166 - 1 Diver - Amcom I Series - User Manual

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User Manual

Amron International Diving Supply, Inc.

Model 2810A & 2810A-1

One Diver Communicator


This manual and the information contained herein are provided for use as an operation
and maintenance guide. No license or rights to manufacture, reproduce, or sell either the
manual or articles described herein are given. Amron International Diving Supply, Inc.
reserves the right to change specifications without notice.

Amron International Diving Supply, Inc

1380 Aspen Way, Vista, California 92081 U.S.A
Phone (760) 208-6500  Fax (760) 599-3857
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.amronintl.com

Copyright © 2005 by Amron International, Inc.

Revised July 2010


Specifications 1
Mechanical ....................................................................................................................1.2

General Information 2
General Information ......................................................................................................2.1
Amcom I, Model 2810A and Battery Charger 2823-602 ...............................................2.2
Amcom I, Model 2810A-1 Non-Rechargeable ..............................................................2.3

Accessories 3

Warranty and Service Policy 4

Limited Warranty ...........................................................................................................4.1
Service Policy................................................................................................................4.2

Controls and Connections 5

Controls and Connections.............................................................................................5.1
Tender and Diver Controls ............................................................................................5.2
Tender Connections......................................................................................................5.3
Diver Connections.........................................................................................................5.4
Rear Connections .........................................................................................................5.5
Drawing, 2-wire Connections ........................................................................................5.6
Drawing, Simulcom (4-wire) Connections .....................................................................5.7
Drawing, Operator Connections, PTT Microphone .......................................................5.8

Installation & Operation 6

General .........................................................................................................................6.1
Charging of Battery, Model 2810A only ........................................................................6.2
Power ON - Battery Condition Check............................................................................6.3
Modes of Operation.......................................................................................................6.4
Volume Controls (2-Wire)..............................................................................................6.5
Volume Controls (4-Wire)..............................................................................................6.6
Other Tender Controls ..................................................................................................6.7
Simulcom - WHAT WHY AND HOW.............................................................................6.8


Theory of Operation 7
Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................7.1
Amplifier Card 2811B-200.............................................................................................7.2
Audio Output Volume Controls......................................................................................7.3
Functional Block Diagram Model 2810A and 2810A-1 .................................................7.4

Maintenance 8
Diver Radio Field Check Procedures ............................................................................8.1
Quick Simulcom Check ................................................................................................8.2
Comprehensive 2-Wire and Simulcom Check .............................................................8.3
Problems and Their Possible Causes ...........................................................................8.4
General Operator Maintenance.....................................................................................8.5

Drawings 9
General .........................................................................................................................9.1
Schematic, 2810A and 2810A-1 ...................................................................................9.2
Parts Identifier, PC Card 2811B-200.............................................................................9.3
Parts Identifier, Front Panel 2810A and 2810A-1 .........................................................9.4

Parts List 10
General .......................................................................................................................10.1
Model 2810A Top Assembly .......................................................................................10.2
Model 2810A-1 Top Assembly ....................................................................................10.3
2811B-200 PC Card Assembly ...................................................................................10.4
2811-300 Case Assembly ...........................................................................................10.5
2811-400 Front Panel Assembly.................................................................................10.6
2811-700 Harness Assembly ......................................................................................10.7
2823-602 Charger Assembly ......................................................................................10.8
2324-202 Power Supply Card Assembly ....................................................................10.9
2810A-FS Field Spares Kit for 2810A and 2810A-1 .................................................10.10
2810A-SS Shop Spares Kit for 2810A and 2810A-1.................................................10.11



Input Impedance (Each Input)........................................................................... 100 Ohms

Frequency Response .................................................................................... 650-2200 Hz
Common Mode Rejection......................................................................................... 40 dB
Current Drain - Maximum Full Volume.................................................................. 3 Amps
Typical Quiescent.................................................................. 110 mAmps
Minimum Load Impedance.......................................................................................1 ohm
Power Supply Voltage...............................................................................12 VDC Nominal
Operational Supply Voltage ................................... 9 Volts Minimum - 18 Volts Maximum
Sensitivity (Input)....................................................................................................... 1 mV
Output Power (RMS @ 4 Ohm Load, 14 VDC)..................................................... 20 Watts
Battery Life Model 2810A.................................................................................... 50 Hours
Model 2810A-1................................................................................. 70 Hours


Panel ................................................................................ Powder Coated Stainless Steel

Enclosure .......................................................................... High Impact Resistant Plastic
Size Length ...............................................................................................9.0 in. (35.4cm)
Width .......................................................................................................6.55 in. (25.8cm)
Height........................................................................................................7.1 in. (28.0cm)

Weight With Batteries

2810A............................................................................................................11 Lbs. (5kg)
2810A-1...........................................................................................................7 Lbs. (5kg)



The AMCOM I series of diver communication systems are full featured, hard wired, one diver
communicators, powered from an internal or external 12 volt power source. The units are
compact, easy to operate, two way communicators with features not found on many one diver
radios. The front panel is stainless steel, has a waterproof speaker, heavy duty switches with
waterproof seals and is enclosed in a rugged plastic case. The model 2810A has a single volume
control for diver to tender (up-link) and a single volume control for the tender to diver (down-link).

