PTX - LCD: User Manual

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User Manual
Volume 1

Manufactured by Italy
Name File: capitoli_en.p65
Version: 3.3
Date: 31/08/2010
Revision History

Date Version Reason Editor

07/05/04 0.0 New CPU 16 bit card J. H. Berti
06/08/04 0.1 I.T.U. functionality addition J. H. Berti
/GSM option addition and Software description J. H. Berti
17/12/04 0.2
15/02/05 3.0 Upgraded Version J. H. Berti
13/11/06 3.1 Remote Connector Description upgrade J. H. Berti
24/07/07 3.2 Description upgrade of the jumper on panel card J. H. Berti
31/08/10 3.3 Description upgrade of DARC input J. H. Berti

PTX-LCD - User Manual

Version 3.3

© Copyright 1998 - 2010

R.V.R. Elettronica SpA
Via del Fonditore 2/2c - 40138 - Bologna (Italia)
Telephone: +39 051 6010506
Fax: +39 051 6011104
Email: [email protected]

All rights reserved

Printed and bound in Italy. No part of this manual may be reproduced,
memorized or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanic, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the copyright

Notification of intended purpose and limitations of product use

This product is a FM transmitter intended for FM audio broadcasting. It utilises
operating frequencies not harmonised in the intended countries of use.
The user must obtain a license before using the product in intended country of
use. Ensure respective country licensing requirements are complied with.
Limitations of use can apply in respect of operating freuency, transmitter power
and/or channel spacing.

Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, R.V.R. Elettronica SpA, declares that this FM transmitter is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.

Table of Contents
1. Preliminary Instructions 1
2. Warranty 1
3. First Aid 1
3.1 Treatment of electrical shocks 1
3.2 Treatment of electrical Burns 2
4. General Description 3
5. Quick Guide - Installation and Use 4
5.1 Using the encoder 4
5.2 Preparation 5
5.3 Operation 6
5.4 Calibration 7
6 External Description 10
6.1 Front Panel 10
6.2 Rear Panel 11
6.3 Rear Panel - AUDINP-DIG option 12
6.4 Rear Panel - TRDSP option 13
6.5 Rear Panel - GSM option 14
6.6 Connectors description 15
7. Operating System 18
7.1 Start-up 18
7.2 Operating System 18
8. System Status Enquiries 34
8.1 Local enquires 34
8.2 Remote enquiries using remote control software (Opt.) 34
8.3 Remote enquires using GSM modem+SMS 34
9. Remote Alarm Reporting and Control (Opt.) 36
9.1 Preparation 36
9.2 Remote Alarm Reporting Configuration 39
9.3 Remote Control 44
9.4 Internal Modem (Option /GSM) 45
10. Technical Specifications 47
10.1 Mechanical Specifications 47
10.2 Electric Specifications 47
11. Factory Settings 51
12. Module Identification and Access 53
12.1 Module identification 53
12.2 How to access modules 54

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13. Operating principles 55
13.1 Power Supply 56
13.2 Audio mainboard 57
13.3 Audio Inputs 57
13.4 Coder 59
13.5 PLL/Driver card & VCO Card 60
13.6 Power amplifier 61
13.7 Panel Card 62
13.8 CPU card (16-bit) 63
13.9 Telemetry card “SLTELEM00001” (optional) 64
13.10 Telemetry card “SLTELEM00002” (optional) 66
13.11 AUDINP-DIG Card (option) 67
13.12 TRDSP card (optional) 70

ii Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

1. Preliminary Instructions To claim your rights under this warranty, you shold follow
this procedure:
This manual is written as a general guide for those having
previous knowledge and experience with this kind of 1 Contact the dealer or distributor where you
equipment, well conscious of the risks connected with the purchased the unit. Describe the problem and,
operation of electrical equipment. so that a possible easy solution can be
It is not intended to contain a complete statement of all
safety rules which should be observed by personnel in Dealers and Distributors are supplied with all the information
using this or other electronic equipment. about problems that may occur and usually they can repair
the unit quicker than what the manufacturer could do. Very
The installation, use and maintenance of this piece of often installing errors are discovered by dealers.
equipment involve risks both for the personnel performing
them and for the device itself, that shall be used only by 2 If your dealer cannot help you, contact R.V.R.
trained personnel. Elettronica and explain the problem. If it is
decided to return the unit to the factory,
R.V.R. Elettronica SpA doesn’t assume responsibility for R.V.R. Elettronica will mail you a regular
injury or damage resulting from improper procedures or authorization with all the necessary
practices by untrained/unqualified personnel in the handling instructions to send back the goods;
of this unit.
3 When you receive the authorization, you can
Please observe all local codes and fire protection standards return the unit. Pack it carefully for the
in the operations of this unit. shipment, preferably using the original packing
and seal the package perfectly. The customer
always assumes the risks of loss (i.e., R.V.R.
WARNING: always disconnect power before is never responsible for damage or loss), until
opening covers or removing any part of this unit. the package reaches R.V.R. premises. For
this reason, we suggest you to insure the
Please observe all local codes and fire protection standards goods for the whole value. Shipment must be
in the operations of this unit. effected C.I.F. (PREPAID) to the address
specified by R.V.R.’s service manager on the
WARNING: this device can irradiate radio
frequency waves, and if it’s not installed following
the instructions contained in the manual and local DO NOT RETURN UNITS WITHOUT OUR
regulations it could generate interferences in radio AUTHORIZATION AS THEY WILL BE REFUSED
4 Be sure to enclose a written technical report
This is a "CLASS A" equipment. In a residential place this where mention all the problems found and a
equipment can cause hash. In this case can be requested copy of your original invoice establishing the
to user to take the necessary measures. starting date of the warranty.

R.V.R. Elettronica SpA reserves the right to modify the Replacement and warranty parts may be ordered from the
design and/or the technical specifications of the product following address. Be sure to include the equipment model
and this manual without notice. and serial number as well as part description and part
2. Warranty R.V.R. Elettronica SpA
Via del Fonditore, 2/2c
Any product of R.V.R. Elettronica is covered by a 24 40138 BOLOGNA
(twenty-four) month warranty. ITALY
Tel. +39 051 6010506
For components like tubes for power amplifiers, the
original manufacturer’s warranty applies. 3. First Aid
R.V.R. Elettronica SpA extends to the original end-user The personnel employed in the installation, use and
purchaser all manufacturers warranties which are maintenance of the device, shall be familiar with theory
transferrable and all claims are to be made directly to and practice of first aid.
R.V.R. per indicated procedures.
3.1 Treatment of electrical shocks
Warranty shall not include:
3.1.1 If the victim is not responsive
1 Re-shipment of the unit to R.V.R. for repair
Follow the A-B-C's of basic life support.
2 Any unauthorized repair/modification;
• Place victim flat on his backon a hard surface.
3 Incidental/consequential damages as a result
of any defect; • Open airway: lift up neck, push forehead back
(Figure 1).
4 Nominal non-incidental defects;

5 Re-shipment costs or insurance of the unit or

replacement units/parts.

Any damage to the goods must be reported to the carrier in

writing on the shipment receipt.

Any discrepancy or damage discovered subsequent to

delivery, shall be reported to R.V.R. Elettronica within 5
(five) days from delivery date.
Figure 1

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• clear out mouth if necessary and observe for • Do not break blisters, remove tissue, remove
breathing adhered particles of clothing, or apply any
salve or ointment.
• if not breathing, begin artificial breathing
(Figura 2): tilt head, pinch nostrils, make • Treat victim for shock as required.
airtight seal, four quick full breaths. Remember
mouth to mouth resuscitation must be • Arrange transportation to a hospital as quickly
commenced as soon as possible. as possible.

• If arms or legs are affected keep them


If medical help will not be available within an hour and the

victim is conscious and not vomiting, give him a weak
solution of salt and soda: 1 level teaspoonful of salt and 1/
2 level teaspoonful of baking soda to each quart of water
(neither hot or cold).

Figura 2 Allow victim to sip slowly about 4 ounces (half a glass)

over a period of 15 minutes.
• Check carotid pulse (Figura 3); if pulse is Discontinue fluid if vomiting occurs.
absent, begin artificial circulation (Figura 4)
depressing sternum (Figura 5).
DO NOT give alcohol.

3.2.2 Less severe burns

• Apply cool (not ice cold) compresses using
the cleansed available cloth article.

• Do not break blisters, remove tissue, remove

adhered particles of clothing, or apply salve
or ointment.
Figure 3 Figure 4
• Apply clean dry dressing if necessary.

• Treat victim for shock as required.

• Arrange transportation to a hospital as quickly

as possible.

• If arms or legs are affected keep them


Figure 5

• In case of only one rescuer, 15 compressions

alternated to two breaths.

• If there are two rescuers, the rythm shall be

of one brath each 5 compressions.

• Do not interrupt the rythm of compressions

when the second person is giving breath.

• Call for medical assistance as soon as


3.1.2 If victim is responsive

• Keep them warm.

• Keep them as quiet as possible.

• Loosen their clothing (a reclining position is


• Call for medical help as soon as possible.

3.2 Treatment of electrical Burns

3.2.1 Extensive burned and broken skin
• Cover area with clean sheet or cloth.

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4. General Description
The PTX-LCD is an FM exciter featuring a 19" RACK-mountable form factor. It uses
an 87.5 to 108 MHz frequency band, with 10 kHz steps. Other frequency ranges are
available on request.

The PTX-LCD output power ranges from 0 W up to 30, 60 or 100 W for the
PTX30LCD, PTX60LCD and PTX100LCD, respectively.

The PTX-LCD is available in a version with incorporated stereo coder (identified by

code “/S”) or in a MONO/MPX version. The MONO/MPX model may be used for
mono or stereo transmission using an external stereo coder.

User interface consists of a graphic liquid crystal display and a knob (encoder). This
interface lets you view all parameters relating to machine operation and adjust settable
parameters (e.g.: power level or operating frequency).

The exciter has been designed to easily integrate into complex transmission systems.
To this end, it is capable of accepting data from, controlling or interacting with external
equipments, such as amplifiers, switching units, relays or other exciters.

The PTX-LCD design is based on a modular concept: the different functions are
performed by modules that are connected directly through male and female
connectors or through flat cables terminated by connectors. This design facilitates
maintenance and module replacement.

The PTX-LCD supports remote alarm monitoring by sending SMS alarm messages
and receiving SMS commands through an external or integrated GSM modem (option

Alarms can be activated for the following parameters:

• PTX-LCD output power (FWD);
• PTX-LCD reflected power (RFL);
• External forward power of an amplifier or coupler with protection card (E.FWD);
• External reflected power of an amplifier or coupler with protection card (E.RFL);
• Audio signal missing;
• MAINS failure (available when the PTX-LCD is connected to an UPS unit).
• up to 8 customised alarms can be programmed when the optional telemetry card
is installed

The management software offers an intuitive user interface and runs on any PC in
the WINDOWS™ environment.

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5. Quick Guide - Installation and Use

This chapter gives a concise view of the points that are necessary for the installation
of the device. If any item is not completely clear, for example when you use the exciter
for the first time, we strongly suggest to read throughly the manual and the description
of the operating system.

5.1 Using the encoder

The interaction between the user and the exciter’s control software is performed
using the encoder (fig. 5.1).

