CIC BIM Standards For Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions Dec2020

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Whilst reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
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© 2020 Construction Industry Council.

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This Reference Materials will only become truly useful if as many organisations adopt it as possible. To that
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Date Notes
2019-12-30 Final BIM Standards published on CIC Website for General public to comment

2020-12-31 The sample drawings have been enhanced

The sample projects, software templates and software user guides are supplemented
Table of Contents
Foreword (1)
Foreword (2)
1 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................1
2 Objectives .................................................................................................................2
2.1 Statutory submission/approval process with BIM ............................................................. 2
3 BIM File Submission Requirements ..........................................................................3
3.1 Performance Requirements ................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Administrative Requirements ............................................................................................... 3
4 BIM Model General Requirements ............................................................................5
4.1 BIM Model Environment Requirements ............................................................................. 5
4.1.1 Unit and measurement........................................................................................... 5
4.1.2 BIM origin point and orientation ............................................................................ 5
4.2 BIM Common Object Requirements ................................................................................... 5
4.2.1 Level ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.2 Grid ........................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.3 Site boundaries ....................................................................................................... 6
4.3 BIM Annotations Requirements ........................................................................................... 6
4.3.1 Object Tag ............................................................................................................... 6
4.3.2 Symbol...................................................................................................................... 6
4.3.3 Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 6
4.3.4 Notes ........................................................................................................................ 6
4.3.5 Legend...................................................................................................................... 6
4.3.6 Title block ................................................................................................................. 7
4.3.7 Drawing list .............................................................................................................. 7
4.3.8 2D Annotation requirements ................................................................................. 7
4.4 Common Types of Plans Requirements ............................................................................ 7
4.4.1 Block plan ................................................................................................................ 7
4.4.2 Notes ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.4.3 Typical Details ......................................................................................................... 8
5 Statutory Plan Specific Requirements ...................................................................... 9
5.1 Superstructure Plans............................................................................................................. 9
5.1.1 Data-driven BIM object requirements ................................................................ 10
5.1.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 13
5.1.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 14
5.1.4 BIM Object presentation style ............................................................................. 14
5.2 Foundation Plans ................................................................................................................. 16
5.2.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 16
5.2.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 17
5.2.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 18
5.2.4 BIM Object presentation style ............................................................................. 18
5.3 Demolition Plans (Including hoarding and covered walkway plans) ............................ 20
5.3.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 21
5.3.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 25
5.3.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 25
5.3.4 BIM Object Presentation Style ............................................................................ 25
5.4 Excavation and Lateral Support (ELS) plans .................................................................. 26
5.4.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 26
5.4.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 28
5.4.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 28
5.5 Site Formation Plans ........................................................................................................... 29
5.5.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 30
5.5.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 31
5.5.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 31
5.6 Ground Investigation Plans ................................................................................................ 32
5.6.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 32
5.6.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 33
5.6.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 33
5.7 Drainage Plans..................................................................................................................... 33
5.7.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 34
5.7.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 36
5.7.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 36
5.8 Curtain Wall Plans ............................................................................................................... 36
5.8.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements ............................................................... 37
5.8.2 2D Annotation requirements ............................................................................... 37
5.8.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM .......................................................... 38
Appendix A Sample Drawings ........................................................................................................ 39
Appendix B BIM Object Presentation Summary .......................................................................... 43
Appendix 1 CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions ArchiCAD
(December 2020) ................................................................................................................. 44
Appendix 2 CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions Civil 3D
(December 2020) ................................................................................................................. 44
Appendix 3 CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions Revit
(December 2020) ................................................................................................................. 44
Appendix 4 CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions Tekla
(December 2020) ................................................................................................................. 44
Membership List of the Task Force on BIM Standards............................................................... 45
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................ 46
Definition of Abbreviation
AP Authorized Persons
B(A)R Building (Administration) Regulations
BA Building Authority
BD Buildings Department
BO Buildings Ordinance
CIC Construction Industry Council
Com-BIM Committee on BIM
D.T.I.L. Disconnecting trap invert level
DEVB Development Bureau
FFL Finished Floor Level
G.W.T. Ground Water Table
GBP General Building Plans
HKPD Hong Kong Principal Datum
IFC Industry Foundation Classes
LL Live Load
LOD Level of Development
MEP Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
PNAP Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and
Registered Geotechnical Engineers
RGE Registered Geotechnical Engineers
RSE Registered Structural Engineers
SDL Superimposed Dead Load
SFL Structural Floor Level
the “Task Force” The Task Force on BIM Standards
UU Underground Utilities

(Refer to CIC BIM Dictionary)


The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is committed to seeking continuous improvement

in all aspects of the construction industry in Hong Kong. To achieve this aim, the CIC forms
Committees, Task Forces and other forums to review specific areas of work with the
intention of producing Alerts, Reference Materials, Guidelines and Codes of Conduct to
assist participants in the industry to strive for excellence.
The CIC appreciates that some improvements and practices can be implemented
immediately whilst others may take more time for implementation. It is for this reason that
four separate categories of publication have been adopted, the purposes of which are as

Alerts The Alerts are reminders in the form of brief leaflets produced
quickly to draw the immediate attention of relevant stakeholders to
the need to follow some good practices or to implement some
preventive measures in relation to the construction industry.

Reference The Reference Materials are standards or methodologies

Materials generally adopted and regarded by the industry as good practices.
The CIC recommends the adoption of the Reference Materials by
industry stakeholders where appropriate.

Guidelines The Guidelines provide information and guidance on particular

topics relevant to the construction industry. The CIC expects all
industry stakeholders to adopt the recommendations set out in the
Guidelines where applicable.

Codes of The Codes of Conduct set out the principles that all relevant
Conduct industry participants should follow. Under the Construction
Industry Council (Cap 587), the CIC is tasked to formulate codes
of conduct and enforce such codes. The CIC may take necessary
actions to ensure compliance with the codes.

If you have read this publication, we encourage you to share your feedback with us. Please
take a moment to fill out the Feedback Form attached to this publication in order that we can
further enhance it for the benefit of all concerned. With our joint efforts, we believe our
construction industry will develop further and will continue to prosper for years to come.
Foreword (1)
In 2015, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) Hong Kong published the Building
Information Modelling (BIM) Standards (Phase One), which was intended to be concise and
straightforward such that it could be easily mastered by laymen and novice BIM practitioners.
Since then, BIM practitioners have gained more practical experience in real-life projects, and
there has been wider adoption of BIM in various areas for the fields of architecture,
engineering, construction and operations in Hong Kong. With the release of the Technical
Circulars (Works) No. 7/2017, No. 18/2018 and No. 9/2019 by Development Bureau (DEVB)
of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), capital works
projects with project estimates of more than HK$ 30 million have been mandated to use BIM
since 1 January 2018. Throughout the years, CIC has been elaborating and establishing BIM
Standards for specific BIM usages and disciplines through consultancies as well as
conducting consultations.
The Task Force on BIM Standards (the “Task Force”) was established by the Committee on
BIM (Com-BIM) of CIC at their meeting No. 001/17 held on 21 November 2017. The key
initiatives of the Task Force are to identify and align common practices, as well as set up the
standards and guidelines which are essential and beneficial to facilitate better implementation
and adoption of BIM technologies with regard to project execution. The establishment of BIM
Standards includes the following specific BIM usages and disciplines:
• Statutory Plans Submission
• Underground Utilities (UU)
• Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP)
The Standards for using BIM in the preparation of Statutory Plans set the requirements in
BIM in particular with information that can facilitate the production of statutory plans. It
illustrates the methodologies in BIM modelling that can produce statutory plans for
submission to the approval authority, namely the Building Authority (BA). The plans produced
from BIM will then be used and reviewed by the Building Authority (BA) for processing under
the Buildings Ordinance (BO). At the same time, with the benefit of having the BIM models
which contain rich building information presented on the statutory plans, the information can
also be used by BA to assist on the approval process.
The Standards are developed by the Task Force for publication by the CIC. It covers seven
(7) types of statutory plans including Superstructure Plans (including Curtain Wall details),
Foundation Plans, Demolition Plans (including Hoarding Plans), Excavation and Lateral
Support (ELS) Plans, Site Formation Plans, Ground Investigation Plans and Drainage Plans.
In addition to the Standards, BIM Object Presentation Summary, Software Templates with
Sample projects and drawings, User Guides for each selected software have also been
developed by the “Task Force” to facilitate the preparation of plans for statutory submission
purposes. Sample drawings provided in Appendix A are only provided to demonstrate the
feasibility of drawings generation with the Standards. They do not represent a complete set
of submission drawings required for approval by BA. Due to the limitation to include all
different types of design in a set of sample drawings, BIM Object Presentation Summary
included in Appendix B is also provided to present as many as possible commonly used BIM
Objects which may not be presented on the sample drawings.
The standardised representation of each BIM Object is provided with plan view, isometric 3D
view, elevation/section views where applicable. When there is a schedule provided on
submission drawings (e.g. Piling Schedule) with information extracted from BIM objects, the
schedule is also provided in the Presentation Summary with identification of parameters that
linked with graphical information or non-graphical information captured in the BIM object. 2D
details and 3D objects are identified in the BIM Object Presentation Summary to illustrate the
delineation between 2D and 3D objects when statutory plans are produced from BIM models.
Software Templates with Sample projects are provided for practitioners to download and
adopt for preparing the statutory plan efficiently and practically. Together with the software
specific User guides which contains step by step procedures of modelling, BIM users can
easily apply the templates for the generation of statutory plan submission drawings.


