Optimum Concentration of Bacillus Megaterium For S

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Optimum concentration of Bacillus megaterium for strengthening structural


Article  in  Construction and Building Materials · August 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.04.142


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7 authors, including:

Ramin Andalib Muhd.Zaimi Abd Majid

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


M. W. Hussin Ponraj Mohanadoss

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia The Copperbelt University


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Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

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Construction and Building Materials

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Optimum concentration of Bacillus megaterium for strengthening

structural concrete
Ramin Andalib a, Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid a,⇑, Mohd Warid Hussin a, Mohanadoss Ponraj a, Ali Keyvanfar a,
Jahangir Mirza a, Han-Seung Lee b
UTM Construction Research Center, Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovation Construction, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai,
81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea

h i g h l i g h t s

 Bacillus megaterium was introduced in concrete to obtain optimum concentration of bacteria.

 Microbial calcite precipitation was quantified using conventional techniques.
 Higher strength of structural concrete was obtained.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Five different cell concentrations of Bacillus megaterium (10  105 to 50  105 cfu/ml) were introduced in
Received 6 November 2015 structural concrete to achieve the optimum concentration of bacteria. The significant increase in the
Received in revised form 7 April 2016 strength was obtained in the case of 30  105 cfu/ml at different ages. The strength of highest grade of
Accepted 26 April 2016
bacterial concrete had improved (24%) as compared to lowest grade (12.8%) due to calcification mecha-
nism. Microbial calcite precipitation was quantified using X-ray diffraction analysis, visualized by scan-
ning electron microscopy and analyzed by energy dispersive spectrometer. It was found that the
optimum concentration of B. megaterium had a positive effect on high strength structural concrete.
Bacillus megaterium
Calcite precipitation
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bacterial concrete
Micro-structural analysis

1. Introduction tion problems and mix design complexity using waste materials
are reasonable evidence for the need of another type of concrete.
Currently the application of concrete is continuously increasing Bacterial concrete is a novel research domain and can be used for
throughout the world due to its basic ingredient availability. It is cementitious materials that cure itself automatically using the
obvious that cement as the main ingredient of concrete, has higher mechanism of bio-mineralization. The idea of introducing bacteria
environmental impact on global warming since 10% of total CO2 in concrete, is to precipitate calcite in pores and tiny cavity areas.
emission is due to cement industry. Therefore the making of sus- The presence of pores and micro-cracks in the hydrated cement
tainable concrete is one of the immediate requirement for environ- paste can highly influence the concrete characteristics and it can
mental justification. Hence, it has become necessary that studies in provide a path through which moisture, chlorides, carbon dioxide
relevance of using natural materials gain more attention. and other aggressive agents can penetrate. Mostly the micro-
Admixtures with filling capacity can be added to concrete to cracks without suitable and immediate attention can expand, thus
improve its characteristics. There are some natural waste materials causing the deterioration and weakening of the concrete strength.
which have greater potential as partial replacement of ordinary Based on literature, in almost all of the previous studies, the
Portland cement to manufacture less porous concrete. Construc- concentrations of bacteria or number of colonies are not men-
tioned as the ingredient and bacteria are usually purchased from
the culture collection centers [1–11]. In this study, different cell
⇑ Corresponding author. concentrations of bacteria were introduced in concrete to obtain
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.Z. Abd Majid).

0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 181

optimum concentration of bacteria which can increase its strength Table 2

significantly. Bacteria was directly isolated from the tropical envi- Coarse aggregates (10 mm) sieve analysis.

ronment and its different concentrations were extracted based on Sieve Weight of Percentage Cumulative Cumulative
the appropriate serial dilution factor. size aggregate of aggregate percentage of percentage of
Bacillus is a type of bacteria that can produce as a binding filler (mm) retained retained aggregate aggregate
(gram) (%) retained passing
material to decrease concrete capillary pores to improve its (%) (%)
strength and durability. There are some species of Bacillus that pro-
14 0 0.00 0.00 100.00
duce urease enzyme to precipitate calcite associated with bio- 10 738 14.76 14.76 85.24
mineralization [1,3,12]. It was found that the bio-mineralization 5 3864 77.28 92.04 7.96
process will not interfere with the setting time of concrete [13]. 2.36 350 7.00 99.04 0.96
Hence any concrete mix design standards can be used for bacterial Pan 48 0.96 100.00 0.00
concrete. Sum = 5000 g.
Based on the bio-mineralization mechanism (CaCO3 precipita-
tion), this new technique can significantly reduce the maintenance
cost required for bacterial concrete due to its longer life span Table 3
growth, which will subsequently reduce atmospheric CO2 emission Fine aggregate (sand) sieve analysis.