Turn the encoder counterclockwise Turn the encoder clockwise to move

to move the cursor downwards, to the cursor upwards, to increase the
decrease the value of a parameter value of a parameter or to choose
or to choose an element from a list an element from a list of
of possibilities possibilities

Push the button once to enter in the desired

menu, to enter in modification mode or to confirm
a choice

Figure 5-1

The operations that can be performed on the encoder are:

• rotation: moves the cursor shown on the display; if you turn the encoder to the left
(counterclockwise), the cursor moves downwards, if you turn it right the cursor
moves upwards; it also permits to increase or diminish the parameters (turning
the encoder left diminishes the parameter, turning it right increases it) or to select
an item form a list of options.
• pushing: push the button once when the cursor is on the name of a menu to enter
in that menu, push it when the corsor is on the name of a parameter to enter in
modification mod (the cursor starts blinking); after the modification of a parameter,
push the button to save the new value.

After having modified the value of a parameter, the cursor goes on blinking for
approximately 30 seconds, waiting for confirmation from the user. If the user doesn’t
confirm the new value (i.e., the button is not pressed), the device emits a sound to
indicate that no modification has been saved; the cursor stops blinking and remains
on the selected parameter.

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5.2 Preparation

Unpack the transmitter and before any other operation check the unit for any shipping
damage and check that all the controls and connectors on the front and rear panels
are in good conditions.

Check the mains voltage selector on the rear panel: the selected value is indicated
by an arrow. If required, extract the selector block levering with a little screwdriver
(Fig. 5-2). Rotate the block until the correct printed value corresponds with the arrow,
then reinsert it.

Figure 5-2

If it has been necessary to change voltage, check the fuse value. The required values
are the following:

PTX30-LCD 230VAC ±10% - 3,16 A (6x30)

115VAC ±10% - 6,30 A (6x30)
PTX60-LCD 230 VAC ±10% - 6,30 A (6x30)
115VAC ±10% - 10,0 A (6x30)
PTX100-LCD 230 VAC ±10% - 6,30 A (6x30)
115VAC ±10% - 10,0 A (6x30)

It is also possible to check the integrity of the RF amplifier section fuse: Its value is
4A for the PTX30-LCD version and 8A for the PTX60-LCD and PTX100-LCD

Verify that the mains switch on the front panel of the unit is on the OFF position.

Connect to the RF output of the exciter a proper load (a dummy load with suitable
dissipation power, an antenna, a final amplifier or a combiner).

NOTE: When you connect the PTX-LCD to other devices, it is necessary to strictly
follow the instructions given by the resepective manufacturers, to avoid damages or
danger situations.

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Connect the mains cable to the plug on the rear of the exciter.

NOTE: This device shall be correctly connected to ground.

Correct grounding is essential both for safety and to reach the rated performances.

Connect your source audio (for example the mixer or STL output) to the suitable input
connector. Depending on the version, the PTX-LCD offers a number of input choices,
L+R, MPX or even digital; see the connectors description for details.

5.3 Operation

Switch on the exciter with the mains switch on the front panel.

All the STATUS and ALARMS leds are lit on to permit the verification of their good
working status. The display than shows some information regarding the exciter.

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After a few seconds, an intermittent beep and a display message prompt the user to
push the button if operating parameters are not acceptable.


The setting parameters are:

Frequency: 98.000 Mhz

Power : 8 %

Push encoder button if you

don't accept these parameters

Pushing the button places the transmitter in standby mode, which provides full
operation, but disables RF power output.

If the button is not pushed, the start-up sequence will continue.

The transmitter stores set parameters in a non volatile memory so that the correct
configuration is retained upon power-off.

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When settings are not correct, as may be the case on first power-on, or need to be
changed for some reason before beginning transmission, the transmitter may be
placed in standby mode as mentioned above.

This is only necessary when you wish to change machine settings before beginning

The PTX-LCD menu system (see Section 7) enbles the user to control all operating
parameters of the machine.

Before enabling exciter power output, check the following key parameters and adjust
as required:
• frequency
• power
• audio input level
• audio input impedance
• preemphasis
• audio input type (depending on version, MONO or MPX; or MONO, MPX_U,
• if in STEREO mode, ensure that pilot tone is active

If RF power output was disabled, you may now enable it from the MAIN menu as
follows: select the first item and change setting from OFF to ON.

The RF power output of the PTX-LCD may be disabled from the main menu at any

During machine operation, all available parameters can be viewed or edited using
the menu system.

5.4 Calibration

The PTX-LCD trimmers can be accessed from the rear panel and can be adjusted
by the user. There are two EXT AGC (FWD and RFL) trimmers and the LEVEL ADJ
trimmers (Fig. 6-2 [16]).

The LEVEL ADJ trimmers are used to control modulation levels to the matching
inputs. Audio input levels are adjusted via software in 1 dB steps and the trimmers
are used for fine tuning.

For SCA input levels, only trimmer adjustment is available.

The EXT AGC trimmers enable the user to limit exciter output power according to
the levels reached by two analogue quantities acquired through the Remote connector.

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The two trimmers use the same mode of operation: EXT AGC - FWD is connected
to pin 10 of the Remote connector, whereas EXT AGC-RFL is connected to pin 2. If
voltage at either of the pins exceeds the threshold set at the matching trimmer, exciter
output power is reduced until the monitored quantity drops below the set limit.

These trimmers are very useful when the exciter is part of a transmission system. For
example, assuming that the PTX-LCD is connected to a power amplifier, a
proportional signal may be linked to amplifier output power at pin 10 and another
proportional signal may be linked to reflected power at pin 2. This way, power is kept
steady at varying operating frequencies even though amplifier gain is variable and
reflected power limitation is achieved for the whole system without triggering amplifier
protection equipments.

The calibration procedure for the EXT AGC trimmers of PTX-LCD in a configuration
with power amplifier is described below.

Perform the connections shown in figure 5-3. The cable to connect the two equipments
is available from R.V.R. Elettronica on request, or the user may ask a skilled technician
to provide a cable to match the pinout of the amplifier used.


Remote RF Out

Telemetry RF In

RF Out

RF Amplifier

Figure 5-3

Switch on amplifier and exciter set to minimum power.

Turn both trimmers fully anticlockwise.

Gradually increase exciter output power until the forward power reading on the amplifier
meter is just below the desired threshold.

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Turn the EXT AGC - FWD trimmer clockwise until the reading of amplifier output
power begins to decrease.

Set exciter power to minimum setting.

Disconnect the dummy load from the amplifier and replace it with a mismatch load
so that part of the output power is reflected back and set amplifier meter to measure
reflected power.

Gradually increase exciter output power until the reflected power reading on the
amplifier meter is just above the desired threshold.

Turn the EXT AGC - RFL trimmer clockwise until the reading of amplifier reflected
power begins to decrease.

The trimmer calibration procedure is completed. Thanks to this system, the user may
choose the preferred power setting at the exciter, while amplifier forward and reflected
power remains within the set thresholds.

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6 External Description
This section describes the components found on the front and rear panel of PTX-

6.1 Front Panel

9 10 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 6-1

[1] ON Indicates that exciter is switched on

[2] ON AIR Exciter is delivering output power (is on air)
[3] REMOTE Exciter is controlled by an external system
[4] PWR SET OK steady on - Exciter is delivering the set output power flashing: exciter did not
reach set power due to external factors
[5] EXT RF MUTE Exciter is not delivering power because inhibited by an interlock
[6] DISPLAY Liquid Crystal Display, supports both graphics (240x64 pixels) and text (30x8
[7] ENCODER Software control knob and button
[8] POWER Mains power switch
[9] GENERAL Indicates transmitter failure in the event of alarms
[10] UNLOCK PLL not yet locked to set frequency
[11] SWR Transmitter blocked due to exceeding SWR

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6.2 Rear Panel

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 6-2

[1] PLUG Mains power plug

[2] 24Vdc IN Connectors for external 24V power supply (option). Positive (red) and
negative (black)
[3] P.A. Fuse Protection fuse of RF final stage
[4] INTERLOCK Interlock BNC connector: when central conductor is connected to ground, the
transmitter is placed into forced standby mode
[5] VENTOLA Forced cooling fan
[6] RF Test Test output at -40 dB with respect to output level
[7] LEVEL ADJ Trimmers for Left and Right input level adjustment
[8] MPX Unbal Unbalanced MPX input BNC connector with level trimmer
[9] SCA1 BNC connector for SCA1 input with level trimmer
[10] SCA2 BNC connector for SCA2/DARC input with level trimmer
[11] SCA3/RDS SCA3/RDS BNC connector for SCA3/RDS input with level trimmer
[12] FUSE Power supply fuse and voltage selection block
[13] Telemetry DB25 connector of telemetry card (option)
[14] RS232 DB9 connector for direct serial communication or modem
[15] Remote DB15 connector for interface to remote devices
[16] EXT AGC Trimmer for automatic gain control based on external signals
[17] RF Output N connector for RF output
[18] Left (mono) XLR connector for left / mono audio channel input
[19] Right (MPX) XLR connector for right / MPX audio channel input
[20] Monitor BNC connector for VCO section input signal monitoring
[21] 19 kHz pilot Pilot tone output BNC connector, may be used to synchronise external
devices such as RDS coder

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6.3 Rear Panel - AUDINP-DIG option

12 13 14 15 1 2 3

11 10 9 8 7 6 5

Analogue section

[1] Left (Mono) XLR connector for Left / mono input

[2] Right (MPX BAL) XLR connector for Right / MPX input
[3] Monitor BNC connector for composite signal monitoring
[4] 19 kHz pilot BNC connector for output tone control, may be used to synchronise
external devices (such as RDS coder)
[5] SCA3/RDS SCA3/RDS BNC connector, with level trimmer
[6] SCA2 SCA2/DARC BNC connector, with level trimmer
[7] SCA1 SCA1 BNC connector, with level trimmer
[8] MPX Unbal Unbalanced MPX BNC connector, with input with level trimmer
[9] Level INP ADJ Trimmers for Left and Right input adjustment

Digital section

[10] Dig/Analog switch 3.5 mm JACK, connector for external Digital/Analogue command
[11] SPDIF Unbalanced PIN/RCA connector for S/PDIF audio input
[12] TOSLINK Fibre optic digital audio input connector
[13] Digital Imp. Select Switch for balanced or unbalanced digital audio input selection
[14] Level OUT ADJ Trimmer for Left and Right level adjustment of converted digital audio
[15] AES/EBU Balanced XLR connector for AES/EBU digital audio input

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6.4 Rear Panel - TRDSP option

[1] SCA1 Input connector, BNC type

[2] SCA1 lvl. SCA1 level trimmer
[3] SCA2 SCA2/DARC input connector, BNC type
[4] SCA2 lvl. SCA2/DARC level trimmer
[5] SCA3/RDS SCA3/RDS input connector, BNC type
[6] SCA3/RDS lvl. SCA3/RDS level trimmer
[7] MPX UNBAL Unbalanced MPX input connector, type BNC
[8] MPX UNBAL lvl. MPX UNBAL level trimmer
[9] MONITOR BNC connector for VCO section input signal monitoring
[10] MONITOR lvl. MONITOR level trimmer
[11] TOS-LINK Fibre optic digital audio input connector
[12] 19 kHz pilot BNC connector for output tone control, may be used to synchronise
external devices (such as RDS coder)
[13] Right Right input connector, type XLR
[14] Left Left input connector, type XLR
[15] Remote DB15 connector for interface to remote devices
[16] AES/EBU Balanced XLR connector for AES/EBU digital audio input
[17] RS232 DB9 connector for direct serial communication or modem
[18] SPDIF Unbalanced PIN/RCA connector for S/PDIF audio input