Committee on Building Information Modelling
Construction Industry Council
December 2019
Foreword (2)
The CIC’s BIM Standards have been implemented in stages. The first Standards, renamed
as CIC BIM Standards – General was published in September 2015. Since then, BIM
practitioners have gained more practical project experience, and there has been much wider
adoption of BIM in various areas of the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner and
Operator (AECOO) industry in Hong Kong. With the release of the Technical Circular (Works)
Nos. 7/2017, 18/2018 & 9/2019 by the Development Bureau (DEVB) of The Government of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), capital works projects with project
estimates more than $30 Million are mandated to use BIM from 1st January 2018 onwards.
All along the CIC has been continuing to develop and establish the CIC BIM Standards for
specific BIM usages and disciplines, and to conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders,
as an established practice.
With the establishment of the Task Force on BIM Standards under the Committee on BIM on
21 November 2017, the CIC would identify and align the common practices as well as set up
new standards and guidelines to facilitate better implementation and adoption of BIM in
project execution. The full suite of CIC BIM standards have been published covering the
following specific BIM usages or disciplines separately:
i. CIC BIM Standards – General (August 2019); and (Version 2 - December 2020);
ii. CIC BIM Standards for Architecture and Structural Engineering (Version 2 – December
iii. CIC BIM Standards for Underground Utilities (August 2019);
iv. CIC BIM Standards for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (August 2019);
v. CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020);
vi. CIC Production of BIM Objects Guide – General Requirements (August 2019); and
vii. CIC BIM Dictionary (December 2020).

After updating from December 2019 publication, I am glad to see the release of CIC BIM
Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020), which comprises
a total of seven types of statutory plans:
1. Superstructure (Including Curtain Wall Details)
2. Foundation
3. Demolition (Including Hoarding Plan)
4. Excavation and Lateral Support (ELS)
5. Site Formation
6. Ground Investigation (GI)
7. Drainage
This CIC BIM Standards is software neutral. Software specific user guides and templates are
covered by the following suite of publications:
a. Appendix 1 - CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
ArchiCAD (December 2020) covering Drainage.
b. Appendix 2 - CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Civil 3D (December 2020) covering Site Formation and GI.
c. Appendix 3 - CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Revit (December 2020) covering all the above seven types of plans.
d. Appendix 4 - CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Tekla (December 2020) covering Superstructure, Foundation, Demolition and ELS.
There are total two sets of software specific user guides and templates per each Statutory
Plan, the sample models and sample drawings are covered in the above publications.

Sample drawings, sample models, software specific user guides and templates are provided
to demonstrate the software neutral standards can be applied as a matter of principle.

Software Templates with Sample projects are provided for practitioners to download and
adopt for preparing the statutory plan efficiently and practically. Together with the software
specific User guides which contains step by step procedures of modelling, BIM users can
easily apply the templates for the generation of statutory plan submission drawings

Sample drawings provided in Appendix A are only provided to demonstrate the feasibility of
drawings generation with the Standards. They do not represent a complete set of submission
drawings required for approval by BA. Due to the limitation to include all different types of
design in a set of sample drawings, BIM Object Presentation Summary in Appendix B is also
provided to present as many as possible commonly used BIM Objects which may not be
presented on the sample drawings.

The standardised representation of each BIM Object is provided with plan view, isometric 3D
view, elevation/section views where applicable. When there is a schedule provided on
submission drawings (e.g. Piling Schedule) with information extracted from BIM objects, the
schedule is also provided in the Presentation Summary with identification of parameters that
linked with graphical information or non-graphical information captured in the BIM object. 2D
details and 3D objects are identified in the BIM Object Presentation Summary to illustrate the
delineation between 2D and 3D objects when statutory plans are produced from BIM models.

The Standards for using BIM in the preparation of Statutory Plans set the requirements in
BIM in particular with information that can facilitate the production of statutory plans. It
illustrates the methodologies in BIM modelling that can produce statutory plans for
submission to the approval authority, namely the Building Authority (BA). The plans produced
from BIM will then be used and reviewed by the Building Authority (BA) for processing under
the Buildings Ordinance (BO). At the same time, with the benefit of having the BIM models
which contain rich building information presented on the statutory plans, the information can
also be used by BA to assist on the approval process.
For the preparation of General Building Plans please refer to Guidelines for using Building
Information Modelling in General Building Plans Submission (2019) by Buildings Department.

In response to demands from the industry, a Task Force on BIM Specifications and
Agreement under the ambit of Committee on BIM was established on 23 October 2019. The
Task Force is co-chaired by Committee on BIM and Committee on Construction Business
Development. The CIC has been developing:
• CIC BIM Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template (BIM Specifications);
• CIC Special Conditions of Contract for BIM for incorporating into existing construction
contracts and consultancy agreements for implementing BIM in construction projects;
• CIC BIM Services Agreements for procuring BIM services under different contractual

Feedback on the CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
(December 2020) from practitioners subsequent to the issuance of this publication will be
considered in future revisions.
On behalf of the CIC, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to producing this
CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions (December 2020), in
particular to the members of the Task Force on BIM Standards.


Committee on Building Information Modelling
Construction Industry Council
December 2020
1 Executive Summary
The Standards has been developed to facilitate the preparation of prescribed plans for
submission to the BA with reference to the Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered
Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP) ADV-34. The
Standards cover seven (7) types of statutory plans which are Superstructure Plans (including
Curtain Wall details), Foundation Plans, Demolition Plans (including Hoarding Plans),
Excavation and Lateral Support (ELS) Plans, Site Formation Plans, Ground Investigation
Plans and Drainage Plans. The Standards is software independent. Any BIM software
meeting the requirements in the Standards can be used to produce prescribed plans for
statutory submission.
The prescribed plans for approval, no matter how they are produced, MUST FULFIL the
statutory requirements as stipulated under the BO and allied regulations, relevant Codes of
Practice, PNAP and Circular Letters issued by BA. The application of BIM and the
requirements set out in these Standards are NOT intended to change the submission
requirements. The Standards aims to illustrate the methodologies for producing the
prescribed plans in 2D format from BIM model based on the data-driven BIM objects, non-
graphical information and 2D annotations in BIM models. Although BIM model can technically
generate 2D plans, the content and presentation of plans for statutory submission may
require manual and engineering input by AP/RSE/RGE to annotate for the appropriate
presentation of the design on plans in 2D format.
Following the Standards, software-specific templates, user guides, sample project models
and drawings are developed for two (2) BIM authoring software commonly used in Hong Kong
to each type of plans. These documents illustrate how the Standards is applied to Hong Kong
projects. All these deliverables are free to download by AP/RSE/RGE for preparing
submissions for real projects. The selection of BIM authoring software for the purpose of
illustrating the practicality of the Standards is based on the following criteria:
1. It is a BIM software certified by buildingSMART International;
2. It is a Parametric Modelling software contains data-driven 3D objects; and
3. It can produce 2D drawings using the information embedded in the data-driven 3D
objects such that information presented is consistent when it is shown more than once,
i.e. single source of truth.
The Standards is structured to explain what data-driven BIM objects will be included, what non-
graphical information will be sufficient and what are 2D annotations (e.g. Tags, Lines or Symbols) to
produce the prescribed plans. This provides Standards on which types of BIM objects are needed
for the preparation of statutory plans in order to avoid confusion in the industry that all construction
items are built with BIM objects or drawn in 3D. Each type of prescribed plans is presented to show
the presentation style with the use of the templates.

2 Objectives
The Standards aims to set out:
(a) The requirements in BIM in preparing statutory plans by BIM authoring software; and
(b) Recommended good practices for the enhancement of submission standard.

2.1 Statutory submission/approval process with BIM

According to BD PNAP ADV-34, in addition to the statutory requirement of plan submission
in paper format, AP/RSE/RGE are encouraged to present their building and/or building works
proposals in digital format compatible with BIM viewing software, or real-time simulation, to
enhance illustration of the proposals and/or the construction sequence of the proposed works
in a specific manner and format.
BIM is submitted as supplementary information for reference. BA will continue processing
approval of plans under the BO based on the information presented on the prescribed plans
in paper format at least in the foreseeable future.

