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CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 04 Solutions Page 1 Sample Paper 04 Solutions


CLASS-X EXAM 2024-25
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 80 General Instructions :
Read the instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
1. This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are compulsory.
2 The Question Paper contains THREE sections -
Section A : Reading Skills
Section B : Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
Section C : Literature Textbook
3. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part.
others may develop allergies with no prior history
of sensitivity.
4. In cases of acute immune reactions, the allergy
SECTION A - READING SKILLS 20 trigger might be singular, but the symptoms
usually arise from a combination of factors.
1. Read the following text. 10
Stress, overly sterile environments that limit the
1. Just like bad news or the common cold, allergies body’s ability to develop natural immunity, and
can appear without warning. A few years ago, I lifestyle
suddenly developed an allergy to Cronin induced hormonal imbalances are believed to be
(Paracetamol), despite using it my entire life for some triggers. Clinical studies support this,
everything from headaches to fevers and showing that women are more prone to
toothaches. A friend of mine, who loved seafood, developing allergies during puberty, after
found himself struggling to breathe after eating pregnancy, and at menopause, pointing to
Thai food. After several costly tests, doctors hormonal changes as a cause.
concluded that his chest tightness was due to a 5. Avoiding the allergen and promptly taking
newfound shellfish allergy, something he had anti-allergy medication after exposure is the best
been eating regularly without any prior reaction. form of prevention. Since pollen levels are
2. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction include usually highest in the morning, people with
a runny or congested nose, frequent sneezing, respiratory sensitivities or asthma should delay
itchy throat, rashes, sinus issues, ear pain, outdoor exercise until later in the day or opt for
difficulty breathing, stomach cramps, and red, indoor workouts. This is because aerobic
itchy, or watery eyes. Pollen, dust, and polluted exercise increases breathing depth and rate,
air are some typical environmental allergens, causing more pollen and dust to be inhaled,
along with indoor triggers such as dust mites, which can harm the airways and lungs.
cigarette smoke, and mould. Other culprits 6. Allergies in adults can be treated with anti-allergy
include medicines, paint, and chemicals in medications. For those who don’t respond to
household cleaners and cosmetics. Among conventional treatment, allergy shots can help
foods, eight major allergens – milk, soy, wheat, the immune system build tolerance to the
eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish – allergen. However, in most cases, simply
account for 90% of food allergies. identifying and avoiding the allergen is enough
3. Many mistakenly think allergies only appear in to manage symptoms.
childhood or that people are born with them. In Answer the following questions, based on the
reality, allergies can develop at any point in life, passage above.
and experts note that their incidence among
adults is increasing. While many adults with i. In paragraph 1, what does the comparison
allergies have had some allergic reactions between allergies and bad news or the common
before, either to the same or a different trigger, cold suggest about how allergies can develop? 1
Page 2 Sample Paper 04 Solutions CBSE 10th English
i. The comparison suggests that allergies, like bad
ii. Complete the following with the correct option : 1 news or the common cold, can appear suddenly
Allergies can sometimes develop later in life and without warning, even in those who have
because : never had them before.
(a) People are always allergic from birth but ii. (b) Allergies can emerge unexpectedly, even in
don’t notice it until adulthood. those with no previous reactions.
(b) Allergies can emerge unexpectedly, even in iii. The writer supports the claim by explaining that
those with no previous reactions. while an allergy might be triggered by a single
(paragraph 3) factor, other factors such as stress, a sterile
environment, and hormonal imbalances can
iii. Support the writer’s claim that multiple factors
contribute to the severity of symptoms.
can contribute to allergy symptoms, even when only
one trigger is present. 2 (paragraph 4) iv. (a) People with allergies should identify triggers
and avoid them completely to prevent reactions. v.
iv. Select the option that best reflects the idea of True. Women are more likely to develop allergies
avoiding allergens to prevent symptoms : 1 (a) during hormonal changes such as puberty and
People with allergies should identify triggers menopause.
and avoid them completely to prevent vi. (C) Receiving a series of allergy shots to build
reactions. tolerance.
(b) Taking medication is more important than vii. The two examples of common environmental
identifying and avoiding allergens. allergens mentioned in the passage are:
(paragraph 5) (a) Pollen, which is a typical allergen found
outdoors and can cause respiratory issues. (b)
v. State whether the following statement is True or Dust mites, an indoor trigger that can lead
False. 1 Women are more likely to develop to sneezing, congestion, and other allergic
allergies during certain hormonal changes, such reactions, especially in homes with poor air
as puberty and menopause. quality.
(paragraph 4) viii. (B) Experiencing allergy symptoms and reactions.
vi. The writer mentions that some people might not 2. Read the following text. 10
respond to standard anti-allergy treatment. 1
Which of the following is an alternative treatment 1. Wetlands are among the most productive
option mentioned in the passage? ecosystems on Earth, providing essential
(A) Switching to natural remedies. services such as water filtration, flood control,
and habitat for a wide variety of species. They
(B) Taking higher doses of the same medication.
act as natural sponges, absorbing excess rainfall
(C) Receiving a series of allergy shots to build
and reducing the impact of floods on surrounding
(D) Using painkillers for symptom relief.
(paragraph 6) 2. Wetlands also play a critical role in improving
water quality by filtering pollutants and sediments
vii. List any two examples of common environmental from water before it enters rivers, lakes, or
allergens mentioned in the passage. 2 (paragraph 2) oceans. Many species of fish, birds, and insects
rely on wetlands for food, shelter, and breeding
viii. Fill in the blank with the correct option : 1 In the
phrase “identifying and avoiding the allergen is grounds.
enough to stay free of trouble,” the word 3. However, wetlands are disappearing at an
“trouble” refers to : alarming rate due to human activities such as
(A) The hassle of allergy testing. agriculture, urbanization, and industrial
(B) Experiencing allergy symptoms and development. Over the last century, nearly 50%
reactions. (C) Having to take medication daily. of the world’s wetlands have been lost.
(D) Managing lifestyle changes due to an 4. Conservation efforts are underway to protect and
allergy. restore wetlands. These efforts include creating
(paragraph protected areas, enforcing stricter regulations,
and promoting sustainable land use practices.
Ans :
Communities are also being educated about the
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 04 Solutions Page 3
improve water quality by.
importance of wetlands for their health, economy, viii. Complete the following with a suitable reason :
and environment. Scientists believe wetland conservation is
important because _____.
5. Scientists warn that continued loss of wetlands
will not only lead to a decline in biodiversity but ix. In the context of paragraph 5, why is the
also increase the risk of floods, water pollution, continued loss of wetlands a serious concern? 2
and loss of livelihoods for millions of people who
depend on these ecosystems. Ans :