to help in partially reducing global warming thereby reducing the Sieve Weight of Percentage Cumulative Cumulative
demand for cement. In accordance to the research of Wu et al. size sand of sand percentage of percentage of
research (2012), the equations show a sequence of biochemical (mm) retained retained sand retained sand passing
(gram) (%) (%) (%)
reaction that occurs to form calcium carbonate in cementitious
material with the help of ureolytic bacteria [14]. 5 6.0 1.20 1.20 98.80
2.36 49.0 9.80 11.00 89.00
The current study demonstrates that bio-mineralization mech- 1.18 112.0 22.40 33.40 66.60
anism in cementitious materials can be an appropriate technique 0.6 129.0 25.80 59.20 40.80
to improve the structural concrete characteristics. Hence, in order 0.3 108.8 21.76 80.96 19.04
to obtain greater ability to realize the effects of bacteria in con- 0.15 68.0 13.60 94.56 5.44
Pan 27.2 5.44 100.00 0.00
crete, investigation on its characteristics was found to be
necessary. Sum = 500 g.

2. Experimental programme
2.2. Isolation and identification of bacteria

2.1. Materials
The soil sample (1 g) collected from a silty clay location was suspended in 10 ml
of nutrient broth containing (peptone 5.0 g/L, yeast Extract 3.0 g/L, distilled water)
In this study, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) complied with Type I of Portland
in a sterile conical flask. The flasks were placed in water bath (100 °C for 10 min)
cement in accordance to Malaysian Standard MS 522 (2007) and ASTMC150–05,
equipped with incubator shaker at 37 °C for 24 h to create spore forming bacteria
2005 was used. The chemical composition of OPC (mass%) is shown in Table 1. Fine
respectively. After sufficient growth, a loopful of nutrient broth containing soil sam-
sand with a fineness modulus of 2.8 in saturated surface dry condition, 10 mm
ple was streaked onto nutrient agar plates containing (peptone 5.0 g/L, yeast Extract
aggregates, and normal water as mixing agent was applied during the experiment
3.0 g/L, agar. agar 12.0 g/L, distilled water). Eventually pure colonies were obtained
to prepare concrete specimens. The components of concrete were calculated based
using streak plate technique. In this study, calcium lactate (80 g/L) and urea (20 g/L)
on DOE method in accordance to the British standard [15].
were added to the culture medium for the purpose of bio-mineralisation [8,16]. The
bacterial identification was carried out as to identify the unknown bacteria present
2.1.1. Sieve analysis and DO meter output in the culture medium. The procedure for the bacterial selection and identification
The 10 mm coarse and fine aggregate sieve analysis results are shown in Table 2 includes phase I and II of the study as shown in Fig. 1.
and 3 for comparing with grading standards based on BS 882: 1992 specification.
However the cumulative percentage of fine aggregates passing through 0.6 mm
sieve was about 40.8%, the cumulative percentage of coarse aggregates retained 2.3. Mix proportion of specimens
on 5 mm sieve was around 92.04%. It was found that coarse aggregate sieve analysis
result complies with British standard in presence of single-sized 10 mm aggregate, The mix design proportion can be specified as the procedure for selecting
whereas the sand sieves analysis data is as per the requirements of BS in zone M. appropriate ingredients of concrete such as cement, aggregate, water and calculat-
Normal tap water was applied in making of structural bacterial and ordinary ing their ratio as to attain the desired strength. This process comprises of two parts,
Portland cement concrete. The water quality is based on the amount of dissolved the first purpose was to obtain the required strength and the second purpose was to
oxygen (DO) (less than 60% or over 125%) are assessed to be as inadequate or poor make concrete in a most economical way. For bacterial concrete, the required
quality, PH ranging from 6 to 8 is also recommended. The results obtained for mix- amount of bacteria is introduced to the concrete with mixing water. The application
ing water using DO meter is shown in Table 4. It is seen that the amount of DO and of bacterial cells in mixing water could be the easiest way to cause bio-
PH used was around 63% and 6.5 respectively. Therefore, the water quality used in mineralization especially for calcite deposition in cement based materials. Because
this study for making concrete was in acceptable range. of the presence of the microorganism, mixing on low volume is recommended.
Carbon, nitrogen, vitamins and other material are the significant ingredients of
nutrient broth, which the microorganisms require for their metabolism. However,
2.1.2. Concrete mix design results
excessive nutrient broth will have a negative impact on the mechanical character-
Concrete mix design was carried out to obtain the desired strength of structural
istics of concrete due to its chemical effect; so appropriate amount of nutrient broth
concrete based on the DOE method of British standard. Table 5 demonstrates the
is needed for its metabolism. According to Andrew et al. (2012), the most econom-
concrete mix proportions for different grades of structural concrete. The normal
ical and efficient percentage of liquid culture medium applied to concrete was 5%,
type of cement (OPC) with two types of aggregate (crushed and uncrushed) and a
which can improve its designed compressive and flexural strength [17]. In this cur-
different ratio of W/C (0.38–0.53) with free water quantity (213.34 kg/m3) was
rent study also five percent of mixing water as bacterial broth medium culture was
applied to achieve the desired compressive strength.
introduced for making bacterial concrete. The biomass concentrations was obtained
by repeated serial dilutions, repeated spread and streak plate techniques to fix as
Table 1
The chemical composition of OPC (mass%).
2.4. Micro-structural investigation on bacterial concrete
Si O2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI*
43.1 5.0 2.6 46.0 1.1 0.2 0.5 0.2 1.3 The micro-structural investigation was carried out as to confirm the appropriate
concentration of bacteria that is required for making concrete through the testing of
Loss on ignition. compressive and flexural strength. In order to obtain the relationship between the
182 R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