3 BIM File Submission Requirements
BIM model submission requirements should follow PNAP ADV-34 – ‘Building Information
Modelling’. Additional performance and administrative requirements are itemised below for

3.1 Performance Requirements

All BIM Statutory Plan Submission files shall meet the following requirements:
• BO and all allied regulations
• Relevant Codes of Practice, PNAPs and Circular Letters issued by BA
• Relevant BIM sample templates as associated with the Standards
Information contained in BIM statutory plan submission files, shall be identical to the
information shown on the prescribed plans. Prescribed plans submitted to BA shall be directly
generated from the corresponding BIM model using information connected to the data-driven
BIM Objects and combined with annotations input manually for drawings presentation.

3.2 Administrative Requirements

The BIM digital files shall be stored on a non-rewritable DVD-ROM in ISO/IEC 13346:1995
format (i.e. DVD format). Each BIM file should be limited to the size of 500MB and should
contain / confine to one type of plan submission. Different type of plans may be cross-linked
with each other under clear file hierarchy structure / linkage, as appropriate. Except otherwise
agreed in writing by BA, all other electronic submission media are not acceptable.
Each BIM digital file should contain a 3D model, views, and schedules, as well as the drawing
sheets, including plans, sections, schedules, etc. for the printout to hardcopy of prescribed
plans. Text file should be included in the DVD-ROM to describe the hierarchy structure of
linked files.
Example of BIM authoring software for the development of BIM native digital file currently
accepted by BA includes but not limited to the following:

Type of Plans Software 1 Software 2

(Including Curtain Wall Revit (version 2017 or later) Tekla (version 2019i or later)
Foundation Revit (version 2017 or later) Tekla (version 2019i or later)
Demolition (Including
Revit (version 2017 or later) Tekla (version 2019i or later)
Hoarding Plan)
Excavation and Lateral Revit (version 2017 or later) Tekla (version 2019i or later)

Type of Plans Software 1 Software 2
Site Formation Revit (version 2017 or later) Civil 3D (version 2019 or
Ground Investigation Revit (version 2017 or later) Civil 3D (version 2019 or
Drainage Revit (version 2017 or later) ArchiCAD (version 21 or
Table 1

As BIM is growing rapidly, there may be add-ins programs or in-house scripts used for
enhancing automation in the production of BIM statutory plan submission file. Add-ins or
other embedded automation may cause the submission files not usable by the standard BIM
authoring software accepted by BA. It is the responsibility of the AP/RSE/RGE to ensure that
the purposes of the BIM statutory plan submission models (as elaborated in this Standards)
are served without relying on add-ins or additional scripts.
Pre-acceptance from BA should be sought for software that is not listed in the above schedule.
As a general rule for such pre-acceptance, the AP/RSE/RGE should submit at least one
sample project file together with enabling software and valid license free of charge to BA for
installation and testing. It should be clearly understood that BA does not accept any web-
based BIM software.
BIM Native Files for each type of BIM authoring software should be saved in their
corresponding format as list below.

Software File Format

Revit ‘.rvt’
Tekla Tekla project name folder
Civil 3D ‘.dwg’
ArchiCAD ‘.pla’
Table 2

In addition to the above BIM native files, file format defined by buildingSMART International
directly output from BIM models is also recommended to be submitted. All other lightweight,
compressed or zipped file formats, such as ‘.dwf’, ‘.dwfx’, ‘.pdf(3D)’ and ‘.u3d’ will not be
The BIM statutory plan submission file(s) submitted in DVD format shall be self-contained
and detached from the originating server. It should be able to be opened on any standalone
computer with the above-mentioned software. All External Reference (X-Ref) files for the
BIM model such as .xls, .xlsx, .pdf files, etc. should be stored in respective sub-folders in
DVD-ROM and the links between all X-Ref files and BIM main file should be properly

4 BIM Model General Requirements
All BIM models should be developed by BIM software, which fulfils the interoperability
requirement of accepting data exchange through the IFC data format defined by
buildingSMART International.

4.1 BIM Model Environment Requirements

All BIM models should be set up with the required environment information to define the
model with common sharing information to enable a common reference when it is shared or
linked to other models.

4.1.1 Unit and measurement

All BIM elements should be modelled with linear dimensions in millimetres (mm) and angles
in degrees (°).

4.1.2 BIM origin point and orientation

BIM models shall be setup with geo-reference to the Hong Kong 1980 Grid (HK1980 Grid)
and the Hong Kong Principal Datum (HKPD). The origin or base point and orientation of the
BIM model should have a ‘True North’ location taking reference to this geo-reference. The
BIM model should also have a ‘Project North’ location setting to orientate the project to project
grid directions to define an orthogonal environment for the ease of model authoring and
presentation of plans.

4.2 BIM Common Object Requirements

All BIM models would have the common objects built in the individual model, copied from
other models or linked from other models for use. These common objects should be checked
for their accuracy if they are not linked from a single source of truth.

4.2.1 Level
Levels should be the floor level given in the General Building Plans (GBP). If the Finished
Floor Level (FFL) and Structural Floor Level (SFL) are provided in the GBP, levels in the
structural model should refer to SFL. For the Drainage plan submission, levels in the MEP
model should refer to FFL.

4.2.2 Grid
Grids should be identical to those provided in the architectural model for the GBP.

4.2.3 Site boundaries
Site boundaries should be built in accordance with setting out coordinates at the ends of
boundary segments, with additional information for the arc in terms of length or radius given
in the lease document.

4.3 BIM Annotations Requirements

In addition to the 3D BIM objects, there are 2D annotations to present the non-graphical
information, especially the parameter value embedded with the 3D objects. There are also
Symbols (e.g. Symbol for the slope on plan view, level difference, etc.) that are added to
enhance the description of a 2D representation only. As Symbol has no linkage to the BIM
objects, the use of Symbol shall have a lower priority than Object Tag. Symbol shall be used
with special care by the responsible professionals to ensure its accuracy and correctness.

4.3.1 Object Tag

Object Tag is a 2D Symbol linked to BIM objects with reference to the parameter value. In
the case of text showing the parameter value, the value should preferably be used more than
once to cross-check its accuracy. For example, the beam mark which is an Object Tag for
beams showing ‘Depth x Width’ should use the same Depth and Width to control the size of
the beam.

4.3.2 Symbol
Symbol is a 2D annotation to enhance the description of a 2D representation. As it has no
linkage with the BIM objects, symbol should be added with care. The use of symbol does not
change the practice in using 2D CAD as it needs ‘Human Intelligence’ and ‘Professional
Knowledge’ to add the right symbol at the right place.

4.3.3 Dimensions
Dimensions are intelligent 2D annotations referenced to BIM objects. The dimension value is
live update with its references and therefore should not be covered/replaced by numerical
text to avoid any misleading presentation of the dimension value.

4.3.4 Notes
Notes are 2D text added to views in the BIM model. These views should be added to drawing
sheets for the plan representation.

4.3.5 Legend
A legend should be developed to elaborate on the meaning of symbols and shapes. It should
be shared in drawings for consistency of reuse.

4.3.6 Title block
Title block containing a unique drawing number showing revision legends, site/project title,
drawing title etc. should be inserted in every drawing for identification purposes. Information
for each drawing (e.g. drawing title, drawing number, etc.) should be stored with parameters
for use. Also, the parameter values for the title block should be provided with the statutory
plan submission.

4.3.7 Drawing list

A drawing list should be developed from the information on drawings and selected those
meaningful attributes from Title block to present on the Drawing List.

4.3.8 2D Annotation requirements

The following 2D annotations are the basic types of Tags/Symbols that link with BIM objects
to present the information live updated with the objects.

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol Remarks

Elevation mark Tag • Tag with reference to object faces/reference points for the live
update of the displayed objects in view, view range and extent
can be adjusted manually

Section mark Tag • Tag with reference to object faces/reference points for the live
update of the displayed objects in view, view range and extent
can be adjusted manually
Spot coordinates Tag • Tag with coordinates live updated with the location of the
marker of the symbol

Dimensions Tag • Tag with reference to object faces/reference points for the live
update of the dimension value
Table 3

4.4 Common Types of Plans Requirements

Among all different types of statutory plans, requirements for these common items are unique
and universally applicable as elaborated below.

4.4.1 Block plan

A block plan should be drawn to a scale as stipulated in PNAP ADV-33 and Building
(Administration) Regulations (B(A)R). The block plan showing the map of an area
surrounding the site should use the 2D CAD drawings of the government map obtained from
the Hong Kong Map Service, which is managed by Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands
Department. The map should be oriented to ‘True North’ with the site boundaries shown. Spot
coordinates of the site boundaries should be added to show the correct location and
orientation set.