Answer the following questions, based on the i. (B) They absorb excess rainfall, reducing floods.
passage above. (The phrase “natural sponges” refers to wetlands’
ability to absorb and store water, which helps
i. What does the phrase “natural sponges” in reduce floods.)
paragraph 1 suggest about wetlands? 1 (A) They ii (A) Both the assertion and reason are true, and the
produce water. reason is the correct explanation of the
(B) They absorb excess rainfall, reducing assertion.
floods. (C) They are artificial environments. (The reason explains how wetlands filter
(D) They are used for agriculture. pollutants, improving water quality.)
iii Nearly 50% of the world’s wetlands have been
ii. Select the option that is true for the assertion and lost.
reason given below. 1 Assertion : Wetlands are iv Wetlands provide water filtration and flood control.
important for water quality. v. The percentage of global wetlands lost over the
Reason : Wetlands absorb pollutants and last century that this restoration helps to reverse
sediments before water reaches rivers, lakes, or is nearly 50%.
oceans. vi. Methods to protect and restore wetlands include
(A) Both the assertion and reason are true, and creating protected areas, enforcing stricter
the reason is the correct explanation of the regulations, and promoting sustainable land use
assertion. practices.
(B) Both the assertion and reason are true, but vii. Wetlands help improve water quality by filtering
the reason is not the correct explanation of pollutants and sediments from water.
the assertion. viii Scientists believe wetland conservation is
(C) The assertion is true, but the reason is important because wetlands provide essential
false. (D) The assertion is false, but the reason services like water filtration, flood control, and
is true. habitat for species.
ix. The continued loss of wetlands is a serious
iii. Identify the percentage of the world’s wetlands
concern because it leads to biodiversity decline,
that have been lost, as mentioned in the
increases the risk of floods and water pollution,
passage. 1
and threatens the livelihoods of millions of people
iv. According to the passage, what are two essential who depend on wetlands for survival.
services provided by wetlands? 1