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6.5 Rear Panel - GSM option

Figure 6-3

[1] FUSE Power supply fuse and voltage selection block

[2] TELEMETRY DB25 connector of telemetry card (option)
[3] RS232 DB9 connector for direct serial communication or modem
[4] MODEM DB9 connector connected to GSM modem
[5] SUPPLY GSM Power supply plug of GSM modem
[6] SIM SLOT-IN GSM card slot. Press button to extract card from slot.
[7] GSM ANT SMA connector for GSM Antenna
[8] RFL Trimmer for automatic gain control based on reflected power
[9] RFL Trimmer for automatic gain control based on reflected power
[10] REMOTE DB15 connector for interface to remote devices
[11] RF Output N connector for RF output
[12] PLUG Mains power plug
[13] IN 1PPS Reserved for future implementations
[14] IN 10MHz Sync signal input BNC connector for external devices
[15] 24Vdc IN + Connectors for external 24V power supply (option). Positive (red)
[16] 24Vdc IN - Connectors for external 24V power supply (option). Negative (black)
[17] P.A. Fuse Protection fuse of RF final stage
[18] INTERLOCK Interlock BNC connector: when central conductor is connected to ground, the
transmitter is placed into forced standby mode
[19] FAN Forced cooling fan
[20] RF Test Test output at -30 dB with respect to output level

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6.6 Connectors description

6.6.1 Remote

Type: Female DB15

1 Ext Rem - Interlock input, disables tx if connected to ground

9 2 Ext Rfl Pwr - Analogue input (Max. 2VDC) for reflected power from external
4 Analogue Input 5 or I2C bus SDA *
5 Analogue Input 3
6 Analogue Input 1
7 RLY 2 Out - Digital output. Normally open relay contact; it is closed to
ground according to a preset on/off time when exciter state changes from
ON to OFF. If the ExPwr menu is disabled (see 11.7), the states of this
contact have the following meanings: closed = Power Good; open = alarm.
10 Ext Fwd Pwr - Analogue input (Max. 2VDC) for forward power from external
11 Analogue Input 6 or I2C bus SCL *
12 Analogue Input 4
13 Analogue Input 2
14 GND
15 RLY 1 Out - Digital output. Normally open relay contact; it is closed to
ground according to a preset on/off time when exciter state changes from
OFF to ON. If the ExPwr menu is disabled (see 11.7), this contact serves
as a "AUDIO alarm": closed = Alarm; open = OK.

* : the function is determined by jumper JP10 on the power supply card. When jumper JP10 is ON,
PIN4 is the FAULT signal input (see Sect., whereas PIN11 is the MAINS FAULT signal

6.6.2 RS 232

Type: Female DB9

1 NC
1 2 TX_D
3 RX_D
4 NC
6 +12V
7 NC
9 NC

Note: Normally, PTX-LCD serial communication is configured as DCE (Data

Communication Equipment).

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6.6.3 Left (MONO) / Right (MPX Bal)

Type: female XLR

2 1 2 Positive
3 3 Negative

6.6.4 Telemetry “SLTELEM00001” Opt.

Type: Female DB25

1 2 +12V
3 NC
4 relay 1, normally closed contact
5 relay 2, common contact
6 IIC clock
7 IIC data
8 open collector output
9 telemetry analogue input 1
10 telemetry analogue input 3
11 telemetry analogue input 5
12 telemetry analogue input 7
13 GND
14 GND
15 relay 1, normally opened contact
16 relay 1, common contact
17 relay 2, normally opened contact
18 relay 2, normally closed contact
19 GND
20 GND
21 GND
22 telemetry analogue input 2
23 telemetry analogue input 4
24 telemetry analogue input 6
25 telemetry analogue input 8

16 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

6.6.5 Telemetry “SLTELEM00002” Opt.

Type: Female DB25

1 N.C.
1 2 Audio Auto (Meldung)
4 Audio Auto (Kommando)
5 Audio Digital (Meldung)
6 N.C.
8 ON (Kommando)
9 Power Good 1 (Meldung)
10 Warten (Meldung)
11 Audio Digital (Kommando)
12 Off (Meldung)
13 RF Enable (Kommando)
14 SWR (Meldung)
15 Reserved
16 Audio Analogue (Kommando)
17 Fault (Meldung)
18 Audio Alarm (Meldung)
19 Reserved
20 Off (Kommando)
21 GND
22 Power Good 2 (Meldung)
23 Local (Meldung)
24 +Vout
25 On (Meldung)

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 17 / 76

7. Operating System
The exciter is controlled by a microprocessor system. Software operations may be
grouped into two broad categories: start-up and normal operation.

7.1 Start-up

Upon switch-on, a window that holds machine information appears on the display.
Label "CCIR" identifies the set of default values the machine will revert to in the event
the software is reinitialised. There are different sets of default values; see section 11
for a detailed description.

03050600 30/04/2004

After 10 seconds, a new window appears with an intermittent beep signal.


The setting parameters are:

Frequency: 98.000 Mhz

Power : 8 %

Push encoder button if you

don't accept these parameters

Pressing the encoder while this screen is displayed disables exciter power output.
This way, the user may make any necessary changes to operating parameters before
beginning transmission.

If no controls are operated during 5 seconds, or if the encoder is pressed, the exciter
goes to the main screen (MAIN).

7.2 Operating System

The PTX-LCD menu system consists of a default menu and set of administration

The figure below provides an overview of the menu system.

18 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual







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N+] 038X&/2II3O2Q





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 7979([3ZU 7/0237 67'0(18


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   7/&7/6   6XSSO


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   ,$0/&    ([3ZU


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User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 19 / 76


   %RDUG6HW   ([6WV




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   6WHUHR 6HW  ([)UT




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   $ODUP/LVW  6&$


$ODUP /LVW $OP/W 'DWH,$0/&


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   ,78$*&   %G6HW



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  )6. $OP6W



)6. )6.


N+] 038X&/2II3O2Q

20 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

PTX-LCD Status Bar

This "status bar" relates to certain settings that can be modified from the
administration submenus; these settings are discussed in greater detail further below.

Ste Audio operating mode: Stereo/Mono/MPX_U/MPX_B

50u Preemphasis: 0, 25, 50, 75 microseconds
Cl Clipper feature, On or Off
Pl Pilot tone transmission, On or Off
001 Machine address (from 001 to 200), relevant when machine is integrated
into a telemetry transmission system.

Turning the encoder moves the cursor to the next submenu label, while its content
appears in the centre of the window.
If the encoder is pressed when a menu indicator is highlighted on the navigation bar,
and that menu contains editable parameters, the cursor jumps into the window in the
centre of the display to enable editing.
All menus of this type contain an "EXIT" field: press the encoder when this field is
highlighted to exit the submenu and return to navigation mode.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 21 / 76

7.2.2 Administration menu RF Status

95 RF Status Main.
RF : Off 10s Ampli
75 FPwr: 0.0W 0% Suppl
RPwr: 0.0W ExPwr
37 ExSts
Freq: 87.500Mhz 0M ExFrq
Att : 0dBu Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

RF RF power output On / Off. Reading and setting of time taken by the PTX-
LCD to reach set power; setting range 1 to 100s
FPwr Output power reading and setting. Reading is expressed in Watts,
whereas setting is a percentage of maximum power. If the encoder is
pressed when the cursor is on this option, measurement unit label changes
from "W" to "%" and the desired percentage can be set by turning the
encoder. Press the encoder to store the new setting.
RPwr Reflected power reading in watts.
0% Output power setting in percent
Freq Operating frequency. Press the encoder when this parameter is highlighted
and then turn the encoder to change frequency value. When the encoder
is pressed to store the new frequency setting, the software will prompt for
a confirmation (“Are you sure?”). Highlight “Yes” and press the encoder
to confirm the new frequency setting or select “No” to abandon change.
Value “0M” near the MHz indication identifies the current frequency selection
(set from menu "ExFrq") in the event the frequency switching feature is on
(switching occurs based on the voltage present at connector DB15).
Att Gain set at audio inputs.

22 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

PTX-LCD RF Amplifier

This is an information screen; it shows amplifier voltage, current and temperature

values, which cannot be modified.



)7 " #$&
 #() *

;<=  +,#-(


IN.V Power supply input voltage

PA.V Voltage applied to final stage of amplifier
PA.I Current applied to final stage of amplifier
TEMP amplifier module temperature
VVCO Voltage applied to VCO section Power Supply

This is an information screen showing the different voltages supplied by the amplifier:

95 Power Supply Main

+15A: 15.1V Ampli
75 +15P: 14.8V Suppl
+5: 5.0V ExPwr
37 -12: -11.2V ExSts
Lamp: 13.2V ExFrq
CPU: 5.0V Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

+15A Main supply voltage to audio, pll, coder circuits; it is reduced to 8 Volts on
+15P Supply voltage to control logic panel.
+5 Voltage in power supply digital circuits.
-12 Negative voltage of main power supply.
LAMP Display lamp supply voltage; typically, 13 Volts.
CPU CPU supply voltage.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 23 / 76

PTX-LCD External Power

External amplifier control menu.

This menu may or may not be available, depending on machine jumper settings (see
11.7.1). Use of this menu requires certain power amplifier features (amplifier may be
turned on and off by opening a contact and is capable of providing proportional
voltages to forward and reflected power).

95 External Power Main

Pwr : Off Ampli
75 FPwr: 0% Suppl
RPwr: 0% ExPwr
37 ExSts
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

PWR Status indicator, command relates to the PTX-LCD mode (MAIN menu).
FPWR Forward power supplied by external amplifier expressed in percent.
RPWR Reflected power supplied by external amplifier expressed in percent. External Status

Monitoring menu for input voltages from a telemetry-equipped equipment.

This menu may or may not be available, depending on machine jumper settings (see

95 External Status Main

V1 : 0.0V Ampli
75 V2 : 0.0V Suppl
V3 : 0.0V ExPwr
37 V4 : 0.0V ExSts
V5 : 0.0V ExFrq
V6 : 0.0V Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

V1 Input voltage at pin 6 of REMOTE connector expressed in Volts (max 5

V2 Input voltage at pin 13 of REMOTE connector expressed in Volts (max 5
V3 Input voltage at pin 5 of REMOTE connector expressed in Volts (max 5

24 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

V4 Input voltage at pin 12 of REMOTE connector expressed in Volts (max 5
V5 Input voltage at pin 4 of REMOTE connector expressed in Volts (max 5
V6 Input voltage at pin 11 of REMOTE connector expressed in Volts (max 5
Volts). Ext. Freq. SET

Frequency switching menu, switching is based on voltage present in previous menu.

This menu may or may not be available, depending on machine jumper settings (see

95 Ext.Freq.SET Main
Freq.1: 87.500MHz Ampli
75 Freq.2: 90.000MHz Suppl
Freq.3: 94.000MHz ExPwr
37 Freq.4:100.000MHz ExSts
Freq.5:101.000MHz ExFrq
Freq.6:104.000MHz Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Freq 1 Default service frequency

Freq 2-6 Service frequencies of transmitters 2-6 SCA / RDS

This menu shows the modulation levels achieved by the SCA and RDS inputs in the

95 SCA / RDS Main

SCA1: 0.0% Ampli
75 Suppl
SCA2: 0.0% ExPwr
37 ExSts
RDS : 0.0% ExFrq
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

The PTX-LCD has three subcarrier transmission inputs named SCA1, SCA2 and
RDS. This menu shows the modulation level achieved by each input both in kHz and
in percent.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 25 / 76

PTX-LCD Audio Set

Audio settings: channels on/off and level adjustment.

