EE-12 Transline
EE-12 Transline
EE-12 Transline
Kalibo, Aklan
Electrical Engineering Department
R2=R 1
( )T +t 2
T +t 1
L=0.2 ln
Ds )
, mH /km
Ltotal=0.4 ln ( 0.779
, mH /km
L=0.2 ln
( GMD mH
km )
→ per phase
Problem 3. A single-phase, 10-km transmission line has conductors with
GMD= √ D12 D 23 D31
a diameter of 4 cm each. If the distance between the conductors is 100 3
cm, what is the loop inductance of the line?
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GMR FOR BUNDLED CONDUCTORS each conductor is 500 mils, calculate the capacitance per phase per
kilometer of the line.
2-bundled conductors (8.115 nF/km)
3-bundled conductors C= , μF /km
Ds =√ 0.779 r (d 2)
4-bundled conductors
C = capacitance/phase
Ds =1.09 √ 0.779 r (d 3)
GMD = geometric mean distance = equivalent spacing of conductors
D12 = distance between conductors 1 & 2
Problem 9. Find the approximate inductance per phase of a 3-phase D23 = distance between conductors 2 & 3
bundled conductor line with 2 conductors per phase with spacing of 40 D31 = distance between conductors 3 & 1
cm. Phase to phase separation is 7 m in horizontal configuration. All
conductors are ACSR with diameter of 3.5 cm. Problem 15. A 3-phase, 3-phase 60 Hz line has a flat horizontal spacing.
(0.96 mH/km) The conductors have an outside diameter of 3.28 cm and 12 m between
conductors. Determine the capacitive reactance to neutral of the line in
Problem 10. A single-circuit 3-phase transposed line is composed of four ohms if its length is 125 miles.
ACSR conductors per phase with horizontal configuration of 14 m (1620 )
between centers of the bundle. The bundle spacing is 45 cm. The
diameter of each conductor in the bundle is 3.574 cm and GMR of 1.419 Problem 16. Find the capacitance from line to neutral per 100 km of a 3-
cm. Solve the inductance per phase per km of the line. phase transmission line having conductors each of 1.8 cm diameter and
(0.889 mH/km) located at the corners of a triangle with sides 4 m, 5 m, and 6 m
Ds =1.09 √ r (d 3)
Problem 17. A single-circuit 3-phase transposed transmission line is
0.0556 composed of four ACSR conductors per phase, with horizontal
C= , μF /km configuration of 14 m between centers of the bundle. The bundle spacing
ln is 45 cm. The diameter of each conductor in the bundle is 3.574 cm and
r GMR of 1.419 cm. Determine the capacitance per phase per km of the
C = line to ground capacitance (capacitance/phase) line.
(12.668 nF/km)
Problem 13. Determine the capacitance of a 80 km long 3-phase,
overhead transmission line consisting of 3-conductors, each of 1.8 cm in EFFECT OF EARTH ON THE CAPACITANCE
diameter and spaced 2.4 m at the corners of an equilateral triangle.
(0.796 F) The effect of earth is to increase the capacitance. But normally, the
elevation h of the conductors is large as compared to the distance
Problem 14. A single-conductor, 3-phase transmission line is arranged in between the conductors, thus the effect of earth is normally negligible.
the form of an equilateral triangle with sides 6 m each. If the diameter of
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0.0556 PS =3 ES I S cos θ S
C= , μF /km→ per phase
ln −ln P LOSS=3 I R R
Ds Hs
PR = 3-phase receiving end power
H M =√ D12 D23 D31 ; H S =√ D11 D22 D33
3 3
PS = 3-phase sending end power
R = angle between ER and IR
Problem 18. A 3-phase line has a flat horizontal spacing. The conductors S = angle between ES and IS
have an outside diameter of 3.28 cm with 12 m between conductors. If PLOSS = total copper loss of the line
the conductors are elevated 20 m above the ground, determine the
capacitance to ground if its length is 125 miles. Problem 19. A 220 kV, 60 Hz, 3-phase transmission line is 40 km long.
(1.657F/km) The resistance/phase is 0.15 per km and the inductance per phase is
1.3263 mH per km. The shunt capacitance is negligible. The line is
supplying a 3-phase load of 381 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging at 220 kV.
a. sending end voltage per phase
b. sending end power factor
c. sending end active power
d. transmission losses
e. transmission line efficiency
TRANSMISSION LINE MODEL f. Voltage regulation
(127.017 kV/phase; 0.7455 lagging; 322.8 MW; 18 MW; 94.42%;
The transmission line may be represented by a two-port network and 13.64%)
the equations can be written in generalized circuit constant known as
A line is classified as a short-length transmission line, if its length is less Z= series impedance of the line per phase
than 80 km (50 mi). Y = shunt admittance per phase
√ √
z Z sinh γl=sin ( 0+ jβl ) = jsin βl
Z c= = → z=r+ jwL ; y= jwC
y Y A=D=cos βl
γ = √ zy =α + jβ → γl= √ ZY B=Z c sin γl= j Z c sin βl
ZC = characteristic impedance
z = series impedance per unit length 1 1
C= sin γl= j sin βl
y = shunt impedance per unit length Zc Zc
Z = total series impedance
Y = total shunt admittance SURGE IMPEDANCE LOADING
= propagation constant
= attentuation constant When the line is loaded by being terminated with an impedance equal
= phase constant (radian per unit length) to its surge impedance, the load corresponding to this impedance at
l = length of line rated voltage is called surge impedance loading (SIL).