v. Read the given prompt and select the correct SECTION B - WRITING SKILLS &
option in the brackets to fill in the blank : 1 Ravi’s GRAMMAR 20 GRAMMAR 10
town, a wetland area was restored to prevent
flooding and improve water quality. The 3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following
percentage of global wetlands lost over the last tasks, as directed.
century that this restoration helps to reverse is i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to
_____ (50% / 20% / 70%). complete an online update.
The mystery of why, home _____ biggest tech
vi. What are some of the methods mentioned in the cos, can’t solve visa backlog.
passage that are being used to protect and
(a) for world’s (b) to world’s (c) of world’s
restore wetlands? 1
(d) on world’s Ans : (c) of world’s
vii. Complete the sentence suitably. 1 Wetlands help
Page 4 Sample Paper 04 Solutions CBSE 10th English
word in the bracket, for the given portion of a
ii. Read the conversation and complete the passage letter:
given below : Subject: Bullying of a Class X student
Gardener : Did you water the plant today? Respected Sir/Madam,
Dev : No, but I will today. With due respect, I bring to your notice that my
Gardener : Then tomorrow I will get a sapling of brother, Ashutosh Roy, of Class X D, _____
sunflower. (stay) in dormitory No. 20 for last 6 months. Ans :
The gardener asked Dev whether he had has been staying
watered the plant that day. Dev replied
negatively but further informed that _____. vii. Report the dialogue, by completing the
Ans : sentence: Reena : Do you know how to swim?
Surbhi : Yes, I know. I have learnt it during this
he would water the plant that day.
summer vacation.
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the Reena asked Surbhi whether she knew how to
given line, from an International front. UN World swim. To this, Surbhi replied _____.
Population Prospects 2022 predict that on Ans :
November 15, global population will cross 8 that she knew and she had learnt it during that
billion, and during 2023, India will take over summer vacation
viii. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a
(a) is predicting (b) had predicted (c) predicts
magazine report and supply the correction. Of all the
(d) has predicted Ans : (c) predicts honours bestowed in Indian Cinema, Dada Sahib
Phalke award is a jewel in the crown.
iv. Select the option that identifies the error and
supplies the correction for the following line, from Use the given format for your response.
an article:
Error Correction
Environment pollution has posed a serious threat
not only on man but also among all living beings.
Option No. Error Correction

(a) has had

Ans :
(b) threat threatened
Error Correction
(c) on in
a the
(d) among amongst

ix. Place the correct form of the word in the blank: A

Ans : (c) metaphor is a figure of speech that, for _____
(rhetoric) effect, directly refers to one thing by
v. Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank mentioning another.
with the correct option: Ans :
A. J. Cronin was a Scottish novelist and rhetorical
physician whose _____ combining realism with
x. Read the slogan by the Ministry of Forest. Identify
social criticism won a large Anglo-American
the error and supply the correction.
readership. (a) was working
The little effort towards saving the environment is
(b) will be working better than no effort.
(c) works
(d) has been working Use the given format for your response.
Ans : (c) works Error Correction

vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the

The little A little

Ans :
Error Correction
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 04 Solutions Page 5
Write a letter to the Municipal Chairman of Agra
xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration mentioning the condition and requesting him to
of the dialogue between Umar and his friend, take urgent steps for the prevention of this
Lalit. valuable heritage. You are Anuj/Anju, 40 Civil
Umar : Where have you been all these days, Lines, New Town. (100-120 words)
Lalit? Lalit : I was a little occupied with my Ans :
board’s preparation. 40. Civil Lines
Umar asked Lalit where he had been all those New town
days. In response to the question, he replied 20 August, 20XX
_____. The Chairman
(a) he has been a little occupied with his board’s Municipal Corporation
preparation. Agra
(b) that he had been a little occupied with his Subject: Dilapidated condition of historical
board’s preparation. monuments
(c) if he has been a little occupied with his
Through the columns of your esteemed
board’s preparation.
newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of
(d) that he has been a little occupied with his the concerned authorities towards the
board’s preparation. dilapidated condition of several historical
Ans : (b) that he had been a little occupied with monuments.
his board’s preparation. The monuments in India are slowly being
eroded away and they are in a pathetic state as
xii. Identify the error on a newspaper headline and they have turned hideous. Recently, we visited
supply the correction. In 5 years, the web of the monuments and had a horrible experience.
ropeways could help end Shimla city’s traffic Some of them have lost their shine, some have
woes. blackened, some left ruined in acid rain. We have
thousands of big and small monuments spread
Use the given format for your response.
across the length and breadth of the country. But
Error Correction I don’t find anybody who cares for it. Therefore,
the concerned authority is being requested to
kindly pay heed to the issue mentioned above
and take immediate measure conducting
awareness camp or so.

Ans : Yours sincerely

Anuj Tiwari
Error Correction
the a
4B. You are Anshul/ Anshika, a student of Grade X
and a resident of 36 D Ring Road, ITO, New
Delhi, wants to be a choreographer. Recently you
came across an advertisement by Set Fire Dance
Academy, MG Road, New Delhi, which offers
Note : All details presented in the questions in writing various forms of dancing. Write an enquiry letter
section are imaginary and created for assessment seeking information about the course and its
purpose. package. (100-120 words)
4A. Your school had organised an educational trip to Ans :
Fatehpur Sikri and Agra. You notice the 36 D, Ring Road
dilapidated condition of some of the monuments. ITO
New Delhi This is with reference to your advertisement
20 July, 20XX regarding the courses in choreography offered by
The Director your reputable institute. I want to state that I am
Set Fire Dance Academy currently in class X and preparing for my final
MG Road examinations.
New Delhi I am very much interested in dancing and
Subject : Enquiry regarding course in want to take it as a career. I’m also given to
choreography Sir
Page 6 Sample Paper 04 Solutions CBSE 10th English

understand that this institute is by far the best as

far as choreography is concerned and I would
very much like to be a part of it.
Kindly send me the prospectus and the
application form. I would be highly grateful if you
could provide me with the following information :
• the course structures
• scholarships, if any
• admission procedure
• eligibility criteria
• hostel facilities
• nearest metro station
Kindly send me the brochure along with the
enrollment form for further formalities.

Sincerely yours
Anshul Gupta
5A. The given chart shows the division of household
tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write an
analytical paragraph describing the chart, in not
more than 100-120 words.

Ans :
Division of Household Tasks
The chart provides information about the division
of household tasks by gender in Great Britain
and the number of minutes per day spent by both
males as well as females in doing various tasks.
On an average, women spend approximately four
hours doing the household tasks, whereas men
spend less than two and half hours for the same.
The tasks on which women spend more time
than men include cooking, cleaning the house,
taking care of the children and laundry. In doing
all these tasks, women spend approximately 200
minutes which is almost three times the time
spent by men in accomplishing these tasks. On
the other hand, men spend twice the time than
women in doing tasks like gardening and
maintenance of odd jobs in the house. Men
spend majority of their time, almost 50 minutes,
in gardening and pet care, whereas women
spend only 30 minutes for these tasks. The time
spent by men in washing, ironing and sewing
clothes is as low as 2 minutes per day as Egypt 690 2950 56 97
opposed to 25 minutes spent by women. In a
nutshell, women spend far more time when it Indonesi 580 2296 49 87
comes to doing household chores than men who a

prefer to do gardening, pet care and

USA 13160 3653 74 12
maintenance of odd jobs.

