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Republic of the Philippines


Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Email Address: [email protected] Telefax: (064) 577-1343


This course will introduce you to Environmental Education – an interdisciplinary field that examines
the relationships between people and their environments; explores social science and humanities
approaches to environmental issues.
The Environmental Education (EE) Program aims to train leaders, develop new knowledge, and
devise solutions that will restore and sustain the health of our planet.
Over the next ten week, will study how all environments- from the microscopic world of your
digestive tract to the global-scale of the atmosphere- are shaped by both natural and cultural forces.

Course policy and classroom rules:

1. Cheating and disruptive behavior in any form are never allowed.

2. Guidelines established by both teacher and students will be followed if a student is caught cheating
or disrupting the educational process.

3. Student who will be found guilty to any academic dishonesty shall be given appropriate and lawful
sanction, exclusion from the class if deemed necessary.

Types of Academic Dishonesty:

1. Cheating
2. Copying from other students (or staring inappropriately at their work) during the exam.
3. Telling answers to another student during an exam.
4. Taking an exam for another student or having another student take an exam for you.
5. Making changes to a correct exam and then returning it for more credit.
6. Using hidden notes.
7. Dishonest conduct (e.g. stealing an exam from an instructor)
8. Plagiarism


1. Observe punctuality
2. Dress up appropriately
3. Refrain from using cellphone or any gadgets that could not contribute to the realization of the
lessons’ objective
4. Bullying is a big “NO”!
5. Only those who are recognize by the teacher are allowed to talk

Grading system

Quizzes – 20 %
Project – 20 %
Reporting and Reflection – 20 %
Examination (Midterm and Final) – 30 %
Attendance/Class Participation – 10 %
Total = 100%
Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Email Address: [email protected] Telefax: (064) 577-1343

Descriptions of Assessment Tasks

Assessment task 1. : Oral Report/Presentation (Topic as assigned)

Grade Percentage : 20%

Description of the Assessment task:

In this assessment you are to develop a presentation based on the assigned topic/s incorporated in
the course outline. Presenter may use any form of delivery (ex. Use of LCD/DLP, laptop, visual aids, etc).

Marking Criteria:

Criteria You made it! Impressive! Just okay! Try again!

Relevance All ideas are Most ideas are Some ideas are Few ideas are
related to the topic related related related

30 points 26-30 points 21-25 points 16-20 points 10-15 points

Presentation Uses clear and Uses clear and Satisfactory use of Poor use of
Appropriate Appropriate language, language, fails to
language, engages language, engages engaging with captivate the
the audience with the audience with some errors audience or a high
no error minimal error number of errors
25 points 21-25 points 16-20 points 11-15 points 10 points

Understanding Shows depth Shows Shows a little Shows no

understanding on understanding on understanding on understanding and
the topic and the topic and the topic and not do not explain
explain clearly explain clearly explain clearly
25 points 21-25 points 16-20 points 11-15 points 10 points

Voice Well-modulated Somewhat Voice is not clear. Everyone can’t

voice. Everyone modulated voice. Some of the hear
can hear clearly Everyone can hear listener can hear

20 points 16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 5 points

Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Email Address: [email protected] Telefax: (064) 577-1343

Grading Rubric for Reflection Assignments

Categories Exemplary ( 5 ) Intermediate ( 4 ) Beginning ( 2 )

Seeks to understand concepts by Seeks to understand

examining openly your own concepts by examining
experiences in the past as they somewhat cautiously your Little self-disclosure, minimal
relate to the topic, to illustrate points own experiences in the past risk in connecting concepts
you are making. Demonstrates an as they relate to the topic. from class to personal
open, non-defensive ability to self- Sometimes defensive or one- experiences. Self-disclosure
appraise, discussing both growth sided in your analysis. Asks tends to be superficial and
and frustrations as they related to some probing questions factual, without self-reflection.
learning in class. Risks asking about self, but do not engage
probing questions about self and in seeking to answer these.
seeks to answer these.

Goes into some detail

In-depth synthesis of thoughtfully explaining some specific
Identify some general ideas or
selected aspects of experiences ideas or issues from outside
Connection to outside issues from outside
related to the topic. Makes clear experiences related to the
experiences experiences related to the
connections between what is topic. Makes general
learned from outside experiences connections between what is
and the topic. learned from outside
experiences and the topic.

Goes into more detail

In-depth synthesis of thoughtfully
explaining some specific
selected aspects of readings related
ideas or issues from readings
to the topic. Makes clear
related to the topic. Makes Identify some general ideas or
Connection to readings connections between what is
general connections between issues from readings related
(assigned and ones you learned from readings and the topic.
what is learned from readings to the topic. Readings are
have sought on your own) Demonstrate further analysis and
and the topic. Includes only those assigned for the
insight resulting from what you have
reference to at least one topic.
learned from reading, Includes
reading other than those
reference to at least two readings
assigned for class.
other than those assigned for class.

Synthesize, analyze and evaluate Synthesize clearly some

Connection to class Restate some general ideas
thoughtfully selected aspects of directly appropriate ideas or
discussions & course or issues from the class
ideas or issues from the class issues from the class
objectives discussion as they relate to
discussion as they relate to this discussion as they relate to
this topic.
topic. this topic.

Many spelling and grammar

Spelling & grammar errors Few spelling and grammar errors, use of incomplete
No spelling or grammar errors.
errors. sentences, inadequate proof
Reflection papers should be two pages, word processed, neatly done with your
name, date, section, and topic. Correct grammar and spelling. Describe the
event, the diversity, what you learned. The event needs to be this semester.

Total – 25

Assessment task 2: Written Report

Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Email Address: [email protected] Telefax: (064) 577-1343

Grade percentage: 20%

In this assessment, you are to make a written report based on the topic you have
presented. It should be written in a short bond paper, font sized 12 and font style Arial Narrow, margin is 1
in every side with a spacing of 1.5.

Marking Criteria:

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Needs

4 3 2 Improvement

Organization The content was The content was The content was The content was
organized well (follow organized but miss organized but mostly not organized
20% the format) and some of the format did not follow the and did not
presented according to format follow the format
the format presented

Content Shows completeness Shows quite Shows little article Article and
on the article and completeness on the and information information
50% information gathered article and information gathered and gathered was
and relevant to the gathered and relevant relevant to the topic not relevant on
topic to the topic the topic

Neatness of Work is very neat and Readable but contains Readable but has Not readable
work readable some erasures many erasures and has may

Reference Reference was written Reference was written Reference was not Reference was
at the last page in every end of the stated completely not written
15% paragraph

Environmental Issues (Philippine Setting)

I -. Introduction to environment issues

Republic of the Philippines
Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato
Email Address: [email protected] Telefax: (064) 577-1343

1. Contamination of Drinking Water

2. Water Pollution
3. Dams
4. Fishing
5. Ecosystem
6. Wildlife Conservation
7. Intensive Farming
8. Land Use
9. Logging
10. Land Degradation
11. Mining
12. Soil Contamination
13. Natural Disaster
14. Air Pollution
15. Biological Pollutants
16. Other Pollution
17. Nuclear Issues
18. Toxins
19. Waste
20. Carbon Footprints
21. Climate Change
22. Ozone Depletion
23. Overpopulation
24. Resources Depletion
25. Energy Conservation
26. Genetic Engineering
27. Nanotechnology
28. Food Safety
29. Consumerism
30. Sustainable Communities

Note: Sub-topic in each lesson must be given emphasis by the reporter.

Prepared by:


College Instructor

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