Wavelength () – is the distance along the line between two points of a 2
wave which differ in phase by 360° or 2 radians. 3 ER
¿ E R (line)
SIL=3 E I = , but E R =
Zc √3
β E2R(line) kV 2
SIL= → =MW
The velocity of propagation of a wave is given by, Zc ohms
Note: For a lossless line under surge impedance loading, the voltage and
2 πf current at any point along the line are constant in magnitude and are
Velocity=λf = , length/s equal to their sending end values.
Problem 22. A 3-phase, 765 kV, 60 Hz transposed line has a line
Problem 21. A single-circuit, 60 Hz, 3-phase transmission line is 230 mi inductance of 0.89 mH/km per phase and a shunt capacitance of 12.668
long. It has a series impedance of 0.1603 + j0.8277 /mi and a shunt nF/km per phase. The line is 400 km long. Assuming the line is lossless,
admittance of j5.105 S/mi. The load on the line is 125 MW at 215 kV determine the following:
with unity pf Determine a. surge impedance
a. sending end line voltage b. phase constant
b. sending-end line current c. wavelength
c. total sending-end power d. surge impedance loading
d. voltage regulation e. ABCD constants
e. transmission efficiency f. If line delivers 2000 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging at 735 kV,
f. wavelength determine the sending quantities and voltage regulation
g. velocity of propagation (265 ; 0.001266 rad/km; 4963 km; 2208 MW; 0.87462; j128.47;
j0.00183; 0.87462; 518.047 kV/phase; 1100.26 A; 1600 MW +j603.3
MVAR; 39.58%)
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conductor is 500 mils, calculate the capacitance per phase per kilometer
of the line.
PRACTICE PROBLEMS: a. 8.115 nF/km c. 9.221 nF/km
b. 10.519 nF/km d. 7.442 nF/km
1. The conductors of a 3-phase transmission line are arranged in the
form of an equilateral triangel with sides 6 m each. If the conductors are 13. The capacitance and inductance per unit length of a line operating at
500 mils in diameter and the line is 25 km long, what is the inductance 110 kV are 0.01 F and 2 mH. The surge impedance loading of the line is
per phase? ___.
a. 35.5 mH c. 26.7 mH a. 40 MW c. 27 MW
b. 31.8 mH d. 22.8 mH b. 32 MW d. 25 MW
2. A 3-phase 3-wire short transmission line supplies at the receiving end 14. An AAC (All Aluminum Conductor) is composed of 37 strands, each
an inductive load of 5 MW at 0.8 pf. The impdenace of the line is 2 + j3 having a diameter of 0.333 cm. Compute the dc resistance in ohms per
per wire. If the sending end voltage is 13.8 kV line to line, estimate the kilometer at 75C. Assume that increase in resistance due spiraling is
receiving end line voltage in kV 2%.
a. 10.15 c. 12.02 a. 0.222 /km c. 0.194 /km
b. 11.85 d. 10.75 b. 0.108 /km d. 0.117 /km
3. Determine the resistance of a 10 km long solid cylindrical aluminum 15. A 3-km, 3-phase transmission line is supplying power to a 10 MW, 31
conductor with a diameter of 250 mils at 120C. Take resistivity and kV balanced load at 90% pf lagging. If the sending end voltage of the line
coefficient of resistance of aluminum at 20C equal to 2.83-cm and is 33 kV and the operating efficiency of the line is 96%, determine the
0.0039/C. series resistance of the line in ohms.
a. 8.93 c. 10.58 a. 2.15 c. 3.12
b. 11.15 d. 12.42 b. 2.65 d. 3.24
4. A 3-phase, 60 Hz, 500 kV transmission line is 300 km long. The line 16. Calculate the inductive reactance in ohms per kilometer of a bundled
inductance is 0.97 mH/km per phase and its capacitance is 0.0115 F/km 60 Hz 3-phase line having three ACSR Rail (Ds = 0.0386 ft) conductors per
per phase. Assume a lossless line. Determine the surge impedance. bunldle with 45 cm between conductors of the bundle. The spacing
a. 290 c. 310 between bundle centers is 9 m, 9 m, and 18 m.
b. 280 d. 300 a. 0.3348 c. 0.2842
b. 0.2891 d. 0.3139
5. A 3-phase transmission line has a horizontal configuration with 9 ft
spacing. The diameter of the 336.4 ACSR is 0.721 inch. If the length of 17. A 3-phase, 60 Hz, 500 kV transmission line is 300 km long. The line
the line is 20 km, what is the total capacitance? inductance is 0.97 mH/km per phase and its capacitance is 0.0115 F/km
a. 0.218 F c. 0.198 F per phase. Assume a lossless line. Determine the line phase constant.
b. 0.252 F d. 0.187 F a. 0.001368 rad/km c. 0.001259 rad/km
b. 0.001134 rad/km d. 0.001048 rad/km
6. A short transmission line is 20 km long. The line has a per phase series
impedance of 0.13 + j0.45 per km. The line delivers 75 MVA, 0.80 18. A 3-phase 132 kV, 100 km, 50 Hz single circuit line has a horizontal
lagging pf at 66 kV. Determine the voltage regulation. spacing with 3.5 m between adjacent conductors. The conductor
a. 10.10% c. 13.97% diameter is 1.2 cm. Find the charging current per phase.
