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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual


Operating Manual

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement

Issue : B
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Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

CODEL International Ltd. is a UK company based in Bakewell, Derbyshire,

specialising in the design and manufacture of high technology instrumentation
for monitoring combustion processes and atmospheric pollution emissions. The
company philosophy is simply, to design well-engineered, rugged and reliable
equipment, capable of continuous operation over long periods with minimal

While every effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free from errors,
CODEL supply all information without warranty.

CODEL International Ltd. © CODEL International Ltd. September 2003

Station Building, Station Road

Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1GE

Tel : +44 (0) 1629 814 351

Fax : +44 (0) 8700 566 307
e-mail : [email protected]
web site : www.codel We reserve the right to modify designs without prior notice.

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1

1.1. This Manual 1

1.2. Program Summary 1

2. Installation and Configuration 2

2.1. General 2
2.2. System Requirements 2

3. Operation 3

3.1. Overview 3
3.2. SmartCEMcomm – Communications Program 4

4. SmartCEM – Data Analysis and Instrument Control 5

4.1. Top Bar 6

4.2. Live Data Display 8
4.2.1. Overall 8
4.2.2. Selection Area 9
4.2.3. Channel Information 9
4.2.4. Graphical Display 10
4.3. Trends 11
4.3.1. Overall 11
4.3.2. How to Use the Trend Cursor 12
4.3.3. Data selection 12
4.3.4. Cursor Information & View 12
4.3.5. Data Levels 16
4.3.6. Trend 17
4.3.7. Trend Bars 17
4.4. Reports 22
4.4.1. Report Output options 23
4.4.2. Overall Selection 24
4.4.3. Summary 25
4.4.4. Percentiles Explained 28
4.4.5. Convert Report 28
4.4.6. Equipment Report 30

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

1. Introduction

1.1. This Manual

This manual provides information for the general operation of the SmartCEM
system. It is intended for plant operators and for the casual user, and should
provide all the information that is required. For detailed configuration and
diagnostic information, please refer to the ‘SmartCEM Configuration and
Advanced Operation’ manual.

1.2. Program Summary

SmartCEM has been designed to utilise the features of Windows® XP. There
are three programs associated with this software:

SCEM.EXE : Main display and analysis program.

SCEMCOMM.EXE : Communication program.
SCEMCFG.EXE : Configuration program.

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

2. Installation and Configuration

2.1. General

Installation and configuration are detailed in the ‘SmartCEM Configuration and

Advanced Operation’ manual.

Many parameters may be changed from within the SmartCEM program: display
span, alarm levels etc. However, for system configuration – commissioning,
adding display channels etc, please refer to the ‘SmartCEM Configuration and
Advanced Operation’ manual.

2.2. System Requirements

The minimum PC system specification for running SmartCEM is as follows:

CPU - 1.5GHz Intel or AMD equivalent.

OS - Windows® XP Professional Edition.

Memory - 512Mb RAM.

Display - 1024 x 768 pixel resolution.

Free Disk Space - 100Mb (Disk space for data storage is dependent
upon the number of groups and the number of
channels in each group; allow up to 100Mb per
group per year).

CD ROM - Required for installation.

Sound Card - Required if audible alarms are to be used.

Modem/Internet - Allows CODEL to access the system for

Connection troubleshooting and for software updates – may also
be required as part of a service contract – normally
Symantec PC Anywhere is required.

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

3. Operation

3.1. Overview

The program SCEMCOMM.exe must be in operation for the system to collect

data and store it to the hard disk. The program SmartCEM accesses this data
and analyses/ displays it in various formats. To start the program from the
START menu in Windows®, select programs, SmartCEM, and SmartCEMcomm
or SmartCEM. An alternative to this is to double click on the two programs
within Windows® XP explorer.

It is not possible to run either program more than once, i.e. have two instances
of the same program on the same computer; if the user attempts to do this, the
program window is opened and has the focus.

It is possible to have the program start automatically.

Upon first opening the SmartCEM program the following screen will appear;
ticking the two boxes shown below will enable the comm program to be run
automatically when SmartCEM is opened. It will also mean that if the pc is
restarted for any reason the both the comm and SmartCEM programs will run

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

3.2. SmartCEMcomm – Communications Program

The communications program has very little display content; its function is to
collect the data from the CDC and update the relevant databases. In normal
operation the SmartCEMcomm program will appear as below:

Screen components:

Tx Approximately every 30 seconds, this LED will illuminate briefly. This

indicates that the program is requesting data from the CDC. If other
data is requested (diagnostics, parameters etc.), it will also flash.
Rx After a transmission is received by the CDC (see above) the Rx light
will flash. This indicates that the CDC has responded to the request
for data.
Status This panel indicates the PC serial port that is currently being used.
Apart from the port number (COM1, COM2 etc), the parameters
should be set as above.
External Commands received from other sources (e.g. SmartCEM, modem
connection, network connection etc.).