All AMCOM I series have push-to-talk, and separate isolated inputs for each diver. The AMCOM I
Model 2810A is a portable one diver communication system, delivering 17 Watts when fully
charged. It can operate from internal batteries or an external 12 VDC power source.

The 2810A has the capability of 2-wire and/or Simulcom (4-wire) communication modes. 2-Wire
and Simulcom (4-wire) modes can be used simultaneously. Simulcom is a communications
system designed from the "ground-up" to take advantage of the current "state of the art" in
semiconductor technology and provide superior diver hard wire communication.

The AMCOM I 2810A is offered with gel cell type rechargeable batteries, and a 115/230 VAC AC
charger. The AMCOM I 2810A-1 is offered with dry cell batteries and no charger.

Care should be exercised when using an external power source, the external source should be
floating, fused, and lead size should be reasonable. Minimum wire gauge of 18AWG and a
maximum length of 3 feet are recommended.







Model 2821-28 - AMRON headset extension (remote walk and talk), with push-to-talk belt module,
jacks for headset, and 25 feet of ¼ inch O.D. cable. (Use with model 2460-28 or 2401-28

Model 2822-28 - Simulcom (4-wire) headset extension with belt module and 25 feet of ¼ inch
O.D. cable. (Use with model 2460-28 or 2401-28 headset).

Model 2401-28 - Deluxe headset with boom microphone, dual banana plugs.

Model 2460-28 - Headset with boom microphone, dual banana plugs.

Model 2405-28 - Hand held push-to-talk noise canceling microphone.



AMRON INTERNATIONAL DIVING SUPPLY, INC. warrants that its products are free from defects
in material and workmanship under normal use and service, as described in AMRON
INTERNATIONAL DIVING SUPPLY, Inc. literature covering this product, for a period of 90 days
from date of shipment. Amron's obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair of or
replacement, at AMRON'S option, of defective material. This warranty shall not cover defects
which are the result of misuse, negligence, accident, repair or alterations.


AMRON INTERNATIONAL encourages owners of equipment to call (760) 208-6500 for assistance if
problems are encountered. Every effort will be made to assist in solving your problem. Equipment
which must be returned to the factory for repairs should be safely packaged, insured, and shipped
prepaid to:

Amron International Diving Supply, Inc

1380 Aspen Way, Vista, California, 92081 U.S.A
Phone (760) 208-6500  Fax (760) 599-3857
Email: [email protected]
Web : www.amronintl.com

Be sure to include the following information:

Your Name
Shipping Address
Your Company Name
Phone Number
Contact Name

A short description of the problem is most helpful.

Valid in-warranty repairs will be made at no charge. Out-of-warranty repairs will be handled in the
same fashion, except you will be advised of the repair charges before any work is done.



Before using the AMCOM I series diver communications system, you should familiarize yourself
with its operating controls and connections. Improper use of controls and connections will deprive
the user of the full benefits of this communication system. We also recommend reading the
“Simulcom” description located in the operation section of this manual.


POWER SWITCH – Applies power to the unit from internal batteries or from an external source.

SPEAKER SWITCH – Turns speaker on/off. It may be necessary to turn speaker off when using
a headset to prevent feedback.

PUSH TO TALK SWITCH – Allows tender to diver communication in 2-wire mode. No push to
talk required when operating in Simulcom (4-wire) mode. In Simulcom mode this switch allows the
tender to interrupt diver with a priority message, diver listen.

TENDER TO DIVER VOLUME (Diver listening volume) – Volume control for diver’s earphone.
Rotate clockwise to increase the volume.

DIVER TO TENDER VOLUME (Tender listening volume) – Volume control for tender’s earphone.
Rotate clockwise to increase the volume.

PANEL SPEAKER – Acoustic speaker, it operates when Speaker Switch is ON.

BATTERY CONDITION INDICATOR – Steady light indicates battery voltage level is good,
blinking light indicates battery voltage is approaching a low level, no light indicates battery voltage
is not present or below the level necessary to guaranty proper operation.


Tender connections are located on the front side of communicator.

HEADSET (output/input) – Is a dual banana jack (color coded black) connection for headset
earphones or external remote speaker. It functions as an earphone (output) or as a microphone
(input) when PTT switches depressed.

In 2-wire mode of operation both headset microphone and earphones are plugged into this jack,
conversation (up-link & down-link) are switched automatically when push to talk switch is actuated.
In Simulcom mode this jack is earphone only, both up-link & down-link conversations are heard.

MICROPHONE (input) – Is a dual banana jack (color coded red) connection for the headset

PUSH TO TALK (input) – Is a dual banana jack (color coded yellow) connection for remote keying
of push to talk. Short across jacks for down-link, open for up-link.



Diver connections located on left side of communicator.

MICROPHONE (input/output) – This connector is a dual 5-way binding post jack (color coded
red). It functions as a microphone (input) and as an earphone (output) when PTT switch is
depressed (used in both 2 & 4-wire mode).

