accomplished results
trustworthy instruments. Indicating that the entities were were obtained, collected, checked, tabulated and encoded
generally given favorable reviews for all items. into a spreadsheet. Then, the data was analyzed and
interpreted by the University statistician.
Table 1 Likert Scale for Structural Factors
The statistical tools below were used in this study:
Mean was used to answer the problems about the level of
structural factors and acceptance of management
information systems among faculty members. Pearson
Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to
measure the relationship between structural factors and
acceptance of management information systems among
faculty members is significant. Multiple Regression using
Path Analysis was applied to determine which domain of
structural factors best influences the acceptance of
management information systems among Public Schools.
of benefits. Therefore, after the purpose and the benefits, the where the researcher is working, the following schools have
study was described and presented to the participating been included in the study: Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational
school. Then the rights of the respondents to contribute to School (SAVS), Tibanban National High School (TNHS),
the body of knowledge were carefully considered and Sigaboy Central Elementary School, Enrique Orencia
adhered to. Elementary School, Serapion C. Basalo Elementary School,
Nangan National High School.
Second, the researcher was not forcing the respondents
to have their names written on the questionnaire for In totality, the study had no trace of deceit that may
confidentiality reasons. The researcher ensured that the cause potential harm to the respondents, as it adheres to the
questionnaires were kept private and treated with the University of Mindanao Ethics Review Committee the
strictest confidentiality of all the respondents’ personal guidelines on ethical consideration. After their approval, the
information that was required in the study, for privacy and questionnaire underwent pilot testing and the data collected
confidentiality. Moreover, for the Informed consent process, was interpreted for the consistency of the research
the researcher shall inform the respondents that the questionnaire. Additionally, after completing the study
questionnaires are free from technical terms, this makes it proposal, the researcher received certification that confirms
easier for them to understand all the items, as well as a clear the research paper complied with the UMERC-2023-442
view of the benefits they may get after the conduct of this University’s Ethical Standards.
study. The research questionnaire was administered with the
consent of the School Principal. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Third, as the researcher is currently working as a The data obtained from the respondents on the
college part-time instructor, she had already met the number perceived level of acceptance of the Management
of respondents to be recruited as participants even before the Information System (MIS) of public-school teachers are
conduct of the study, which makes it easier for her to presented, analyzed, and interpreted in this section based on
disseminate the questionnaires at scheduled times. The data the research objectives previously stated. The order of
collection procedures were indicated, as well as how the discussions on the mentioned topic is as follows: Level of
questionnaires were administered, and the kind of structural factors; Level of acceptance of MIS use;
respondents involved in the study. Correlation matrix for structural variables on acceptance of
MIS use; and the Result of Path Analysis showing the
Fourth, the study shall undergo a plagiarism detection regression weights per structural variables on perceived
test using Grammarly or Turnitin software Fifth, the study ease-of-use and usefulness of MIS.
has no trace of purposefully misrepresenting the work to fit
a model or theoretical expectation and has no evidence of Structural Variables of MIS use
over-claiming exaggeration falsification. In Table 2, the level of structural variables of MIS use
has an overall mean of 4.55 with a standard deviation of
Sixth, there shall be no traces of Conflict of Interest 0.325 with a verbal interpretation of very high in the
(COI) that refers to participants benefitting from or the Management Support. Results show that Social Influence
validation of the study which tends to be affected by a obtained a mean value of 4.58 with a standard deviation of
secondary interest such as money matters or academic gains 0.420 with a verbal interpretation of very high. Meanwhile,
or recognition. Personal IT innovativeness has a weighted mean of 4.51
with a standard deviation of 0.490 described as very high.
Lastly, to further address the issue of COI, the research On the other hand, the overall Convenience obtained a mean
has extended the scope of research by including appropriate score of 4.52 with a standard deviation of 0.434 described as
schools in the Davao Oriental Area. Apart from the school very high.
Relationship between Structural Factors and Acceptance value of 0.439, social influence of 0.409, personal IT
of MIS use innovativeness of 0.537, and 0.607 for convenience.
Table 4 shows the results of the test of the relationship
between structural factors and acceptance of MIS use. Further, the perceived ease of use is positively
Reflected in the hypothesis, the relationship was tested at a correlated to the following acceptance of MIS use.
.01 level of significance. The Perceived usefulness is Management support has an R-value of 0.494, social
positively correlated to Management Support with an R- influence 0.511, personal IT innovativeness 0.596, and
convenience with an R-value of 0.620.