Table 4
The results of mixing water analysis using DO meter.

Temperature Pressure DO DO Conductivity TDS Salinity PH NH4 + N NH3-N

(°C) (mmHg) (%) (mg/L) (ls/cm) (mg/L) (ppt) (mg/L) (mg/L)
25 758.2 63 3.6 97.7 63.7 0.05 6.5 8.89 0.02

Table 5
Concrete mix design based on DOE method.

Strength (MPa) Ingredient

Cement kg/m3 Water kg/m3 Fine aggregate kg/m3 Coarse aggregate kg/m3 W/C Ratio Design Slump mm Laboratory slump mm
30 402.53 213.34 892.07 892.06 0.53 30–60 55–60
35 444.46 213.34 844.97 897.23 0.48 30–60 50–55
40 474.00 213.34 804.95 907.71 0.45 30–60 45–50
45 507.95 213.34 755.42 923.29 0.42 30–60 40–45
50 561.42 213.34 698.85 926.39 0.38 30–60 30–35

Fig. 1. Procedure for bacterial selection and identification.

R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 183

strength growth of structural bacterial concrete and bacterial calcification, scanning Table 6
electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray Morphological Identification of Bacteria.
diffraction (XRD) analysis were used during this study.
Name of Colony morphology Cell
bacteria morphology
3. Results and discussion Shape Elevation Edge Color Surface Shape Size
Bacillus Circular Flat Entire Cream Smooth Rod 4 lm
3.1. Bacteria identification

