LESSON 11 Global City

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LESSON 11: Understanding the Global City

You can’t define modern civilization without

mentioning its cities. These urban settlements
vary in culture, size and specialty, with certain
areas becoming more significant throughout the
development of a region. Historically, the size or
population of a settlement was a general
indicator of its importance—the bigger city, the
more power it yields—however, with the large
rural-to-urban migration of the last century, it has
become harder to define what makes a city
There are many types of urban
landscapes, and for architects and planners it
is vital to efficiently categorize settlement
types in order to successfully develop designs
and city plans. The following list provides four key definitions that have emerged in the last

Topic 1: The Global City

Tracing back to 1886, its first recorded use described the English port of Liverpool’s
involvement in global trade. Now crucial to the modern idea of globalization, ‘global city’ as
a term was popularised by Saskia Sassen in 1991 with the cities of London, Tokyo and
New York serving as the prime examples. These cities are key locations within the world
economy, acting as crucial centres for the global trading of goods and services.
Not strictly dictated by population or size, it is sometimes hard to quantify what makes
a global city, but there are several unifying characteristics. Economically, they must serve a
variety of international economic services and host the headquarters for several
multinational corporations. Socially, it must have a high diversity of cultures, religions,
ideologies and languages. There are several cities—like the aforementioned Liverpool—
that were once global cities and now are not, and several whose importance is increasing,
such as Shanghai.

However, the two terms vary due to the smaller emphasis a metropolis places on
international significance. The lower standard of living, development and infrastructure in many
metropolises can also impact their status as a global city. As a result, a global city is always a
metropolis - but a metropolis isn’t guaranteed to be a global city. 

Metropolis (μητρόπολις) is a Greek word, coming from μήτηρ, mḗtēr meaning "mother"
and πόλις, pólis meaning "city" or "town. It is a very large and significant city or urban area with
millions of inhabitants. It is a "mother city" of a colony which sent out settlers.
A metropolis is a large city or conurbation which is a significant economic, political, and
cultural center for a country or region, and an important hub for regional or international
connections, commerce, and communications.
According to a German Sociologist, Georg Simmel (1858-1918) Metropolis has always
been the seat of the money economy. Here the multiplicity and concentration of economic
exchange gives an importance to the means of exchange which the insufficiency of rural
commerce would not have allowed. 
The Philippines has three metropolises as defined by the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA). They are Manila, Cebu, and Davao
Metropolitan Manila, or Metro Manila, is the metropolitan region encompassing the city
of Manila and its surrounding areas in the Philippines. It is composed of 17 cities
namely Manila, Caloocan, Las
Piñas, Makati, Malabon, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas, Pasay, Pasig, Parañaqu
e, Quezon City, San Juan, Taguig, Valenzuela and the municipality of Pateros.
The region is the political, economic, social, cultural, and educational center of the
Philippines. As proclaimed by Presidential Decree No. 940, Metro Manila as a whole is the
Philippines' seat of government but the city of Manila is the capital. The largest city in the
metropolis is Quezon City, while the largest business district is the Makati Central Business
District (en.wikipedia.org).
However, there are experts who would define metropolis as "A large city comprising a
central business area surrounded by residential sections, industrial areas, and suburbs with
transportation links between them."

Much less subjective, a ‘megacity’ has been used to describe cities with over a certain
amount of inhabitants. The term was first documented by the University of Texas in 1904.
Seemingly clear-cut, the definition has some ambiguity, as different organizations suggest
different criteria. A city with over 10 million inhabitants is the most widely accepted definition;
however, others include urban areas with only 8 million people and also with a population
density of 2000 per square kilometer as a megacity.

The first megacity by modern standards was New York, which had surpassed the 10
million population mark by 1936. The early trend saw many of these cities appear in
traditionally developed areas—such as Paris, London and Tokyo. However, in recent years
there has been a shift. Almost 70% of the current 47 megacities are found in Asia, and this
figure is likely to increase in the coming years as the global movement into urban areas
continues. Today, the top five most populated cities are Tokyo, Shanghai, Jakarta,
Delhi and Seoul.


The people and the lands have already been in existence before the Philippines was
called – the Philippines. Let us accept the truth that people were already roaming around the
islands from north to south, from east to west of our coast. Of course, let us give credits to
Ferdinand Magellan and his men who put our country in the world scenarios’ because of their
fame and power.
Before the coming of the Spaniards, the natives were already accustomed to see
foreigners. Remember the Orang Dampuans, the Banjar of Borneo, the Chinese merchants
and the Arabs who brought with them their religion, they all came before the Spaniards. “The
coming of the foreigners (Spaniards) in the islands was not significant to the natives -what was
very significant was when the foreigners took control over them” (Ecoben, 2002). Let us now
proceed in our study.

