Schaunk Weighfeeder Mechanical Manual

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Chapters Page
1. Direction for Handling and Storage 1
2. Manual of Weighfeeder Mechanical System and Maintenance 3
3. Weighfeeders – General Description 4
4. Belt Pulleys – Description and Maintenance Instructions 5
5. NTN Ball Bearings – Assembly and Disassembly 7
6. Idlers – Description and Maintenance Instructions 8
7. Belt Tension and Training Aid - Description and Maintenance Instructions 8
8. Belt Cleaning Devices - Description and Maintenance Instructions 10
9. Belt Change – Description 11
10. Belt Run – Set-up Instructions 15
11. General Visual Check 18
12. Instruction for Installation 20
13. Cabling Instruction 24
14. Weighing Section of the Weighfeeder 26
14.1 Important Notes 26
14.1.1 Maintenance 26
14.1.2 Type survey 26
14.1.3 SAFETY NOTE 26
14.1.4 BE CAREFUL when carrying out welding work 26
14.2 Design and function of the weighing section 27
14.3 The compact weighing sections 28
14.3.1 Characteristic data of load cell 28
14.4 Protection of the weighing section 29
14.4.1 Transit and mounting restraint 29
14.4.2 Overload protection 29
14.5 Aligning of weigh idler to limiting idlers 30
14.6 Aligning of limiting idlers to weigh idler 31
14.7 Checking the load cell 32
14.8 De-mounting the compact weighing section 33
14.9 Installation of the compact weighing section 33
15. Lubrication Sheet 34

FH 5181 E

Upon arrival at site, check shipment: -
(a) against delivery documents to ensure that delivery is complete.
(b) That no physical damage to equipment/parts has occurred.

1.1. Storing
Electrical / Electronic units require a location which is dry, clean, dust free and of
suitable temperature. Temperature limits for transportation and storage are
between -10°C to +40°C (unless otherwise specified).

Moisture, caused by rain, dew, wet floors, condensation etc. must be avoided.

If storage site has vermin, then suitable measures must be taken to protect
equipment and packing.

1.2. Transportation
For safe handling of Schenck’s equipment (e.g. weighfeeders, control cubicles,
panels etc.) use the lifting points provided i.e. eyebolts, sub-structures etc.

The electronic instruments are shock and vibration sensitive... Handle with Care!

Do not use connection cables of units as lifting points or handholds.

1.3 Paper work

From the shipping instructions, reference can be made of paits delivered.
Voltage requirements and other technical data can be obtained from the supplied
technical description and drawings.

Mounting hole details and positions etc. can be obtained from the supplied
installation drawings.

1.4 Installation Interruption

If there is a long interruption period during installation, all cubicle doors, panel
covers etc. must be closed, to prevent damage to equipment by accidental
touching, dust, corrosion caused by moisture etc.


2.1 Installation
Before starting installation, it is best if the engineers involved familiarize
themselves with the function of the plant and individual units by studying the
supplied Technical Documents.
Schenck’s Technical personnel are available to clarify any points that are not
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When mounting sub-units etc., consideration must be given to ensure that moving
parts are not obstructed and that room is allowed for parts replacement, belt
renewal etc.

2.2 Regulations
Earthing and protective wiring requirements, as specified by the local electrical
authority, must be strictly followed.

2.3 Control Cubicles

If installation is in a room separate from the control room, then the location must be
dry, clean and with a maximum temperature of+35°C.

2.4 Cabling
When wiring to moving or vibrating points of the plant, flexible cable must be
used, between a local connection box (on the stationary part of the plant) and
the unit in question.

2.5 Interconnection techniques

(Soldered or "fast-On")

Soldering irons should not exceed a power consumption of 50-60W.

Soldering irons must be earthed or run on a low-voltage.
Solder ing wire must be t in wit h collophonium core (or equivalent). Acidic
fluxing agent must not be used.
Units/Parts marked "CMOS" require special care. Do not handle any of the
printed circuitry or connecting terminals of that unit!

2.6 Handling of Screened Cables

Avoid penetration of insulation covering of wires during soldering of screen, this
would cause short-circuiting.
The screen is to be put on one side as per drawing. A two-sided connection
means "looping" which could cause undesirable compensational current flow.
Low-amplitude signals may suffer from a larger percentage of falsification due to
Welding current at site could also find the path with two sided connection. This is
dangerous for the cable

2.7 Measuring Cable

This cable must be run continuously, it should NEVER be joined or routed
with other wiring, particularly wires with electrical fields which could influence
signal values (e.g. motors etc.).
Cable must be run through conduit. Cable inlet to junction boxes must be sealed
against ingress of dust or moisture.

2.8 Traction Relief on Cables

This is required on all cabling (inlets/outlets) and branching. Use compression
jacks, fitting clamps etc.

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3.1 Do not carry load cells by the cable. Do not apply tension to this cable. Do not
damage this cable in any way. Never damage the paint coating, lacquer

3.2 Never shorten measuring cables, as the length directly influences the

3.3 Never unscrew the compression fitting which seals the cable in the load

3.4 Cable ends are protected against moisture damage during storage. Only
remove this protection when ready for wiring into the junction box.