4.4.2 Notes
Notes (including all texts in labels and tags) should be written with capital letters added in a
2D view in the BIM model to produce plans. The text height of notes should not be less than
2.5 mm. Text font should use a simple type, preferably ‘Arial Narrow’.

4.4.3 Typical Details

Typical details should consist of 2D drafting in the BIM model, as well as a view included in
sheets for the plans. There are no specific requirements for the setting of 2D drafting provided
the details are shown as neatly and tidily as in 2D CAD.

5 Statutory Plan Specific Requirements
The BIM model to generate drawings for statutory submission consists of ‘data-driven BIM
Objects’ (basically 3D) and ‘2D Annotations’. Although it might be expected that all building
items should be modelled as BIM Object or in 3D, the types of items modelled in 3D are
defined to avoid excessive effort to produce unnecessary or inaccurate information. A Data-
driven BIM Object contains BIM Object with graphical presentation of the geometry,
‘Graphical Information’ in relation to the colour, shape and size of geometry, and ‘Non-
graphical Information’ not related to the geometry.
BIM Object is a 3D object with the colour, shape and size of the geometry defined by the
graphical information. BIM Object enables the geometry to be shown in both 2D and 3D views.
Graphical Information is the information or parameter values that define the colour, shape
and size of the geometry. For example, the size of a rectangular column section is defined
by its width and depth. The ‘Width’ and ‘Depth’ are graphical information in relation to the
Non-graphical Information is the information or parameter values with no link/control to the
colour, shape and size of the geometry. Non-graphical Information covers many types of
information from material specifications to physical properties, or simply the label of an object
and hyperlink. If the detailed shape of an object is not needed in the early stages of a project,
or only at a low Level of Development (LOD) requirements, objects that are not modelled with
the geometry can be described by Non-graphical Information. For example, rebar content
can be described by ‘Rebar Content’ as numerical information with the unit in kg/m³. It can
also be described in terms of the ‘Number’ and ‘Diameter’ of rebars, or ‘Diameter’ with
Requirements for each type of statutory plans are developed from ‘BIM Object with graphical
presentation of the geometry’. ‘Graphical Information in relation to the geometry’ and ‘Non-
graphical Information’ are explained in detail. Detailed presentation requirements for each
type of statutory plans are also illustrated in detail.

5.1 Superstructure Plans

Superstructure plans present the layout arrangement and structural details of the structural
system from above foundation to the roof of a building. Essential information is also required
to be added/annotated to include but not limited to design codes and standards, material
specifications with the limit of material strength, design loads, fire resistance requirement and
protection against corrosion to recognised standards, quality control standards and testing
on workmanship and construction sequence of unconventional structures. Besides, the RSE
should refer to other essential information to be provided and shown on the superstructure
plans as required under the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to PNAPs ADM-8, ADM-
9, ADM19 and ADV-33.

5.1.1 Data-driven BIM object requirements
(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical

information information
Cast in situ concrete • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Thickness • Concrete grade
structural slab as ‘Structural Slab’ with a whole piece Rebar size / • Concrete
built across all spans at the same shape / spacing density
floor level (ignoring individual span) / concrete
• Rebar material
• Top of slab should be modelled to cover
grade / layer
Structural Floor Level
• Thickness of slab should only be the
thickness of the cast in situ part
• Rebar should be modelled with
sufficient details for the statutory plan

Precast concrete • Component Object • Thickness • Object mark

plank for structural indexed/categorised as ‘Structural • Rebar size / • Concrete grade
slab Slab’ shape / spacing • Concrete
• Top of slab shall be modelled to the / concrete density
top level of the precast plank cover
• Rebar material
• Thickness of Component Object grade
should be the thickness of the precast
• Rebar should be modelled with all
required details for fabrication

Structural beam • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Width • Object mark

(concrete) as ‘Structural Framing’ • Depth • Concrete grade
• Structural beam should be modelled • Additional • Concrete
to the full structural size of its width information density
and depth should be • Rebar material
• Rebar should be modelled with all provided to grade
required details for statutory plan define the
submission geometry (e.g.
distance to
change of
• Rebar size /
shape / spacing
/ concrete

Structural beam • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Width • Object mark

(steel) as ‘Structural Framing’ • Depth • Type mark
• Structural beam should be modelled • Additional • Steel grade
to the full structural size of the width, information • Steel density
depth and thickness of flange/web should be

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
information information
provided to • Section
define the Physical
geometry (e.g. Properties (e.g.
thickness of second
flange/web) moment of
area, radius of
gyration etc.)
Structural column • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Width • Object mark
(concrete) as ‘Structural Column’ • Depth • Concrete grade
• Structural column should be modelled • Height • Concrete
to the full structural size of width, density
depth and height
• Rebar should be modelled with all
required details for statutory plan

Structural column • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Length • Object mark

(steel) as ‘Structural Column’ • Width • Type mark
• Structural Column should be • Height • Steel grade
modelled to the full structural size of
• Thickness of • Steel density
width, depth, height and thickness of
flange/web • Section
Properties (e.g.
moment of
area, radius of
gyration etc.)

Structural wall • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Length • Object mark

(concrete) as ‘Wall’ with identifier for ‘Structural’ • Thickness • Concrete grade
• Structural wall should be modelled to • Height • Concrete
the full structural size of length, density
• Rebar size /
thickness and height
shape / spacing • Rebar material
• Rebar should be modelled with / concrete grade / steel
sufficient details for the statutory plan cover ratio

Stair (concrete) • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Thickness • Object mark

as ‘Stair’ for all landing and flight (landing and • Concrete grade
• Top level of landing and flight should flight)
• Concrete
be modelled to the Structural Floor • Rebar size / density
Level of the item shape / spacing
• Rebar material
• Rebar should be modelled with / concrete
sufficient details for statutory plan cover

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
information information
Basement wall • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Length • Object mark
(concrete) as ‘Wall’ with identifier for ‘Structural’ • Thickness • Concrete grade
• Structural Wall should be modelled to • Height • Concrete
the full structural size of length, density
• Rebar size /
thickness and height
shape / spacing • Rebar material
• Rebar should be modelled with / concrete grade / steel
sufficient details for the statutory plan cover ratio

Pile cap • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Thickness • Object mark

as ‘Foundation’ • Rebar size / • Concrete grade
• Top level of pile cap should be shape / spacing • Concrete
modelled to the top level of the pile / concrete density
cap cover / shear
• Rebar material
• Rebar should be modelled with link
grade / layer
sufficient details for the statutory plan

Ground / Rock • Topographic surface • Node • Ground

Stratum profile indexed/categorised as ‘Site’ coordinates material
and elevation

Coupler • Coupler should be modelled to the • External • Type mark

size of external diameter and length diameter • Object mark
• Total length of • Steel grade
the coupler
• Steel density

Profiled steel • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Length • Type mark

sheet as ‘Floor’ • Additional • Steel grade
information • Steel density
should be
• Section
provided to
define the
Properties (e.g.
geometry (e.g.
thickness of
moment of
area, radius of
gyration etc.)

Steel • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Width • Type mark

floorplate as ‘Floor’ • Thickness • Steel grade
• Additional • Steel density
information • Section
should be Physical
provided to Properties (e.g.
define the second
geometry (e.g. moment of
thickness of area, radius of
flange/web) gyration etc.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
information information

Steel Connection • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Size • Type mark

plates as ‘Structural Connection’ • Thickness • Steel grade
• Additional • Steel density
information • Section
should be Physical
provided to Properties (e.g.
define the second
geometry (e.g. moment of
thickness of area, radius of
flange/web) gyration etc.)
Table 4

5.1.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Annotation Tag/Symbol/ Remarks
Floor Loading [Superimposed Hatch (Fill • 2D hatch on a view of structural plan manually
Dead Load (SDL) & Live Load Region) define the layout and area of loading
(LL)] Layout

Slab mark Symbol • Symbol with ‘Mark’, ‘Thickness’ and span


Beam mark Tag • Tag linked with beam object using the beam ‘Mark’,
‘Width’ and ‘Depth’ to show beam mark (width x

Column mark Tag • Tag linked with column object using the ‘Mark’ to
show the column mark
Column schedule Tag • Tag linked with column rebar objects and/or non-
graphical information

Wall mark Tag • Tag linked with wall object using the ‘Mark’ to show
the wall mark

Level difference Symbol • Symbol with manual adjustment to the direction and
which side to drop

Coupler mark Tag • Tag linked with coupler using the ‘Mark’ to show the
coupler mark
Support connection type Symbol • Symbol linked with steel structures using the
(moment/pinned joint) (Steel) ‘Start/End connection’ to show the support
connection type
Table 5

5.1.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM
Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of
Superstructure Plans including framing plans, beam and slab reinforcement details, column
and wall schedules, steel structure layout plans and details etc. generated by BIM software
are provided in Appendix A for reference.