b. 13.28% d. 11.05% a. 20.15 A c. 41.17 A
b. 38.23 A d. 56.05 A
7. A 1-phase transmission line 35 km long consist of two solid round
conductors, each having a diameter of 0.9 cm. The conductor spacing is 19. A 3-phase, 11-kV, 60 Hz short-transmission line is 10 km long. It
2.5 m. Calculate the equivalent diameter of a fictitious hollow, thin delivers a load of 5000 kW at 0.80 pf lagging at the receiving end. The
walled conductor having the same inductance as the original line. resistance of the line per km per phase is 0.1 and the reactance per
a. 32 mH c. 46 mH phase per km is 0.2 . Determine the transmission line efficiency.
b. 55 mH d. 61 mH a. 93.9% c. 95.4%
b. 96.1% d. 94.3%
8. A 3-phase, 60-Hz transponsed line has a flat horizontal spacing of
distance D between adjacent conductors. The line reactance is 0.50 20. A 1-phase transmission line 15 km long is using copper conductors of
/km. The conductor geometric mean radius is 2.15 cm. Determine the diameter 0.8 cm. If the distance between conductors is 1.25 m,
phase spacing D in meters. determine the self-inductance of the transmission lines.
a. 12.92 m c. 15.12 m a. 0.036 H c. 0.016 H
b. 13.64 m d. 17.58 m b. 0.023 H d. 0.045 H
9. A 230-kV, 3-phase transmission line has a per phase series impedance A 50 Hz, 3-phase transmission line has a total resistance of 35 , series
of z = 0.05 + j0.45 per km and a per phase shunt admittance of y = j3.4 reactance of 140 and shunt admittance (line to neutral) 930 x 10 -6
x 10-6 siemens per km. The line is 80 km long. Using nominal model, mho. It delivers a 40 MW load at 220 kV at 0.9 pf lagging. Using nominal-
find the transmission line constant C. method.
a. j0.0003721 S c. j0.0002137 S
b. j0.0003127 S d. j0.0002713 S 21. Determine constant A
a. 0.935 + j0.01625 c. 0.935 + j0.01645
10. Find the GMR of a bundle of four conductors separated by a distance b. 0.967 + j0.01645 d. 0.967 + j0.01625
of 45 cm. The GMR of each conductor is 1.4173 cm.
a. 10.33 cm c. 40.55 cm 22. Determine sending end line voltage.
b. 30.66 cm d. 20.66 cm a. 228.5 kV c. 225.8 kV
b. 226.2 kV d. 227.7 kV
11. A short transmission line is 20 km long. The line has a per phase
series impedance of 0.13 + j0.45 /km. The line delivers 75 MVA, 0.80 23. Determine sending end pf.
lagging pf at 66 kV. Determine the sending end apparent power. a. 96.67% c. 97.28%
a. 78.12 MVA c. 81.92 MVA b. 95.49% d. 94.92%
b. 84.97 MVA d. 79.89 MVA
25. Solve the capacitance per km per phase of a single circuit, two
12. A single-conductor, 3-phase transmission line is arranged in the form bundled conductors 3-phase line arranged horizontally with a distance
of an equilateral triangle with sides 6 m each. If the diameter of each
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of 5 m between adjacent lines. The diameter of each conductor is 5 cm 36. Calculate the sending end voltage to neutral in a feeder which the
and the distance between conductors in the bundle is 30 cm. following loads are connected: induction motor load of 130 A at 0.8 pf
a. 0.01296 F c. 0.02243 F and synchronous motor load of 90 A at 0.6 pf leading. The receiving end
b. 0.04522 F d. 0.03331 F voltage is 2,200 V and the line impedance is 0.25 + j0.9 .
a. 1322.4 V c. 1332.5 V
26. The ABCD constants of a 3-phase transmission line are: A = D = 0.936 b. 1424.2 V d. 1312.4 V
+ j0.016; B = 33.5 + j138; C = (-5.18 + j914) x 10 -6. The load at the
receiving end is 50 MW at 220 kV with a pf of 0.90 lagging. Find the 37. A 3-phase, 60 Hz transposed transmission line has a flat horizontal
volage regulation of the line. Assume that the magnitude of the sending spacing. The line reactance is 0.45 per km. The conductor geometric
end voltage remains the same. mean radius is 1.8 cm. Determine the phase spacing D in meter.
a. 16.4% c. 12.1% a. 5.58 m c. 6.63 m
b. 14.2% d. 10.3% b. 6.27 m d. 5.87 m
27. Find the inductive reactance in ohm per km of a 3-phase bundled 38. A short transmission line serves at its end an induction motor rated
conductor line with two conductors per phase. Distance between 500 hp, 0.88 pf lagging, 0.90 efficiency, at 2.44 kV line to neutral. If the
centers of the adjacent bundles is 7 m while the distance between transmission line has a resistance of 1.5 and a reactance of 2.4
conductors in the bundle is 40 cm. The radius of each conductor is 1.725 /phase, solve for the voltage regulation of the line.
cm. Frequency is 60 Hz. a. 5.63% c. 8.25%
a. 0.958 c. 0.733 b. 9.22% d. 6.77%
b. 0.526 d. 0.361
39. A 3-phase line is designed with equilater spacing of 16 ft. It is
28. A short transmission line is 20 km long. The line has a per phase decided to build the line with horizontal spacing (D 13 = 2D12 = 2D23). The
series impedance of 0.13 + j0.45 ohm per km. If the line delivers 75 conductors are transposed. What should be the spacing between
MVA, 0.8 lagging pf at 66 kV, determine the sending end voltage adjacent conductors in order to obtain the same inductance as in the
between lines. original design?