3.5 Transportation load cell jack screws, should only be removed

immediately prior to commissioning. For each installation the relevant
mounting instructions should be read first.


4.1 Drive/control unit, for manual operation, should be positioned to allow for
easy access and \n sight of the driven unit.


The descriptions and instructions of this collection also hold for extractor belts and
belt weighers of the same series. There are differences merely as regards the
design of the drive motor and associated electrical equipment, and extractor belts
have no weighing platform. As a consequence, the following descriptions discuss
weighfeeders only.

Type Designation

Weighfeeder Weighbelt Extractor Belt


1. Weighfeeders - General Description WMD 091

2. Belt Pulleys - Description and Maintenance Instructions WMD 092
3. NTN Ball Bearings -Assembly and Disassembly No. 166
4. Idlers - Description and Maintenance Instructions WMD 093
5. Belt Tension and Training Aid - Description and
Maintenance Instructions WMD 094
6. Belt Cleaning Devices - Description and Maintenance
Instructions WMD 095
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7. Belt Change-Description WMD 009
8. Belt Run - Set-up Instructions WMC 001
9. General Visual Check WMC 002


1. Frame Construction
The frame, designed to accommodate all mechanical items of the feeder is
fabricated from stamped plate sections and bolted via supports to girder sections.
Relieving the belt tension and removing the supports on one side enables the
feeder belt to be changed quickly and without the use of auxiliary devices. (See
Description WMD 009).

2. Pulleys
Pulleys are of welded design, turned to 1 9 0 mm dia. for type DABX and 320
mm dia. for type DAMX, Pulleys are mounted In sealed antifriction bearings.
(See Description WMD 092).

3. Idlers
Design in DABX - diameter of 60.3 mm for carrying Idlers, 59.0 mm for weighing
idlers. For DAMX weighfeeders 139.7 mm for carrying idlers 137 mm for weighing
idlers. Weighing Idlers are turned for 0.2 mm maximum out of round
tolerance. (See description WMD 093).

4. Belt Tension and Training Aid

This prevents automatically lateral belt drift and ensures constant belt tension. Belt
tension may be checked by means of an indicator fitted for this purpose. (See
Description WMD 094).

5. Load Cell
The hermetically sealed load cell is suited to applications in a temperature range of
-30°C to +70°C, with temperature compensation, normally, to the range of -
10°C to +70°C.

6. Test Weight (Optional Feature)

Normally, calibration is done by running a Software Program of Weighing
Controller and hence, we do not supply Test Weights alongwith the system.
The test weight is used to check and recalibrate the weighing system and is
placed in prismatic receptors provided for this purpose.

7. Feeder Belt
The feeder belt is provided of special weighbelt design.

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8. Skirt Plates
The skirt plates left and right are designed to prevent material spillage. Skirt
plates, particularly in the weighing zone, must not be in contact with the belt,
i.e., must in no way be connected to the belt, to prevent shunt forces.

9. Belt Cleaner
Belt cleaners are adjustable with the aid of replaceable scraper blades. (See
Description WMD 095).

10. Belt Limit Switches

The belt limit switches are designed to cause fault alarm if belt drift is

11. Drive Set

The drive set comprises a gearbox and motor with pulse generator. The set
is coupled to the pulley shaft by flexible coupling.

12. Additional Protective Guards

Accident protection Guards provided for all fast moving parts. Skirt plates
are designed to give accidents protection against rotating, idlers.

Description and Maintenance Instructions

1. Head Pulley
The welded and turned head pulley is mounted in NTN plummer blocks.
Drive set can be located left or right, depending on the handing.

2. Tail Pulley
The welded and turned, tail pulley is mounted in NTN take-up units. Tail
pulley can slide in the take up head (for effective Belt Tension)

3. Bearings
Both plummer blocks and take-up units are provided with sealed ball
bearing with a spherical outer ring. For assembly and disassembly of
bearing, see instructions No. 166.
One bearing per pulley acts as a fixed bearing, being connected via a
tapering clamping sleeve in an axial direction. The other bearing acts as a
loose bearing, being accommodated via a cylindrical bore by the pulley
shaft such as to be axially slidable. Be certain that the ball pressure screw is
removed from the loose bearing (see Sketch 1).
The ball bearings themselves are fitted on both sides with sliding seals,
which normally suffice as foreign matter protection. Bearings, however,
are provided with additional caps. The cavities between cap wall and ball
bearing are designed to be filled with grease, in order to serve as an
additional block against the ingress of foreign matter or moisture.
Grease nipples are provided.
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4. Maintenance
The grease fill between bearing and sealing cap, which serves to seal the
ball bearing proper, is adequate for two years' operation. After completion
of this period, disassemble the two outer sealing caps, remove all grease,
and clean ball bearings on their exterior using white spirit. Then, refit sealing
caps, and fill cavity between sealing cap and ball bearing with grease (K 3

With severe operating conditions, for instance, high operating temperature,

locations with dusty or aggressive atmosphere, it is advisable to reduce intervals
to one or one-and-one-half year before carrying out this maintenance.
The ball bearings themselves are lubricated for life, i.e., no need to re-lubricate.
However, they should be checked at a time the sealing grease is renewed {every
1, 1½ or 2 years), or if necessary replaced.
In special cases, the ball bearings may be re-lubricated, in which case grease nipples
are retrofitted at the location provided for this purpose. In order not to insure ball
bearing seals, do not use a high-pressure press for lubrication.
Also see separate lubricating instructions.