3.1.1. Colony and cell morphology

be changed to alive situation since absorb water and nutrition
Colony morphology indicates the colony characteristics that are
broth medium. However B. megaterium is not a pathogenic bac-
different in appearance when compared to other bacterial species.
terium and no signs of skin irritation have been reported, use of
The identification of bacterial colonies, present in agar medium
gloves and glasses are recommended.
showed that they are circular, smooth with flat elevation and
Table 8 shows the composition of minimal broth medium
entire edges having cream color. To obtain pure colonies, a loopful
required for the growth of B. megaterium after its identification
of nutrient broth was streaked onto nutrient agar plate containing
[22]. This liquid broth medium with the addition of urea (20 g/L)
(peptone 5.0 g/L, yeast Extract 3.0 g/L, agar. agar 12.0 g/L, distilled
and calcium lactate (80 g/L) was mixed with normal tap water to
water) for each sample and the agar plates were placed in incuba-
be introduced in concrete.
tor for the growth of bacteria at 37 °C for 24 h. The colony mor-
phology of the isolated soil bacteria present in agar Petri dish is
shown in Fig. 2(a). The Gram staining test [18] was used to identify, 3.1.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
whether the bacteria is Gram positive or Gram negative including Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been widely used in
the shape of bacterial cell under the microscope. During Gram the field of environmental microbiology to visualize the surface
staining test, the bacterial strain is considered to be Gram positive, structure of biomaterials and morphology of bacteria [23]. Accord-
when its color becomes purple which is due to the presence of ing to biological classification [24], the rod shape bacteria (Bacilli)
thick cell wall, whereas a bacterial strain is known to be Gram neg- are in the range of 0.5–1.0 lm in width and 1.0–4.0 lm in length.
ative, when its color appears pink due to the presence of thin cell Some species are also known to produce spores as to withstand
wall. The morphology of bacterial cell under microscope can be extreme conditions [25] like the heat generated from concrete
seen in Fig. 2(b). Moreover for the isolated bacteria used in this hydration. In the present study, the procedure for identifying the
study appears to be purple in color and rod shaped with chain like spore forming bacteria was carried out by taking the culture med-
arrangement under microscope. These characteristics resemble to ium in a container having boiling water as to kill the non-spore
Bacillus species [19], while further confirmation was made using forming bacteria. As shown in Fig. 3, the size of bacterial cell under
biochemical tests and observation under scanning electron micro- scanning electron microscope (SEM) was found to be similar to
scopy. Table 6 shows the result of identification of bacteria based that of Bacillus bacteria (rod shaped) and the clear light zone visible
on colony and cell morphology. inside the bacterial cell is the evidence for the presence of spores.

3.1.2. Biochemical tests 3.2. Effect of different serial dilution factors of B. megaterium in
In addition, for precise identification of bacteria, researchers of increasing the compressive strength of concrete
microbiology have developed a series of biochemical tests that can
be applied to differentiate closely related microorganisms. The bio- The compressive strength test (BS 1881-116:1983) is one of the
chemical tests were carried out for identifying the isolated bacteria important tests applied in concrete to determine its characteristics
used during this study. Based on the microbiology standard proce- and to check whether the concrete has been properly produced. In
dure, which include catalase test, starch test, urease test, oxidase order to test different cell concentration of bacteria ranging from
test, lactose fermentation test, indole test, and H2S test. According the dilution factor of 103–107 (cfu/ml) was introduced during the
to Bergey manual of systematic bacteriology [20], the results of making of concrete for determining the appropriate stage of serial
Table 7 shows that the isolated bacteria belongs to Bacillus mega- dilution. The effect of bacteria in determining the compressive
terium. It is a Gram-positive and long rod shaped Bacilli that pro- strength of structural concrete with dimension of
duce spores. It is one of the largest rod-shaped bacterium 100  100  100 mm based on fc = 30 MPa mix design (as initial
discovered in the soil that has the ability to withstand extreme sample) is shown in Fig. 4.
environmental conditions due its spore-forming capability [21]. The result showed that the compressive strength of bacterial
During the process of curing for bacterial concrete, the spores will concrete was found to be increased in the serial dilution factor of

Fig. 2. The bacterial identification (a) colony morphology in agar plate (b) cell morphology under microscope (100).
184 R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

Table 7
General and biochemical tests for the identification of bacteria.

Test Indicator Observation Positive/

Gram staining reaction Crystal violet (a basic dye) Purple color (+)
Motility White crystalline powder of tetrazolium salt A turbid growth along the tube-red color (+)
Present of endospores in culture 80–100 °C for 10 min to kill bacterial cells Turbid medium culture (+)
Catalase test H2O2 (colorless liquid as a strong oxidizing Rapid oxygen bubbles (+)
Starch test Iodine solution (basic dye) and starch A dark color of the whole medium except colony and its (+)
(carbohydrate source) surrounding that was clear
Urease test Phenol red indicator and urea Pink color (+)
Oxidase test P-aminodimethylaniline oxalate powder and Not color changing ( )
a-naphthol powder
Lactose fermentation test Phenol red indicator and lactose Yellow color (+)
Indole test Tryptophan and Kovac reagent Red in the reagent layer on top of the medium ( )
H2S test Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) with iron agar No FeS production = no blackening of medium ( )

Table 8
Minimal broth medium for the growth of Bacillus megaterium [22].