a. 73.29 kV c. 74.77 kV a. 10.6 ft c. 13.6 ft
b. 75.22 kV d. 72.64 kV b. 12.7 ft d. 11.2 ft
29. A 3-phase single circuit bundled conductor line with three sub- 40. A 3-phase wye connected, 20 MW load of pf 0.866 lagging is to be
conductors per phase has a horizontal spacing with 6.1 m between the supplied by a transmission line at 138 kV. It is desired that the line losses
center lines of adjacent phases. The distance between the sub- are not to exceed 5% of the load. If the per phase resistance of the line
conductors of each phase is 30.5 cm and each sub-conductor has a is 0.7 /km, what is the maximum length of the line?
diameter of 2.54 cm. Find the inductance per phase per km. a. 55 km c. 60 km
a. 0.874 mH c. 0.988 mH b. 58 km d. 51 km
b. 0.318 mH d. 0.552 mH
41. A 3-phase transmission line has conductors horizontally arranged
30. Calculate the line-to-line capacitance per km of a single-phase with 22 ft spacing. If the GMR of the conductors is 0.0435 ft, what is the
overhead line having copper conductors at a distance of 1.0 m apart and inductance of the line per meter?
diameters of 1.5 cm each. a. 1.82 H c. 2.12 H
a. 5.68 nF c. 4.56 nF b. 1.29 H d. 1.34 H
b. 6.43 nF d. 5.12 nF
42. A short transmission line is 20 km long. The line has a per-phase
31. A 3-phase, 60 Hz, 500 kV transmission line is 300 km long. The line series impedance of 0.13 + j0.45 /km. The line delivers 75 MVA, 0.80
inductance is 0.97 mH/km per phase and its capacitance is 0.0115 F/km lagging pf at 66 kV. Determine the efficiency of transmission.
per phase. Assume a lossless line. Determine the wavelength. a. 97.12% c. 94.68%
a. 4990 km c. 5500 km b. 96.24% d. 95.35%
b. 4580 km d. 5290 km
43. A single phase, 10 km transmission line has 16.65 mH total
32. A 3-phase 60 Hz transmission line has its conductors arranged in a inductance. If the distance between the conductors is 1.0 m, what is the
triangular formation so that two of the distances between conductors radius of the conductor?
are 25 ft and the third distance is 42 ft. The conductors are ACSR Osprey a. 2 cm c. 1.56 cm
(GMR = 0.0284 ft). Determine the inductive reactance per phase per b. 2.4 cm d. 1.28 cm
a. 0.531 c. 0.843 44. A 110 kV, 50 Hz, 3-phase overhead transmission line delivers a load
b. 0.692 d. 0.772 of 40 MW at 0.8 pf lagging at the receiving end and has the following
33. A 3-phase transmission line has a horizontal configuration with a A=D=0.98 ∠3 ° ; B=100 ∠ 75° Ω ; C=0.0005 ∠ 80 ° mho .
spacing of 6 m between adjacent conductors and 12 m between outer Determine transmission efficiency.
conductors. The radius of each conductor is 1.81 cm. Find the a. 83.6% c. 91.3%
inductance per phase per km of the line. b. 88.2% d. 85.7%
a. 1.442 mH c. 1.922 mH
b. 1.682 mH d. 1.257 mH 45. A 3-phase line has conductors of 2.0 cm diameter each spaced
34. Calculate the inductance per kilometer per phase of a single-circuit, horizontally 2.0 m apart. Find the capacitance per phase to neutral in
two bundle conductors. The diameter of each conductor is 5 cm. The microfarads per 100 km of the line.
distance between conductors in the bundle is 30 cm while the distance a. 10 pF c. 1.0 F
between centers of the bunlde is 5m. b. 10 F d. 1.0 pF
a. 0.734 mH/km c. 0.523 mH/km
b. 0.822 mH/km d. 0.882 mH/km 46. A short 3-phase transmission line has an impedance per phase of 5 +
j10 . The input voltage between the lines is 12.8 kV and at the
35. Find the resistance per phase of a 3-phase transmission line if the receiving end the load takes 1200 kW and 80 A at a lagging pf. What is
diameter of the conductor is 0.8 cm. The overhead line uses hard drawn the load voltage between lines?
copper conductors. The sensitivity of hard copper is 1.78 x 10 -8 -m at a. 12.5 kV c. 10.25 kV
20C and the temperature coefficient at 0C, 0 = 0.0041/C. The length b. 11.65 kV d. 11.36 kV
of the line is 50 km and the temperature of the region is 36C.
a. 18.78 c. 15.82 47. A twisted pair of cables has a capacitance of 100 pF/m and an
b. 17.71 d. 14.29 inductance of 0.37 H/m. What is the value of of phase velocity?
a. 1.6 x 108 m/s c. 2.0 x 108 m/s
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b. 3.0 x 108 m/s d. 2.7 x 108 m/s receiving end is 300 kW per phase at 0.8 pf lagging. Calculate the
receiving end voltage per phase.
48. The per phase line loss in a 40-km long transmission line is not to a. 1910 V c. 1828 V
exceed 60 kW while it is delivering 100 A per phase. If the resistivity of b. 1722 V d. 1805 V
the conductor material is 1.72 x 10- 8 -m, determine the required
conductor diameter. 60. Each conductor of a two-wired bundled conductor is ACSR,
a. 1.227 cm c. 1.182 cm 1,272,000-cmil Pheasant. The distance between each conductor in the
b. 1.208 cm d. 1.158 cm bundle is 45 cm while the distance between adjacent bundles is 8 m.
