Your 6-Step Guide To Building Muscle
Your 6-Step Guide To Building Muscle
Your 6-Step Guide To Building Muscle
Over the next six weeks, we’ll go through our 6-step muscle-building roadmap that will
make good behaviours a routine part of your lifestyle and help you reach your short-
and long-term goals.
THE SIX STEPS TO BUILDING MUSCLE: To get the most out of this programme, we advise
that you focus on one step at a time so that each
STEP 1 - An introduction to muscle growth step becomes a habit before moving onto the
next. To help with this, we’ll be sending you an email
each week with a summary of the step and some
STEP 2 - Nutrition additional information to help you achieve it.
STEP 3 - Progressing your training By the end of the six weeks, not only will you feel
better, you’ll also have a better understanding of
how to achieve your goals moving forward.
STEP 4 - The importance of rest
And don’t forget, if you’d like a more tailored plan,
you can always book a session with one of our
STEP 5 - Hydration and fluid intake personal trainers.
STEP 6 - Goal-setting and tracking There’s no time like the present to get started,
so start familiarising yourself with step one and,
together, we’ll start your journey to a fitter you.
The first step is simple - it’s time to get moving There are no shortcuts to building muscle, but if
and start lifting. It doesn’t matter what your you follow these pointers you’ll soon start to see
starting point is or how small the changes the di≠erence:
are that you make, the aim of this week is
Train hard –
familiarising yourself with weight training and
Training focused on improving muscular strength
increasing your daily activity levels.
and endurance: weight training, bodyweight training,
By improving both your weight training and your medicine balls, kettle bells, some forms of yoga.
overall activity levels, this programme delivers two
Eat well –
main benefits:
Striking the right balance of macro and
An improvement of your appearance - micronutrients to maintain the right calorie balance
Women who gain muscle mass while remaining and aid muscle growth and recovery.
relatively lean look tighter, firmer and more toned.
Think about the heart –
Men who gain muscle mass while remaining lean
Steady-state moderate cardio, encouraging more
look stronger, larger and more athletic.
blood flow to the muscle and thus better recovery.
An improvement of your health -
Stretch more -
Being more active accelerates fat loss and reduces
Physical exercise in which a specific muscle, tendon
the risk of contracting a range of conditions, including
or muscle group is deliberately flexed or stretched
heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes. It also
to improve the muscle’s elasticity and achieve
improves your self-esteem, reduces symptoms of
muscle tone.
depression and anxiety, and improves your ability to
perform everyday tasks with ease.
Squats 3x10-15
Deadlifts 3x6-8
Reverse fly 3x10
All of these exercises can be found on YouTube if you would like some help knowing how to complete them.
Alternatively, feel free to ask one of our trainers when in the gym.
The next focus is understanding the relationship then please speak to one of our expert personal trainers.
between food and muscle building. Here are some You can also look out for a TDEE (Total daily energy
simple rules: expenditure) calculator online and ensure you consume
10-15% more calories than your average expenditure..
Muscles respond to calories
That means most calorie-restricting diets won’t really help Create ‘better lifts’ eating habits
towards reaching your goal, as your muscles will have The better your eating habits, the better you lift. With that
insufficient fuel to keep going or recover. in mind, pace out your meals evenly and try not to skip
any. Plan to have a meal approximately 1.5 hours before
Give your muscles proteins
training and a meal within 45 minutes afterwards. Oh, and
Protein is an essential nutrient that helps build tissue,
don’t scrimp on breakfast - a good morning meal gives a
cells and muscle, and helps produce hormones
real kick to your metabolism.
and antibodies. Everyone needs protein in their diet,
especially those looking to build muscle, who also Striking the right balance
need to factor protein intake into their training routine at Food is energy and when you want to build muscle you
specific times to maximise its muscle-building benefits. need to consider your “energy balance” - the relationship
between “energy in” (food calories taken in through food
Carb up
and drink) and “energy out” (calories going out as energy
Consider carbohydrate as fuel for the body. Lifters need
carbs to build muscle, perform well and feel great. Not all
carbs are good for you, though - scroll down for a range But it’s called a “balance” for a reason. Too much “energy
of nutrient-dense “Power Foods” that will boost your in” (through overfeeding or under-exercising) and the
training regime. body stores this excess energy as fat, leading to the
wrong kind of weight gain.
Fats don’t make you fat
Or at least the right types of fat don’t. Fat is an essential Whilst too much “energy out” (through underfeeding or
macronutrient involved in keeping hormone levels in over-exercising) can lead to a decline in metabolism and
check and regulating blood-glucose levels and insulin physical performance, a decrease in muscle and bone
response. Dietary fat is also calorie-dense and so helps mass, a reduction in thyroid function and testosterone
build muscle. levels, and reduced concentration.
Working out your calories Your muscle-building diet requires a positive calorie
The more physical activity you do, the more calories you’ll balance. The aim is to stimulate the body to have enough
need so that you don’t experience a calorie deficit and calories to take you through the day, maximise your
start to lose muscle instead of growing it. workout and rebuild the muscles after training.