95 Audio Set Suppl

Mono/L: 0dBu ExPwr
75 MPX /R: 0dBu ExSts
Mono/L: On ExFrq
37 MPX /R: On Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

MONO/L Setting of audio input level on MONO channel (left channel if stereo version).
It is adjusted in 1 dBu steps in a -13 to +14 dBu range. If parameter is set
to X dBmu, the system generates a 75 kHz deviation for an X dBu input.
MPX/R Setting of audio input level on MPX channel (right channel if stereo version).
It is adjusted in 1 dBu steps in a -13 to +14 dBu range. Set level has the
same meaning as for the first channel.
MONO/L Software switch to set MONO channel On / Off (left channel if stereo
MPX/R Software switch to set MPX channel On / Off (right channel if stereo version).

When the exciter is placed in STEREO mode from the BdSet menu (for stereo version),
the same level adjustment is forced on both channels. IAMLC

Intelligent Automatic Modulation Level Control.

NOTE: If the machine is not equipped with the optional TRDSP card, this
menu is not displayed.

95 IAMLC ExPwr
IAMLC: Off ExSts
75 Min Max ExFrq
MOD : 0 0 Telem
37 Ist : 0 0 SCA
Att : -13 -13 Auset
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

26 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

The IAMLC feature of the PTX-LCD controls modulation level by adjusting input level
without the use of limiters or compressors.

When mean modulation remains over the set maximum threshold for a period of
time greater than set maximum hysteresis time, input level is attenuated by 1 dB.
Likewise, when mean modulation remains under the set minimum threshold for period
of time greater than set minimum hysteresis time, input level is boosted by 1 dB.
The maximum limits for automatic control attenuation and boost are user-selectable.
Listed below are the menu elements:
IAMLC Function enable/disable
Mod Minimum and maximum threshold for IAMLC operation
Ist Operation time at minimum threshold and at maximum threshold
Att Minimum and maximum operation limit

The recommended settings for different type of music programmes are listed in the
following table:

Radio Program Mod Min Mod Max Ist Min Ist Max Att Min Att Max
Dance 75 % 100 % 10 s 1s -3 dBm +6 dBm
Pop, rock 30 % 100 % 20 s 0,5 s -3 dBm +6 dBm
Electronic 50 % 100 % 10 s 1,5 s -3 dBm +3 dBm
Jazz 40 % 100 % 5s 0,5 s -3 dBm +6 dBm
Classical 20 % 92 % 30 s 0,5 s -4 dBm +10 dBm
Talk show 40 % 85 % 30 s 1s -3 dBm +14 dBm

For this function to perform at best, it is recommended that you perform some tests
with your music programmes in order to identify optimal parameter settings:
• Use the MODPK menu to determine mean modulation. Adjust audio input level
(from the main menu) so as to achieve a mean modulation as close to 100% as
• Set the IAMLC parameters listed in the table; try different settings so as to keep
IAMLC operation within reasonable limits. Note that operation stops when
modulation rises above the minimum threshold and drops below the minimum
• Using the clipper circuit (BdSet menu) helps contain peaks exceeding 100 % of
modulation, but introduces a certain amount of distortion. Evaluate whether this
limiter is necessary based on your music programme requirements.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 27 / 76

The figure provides an example of the mean modulation level trend when the IAMLC
feature is available.

Ist Max Ist Max

1 dB
Average modulation level

1 dB
Mod Max

Ist min

Mod min

Time BoardSet

Modulation mode configuration

1, JK Q $$&

  KQ W+ *
7,  Y,&"  

#  (

)7  QZKY $
 [  -#

 JQ $
;<=  +,#-(


Mode Transmission mode selector: MONO, MPX_U (unbalanced MPX BNC

input), MBX_B (balanced MPX XLR input), STEREO. The latter option is
only enabled on the version with stereo coder.
Preemph Preemphasis setting, 0, 25, 50 or 75 us. Preemphasis affects the right
and left inputs in stereo mode and the mono input. MPX inputs are not
affected by preemphasis setting.
Clipper Deviation limiter enable/disable. Limits deviation to 81.5 kHz for input
levels 6 dB greater than input reference (main menu)
Imped Impedance of balance audio inputs; setting possibilities are 600 or 10k
Scale Modulation level graphic scale ratio. It can be set to 1:1 (standard scale)
or 1:10 (magnified 10 times, convenient when evaluating modulation for
low input levels).

28 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

PTX-LCD Stereo Set

Configuration menu for stereo coder card (where relevant option is installed).

95 Stereo Set ExFrq

Pilot : On Telem
75 0 SCA
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Pilot Add/remove pilot tone (convenient for some types of measurements) Right channel phase, may be 0 or 180 (signal reversal, convenient
when measuring "Sub to Main"). Alarm Config

Telemetry and remote alarm reporting management menu.

Before accessing edit mode for the different parameters, ensure that the machine
has been placed into "LOCAL" mode from the General Set menu, or you will keep
getting alarm messages during the whole setting procedure. When finished, place
machine back into "REMOTE" mode to activate remote alarm reporting.

95 Alarm Config Telem

Fwd : 50% 0s SCA
75 Rfl : 10% 0s AuSet
E.Fwd: 50% 0s IAMLC
37 E.Rfl: 10% 0s BdSet
Audio: 0s StSet
Mains: 0s AlmSt
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

FWD Setting of the PTX-LCD forward power alarm. Alarm is triggered

when output power drops below the set percent threshold for the set
time (expressed in seconds).
RFL Setting of the PTX-LCD reflected power alarm. Alarm is triggered
when output power rises above the set percent threshold for the set
time (expressed in seconds).
E.FWD Setting of external exciter forward power alarm. Alarm is triggered
when output power drops below the set percent threshold for the set
time (expressed in seconds).

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 29 / 76

E.RFL Setting of external exciter reflected power alarm. Alarm is triggered
when output power rises above the set percent threshold for the set
time (expressed in seconds).
AUDIO Alarm setting for audio input signal to the PTX-LCD. Alarm is
triggered for the set time.
MAINS To handle MAINS alarm, attach jumper no. 10 to JP8 on the PTX-
LCD panel board and move the jumpers at JP6 on the power supply
card from positions 3-5 and 4-6 to 1-3 and 2-4.
Provide an auxiliary power supply source for the PTX-LCD through
a generating set, a UPS unit or through the 24V power supply
terminals (if available on the PTX-LCD) for the event of mains
outage. Shown below is a hookup diagram for an R.V.R. station,
where the PTX-LCD is configured to handle MAINS alarm .

The MAINS alarms is triggered when mains outage duration equals

set time.

Shown below is the operating logic of an alarm:

Alarm state

Alarm state


Alarm state time limit before the timer Timer time limit of alarm activation with
exhaustion of the activation time: ANY alarm state still persistent: ALARM IS
timer is reload to the starting value.

The bar shows the alarm activation time.

30 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

PTX-LCD Alarm List

Triggered alarms are stored in a non volatile memory and the six events occurred
last can be viewed in the "Alarm List" menu.

95 Alarm List SCA

Alarm: 1 RESET AuSet
75 Date :--/--/---- IAMLC
Time :--:-- BdSet
37 Type : StSet
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

ALARM Display of stored alarm number. Select one of the six alarms as
follows: select number and choose from the list of alarms 1 ... 6
using the encoder. Again using the encoder, move cursor to "RESET"
and confirm reset operation to clear all stored events.
DATE Display of alarm record date.
TIME Display of alarm record time.
TYPE Display of stored alarm type.

Note: On start-up, the PTX-LCD inhibits alarm reporting for a preset time selected
at parameter "StartUp Time" (default setting is 60 seconds); after this delay times
out, an INFO SMS on the PTX-LCD operation state is transmitted. The "StartUp
Time" delay also applies to MAINS alarm; on start-up, the PTX-LCD will wait for the
set time before sending an INFO SMS. General Set

General Setup Menu.

95 General Set AuSet

Uart : 1 IAMLC
75 Baud : 19200 BdSet
Modem: Absent StSet
37 Mode : Local AlmSt
Date :16/12/2003 AlmLt
Time :17:39:29 Gset_
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Uart Adr IIC address of the PTX-LCD, selectable from 1 to 200. Unless the
exciter is part of a transmission system (for example, N+1), this
address must be to 1.
Baud Rate Baud rate setting for the PTX-LCD serial port data transfer.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 31 / 76


MODEM Configures machine to use a modem (Present), for direct cable

connection, (Absent), GSM and Pager.
MODE Local: The machine will not accept changes to parameters from
external devices. Remote: Enables remote setting of machine
parameters. Information

This menu provides general information on the exciter.

K $ K$ $

7, ]$ ^``-$

"j Q
$v& $
)7 ]" ]&
 $$ K &K 

;<=  +,#-(


Rel Exciter software release information.

Date Software Release date.
N.ID Identifier used when system is made up of several machines; it may
be modified using the TELECON software (please read relevant
manual for more details).
Station Name
Name of the station the machine is part of; station name may be
modified using the TELECON software (please read relevant manual
for more details). Modem

This menu lets you view modem configuration state.

1,  KQ #K


7,  ~~~~~~v& $

)1)))^^^" ]&
)7  $ € &K 
 ] "]"

;<=  +,#-(


lvl Signal level indication. Modem state is reported at the side: ST.BY

32 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual


(Stand by), CKSMS (Check SMS), TXSMS (Transmission SMS).

Name Name of SIM card service provider. The value right below the name
is the set service centre number.
Retry SMS transmission attempts indication.
SMS Maximum number of SMS's the SIM card can store.
Dial Type of initialisation string used by Modem. Telephone

This menu displays the first six of ten preset telephone numbers to which an SMS
message is to be sent in the event of an alarm.

1, "  YK --$

 )1)))^^^v& $
7, " ]&

 , KQ 

;<=  +,#-(


User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 33 / 76


8. System Status Enquiries

8.1 Local enquires

Locally, PTX-LCD provides status indications through the front panel lights, whereas
more detailed information is available in the setup and configuration menu.

8.2 Remote enquiries using remote control software (Opt.)

Using a PC with the "TELECON" telemetry and remote control software installed,
the user can get an accurate picture of all system operating parameters and all device
settings (including connected equipments).

8.3 Remote enquires using GSM modem+SMS

Thanks to this system, equipments can be enqueried using a common GSM phone;
possible equipment responses are listed in the tables included in the following

Before enquiring the system using SMS messages, establish a connection using
the "TELECON" programme and set the provider service centre number and the
telephone numbers authorized to send these commands to the equipments.

8.3.1 List of supported commands that can be sent via SMS

• These commands cam be sent to the PTX-LCD:


INFO Information sent on the system operating state

TXON “OnAir” PTX-LCD Switch On
TXOFF “OnAir” PTX-LCD Switch Off
ALARM Information sent on the alarms present into PTX-LCD list.
RESET Reset of all stored alarms.
RESMOD Reset of GSM modem and all SMS present into SIM.


DELAY xxxxx TRDSP card delay setting. xxxxx is equivalent to the forward regulation
of the delay expressed in µs, between 0 and 10 ms.
STEP +/-xx Fine setting of the TRDSP card delay, in adding (+) or in reduction (-).
xx are the regulation steps, between 0 and 20, equivalent to 0.05 µs
PH +/- Phase setting: (+) normalized, (-) inverted.