Find the inductance per km per phase. Assume Ds = 0.0142 m.
49. A 3-phase transmission line is 40 km long. The resistance per phase is a. 0.967 mH c. 0.892 mH
0.15 per km and the inductance per phase is 1.3263 mH per km. The b. 0.983 mH d. 0.828 mH
shunt capacitance is negligible. Find the voltage regulation when the line
is supplying a 3-phase load of 381 MVA at 0.80 pf lagging at 230 kV. 61. The ABCD constants of a 3-phase, 345 kV transmission line are: A = D
a. 10.81% c. 12.43% = 0.98182 + j0.0012447; B = 4.035 + j58.947 and C = j0.00061137. The
b. 11.54% d. 13.64% line delivers 400 MVA at 0.8 lagging pf at 345 kV. Determine voltage
50. A single-conductor, 3-phase transmission line is arranged in the form a. 11.45% c. 13.25%
of an equilateral triangle with sides 6 m each. If the diameter of each b. 12.69% d. 14.27%
conductor is 500 mils, calculate the capacitance per phase per kilometer
of the line. 62. A transmission line conductor has a resistance of 7 ohms at 0C.
a. 8.115 nF/km c. 9.221 nF/km Calculate the temperature coefficient of the conductor at 20C if its
b. 10.519 nF/km d. 7.442 nF/km resistance increases to 7.8 at 20C.
a. 0.00513 c. 0.00393
51. A 230 kV, 3-phase transmission line has a per phase series b. 0.00341 d. 0.00571
impedance of z = 0.05 + j0.45 /km and a per phase shunt admittance of
y = j3.4 x 10-6 siemens per km. The line is 80 km long. Using nominal 63. A 3-phase horizontally arranged conductors uses a two-wire bundled
model, find transmission line constant A. conductors with a spacing of 30 cm in the bundle. If the distance
a. 0.9195 + j0.00544 c. 0.9915 + j0.000445 between the centers of the bundle is 7.5 m, calculate the inductance per
b. 0.9159 + j0.00445 d. 0.9951 + j0.000544 km per phase of the line. Self GMD of one conductor is 0.8 cm.
a. 2.29 mH c. 1.20 mH
52. Calculate the loop inductance per km of a 1-phase overhead line b. 2.93 mH d. 1.05 mH
consisting of two conductors each 1 cm in diameter and 1.2 m apart.
a. 1.164 mH c. 1.604 mH 64. A 200 km line has a resistance of 0.08 per phase per km,
b. 2.148 mH d. 2.292 mH susceptance per phase per km = 6 x 10 -6 mho and a reactance per phase
per km is 0.8 . Using nominal T method, determine constant B of the
53. A 230 kV, 60 Hz transmission line is 100 miles long. The conductor is line.
ACSR. The conductors are horizontally arranged with 20 ft spacing. Its a. 153.2 cis 84.6 c. 145.2 cis 88.2
GMR is 0.0435 ft. What is the inductive reactance of the line? b. 178.4 cis 81.5 d. 169.5 cis 83.6
a. 77.2 c. 67.6
b. 48.4 d. 53.3 65. A single phase 10 km transmission line is 16.65 mH total inductance.
If the distance between conductors is 1.0 m, what is the geometric mean
54. A 3-phase, 60 Hz, 500 kV transmission line is 300 km long. The line radius of the conductors?
inductance is 0.97 mH/km per phase and its capacitance is 0.0115 F/km a. 1.427 cm c. 1.577 cm
per phase. Assume a lossless line. Determine velocity of propagation. b. 1.263 cm d. 1.318 cm
a. 3.0 x 105 km/s c. 3.6 x 105 km/s
b. 4.2 x 105 km/s d. 2.8 x 105 km/s 66. The per phase impedance of a short transmission line is 0.3 + j0.4
ohm. The sending end line to line voltage is 3300 V and the load at the
55. A 3-phase short transmission line is 16 km long. The line has a per receiving end is 300 kW per phase at 0.8 pf lagging. Calculate the line
phase series impedance of 0.125 + j0.4375 /km. Determine the voltage current.
regulation when the line delivers 120 MW, unifty pf at 64 kV. a. 207.75 A c. 214.83 A
a. 7.83% c. 9.45% b. 210.12 A d. 217.48 A
b. 8.42% d. 10.63%
67. A 5 km long, 3-phase line has a horizontal configuration of 4 ft
56. A two-subconductor bundled conductor 3-phase line, 60 Hz has a flat spacing. The conductor is 336.4 MCM ACSR with GMR of 0.0244 ft and a
horizontal spacing. The spacing between conductors of the bundle is 45 resistance of 0.306 ohm per mile. What is the series impedance of the
cm. The spacing between bundle centers is 8 m, 8 m, and 16 m. Find the line?
inductive reactance in ohm per km per phase, GMR of the conductor is a. 0.95 + j2 c. 0.95 + j1.45
0.0466 ft. b. 0.86 + j2 d. 0.86 + j1.45
a. 0.212 c. 0.314
b. 0.254 d. 0.365 68. The ABCD constants of a 3-phase, 345 kV transmission line are: A = D
= 0.98182 + j0.0012447; B = 4.035 + j58.947, and C = j0.00061137. The
57. A 3-phase, 60 Hz, 550-V transmission line is 320 km long. The line line delivers 400 MVA at 0.80 lagging pf at 345 kV. Determine efficiency.