• Lean red meat (Protein) • Whole oats (Carb)
• Salmon (Protein) • Raw mixed nuts (unsalted) (Fat)
• Eggs (Protein) • Avocados (Fat)
• Chicken / Turkey (Protein) • Omega 3 fish oil (Fat/supplement)
• Spirulina (Protein) • Olive oil (Fat)
• Spinach (Vegetable/carb) • Coconut oil (Fat)
• Cruciferous veg (Vegetable/carb) • Green tea (Teas)
(cauliflower, cabbage, • Green drinks (Vegetable concentrate /
bok choy, broccoli, sprouts) supplement)
• Mixed berries (Fruit /carb) • Curcumin / Turmeric (Spice)
• Orange (Fruit /carb) • Cinnamon (Spice)
• Mixed beans / peas (Carb/protein) • Garlic (Spice)
• Quinoa (Carb)
Having set your initial pace and explained the • Increase the amount of work being done in a
fundamentals of muscle building, it’s now time to given time - If you’re currently resting three minutes
take your training up a notch. When it comes to between sets, try lifting the same weight for the same
muscle building there are a few workout variables amount of sets and reps but reducing the resting time
you can change to get more from your workout. by 30 seconds
• Increase the weight being lifted - If you’re currently • Increase the exercise di∞culty - If you’re currently
lifting 50kg on an exercise, try and lift 55kg next time doing split squats/static lunges, you can graduate to a
more challenging version of the same exercise, such as
• Increase the number of reps - If you’re lifting 50kg on
walking lunges or Bulgarian split squats
an exercise for three sets of eight reps, next time try three
sets of nine reps with that same weight
Dumbbell bicep
curls 4 x 10-12
Dumbbell bicep
Curls 4 x 10-12
It’s ideal for those looking to build muscle without getting We recommend performing 20 to 30 minutes of LISS
too big, or if you want to keep your fitness up while (low-intensity steady state) cardio two to three times
maintaining the muscle you have and burning a few a week, operating at no more than 60-70% of your
extra calories. maximum heart rate.
WHY IS REST IMPORTANT? important time during which the body releases the
growth hormone.
Simple: to give the body time to build muscle tissue.
Avoid late exercising - Choose activities that will help
Which means rest is just as crucial to your efforts as the
your heart rate slow down and unwind from the long day.
physical training.
Allow two to three hours between exercising and going
Rest and sleep is one of the most important aspects of to bed.
building muscle weight. If you don’t get enough sleep
Don’t eat before bed - Your body stays awake to digest
each night, you’re neglecting a very important part of
your food so don’t give it work to do before bedtime. You
your programme that could completely erase all of your
should particularly avoid carbs, which spike your energy
muscle-building efforts in the gym.
levels. If you need a snack before bed, go for something
How much sleep you need depends on your daily high in protein and easy to digest.
activity level, the intensity of your workouts, the quality
Don’t work before bed - Every stress factor causes
of your diet and even the amount of stress in your life.
our bodies to produce cortisol, the “stress hormone”.
Recent studies have shown that getting fewer than
Prolonged and elevated levels of cortisol can lead to the
six hours of sleep each night can seriously affect your
breakdown of proteins and muscle wasting.
coordination, reaction time, judgement, overall health and,
crucially, your body’s ability to build muscle. Don’t train the same muscle group consecutively
- Muscles need 48 to 72 hours to repair, so don’t be
tempted to overwork them. Most importantly, look for
signs that the body needs a break, like muscle or joint
soreness and impaired physical performance. Be sure
to recognise the difference between pain and soreness,
and most of all don’t be afraid to take some time off - you
should have rest days every week that are totally
Around 60% of our body is comprised of water - Water makes you a more e∞cient muscle builder
a figure that’s even higher when it comes to our In order to move and flex your muscles, you need water,
organs (our livers, for example, are nearly 95% so if your body is dehydrated then your muscles will be
water). As a result, water plays a crucial role in deprived of electrolytes and will cramp up. Muscles are
building muscle. controlled by nerves, so without a proper water intake
and electrolyte balance, muscle strength will be adversely
Water shuttles nutrients throughout our body
affected. It’s essential, therefore, that you stay hydrated if
and helps rid it of toxins. It helps digest and get
you want to build muscle.
the goodness from vitamins. It regulates our body
temperature. It lubricates joints, aids digestion and How much water should you drink?
promotes healthy skin. Essentially, water plays a According to the British Dietetic Association guidelines,
role in every chemical reaction within our cells. an average adult should consume 2.5L of water daily. This
intake may be increased during periods of hot weather
Drinking water reduces water retention
and physical activity.
When your body doesn’t get enough water, it holds onto
what it has. This is a simple survival mechanism, where You may not be thirsty at first, but as your body starts to
your body holds onto and stores what it doesn’t think it let the water it’s been holding onto go, you’ll be thirsty
will get in the future. more often.
Once you have completed all six steps, you’ll be well on the way to becoming a
fitter and happier you. It takes motivation, dedication and a little organisation, but
with your determination and our support we know that, together, we’ll find your fit.
And, of course, if you need any further support don’t hesitate to email, call, drop in
to one of our gyms or contact us on social media.