5.1.4 BIM Object presentation style

The presentation style defined in the table below is for reference only instead of requirements
from BA to follow.

Projection Cut

Line Pattern Line Pattern

Style, Colour, Style, Colour
Style, Colour Style, Colour
Thickness Thickness
Framing Slab Solid Solid fill, RGB Solid None
plans Black 255-255-206 Black
(1:100) 0.22 mm 0.22 mm
Beam Solid None Solid None
(Concrete) Black Black
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Beam Solid None Solid None
(Steel) Black Black
0.06 mm 0.15 mm
Column Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
(Concrete) Black Black 150-185-200
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Column Solid None Solid None
(Steel) Black Black
0.06 mm 0.15 mm
Wall Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 140-200-140
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Slab R.C. Slab Solid None Solid None
details (half tone) Black Black
(1:100) 0.22 mm 0.22 mm
Beam Solid None Solid None
(half tone) Black Black
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Column Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
(half tone) Black Black 150-185-200
0.15 mm 0.35 mm

Projection Cut

Line Pattern Line Pattern

Style, Colour, Style, Colour
Style, Colour Style, Colour
Thickness Thickness
Wall Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
(half tone) Black Black 140-200-140
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Rebar Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.35 mm 0.35 mm
Beam R.C. Beam / Solid, None Solid None
details Column / Black Black
Slab 0.18 mm 0.18 mm

Rebar Solid None Solid None

black black
Column Column Solid None Solid None
R.C. Black Black
Details 0.18 mm 0.18 mm
(1:25) Vertical Solid None Solid None
rebar / Black Black
Wall R.C. Wall Solid None Solid None
Details Black Black
(1:50) 0.18 mm 0.18 mm
Vertical Solid None Solid None
rebar / Black Black
Staircase Beam / Solid None Solid None
R.C. Column / Black Black
details Slab 0.18 mm 0.18 mm
(1:25) Stairs Hidden None Solid None
Black Black
0.18 mm 0.18 mm
Rebar Solid None Solid None
Black Black
Steel Bolt/Plate Solid None Solid None
Connection Black Black
Table 6

5.2 Foundation Plans
Foundation plans contain layouts, sections/elevations, structural details, geological condition
(including Ground Investigation Records), details showing the characteristic features of the
site and environments, column/wall loading tables, piling/footing schedules, locations and
details of instrumentation and monitoring requirements. The RSE/RGE should refer to other
essential information to be provided/ shown on the foundation plans as required under B(A)R,
Code of Practice for Foundations 2017 and the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to
PNAPs ADM-8, ADM-9, ADM19 and ADV-33.

5.2.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements

(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical Information Non-

Driven steel • Intelligent Object • Pile section with detailed size • Pile mark
H-pile indexed/categorised as and thickness of flange and • Grade of steel
(including ‘Structural Foundation’ with web
raking pile) full geometry of pile section • Cut-off level
and capping plate
• Tentative founding level
• Top of pile should be
• Capping plate size (length/
modelled to ‘Cut-off Level’
• Bottom of pile should be
• Raking pile inclination angle
modelled to ‘Tentative bottom
or gradient (if applicable)

Socketed • Intelligent Object • Pile section with detailed size • Pile mark
steel H-pile indexed/categorised as and thickness of flange and • Grade of steel
‘Structural Foundation’ with web
• Material
full geometry of pile section, • Shaft diameters of grout in specification of
shaft diameter of grout in soil, soil and rock grouting
shaft diameter of grout in rock
• Cut-off level • Minimum
• Top of pile should be
• Tentative founding level length and the
modelled to ‘Cut-off Level’
grade of
• Bottom of pile should be founding
modelled to ‘Tentative Bottom material for
Level’ socketed steel
H Pile

Large • Intelligent Object • Shaft diameter • Pile mark

diameter indexed/categorised as • Bell-out diameter • Concrete grade
bored pile ‘Structural Foundation’ with
• Cut-off level • Concrete
full geometry of pile shaft,
• Tentative founding level density
bell-out and sleeve (if any)
• Bottom level of sleeve • Rebar material
• Top of pile should be
modelled to ‘Cut-off Level’ • Thickness of sleeve

BIM Object Graphical Information Non-
• Bottom of pile should be • Grade of
modelled to ‘Tentative Bottom founding
Level’ material and
• Geometry of bell-out should designed
be generic with the bell-out allowable
diameter, inclination angle bearing
and flat base pressure

• Rebar should be modelled • Minimum

with enough details for the socketed
statutory plan submission length, if

Mini-pile • Intelligent Object • Number and diameter of • Pile mark

indexed/categorised as rebar • Grade of steel
‘Structural Foundation’ with • Diameter and thickness of rebar and
full geometry of rebars and permanent casing casing
the permanent casing
• Cut-off level and toe level • Material
• Spacers between rebar specification of
• Tentative founding level
should be shown with details grouting
in 2D
• Connection details between
mini-piles and concrete cap

Footing • Intelligent Object • Dimension (including • Concrete grade

indexed/categorised as thickness) • Rebar material
‘Structural Foundation’ with • Top level grade
full geometry of footing and
• Founding level • Founding
rebar details
material and

Monitoring • Generic Object with a • Response zone of the • Marker mark

Instrument symbolic shape and size instrument installed, e.g. in • Type
should be modelled and piezometers and standpipes,
added to location at ground extensometers, etc.
or on structure where it is
intended to be installed
Table 7

5.2.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks
Floor (SDL & LL) Hatch (fill region) • 2D hatch on a view of structural plan to manually
loading layout define the layout and area of loading

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks
Pile mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Mark’ of pile object
Borehole mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Mark’ of site object

Design Ground Tag • Tag linked with the ‘line’ according to the designated
Water Table level of G.W.T.
(Section) Offset Symbol • Symbol pre-set with text ‘OFFSET’ and the value of
value of Borehole offset dimension to be input manually.
from the section
cut location

(Section) Site 2D Line • 2D drafting


(Section) SPT N Tag • Tag linked with the ‘N Value’ of site object
Value of

(Section) Layer Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Layer’ of site object
of Borehole

Monitoring Tag • Tag linked with the type of monitoring instrument

Instrument points model
Table 8

5.2.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of foundation
plans including piling layout plans and sections, reinforcement details, piling schedule and
monitoring plans generated by BIM software are provided in Appendix A for reference.

5.2.4 BIM Object presentation style

The presentation style defined in table below is for reference only instead of BA’s
requirements to follow.
Projection Cut
Line Pattern Line Pattern
Style, Colour, Style, Colour
Style, Colour Style, Colour
Thickness Thickness
Piling Layout Piling Solid None Solid None
plans Black Black
(1:200) 0.4 mm 0.4 mm
Tie Beam Solid None Solid None
/ Footing / Black Black
Pile Cap 0.2 mm 0.2 mm

Projection Cut
Line Pattern Line Pattern
Style, Colour, Style, Colour
Style, Colour Style, Colour
Thickness Thickness
Column Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 150-185-200
0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Wall Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 140-200-140
0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Contours None None Solid None
Lines Black
0.13 mm
Piling sections Piling Solid None Solid None
(1:150) Black Black
0.4 mm 0.4 mm
Tie Beam Solid None Solid None
/ Footing / Black Black
Pile Cap 0.2 mm 0.2 mm

Screen Solid None Solid Hatch

Wall Black Black
(half tone) 0.13 mm 0.2 mm

Others Solid None Solid None

structural Black Black
elements 0.13 mm 0.2 mm
(half tone)
Contours None None Solid None
Lines Black
0.2 mm
Pile Cap Tie Beam Solid None Solid None
Layout plans / Footing / Black Black
(1:200) Pile Cap 0.6 mm 0.6 mm

Piling Solid None Solid None

Black Black
0.06 mm 0.06 mm
Wall Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 140-200-140
0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Column Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 150-185-200
0.2 mm 0.2 mm

Projection Cut
Line Pattern Line Pattern
Style, Colour, Style, Colour
Style, Colour Style, Colour
Thickness Thickness
Contours None None Solid None
Lines Black
0.13 mm
Column / Wall Column Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Layout plans Black Black 150-185-200
(1:200) 0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Wall Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 140-200-140
0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Screen Solid None Solid Hatch
Wall Black Black
0.2 mm 0.2 mm
Pile Cap Pile Cap Solid None Solid None
Reinforcement Black Black
Layout plans 0.22 mm 0.22 mm
(1:100) Rebar Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.5 mm 0.5 mm
Others Solid None Solid None
structural Black Black
elements 0.22 mm 0.22 mm
(half tone)
Column / Wall Wall / Solid None Solid None
Starter Bar Column Black Black
details 0.18 mm 0.18 mm
(1:25) Rebar Solid None Solid None
Black Black
Table 9

5.3 Demolition Plans (Including hoarding and covered

walkway plans)
Demolition plans contain the structural framing plans of the existing structure, method of
demolition, detailed demolition sequence for special structure. The AP/RSE/RGE should
refer to essential information to be provided and shown on the demolition plans as required
under B(A)R, Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings 2004 and the relevant PNAPs
including but not limited to PNAP ADM-19.

