VCISO Implementation Roadmap

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vCISO - Implementation Roadmap

1 month #1
to completion

Determine - Would #1: Context
a vCISO be Beneficial?

Possible pain points...

▢ Need CISO level expertise & guidance but lack budget/need for a full-time person
▢ Growing client security expectations and demands (e.g. questionnaires, ISO 27001, SOC 2)
▢ Struggling to attract/retain key information security team members
▢ Management is “uncomfortable” with current information related risk level
▢ Growing compliance challenges (e.g., GDPR, CCPA, DFS500, HIPAA, PCI)
▢ Determined that “outsourcing” security is a better business model
▢ Need to evolve controls rapidly to avoid another breach/incident
Step #2

Identify Your Needs & Objectives

Your current situation...

▢ Need the part time skills of a full time CISO
▢ Need a strategic roadmap for compliance and security
▢ A shortage of security talent and difficulty retaining security dedicated employees
▢ Your customers, partners, or board members expect that someone has the “CISO” role
▢ You need to prove you are secure to key stakeholders (clients, board, auditors)
▢ Lack of clear vision of where your security is now and/or where you want to go
▢ Multiple compliance requirements of note and/or GDPR in particular
▢ You need security experience in your industry (eg. SaaS, Legal, Financial)
▢ You need talent capable of liaising with customers, CXO suite, and regulators
▢ Need for someone with a CSO or CISO title for compliance
▢ Need for someone with a DPO title for compliance

Step #3

Determine What You Want in Your vCISO Relationship

Decide what is important to you...

▢ vCISO, a security team, or both?
▢ Cultural fit with my management and technical personnel
▢ Industry and/or relevant subject matter expertise (e.g., app dev)
▢ Experience, track record, individual, and corporate certifications
▢ Short term or long term relationship?
▢ Geographic location and/or time zone
Step #4

How You Successfully “On-board” Your New vCISO

Your vCISO needs to...

▢ Understand the business, its objectives, and IT vs. Information Security’s role in achieving those objectives
▢ Understand the required scope/context of the Cybersecurity program (information being protected,
personnel, key processes, technology, key vendors, laws/regulations, etc.)
▢ Understand current and near term planned IT/IS projects
▢ Understand current InfoSec Responsibilities and Accountabilities (RACI)
▢ Understand the operation and maturity of the current InfoSec controls
▢ Understand management’s expectations and reporting structure
▢ Understand near term expectations on liaising with customers, vendors, regulators, and/or C-Suite

Where to turn... when Information Security matters

vCISO - Implementation Roadmap

1 month #5
to completion

Step #1: the

How You Operationalize Context
vCISO Role

Expect your vCISO to...

▢ Document the scope of the Information Security Program to ensure that everyone is on the same page
▢ Conduct a “Rapid” Risk Assessment to identify risks requiring remediation
▢ Understand gaps in the current information security program and identifies gaps of note requiring remediation
▢ Establish a RACI chart for the Information Security Organization to ensure responsibilities are clear
▢ Establish an initial prioritized security roadmap
▢ Establish a 90-Day plan based on the security roadmap

Step #6

Measure Your vCISO’s Success

Your organization needs to...

▢ Measure effectiveness based on the 90-Day plan objectives and deliverables including goals, metrics, and
leading indicators for the Security Organization; for example:
▢ Get 100% of critical vendors through Vendor Risk Management by 12/31/18
▢ Reduce Phishing failure rate to <7% by 09/30/18
▢ Understand and address missed goals/metrics/leading indicators
▢ Ensure that the risk register is updated quarterly so that the roadmap and 90-day plan reflects evolving risk

Step #7

Your Benefits of Success

De�ine “success” for your vCISO engagement...

▢ Customers trust that their information is safe in your hands
▢ Management can sleep better at night
▢ Organizational resiliency
▢ Security-aware employees who actively support a “security culture”
▢ Positive and secure relationships with clients, suppliers, and other third parties

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security resources at the right time, reach out!

[email protected] (732) 419-8052

Where to turn... when Information Security matters

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