34 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

• Example of the PTX-LCD response to received SMS enquires:


INFO 001-Test station=Pwr On,FWD: 12.5W,RFL: 0.1W,ExFWD: 50%,

ExRFL: 1%,Frq: 88.520 MHz,Audio Present,GSM lvl=-77,MAINS Present
TXON 001-Test Station=ON Command
TXOFF 001-Test Station=OFF Command
ALARM 001-Test Station=Tot 1/6 -Alarm 02u= 11/02/2004,11:43,Low FWD Power
RESET Alarm Reset
RESMOD Reset Modem


DELAY 624 001-Test Station=Total Delay Set: 624,00 us

STEP +10 001-Test Station=Total Delay Set: 624,50 us
PH +/- (+) Normalized phase; (-) Inverted phase

Note: The DELAY and STEP commands are only available if the optional TRDSP
card is installed

Note: For PTX-LCD to actually process the reply or requested command, the GSM
number used to send the request must be stored in the list of numbers set in PTX-
LCD. This does not apply to INFO SMS messages; PTX-LCD will answer regardless
of whether the originating number is registered or not.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 35 / 76


9. Remote Alarm Reporting and Control (Opt.)

The Remote Alarm Reporting and Control service is activated when the PTX-LCD is
supplied in one of the following configurations:
• Radio Modem Box (telemetry interface);
• External GSM modem;
• Internal GSM modem (/GSM option).

9.1 Preparation

Ensure that the SIM card to be inserted into the external modem, the internal modem
or into the modem housed in the Radio Modem Box is registered for Data & Fax
Service (see facsimile contract in Fig. 5.1).

SIM card configuration for DATA/FAX reception must meet the following specifications:
- Asynchronous;
- Transparent;
- 300-9600 Baud.

Maximum connection speed is 9600 baud for transmission over GSM phone line.

Figure 5.1

36 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

9.1.1 Radio Modem Box Configuration
Follow the instructions provided below closely to ensure correct configuration of PTX-
LCD connection:
1) Open the Radio Modem Box.
2) Insert the SIM card into the GSM modem (see Fig. 5.2).
3) Set dipswitches as required (see table 5.1).

6: 3-0& 3-0 DQD0HWHU  3-0

3-0 GLJPHWHU  +& DQD0HWHU  3-0
 2)) 21 21
 2)) 21 21
 21 2)) 2))
 21 2)) 2))
 21 21 2))
 2)) 2)) 21
 21 21 2))
 2)) 2)) 21

Table 5.1
4) Close the Radio Modem Box.
5) Connect the 220V power supplies.
6) Connect the RS232 (DB9) cable across the PTX-LCD and Radio Modem Box.
7) Connect the REMOTE (DB15) cable across the PTX-LCD and Radio Modem
8) Connect the Telemetry (DB25) cable across Radio Modem Box and amplifier
(if fitted).
9) Connect the red/black cable across the PTX-LCD and Radio Modem Box jacks;
take care to avoid possible short circuits.
10) Power on the devices.
11) Connect PC and Radio Modem Box using the front panel RS232 DB9
12) Programme the internal EEPROM of PTX-LCD.
13) Before setting the various remote alarm reporting parameters on the PTX-LCD,
ensure it has been placed into "LOCAL" mode, or you will be getting alarm
indications during the whole setting procedure (see PTX-LCD Manual, Volume
1, Section "Alarm Config").
If the Radio Modem Box is connected to a PTX-LCD, alarm time factory settings
are as follows:
MAINS: 10 sec
FWD: 15 sec
RFL: 15 sec
If the Radio Modem Box is connected to a PTX-LCD with external amplifier,
alarm time factory settings are as follows:
MAINS: 10 sec
Ext. FWD: 15 sec
Ext. RFL: 15 sec

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 37 / 76


Mains alarm time must always be lower than FWD and RFL time.
When finished, place PTX-LCD back into "REMOTE” mode.
14) Disconnect the PC connection cable and connect the supplied DB9/DB9 cable.
15) Connect the GSM modem antenna to connector "N" of the Radio Modem Box.
Use a broadband Yagi log-periodic directional antenna (700-900 MHz).
16) Select modem as "GSM" in PTX-LCD settings and set Baud Rate to 9600.

Follow the instructions provided below closely to ensure correct configuration of TLC/
SCM connection:
1) Open the Radio Modem Box.
2) Insert the SIM card into the GSM modem (see Fig. 5.2).
3) Set dipswitches as required (see tab. 5.1).
4) Close the Radio Modem Box.
5) Connect the 220V power supplies.
6) Connect the RS232 (DB9) cable across the TLC/SCM unit and the Radio
Modem Box.
7) Connect the red/black cable across the TLC/SCM unit and Radio Modem Box
jacks; take care to avoid possible short circuits.
8) Switch on the equipments.
9) Connect PC and Radio Modem Box using the front panel RS232 DB9
10) Programme the internal EEPROM (refer to TLC/SCM manual).
11) Disconnect the PC connection cable and connect the supplied DB9/DB9 cable.
12) Connect the GSM modem antenna to connector "N" of the Radio Modem Box.
Use a broadband Yagi log-periodic directional antenna (700-900 MHz).
13) Select modem as "GSM" in TLC/SCM settings.

Figure 5.2

38 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual


9.2 Remote Alarm Reporting COnfiguration

Firstly, you will have to programme certain the PTX-LCD parameters using the
"TELECON" software. To this end, connect the PC serial port COM to the RS232
connector on the PTX-LCD rear panel using a standard Male DB9 - Female DB9
serial cable.

Set the parameters in the "General Set" menu of the PTX-LCD as specified below:

95 General Set AuSet

Uart : 1 IAMLC
75 Baud : 9600 BdSet
Modem: Absent StSet
37 Mode : Remote AlmSt
Date :16/12/2003 AlmLt
Time :17:39:29 Gset_
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

When using the "TELECON" software for the first time, select the station and then
• COM port used,
• Baud rate (9600),
• type of connection (direct, via cable).

When you have entered the correct data, click the "Start" button to confirm and the
"TELECON" main screen appears, as shown in the figure:

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 39 / 76


Double click the green label in the top left corner of the TELECON screen and select
"Eeprom" (as shown in the figure below).

40 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual


In the open menu, press this key to view station parameters.

Select the "General" data category and set the 5 parameters:

• STATION ID: station identifier;
• STATION NAME: (max 18 characters);
• DIAL STRING: required setting for a GSM modem is ATDT;
• NUMBER OF RETRY: number of alarm transmission repetitions;
• SERVICE CENTER NUMBER: number of GSM provider service centre for
SMS transmission and reception; place country code before number.
Example with Italian service providers:
TIM: +393359609600
VODAFONE: +393492000200
WIND: +393205858500

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Now select the "Telephone" data category and set the following:

• PHONE NUMBER: GSM phone numbers recognised by the station to which you
want the alarms sent;
• SMS: select "YES" to enable transmission of SMS commands to system;
• ACS: select "YES" to enable SMS reception;
• MODEM: select "GSM".

Note: For correct transmission, place country code (+XX) before set numbers.

Eight customised programmable alarms can be set if the optional telemetry card is

42 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual


• ALARM NAME: Name of alarm sent with SMS (max 20 characters);

• THRESHOLD: Alarm activation threshold in percent;
• FRONT: 0-->1 Alarm is activated if signal exceeds set threshold
1-->0Alarm is activated if signal drops below set threshold;
• STATUS: Enable Enable Alarm reporting enable
DIsable Disable Alarm reporting disable

When all parameters are set, press this key and the PTX-LCD will store the

When finished, click "Exit" to exit the remote station programming window.

Back into "TELECON" standard interface, click the "General" measurement selection
button to set thresholds and operation times for the various alarms according to the
principles outlined in Section "Alarm Management".

Note: When setting alarm thresholds, allow a margin of some percent points with
respect to normal operation parameters.

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Note: When the configurations are completed, do not forget to connect the GSM
modem to the PTX-LCD using the supplied cables; the following block diagram and
picture are for your reference:

9.3 Remote Control

All PTX-LCD parameters can be monitored on a PC with a suitable modem


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The "TELECON" software establishes connection with the station through a phone
line or GSM modem and enables the following remote operations: alarm reset,
transmitter switch on/switch off, output power reduction, dummy load testing, etc.,
data evaluation to locate possible faults, identification of parts required for repair.

9.4 Internal Modem (Option /GSM)

With this option, all operations listed above can be performed via the modem built
into the exciter.

When the configurations are completed, do not forget to connect the integrated GSM
modem to PTX-LCD using the supplied cable as shown in the picture:

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 45 / 76


Note: The RS232 and MODEM connectors are connected to each another by factory.
However, they may also be used independently (for example, RS232 connector for
factory parameter programming and MODEM connector for GSM modem connection
to PC).

46 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual


10. Technical Specifications

10.1 Mechanical Specifications

Panel size 483 mm (19”) x 88 mm (3 1/2”) (2 HE)
Depth 344 mm (26 1/2”)
Weight PTX30 13 Kg
PTX60 15.5 Kg
PTX100 15.5 Kg
Operating temperature -10 °C ÷50 °C

10.2 Electric Specifications

RF output power PTX30LCD: 0-30 W, adjustment with continuity
PTX60LCD: 0-60 W, adjustment with continuity
PTX100LCD: 0-100 W, adjustment with continuity
RF output connector type “N”
RF output impedance 50 Ohm
Frequency band 87.5 MHz ÷ 108 MHz
Frequency programming direct via software
Frequency stability ±1ppm from -10 °C to 50 °C
Type of modulation direct carrier modulation
Spurious and harmonic suppression meets or exceeds FCC and CCIR standards
(typically, 85 dB)
Modulation capacity meets or exceeds FCC and CCIR standards
(typically, 240kHz for MPX or Mono, 210 KHz
for Stereo)
Residual asynchronous AM modulation -70 dB or less with respect to 100% AM,
without deemphasis
Residual synchronous AM modulation -60 dB or less with respect to 100% AM,
75KHz FM modulation at 400Hz, without
Transient intermodulation distortion < 0.1% (typically, 0.05%) measured with
square waveform at 3.18 kHz and sinusoidal
waveform at 15 kHz with 75 kHz FM
Power supply 115÷125 V, 50÷60 Hz
230÷250 V, 50÷60 Hz
Absorption PTX30LCD approx. 120 VA
PTX60LCD approx. 200 VA
PTX100LCD approx. 300 VA

Left/Mono-Right/MPX inputs Female XLR type, balanced or unbalanced
MPX input BNC type, unbalanced
Input impedance 10 KOhm or 600 Ohm, software selectable
Input level -13 dBm ÷ +14 dBm adjustable in 1 dB steps
via software, fine tuning with continuity by

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Preemphasis selectable: 0
25 us
50 us (CCIR)
75 us (FCC)
SCA/RDS inputs 3 unbalanced BNC
SCA input impedance 10 KOhm
SCA input level -20 dBm ÷ +10 dBm, adjustable by trimmer
SCA amplitude/frequency response ± 0.2 dB, from 40 KHz to 100 KHz
67KHz subcarrier crosstalk on main or stereo channels
65 dB
92KHz subcarrier crosstalk on main or stereo channels
70 dB

MPX Monitor: 0 dBm for 75KHz FM
minimum load 600 Ohm
19 KHz pilot tone 1 Vpp minimum load 4.7 KOhm
RF Test -30 dB referred to RF output
impedance 50Ohm

