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Genesis 1:24-28 - Aquinas said man is composed of two

- God created man in his image, in his
image devine he created him. *Matter, or hyle refers to common
- God blessed him saying “be fertile and stuff
multiply fall the earth and subdae it. *Form or morphe, refers to the
essence of a substance or thing.
Holy Writ

- Man following his redemption by savior  The body of human person is something
from eternal bondage. that he shares even with animals.
- “self” as the multi jewelled crown of  Cells of is more less skin.
creation  To Aquinas, the soul is what animates
the body; it what makes us humans.
Gems therefore representing and radiating the
glorious falets of mans self including: The 13 The Psychological view of self
crown creation of self
Sigmund Freud: The psychoanalytic theory
Physical Sensual Economic of self

Intellectual Social Emotional Freud asserts that the human psyche

(personalities) is structured into three parts
Moral Political Sentient
Religious Sexual Aesthetic
1. ID (Internal Desires)- also called internal
Augustine: Love and justice as the foundation drives/instinctive drives, consist of the
of the individual self. body’s primitive biological drives.
“ ID INES completely in the
- His view of human person reflects on unconscious”
entire spirit of the medieval world. 2. EGO (Reality)- The ‘I’ part of individual
- Agreed that man is of a bifurcated “ The EGO is the rational part of the
nature personality”
- Aspect of man dwells in the world and is 3. SUPER EGO (Conscience)- Part of the
imperfect and continuously yearns to be personality concerned with morals,
with the divine and other is capable of percept, standards and ideas.
reaching immortality. “ The SUPER EGO is also a critical faculty
- The body is bound to die on earth and of personality”
the soul is to anticipate living eternally in
a realm of spiritual bliss in communion Freud Stages of Psychosexual Development
with god.
1. Oral- from birth to the end of first year.
- Goal of every human is to attain that
2. Anal expulsive phase- from the age of 2-
communion and bliss with the divine by
3 years old.
living his life on the eath in virtue.
3. Phallic- 3 to 6 years old
Thomas Aquinas * Dedipus complex- the attraction of
the boy to his mother.
- The most eminent * Electra complex- the attraction of girl
- Stalwart of medieval philosophy to his father.
4. Latency- from 10 to 12 years old - When we see curseless as belonging to a
group category
5. Genital- After puberty, the deepest feeling of
pleasure presumably comes from heterosexual Gender- one of the most important powerful
relations. social categories.

Sex- Biological traits that society associates with - is an ongoing project , a construction of
being male or female. identity that is undertaken throughout one’s
Gender-Cultural meanings attached to being
masculine & feminine, which influence personal Bem’s Gender Schema Theory- Sandra Bem
identities .g. Man, Woman, transgender, (1981)
Intersex, Gender Queer, among others.
- Purposed that individuals absorb
Sexuality- Sexual attraction, practices & identity culturally produced understanding of
which may or may not align with sex and gender gender.

The Biosocial Approach to Gender Bem’s Gender Schema (1994)

-The biosocial approach (Money & Ehrhardt, - These understanding are acquired as
1972) is an interactionist approach where by children learn to see the world.
nature and nurture both play a role in gender
According to the social constructionist
John Money’s (1972) theory was that once a
perspective, biological sex is not central to
biological male or female is born, social labeling
explaining what it is to be man or woman.
and differential treatment of boys and girls
interact with biological factors to steer Sandra Bem’s
- This lens is a way of perceiving the world
Social Constructionism
The most obvious method , and the most
commonly used to ‘sex’ children after birth , is - Gender is seen as continuously
observation of the external (visible) genitals throughout the lifetime.