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The ball bearing is inserted into the two notches of the housing bore (see picture1 and
The bearing then is swiveled into final position (see picture 3).
To overcome the tight fit of housing bore and bearing outer diameter, it is recommended to
place a wooden bar into the bearing bore to ease the swiveling procedure.
During this operation the bearing housing should be clamped into a parallel vice.
Regarding re-lubricatable bearing units, special attention is required to make sure that the
grease hole in the outer-ring is placed under the grease groove of the housing.
The dismounting procedure is carried out vice versa.

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Description and Maintenance Instructions

The description below covers both carrying idlers and return idlers, if fitted, as well as relief
roller in plough scraper.

Design and Construction

The idlers of weigh feeders are commercial idlers with anti-friction bearings, labyrinth
seals and through spindles. Spindle ends correspond to type A 2. The three idlers of the
weighing platform (weighed idler plus one each approach and retreat idlers) are turned for
a maximum permissible out-of-round tolerance of 0.2 mm.
Check idlers for proper seat in supports.

Anti-friction bearings of idlers are lubricated for life, such that under normal operating
conditions no re-lubrication will be required. Maintenance is limited to visual check and
cleaning of idlers. Idlers should be capable of rotating easily.
Under severe operating conditions, for instance, high operating temperature, corrosive
atmosphere, etc, the renewal of the grease fill of anti-friction bearings and labyrinth seals
in one to two years' intervals can lead to an extension of the service life The cavity of the
bearing point should be filled completely with grease, in order to achieve a proper sealing
effect by labyrinth rings.


Description and Maintenance Instructions

The weight-loaded belt tension and training aid has two functions : -
1. As a belt training aid to counter belt drift.
2. As a tensioning device to maintain belt tension by gravity at a constant level.

1. Belt Training Aid

The belt tension and training aid prevents drift of the feeder belt. Initial tension of
a new feeder belt is given by means of tension screws at the tail pulley
(See WMC 001)
If belt drifts due to the effects of forces from outside, a sensor roller rotates the belt
training idler about its vertical axis. This rotation causes friction between feeder belt
and training idler resulting in a restoring force. That the feeder belt returns to its
original position or, at least, prevents further belt drift, provided that interfering
forces are not excessive.
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With belt training idler positioned at right angles to the feeder belt, the distance
between outside edge of feeder belt and inside edge of sensor roller should not
exceed 5 mm. This dimension should be checked over a complete belt circuit, as
the manufacturing irregularities of the feeder belt must be taken into account
(see Sketch 1).

2. Tensioning Device
At the lime of assembly, the feeder belt is pre-tensioned to allow for operation of
the weighfeeder as both an extractor and feeder. Variations in belt tension can
have a negative influence on both the weighing and feeding accuracy and belt
tracking. It is therefore required for the belt tension to be maintained approxi-
mately constant. Stretching of the feeder belt, which can above all occur at the time
of commissioning, will lead to variations in the position of the belt tracking idler
and, hence, variations in belt tension. If so, the belt training idler is required to be
returned to its original position by re-tightening the tension screws of the tail pulley,
which can be checked at the indicator provided for this purpose (see Sketch I).

The belt tensison and training aid has three idlers installed whose ball bearings are greased for life.
The vertical axis of rotation of the training aid is maintenance free.
Besides a visual check and occasional cleaning of the device, there is no particular maintenance
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Description and Maintenance Instructions

1. Belt Outside
A re-adjustable belt scraper is arranged in close proximity of the head pulley, to
clean on the return belt (outside/carrying side). Under normal operating condi-
tions, it is perfectly sufficient to set the belt cleaner for a small air gap (thickness of
paper) to the feeder belt.
In certain applications it is desirable to directly set the scraper to the feeder on
account of the peculiarities of the product. In such cases, do not set the scraper too hard.

2. Belt Inside
Cleaning of the belt inside (running side) is via a plough scraper mounted on the
level of the return belt immediately ahead of the tail pulley. The plough scraper as a
consequence of its own dead weight rests upon the feeder belt. Readjustment of
scraper blades, normally, is not required but may be carried out in particular
cases. The plough scraper is mounted at the take-up units of the tail pulley such
that when the feeder belt is re-tensioned, the position of the plough scraper need
not be set up anew.
The plough scraper prevents the ingress of foreign matter between return belt and
tail pulley, but cannot prevent completely dust and moisture from entering
between belt and pulley. In order to reduce material build-up on tail pulley to a
minimum, an additional pulley scraper is fitted to the plough scraper. The pulley
scraper need not be readjusted.