MONO operation
FM S/N > 82dB (typically 90 dB) referred to 75KHz
measured in 20 Hz band ÷ 20 KHz with 50 us
deemphasis, RMS detector
Amplitude/frequency response ± 0.5 dB, 20Hz ÷ 15KHz
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 0.02%
Intermodulation distortion < 0.02% measured with 1 kHz and 1.3 KHz
tones, 1:1, 75 kHz FM modulation

MPX operation
Composite FM S/N > 82dB (typically 90 dB) referred to 75KHz
measured in 20 Hz band ÷ 100 KHz with 50
us deemphasis, RMS detector
MPX amplitude/frequency response ± 0.05 dB, 20 Hz ÷ 53 KHz
± 0.2 dB, 53 KHz ÷ 100 KHz
MPX total harmonic distortion < 0.02%
Intermodulation distortion < 0.02% measured with 1 KHz and 1.3 KHz
tones, 1:1, 75 kHz FM modulation
Stereo separation > 50 dB (typically 60dB)

Stereo Operation
Stereo FM S/N > 82dB (typically 90 dB) referred to 75KHz
measured in 20 Hz band ÷ 100 KHz with 50
us deemphasis, RMS detector
Audio amplitude/frequency response ± 0.5 dB, 20Hz ÷15KHz
Total harmonic distortion < 0.03%
Intermodulation distortion < 0.03% measured with 1 kHz and 1.3 KHz
tones, 1:1, 75 kHz FM modulation
Stereo separation > 50 dB (typically 60dB)

48 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

Remote connections
Remote connector Female DB15 type; provides:
FWD and RFL inputs for external AGC
6 analogue or digital inputs
2 relay digital outputs
Interlock connector BNC, for power disable
I2C interface
Serial interface Female DB9
RS232, DTE or DCE selectable
RS485 (Option) DTE or DCE selectable
Telemetry card Option Female DB25 type
8 analogue/digital inputs
2 digital outputs
1 I2C serial interface

/03 24V External Battery
/08 Telemetry interface
/AUDIOINP-DIG Digital audio input interface
/TRDSP Digital and analogue audio input interface,
DSP technology, integrated Digital Stereo
Coder, integrated RDS Coder
/GSM Integrated GSM Modem

D/A converter 24 bit
Sampling frequency from 32 to 96 KHz
Data format S/PDIF, AES/EBU, IEC958 and EIAJ CP340/
Digital inputs 1 unbalanced input for coaxial cable with PIN/
RCA connector (S/PDIF)
1 fiber optics TOSLINK
1 XLR balanced female connector (AES/EBU)
Emergency switch 3.5mm JACK; connected to ground, forces
audio input selection

Conversion 24 bit
Connector XLR, electronically balanced
Impedance 600/10K - adjustable via software
Input level Adjustable via software
Maximum input level 6/18/30 dBu


Connector Balanced XLR + optical TOS-LINK
Data format AES/EBU -S/PDIF - EIAJ-340
Sampling frequencies from 32 to 96 KHz


Connector PIN – RCA Unbalanced
Data format S/PDIF
Sampling frequencies 96 kHz

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D/A conversion 24 bit
Pilot Tone 19 KHz ±0.5 Hz
Pilot level Selectable
Pilot phase Selectable
Subcarrier attenuation 38 KHz min. -90 dB
MPX output level Selectable
Stereo separation 65 dB, 30 Hz - 15 kHz
MPX output noise -90 dBu
Preemphasis 50/75 microsec.
Preemphasis error ±0.01 dB, 30 Hz - 15 kHz
15 kHz low-pass filter ripple ±0.01 dB, 30 Hz - 15 kHz
Low-pass filter 19 KHz attenuation -90 dB
Clipper Right and left channel + MPX
AGC Left and right channel

Cenelec 50067 Specification (PI: Program Identification, PS:
Program Service, PTY: Program Type, TP:
Traffic Program Identification, TA: Traffic
Announcement, AF: Alternative Frequencies,
M/S: Music/Speech, PIN: Program Item
Number, RT: Radio Text, EON: Enhanced
Other Networks, TDC: Transparent Data
Channel, IH: In-house Application)
Subcarrier frequencies 57 kHz ±1.5 Hz
Synchronisation Internal or external

A/D conversion 24 bit
D/A conversion 24 bit
DSP elaboration 32 bit

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11. Factory Settings

Each time a change is made to a PTX-LCD parameter, the new setting is added to
machine configuration information, which is stored in a non-volatile memory area.
On switch on, the exciter will retain the same configuration it had been using before
the last switch off.

At the factory, the exciter may be set to meet application-specific requirements (for
example, when the customer specifies operating frequency and mode of operation
of the system the exciter is to be incorporated into on order), or to a preset

The PTX-LCD preset configuration is determined by the position of a set of jumpers

located inside the machine. When the exciter is switched on, the name of the selected
preset configuration appears on the display (see 7.1).

Possible configurations are as follows:

Parameter Menu Value
Power Output Preset On
Minimum frequency / 87.5 MHz
Maximum frequency / 108.0 MHz
Frequency step / 10 kHz
Preset frequencies Admin-ExFrq 87.5, 90.0, 92.0, 94.0, 96.0, 98.0, 100.0,
102.0, 104.0, 106.0 MHz
Power Preset 0%
Input level Mono/L Admin->AuSet->Mono/L X dBm
0 dBm
Input level MPX/R Admin->AuSet->MPX/R X dBm
0 dBm
Input state Mono/L Admin->AuSet->Mono/L X dBm
Input state MPX/R Admin->AuSet->MPX/R
Preemphasis Admin->BdSet->Preemph
50 μs
Clipper Admin->BdSet->Clipper
Mode of operation Admin->BdSet->Mode
Stereo (if stereo coder is present)
MPX (if stereo coder is not present)
Pilot tone Admin->StSet->Pilot
On (if stereo coder is present)
Phase difference btw Channels
(if stereo coder is present)

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Same as CCIR, except:
Parameter Menu Value
Preemphasis Admin->BdSet->Preenph
75 μs
Mode of operation Admin->BdSet->Mode
Stereo (if stereo coder is present)
Mono (if stereo coder is not present)

Same as CCIR, except:
Parameter Menu Value
Minimum frequency / 66.0 MHz
Maximum frequency / 74.0 MHz
Preset frequencies Admin-ExFrq 66.0, 67.00, 68.00, 68.00, 69.00, 70.00,
71.00, 72.00, 73.00, 74.00 MHz
Mode of operation Admin->BdSet->Mode
Stereo (if stereo coder is present)
Mono (if stereo coder is not present)

Same as CCIR, except:
Parameter Menu Value
Minimum frequency / 76.0 MHz
Maximum frequency / 90.0 MHz
Preset frequencies Admin-ExFrq 76.0, 78.0, 80.0, 82.0, 83.0, 84.0, 85.0, 86.0,
88.0, 90.0 MHz
Mode of operation Admin->BdSet->Mode
Stereo (if stereo coder is present)
Mono (if stereo coder is not present)

Same as CCIR, except:
Parameter Menu Value
Minimum frequency / 87.6 MHz
Maximum frequency / 107.9 MHz
Frequency step / 100 kHz
Preset frequencies Admin-ExFrq 87.6, 90.0, 92.0, 94.0, 96.0, 98.0, 100.0,
102.0, 104.0, 106.0 MHz
Clipper Admin->BdSet->Preenph
Mode of Operation Admin->BdSet->Mode
Stereo (if stereo coder is present)
Mono (if stero coder is not present)

Same as CCIR, except:
Parameter Menu Value
Minimum frequency / 100.0 MHz
Maximum frequency / 108.0 MHz
Preset frequencies Admin-ExFrq 100.0, 100.5, 100.1, 101.5, 102.0, 103.0,
104.0, 105.0, 106.0, 108.0 MHz

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12. Module Identification and Access

12.1 Module identification

The figure shows a top view of machine inner components. Component descriptions
are listed below.


2 8



[1] Audio Input card

[2] Stereo Coder or mono card
[3] RF power amplifier
[4] Audio mainboard
[5] PLL & VCO card
[6] CPU Section (CPU Interface + 16Bit CPU card)
[7] Power supply
[8] Transformer
[9] Switching power supply
[10] Cooling fins
[11] Panel card - display

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12.2 How to access modules

WARNING: Dangerous voltages or currents inside! Be careful when opening the

device. Always disconnect power supply before removing the covers or any device

Remove all screws on the top cover of the machine. Remove the cover and refer to
the block diagram to identify and locate all exciter components.

To remove the (stereo or mono) coder and PLL cards, simply undo the hexagon nuts
that secure the cards over the stud bolts. Both cards have strip connectors at the
bottom and these connectors are coupled to the audio mainboard.

To remove the audio input card (which is secured to the audio connector card and to
the right side of the exciter rear panel), undo the four nuts that retain the card to the
audio mainboard stud bolts and then remove the five screws on the rear panel and
the three bottom screws that retain the connector support.

1 3


The RF power amplifier is secured to its cooling fin and is held in position by three
screws located on exciter bottom. The screws hold the fin in place; remove these
screws to release the amplifier.

Power supply and switching power supply use the same fastening system and can
be released by removing the screws that secure the fins to machine bottom. Note,
however, that the interlock connector soldered to the power supply is retained to the
rear panel by a nut, and you will need to undo this nut before you can remove the
power supply.

The panel card and the CPU card are held in place by nuts screwed onto the stud
bolts. Detach the front panel from the box before removing these cards.

54 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

User Manual


To Audio Input Card

TP14 TP13 TP15 TP12 TP11




1 2
13. Operating principles


1 2 CN1

SLPTMDBPAN06 1 2 1 2 JP1

JP10 JP11 JP9 JP2 JP1 JP3

C1 CEA109MS500V



Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10

5 JP1
CPU 16bit BOARD 8
1 CN3

DSPDG24064 CN5

Following is a brief description of the different module functions.



F1 230V 31

120V 0 PF1

15 PFS5X20PAN10
1 2

SW1 0 F2
DEV1V1102 FUS5X20RP6,3
18 FAN1


$XWRUH Ufficio Tecnico 'DWDMonday, May 03, 2004 &RGLFH3URJHWWR PFPTX30LCDS


)LOH&DUWHOOD Progetti\Eccitatori\PTXLCD\Esecutivi $XWRUL]]D]LRQH &RGLFH /

55 / 76
The figure below provides an overview of the PTX-LCD modules and connections.
13.1 Power Supply

There are two separate power supply sections.

A first section provides power supply for power final stage. It consists in a switching
power supply unit mounted on a cooling fin.

The second section consists in a card mounted on a heat sink located centrally in the
machine. This card accommodates the power supply that feeds the different machine
cards (audio, CPU...), a section that handles analogue inputs from the "Remote"
connector and the automatic power level control system.

5 5
' 5
' 5

13.1.1 Adjustments, settings and indicators

While the switching power supply requires no adjustments, the power supply card
accommodates several indicators and adjustable components.
D52 on: power amplifier fuse fault
D53 on: fuse PF1 fault
D54 on: +5V present
D55 on: +15V present
D57 on: -12V present
D58 on: supply voltage present at power supply section
RV1 temperature sensor setting
R17 level adjustment for external AGC
R18 level adjustment for external AGC
R30 PA current measurement adjustment

56 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

R35 PA maximum current adjustment
R39 forward power measurement adjustment
R51 reflected power measurement adjustment
R98 driver current measurement adjustment
JP6 1-3, 2-4 the pins on the remote connector are used as analogue inputs
3-5, 4-6 the pins on the remote connector are used for IIC communication

13.2 Audio mainboard

This board provides an interface between audio section and PPL cards and the
remaining exciter cards. The audio mainboard is secured to the left bottom section
of the machine. The other cards are plugged to the connectors mounted on this board.