Table 4 Correlation Matrix Showing the Significance of the Relationship of Structural Variables on Acceptance of MIS use
Management Social Personal IT
Support Influence Innovativeness
Perceived usefulness Pearson's r 0.439 *** 0.409 *** 0.537 *** 0.607 ***
< .001 < .001 < .001 < .001
Perceived ease-of-use Pearson's r 0.494 *** 0.511 *** 0.596 *** 0.620 ***
< .001 < .001 < .001 < .001
These findings suggest that both perceived usefulness Path analysis showing the regression weights of paths
and perceived ease-of-use are significantly related to of structural variables on perceived ease-of-use and
management support, social influence, personal IT usefulness of MIS Table 5 presents the result of paths
innovativeness, and convenience. The P-values indicate that analysis which involves estimates, standard errors (S.E.),
these correlations are statistically significant, bolstering the critical ratios (C.R.), P-values, and decisions regarding the
strength and credibility of the observed relationships. null hypothesis (Ho). The analysis focused on the linear
relationships between Ease-of-Use, Social Influence,
Personal IT Innovativeness, Convenience, and Management
(Mgt) Support toward the dependent variables Ease-of-Use
and Usefulness.
Table 5 Path Analysis Showing the Regression Weights of Paths of Structural Variables on
Perceived ease-of-use and usefulness of MIS
Estimated Path Estimate S.E. C.R. p-value Decision on Ho
Ease-of-Use <--- Social Influence .147 .059 2.488 .013 Reject
Ease-of-Use <--- Personal IT Innovativeness .282 .051 5.513 *** Reject
Ease-of-Use <--- Convenience .364 .059 6.163 *** Reject
Ease-of-Use <--- Mgt Support .303 .071 4.302 *** Reject
Usefulness <--- Mgt Support .095 .064 1.488 .137 Failed to reject
Usefulness <--- Social Influence -.062 .052 -1.183 .237 Failed to reject
Usefulness <--- Personal IT Innovativeness .087 .047 1.849 .064 Failed to reject
Usefulness <--- Ease-of-Use .524 .051 10.375 *** Reject
Usefulness <--- Convenience .231 .055 4.212 *** Reject
The path analysis conducted revealed significant convenience (β=0.364, p<.001), emphasizing that the
relationships between various factors and the perceived practicality and accessibility of the MIS are crucial for users
ease-of-use and usefulness of MIS. For perceived ease-of to perceive it as user-friendly. Additionally, management
use, four predictors were found to be statistically significant. support also significantly predicts ease-of-use (β=0.303,
Social influence has a positive effect (β=0.147, p = .013), p<.001), highlighting the importance of institutional backing
suggesting that the opinions and behaviors of peers or in shaping positive perceptions of the MIS’s ease of use.
influential groups in the educational environment can
positively impact how easily users find the MIS to navigate In contrast, the perceived usefulness of the MIS is
and utilize. Personal IT innovativeness shows a more influenced differently. Management support, social
substantial positive effect (β=0.282, p<.001), indicating that influence, and personal IT innovativeness did not show
individual innovative tendencies towards information statistically significant effects on perceived usefulness, with
technology correlate strongly with the perception of the MIS P-values of 0.137, 0.237, and 0.064, respectively. This
being easy to use. The strongest predictor for ease-of-use is suggests that while these factors are important for ease-of-
use, they do not directly translate to perceived usefulness. likely it is to be perceived as useful. Overall, these findings
However, the relationship between ease-of-use and emphasize the importance of considering convenience in
perceived usefulness is highly significant (β=0.524, p<.001), technology adoption decisions in educational settings.
indicating that the easier an MIS is to use, the more useful it
is perceived to be by the users. Structural Variables of MIS use
The overall level of management support comprising
Moreover, convenience also significantly impacts the indicators such as providing resources, structural
perceived usefulness of the MIS (β=0.231, p<.001), arrangement, communication, expertise and power was very
suggesting that the practical benefits of the MIS contribute high. The overall management support, social influence and
to its perceived utility in the educational process. personal IT innovativeness were also very high. Further,
decision convenience access convenience and benefit
These findings imply that for the effective adoption convenience were described as very high. This implies that
and positive perception of an MIS, focus should be placed the structural variables of MIS use are always observed.
on enhancing its convenience and ease-of-use. Management
and social influences, while impactful for ease-of-use, may This finding aligns with Johnson et al.'s (2020) study,
not directly influence the system's perceived usefulness, which revealed that teachers are more likely to adopt LMIS
which seems to be more closely tied to the system's inherent when they see it as beneficial to their teaching methods,
functionality and user-friendly design. classroom management, and overall educational outcomes.