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

4. SmartCEM – Data Analysis and Instrument Control

After the program has been started the user may select the information to
display. This is achieved by clicking the mouse cursor on each of the available

A brief description of the available options follows:

About A simple screen with program version and computer information. It

is also possible to select different languages here.
Live Data Current data.
Trends Historical data plotted on a graph.
Status Pictorial status diagram for use with Codel Model G-CEM4100.

Within many displays, resting the mouse over a display will introduce a hint as
to the function of the control or information provided.

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Within the program, data is organised into groups - maximum 12. Typically each
group contains all the measurements for a single boiler/ incinerator etc.
Measurements made within a group are usually made at the same point; this
may not be the case if a system has many measurements using non-Codel
equipment. Each group may have up to 12 measurements.

4.1. Top Bar

At the top of the screen, a bar provides important information for the operator
and appears as below:
Short cut to
SmartCEM log viewer

Short cut to
SmartCEM reports

Short cut to

Print screen

Printer set-up

Screen capture

Last update
time & date

Security level access

Alarm config.


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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual


Name - Plant name.

Time - pc time.

Last update - Time of the last data received from comms.

time & date program in normal operation – this will have a
background colour of green. If no data is received
i.e. the comms. program is not running or there is a
fault with the analyser, then the background colour
will be red.

Status - Messages for the operator, typically:

Configs OK – the data held for system configuration

is OK.

Request sent to CDC – diagnostic on parameter

data has been requested.

Security – gives access to different levels i.e. access

to configuration, diagnostic and password set-up.

Alarm config. - Gives a list of recent alarm conditions.

Manuals - Link to .pdf manuals.

Capture - Allows a screen shot to be captured.

Printer set-up - Printer configuration.

Print screen - Sends the current screen view to print.

SmartCEMcomm. - Short cut to SmartCEMcomm; also gives an

indication of its status.

SmartCEM report - Short cut to SmartCEM report program; also gives

an indication of its status.

SmartCEM log - Short cut to SmartCEMcomm program; also gives an

viewer indication of its status.

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4.2. Live Data Display

4.2.1. Overall

The live data display appears as below:

The Live Data screen is displayed twice to allow the operator to examine two
groups at the same time, or examine the same group for different rolling
averages, units etc.

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

4.2.2. Selection Area

The area to the left of the ‘Live Data’ screen allows the user to select the
following parameters:

Group: using the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons, the group (normally the flue
duct or process) may be selected. After selection the name of the
group is displayed at the top of the screen and the associated
channels will appear.

Units: examine four different units for each measurement. These are
typically – ppm, mg/m3, mg/Nm3 and kg/hr (if flow information is

Average: examine the four different rolling average generated for each

4.2.3. Channel Information

Levels for each of the display channels are now displayed.

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Associated with each channel is a coloured box (LED style) which reflects the
validity of the data from each channel. This may be one of five colours:

Light GREEN – data is valid,

YELLOW – data is invalid but analyser is communicating,

WHITE — plant status has been switched off at the analyser.

RED – no communication with analyser (power failure,

analyser failure, incorrect configuration, analyser is

Should a box be yellow, more information is available by holding the mouse

over the yellow box in question.

The name of the channel, level and the units currently on display are now
shown. This data is also shown graphically.

4.2.4. Graphical Display

Each channel has a bar representing the displayed value as a ratio with its

The colour of this bar indicates if the data has exceeded a set alarm; green –
level OK, red – level too high or too low. See configuration on how to set these
alarm levels. The alarm levels for each channel are displayed to the right, two
alarms for each channel.

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Two alarms are available for each channel, for each unit, for each rolling
average. Excursions above the first alarm may colour the bar red or yellow, this
is set in the configuration page.

4.3. Trends

4.3.1. Overall

After selecting ‘Trends’, the display will appear as below:

There are many options now available to the user to change the data on
display. The display has been split into four areas – Data selection, Cursor
Information and View, Data Levels, and the Trend itself.