Hormones Psychoanalytic Perspective

Sex organs, or at least their early external - It is shift from physical genital to an
appearance , depend on hormones. emphasis of meaning.
- Has strong developmental focus by
Genes concentrating on its explanation about
hoe children make sense of their early
Humans have typically 23 pairs of chromosomes
, one of which is used to direct the sex of the
- According to Psychoanalysts- all
persuasions, we acquire the
characteristics of who we are through
identification with parental and other
Social Identity Theory
close objects.
Becoming and being gendered Female- Ovaries

- We imaginatively take in, or introject, Male secritis- testosterone

part of people.
Female secritis- estroges
- It is not conscious or international
process and does not depend on Genes
- It is an unconscious, dynamic process - Humans have typically 23 chromosomes,
one is used directto sex of person
Oedipal Conflict- according to Freud, all children
will feel rivalry with the father because in their Males- x and y
fantasy. Females- x and x
Complementary Testosterone- male (testes)
- Interaction among influences Estrogen- female (ovaries)
- Combination of biological and social
theories are compatible. Atypical Chromosomes- develop differently
- Once biology is understood to be a two- than individuals with typical chromosomes
way process not just act in on individual Turner's syndrome (XO)- occurs when females
behavior, reasoning and experience. develop with only one X chromosome on
Conflicting- Natural selection/ strategies- chromosome 23 (1 in 5000 chance). Female
because social influences can be changed, appearance
explains behavioral changes but not at genetic Klinefelter'ssyndrome (XXY)- affects 1 in every
level. 750 males. In addition to having a Y
Co-existing- Social construction and chromosome, these men also have an
psychoanalysis are both based on the additional X on the 23rd chromosome, leading to
interpretation of meaning. the arrangement XXY. Male appearance but
female genetics

Male or female brain

Physical Characteristics
Male brain- connections run between front and
- Most obvious method, most commonly back parts of the same brain hemisphere
used in ‘sex’ children after birth, is
observation of the external (visible) Female brain- connections go from side to side
genitals across the left and right hemisphere

Hormones Evolutionary Psychology

- Sex organs or atleast their external - asks how evolution might have changed and
appearance, depends on hormones shaped human thinking and behaviour.
- Low level of sex hormone are children, -Evolutionary Psychologists would argue that
more balance hormones than adults there few consistent differences between the
Sex Hormones sexes

Male- Testes
-focus particularly on the process involved in - We imaginatively take in , or introject , parts of
sexual selection people , whole people and their relationships
and make them our own , over time.
Parental investment
- It is not a conscious or intentional process and
-The amount of energy and effort required to
does not depend on language.
produce and rear an offspring.
- It is an unconscious , dynamic process that
Differences in sexual style- Preferences
occurs more through newly begun feelings than
regarding sexual behaviors and attitudes
through thoughts.
Features in choosing potential partners
Critical developments- Symbolic significance of
-Particularly salient dimensions for men are the penis emphasized that the organ itself was
physical appearance and youth, which would not the issue, but what it symbolized about.
both relate to reproductive capacity (Buss and
Critical developments in the psychoanalytic
Schmidt ,1993).
theory of sex and gender include: the symbolic
-Cultural and historical variation in appreciation significance of man’s penis as a privilege; the
of body types changes (Singh , 1995) creative significance of woman in creative
capacity to give birth and complexity of
-For women, height seems to be a particular identifications with parental figures.
attractor (Greggor ;1985 Jackson;1992;
Wiederman 1993) Biological Perspective- has the strength of
referring to material characteristics , using
Evolutionary Psychology -can only provide material data.
limitedunderstanding of sexual relationships.
Evolutionary Psychology- has the strength of
Social construction of gender- This perspective keeping in view the basic principle that the
suggests that all knowledge – even knowledge genetic make-up has evolved according to
that looks as if it is obvious and about reality – natural and sexual selection.
is constructed by people within their own
particular history and social contexts. - natural selection / strategies – because social
influences can be changed , explains
Social constructionists- argue that we construct behavioural changes but not at genetic level.
the world to have two basic types of people ,
men and women. Social Constructionist- takes account the
historical and cultural situation of human
- do not see gender as a set of characteristics or beings.
properties that are acquired by the individual.
Failure – inability to explain the origins of
Social Identity theory- suggests that , when we gender differences.
see ourselves as belonging to a group or
category , we try to maximize our perceived Psychoanalytical Psychology- strength lies in
similarity to others in the group , or minimize it addressing the question of becoming and the
with others outside the group. process involved in this.

Becoming and being gendered Biological theories- are deterministic.

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