Structural factors influencing LMIS acceptance include
elements like the availability of training programs,
institutional support, and alignment with broader
educational goals. For instance, support from management
plays a crucial role in the successful implementation and
acceptance of technological innovations, such as Learning
Management Information Systems (LMIS) in educational
settings (Lee et al., 2019). Additionally, (Rogers & Brown ,
2020) study highlights the importance of social influence in
the diffusion of innovations. In the context of LMIS,
teachers are more likely to embrace the system if they
perceive that their respected peers actively support and use
the technology in their teaching practices.
This suggests that respondents consistently connection between structural factors and acceptance of
encountered structural aspects in MIS use. This aligns with MIS use.
Johnson et al.'s (2020) study, indicating that teachers adopt
LMIS when they see it benefiting their teaching methods, Path analysis revealed a significant relationship
classroom management, and overall education. Factors between various factors in perceived ease-of-use and
influencing LMIS acceptance include training program usefulness. Further, the ease-of-use influenced management
availability, institutional support, and alignment with support, convenience, personal IT innovativeness, and
broader educational goals. Management support, especially, social. On the other hand, the perceived usefulness did not
is crucial for the successful implementation of technological influence management support, social influence, and
innovations like Learning Management Information Systems personal IT innovativeness. The result supports the
(LMIS) in education (Lee et al., 2019). proposition of (Dinner, 2015) that the relationship between
acceptance of MIS use and structural factors is significant,
Rogers and Brown's (2020) study emphasize the role of given the idea in his study that only one among the
social influence in innovation diffusion. In the LMIS indicators serves to bring about influence in the relationship
context, teachers are more likely to adopt the system if they between the remaining variables. However, (Crowne, et al,
perceive support and active use of the technology among 2006) reiterated that there is a possibility that the
respected peers. respondents may have not accurately rated themselves on
their extent of acceptance of MIS use experiences and
Path analysis showing the regression weights of paths structural factors because of the infamous social desires like
of structural variables on perceived ease-of-use and the possibility to react in a way that is socially and culturally
usefulness of LMS. acceptable; this is congruent to the findings of (Fox, &
Boulton, 2005) , wherein self-narrate information was
The path analysis conducted reveals significant significant with information from different groups of
relationships between various factors and the perceived respondents in determining the relationship between
ease-of-use and usefulness of an LMS. For perceived ease- structural factors and acceptance of MIS use. The overall
of use, four predictors were found to be statistically acceptance of MIS use experiences has shown clear
significant. significance towards the structural factors among faculty
In contrast, the perceived usefulness of the LMS is
influenced differently. Management support, social Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions,
influence, and personal IT innovativeness did not show several recommendations are offered. Due to consistently
statistically significant effects on perceived usefulness. This high levels of structural factors (management support, social
suggests that while these factors are important for ease-of- influence, personal IT innovativeness, and Convenience),
use, they do not directly translate to perceived usefulness. both public school teachers and parents need to remain
However, the relationship between ease-of-use and receptive to students’ use of MIS. This entails understanding
perceived usefulness is highly significant indicating that the the necessity for adaptation in the computer generation and
easier an LMS is to use, the more useful it is perceived to be actively seeking knowledge about the usefulness and
by the users. acceptance of MIS use. Moreover, integrating topics across
all subjects taught by teachers would prove highly
The findings of this study supported by Geneva (2020) beneficial, as ‘learning by doing’ tends to be effective.
who postulated that problems such as information system Furthermore, the school administration should enhance their
failure are a result of structural issues at all levels that either teaching methods through the integration of technology.
increase or decrease an individual’s likelihood of
experiencing violence, exploitation, or abuse in the work The consistently high acceptance of MIS use is driven
area. Further, Kim and Kankanhalli (2019) claimed that by factors such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease
when introducing new technologies, the acceptance of of use, indicating a pervasive pattern among faculty
change starts within the individuals and this could be members. Future researchers can leverage these findings for
influenced by the way they perceived the new applications more accurate results in assessing structural factors and MIS
and their effect on their job performance. use acceptance. Additionally, teachers can foster
assertiveness in students by strategizing ways to enhance
IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION their knowledge of classroom technologies. Encouraging
students to participate in various activities and explore
This academic investigation revealed very high-level different conceptual understandings enhanced their
structural factors and experiences which includes very high technological skills.
levels for all domains, namely; management support, social
influence, personal IT innovativeness, and Convenience. Finally, the research highlights the potential influence
Also, the overall level of acceptance of MIS use among of structural factors on MIS acceptance, suggesting that
faculty members is found to be very high as well as the school administrators should consider organizing training.
domains which comprise it, such as perceived usefulness, Specific training programs for teachers include MIS
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