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4.3.2. How to Use the Trend Cursor

Two trend cursors are available; each is associated with the left and right
mouse buttons. To bring a cursor onto the display - press one of the mouse
buttons while the mouse cursor is over the trend - a cursor line will be drawn. If
the other mouse button is pressed elsewhere on the trend, another cursor line
will be drawn in a different colour. These colours vary depending upon the
colour of the trend background selected. The time at each cursor is shown in
the cursor information box – see below. After the cursor has been drawn, its
position may be moved precisely by pressing the arrows just above the
displayed time. The last cursor to be placed on the trend will be moved.

4.3.3. Data selection

At the top of the display, the Group (normally a boiler), units and average may
be selected. If the custom average is ticked, then the user may input a desired
average time in minutes – from 1 to 120 minutes.

4.3.4. Cursor Information & View

At the RH side of the display the user has several options that allow the
following to be changed:

Cursor Data

The LH selection area selects the source of the data level information (see next
section). Four options are available:

Current Levels Latest measurement levels as shown in the

Live Data display. The group, units and rolling
average are as selected within the Trends

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Average within Window Average levels within the entire viewing area,
only valid data is considered.

Cursor Levels Levels at the LEFT cursor button time.

Average between Cursors Average levels between the two cursor times,
only valid data is considered. Note: the time at
the right cursor is only displayed when the
Average between Cursors has been selected.

Also within this area are the times at each cursor position, and two buttons
which allow the cursor to be ‘nudged’, the last cursor to be placed on the screen
is moved.
To the right of this area, the operator may change the graph appearance, and
other features; these are now described.


Graph Colour. Three colours may be selected as the trend background colour.
White, light and dark. A light or white background is normally the most desirable
when printing; for general viewing, the dark background (default) is preferable –
it is easier on the eye.

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Pen Width. For some printers a single pixel line (default) can be difficult to
determine. This option allows the trend lines to be expanded to two pixels.


Data may be viewed over the available ranges shown above. A data point is
available every minute for the lower ranges, but for periods of over 12 hours it is
plotted every 10 minutes.

To select data from a specific date, press the Calendar button and the following
selection screen is displayed.

Latest data Calendar Viewable

selection button selection

Days where data exists are shown in green; the present day will be blue and if
no data is available it will be red. The selected day is shown on the bottom left
of this display, press OK when it is as required.

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The scroll bar at the bottom of the screen allows the present day’s date to be
viewed. This viewable area is changed in accordance with the selected range.

Two arrows (just beneath the trend graph) move the viewed area forwards or
backwards in time. They will move the trend by the current view range on
display, e.g. if 12 hours of data are currently on the display, then pressing these
buttons will move the trend by 12 hours.

A selection box ‘Latest Data’ is also available. If this is checked then the trend
data will return to the latest available. If selected, the trend will also be updated
when new data is received. This selection will be removed if historic data is


Comments may be stored and displayed on the trends. To display any

comments, press the ‘display’ button and then the ‘comments’ tab.

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After pressing the ‘Add’ button the screen above is displayed. A comment may
be stored at the displayed time, for the current group on display. This time is the
latest time of the left cursor position — see trends section. To add a comment,
type in the box the required text and press the ‘save’ button.

Should the password have been entered, the user may edit or delete previously
stored comments.

4.3.5. Data Levels

To the right of the display the level for

each channel is displayed. The source of
this data may be selected - see cursor
data. There are some selections for the
data on display here.

The colour for each channel is selected

by clicking the left mouse button while the
cursor is over the colour bar indication.
Colours available depend upon the
monitor/graphics card fitted. This data is
stored, so if the program is stopped and
restarted, the new colours will still be

A checkbox to the left of each channel

adds or removes the channel on display.
Press the Left mouse button over this box
to add / remove the selected channel.
Pressing the right mouse button will
remove all channels except the selected
channel. All channels may be brought
back onto the display

The name, data level, units and span value are now displayed. The units will
depend upon what has been selected at the top of this display. The span values
are selectable for each unit and may be changed – see configuration.

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4.3.6. Trend

If selected (see previous section) a trend line is drawn for each channel within
the group. The span for this display is as shown within the data level box.

4.3.7.Trend Bars

Three bars at the top of the display represent data integrity (top Bar), Plant
status (middle bar) and the validity of the selected measurement (bottom bar).
Each may be one of several colours.

Data Integrity

With each data point for each group, a coded checksum is embedded with the
data. Should the data be modified intentionally or otherwise, the new data will
not match the coded checksum. This bar indicates whether the data has been

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Green - data clean.

