Muscle Building Guide w1

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The key takeaways are that building muscle requires consistency with weight training, nutrition, rest, hydration and goal setting over a period of 6 weeks.

The 6 steps to building muscle are: 1) An introduction to muscle growth 2) Nutrition 3) Progressing your training 4) The importance of rest 5) Hydration and fluid intake 6) Goal-setting and tracking

Some tips for weightlifting are to start slow, control the weight, focus on posture, expect some muscle soreness and ask for help if intimidated by the free weights area.


Helping you begin your journey to finding your fit


Congratulations are in order. Why?
Because you’ve chosen to focus more time and energy on you by signing up to
our programme. That puts you one step closer to achieving your health and
fitness goals - and that’s something worth celebrating.


You’re reading this because you want to change your behaviour and your body. To do
this, you need to understand how your habits support your current behaviour and then
change those habits.

Over the next six weeks, we’ll go through our 6-step muscle-building roadmap that will
make good behaviours a routine part of your lifestyle and help you reach your short-
and long-term goals.

THE SIX STEPS TO BUILDING MUSCLE: To get the most out of this programme, we advise
that you focus on one step at a time so that each
STEP 1 - An introduction to muscle growth step becomes a habit before moving onto the
next. To help with this, we’ll be sending you an email
each week with a summary of the step and some
STEP 2 - Nutrition additional information to help you achieve it.

STEP 3 - Progressing your training By the end of the six weeks, not only will you feel
better, you’ll also have a better understanding of
how to achieve your goals moving forward.
STEP 4 - The importance of rest
And don’t forget, if you’d like a more tailored plan,
you can always book a session with one of our
STEP 5 - Hydration and fluid intake personal trainers.

STEP 6 - Goal-setting and tracking There’s no time like the present to get started,
so start familiarising yourself with step one and,
together, we’ll start your journey to a fitter you.
The first step is simple - it’s time to get moving There are no shortcuts to building muscle, but if
and start lifting. It doesn’t matter what your you follow these pointers you’ll soon start to see
starting point is or how small the changes the di≠erence:
are that you make, the aim of this week is
Train hard –
familiarising yourself with weight training and
Training focused on improving muscular strength
increasing your daily activity levels.
and endurance: weight training, bodyweight training,
By improving both your weight training and your medicine balls, kettle bells, some forms of yoga.
overall activity levels, this programme delivers two
Eat well –
main benefits:
Striking the right balance of macro and
An improvement of your appearance - micronutrients to maintain the right calorie balance
Women who gain muscle mass while remaining and aid muscle growth and recovery.
relatively lean look tighter, firmer and more toned.
Think about the heart –
Men who gain muscle mass while remaining lean
Steady-state moderate cardio, encouraging more
look stronger, larger and more athletic.
blood flow to the muscle and thus better recovery.
An improvement of your health -
Stretch more -
Being more active accelerates fat loss and reduces
Physical exercise in which a specific muscle, tendon
the risk of contracting a range of conditions, including
or muscle group is deliberately flexed or stretched
heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes. It also
to improve the muscle’s elasticity and achieve
improves your self-esteem, reduces symptoms of
muscle tone.
depression and anxiety, and improves your ability to
perform everyday tasks with ease.


• 3 hours of resistance training One of the main steps towards building muscle is
learning how to incorporate resistance training into
• 10 - 15 minutes of stretching before and
after exercising your weekly routine. We’ll start with small changes
so that you’re properly prepared for weightlifting and
• 1 - 1.5 hours of moderate steady-state become more confident as you go.
cardio training
Making minor amendments to your daily routine
Trying something new is often daunting. But
cultivates positive habits. If you start gradually, so that
remember, everyone in the free-weights area was a
you barely notice the change, you’ll be more likely to
beginner at one point.
introduce weight increases over time without it ever
feeling daunting. Here are some tips for going into the free-
weights area for the first time.
Control the weight
Never use a weight so heavy that you need Go in with a plan
momentum to lift it. A simple gauge: make sure you Wandering around and being unsure of what to
can pause for at least one second before lifting a do can be disheartening. So, go in knowing what
weight to keep your lift controlled. equipment you want to use and head straight for it.

Posture Have a plan B

An easy way to tell if you’re performing exercises If you want to start with a bench press but it’s
correctly is by checking your posture. The correct taken, simply start with another exercise from the
starting position for most exercises is shoulders back, programme. Just remember: the bigger muscle
chest out, standing (or sitting) tall and with your abs groups come first.
tight. Good posture means good form.
‘Work in’ with people
Be ready to ache a little If all the equipment is busy, ask someone if you
It’s likely you’ll experience some level of delayed can ‘work in’ with them, which means you using the
onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in your muscles equipment during their rest between sets.
between 12 and 72 hours after a workout.
Still unsure?
If you’re no longer experiencing DOMS, it doesn’t Then just ask one of our friendly staff to point you in
mean it’s time to change your training - it just means the right direction.
you’re more used to your regime. Muscles respond to
the demands we put on them - ask your muscles to
lift more and they’ll respond by getting stronger.
To get you started below you’ll find two starting routines. The first concentrates on hypertrophy - increasing the
size of your skeletal muscle. The second is about maximising strength whilst building muscle.


Warm up and stretch 10 min on any cardio machine

Squats 3x10-15

Reverse lunges 3x10-15

Seated row 3x10-15

Incline dumbbell press 3x10-15

Lateral shoulder rise 3x10-15

Rope pull down 3x10-15

Swills ball AB crunch 3xfailure

Cool down and stretch 10 min on any cardio machine



Warm up and stretch 10 min on any cardio machine

Deadlifts 3x6-8

Leg press 3x6-8

Flat chest press 3x6-8

Assisted pull ups 3x6-8

Reverse fly 3x10

Bicep curls 3x10

Knee raises 3xfailure

Cool down and stretch 10 min on any cardio machine

All of these exercises can be found on YouTube if you would like some help knowing how to complete them.
Alternatively, feel free to ask one of our trainers when in the gym.

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