3. Maintenance
The condition of scraper blades, both of the front belt scraper and the plough
scraper, should be checked at the time of visual checks, and scraper blades should, if
necessary, be cleaned or replaced as required.
The anti-friction bearings of the supporting roller inside the plough scraper (not
visible) are lubricated for life. The supporting roller should be checked, however,
at each replacement of the scraper blades, and at time of belt change for
satisfactory condition.
(See Instructions for Idlers, WMD 093)

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1. Introduction
The belt is changed from the side opposite to that of the drive group, which means in
a feeder with drive group on Right Hand side (as viewed in the direction of belt
travel), belt has to be changed from the Left Hand Side.
Before commencing with belt change, be certain to shut off material supply to belt
with bottom gate of feed hopper.
2. General
The belt change causes no change to the mechanical weighing system, and
subsequent mechanical adjustment is not necessary. However, since weighbelts
differ in weight, the feeder is required to be recalibrated electrically.

3. Instructions for Belt Change

DABX / DAMX / DAN Weighfeeders

Carry out belt Change on opposite site of drive set

Fig 1 : Remove Protective hood

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Fig 2 : Remove skirt board from belt change side

Fig 3 : Remove front belt cleaner

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Fig 4 : Release belt tension by tensioning screw

Fig 5 : Remove tension holder and spindle from belt change side

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Fig 6 : Remove support between stringer and cross member from belt change side

Fig 7 : Remove belt (to be pulled out manually)

To place new belt, process in the reversed order

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The present instructions are based on weigh-feeders type DABX/DAMX

but basically, they apply, to all other types of weighfeeders as well.

After completed installation, or after belt change, the belt run requires to be set by tensioning

Belt Tension
To set up the belt run, the first requirement is a correct belt tension. The two rear belt tension
screws acting upon the take-up units of the tail pulley are adjusted to correct the belt tension such
that the mechanical indicator of the belt tension and training aid fitted at the bottom belt is in the
proper position. See Sketch 1.
Turning tension screws clockwise will increase the belt tension; counter-clockwise turning will
reduce this. It should be noted that the two spindles cause about the same tension to be
transmitted to the belt. Hence, observe the indicator at both sides of the feeder.
Straight Run
Once the proper belt tension is achieved, set up the straight run of the belt. Watch the moving belt
to see if it moves off to one side. Even if the belt should not appear to be drifting, its movement
should be monitored for at least 30 minutes. On the other hand, if the impression exists that the
belt drifts to one side or the other, no immediate correction should be effected, as, because of
the belt tension and training aid fitted, the position of balance may be restored within a short
time, leading to straight run of the belt. However, if the belt actually drifts, correct as follows :-
Belt drifts to right: Correct left-hand screw, anti-clockwise, right-hand
tension screw clockwise.
Belt drifts to left : Correct left-hand screw, clockwise,
right-hand tension screw anti-clockwise.
Carry out corrections carefully, by quarter turns only, before checking anew, and correcting
accordingly. Every time, belt run should be watched at least for one complete revolution.

If belt drift is extremely fast, correction may be by increased rotation of tension screws for coarse
compensation, or return of belt to centre. If the belt has already run to an extreme outside
position, relieve belt of all tension and push back to centre, retensioning the belt again
Generally, after a very short time, sometimes with a bit of patience, a satisfactory belt run can be
achieved, which will then be maintained by the belt tensioning and
training aid, unless the interference forces occurring exceed the limitation of this

See Sketch 1.

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Fault finding / Troubleshooting
If a satisfactory belt run is not achieved, the following systematic troubleshooting procedure is
suggested :-

Check of Weighfeeder
First, release tension of belt completely.

Then, check to see if the head pulley (discharge pulley) is located at right angles to the
belt stringers. If not, correct accordingly.
All carrying idlers must lie parallel to the head pulley.
Check to see that the entire feeder is arranged in one plane, normally in the horizontal, i.e.,
level. Check using a hose level applied at the four corner points of the pulley, comparing
all four measuring points with one another. See Sketch 2.

If any of these four points are not at the same level, shim belt stringers to •correct
With the two measures above completed, retention belt, ensuring it is not fitted diagonally offset;
the belt edges must form approximately right angles with the pulley shell.


Correct Wrong
Sketch 2

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After tensioning the belt, check the sensing roller spacing of the belt tension and training aid. See
Sketch 1. If the side edges of belt permit, it will help to set the spacing smaller than indicated in
the description. It shall also be ensured that the carrying idlers of the belt tension and
training aid are located perpendicular to the belt edges. If not, bring about this situation by
correcting the position of the sensing roller support arm accordingly.
Once these measures have been taken, readjustment of the belt in the unloaded state is
required, in accordance with Item 2 above.

Check of Pre-feeder (Feed Hopper)

In the event that a satisfactory belt run in the unloaded state of the belt was achieved, but was not
maintained under load, the causes are normally to be sought with the prefeeder.
Check to see that the position of the prefeeder is centred relative to the weighbelt. Lateral
offset by more than 20 mm, or an inclined position of the prefeeder to the symmetrical axis of the
weighfeeder, may cause interference forces which cannot any longer be compensated for by the
belt tension and training aid.
Also check to see that there are no material lumps jamming below side walls or bed depth setter,
as these would lead to belt drift.
In case weighfeeder is fitted with a settling chamber, ensure that the lateral sealing strips of the
smoothing chamber are set uniformly relative to the belt.