Yellow - data modified.

Red - no data.

See the ‘SmartCEM Configuration and Advanced Operation’ manual for more

Plant Status

Plant status is determined by the program, typically from either the temperature
or oxygen levels. To view the current plant status criteria, press the ‘Info’ button
at the bottom right—hand corner of the screen.

Green - plant in operation.

White - plant off.

Red - no data.


This bar reflects the validity of all channels within the group. Should there be no
data available for any channel then this bar will be RED — this takes priority
over all other conditions. Should any measurement be invalid, then it will be
YELLOW; a GREEN bar here indicates that every channel on the system is
valid. In summary:

Green - data is valid

Red - no data.

Yellow - invalid data.

Time Annotation

The time is annotated for the start, end and middle point of the displayed data.
For further information the cursor may be used to determine the time
accurately. Please note that midnight (00:00) is considered as the morning, ie.,
23/02/98 00:00 is midnight of the night 22/23 of February.

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Should there be any doubts as to the time the graph represents then use the
cursor to determine the time at each point.

Status (for use only with model G-CEM4100)

This tab enables the user to see a pictorial illustration (shown below)
highlighting the status of each component of the G-CEM4100 system.

Colour codes for each component part are as follows:

Green - indicates that the status of that component is good or


White - indicates that the plant is ‘OFF’.

Red - indicates an alarm and that data is invalid, or that a

fault has occurred with that output.

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CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Yellow - indicates that data is invalid – this could be due to a

calibration – for fuller information return to ‘Live
Data’ and hold the cursor over the yellow box next to
the current channel.

Unlocking Higher Levels

With no password entered in to the system the user has limited access to
several functions of SmartCEM being able only to view data. It is possible to set
up two different passwords allowing different users to access calibration and
diagnostic data.
Password Access

Using the drop-down menu, unlocking level 1 will give access to the settings tab
as shown below.

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It is now possible to edit calibration parameters by first clicking on ‘Read cal

data’ then editing the page delay and number of cycles. Once edited, this data
can be transmitted to the analyser by clicking on ‘Send cal data’. NB. CODEL
recommend that these parameters are not changed without authorisation from a
CODEL engineer as to do so may drastically affect the performance of the
system. However, it is acceptable to initiate a normal calibration – simply click
on ‘Manual calibration’.

It is also possible to perform a span check on the system. This will inject gas
from a connection on the GCU into the G-CEM so that the span of that
particular gas may be verified. It is usual that only one span gas input is
available on the GCU unless specified differently at the time of order.

Before performing a span check the pre/post delay and span duration must be
set. Firstly, read back each parameter using the ‘Read’ button, after which they
may be edited and the updated information sent back to the analyser via the
‘Send’ function – for details of the duration please consult the G-CEM operating
manual or CODEL direct. The span check may now be initiated by clicking on
‘Span check’. At this point it is advisable to switch to ‘Live data’ or ‘Trend’ to
monitor the results.

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NB. CODEL recommend that no other functions in this window are used without
prior authorisation from a CODEL engineer as automatically t triggered
functions of the G-CEM may be affected.


This function allows the user to set up or disable an automatic lock level, e.g. if
after 10 minutes of the user being under lock level 2 the system will default
back to level 0.

Alarm Configuration

Here the user may set up alarm levels for each channel and unit (this may also
be performed in ‘Live data’). The sounds of the alarms may also be modified.

4.4. Reports

Many operators have the requirement to send reports to an inspector on a

regular basis. This may be accomplished from this page. Selecting this page
will reveal the following screen:

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Five reports are available by selecting the page required in the selection area:

Summary - summarises the emission data over a defined

period - breaks may be defined for minor

Convert - convert data to spreadsheet compatible files.

Equipment - summarises equipment performance.

Event - excursions above alarm levels.

Calibration - calibration report.

Custom - custom report tailored to individual customer needs.

4.4.1. Report Output options

The area of text below the selection area holds the report output. Once the
report has been compiled the operator may alter its appearance, save it to disk
or print the report.

Change the Capture the screen

font of the view and save to
report text disk

Set up the Print the report


Save the report to

disk using the
selected file format

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4.4.2. Overall Selection

After selecting reports, the top half of the screen is used to define the contents
of the report, it appears as below:


The selection area enables the report parameters to be defined. The left-hand
area is common to all reports, the right-hand area is specific to the particular
type of report. Left hand area selection:

Period - the overall report period is defined in the top left

hand area.

Break Period - the break period defines the interval of minor breaks
within this period.