Separate submission for hoarding and covered walkway may be required for acceptance by
BA. The AP/RSE/RGE should refer to essential information to be provided and shown on
the hoarding and covered walkway plans as required under Code of Practice for Demolition
of Buildings 2004 and the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to PNAPs APP-21 and

5.3.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements

The existing building to be demolished should be modelled for the structural system,
demolition methodology, sequence of demolition, details about the use of mechanical plants,
and precautionary works and safety measures for the public.
(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical

Information Information
Concrete structural • Intelligent Object • Thickness • Rebar material grade
slab indexed/categorised as • Rebar size / shape / / layer
‘Structural Floor’ with a spacing / concrete cover
whole piece of Intelligent
• Cantilevered balconies
Object for all spans at
or Cantilevered
the same floor level
structures #
(ignoring individual
• Top of slab should be
modelled to structural
floor level
• Thickness of floor
should only be the
thickness of the cast in
situ part

Structural beam • Intelligent Object • Width • Rebar material grade

(concrete) indexed/categorised as • Depth
‘Structural Framing’
• Rebar size / shape /
• Structural beam should spacing / concrete cover
be modelled to the full
structural size of the
width and depth
Structural beam • Intelligent Object • Width • Object mark
(steel) indexed/categorised as • Depth • Type mark
‘Structural Framing’
• Additional information • Steel grade
• Structural beam should should be provided to • Steel density
be modelled to the full define the geometry
structural size of the • Section Physical
(e.g. thickness of
width, depth and Properties (e.g.
thickness of flange/web second moment of
area, radius of
gyration etc.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
Information Information
Structural column • Intelligent Object • Length • Rebar material grade
(concrete) indexed/categorised as • Width / steel ratio
‘Structural Column’
• Height
• Structural column
• Rebar size / shape /
should be modelled to
spacing / concrete cover
the full structural size of
length, width and height
Structural column • Intelligent Object • Length • Object mark
(steel) indexed/categorised as • Width • Type mark
‘Structural Column’
• Height • Steel grade
• Structural Column
• Thickness of flange/web • Steel density
should be modelled to
the full structural size of • Section Physical
width, depth, height and Properties (e.g.
thickness of flange/web second moment of
area, radius of
gyration etc.)

Structural wall • Intelligent Object • Length • Rebar material grade

(concrete) indexed/categorised as • Thickness / steel ratio
‘Wall’ with identifier for
• Rebar size / shape /
spacing / concrete cover
• Structural wall should be
modelled to the full
structural size of length,
thickness and height

Stair (concrete) • Intelligent Object • Thickness (landing and • Rebar material grade
indexed/categorised as flight)
‘Stair’ for all landings • Rebar size / shape /
and flights spacing / concrete cover
• Top level of landing and
flight should be
modelled to the
structural floor level of
the item

Stair (concrete) • Intelligent Object • Thickness (landing and • Object mark

indexed/categorised as flight) • Concrete grade
‘Stair’ for all landing and • Rebar size / shape / • Concrete density
flight spacing / concrete cover
• Rebar material grade
• Top level of landing and
flight should be
modelled to the
Structural Floor Level of
the item
• Rebar should be
modelled with sufficient

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
Information Information
details for statutory plan

Hangers (or • Intelligent Objects • Length • Rebar material grade

hanging structures) indexed/categorised as • Thickness / steel ratio
‘Wall’ with identifier for
• Rebar size / shape /
spacing / concrete cover
• Hangers should be
modelled to the full
structural size of length,
thickness and height

Temporary • Intelligent Objects • Temporary support • NONE

supports indexed/categorised as spacing
‘Temporary Works’
modelled in full size and
configuration with the
major elements (e.g.
vertical members and
bracings) included
Scaffolding, Screen • Intelligent Objects • Width • NONE
covers and indexed/categorised as
catchfan ‘Temporary Works’
• Bamboo scaffolding
should be modelled to
the overall profile
showing the location
and space to be
occupied. (Details of
bamboo and its fixing
are not necessary.)

Debris chute • Intelligent Objects • NONE • NONE

indexed/categorised as
‘Temporary Works’
• Debris chute should be
modelled to the overall
profile showing the
location and space to be
occupied. (Details of
debris chute and its
fixing are not

Hoarding, covered • Intelligent Objects • Footing length • NONE

walkway and indexed/categorised as • Footing width
catchfan ‘Site’
• Footing height
• Hoardings and covered
walkway should be
modelled to the full

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
Information Information
geometry of the footing
base and the geometry
of the overall profile of
the hoarding and
covered walkway
structure above the

Street furniture • Intelligent Objects • NONE • NONE

indexed/categorised as
‘Street Furniture’
• The following items
within the pavement
area should be modelled
with Intelligent Objects:
• Railing
• Traffic light
• Fire hydrant
• Lamp post/lighting mast
• Pillar box
• Tram cable
• Trees along the
hoarding alignment
should be represented
by a point cloud
produced by laser
• Bus Stop
• Road Sign
• Post Box
• Parking meters
CCTV • Intelligent Objects • Location • NONE
indexed/categorised as • Height from reference
“Site” level
• The intended location, • Viewing Direction
elevation and viewing
direction shall be

Adjacent Building • Massing blocks • Building Height • NONE

• Building Extent

Monitoring • Generic Object with a • NONE • Marker mark

Instrument symbolic shape and size • Type
should be modelled and
added to location at

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
Information Information
ground or on structure
where it is intended to
be installed
Table 10

# Refer to Software User Guides for parameter settings in templates.

5.3.2 2D Annotation requirements

Typical method of demolishing structural elements should be shown in 2D drafting only.

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks

Prestressed Concrete Hatch • Hatch linked with the parameter value of
structure ‘Prestressed Concrete Structure’ in Slab objects

Cantilever structure Hatch • Hatch linked with the parameter value of

‘Cantilever Structure’ in Slab objects

Exit Route Symbol • Symbol to be placed on drawing view to show

the exit route
Table 11

5.3.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of demolition
plans including general notes, layout plans and sections, details generated by BIM software
are provided in Appendix A for reference.
Hoarding, covered walkway and catchfan layout and details should be under separate

5.3.4 BIM Object Presentation Style

The presentation style defined in table below is for reference only instead of BA’s
requirements to follow.
Projection Cut
Line Pattern Line Pattern
Style, Style, Colour Style,
Colour Thickness Colour
Framing plans Slab Solid Solid fill, RGB Solid None
(1:100) Black 255-255-206 Black
0.22 mm 0.22 mm

Projection Cut
Line Pattern Line Pattern
Style, Style, Colour Style,
Colour Thickness Colour
Beam Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Column Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 150-185-200
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Wall Solid None Solid Solid fill, RGB
Black Black 140-200-140
0.15 mm 0.35 mm
Table 12

5.4 Excavation and Lateral Support (ELS) plans

Excavation and Lateral Support (ELS) plans generated from the BIM model present the layout
arrangement and details of the lateral support system, including the temporary pile walls and
multi-layers of strutting system. Essential information is also required to be added or
annotated to include construction method and sequence, details showing the characteristic
features of the site, the proposed precautionary measures, details of the proposed
instrumentation and monitoring, and the corresponding structural details, etc. The RSE/RGE
should refer to other essential information to be provided/ shown on the ELS plans as required
under B(A)R and the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to PNAPs ADM-8, ADM-9,
ADM-19 and ADV-33.