5B. Given below is a tabular statistic showing the Ans :
quality of life in five countries, assessed under Standard of Living
specific parameters. The table uses four economic indicators to show
Write an analytical paragraph on the given the standard of living in five selected countries in
information by selecting and reporting the main 1982. Overall, it can be seen that the quality of
features, and make comparisons where relevant. life in the USA is far higher than the other four
Write in 100-120 words. countries. The USA, which is a developed
Country GNP Daily Life Infant country, had the highest GNP at 13,160 dollars
per head calorie expecta mortality per head. It also has a much higher daily calorie
(1982 : supply ncy at (per 1000 of 3653 calories, and life expectancy of 74, and
US per birth live
dollars) head births) the lowest rate of infant mortality at just 12 of
1000 children born. In contrast, Bangladesh
Banglade 140 1877 40 132 scores the least in all the 4 parameters, with
sh GNP at 140, calorie intake as low as 1877, a life
expectancy of 40 and an infant mortality of 132
Bolivia 570 2086 50 124
deaths per
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 04 Solutions Page 7
1000 children born. The other countries Bolivia, Choose the most suitable option :
Egypt and Indonesia, have GNP’s of 570.690 and (a) loneliness
580, calorie intake at the rates of 2086, 2950 and (b) contentment
2296, and their life expectancy at birth stands 50, (c) anxiety
56 and 49. While Indonesia and Egypt report an (d) confusion
infant mortality of 87 and 97 per 1000 children,
Bolivia, is closer to Bangladesh in this particular ii. What is the significance of not a single cloud in
indicator, reporting an infant mortality of around the sky?
124 per 1000 children born. In conclusion, the
statistic shows the extreme situations in the iii. What was the pilot flying?
quality of life in developed, underdeveloped and
developing countries. iv. How did the pilot feel after calling the Paris
Control the first time? Answer in about 40 words.
6. Read the given extracts and answer ANY ONE i. (b) contentment
of the two questions given below 5 ii. The significance of not a single cloud in the sky is
that the sky is clear.
A. The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, iii. The pilot was flying Darkota aeroplane. iv. When
and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. the pilot called the Paris Control the first time he was
There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I was happy to happy that he would reach England on time for a big
be alone high up above the sleeping countryside. English breakfast. He thought that everything was
(Two Stories about Flying) going well and it was an easy flight.
B. “It was only when I began to learn that my
i. What feeling does the pilot experience, as
boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I
described in the lines below?
discovered as a young man that my freedom
“The moon was coming up in the east, behind
had already been taken from me, that I began to
me, and stars were shining in the clear sky
hunger for it. At first as a student I wanted
above me. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I was
freedom only for myself the transitory freedoms
happy to be alone high up above the sleeping
of being able to stay out at night, read what I
pleased and go where I chose. Later; as a young that my freedom had already been taken from
man in Johannesburg, I yearned for the basic me, that I began to hunger for it,’ what was
and honourable freedoms of achieving my Mandela hungering after?
potential, of earning my keep, of marrying and
having a family-the freedom not to be obstructed iv. If ‘Point of View’ is the narration of a story that
in a lawful life.” can be told from a first, second, or third person’s
(Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom) point of view, the given extract is told _____.
Ans :
i. The speaker’s attitude towards his freedom when
he was in his boyhood can be summed up as i. (b) being naive
_____. ii. ‘Transitory freedoms’ for him meant staying out at
(a) being self- centered night, reading what he liked and going where he
chose. This was Mandela’s concept of freedom
(b) being naive
when he was young and limited to personal
(c) being foolish
liberty and enjoyment.
(d) being indifferent to others iii. The desire to lead a normal respectful life as a
ii. How does Nelson Mandela understand the citizen.
concept of “transitory freedoms”? Answer in iv. in first person’s point of view.
about 40 words.