This module includes the circuit that mixes MPX signals and SCA/RDS subcarriers.



13.2.1 Adjustments, settings and indicators

D2 on: audio missing alarm
D4 on: voltage present
D5 on: voltage present
D6 on: voltage present
JP8 factory setting - do not alter

13.3 Audio Inputs

The audio input section is located at the rear end of the machine and is connected
directly to the audio mainboard through comb connectors. It is made up of two cards
assembled at right angles to give an L-shaped pattern and secured to the rear panel
section that accommodates the audio connectors.

The first card holds the level trimmers and the input filters. The second card includes
level adjustments and audio configuration software control switches.

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After the necessary elaboration (filtering, level adjustment, selection), the audio input
section passes the signals on to the audio mainboard, that routes them to the coder




13.3.1 Adjustments, settings and indicators

D2 on: power supply negative voltage present
D1 on: power supply positive voltage present
JP3 3-5, 4-6, 9-11, 10-12 no attenuation on input L
1-3, 2-4, 7-9, 8-10 12 dB attenuation on input L
JP2 same as JP3, affects input R
JP8 1-2 no gain on SCA2, 2-3 20 dB gain
JP11 1-2 MPX_U input impedance 50 Ohm, 2-3 10 kOhm
JP10 1-2 no gain on SCA3, 2-3 30 dB gain
JP9 1-2 no gain on SCA1, 2-3 20 dB gain
JP12 3-5, 4-6 no attenuation on MPX input
1-3, 2-4 12 dB attenuation on MPX input
RV7 MPX monitor output level adjustment

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13.4 Coder

The coder card is mounted above the mainboard between the audio input card and
the PLL & Driver card.

This card comes in two versions, namely Stereo and Mono/MPX. The only difference
between a Stereo PTX-LCD and a Mono/MPX PTX-LCD lies in the coder module.

Depending on the version, this card accommodates the low-pass filters, the
preemphasis circuits, the stereo coder and the Clipper circuit, which may be enabled
or disabled via software.

The Clipper circuit is mandatory in some countries; its purpose is to limit modulation
level when audio inputs exceed nominal level.







' ' '

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 59 / 76

13.4.1 Adjustments, settings and indicators

Stereo Coder
C2 pilot tone phase
C4 pilot tone frequency
R11 stereo coder card output level
R15 pilot tone level
R16 stereo separation optimisation - left channel
R17 stereo separation optimisation - right channel
R33 clipper circuit operation level
R39 clipper circuit operation symmetry adjustment
R40 optimisation of 38 kHz subcarrier suppression

Mono/MPX card
LP1 low-pass filter 1
LP2 low-pass filter 2
RV1 mono level
RV2 mono coder card output level (deviation)
RV3 clipper circuit operation level
D1 power supply positive voltage presence
D2 power supply negative voltage presence
D3 clipper operating indication

13.5 PLL/Driver card & VCO Card

The PLL/Driver card is located on the left side of the PTX-LCD and is plugged into
the audio mainboard.

The digital PLL module consists of a high-stability oscillator with temperature control
and a digital circuit that divides and compares operating frequency. The oscillator
generates a 10 Mhz frequency that is divided to give a fixed 1 kHz signal.

This signal is sent to the digital comparator/divider circuit that compares it to the
VCO output signal, which has been divided according to exciter operating frequency.

The comparator AFC output signal is sent to to the varicap diodes mounted on the
VCO card and added to the audio signal provided by the Coder card.

The Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) generates the signal on exciter operating
frequency; this signal is amplified up to about 300mW (25dBm), which is the necessary
level to pilot the R.F. Power Amplifier block.

Note: The VCO card is housed in a silver-plated brass box secured to the PLL &
Driver card.

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59 -3


13.5.1 Adjustments, settings and indicators

D2 on: PLL not locked
RV1 bias adjustment
JP2 factory setting - do not alter
JP3 factory setting - do not alter
JP5 factory setting - do not alter

13.6 Power amplifier

The power amplifier is available in a 30W and a 60/100W version.

Final power stage is secured to a heat-sink fin in the centre of the device and housed
in a fully shielded metal enclosure secured to the central section of the equipment.

The R.F. signal from the PLL/DRIVER CARD, which is about 200mW, reaches the
pilot (MRF237, class C), is amplified up to about 1.5W and sent to the final stage
(BLF245) that finally amplifies up to 30W.

The resulting signal is filtered by a low-pass filter to remove harmonic components.

A directional coupler located inside the final stage measures forward and reflected
power of the load and sends the relating signals to the power supply for verification.

A -30dB level output for output power is available on a BNC connector located on the
rear panel, under the transmitter output connector.

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13.7 Panel Card

This card is located in the front end of the device and provides an interface between
the CPU card and the remaining PTX-LCD cards.

This card handles all signals from/to LCD, Encoder, LED Indicators, Power Supply
Card, Audio Mainboard and external telemetry card, in other words, all input/output
signals of the CPU card.


13.7.1 Adjustments, settings and indicators

JP8 Position of panel card jumpers.

The software denotes jumper positions as follows (1 signifies a closed jumper, 0

open jumper, X any position):

62 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Meaning
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
0 0 X X X X X X X X ExPwr, ExSts and ExFrq menu disabled
1 0 X X X X X X X X ExPwr and ExSts menu enabled, ExFrq menu disabled
0 1 X X X X X X X X ExPwr and ExSts menu disabled, ExFrq enabled
1 1 X X X X X X X X ExPwr, ExSts and ExFrq disabled
X X 0 0 0 X X X X X Default parameters set in case of exciter reset:
CCIR for PLL at 10MHz
X X 1 0 0 X X X X X Default parameters set in case of exciter reset: FCC
X X 0 1 0 X X X X X Default parameters set in case of exciter reset:
X X 1 1 0 X X X X X Default parameters set in case of exciter reset:
X X 0 0 1 X X X X X Default parameters set in case of exciter reset:
X X 1 0 1 X X X X X Default parameters set in case of exciter reset: CSI
X X 0 1 1 X X X X X Reserved for future applications
X X 1 1 1 X X X X X Reserved for future applications
X X X X X 1 X X X X MAINS alarm enabling. NOTE: in this case is
necessary to move the two jumpers from positions 3-5
and 4-6 to the positions 1-3 and 2-4, of Supply card
JP6 jumper(see fig. below)
X X X X X X 1 X X X TRDSP optional card presence
X X X X X X X 1 X X 13 MHz Quartz frequency on PLL card
X X X X X X X X 1 X Telemetry optional card presence
X X X X X X X X X 1 SFN software version (only for TRDSP)

1) In case of ExFrq enabled is necessary to modify the jumper JP6 on power supply,
as indicated in the following figure, in order to enabled the alternatives frequencies
that shall be used when the exciter is used as backup in a N+1 system.
2) In case of MAINS alarm enabled is necessary to modify jumper the JP6 on
power supply, as indicated in the following figure, in order to validate the activation
of the alarm.

Example relating to MAINS ON on power supply card

13.8 CPU card (16-bit)

The CPU card is located at the front end of the device and is secured to the panel

This card is the heart of the transmitter as it handles and processes all information
provided by the other cards and by other devices connected through the serial interface
or the telemetry card.

The 1Mb Flash Memory enables firmware update through direct connection of PTX-
LCD RS232 output to the serial port of a PC.

Card specifications are as follows:

• Microprocessor: 90F5436
• Flash Memory size: 1MBytes
• Static RAM size: 32KBytes
• Communication Interface: RS232-RS485 and I2C Bus
• EEPROM size: 2KBytes
• Self-diagnosis LED: 1 red led

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The card requires no settings or adjustments.

13.9 Telemetry card “SLTELEM00001” (optional)

This card has a female DB25 connector that can be accessed on the machine rear

This card provides 8 programmable customized alarms that are discussed in

paragraph 9.1.

This card enables user access to "TELEM" Menu measurements and controls. It can
measure 8 analogue inputs from 0 to 5 V; it also controls two digital outputs that use
relay contacts and an open-collector digital output.

The card requires no settings or adjustments.

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13.9.1 Telemetry

This optional menu displays the state of the optional add-on telemetry card.

95 Telemetry Ampli
T1:0.3V T7:0.3V Suppl
75 T2:0.3V T8:0.3V ExPwr
T3:0.3V R1: Off ExSts
37 T4:0.3V R2: Off ExFrq
T5:0.3V VB:0.0 SCA
T6:0.3V Out: Off Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

If the telemetry is not fitted, displayed values are not applicable. If the relevant option
is installed (and the card 25-pin connector is fitted at the rear of the machine), the
fields have the following meanings.
T1 voltage on pin 9 of telemetry card input connector.
T2 voltage on pin 22 of telemetry card input connector.
T3 voltage on pin 10 of telemetry card input connector.
T4 voltage on pin 23 of telemetry card input connector.
T5 voltage on pin 11 of telemetry card input connector.
T6 voltage on pin 24 of telemetry card input connector.
T7 voltage on pin 12 of telemetry card input connector.
T8 voltage on pin 25 of telemetry card input connector.
R1 service relay 1 enable/disable.
R2 service relay 2 enable/disable.
VB battery supply voltage (only if optional 24 volts card is fitted).
OUT supplemental service output (to control an external circuit).

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13.10 Telemetry card “SLTELEM00002” (optional)

The customized PTX-LCD version is supplied with telemetry card SLTELEM00002

as standard; this card provides a parallel interface similar to that of other RVR
Elettronica devices (PJ series amplifiers, HC series couplers).

The Pin 13 of the DB25 connector signifies "RF Enable" (interlock) and must
be closed to ground to enable machine power output. Normally, this is
accomplished by using an optional external "Power Good" card, device
ESTX300, or a simple DB25 connector with pin 13 closed to ground (pin 3, 7
or 21).

13.10.1 TLC/TLS

When the telemetry card "SLTELEM0002" is used, the following menu is enabled.

95 TLC / TLS Suppl

Power : 30W ExPwr
75 PG1 : 0% ExSts
PG2 : 0% ExFrq
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Power This line provides a settable software limit for the PTX-LCD maximum
output power. Available options are "100 W" (no limit) and "30 W"
(maximum PTXLCD output nearly 30 W).
PG1 Threshold level for "Power good 1" signal. Level is expressed in percent
of set power level. Output PG1 of the telemetry card is on when PTX-
LCD actual output power exceeds this percentage of set power. For
example: Assuming that power set in the default menu is 70% of machine
rated power (70% x 100W = 70W) and PG1 is set to 80% in the menu
under discussion, the PG1 output at PIN 9 of the telemetry card will be on
when actual output power exceeds 80% x 70W = 56W.
PG2 Threshold level for "Power good 2" signal. Level is expressed in percent
of set power level. Output PG2 at PIN 22 of the telemetry card is on when
PTXLCD actual output power exceeds this percentage of set power. PG2
operates on the same logic as PG1.

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STATUS Display and setting of the PTX-LCD mode of operation. "Local" or

"Remote". When the machine is placed in "Local" mode, all settings
included in the software are available (for example, frequency, power or
audio levels), whereas the telemetry card inputs are inhibited. In the
"Remote" mode, no changes may be made from machine menus (except
returning to "Local" mode) and telemetry card inputs are enabled.