Check of Weighbelt
Occasionally the inaccurate configuration of the weighbelt is the cause of belt drift. If straight run of the
belt cannot be achieved, with belt operating under no load, and if a check of the weighbelt has led
to no result, it must be presumed that the cause of the error is that the inside lengths of the two belt
edges are not the same.
To check, it is suggested that the weighbelt be relieved from tension, pulled off the weighfeeder,
turned 180° (counter to the normal direction of travel), refitted, and regulated. If now the belt
drifts to the opposite side, it may be assumed that an impermissibly large difference is present
on the inside lengths of belt edges. In order to check this, remove belt once more, and measure
the belt inside length, using, for instance, a piece of string.

If the belt after being turned 180° runs off to the same side, and if the inclined position is the
same as before, the cause will surely not lie in differing lengths of belt edges, but it should
rather be presumed that the belt edges are displaced in parallel, meaning that the
belt in the relieved state takes
parallelogram shape as viewed from above. See Sketch 2.
If errors occur as described above, replacement of the belt is recommended.
All weighfeeders are delivered with weighbelts subjected to a trial run in the factory with belts
mounted. Generally, there should be no problems in setting up the belt run with belt running
under no load.

If you should experience difficulties which cannot be corrected with the aid of suggestions
given above, please consult nearest Schenck’s representative for further advice.

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The checking and calibration of weighfeeder is discussed in a separate set of instructions

associated with the electrical documentation. The present instructions are, therefore, limited to
a number of suggestions for a visual check.
A generally acceptable time interval for carrying out visual checks cannot be offered, because
of the many possible specific applications that the equipment is used for. However, it is
suggested that during the first few weeks, after start-up, a rather frequent visual check be carried
out, if possible, daily, and that the required intervals be adapted based on the observations made
during the initial period.
The following assemblies require to be checked :-

Weighing Platform :

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Weighbelt Check weighbelt for external appearance. Check tension indicator to see
that the belt has the proper tension. See Sketch 2.

If the belt tension is too low : To correct, turn tension screws at the tail
pulley clockwise.

If the belt tension is too high : To correct, turn screws anit-clockwise.

Ensure that the two tension screws are always turned by the same

It is suggested that the belt be watched for some time to see if it moves
straight. If necessary, correct as under :-

Belt drifts towards the right: Correct position of right-hand screws

turning clockwise; left-hand screws, anti-clockwise.

Belt drifts towards the left: Correct position of right-hand screw

turning anti-clockwise; left-hand screw, clockwise.

Correct only in increments of 1/4 turn, and then watch a new. If belt drift is
excessive, follow instructions, No. WMC 001

Sketch 2

Pulleys and idlers Check for material build-up, and clean. Material build-up leads to problems in
maintaining the belt on a straight run, and errors in measurement due to
the changed assignment of the belt speed to the speed generator speed
and change of alignment of idlers in the weighing area.

Check carrying idlers as well for proper scat and ease of rotation.
Sluggish idlers require to be replaced. This is true especially in the case
of weigh length idlers.
As regards lubrication of pulley and idler bearings, see separate set of

Belt Cleaners There are two types of cleaners fitted. A normal cleaner at the leading pulley,
to clean the top side of the belt; and a plough scraper ahead of the tail
pulley to clean the belt inside.
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Check cleaners, and clean blades, or replace, as the case may be. Do not set
scraper blades against the weighbelt.

Drive Set Remove any deposit of material from the surface of gearbox or motor, as
such deposits impair heat dissipation.
Every 2000 running hours, check DC motor carbon brushes, and replace
whenever necessary.

As regards lubrication, see relevant instructions.

Instructions for Installation

The description below covers wejghfeeders, extractor belts and weighbelts difference of
extractor belts and weighbelts compared to weighfeeders consists me in the design of the drive
motor and associated electrical equipment. Extractor belts, h no weighing platform. Thus, the
instructions below refer to weighfeeders only.

Basically, a weighfeeder comprises two functional groups, (a) the weighbelt, witf devices
required for handling and weighing a feed material, (b) feed hopper prefeeder. The prefeeder
both in shape and function is adapted to the particular material properties. Normally, the feed
hopper or prefeeder is attached to the surge bin w the weighfeeder is mounted on the platform
at a lower level or a special supporting structure.

Occasionally, the weighfeeder and prefeeder are suspended from the bin, or prefeeder is
fully or partially supported on the weighfeeder, to suit special layout.

The installation drawing is given by the specific dimension and / or installation draw supplied
with the documentation. Use this drawing to check the most important installation dimensions.