inductance is 1.0 mH/km per phase and its capacitance is 0.012 a. 98.46% c. 96.25%
F/km/phase. Assume a lossless line. Determine the surge impedance b. 97.63% d. 95.91%
a. 1048 MW c. 1024 MW 69. A single circuit 3-phase, 60 Hz transmission line consists of three
b. 1096 MW d. 1056 MW conductors arranged in triangular pattern with distances of 5 m, 5m, and
8 m respectively. If each conductor has a diameter of 250 mils,
58. Calculate the line-to-line capacitance per 100 km of a single-phase determine the inductive reactance of the line per km per phase.
overhead line having copper conductors at a distance of 1.0 m apart and a. 0.723 c. 0.585
diameters of 1.2 cm each. b 0.624 d. 0.482
a. 0.517 F c. 0.525 F
b. 0.543 F d. 0.442 F 70. A 230 kV transmission line has an impedance of 1.045 + j4.89 . The
sending end power is 100 MW at 230 kV and 85% pf. What is the line
59. The per phase impedance of a short transmission line is 0.3 + j0.4 . loss?
The sending end line to line voltage is 3300 V and the load at the a. 1.21 MW c. 962 kW
b. 728 kW d. 272 kW
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71. A 34.5 kV, 60 Hz, feeder line is 5 miles long. The conductors are 83. A 1-phase transmission line is 40 miles and consists of two 0000 solid
spaced 4 ft horizontally. The conductor is 4/0 copper with GMR of conductors (d = 0.46 in) spaced 4 ft on center. Determine total
0.01668 ft. What is the inductive reactance of the line? inductance of the entire line.
a. 3.46 c. 3.17 a. 144 mH c. 440 mH
b. 3.69 d. 3.81 b. 240 mH d. 113 mH
72. A balanced 3-phase load of 10 MVA, 80% pf and 33 kV is connected 84. The conductors of a 3-phase, 3-wire system are transposed and
at the end of a transmission line whose line impedance is 1.2 + j5 per arranged in a horizontal configuration with D12 = D23 = 1.8 m; D31 =
conductor. Determine the percent regulation of the line. 2D12. If the diameter of each conductor is 2.2 cm, solve for the
a. 3.25% c. 3.03% inductance of the line per phase per km.
b. 3.80% d. 3.68% a. 1.116 mH c. 1.239 mH
b. 2.183 mH d. 2.061 mH
73. A transmission-line cable consists of 12 identical strands of
aluminum, each 3 mm in diameter. Find the 50C AC resistance per km 85. A 3-phase, 3-wire short transmission line has an impedance of 5 +
of the cable. Assume a skin effect correction factor of 1.02 at 60 Hz. For j12 ohms per wire and transmit power to a 3-phase load drawing 1000
aluminum, the resistivity at 20C is 2.8 x 10-8 -m while the inferred kW at 13.12 kV line to line, 0.8 pf lagging. Determine the voltage
absolute zero temperature is 228C. regulation of the line.
a. 0.3774 /km c. 0.3747 /km a. 6.78% c. 8.23%
b. 0.3470 /km d. 0.3407 /km b. 7.72% d. 9.11%
74. A 3-phase, 765 kV, 60 Hz transmission line has an inductance of 86. A single phase, 2-wire transmission line 20 km long is made up of
0.88853 mH/km and capacitance of C of 0.01268 F/km. The line is 350 solid round conductor, each 0.8 cm in diameter separated from each
km long and assumed to be lossless. The transmission line surge other by 40 cm. Determine the inductance of this line.
impedance is ___. a. 41.7 mH c. 38.8 mH
a. 254.2 c. 277.3 b. 39.1 mH d. 40.5 mH
b. 264.7 d. 288.6
87. At 85% lagging pf, 20 MW is to be delivered at 69 kV, 60 Hz over a 30
75. A bundled conductor line has 4 conductors per bundle. The four sub- mile, 3-phase transmission line. Resistance of conductor is 0.326
conductors are placed at the corners of a square of side 25 cm. The ohm/mile while reactance is 0.742 ohm/mile. Assume negligible
radius of each sub-conductor is 1.573 cm. Find the geometric mean charging capacitance. Determine the source end voltage per phase.
radius of this configuration. a. 38.43 kV c. 43.87 kV
a. 13.242 cm c. 15.622 cm b. 34.50 kV d. 35.41 kV
b. 14.202 cm d. 12.821 cm
88. Find the inductive reactance in ohms per km of a 3-phase bundled
76. A short 3-phase transmission line has a line impedance of (3 + j4) conductors with 2 conductors per phase with spacing of 40 cm. Phase to
ohms. At the receiving end, the line to line voltage is 13.25 kV, with a phase separation is 7 meters in horizontal configuration. All conductors
load which draws 200 A at 0.707 lagging pf and a capacitor bank drawing are ACSR each with a GMR of 3.63 cm.