13.11 AUDINP-DIG Card (option)

The "/AUDINP-DIG" option permits to the PTX-LCD exciter the integration into
systems using digital audio distribution.

This option is designed to replace the typical audio input section with no need for
particular adjustments; no changes to exciter firmware (Releasexx04xxxx) are required
after an update.

If present, a digital input will be automatically selected by the supplied logic.

Analogue (instead of digital) input selection can be forced using an external command.

A manual switch is available to choose between the balanced (AES/EBU) and

unbalaced (TOSLINK and S/PDIF) digital input.

Two trimmers adjust converted digital input level to normalize R and L signals with
respect to analogue input regulated level.

The D/A conversion is performed automatically by 24 bit converters using a sampling

frequency from 32 to 96 KHz.

This option supports data formats S/PDIF, AES/EBU, IEC958 and EIAJ CP340/

13.11.1 Functions description

The optional section is located in the PTX-LCD rear panel and is connected directly
to the audio mainboard via a strip line connector. It includes three different cards.

The system provides for twelve cyclic system queries that enable quick fault location.
If queries are not successful, a FAULT signal is sent to the CPU card that will take the
necessary action to prevent additional faults.

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The first card contains the balanced analogue inputs and the level trimmers for all
analogue inputs and their filters; this is the same card used in PTX-LCD without
AUDINP-DIG. The second card accommodates level adjustments and the software-
based audio configuration switches. The third section helps convert the digital signal
to "Left" and "Right" analogue signal and includes a matching level trimmer. This
section also enables digital or analogue input selection: digital inputs are selected
by default where fitted, whereas analogue inputs are selected using the Digital/Analog
switch jack connector. A manual switch is available to choose between the balanced
(AES/EBU) and unbalanced (TOSLINK and S/PDIF) digital input.

After the necessary elaboration (filtering, level adjustments, D/A conversion, selection),
the audio input passes the signal on to the mainboard that routes it to the coder card.

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13.12 TRDSP card (optional)

Option TRDSP is a DSP-based digital circuit that performs the following tasks:
• input selection, level adjustment and processing (filtering and preemphasis)
• stereophonic coding
• RDS (Radio Data System) signal generation.

The TRDSP accepts audio inputs in digital form (AES/EBU) or Left and Right analogue
inputs that are immediately converted into digital format (A/D). A digital input is
automatically selected when present, but analogue input selection can be forced
with the appropriate software settings.

The MPX stereophonic signal " ("Main", "Sub" and 19 kHz subcarrier) is generated
directly in digital form, starting with the Left and Right digital (or digitalised) channels.

The RDS is generated directly by DSP and then digitally added to the stereophonic
audio signal. The messages transmitted by the RDS coder are programmed using a
PC software supplied with the machine. It also possible to disable the internal RDS
coder and use an external coder.

The TRDSP option includes two electronic cards and a support panel with the input
and output connectors. This subassembly is installed into PTX-LCD in place of the
audio input and stereo coder sections (or Mono/MPX card). It can be easily retrofitted
to standard PTX-LCD exciters.

The key advantage offered by the TRDSP option is enhanced performance in terms
• Amplitude/frequency response (±0.01 dB, 30 Hz - 15 kHz)
• Stereophonic separation (65 dB, 30 Hz - 15 kHz)
• Distortion (< 0.03%)
In addition, the digitally processed signal enables frequency deviation limitation while
avoiding the distortion issues typically experienced with analogue clippers.
At TRDSP output, the total signal (MPX + RDS) is converted into analogue form (D/
A) and passed on to the standard VCO/PLL section of PTX-LCD.

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The block diagrams of a standard PTX-LCD exciter and a PTX-LCD equipped with
TRDSP are compared in the figure below, with special regard to the input card.



MPX bal Σ

mono 3//

Left/Mono &RGHU




Right (analog) $' FRGHU '$
Left (analog) $'

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 71 / 76

13.12.1 Operating system and TRDSP

When TRDSP is installed, new screens are added to the administration menu to
handle the key operating parameters of the card. RF Status

95 RF Status Main.
RF : Off 10s Ampli
75 FPwr: 0.0W 0% Suppl
RPwr: 0.0W ExPwr
Freq: 87.500Mhz 0M ExFrq
Att : 0dBu Telem
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

RF RF power output On / Off. Reading and setting of time taken by PTX to

reach set power; setting range 1 to 100s
FPwr Output power reading and setting. Reading is expressed in Watts,
whereas setting is in percentage of maximum power. If the encoder is
pressed when the cursor is on this option, measurement unit label changes
from "W" to "%" and the desired percentage can be set by turning the
encoder. Press the encoder to store the new setting.
RPwr Reflected power reading in watts.
Mode of operation of TRDSP card.
0% Output power setting in percent.
Freq Operating frequency. Press the encoder when this parameter is highlighted
and then turn the encoder to change frequency value. When the encoder
is pressed to store the new frequency setting, the software will prompt for
a confirmation (“Are you sure?”). ). Highlight “Yes” and press the
encoder to confirm the new frequency setting or select “No” to abandon
change. Value “0M” near the MHz indication identifies the current frequency
selection (set from menu “ExFrq”) in the event the frequency switching
feature is on (switching occurs based on the voltages present at connector
Att Gain set at audio inputs.

72 / 76 Rev. 3.3 - 31/08/10 User Manual

PTX-LCD Stereo Set

Configuration menu for stereo coder card (where relevant option is installed).

95 Stereo Set ExFrq

Pilot : On Telem
75 0 SCA
P.Level: -7.3dB AuSet
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Pilot Add/remove pilot tone (convenient for some types of measurements). Right channel phase, may be 0 or 180 (signal reversal, convenient
when measuring "Sub to Main")
P.Level Pilot tone phase adjustment from -32.8dB to -7.3 dB (only available
if PTX-LCD has the optional TRDSP card installed) TrDsp

Optional TrDsp card setup menu.

95 TrDsp Board IAMLC

Delay : 0 0 BdSet
75 TotDly: 0,000us StSet
Audio :Auto AlmSt
37 DigLvl:-10dBfs AlmLt
SCA :Off Gset
RDS :Off TrDsp
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Delay Signal time delay setting, when used for isofrequency applications
with poor step adjustment. The setting range for the first parameter
is from 0 to 1900 steps of 5,25 ms each. The second parameter
range is from 0 to 127 steps of 0,05 ms. The maximum time delay
that can be set is 5.47 milliseconds. The actual time delay set is
shown under item "Totdly"; it is expressed in microseconds up to a
maximum value of 9981,35ms.
If PTX-LCD is interfaced with a GSM modem, parameter DELAY
can be set via SMS.

User Manual Rev. 3.1 - 31/08/10 73 / 76

Two SMS commands are available: DELAY and STEP. DELAY is
used to set delay in microseconds. For example, message "DELAY
624" would set delay to 624 ms (with some minor approximation).
STEP is used to make corrections in steps of 0.05 ms each (+ or -
). For example, message "STEP +10" adds 0.5 ms to the time
delay set previously, giving 624.5 ms. The PTX- LCD sends back
an SMS message that contains total time delay set, for example
"Total Delay Set: 624.5 ms".
TELECON adds two items to the "General" window: "Delay 1" and
"Delay 2 ". They can be adjusted in steps; meaning is as outlined
Audio Input channel mode selection; possible options are digital, analogue
or automatic mode.
DigLvl Digital audio input level setting. It can be adjusted in 1 dBm steps
from 0 to -10 dBfs.
SCA Software switch to enable or disable the SCA inputs of the RDS
RDS Software switch to enable or disable the RDS coder. I.T.U.

I.T.U. and A.G.C. (Automatic Gain Control) feature setup menu.

95 ITU/AGC BdSet
ITU :On StSet
75 AGC :Off AlmSt
MPX min: 0dB AlmLt
37 MPX max: 0dB Gset
L/R min: 0dB TrDsp
L/R max: 0dB I.T.U
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

ITU Enables automatic reduction of signal modulation energy according to

standard I.T.U. 412. This feature is always given priority over the A.G.C.
AGC Mean operation time for Automatic Gain Control. Available options are
"OFF", "SLOW", "MIDDLE" and "FAST" mode.
MPX min
Minimum audio level operation threshold in the MPX mode; A.G.C. kicks
in when threshold is exceeded; range is 0 to -4 dB.

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MPX max
Maximum audio level operation threshold in the MPX mode; A.G.C. kicks
in when threshold is exceeded; range is 0 to +4 dB.
L/R min
Minimum audio level operation threshold in the Mono/Stereo mode; A.G.C.
kicks in when threshold is exceeded; range is 0 to -12 dB.
L/R max
Maximum audio level operation threshold in the Mono/Stereo mode; A.G.C.
kicks in when threshold is exceeded; range is 0 to +12 dB. Isofreq

Setup menu for PTX-LCD isofrequency mode operating parameters.

95 TrDsp IsoFreq StSet

TrDsp t.act: 0min AlmSt
75 TrDsp t.rec: 0min AlmLt
Fault t.act: 0min Gset
37 Fault t.rec: 0s TrDsp
% pwr.out : 0% I.T.U
1 p.p.s:Present IsoFr
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

TrDsp t.act
Hysteresis setting for automatic power reduction activation,
adjustable from 0 to 120minutes. After the set time has elapsed,
power is reduced by the specified percent. The timer starts counting
the sync loss reported by the TRDSP card; this feature activates
when sync loss duration exceeds set time.
TrDsp t.rec
Power restore hysteresis time setting, can be adjusted from 0 to
120 minutes. Principle of operation is as described above; when
back in sync, PTX LCD goes back to delivering the same output
power as before reduction .
Fault t.act
Hysteresis setting for automatic power reduction activation, can be
adjusted from 0 to 6 hours in 6 min. steps. After the set time, power
is reduced by the specified percent. The timer starts counting the
sync loss caused by an external "FAULT" indication (e.g.: problems
with GPS antenna, etc..), which must persist longer than set time in
order for the related feature to activate. Fault signal is provided by
PIN4 of the telemetry DB15 connector (see sect. 6.6.1).

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Fault t.rec
Power restore hysteresis time setting, can be adjusted from 0 to 6
hours. Principle of operation is as described above; when back in
sync, the PTX-LCD goes back to delivering the same output power
as before reduction .
% pwr.out Power reduction percent of power set in menu "RF Status" under
item FPwr. For example, if % pwr.out is set to 50%, and item FPwr
in "RF Status" menu is set to 30% of power output, resulting output
is 15%.

These parameters can also be set using the "Telecon" software. If power reduction
occurs when "low FWD Power" alarm is active, an SMS message that reads "ALARM:
low FWD power - Out of Sync" is transmitted. FSK

The PTX-LCD operating parameter setup menu for FSK signalling, in which a Morse-
coded 6-character alphanumeric code is sent at regular intervals using transmission
frequency shift.

95 F S K AlmSt
Enable :Off AlmLt
75 Shift Frq: 5kHz Gset
Time rep.: 60min TrDsp
37 Code :A000AA I.T.U
kHz MPU 50u CLOff Pl.On 1.

Enable Enables / disable the FSK feature.

Shift Frq Frequency shift with respect to carrier, can be adjusted from 5 to 25
Time rep. Repetition time for Morse code transmission, can be adjusted from
0 to 240 minutes.
Code Morse Code sended (composed from a character, three figures and
two characters)

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