Start Date - select the start date for the report.

Resolution - this may be 10 minutes or 1 minute; the latter will

take a longer time to compile - this selects the
source of the data. It is recommended that the
selection is left at 1 minute.

Group - compile report for one group or all groups – the

convert report only provides a report for one of the

Compile Bar - report progress during compilation.

Compile - start the report compilation using the requested

Button parameters.

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Each report function and set-up are now summarised individually. To select the
report type, simply select the page required.

4.4.3. Summary

Use this report to summarise the emission data over a defined period. This is
perhaps the most used report as it is able to reduce a mass of emission data to
a single page. Use this report for averages, percentiles and maxima analysis,
also, to produce the total mass emissions (kg). Note that these values may not
be accurate if a flow monitor is not present on the system.


A selection screen allows the user to select which information is required in the
summary report:

If a report were defined using the above selection, the following parameters
would apply:

Average All data is taken from a 10 minute rolling average. Percentile

data divides each period into separate 10 minute averages
(or other time selected) — therefore a day will consider 144
x 10 minute averages for percentiles (starting at midnight),
144 = 60 (mins) x 24 (hrs) / 10 (average selected)

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Style - compact or full - compact will reduce the minor break

data to a single line, full will give more information at
the expense of space.

Average - include the average levels in the compact report.


Units - units of mg/Nm3 will be recorded - note that if kg/hr

is selected then the absolute weight of pollutant will
also be summarised (kg over the requested period).

Percentiles - percentiles are not required (box is un-ticked).

Maxima - maxima have not been requested.

Note: The percentiles and maxima are printed for

each break period, not for the overall report period.

Show Times - select whether times for each of the maxima are also
given — only applicable if a full report is requested.

Typical Full Summary Report

The summary report will appear as follows:

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Thyna 1
Tyna 2
Rolling average 5 minutes
Start date 08 June 2007
End date 08 June 2007

Tyna 2
Start date 08 June 2007
End date 08 June 2007
Plant operating time (hours) 23:59 99.9%
System operating time (hours) 16:39 69.4%
ppm 67 1.4 18 8 3.5 131 17.4 101
mg/m3 100 1.4 21 19 3.5 131 17.4 101
mg/Nm3 275 1.4 29 43 3.5 131 17.4 101
kg/hr 0 1.4 0 0 3.5 131 17.4 101
Maxima Max1 ppm 164 2.6 152 17 6.3 131 18.1 102
Max1 mg/m3 264 2.6 190 50 6.3 131 18.1 102
Max1 mg/Nm3 766 2.6 190 105 6.3 131 18.1 102
Max1 kg/hr - 2.6 - - 6.3 131 18.1 102

Plant operating time (hours) 23:59 99.9%

System operating time (hours) 16:39 69.4%


Average levels ppm 67 1.4 18 8 3.5 131 17.4 101
Average levels mg/m3 100 1.4 21 19 3.5 131 17.4 101
Average levels mg/Nm3 275 1.4 29 43 3.5 131 17.4 101
Average levels kg/hr 0 1.4 0 0 3.5 131 17.4 101
Mass kg x 1000 0.000 - 0.000 0.000 - - - -
Maxima ppm 164 2.6 152 17 6.3 131 18.1 102
Maxima mg/m3 264 2.6 190 50 6.3 131 18.1 102
Maxima mg/Nm3 766 2.6 190 105 6.3 131 18.1 102
Maxima kg/hr 0 - 0 0 - - - -
Validity % 57.4 57.4 57.4 57.4 57.4 57.4 57.4 57.4

The above is a report for a single day showing data on a 5-minute average for
different units. The maximum levels for each unit are also shown along with
average levels.

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement 27

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

4.4.4. Percentiles Explained

Percentiles are a measurement of level and duration. A 95th percentile is the

level at which the data has been below for 95% of the time and, of course,
above for 5% of the time. SmartCEM calculates the 95th percentile value by
sorting the data according to level, and then giving the reading at the 95% point.

For example, if a 10-minute average is used and the percentiles are required for
each day then a maximum of 144 valid data points will be analysed (1440
minutes in a day). After sorting the data by level (lowest first — highest last), the
95th percentile will be:

95/100 x No of points (144) = 136.8

The program will round this to the 137th position.

Should less than 144 points be valid (eg analyser maintenance, calibration,
fault, plant status off etc) then the value 144 above will be reduced. Should only
a few points be available then it is possible for two similar percentiles to be the

4.4.5. Convert Report

This option may be used to convert the SmartCEM data into spreadsheet
compatible formats.