2.1. TRIBAL PERIOD: During this period, the human settlement is headed by a Datu. He has a
tri-fold power – Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The society is called by many different
names. It can be a tribal community, Indigenous People’s community, Cultural Minority or
Pamayanan or Katutubo community. It is dominated mostly by men. Women have no power to
govern in the community, unless, she is appointed because of her education or capacity. This is
true in the Mangyan-Alangan pamayanan in Sitio Sangelen, Dulangan III, Baco, Oriental
Mindoro (Ecoben, 2011).
The pamayanan is a group of tribal family of around 50 families in their makeshift
dwellings. The leader is chosen by the council of elders. In most cases, the tribal leader house,

is big and accommodates all the guests of the tribe. It is also the place where domestic disputes
are settled down and major decision for the community is held.
In the pamayanan, the highest official is the tribal leader. He is assisted by the council
of elders in running the community. Functions related to Governance and Laws are coming from
the datu.
Bagani, is another prominent figure in the tribal community. The bagani or baganis are
the in-charge of the peacekeeping and security of the members. He is to insure the lives of the
members from the attacks of other tribes or group of bandits. He stay in the tree house to see in
advance to the people who are coming in and also stay late at night to provide security of the
people while they are sleeping. In some, tribal communities, Baganis are the dreaded tribal
members and they are said to have an anting-anting (amulets) for their personal protection.
Bailan is also a prominent figure in the tribal society. They are in-charge of the religious
aspect of the community. They perform ritual for thanksgiving, petitions for the God and
intercessory prayers for the spirits and perform rituals for healing and driving out evil spirits in
the person or community. They are called in many names like Babaylan, Kataluna, Mumbaki,
etc. They are believed to have an abyan – a friendly spirit like engkanto or dwende or other
unseen beings who helps them in performing their duties. As bailan, they are mediating
between the material world and the spiritual world. They receive extra-ordinary powers from
their abyan (Ecoben, 2002).
Economically, they people in the tribal community are living through the fruits of their
labor and from the abundance of nature around them. They are domesticating animals for food
and ritual. The most common animal for rituals is the black pig and chicken. Trading is called
Barter system.

Their dwellings are made of light materials available around – usually it is called balay
for the Mangyan-Alangan; rifuy for the Ifugao of Mayoyao; payag for Kamayo, Manobo,
Mandaya and Mansaka.

Like any other cultural minorities, if one goes inside the house of the Mangyan, one has
to find a little open space for the members of the family to lie down at night, the cooking place, a
little space for their clothes, if not, it is keep in a bag or bayong, a pair of kittle, a number of
plastic plates, glasses, and a container or pale as water storage. They used kerosene gas
lamp to light the house at night. They used firewood in cooking (Ecoben, 2011).

In the Pamayanan, there is no electricity. The Mangyan balay does not have a toilet.
When a need to dispose comes, one has to go to the forest or grassland. Mostly, their place is
inaccessible to vehicle.

In the southern part of Mindanao, a confederation of tribal communities is called

sultanate. The sultan is the political figure and will settle any disputes over the tribes. He has no
direct power of governance over the tribe – it is still the datu. In other tribal groups, there is also
a political set up like the Muslims of Mindanao. The famous sultan in Mindanao is Sultan

It is true that the political setting of the Muslims are more advance because of the so-
called Kingdom state. The King or the Rajah is the political head of the Kingdom state. Some of
them were: Rajah Siago, Rajah Kulambo, Rajah Humabon, Rajah Sikatuna, Rajah Sulayman
and Rajah Baginda.

2.2. SPANISH TIME: The Spanish Civil authorities imposed the political organization and
defined its juridical power from National, Provincial, City, Town and Barrio. The Gobernador y
Capitan Heneral is the head of the crown colony of Spain – the Philippines; The Gobernador is
in-charge for the Provincial governance; the City belongs to the Gobernadorcillo ; the town is
headed by the Alcalde Mayor while the Barrio, the smallest political unit is headed by the
cabeza del barrio.

The creation of the Pueblos as political & religious classification of people is one of the
contributions of the Spaniards. Those who were close to the centers are elite people, either
Insulares or Peninsularis. Next to them are the Filipino illustrados, the wealthy and the learned
people who were also given a chance to became a civil official as high as Alcalde Mayor .

As one goes away from the center, one considers himself less privileged and fortunate
from the crown of the king. That is why, those who refuses to the authorities of the Spaniards,
went into the mountains and stayed there for the rest of their lives.