Sucrose K2HPO4 KH2PO4 (NH4)2HPO4 MgSO4, 7H2O FeSO4, 7H2O MnSO4, 7H2O Water pH
10.0 g 2.5 g 2.5 g 1.0 g 0.20 g 0.01 g 0.007 g 985 ml 7

Fig. 3. Bacterial cell under scanning electron microscope showing rod shaped morphology with spores.

increase in the compressive strength was obtained for 105 (cfu/

ml) serial dilution at different ages of concrete (7, 14, 28, 60 days)
based on fc = 30 MPa mix design.

3.3. Effect of different concentrations of B. megaterium from 105

dilution on improving the compressive and flexural strength

Five different cell concentrations of bacteria (10  105 to

50  105 cfu/ml) obtained from the appropriate serial dilution
(10 5), was applied to the concrete for achieving the optimum con-
centration of bacteria. The effect of bacteria on the compressive
and flexural strengths of structural concrete (BS 1881-116:1983
and BS 1881-118:1983) with different cell concentration of bacte-
ria based on 35 MPa are shown in Fig. 5. It was found that bacterial
Fig. 4. Effect of bacteria on the compressive strength of structural concrete based concentration of 30  105 cfu/ml resulted in the increasing of com-
on fc = 30 MPa mix design for obtaining appropriate serial dilution factor.
pressive and flexural strength of structural concrete. The compres-
sive and flexural strength of the specimens were found to be
103 and 105 (cfu/ml), whereas the strength was found to be decreased along with the bacterial concentration of 40  105 and
decreased in 107 (cfu/ml) serial dilution factor as compared to 50  105 cfu/ml, when compared to the structural concrete speci-
the structural concrete sample without bacteria. The significant mens in the absence of bacteria. This was due to the presence of
R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 185

Fig. 5. Effect of different microbial concentration in improving the compressive and flexural strength of structural concrete based on fc = 35 MPa mix design.

more number of bacteria (more population) and for the nutrient concrete pores and its tiny cavities. Based on the DOE method,
competition in comparison to the bacterial concentration of coarse aggregate and cement contents are found to be increased
30  105 cfu/ml. because the amount of fine aggregate decreased towards the using
The dimensions of structural concrete samples were of higher concrete grade. Therefore, higher grade concrete provides
100  100  100 mm and 100  100  500 mm for compressive better condition to precipitate more minerals due to the precipita-
and flexural strength tests respectively. Subsequently, this optimal tion space and bacterial activity.
cell concentration (30  105 cfu/ml) was applied to different Andalib et al. (2014), found that the addition of bacteria has
grades of structural concrete (30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 MPa) by mixing positive effect on the durability of different structural concrete
water (per ml) for the current experimental approach. The micro- grades in terms of acidic condition. The study demonstrated that
bial effect on improving the compressive strength of different the bacterial concrete has less weight and strength loss than OPC
structural concrete grades are shown in Fig. 6. concrete in the absence of bacteria, especially for the highest grade
In this research, the focus was on structural concrete (30, 35, 40, of bacterial concrete. It was also noticed that the maximum com-
45, and 50 MPa) and it covered high strength bacterial concrete pressive strength and weight loss occurred in the case of H2SO4
(40, 45, and 50 MPa). The American Concrete Institute (ACI) defines acid immersion as compared to HCl [26].
high strength concrete as concrete with compressive strength
greater than 6000 psi (40 MPa). The marginal difference
3.4. Determination of appropriate serial dilution factor based on the
(5 MPa) in the compressive strength was chosen based on the stan-
micro-structural investigation (SEM and XRD)
dard. In accordance to Euro code 2 (EN 1992), the structural con-
crete grade started from 25 MPa.
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron
Fig. 6 shows that microbial activity has important role in deter-
microscope that produces image of a sample by scanning it with
mining the compressive strength of different concrete grades. The
a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with electrons
highest compressive strength was achieved using the highest grade
in the sample, producing various signals that can be detected,
of concrete in the presence of the microbial concentration
which contains information about the sample’s surface topography
(30  105 cfu/ml). This improvement was due to the biological
and composition. The electron beam is generally scanned in a
activity of bacteria to produce more CaCO3 as a filler material for
raster pattern, and the beam’s position is combined with the
detected signal to produce the image. Whereas, X-ray diffraction
(XRD) is the X-ray technology that is widely used in the mineral
industry for the identification and quantification of minerals. A
focused X-ray beam is shot at the sample at the specific angle of
incidence. The X-rays deflect or ‘‘diffract” in various ways depend-
ing on the crystal structure (inter-atomic distances) of the sample.
The locations (angles) and intensities of the diffracted X-rays are
measured. Every compound has a unique diffraction pattern. In
order to identify a substance, the diffraction pattern of the sample
is compared to a library database of known patterns. Peak shapes
and intensities provide useful information regarding the mineral
phase presence. CaCO3 as a precipitated phase was tested using
XRD analyser during this study.
Based on the results obtained, different cell concentrations of
bacteria in relevance to 10 3 to 10 7 serial dilution was introduced
in the concrete as to obtain the appropriate serial dilution factor.
The best increase in the compressive strength was noticed in the
Fig. 6. Effect of microbial concentration (30  105 cfu/ml) improving the compres- case of 105 (cfu/ml) serial dilution factor at different ages. To find
sive strength of different concrete grade. out the structural concrete specimen porosity in the presence
186 R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