The overall headroom should not differ by more than 20mm from the value indicated. If the
existing headroom is lower than actually required, remedy the situation by shortening the feed
hopper. If not possible, then the bin outlet should be shortened or the height of the supporting
structure reduced, or both. The existing headroom if larger than required, shim weighfeeder
accordingly, or insert an intermediate flange between bin outlet and feed hopper / prefeeder.
If the run length, i.e. the distance between centreline of bin outlet and centreline of weighfeeder
discharge, does not coincide with the drawing, observe the following rules :-

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The distance between prefeeder rear edge and tail pulley centreline must be a minimum of
200mm. The feed hopper leading edge must not protrude into the weigh length : i.e. not reach
upto the third carrying idler as viewed from the discharge pulley. Better still is a distance of
150mm or more between third idler and prefeeder leading edge.
At any rate, it must be ensured that the material leaving the prefeeder has settled, i.e., exerts no
movement of its own relative to the belt, by the time it reaches the weigh length (starting at the
third idler as viewed from the front of the feeder).

Weighed idler

Min 150 Min 200

Limiting idlers

Sketch 1

If these dimensions are not attained, the weighbelt must be relocated suitably. In the event of
doubt, consult the factory.

The prefeeder centreline may be offset by max. 20 mm from weighbelt centreline. See Sketch 2.
Also a skewed position of the prefeeder to the axis of the weighbelt is not permissible, or should be
maintained at the absolute minimum. The last two items are of particular importance in respect of
a correct run of the belt

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Sketch 2

max 20

The hole pattern of the connecting flange at bin outlet and prefeeder inlet requires to be checked
against one another by measuring the hole spacing, hole diameter and the two diagonal distances.
In the event of deviations, rework the hole pattern at the part best accessible.
The same holds for the weighfeeder discharge chute.

When preparing the installation of a weighfeeder,following equipments are to be organised :-

2 Pulley blocks of 1ton capacity each for types DABX Weighfeeders

2 Pulley blocks of 3t capacity each for types DAMX & DAN.

For pulling the weighfeeder horizontally, one pulley block of the capacity indicated above
would be sufficient.
To lift the feeder, four lifting hooks are provided at corner points.

The weighbelt is supplied as a complete unit and normally installed. Site activity, is essentially
limited to the proper alignment of the weighbelt and bolting to the supporting structure.
Particularly important is the accurate alignment of the feeder in a horizontal direction. Idlers and
pulleys are permanently assigned to one another in their positions. It will be sufficient for a spirit
level to be placed on the belt stringers and the two pulleys in order to provide horizontal
alignment. If there is any doubts, as to the proper horizontal alignment, then the use of a hose
level is recommended, over the four corner points marked on weighbelt frame.

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The last measure to align the weighfeeder is to check the levelling of the three weighing idlers
(turned) constituting the weigh length. The level of these three idlers is slightly higher than the
remainder of idlers. First, loosen the relief screw fitted next to the load cell (securing) and arrest
with a play of approx. 10 mm above base plate by tightening the check nut. A straightedge placed
over the three idlers must proof that they are all in one level. If not, adjust the compression screw
of the load cell accordingly. It is of great importance that after setting of the check nut, the
compression screw be retightened. However, this is normally factory set.

Provide feeder cabling to ensure a future belt change is not obstructed. The belt is changed
always on the side opposite from the drive set, the cabling should be provided on the drive side.
The best possible location of the cable collecting point is given on the drive side behind the drive.
For cabling, see separate Cabling Instructions WMM 091 and associated electrical information.

Prior to commissioning it is essential to read operating instructions of weighbelt and drive set.
Particularly important are the instructions for setting up the belt run (WMC 001) and gearbox
operating instructions with suggestions for oil fill.

The proper setting of the bed depth setter (vertical slide gate) on the prefeeder to achieve the correct
bed depth of material on the belt is essential. Bed depth to be set is given in "BULK LAYER
HEIGHT" of the Technical data sheet.
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Cabling Instructions

The cabling of the weighfeeder must be carried out such that a future belt change will not be
impaired by cable runs. As a rule , belt change takes place on the side opposite to the drive
side. Thus, the cable gathering point as the transfer point from weighfeeder wiring to
interconnected wiring should be located on the drive side.

To lay the cables, there are cable ducts attached to the two side webs. The laying of cables square to
the weighbelt is via the square tubes representing the cross-members. The prepared cable
paths are shown in a separate sketch. In this connection, it is to be remarked that the drive
and, hence, the cable gathering point may be arranged either left or rights as viewed in the
direction of travel.

The following cabling is to be carried out on the feeder:-

The cable from the load cell is already run on the cable path provided for this purpose to the
terminal box. However, it requires to be soldered in the terminal box. See relevant specific
internal wiring diagram and circuit diagram included in the electrical part of the documentation.
This particular cable must neither be shortened nor be otherwise modified.

The cable from the tacho - generator fsee drive set) to the cable junction box is also run and
requires to be soldered in the terminal box.

Individual core of cables used for Tacho and Load Cell connections should be flexible to provide
better soldering junctions.

The two belt limit switches fitted at the return belt in close proximity of the tail pulley are
cabled in series and brought to the cable gathering point.
The cable cross-section is apparent from the external wiring diagram.