96 A. Solve for the pf at the sending end. a. 0.32 c. 0.42
a. 0.952 lag c. 0.948 lag b. 0.39 d. 0.22
b. 0.961 lag d. 0.935 lag
89. The ABCD constants of a lossless 3-phase 500 kV transmission line
77. A 3-phase, 3-wire transmission line supplies at the receiving end an are: A = D = 0.86 + j0, B = 0 + j130.2, C = j0.002. Determine the voltage
inductive load of 5 MW at 0.8 pf and the line to line voltage of 13.25 kV regulation when the line delivers 1000 MVA at 0.8 lagging pf at 500 kV.
and in addition a capacitor bank that draws a line current of 90 A. The a. 33.78% c. 41.25%
effective impedance of the transmission line is 2 + j3 ohms per wire. b. 38.52% d. 44.68%
Determine the sending end power.
a. 5.32 MW c. 5.43 MW 90. Find the capacitance from line to neutral per 100 km of a 3-phase
b. 5.86 MW d. 5.71 MW transmission line having conductors each of 1.8 cm diameter and
located at the corners of a triangle with sides 4 m, 5 m, and 6 m
78. Determine the capacitance of an 80 km long 3-phase, 50 Hz respectively.
overhead transmission line consisting of 3-conductors, each of 1.8 cm in a. 0.67 F c. 0.50 F
diameter and spaced 2.4 m at the corners of an equilateral triangle. b. 0.88 F d. 0.92 F
a. 0.797 F c. 0.842 F
b. 0.592 F d. 0.996 F 91. A 3-phase, 3-wire, short transmission line has a resistance of 3 and
ctance a rea
A 150 km, 3-phase, 110 kV, 60 Hz, medium transmission line transmists a reactance 8 per wire. At the receiving end, a balanced 3-phase load
load of 40 MW at 0.8 pf lagging at the receiving end. Impedance per draws a line current of 60 A, at 13,500 V line to line, 0.90 pf lagging.
phase per km is 0.15 + j0.6 . Susceptance per phase per km is j10 x 10 -6 Determine the voltage at the sending end.
mho. Assume a nominal-T equivalent circuit. Determine a. 14.156 kV c. 14.422 kV
b. 15.152 kV d. 15.222 kV
79. Determine the sending end voltage
a. 136.83 kV c. 129.53 kV 92. A 3-phase transmission line has a triangular arrangement with 20 ft,
b. 132.28 kV d. 134.72 kV 24 ft, and 32 ft spacing respectively. If the line conductors have a GMR
of 0.0217 ft, determine the capacitance of the line per phase per meter.
80. Determine sending end current. a. 7.12 pf c. 8.32 pf
a. 202.45 A c. 204.15 A b. 5.32 pf d. 7.89 pf
b. 206.51 A d. 208.14 A
93. A balanced 3-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz transmission line is used to
81. Determine efficiency of transmission transmit power to a 450 kVA, 6.6 kV, inductive load at 0.8 pf. The line
a. 93.53% c. 94.27% has a resistance of 3.5 and reactance of 10.5 per wire. Find the
b. 91.47% d. 92.81% sending end pf.
a. 0.834 lag c. 0.811 lag
82. Determine voltage regulation, assuming the magnitude of b. 0.749 lag d. 0.763 lag
the sending voltage remains constant.
a. 35.82% c. 36.29% 94. A 3-phase, 60 Hz transmission line is required to deliver 20 MW at 66
b. 34.18% d. 33.38% kV at a distance of 30 miles. The load pf is 85% lagging. Each line
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conductor has a resistance per mile of 0.326 and a reactance per mile b. 95.49% d. 94.92%
of 0.742 . Find the efficiency of transmission.
a. 97.22% c. 95.32% 108. A single-phase transmission line is 10 km long. The line has
b. 94.14% d. 96.24% conductors each of diameters 1.5 cm and spaced 2 m apart. Find the
inductive reactance of the loop at 50 Hz.
95. A 100-mile, 230-kV, 60 Hz, 3-phase single-circuit transmission line a. 6.19 c. 6.53
uses a triangular format with 20 ft, 20 ft, and 36 ft spacing respectively. b. 7.84 d. 7.33
If the wires have a GMR of 0.0217 ft, solve for the total capacitance per
phase of the line. 109. A 3-phase transmission line has a line impedance of 10 + j40 . It
a. 1.275 F c. 1.482 F delivers power to a 3-phase load rated 5.5 MW, 44 kV, 0.8 pf lagging.
b. 2.146 F d. 1.315 F Determine the efficiency of the line under the given load.
a. 93.43% c. 96.43%
96. In a 3-phase transmission line, the three conductors are placed at b. 94.12% d. 95.75%
the corners of a triangle of sides 1.5 m, 3 m, and 2.6 m respectively. If
the diameter of each conductor is 1.4 cm and the conductors are 110. A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 132 kV overhead line has conductors placed in a
transposed, calculate the inductance per phase per km of the line. horizontal plane 4.56 m apart. Conductor diameter is 22.4 mm. If the
a. 2.492 mH c. 1.206 mH line length is 100 km, calculate the charging current per phase assuming
b. 1.104 mH d. 2.711 mH complete transposition.
a. 21.3 A c. 28.5 A
A 230-kV, 3-phase transmission line has a per-phase series impedance of b. 24.1 A d. 31.5 A
0.05 + j0.45 /km and a per-phase shunt admittance of y = j3.4 x 10 -6
siemens per km. The line is 80 km long. The line delivers 306 MW at 111. A short, 3-phase, 3-wire, transmission line has a line impedance of
unity pf at 220 kV. Assume nominal equivalent circuit. 5 ∠78 ° . The sending end power is 100 MW at 230 kV and 85% pf
lagging. Determine the receiving end pf.