5.4.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements

(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical information Non-graphical

Sheet piling • Intelligent Object • Top level • Type mark
indexed/categorised as ‘Pile • Required Toe level • Weight per unit
Wall’ for the sheet pile with the length (kg/m)
• Sheet piling profile
correct shape (including the
• Thickness • Section properties
customised shape for corner
(EI, Area, etc)
pile), size should be modelled
• Grout mix
• Grouting (with grout pipes and
required zone)

BIM Object Graphical information Non-graphical
Pipe pile wall • Intelligent Object • Diameter • Type mark
(with indexed/categorised as ‘Pile • Top level • Weight per unit
Lagging Wall’ for the pipe pile with the length (kg/m)
• Required Toe level
Plate) correct size should be
• Top and bottom level of • Section properties
grouting zone (EI, Area, etc)
• Grouting (with grout pipes and
• Thickness of Pipe Pile • Grout mix
required zone)
Wall • Maximum Spacing
• Thickness of Lagging
Steel waling • Intelligent Object • Width • Type mark
indexed/categorised as • Depth • Weight per unit
‘Structural Framing’ for the length (kg/m)
• Length
steel walling with the correct
• Flange thickness • Section properties
size and length should be
(EI, Area, etc)
modelled • Web thickness
• Level

Diaphragm • Intelligent Object • Thickness • Concrete and

Wall indexed/categorised as • Length Reinforcement
‘Structural Wall’ for the Grade
• Height
diaphragm wall with the • Wall mark
correct size should be
• Section properties
(EI, Area, etc)

Steel strut • Intelligent Object • Width • Type mark

indexed/categorised as • Depth • Weight per unit
‘Structural Framing’ for the length (kg/m)
• Flange thickness
steel strutting with the correct
• Web thickness • Section properties
size and length should be
(EI, Area, etc)
modelled • Length
• Level

King post • Intelligent Object • Width • Type mark

indexed/categorised as • Depth • Weight per unit
“Structural Column” for the length (kg/m)
• Flange thickness
King post with the correct size,
• Web thickness • Section properties
length and depth should be
(EI, Area, etc)
modelled • Top Level
• Required Toe Level
Excavation • Intelligent Object of the • Node coordinates and • NONE
levels in surface indexed/categorised elevation
stages as ‘Topography’ built up by
spot locations with elevations
should be modelled

BIM Object Graphical information Non-graphical
Monitoring • Generic Object with a symbolic • NONE • Marker mark
Instrument shape and size should be • Type
modelled and added to
location at ground or on
structure where it is intended
to be installed
Table 13

5.4.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks
Waling / Strutting mark Tag • Tag linked with beam object using the
waling/strutting ‘Mark’

Pile mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Mark’ of pile object

Pile wall mark Dimensions • Edit text for the dimension in order to show the
types of pile wall.

Borehole mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Mark’ of site object
Cut Slope mark Symbol • Symbol with manual adjustment to the direction
and which side to fall

Layer of excavation Tag • Tag linked with the ‘line’ according to each
level topographic layer.

Design Ground Water Tag • Tag linked with the ‘line’ according to the
Table (G.W.T.) designated level of G.W.T.

(Section) Offset value Symbol • Symbol present with text ‘OFFSET’ and the value
of Borehole from the of offset dimension to be input manually.
section cut location

(Section) Site Boundary 2D Line • 2D drafting

(Section) SPT N Value Tag • Tag linked with the ‘N Value’ of site object
of Borehole
(Section) Layer of Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Layer’ of site object

Monitoring Instrument Tag • Tag linked with the type of monitoring instrument
points model
Table 14

5.4.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of ELS plans
including general notes, layout plans, elevations and sections, construction sequence,

monitoring plan and pumping test setting out plan generated by BIM software are provided in
Appendix A for reference.
Projection Cut
Line Pattern Line Pattern
Style, Style,
Style, Style,
Colour, Colour
Colour Colour
Thickness Thickness
ELS plans Steel Waling Solid None Solid None
(1:200) Black Black
0.06 mm 0.13 mm
Diaphragm Wall Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.13 mm 0.20 mm
Steel Strut Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.06 mm 0.13 mm
King Post Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.06 mm 0.13 mm
Pile Wall (Sheet Pile) Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.06 mm 0.06 mm
Pile Wall (Pipe Pile) Solid None Solid None
Black Black
0.06 mm 0.06 mm

5.5 Site Formation Plans

Site formation plans generated from BIM model present the layout and details of site
formation, e.g. slope gradients, soil nails and U-Channel layouts. Cutting slopes, retaining
structures/ walls, catchpits, sand traps and U-Channel layout. The AP/RSE/RGE should
refer to other essential information to be provided/ shown on the site formation plans as
required under B(A)R and the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to PNAPs ADM-8,
ADM-9, ADM-19 and ADV-33.

5.5.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements
(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-

information graphical
Existing ground profile • Intelligent Object of the surface • Node • Material
indexed/categorised as ‘Topography’ coordinates
Note: Details and built up by spot locations with and elevation
information of the elevations should be modelled • Section
existing ground • Existing ground features, e.g. retaining
profile should contain wall, drains, existing slopes with
all ground features as suitable symbols indicating soil/rock
if it is given in slopes
topographic survey.
• Existing trees

Site formation profile • Intelligent Object of the surface • Formation • NONE

(slope/ berm/platform/ indexed/categorised as ‘Topography’ level
design ground water built up by spot locations with • Node
level/ subsoil profile) elevations should be modelled coordinates
• The surface should be able to ‘Soil Cut and elevation
Slope’, ‘Rock Cut Slope’ and ‘Fill • Section
Slope’ when compared with the
previous stage of site formation works
• Type of surface protection should be
modelled in ‘Material’ in Graphical
information with representative colour

Site drainage • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Width • NONE

(channels/ catchpit/ as ‘Site’ with the correct size, depth or • Depth
Manhole//raking drain fall should be modelled
• Gradient
• Fall direction

Retaining wall • Intelligent Object with the correct size, • Width • Grade of
depth, inclination and position should • Depth founding
be modelled material and
• Thickness
• Any mass concrete filling beneath the designed
• Founding allowable
base of retaining wall
level bearing
• Material
grade and

BIM Object Graphical Non-
information graphical
Soil nail • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Bar Length • Rebar
as ‘Site’ with the correct size, length or • Bar Diameter material grade
fall should be modelled • Cement grout
• Inclination
and anchor
• Bearing
• Level material grade
• Spacing • Maximum
Rock Slope • Intelligent Object indexed/categorised • Size • Mark
Stabilisation Measures as ‘Site’ (objects
(e.g. Buttress and Rock dependent)
dowels )
Monitoring Instrument • Generic Object with a symbolic shape • none • Marker mark
and size should be modelled and • Type
added to location at ground or on
structure where it is intended to be
Table 15

5.5.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks
U Channel mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘type mark’ in the site object

Soil Nail mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘mark’ of Site Object
Slope Label Symbol • Symbol with manual adjustment to the slope
type, direction and which side to fall

Catch pit mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘mark’ of Site Object
Tie back /Soil Nail mark Tag • Tag linked with the ‘mark’ of Site Object

Monitoring Instrument Tag • Tag linked with the type of monitoring

points instrument model

Site Boundary Property Line • Create Property Lines as Site Boundary

Table 16

5.5.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of Site
Formation Layout plans generated by BIM software are provided in Appendix A for reference.

5.6 Ground Investigation Plans
Ground Investigation (G.I.) layout and details such as borehole, trial pit and the topographic
profiles to be presented in Ground Investigation Plans in the Scheduled Areas, Site Formation
Plans, Foundation Plans and ELS Plans. The AP/RSE/RGE should refer to other essential
information to be provided/ shown on the GI plans as required under B(A)R and relevant

5.6.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements

(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical information Non-graphical

Borehole • Intelligent Object • Top level • Borehole mark
indexed/categorised as • Toe level
‘Site’ showing the
thickness of stratum
should be modelled to

Geological • Intelligent Object of the • Node coordinates and elevation • Grade or short
profile and surface indexed/ • Section description
stratum categorised as • Stratum
‘Topography’ built up by description
spot locations with
elevations for the top
level of stratum should be

Trial pit • Intelligent Object • Plan dimension (e.g. length, • Trial pit mark
indexed/categorised as width)
‘Site Component’ • Elevation at top of trial pit
showing the size and
• Elevation at bottom of trial pit
depth should be
modelled to location

Monitoring • Generic Object with a • NONE • Marker mark

Instrument symbolic shape and size • Type
should be modelled and
added to location at
ground or on structure
where it is intended to be

BIM Object Graphical information Non-graphical
Standpipe/ Intelligent Object • Elevation at top of standpipe • Mark
piezometer indexed/categorised as ‘Site
Component’ with details should • Elevation at top of light non-
be modelled to location aqueous phase liquid (LNAP)
• Elevation at bottom of light non-
aqueous phase liquid (LNAP)
• Elevation at top of dense non-
aqueous phase liquid (DNAP)
• Elevation at bottom of dense
non-aqueous phase liquid
Table 17

5.6.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks
Borehole geological Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Grade or short description’
stratum tag of borehole geological stratum

Geological profile tag Tag • Tag linked with the ‘Grade or short description’
of geological Profile

Groundwater symbol Symbol • Symbol for the groundwater level

Bedrock symbol Symbol • Symbol for the bedrock profile

Monitoring instrument Tag • Tag linked with the type of monitoring
points instrument model
Table 18

5.6.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, G.I. information is gathered in the Site Formation Plans,
Foundation Plans and ELS Plans. Sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of these
plans generated by BIM software are provided in Appendix A for reference.

5.7 Drainage Plans

Drainage plans present the drainage layouts including plans and schematic diagrams. The
AP should refer to other essential information to be provided or shown on the drainage plans
as required under B(A)R and the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to PNAPs ADM-9,
ADM-19 and ADV-33.