The connection of the DC motor can be carried out direct, for instance, from the cable
gathering point to the motor terminal box

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14. Weighing Section of the Weighfeeder
14.1 Important Notes

1 4 . 1 . 1 Maintenance
The weighing section does not require any maintenance.

1 4 . 1 . 2 Type survey The compact weighing sections

described below are installed in the
Weighfeeder Weighing belt
the types of weighfeeders and
DABX DABX weighing belts listed in the table to the
left. The compact weighing sections
may also be installed in belt
conveyors which are not Schenck
design. For this purpose, also refer to
the installation instructions of the
manual FH 5401.

14.1.3 SAFETY NOTE!!

Before doing any kind of work at the weighfeeder, all poles of the feeder must be
disconnected and secured against accidental reconnection.

14.1.4 BE CAREFUL when carrying out welding work!

# Protect the load cells against current flow and welding heat. Lay the negative pole
directly to the weld and cover the load cell.
# After welding, make sure the area of the welding seams are properly protected against

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14.2 Design and function of the weighing section
The weighing section of the weighfeeder consists of 2 compact weighing sections and the weigh
idler. The weigh idler is located between two carrying idlers which restrict the weigh length to the
measure "L" indicating the distance between the carrying idlers. Over the measuring length, the
load profile of the belt load acts with its measured load "Q" and L/2 on the load cells.

The weigh idler is laterally guided, with its axle pins in the receptacles of the load applicator.
Thus, the measured load Q is conveyed from the two axle pins, passing the load applicators into
both load cells of the compact weighing sections.

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14.3 The compact weighing sections
The different designs are based on the following criterions:
- width across flats of the carrying idler pin = for type DABX, 5mm , 22mm for type
- left-hand and right-hand design
- nominal load of the load cell = 20 / 30 / 50 / 100 /150 / 200 / 300 / 500 kg
(10kg for special cases handled order-specifically.)

14.3.1 Characteristic data of load cell

As is the case with platform scales, an eccentric load may be applied to the employed load cell.
Its nominal load varies from order to order and depends on the bulk density of the material to be
fed and on the feed rate of the type of weighfeeder. Please refer to the TECHNICAL DATA of the

Type of Nominal Maximum Input /

Combined Nominal Limit
Load Nominal load characteristic
supply output
displacement Load
Cell value voltage resistance
SPTT 30kg 50kg
100kg 150% of
2mV/V 0.03% 18V 350Ω 0.45mm nominal
100kg 150kg
SPP 200kg 300kg

Note : The limit load value applies in conjunction with the effectively set
overload protection of the weighing section
Nominal temperature : - 10°C bis + 40°C Storage temperature : - 30 bis+85 °C
Service temperature : - 30°C bis + 70°C Cable length : 5m
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14.4 Protection of the weighing section
For the purpose of protection, each compact weighing section is provided with a transit and
mounting restraint as well as with an overload protection.

14.4.1 Transit and mounting restraint

To protect the load cells, the restraint is, as a general rule, to be applied in accordance with the
following instructions, whenever the feeder is transported or a new compact weighing section is
installed. The securing prisms on both sides lift the weigh idler out of the load applicator by 10 to
20mm, depending on the feeder type.

Do not open the transit restraints for the protection of the load cells until shortly before the weighfeeder
is commissioned

Fastening the transit restraint

carrying out the steps 1 to 5 :
1 Screw out screw M8 to approx.
¾ of its length
2 Screw out the screw completely
3 Swing up the prism and screw in
screw (step 2) through the
borehole in the side web.
4 Tighten screw until the prism
takes the postion of step 5.

Loosen transit restraint

in reverse order of steps.

CAUTION Put the prism in upright

position to avoid material
sediments and secure it
permanently in this position by
tightening the screw lightly.

14.4.2 Overload protection

The overload protection prevents the weigh roller from exceeding the weigh length H in load direction.
However, the overload protection cannot prevent the destruction of the load cell(s) in case of lateral or
torsional loads exceeding its admissible limit load.
The overload protection is permanently secured with LOCTITE 270 to keep the weigh length H
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14.5 Aligning of weigh idler to limiting idlers
When the weighfeeder is delivered, the weigh roller has already been aligned to its limiting rollers with the
setting screw at the compact weighing sections in accordance with the following instructions. The setting
screws are permanently fixed with LOCTITE 270, also refer to section 9.
This measure guarantees that the weigh idler alignment is not changed during operation.

‰ Before the weigh idler is inserted, the measures Y and Z at the limiting idlers and the carrying idlers are
to be set according to the table in such a way that they cannot change.

IMPORTANT NOTE! The weigh and the limiting idlers must be turned with an out-of-round tolerance of
≤ 0.2mm in order to obtain the necessary alignment tolerance. This applies also to
rubber-coated idlers.