After selecting this report the following display is shown:

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement 28

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Average - rolling average 1 to 120 minutes.

Interval - time between points (1 to 120 minutes). Note: if the

data resolution time is set to 10 minutes and this
time is set to less than 10 minutes, the operator will
be notified and the time reset to 10 minutes.

Units - measurement units as required.

Timed? - If ticked the user is prompted for a start and end

time over which to convert the data.

Note: (i) Only one group may be outputted at a time as selected in the overall
selection; selecting all groups will have no effect.

(ii) There are no minor breaks associated with this report — the selection
is redundant.

After the report has been compiled, the first 10000 lines are available to view in
the report output area. The save to spreadsheet and print options will reveal all
of the report (if it exceeds 10000 lines).

Typical Convert report

A typical convert report is shown below:

Tyna 2
Units: ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm Units:ppm
Average: 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10 Av. 10
Minutes Mins Mins Mins Mins Mins Mins Mins Mins Mins
Date/time NOx CO2 CO SO2 H20 T°CELL GAZ Oxygen P CELL GAZ %Valid
6/8/07 00:00 40 1.4 23 17 4.3 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 00:10 25 1.2 42 16 3.8 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 00:20 20 1.2 48 16 3.7 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 00:30 18 1.2 58 15 3.6 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 00:40 10 0.9 103 16 3.4 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 00:50 10 0.9 106 15 3.2 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 01:00 9 0.9 102 15 3 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 01:10 10 0.9 108 14 3 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 01:20 9 0.9 104 13 3 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 01:30 9 0.9 103 13 3 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 01:40 24 1.2 53 15 3 131 17 101 100
6/8/07 01:50 29 1.2 26 15 3.6 131 17 101 100

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement 29

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Here the user has requested a day report using ppm data on a 10-minute rolling
average and a data point every 10 minutes has been used.

The % validity column is used to indicate the % of that 10-minute interval for
which the data is valid. If a problem or ‘data invalid’ occurs then this value will
reduce from 100%. If a convert report is produced using 1-minute averages and
a 1-minute data point, the % validity column will be replaced with ‘validity’; this
will show any error codes for each individual minute of data. A summary of error
codes can be found at the foot of each report.

Saving to a Spreadsheet

When selecting to save a report, the ‘save to’ option allows the report to be
saved as a HTML, CSV or Excel spreadsheet format.

4.4.6. Equipment Report

Should problems have been experienced with invalid data from CODEL or other
analysers then this report may be used to summarise the errors that have
occurred over a selected time. This feature analyses the data and returns the
percentage times for each error code from the CODEL analysers.


Once selected, the following screen is displayed:

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement 30

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

Two options are available:

1. Extra Info: this provides help information at the bottom of the report for each
type of analyser on the system — see the typical equipment report that

2. Ignore plant off periods: data from plant off periods are ignored.

For each group, the analysers capable of returning diagnostic information are
analysed. Should no data be available at all over the requested period then ‘No
Data’ is shown opposite these channels — see group 2, Flow and Dust above.
Should data be available, then percentage times for the following are listed:

1. Valid data — shown by a green bar in the trend display and a green box in
the live data display.

2. Each of the error codes (EC1 … EC7) — shown by a yellow bar and a
yellow box, as above.

3. No data — shown by a red bar and a red box, as above.

Please note that it is possible for the total percentage time to exceed 100%;
more than one error code may be reported at any one time.

For each type of analyser on the system, extra information is given for each of
the error codes, with brief suggestions on how to cure the invalid condition.

Event Report

The IEM system has the capability of setting audio—visual alarms on each
measurement. There are two alarms (Alarm 1 and Alarm 2) for each of four
rolling averages, for four units of measurement; a potential for 32 alarms per
channel. The report is only generated for the selected group of analysers, it is
not conducted for all groups on the system.

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement 31

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM
CODEL SmartCEM Operating Manual

After selecting this report page, the average, units and alarms may be selected.
Note that only one average and units may be examined for each analysis. The
selection list to the right indicates which alarm levels will be examined.

In the example above, the program will analyse the data and record all times
and levels at which the emission levels exceeded 40 and 100 mg/Nm3 (Alarm 1
and Alarm 2). After the analysis, a report similar to that over the page will be

OPS.088 – SmartCEM Supplement 32

Issue : B
Revision :
Date : 14 August 2007
Doc i/d : 0088/6 – SmartCEM

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