Fig. 7. The comparison of structural concrete porosity in presence of bacteria for 103, 105,107 (cfu/ml) with control sample under SEM for obtaining appropriate serial dilution

Fig. 8. The structural bacterial concrete from 105 (cfu/ml) dilution sample quantified using X-ray diffraction (XRD) to investigate the presence of mineral.

and absence of microorganism in relevance to 103–107 serial dilu- factor (105 cfu/ml) resulting for compressive strength experiment
tion factor, it was visualized under scanning electron microscopy was confirmed by SEM and XRD investigation.
(SEM) and quantified by XRD, which also showed the type of min- The structural concrete specimen porosity in the presence and
eral that filled the bacterial concrete pores and its cavity areas. It absence of bacteria relevant to the serial dilution factors of 103,
was found that bacterial concrete from 105 (cfu/ml) serial dilution 105 and 107 (cfu/ml) under SEM instrument and X-ray diffraction
factor that was filled by a specific mineral (calcite) had less poros- (XRD) analysis of the sample with appropriate serial dilution factor
ity in comparison to others. Hence the appropriate serial dilution (105 cfu/ml) are shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 187

Fig. 9. Results of bacterial structural concrete specimen with bacteria (10  105 cfu/ml) using XRD.

Fig. 10. Results of bacterial structural concrete specimen with bacteria (20  105 cfu/ml) using XRD.

3.5. The optimum concentration of bacteria based on micro-structural with normal tap water to achieve optimum concentration of bacte-
investigation (XRD) ria. The effect of bacteria on compressive and flexural strength of
structural concrete with different cell concentrations of bacteria
Five different cell concentrations of bacteria (10  105 to based on 35 MPa is shown in Fig. 5 for obtaining optimum concen-
50  105 cfu/ml) obtained from the appropriate serial dilution fac- tration of bacteria. It is found with the bacterial concentration of
tor (105 cfu/ml) were applied in concrete (35 MPa) by mixing it 30  105 cfu/ml that the compressive and flexural strength of
188 R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

Fig. 11. Results of bacterial structural concrete specimen with bacteria (30  105 cfu/ml) using XRD.

Fig. 12. Results of bacterial structural concrete specimen with bacteria (40  105 cfu/ml) using XRD.

structural concrete increased significantly. Furthermore the struc- more with calcite when compared to other specimens. Therefore,
tural concrete specimens with the absence and presence of bacte- the optimum concentrations of bacteria resulting in the improve-
ria (10  105 to 50  105 cfu/ml) was quantified using XRD in order ment of compressive and flexural strength was confirmed by
to investigate the intensity of mineral (calcite) accumulation which XRD investigation. The results of bacterial structural concrete spec-
filled the bacterial concrete pores and its cavity areas. It was found imen in presence of bacteria (10  105 to 50  105 cfu/ml) under
that structural bacterial concrete with 30  105 cfu/ml was filled XRD are shown in Figs. 9–13.
R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 189

Fig. 13. Results of bacterial structural concrete specimen with bacteria (50  105 cfu/ml) using XRD.

Fig. 14. Structural concrete specimen without bacteria under SEM.

Fig. 15. Focused point analysis of structural concrete specimen without bacteria using EDS.

It was found that bacterial structural concrete with intensity in comparison to other concentrations of bacteria
30  105 cfu/ml concentration of bacteria had 1092 CaCO3 inten- (10  105, 20  105, 40  105, and 50  105 cfu/ml) with the inten-
sity at 27.52 degrees (as 2theta angle) which is the highest sity of 568, 590, 428, and 262 respectively. Thus the bacterial
190 R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

Fig. 16. Structural bacterial concrete specimen with bacteria (20  105 cfu/ml) using SEM.