Feeder type X Y Z Y+Z

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] All 3 idlers must rotate under
the influence of their out-of-
DABX 0.2 ±0.1 2.0 ±0.5 4.0 ±0.5 6.0 ±0.5 round tolerances with the
straightedge at rest or when
DAMX 0.2 ±0.1 3.0 ±0.5 6.0 ±0.5 9.0 ±0.5 it is moving to and fro.
DAN 0.2 ±0.1 3.0 ±0.5 7.0 ±0.5 10.0 ±0.5

‰ In order to guarantee parallelism to the pulleys of the conveyor, set the same alignment tolerance to the
left and to the right of the idlers.
On no account may the weigh idler be located below the height level of the limiting idlers. This is to keep
measuring errors caused by belt tracking forces as low as possible

‰ Tighten the setting screws at the compact weighing sectors and use LOCTITE 270 to fix the weigh idler
alignment. After 30 minutes, this fixation is hand-tight and after 24 hours it is to tight that it cannot be
loosened any more. That means that the process of aligning must be finished after 30 minutes!!!

NOTE: A bottle of LOCTITE 270 is delivered with the compact weighing section in case it must be replaced.

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14.6 Aligning of limiting idlers to weigh idler
Aligning of the limiting idlers to the weigh idler may be necessary as a result of wear at the limiting
idlers and at the weigh idler.

Before you start aligning you should

‰ check the weigh idler and the limiting idlers for their admissible out-of-round error. Replace
defective idlers, if possible replace all three
‰ If necessary, measure the height level of the feeder frame and the pulleys and make sure the
weighfeeder is installed torsion-free.

To protect the load cells, please observe the following instructions on how to proceed:

The height level of the load applicators may not be changed by deposit welding or shims.
Welding destroys the load cells, shims make the quality of alignment doubtful.

‰ Use straightedge, in case of longer weighfeeders additionally tensioning wires, and a feeler
gauge to check on both left side and right side by how many tenth of millimeters the limiting
idlers must be raised or lowered, (if necessary, write the values down)

‰ For the purpose of raising the limiting idler(s), a welding spot should be located in the
centre of the support area for the axle pin.

‰ For the purpose of lowering the limiting idler(s), the support areas and the welding spots
should be deepened for the axle pins by filing until the measured values are reached.

‰ Set the alignment tolerance (measure X) in accordance with the measures specified in the
table overleaf and with the idlers inserted. All 3 idlers must rotate under the influence of their
out-of-round tolerances with the straightedge at rest ant with the straightedge moving to and
fro. On no account may the weigh idler be located below the height level of the limiting idlers.
This is to keep measuring errors caused by belt tracking forces as low as possible.
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14.7 Checking the load cell

For the purpose of testing the load cells, each load applicator is provided with a hook to hang
on check weights.
‰ Use the recommended commercial weights specified in the table for testing and do not
forget to take the mass of the rope for suspension of the check weights into account. It
must be counterbalanced as well.

NOTES : In case of weighfeeders installed in an inclined position, the measuring force of the check weight
is reduced by the factor of the cosine from the angle of inclination to the horizontal level.

Nominal load of
Recommended check weights
load cell See nominal load of the
2 x 30kg 2 x 1kg load cell and Qm in the
2 x 5kg up to Q m = 100kg TECHNICAL DATA of the
2 x 100kg feeder you have ordered
2 x 10kg from Q m = 100kg
2 x 150kg 2 x 10kg
2 x 300kg 2 x 10kg

Q m = Measuring load at nominal feed rate and medium bulk density of the material to be fed
‰ To measure the output signal of each load cell separately in order to find out which of the two
load cells is defective, lift the weigh idler out of the load applicator with the help of the transit
restraints. To do so, also disconnect the load cell cables in the junction box.
‰ Exchange the complete compact weighing sector in keeping with the following instructions.

Note! After a load cell test always set the scale to zero without testweight and without
suspension device.
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14.8 Demounting the compact weighing section
The load cell cannot be demounted from the compact weighing section. Its mounting areas are
protected against crevice corrosion and all fixing screws are permanently secured with LOCTITE
270. This measure is taken to guarantee troublefree operation and to enable the rapid
replacement of the complete compact weighing section in case of a defective load cell, as
described below.

‰ Lift the weigh idler on both sides

with the help of the transit
restraints, see section 4.1.

‰ Disconnect the load cell

cable in the junction box
and pull it out of the shafts.

‰ Screw out the fixing screws

M12 one after the other in order
to take off the compact
weighing section.
A socket wrench is needed to screw
off the nuts

14.9 Installation of the compact weighing section

‰ First, clean the area where the part is to be

installed and, if necessary, remove sediments at
the axle pin and the weigh idler.
‰ Put the compact weighing section in its
installation position and tighten all fixing
screws sturdily at first.
‰ Make sure there is a play of G ~ 3.0 mm
between the collar of the flat part of the axle pin
and the fit surface of the load applicator
Tighten the fixing screws.

Do not touch the load applicator with the
socket wrench, since this may destroy the
load cell!!!
‰ Loosen the transit restraints on both sides
carrying out the steps 1 to 5, also refer to
section 4.1. Never push or drop the weigh
idler on the load applicator.

‰ Align the weigh idler with the help of the setting screw in accordance with the instructions in
section 5.
‰ Test the load cell according to the instructions in section 7.
‰ Lay the load cell cable and connect it.
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KVERY 10000 HRS.







- √ 150 GRAMMES -DO- - DO-









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