iii. In the statement, ‘I discovered as a young man

Page 8 Sample Paper 04 Solutions CBSE 10th English
i. all three words (clutter, clank and tangling) are
7. Readthe given extracts and answer the examples of onomatopoeia, a figure of speech
questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5 that portrays the sound made by certain actions
A. “Ink trickled down to the bottom of the or objects.
household and little mouse Blink ii. (a) To emphasise the boldness of Custard iii. In the
strategically mouseholed. But up jumped given extract, the word ‘irons’ refers to iron chains
Custard, snorting like an engine, Clashed holding the prisoners captive.
his tail like irons in a dungeon, With a clatter iv. The poet has made the comparison in order to
and a clank and a jangling squirm, He went show that Custard was very careful while he
at the pirate like a robin at a worm.” planned to attack the pirate. He walked as slow
(The Tale of Custard the Dragon) as a warm so that the pirate word not suspect
i. Complete the sentence appropriately. It is clear
that the figure of speech used in ‘With a latter B. If strolling forth, a beast you view, Whose
and a clank and a jangling Squirm’ is hide with spots is peppered,
Onomatopoeia because _____. As soon as he has lept on you,
ii. What is the poet’s purpose in using the You’ll know it is the Leopard.
onomatopoeic words given in the extract? (a) To ‘Twill do no good to roar with pain,
He’ll only lep and lep again.
emphasise the boldness of Custard (b) To
(How to Tell Wild Animals)
introduce the character
i. In what way does the language used in this line
(c) To impress upon the readers challenges the traditional ideas of how poetry
(d) To make Custard bold enough should be written?
“I will do no good to roar with pain, He’ll only lep
iii. The extract mentions ‘irons’ in dungeons.
and lep again.”
According to this extract, what does ‘irons’ refer
to? ii. What is the significance of humour while
describing the wild beasts in the poem and how
iv. ‘He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. Why
does this contribute to the overall mood and tone
has this comparison been used here? Answer in
of the poem? Answer in about 40 words.
about 40 words.
Ans : iii. Complete the sentence with the appropriate
The contextual meaning of the word ‘peppered’ in attack you again and again.
the stanza _____.
(a) refers to the spots of the leopard 8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five
(b) refers to the camouflage of the leopard questions, in about 40-50 words. 4 3 12 # =
(c) means that the leopard has spotted you i. Chubukov says of Natalya: “... as if she won’t
(d) means that you have spotted the leopard consent! She’s in love; egad, she’s like a lovesick
cat...” Would you agree? Find reasons for your
iv. Why does roaring with pain will not do any good? answer.
Ans : (The Proposal)
Ans :
i. The poet has opted for poetic licence by using ‘lep
Yes, Natalya is in love. This is clear by the way
and lep’ instead of ‘leapt and leapt’ to maintain
she behaves when she gets to know that Lomov
rhythm in the poem. came to propose to her. She starts weeping and
ii. The poet uses tongue-in-cheek humour to asks her father to call Lomov so that she could
describe the natural instincts of wild animals in a confess and express her love for him.
humorous manner: ‘A noble beast greets you,’ ‘A
bear-hugs you’ Crocodiles weep,’He’ll only lep ii. Why does the poet say that ‘Money is external’?
and lep again’ and ‘Hyena smiles.’ These
distinctive qualities give them a unique (The Ball
identification and induce laughter.
iii. (a) refers to the spots of the leopard Poem)
iv. It will not do any good because the leopard will
CBSE 10th English Sample Paper 04 Solutions Page 9
agree/disagree? Give reason.
Ans : (From the Diary of Anne Frank)
Money is external because money can only buy Ans :
all worldly or materialistic things. The poet wants Yes, according to me, Anne is right to perceive
to say that it cannot buy emotions, attachment, so. Paper is more patient than persons because
love, childhood, etc. Once these things are lost, the diary is a silent recorder of Anne’s thoughts,
they are lost forever and they never come back. non-judgemental and patience. It cannot react to
what or how she thinks.
iii. How is the fog like a cat? What three things does
the poem suggest? 9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three
questions, in about 40-50 words. 23 6 # =
i. “But there was one thing I could do-collect things”.
Ans : What collection did Ebright make? When did he
The fog comes slowly and silently like a cat. It start making collection?
sits on its haunches for some time looking (The Making of a Scientist)
around and then moves away as it came.
Ans :
Similarly, the fog spreads over the harbour and
city for some time. Finally, it moves away like a Ebright was inclined towards collecting
cat. butterflies, rocks, fossils and coins. He began as
early as when he was in kindergarten. His
iv. Why did Maxwell call the airhostess “the very mother of course was a driving force and
queen of her kind”? remained his sole reason for his success.
(Mijbil the Otter) ii. The best way to defend is to offend, but the same
Ans : thing is not seen by Noodle. How does he
