Transmission Line Parameters: Power Systems Engineering

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EE 333


Lecture 11
Transmission Line Parameters

Reading: 4.1 – 4.6 ; 4.8 – 4.10

Homework 3 is due on Feb. 20th.

Dr. Lei Wu
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Develop simple model for transmission lines µ 0 GMD
ρ T il L= ln
Line resistance (R) Rdc ,T = 2π GMR
Line conductance (G) L
Line inductance (L)
Line capacitance (C)

GMR = n2
( D11 D12 ⋯ D1n )( D21 D22 ⋯ D2 n )⋯ ( Dn1 Dn 2 ⋯ Dnn )
GMD xy = nm
( D11' D12 ' ⋯ D1m )( D21' D22 ' ⋯ D2 m )⋯ ( Dn1' Dn 2 ' ⋯ Dnm )
Analyze how the geometry of the transmission lines will affect
the model parameters
Line inductance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing in a
bundle is 45cm. Find La.

Line inductance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find La.
GMR of one stranded conductor
D12 = D16 = D17 = 2 r D13 = D15 = 2 3 r D14 = 4 r

D71 = D72 = D73 = D74 = D75 = D76 = 2r

D11 = D77 = r ' = 0.7788 r

( D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 ) ( D71 D72 D73 D74 D75 D76 D77 )
GMRs = 7*7

= 2.1767 r = 3.9181cm

Line inductance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find La.
GMR of one bundle
GMRb = GMR4 = 4 GMRs dd 2 d
= 1.091 4 GMRs d 3 = 26.6567 cm

GMR of each phase

GMR1 = GMRb D1,1' = 0.266567 * (18 2

+ 20 2 ) = 2.678m
GMR2 = GMRb D2, 2 ' = 0.266567 * 24 = 2.5293m

GMR3 = GMRb D3,3 ' = 0.266567 * (18 2

+ 20 2 ) = 2.678m 5
Line inductance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find La.
GMR of the three-phase double circuit

GMR = 3 GMR1GMR2 GMR3 = 2.6275 m

Line inductance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find La.
GMD of the three-phase double circuit
GMD = 3 GMD12 GMD23 GMD13 = 16.5572

GMD12 = 4 D12 D12 ' D1' 2 D1' 2 '

= 4
10 2 + 4 2 10 2 + 20 2 10 2 + 22 2 10 2 + 2 2 = 15.4718 m

GMD23 = 4 D23 D23 ' D2 '3 D2 '3 ' = 15.4718 m

GMD13 = 4 D13 D13 ' D1'3 D1' 3 '

= 4
20 2 + 2 2 16 20 2 + 2 2 20 = 18.9619 m
Line inductance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find La.

µ 0 GMD
La = ln = 3.6814 *10 −7 H / m
2π GMR

X = 2π fL

Line capacitance
Transmission line conductors exhibit capacitance with respect
to each other due to the potential difference between them.
The relationship between charge q and potential V is
represented by the capacitance

q D2
V12 = ln
2πε 0 D1
where ε 0 =8.85*10 -12 Farad/m,
permittivity of free space

Line capacitance
Transmission line conductors exhibit capacitance with respect
to each other due to the potential difference between them.
The relationship between charge q and potential V is
represented by the capacitance
Assuming that ∑q i
i =0

1 n Dkj
Vij =
2πε 0
k =1
k ln
where D ii = ri
Line capacitance
For a single-phase two-wire line
q1 + q 2 = 0

1  D12 D22 
V12 =  q1 ln + q 2 ln 
2πε 0  D11 D21 
1  D r  1 D
= q ln − q ln = q 2 ln
2πε 0  r D  2πε 0 r

2πε 0
C12 =
2 ln

Line capacitance
General formula for calculating capacitance

2πε 0
where GMR c is similar to GMR except that r is used instead of r'

Line capacitance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing in a
bundle is 45cm. Find Ca and admittance.

Line capacitance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find Ca and admittance.
GMD of the three-phase double circuit
GMD = 3 GMD12 GMD23 GMD13 = 16.5572

Line capacitance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find Ca and admittance.
GMR of one stranded conductor
D12 = D16 = D17 = 2 r D13 = D15 = 2 3 r D14 = 4 r

D71 = D72 = D73 = D74 = D75 = D76 = 2r

D11 = D77 = r

( D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 ) ( D71 D72 D73 D74 D75 D76 D77 )
GMRs = 7*7

= 2.2558 r = 4.0605cm

Line capacitance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find Ca and admittance.
GMR of one bundle
GMRb = GMR4 = 4 GMRs dd 2 d D14 = 4 r
= 1.091 4 GMRs d 3 = 26.9079 cm

GMR of each phase

GMR1 = GMRb D1,1' = 0.269079 * (18 2

+ 20 2 ) = 2.6908m
GMR2 = GMRb D2,2 ' = 0.269079 * 24 = 2.5412 m

GMR3 = GMRb D3,3 ' = 0.269079 * (18 2

+ 20 2 ) = 2.6908m 16
Line capacitance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.
Find Ca and admittance.
GMR of the three-phase double circuit

GMR = 3 GMR1GMR2 GMR3 = 2.6400 m


2πε 0
Ca = = 3.03 *10 −11 F / m

Ya = j 2π fC = j 2π * 60 * 3.03 *10 −11 = j1.14 *10 −8 S / m

Line inductance & capacitance
Example: three-phase double circuit, bundled conductors. Each
conductor is stranded, r=1.8cm and conductor spacing is 45cm.

Single circuit Double circuit

Inductance (H/m) 7.75*10-7 3.68*10-7
Capacitance (F/m) 1.44*10-11 3.03*10-11

Additional Transmission Topics
Multi-circuit lines: Multiple lines often share a common
transmission right-of-way. This DOES cause mutual inductance
and capacitance, but is often ignored in system analysis.
Cables: There are about 3000 miles of underground ac cables
in U.S. Cables are primarily used in urban areas. In a cable the
conductors are tightly spaced, (< 1ft) with oil impregnated paper
commonly used to provide insulation
inductance is lower
capacitance is higher, limiting cable length

Additional Transmission topics
DC Transmission: Because of the large fixed cost necessary
to convert ac to dc and then back to ac, dc transmission is only
practical for several specialized applications
long distance overhead power transfer (> 400 miles)
long cable power transfer such as underwater
providing an asynchronous means of joining different power
systems (such as the Eastern and Western grids).


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