Instructional Plan in English (Grade 9) : Republic of The Philippines Division of Cebu Province Binaobao, Bantayan, Cebu

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Cebu Province
Binaobao, Bantayan, Cebu


Date: SEPTEMBER 10,2021
Name of Teacher: ANA MAE L. MARU Grade /Year Level: 9
Learning Area: ENGLISH 9 Quarter : 4 Module No. 1
Competency: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition. (EN9G-IVd-23)

Lesson No. Learner's Material Duration : 1 Hour

Key Understanding to be
Expressing obligation through the use of modals.
Discuss the different modals expressing obligation.
Learning Objectives Construct sentences in a form of advice.

Attitudes Integrate modals of obligation in real life context.

Resources Needed: English CG, Online resources, TV set, Power point presentation, laptop
Elements of the Plan Methodology
"Agony Aunt"
Ask students to each write about a problem they have (real or
imaginary) that they would like advice on. They should write these on
a slip of paper, but not write their name. Collect all the slips of paper
Motivation/ Introductory Activity
and put the students into groups of four. Give each group four
‘problems’ at random. Tell them to select two and give advice to the
writer about their problem. When groups have finished, ask them to
read out the problem and the advice.
Underline the modals found in the following sentences.
1. I must hand in my research project tommorow.
2. You should stop smoking.
Activity/ activities 3. I forgot my laptop, I must have left it in the train.
4. A strong family has to create a safe, positive and supportive place
for all members to thrive.
5. I should have visited my grandparents more.
Answer the following questions:.
*What do the underlined words do in the statements?
*What do they express?
*When do we usually use them? What are they called?
Discussion on modals expressing obligation.
There are two types of modals of obligation; those that primarily
express a firm obligation must and have to -and those that express a
recommendation or moral obligation should and ought to.
Must is used to express that something is compulsory.
Abtsraction Ought to expresses that something is the right thing to do, such as
when it is a duty or the polite thing to do.
Should is used for expressing what we think is the right or correct
thing to do.
Example: I must finish my term paper this weekend because I have to
turn it in by Monday.
Group the students into 4. Give each group the name of a place (e.g.
library, swimming pool, jail, school, bus, amusement park) and ask
Practice Application them to write rules for this place using the modals of obligations.
When they finish, groups read out their rules and the others guess
the place.
Assesment Matrix
Components of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
Written Works

The teacher will show pictures of

different profession and she will Students' ability to orally A time allotment of 3 minutes
The discussion will be graded according to the
ask the students about the duties discuss their thoughts to will be given to each student
coherence of the thoughts and ideas of the
and responsibilities of each and the given pictures to the from each group that will discuss
one student from each group will rest of the class. orally.
discuss it orally in class.

Quarterly Assessment
Reinforcing the day's lessson

Assignment Enriching the day's lesson

Enhancing the day's lesson
Preparing for the new lesson
Very Did Not Meet
Outstanding Satisfactory Fairly Satisfactory (75-
Learning Satisfactory Expectations Percentage of Accomplishment
Total No. of Learners: (90-100) (80-84) 79)
Outcome (85-89) (below 75)
Prepared by:


Binaobao, Bantayan, Cebu

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