The establishment of the Pueblos leads to the clamour for one and united people under
one national leader. The Filipinos since then began to think of an identity peculiar to them as a
country. The advocacies of the La Liga Filipina and even the radical approach of the Katipunan
strongly affirmed to this cry to be set free and be one independent country. There were many
resistances and the move did not realize.

Culturally, the people had imbibed the religious practices of the Spaniards and its
lifestyles. From its native beliefs and or from Islamic religious traditions, many of the people
received the new religion – the Christianity. The Filipinos learned to act, to live, to socialize the
way the Spaniards do.

Along this period, the many Filipinos have been Hispanized – being socially adaptive,
assimilated and acculturated with the new and so called “superior culture” of the Spaniards.

In Architecture, the native house has become a Bahay-na-bato. The simple transport by
a wooden banca and horse has now become a kalesa and coal-driven steamer.

2.3. AMERICAN TIME: During this period, the Philippine society becomes acquainted with the
new ideas like, Freedom, Democracy, Protestantism, Public Education and etc. In the early
days of the American occupation, the Filipino was delighted with the presence of Chocolate,
Jeans, Shirts and Jackets, Burger, Sandwiches and Sausages.

The people became accustomed with the limousine, basketball, television, telephone,
aircraft, wagon and terrain vehicles. Much more, nursery rhymes and other American stories for
children. Education became public and right to free religious expression was granted.

The Filipino began to think and live like Americans. Mostly are becoming fluent in
American language and begun to think as little brown Americans. In fact, those who have the
opportunity to migrate in any of the US states and territories did so. The Filipinos thought that
being with the Americans are already in heaven. The famous song “Heaven watch the
Philippines” simply summarizes how good it is to be with the Americans.
Gladly, the Filipinos enjoyed the presence and the relationship they have with the
Americans. Nevertheless, many became American boy or Amboy. They are so clinched to the
American culture that they themselves became Americanized.

2.4. TIME OF THE REPUBLIC: This is the time where the American government has turned
over its direct governance of our country to our Filipino leaders. Politically, there arise the many
parties. Let us remember that most of the Philippine leaders were highly influenced, if not
trained, by the Americans. Besides, the Commonwealth – as the transitory government - was
designed to prepare us- the Filipinos – for our self-governance.

Mutual treaties were signed to ensure that the Philippines will not be left-empty handed.
Some activists call this –neo imperialism. This is a kind of dominance by a powerful country
over the other without its direct presence but through its intervention in the economic and
political policies.
Even in the time of our sovereignty, the claws of the eagle in its mighty power keep us
close to their hearts. In times our political crisis in our country, Uncle Sam has always been
expected to come to the rescue. The helicopter that facilitated a safe escape of the family in
Malacanang palace for Hawaii.

2.5. GLOBALIZED PHILIPPINE-COMMUNITY: The Filipinos being updated with the modern
technologies like internet and mobile smart phone keep its family connection through Skype,
twitter, Face book, yahoo video chatting and updates via YouTube (blog), face book live
streaming and tiktok for entertainment.

The closeness of the Filipino family keeps itself real through these modern technologies.
With a laptop or camera on pc, the OFW and immigrant relatives interactively relate each other
and keep each other updated socially.

However, this modern technology also brought about revolutionary challenges in the
social, physical and moral aspect of the youth of today. With the internet, they can have cyber
friends from all over the world, a clan and others. An open access to many different sites
provides them enjoyment in on-line games without physical movement, worst, if they explore on
porn sites that may even lead them to a relationship which might ended up to unexpected

The globalized Philippine society which was born through on-line and live streaming , on
the other hand, also impaired maximum productivity of the office personnel, plant and industry
workers. How? – instead of attending to the work plan of the day, they are hooked to chatting
with other people , friends, family and acquaintances on Face book, yahoo or Skype.


INSTRUCTION: Discuss the following (100-150 words only)

Submit them at [email protected] before our next class begins.

A. The development of society starts from the Feudal estates (farm), as future engineer, do you
wish to develop yourself and grow old in the farm-province?
B. How money influences the life of a person in the city?
C. In a collage, present the life of a Millennial in the city.

Aldama, Prince Kennex Reguyal (2018), The Contemporary World, Rex Book Store, Inc, Manila

Dobbins, Tom (2018), What’s the Difference Between a Megacity, a Metropolism anf a Global City?

Ecoben, Wenceslao and Palparan, Alica (2015) Society and Culture with Family Planning, BOOKS Atbp.
Publishing Corp, Mandaluyong City.

Simmel, Georg (1950), The Metropolis and Mental Life, Sociology of Georg Simmel, (trans by D.
Weinstein from Kurt Wolff), New York Press, NY-USA.


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