manage to do that?
Maxwell calls the airhostess ‘the very queen of
her kind’ because she was very sympathetic after
(The Book That Saved the Earth)
listening to Maxwell’s story. She understood how
he might be feeling and then gave him Ans :
permission to take the otter out of the box to Noodle avoided offending Think-Tank, but at the
keep on his knees. same time he corrected his mistakes. Whenever
he had to say something contrary to what
v. ‘Paper has more patience than people.’ Do you Think-Tank said, he would present his thoughts
by referring to them as being of no particular Ans :
Humans today aren’t chased by predators, we
iii. “Guilty mind is always conscious”. Do you think are chased by uncertainty about the health of
our loved ones, whether we’ll have a job next
the thief was on the contrary obliged to Anil?
week or next year, whether our company will go
Substantiate your answer.
worries that provoke the same neurological and
(The Thief’s Story)
physical responses. Stress is a response to a
Ans : threat in a situation. Anxiety is a reaction to the
No, I don’t think Hari Singh was ever grateful to stress. Buddha must have preached
Anil. Rather, he lost no chance to dupe him and renunciation. Our basic decency and sense of
ditch him of his trust and money, and run away humour lies in what we do and how we do.
from there. According to Buddha, the basic view is that
people are fundamentally good and healthy. It’s
10. AnswerANY ONE of the following two as if everyone who has ever been born has the
questions, in about 100-120 words. 6 same birth right, which is enormous potential of
i. Imagine a software engineer meets Buddha and warm heart and clear mind. The ground of
communicates the modern age anxiety and the renunciation is realising that we already have
exactly what we need, that what we have already
threat of livelihood. Suggest some philosophical
is good. Every moment of time has enormous
tools which Buddha must have preached him to
energy in it, and we could connect with that.
handle the same.
(The Sermon at Benares)
Page 10 Sample Paper 04 Solutions CBSE 10th English
safe every year and then secretly bought the
ii. “Not enough can be said to show how important a books through an agent. Though he was an
baker can be for a village”. How were the services of honourable person but not an honest one indeed.
the baker required on various occasions? (Glimpses He loved collecting rare and expensive books, he
of India) robbed a safe every year to finance the purchase
of these books through an agent. Thus, he was
Ans :
not completely honest. By stealing other people’s
Bakers were considered as indispensable and valuables, he may have become successful but
extremely important on any celebrations there in he is actually a criminal. It cannot be justified
Goa. They had a unique place among the that a person steals things and readers reflect
people. They were known as ‘Paders’ in Goa. their soft corner for his wrong doings. He may be
They had a peculiar dress earlier known as the efficient in conducting his crimes so that he is
Kabai. Breads and cakes were an integral part of successful, but we still cannot appreciate his
everyday life in Goa and were also consumed on work. Ultimately, we need to think of the person
special occasions. Thus, the baker was a man who has been robbed. Who would show their
whose arrival was always eagerly anticipated by empathy to him?
the adults and children. Bakers were very
informal with the children They were considered ii. Bholi and Matilda, both are distinct characters,
as friends and companions, and treated as a wherein one gave importance to self-instinct and
family member. the other gave importance to her beauty. Assume
they both meet each other at Bholi’s wedding and
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two had a conversation over the greed of Bishamber.
questions, in about 100-120 words. 6 Write this conversation as per your
understanding of ‘Bholi’ and The Necklace’.
i. Our sins never go unpunished. Horace Danby You may begin like this:
ultimately had to go to prison. This shows that in Matilda : Are you fine now?
spite of planning a crime intelligently and Bholi : Ya! much relieved.
carefully, a criminal can’t escape the law. Explain. (Bholi)
(A Question of Trust) Ans :
Ans : Matilda : Are you fine now?
The passion of Horace Danby was collecting rare Bholi : Ya! much relieved. What about you,
and expensive books. To satisfy this passion, he Matilda? I heard about your woes and miseries
needed money and arranged it by robbing one that you had to undergo. My heart wrenched with
Matilda : No, you should not. Actually, I am to
confess that in this singular life one should be
contented with whatever he/she has. One should
not cut his coat beyond his cloth. But in my case,
I always kept grudging against my destiny and
had never been thankful to the Almighty that at
least I was better than many.
Bholi : Yes, it can be reflected that way too. You
really had to bear what you actually didn’t
deserve. I am feeling so blessed that I am now
able to raise my opinion and find my own identity.
I wanted you to be feeling proud of yourself since
are my friend.

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