5.7.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements
(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical

information information
Sanitary Item • Intelligent Objects • None • None
indexed/categorised as
‘Sanitary Fitment’
• The following items should be
modelled with Intelligent
o Water closet
o Wash basin
o Urinal
o Bath/Shower tray
o Sink

Pipe • Intelligent Objects • Inside Diameter • System Type

(including indexed/categorised as ‘Pipe’ (only this can be
underground changed) / Outer
drain) Diameter
• Type of pipe
• Material
• Fall direction
Floor Drain • Intelligent Objects • Size • Type mark
indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Fixture’

Vertical Floor • Intelligent Objects • Size • Type mark

Drain indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Fixture’

Rain water • Intelligent Objects • NONE • Object mark

outlet indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Equipment’

Storm Water • Intelligent Objects • Internal dimension • Object mark

Manhole indexed/categorised as • Wall thickness • Pipe diameter
• Top and bottom • Invert level
slabs thickness • Disconnecting trap
invert level (D.T.I.L.)
• Type of manhole
• Cover level
• Bottom level

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
information information
Foul Water • Intelligent Objects • Internal dimension • Object mark
Manhole indexed/categorised as • Wall thickness • Pipe diameter
• Top and bottom • Invert level
slabs thickness • Disconnecting trap
invert level (D.T.I.L)
• Type of manhole
• Cover level
• Bottom level

Petrol • Intelligent Objects • Overall Size • Object mark

Interceptor indexed/categorised as • Internal dimension • Invert level
‘Plumbing Equipment’
• Wall thickness • Bottom level
• Top and bottom • Cover level
slabs thickness
Septic tank • Intelligent Objects • Overall Size • Object mark
indexed/categorised as • Internal dimension • Invert level
‘Plumbing Equipment’
• Wall thickness • Bottom level
• Top and bottom • Cover level
slabs thickness

Sump pit • Intelligent Objects • Overall Size • Object mark

indexed/categorised as • Internal dimension • Invert level
‘Plumbing Equipment’
• Thickness • Bottom level
• Cover level
• Pump number
• Pump duty (flow, head)
Grease Trap • Intelligent Objects • Overall Size • Object mark
indexed/categorised as • Internal dimension • Invert level
‘Plumbing Equipment’
• Thickness • Bottom level
• Flow Rate

Seal Trap • Intelligent Objects • NONE • Type Mark

Gully indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Equipment’
Open Trap • Intelligent Objects • NONE • Type Mark
Gully indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Equipment’

Wire Balloon • Intelligent Objects • NONE • Type Mark

indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Equipment’

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical
information information
Fresh Air • Intelligent Objects • NONE • Type Mark
Inlet indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Equipment’

Cleaning eye • Intelligent Objects • NONE • Type Mark

indexed/categorised as
‘Plumbing Equipment’
Table 19

5.7.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Tag/Symbol/Others Remarks
Pipe size and system Tag • Tag linked with the ‘system abbreviation’ and
type ‘diameter’ of pipe object

Floor Drain type and size Tag • Tag linked with the ‘type mark’ of pipe object

Fall gradient Symbol • Symbol with manual input to the fall gradient
and fall direction

Sanitary Item symbol Tag • Tag linked with the ‘mark’ of sanitary object.
(schematic diagram)

Drainage system symbol Tag • Tag linked with the ‘mark’ and necessary
(schematic diagram) information of drainage system object.

Sunken (schematic Hatch • 2D hatch to manually define the area of

diagram) sunken in schematic diagram.

Schematic line diagram 2D line • 2D drafting

Table 20

5.7.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of Drainage
plans including general notes, schematic diagram, layout plans, schedules and details
generated by BIM software are provided in Appendix A for reference.

5.8 Curtain Wall Plans

Curtain Wall Details in this BIM Guideline presents the structural framing and key structural
details and the installation procedures excluding any unnecessary shop fabrication details,
to be included in the curtain wall plans for submission to the BA for approval. The
AP/RSE/RGE should refer to other essential information to be provided or shown on the
curtain wall plans as required the relevant PNAPs including but not limited to PNAPs ADM-
9, APP-37 and ADV-33.

5.8.1 Data-driven BIM Object requirements
(Refer to Software User Guides for parameter naming in templates.)

BIM Object Graphical Non-graphical

information information
Embed • Generic object with • Size • Type mark
full geometry of • Material • Grade of steel
embed and
member section.

Mullion • Intelligent Object • Length • Member mark

and indexed/categorised as • Section profile • Grade of steel / aluminium
Transom ‘Mullion / Transom’.

Glass • Intelligent Object • Size • Type Mark

Panels indexed/categorised as • Glass thickness • Panel types
• Thickness of interlayer • Glass types
for laminated glass • Number of glass panes for
• Space between two laminated glass and insulating
panes for insulating glass unit
glass unit

Louvre • Intelligent Object • Size • Type Mark

indexed/categorised as • Thickness • Louvre Type
• Section profile

5.8.2 2D Annotation requirements

Type of 2D Annotation Tag/Symbol Remarks

Embed type mark Tag

• Tag linked with the ‘mark’
of embed object

Mullion and Transom Tag

• Tag linked with the ‘mark’
of mullion and transom

Glass span direction Symbol

• Symbol with and span

Type of 2D Annotation Tag/Symbol Remarks

Glass panel materials Hatch

• Hatch linked with the
parameter value of ‘Type
mark’ in glass panel

5.8.3 Types of plans to be produced from BIM

Based on the above requirements, sample drawings to illustrate the preparation of Curtain
wall details including layout plans, cast-in layout plans, elevations, sections and details
generated by BIM software are provided in Appendix A for reference.

Appendix A
Sample Drawings
-Software 1
-Software 2

(Disclaimer: The sample drawings shown on this Standards are for reference only. They
consist of 2D representation of 3D Objects and manual input of essential 2D annotation for
the completion of drawing. Sample drawings are provided to demonstrate how the Standard
templates and User Guides should be used to build 3D models for generation of 2D
submission plans. The Sample drawings do not represent the complete set of submission
drawings required for BA’s approval under the BO. Essential information/details for
submission of statutory plans should refer to relevant Code of Practice, PNAPs including but
not limited to PNAPs ADM-8, ADM-9, ADM19 and ADV-33 and Circular Letters issued by BA,
and complied with BOs and subsidiary regulations.)

List of Sample Drawings
Drawing number Drawing title
S006 WALL R.C. DETAIL (1 OF 2)
S007 WALL R.C. DETAIL (Schedule)
S008 WALL R.C. DETAIL (2 OF 2)

Drawing number Drawing title

Drawing number Drawing title

Appendix B
BIM Object Presentation Summary

(Disclaimer: Please note that the BIM Object Presentation Summary aimed at providing a
more comprehensive summary to major BIM Objects applied for preparing the 7 types of
statutory plan submissions due to limitation on the representation on Sample drawings
provided in Appendix A. Given that all Typical details are prepared by 2D drafting in BIM

Appendix 1
CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
ArchiCAD (December 2020)

Appendix 2
CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Civil 3D (December 2020)

Appendix 3
CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Revit (December 2020)

Appendix 4
CIC BIM User Guide for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions
Tekla (December 2020)

Membership List of
the Task Force on BIM Standards

Members Representative of:

Dr. Jack Cheng The Hong Kong University of Science and
Mr. Vincent Chow Development Bureau (DevB)

Mr. Ben Chan Lands Department

Mr. CHANG Kwok-fai

Mr. Mark Lai Buildings Department

Mr. Eric Lee

Mr. Kelvin Wong Airport Authority Hong Kong

Mr. Aaron Chan The Hong Kong Institute of Architects

Mr. Clement Chung The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong


Dr. Neo Chan Hong Kong Institute of Building Information

Modelling (HKIBIM)
David Fung
Thomson Lai

Convenor and Secretary

Mr. Alex Ho Construction Industry Council
Mr. Ron Ng
Mr. Lok Fung
Mr. Elvis Chiu

The CIC would like to acknowledge the assistance of the following organisations for providing
valuable comments:

- Airport Authority Hong Kong

- Architectural Services Department
- Buildings Department
- Civil Engineering and Development Department
- Development Bureau
- Drainage Services Department
- Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
- Highways Department
- Hong Kong Housing Authority
- Hospital Authority
- Lands Department
- The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong
- The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
- The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
- The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
- The Hong Kong Institute of Building Information Modelling
- The Mass Transit Railway Corporation
- Urban Renewal Authority
- Water Supplies Department

The CIC thanks all stakeholders who have participated in the Stakeholders Consultation
Seminars and/or Forums and offered opinions.

Feedback Form

CIC BIM Standards for Preparation of Statutory Plan Submissions December 2020

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Please return the feedback form to:

CIC Secretariat – BIM
E-mail: [email protected];
Address: 38/F, COS Center, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Fax No.: (852) 2100 9090


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