97. The A constant of the line is ___. a. 0.818 c. 0.854
a. 0.9951 + j0.000544 c. 0.9195 + j0.000544 b. 0.863 d. 0.866
b. 0.9951 + j0.000445 d. 0.9195 + j0.000445
112. A 60 Hz short transmission line having R = 0.62 /phase and L =
98. The C constant of the line is ___. 93.24 mH/phase, supplies a 3-phase, wye-connected 100 MW load of
a. j0.0001237 c. j0.0002173 0.9 lagging pf at 215 kV line to line voltage. Calculate the sending end
b. 0.0001723 d. j0.0002713 voltage per phase.
a. 129 kV c. 122 kV
99. The sending end voltage between lines is ___ kV. b. 136 kV d. 132 kV
a. 228.31 kV c. 232.46 kV
b. 230.03 kV d. 233.98 kV 113. A 15 km long, 3-phase, 50 Hz overhead short line delivers 5 MW at
11 kV at a pf of 0.8 lagging. Line loss is 12% of the power delivered. Line
100. The sending end current is ___. inductance is 1.1 mH per km per phase. Calculate the voltage regulation.
a. 820 A c. 830 A a. 22.48% c. 24.71%
b. 800 A d. 810 A b. 30.62% d. 31.23%
82. The voltage regulation of the line is ___. 114. Using nominal T-circuit, find constant B parameter of a 3-phase, 80
a. 5.073% c. 5.218% km, 50 Hz line with series impedance of 0.15 + j0.78 /km and a shunt
b. 5.611% d. 5.421% admittance of 5 mho/km.
a. 0.9875 + j0.0024 c. 0.7834 + j0.0423
81. The efficiency of transmission ___. b. 10.748 + j54.342 d. 11.851 + j62.027
a. 95.3% c. 97.5%
b. 96.1% d. 94.2% 115. A single-circuit, 3-phase line, operated at 60 Hz is arranged in a
triangular arrangement with distances 20 ft, 20 ft, and 38 ft. The
103. A single-circuit 3-phase transposed transmission line is composed conductors are ACSR Drake (Ds = 0.0373 ft). Find the inductive reactance
of four ACSR, 1,272,000 c-mil conductor per phase with horizontal per mile per phase.
configuration of 14 m between centers of the bundle. The bundle a. 0.672 c. 0.788
spacing is 45 cm. The diameter of each conductor in the bundle is 3.574 b. 0.492 d. 0.616
cm and GMR of 1.419 cm. Determine the inductance per phase per km
of the line. 116. A 10 km long, 1-phase, short transmission line has 0.5 ∠ 60 °
a. 0.942 mH c. 1.125 mH
per km impedance. The line supplies a 316.8 kW at 0.8 pf lagging. What
b. 0.889 mH d. 1.307 mH
is the voltage regulation if the receiving end voltage is 3.3 kV?
a. 20.52% c. 18.14%
A 50 Hz, 3-phase transmission line has a total resistance of 35 , series
b. 16.94% d. 12.86%
reactance of 140 and shunt admittance (line to neutral) 930 x 10 -6
mho. It delivers a 40 MW load at 220 kV at 0.9 pf lagging. Using nominal
117. A 3-phase, 60 Hz transposed transmission line has a flat horizontal
configuration of spacing D. The line reactance is 0.486 /km. The
conductor geometric mean radius is 2 cm. Determine the spacing D.
104. Determine constant A.
a. 12.6 m c. 7.54 m
a. 0.935 + j0.01625 c. 0.935 + j0.01645
b. 10 m d. 8 m
b. 0.967 + j0.01645 d. 0.967 + j0.01625
118. Find the resistance per phase of a 3-phase transmission line if the
105. Determine sending end line voltage.
diameter of the conductor is 0.8 cm. The overhead line uses aluminum
a. 228.5 kV c. 225.8 kV
conductors. The resistivity of aluminum is 2.86 x 10 -8 -m at 20C and
b. 226.2 kV d. 227.7 kV
the temperature coefficient at 0C, 0 = 0.0038/C. The length of the line
is 50 km and the temperature of the region is 36C
106. Determine sending end pf.
a. 30.06 c. 21.21
a. 0.8796 c. 0.8683
b. 28.45 d. 34.72
b. 0.8819 d. 0.8959
119. A 3-phase short transmission line is 20 km long. The line has a per
107. Determine transmission efficiency. phase series impedance of 0.135 + j0.475 /km. Determine the voltage
a. 96.67% c. 97.28% regulation when the line delivers 75 MVA at 0.866 lagging pf at 64 kV.
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a. 11.75% c. 15.97%
b. 13.67% d. 17.52%
121. A 34.5 kV, 60 Hz, feeder line is 5 miles long. The conductors are
spaced 4 ft horizontally. The conductor is 4/0 copper with GMR of
0.01668 ft. What is the inductive reactance?
a. 3.46 c. 2.67
b. 3.39 d. 2.94
122. A 60-Hz short transmission line having R = 0.62 per phase and L =
93.24 mH per phase, supplies a three phase wye-connected 100 MW
load at 0.90 lagging pf at 215 kV line-to-line voltage. Determine the
voltage regulation of the line.
a. 3.93% c. 3.69%
b. 4.08% d. 4.72%
126. A 3-phase, 15 hp, 440-V motor operating at full load, 90% efficiency
and 80% pf lagging is supplied from a bus. If the impedance of each of
the three lines connecting the motor to the bus is (0.3 + j1.0) , find the
line to line voltage at the bus which supplies 440 V at the motor.
a. 470 V c. 460 V
b. 475 V d. 465 V
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