Fig. 17. Focused point analysis of structural bacterial concrete specimen with bacteria (20  105 cfu/ml) using EDS.

Fig. 18. Structural bacterial concrete specimen with bacteria (30  105 cfu/ml) using SEM.

Fig. 19. Focused point analysis of structural bacterial concrete specimen with bacteria (30  105cfu/ml) using EDS.
R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 191

Fig. 20. Structural bacterial concrete specimen with bacteria (40  105 cfu/ml) using SEM.

Fig. 21. Focused point analysis of structural bacterial concrete specimen with bacteria (40  105 cfu/ml) using EDS.

Fig. 22. Ordinary structural concrete sample without bacteria for the determination of calcium under EDS.

Fig. 23. Bacterial structural concrete sample with bacterial concentration of 20  105 cfu/ml under EDS.
192 R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193

Fig. 24. Bacterial structural concrete sample with bacterial concentration of 30  105 cfu/ml under EDS.

Fig. 25. Bacterial structural concrete sample with bacterial concentration of 40  105 cfu/ml under EDS.

concentration of 30  105 cfu/ml was found to be the optimum instrument, whereas the calcite intensity for bacterial concrete
concentration that improved the compressive and flexural strength with the concentration of 20  105, 30  105, and 40  105 cfu/ml
as confirmed by the XRD investigation. was found to be 590, 1092, and 428 using XRD (Figs. 22–25)
Eventually, bacterial concrete and geo-polymer concrete were
economically compared based on chemical consumption which
3.6. The appropriate concentration of bacteria based on the micro- was essential for bio-mineralization and geo-polymerization pro-
structural investigation (SEM and EDS) cesses. The total amount of chemical for bacterial concrete was
around 10.25 kg/m3 [17], since the chemical quantity of geo-
The Scanning Electron Microscope is equipped with the Energy polymer concrete was around 167 kg/m3 [27]. Regarding
Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS). EDS provides chemical analysis of construction problem in terms of workability, despite the amount
the field of view or spot analyses of minute particles. This micro- of water was 29 kg/m3 [27] for geo-polymer concrete, its quantity
chemical analysis is also a non-destructive test. The structural con- for bacterial concrete was around 205 kg/m3 [17]. Hence the bacte-
crete specimens with and without bacteria was investigated using rial concrete is more economical and more workable than geo-
SEM to monitor the sample pores and the precipitated bacterial polymer concrete which was confirmed by the current study based
CaCO3 in its tiny cavity areas. On the other hand, to determine on chemical consumption (5%  amount of water = 10.67 kg/m3)
the quantity of calcium (Ca), focused point chemical analysis was and workability (amount of water = 213.34 kg/m3).
carried out using EDS instrument for the structural concrete spec-
imens in presence and absence of bacteria. The SEM and focused
point chemical analysis using EDS for structural concrete speci- 4. Conclusions
mens with and without bacteria on achieving its calcium weight
(%) quantity are demonstrated in Figs 14–21. This study provides the insight for a new biotechnological
The analysis of bacterial concrete specimen using SEM and EDS method based on calcite precipitation for improving the strength
showed that 30  105 cfu/ml concentration of bacteria had 38.76% of structural concrete. It is clear that mineral precipitation has
weight of Ca (calcium) in comparison to other concentrations of the potential to enhance the resistance of construction material
bacteria and ordinary structural concrete in the absence of bacte- towards the process of degradation. The consequences of this
ria. On the other hand, calcium (38.76%) was found to be higher research provides a significant contribution towards the under-
in comparison to other samples. Therefore, 30  105 cfu/ml con- standing of the effects of bacteria on the performance of structural
centration of bacteria resulted in the increasing of compressive concrete mix. The following conclusions can be drawn according to
and flexural strength as determined by the XRD, SEM and EDS the findings of this research:
The amount of calcium obtained for bacterial concrete with – The bacterial concentration of 30  105 cfu/ml obtained at the
20  105, 30  105, and 40  105 cfu/ml concentrations (as sam- appropriate serial dilution stage (10 5) showed increment in
ples) was found to be 32.89%, 38.76%, and 24.92% using EDS the compressive and flexural strength of structural concrete. It
R. Andalib et al. / Construction and Building Materials 118 (2016) 180–193 193

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