Performance Test of Parallel Centrifugal Pump With Same Characteristic

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Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Manual
Data Sheet

Name: Chua, Valerie Anne Y. Experiment No.: 3

Group No.: 6 Date Performed: October 20, 2021
Course/ Section: 1-B
Performance Test of Parallel Centrifugal Pump with same characteristic

A. Data:
Pump-1 Speed, n (rev/min): 2984 approximate 3000
Pump-2 Speed, n (rev/min): Equal to max. speed of pump 1
z1: 0m
z2: 0.5m
PipeDiameter (d): _¾”

VR-2 position Single Pump Parallel Pump

(Pump-1, (AB-1)) (Pump-1(AB-1) and Pump-2 (AB-2 )
P1 P2 T Q Ht Ph Pm Q Ht Ph Pm
(barG) (barG) (N.m) (L/hr) (m) (W) (W) (L/hr) (m) (W) (W) Ƞparallel
Fully opened 12.477
(Position 1) -0.025 1.15 1.134 3750 127.5055 356.2566 7500 12.4776 255.0110 712.5132 0.357904
Position 2 15.892
-0.010 1.5 1.025 3000 129.9212 322.0132 6000 15.8925 259.8424 644.0264 0.403465
Position 3 20.836
0.005 2 0.791 1750 99.3636 248.5000 3500 20.8364 198.7272 497.0000 0.399854
Position 4 22.314
0.01 2.15 0.656 750 45.6053 206.0885 1500 22.3145 91.2106 412.1770 0.221290
Fully closed 22.824
(Position 5) 0.01 2.20 0.656 0 0 206.0885 0 22.8242 0 412.1770 0

Note: Pump–2 (AB-2) characteristics is equal to Pump-1(AB-1) characteristics at maximum speed

 Plot the total head and flow curve of the single pump; ( use the pump curve generated on
the PSIM 2)

 Plot the pump curve vs. system curve of the parallel pump; ( use the graph generated on
the PSIM 2)
B. Sample Computation

For Single Pump:

Flow Rate

¿ 3750

Total Head (Ht)

+ Pd−P s
Ht = (Zd–Zs)
¿ ( 0.5−0 ) +
¿ 12.4776 m

Hydraulic Power (Ph)

Ph= 𝛾 * Q * Ht[W]
¿ ∗12.4776
3600 s
¿ 127.5055 W

Motor Power (Pm)

Pm= T * ω [W]

¿ ( 1.134 ) (3000)
¿ 356.2566 W

For Parallel Pump:

Head (Ht)
Ht in single pump = Ht in parallel
pump=12.4776 m

Hydraulic Power (Ph)

Ph= Ph pump1 + Ph pump2
¿ 127.5055+127.5055
¿ 255.0110 W

Motor Power (Pm)

Pm= Pm pump1 + Pm pump2
¿ 356.2566+356.2566
C. Findings/ Analysis

 Identify the overall pump power of the parallel pump system.

-The overall pump power of the system is 0.3668 KW.
 Identify the operating point of the parallel pump system.
-Based on the pump curve vs. system curve graph, the operating point of the
pump system is at the 12.07-meter head and 7602.54 liters/hr volumetric flow
 Discuss the pump summary data result.
- Both pump of the system has a volume flow of 3.801 cubic meters per hour,
a mass flow of 1.054 kg/sec. The head rise generated by the pump is 12.07
meters and has a pressure stagnated by the pump is 1.181 bar, making the
overall power of 0.3668 kW and overall efficiency of 33.97%.
 Discuss the pressure characteristic of the parallel pump system. (Evaluate the
pressure change of all the parts; pipes and junction).
D. Conclusion
The group was able to familiarize the methods of studying two pumps in a parallel
connection with the help of the PSIM 2 simulator. This software application allowed
the group to design and run a model for better interpretation and analysis. The
performance of the designed model was tested. Errors were encountered due to the
alteration of the model to correlate PSIM 2’s specifications. 
  With the help of the given formulas above, the group computed the needed values
such as flow rate, head, motor power and hydraulic power for both single and parallel
pump and total efficiency for parallel pump. These values were used to perform the
experiment in running two pumps with same characteristics that are connected in
       Hence, the activity made the group come up with a conclusion that in two
identical centrifugal pumps in a parallel connection the head is constant, and the flow
rate is doubled. Lower energy consumption is required to run this kind of system.
Also, it must be strict in marking the NPSHR to avoid cavitation. 

E. Supplemental Questions

1) What is rotameter?
Rotameter or variable area flowmeter is a device that measure the volumetric flow
rate of a fluid. It is simple to use, reliable and inexpensive.
2) What are the types of rotameter and discuss the application of each type?
Types of rotameter:
 Glass tube flowmeters- use to measure flow rate of wide variety of fluid. It is the
most common type of rotameter and it use not only in industries but also in lab
and pilot plants.
 Armoured Purgemeter- is useful for low flow rate, high pressure, and corrosive
application. The advantageous of this is that it can purge the fluid if the system
condition is not proper.
 Flanged Armoured Rotameter- use to measure aggressive, opaque, non-
conductive fluid typically in automated system and pharmaceutical industries.
Mostly use in high pressure applications.
3) What is the purpose of connecting centrifugal pump in parallel?
The purpose of connecting centrifugal pump in parallel is to help double the flow
rate in a same head that the single pump cannot supply. It provides flexibility to adjust
the variable flow conditions of the system.
4) What are the practical or industrial applications of parallel pump connection?
When two pumps installed in parallel and when one of them fail, the other can
quickly be brought up to speed to handle full flow. Domestic water pressure booster,
cooling tower or variable speed pumping systems and other pumping system with static
head component are good candidates for parallel pumping application.
5) Describe the pump performance curve of parallel pump.
In the parallel pump curve, the figure above show a constant head and the flow
rate is increasing. The two pump in parallel has double the flow rate of the single pump at
the same head.

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