Worksheet For Individual Activity: Student'S Name (LS, FN, Mi) Section Date Score

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Learning Unit: 1 Topic: Sociology

Worksheet #: 1 Activity Title: The Looking Glass Self

Objectives: A. In line with our lesson about Sociology, the goal of this activity is for you to
know yourself deeper by asking others about their perceptions towards you.
Instructions: A. In a short bond paper, draw a hand.
• Thumb: How do you perceive yourself
• Pointer finger: Ask your parents about their perception towards you.
• Middle Finger: Ask your friends about their perception towards you.
• Ring finger: Ask your high school teachers and classmates about their
perception towards you.
• Pinky: Ask three strangers about their first impression towards you.
• Palm: How do you wish other to see and remember you.
B. Please take note that for the Pinky finger, you may simply ask your friends
regarding their first impression towards you.
C. The output, particularly the hand, can be manually or digitally drawn.
D. You are encouraged to express your creativity with this output.
E. On a separate paper, culminate everything that you have learned and gather
regarding the different perspectives of other people about you. Write a 20-30
sentence reflection paper about this.
F. Kindly submit your output in a single file via Blackboard in PDF format.
G. The file name should be in this format (All caps): SURNAME – SECTION –
UND_SELF – The Looking Glass Self
H. Please check the rubrics.

Format for the Reflection Paper:

A. Font: Times New Roman
B. Font Size: 12
C. Line and Paragraph Spacing: 1.15
D. On the upper part of the paper, write the following details:
• Name (LN, FN, MI)
• Course
• Year and Section
• Date of submission

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Learning Unit: 1 Topic: Sociology

Worksheet #: 1 Activity Title: The Looking Glass Self

(Score 0 if element is Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
The content shows one to two Content shows three to four Content shows five or more
impressions per finger. impressions per finger. impressions per finger.
Content and The reflection indicates middling The reflection indicates original The reflection indicates synthesis
Development thinking and reasoning but most thinking and develops ideas with of ideas, in-depth analysis and
ideas are underdeveloped and sufficient and firm evidence. evidences original thought and
50% unoriginal. support for the topic.

(1 – 9 pts) (10 – 18 pts) (19 – 25 pts)

Writing lacks logical organization. Writing is coherent and logically Writing shows high degree of
It shows some coherence but organized with transitions used attention to logic and reasoning
Organization and Clarity ideas lack unity. Serious errors. between ideas and paragraphs to of points. Unity clearly leads the
create coherence. Overall unity reader to the conclusion and stirs
50% of ideas is present. thought regarding the topic.

(1 – 9 pts) (10 – 18 pts) (19 – 25 pts)

TOTAL / 50

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