In the 2-wire mode of operation, both diver microphone and earphone banana plugs are stacked
into the umbilical microphone jack (red binding posts). Conversations (up-link & down-link) are
switched automatically when push to talk switch is actuated. When a pre-amp microphone is used
in the 2-wire mode setup, it is required to have special speakers supplied only by Amron.

In Simulcom (4-wire) mode, only the diver microphone banana plug is connected into the umbilical
microphone jack.

EARPHONE JACK (output) – 4 Wire – This connector is dual 5-way binding post jack (color
coded black). It is the connection point for the diver’s earphone when operating in Simulcom
mode (4-wire).


EXTERNAL BATTERY – 12 VDC – (input) external power input to operate the unit from an
external battery or power source. Power requirements are 12 volts dc (nominal), not less than 9 or
more than 18 volts, source must be able to supply a peak current of 2 amps for proper operation.
These jacks are also used for charging the internal batteries.

It is highly recommended to use an Amron External Charger, Model 2823-602 as external power
supply. The Amron External Charger was specifically designed for use with all Amron
communicators and has a high degree of insulation between the primary and secondary circuits
for diver protection and safety.

WARNING: When using an external power source, it is required to use an insulated DC power
supply that has very low ripple voltage. It has to be properly insulated from AC line for diver
protection and safety. An improperly insulated power supply could cause diver electric shock.

TAPE RECORDER – (Output) – Provides an isolated output of both diver and tender
conversations (balanced), suitable to drive a tape recorder or audio input for a VCR. This feature
allows recording of conversations between diver and tender.









The AMCOM I portable diver communicators are supplied in a yellow plastic enclosure. To open
the enclosure, release both latches on the front of the unit and raise lid.


The Model 2810A is supplied with rechargeable batteries. To charge the batteries, connect the
battery charger 2823-602 to the external battery jacks on the back of the unit. Insert red plug of the
battery charger into the red jack on the back panel, black plug to black jack. Connect the charger
to a 115/230 VAC outlet. Confirm the presence of AC power via the indicator on the front of the
charger. When operating from 230 VAC, the charger will automatically sense the input voltage and
adjust appropriately. Use a power cord approved for the country of use.

Charging the battery when not in use (including long periods such as overnight and weekends) will
ensure that the batteries are fully charged and the unit will always be ready to use. The charger is
designed so as not to damage the batteries when left on continuous charge. Full charge will occur
in 10 hours. Batteries must be fully charged a minimum of once every six months.

Operating time for the rechargeable batteries is approximately 50 hours, depending on the age of
the batteries. Gel Cell batteries have a life of 300 cycles, or 3 years. Gel Cell batteries do not
have memory; therefore, they can be charged at any time.

NOTE: Do not continue to operate rechargeable batteries below the low battery condition as
permanent damage may occur. When the battery condition indicator turns to red, shut the unit off
and recharge the batteries.


Turn power switch “ON” and observe the battery condition indicator. The battery indicator will
display the condition of the battery.

A steady green light indicates the battery has sufficient voltage to operate the unit.

A blinking green light indicates the battery is low and will need charging shortly, 2 hours of
operating time remain.

No light indicates the battery voltage is too low to operate the unit. Communication should stop.

NOTE: Batteries which have not been used for a period of time will display a higher voltage state
when initially turned on, this will rapidly dissipate. This condition is known as a surface charge,
when the battery is placed under a load the voltage will fall rapidly. It is a good idea to leave the
unit on for 5 minutes before relying upon the battery condition indicator.



The Model 2810A and 2810A-1 have the capability of 2-wire and/or Simulcom (4 wire)
communication modes. 2-Wire and Simulcom can be used simultaneously (divers on Simulcom,
tender on 2-wire).

2-Wire communication is defined as a single communication path, normally the diver is the priority
signal path, tender listens to diver. Signal reversing is accomplished by pushing the push to talk
switch, diver hears tender. Often times a 4-conductor (4 wires) communication cable is used with 2
wires tied together as a pair for redundancy, this is still a 2-wire system.

Simulcom (4-Wire) communication is defined as a dual communication path, a signal path (a pair
of wires) for up-link and a signal path (a pair of wires) for down link. A common example of
Simulcom communication is the telephone. This permits the freedom of natural communication,
lower system noise, and diver to diver communication without having to attempt Push to Talk
switching. For an in depth discussion on Simulcom refer to “Simulcom - What, Why and How”
located in Section 6.8 of this manual.


Connect the communications cable from the diver umbilical (hat/helmet) to Diver microphone
(input). Wires should be well-fastened to the binding posts and not touching each other.

The earphone connection is not used by the divers. The earphone jacks can be used to operate a
remote speaker. Both diver and tender conversations will be heard.

In 2-wire mode the tender must press the Push to Talk Switch to be heard. If you are using the
Amron Remote Walk And Talk, Model 2821-28, the tender may press the Push To Talk Switch on
the belt module.


Connect the two wires from the diver’s microphone to the Microphone (input) Diver. Connect the
two wires from diver’s earphones to the Earphone (inputs) Diver.

Connect tender headset earphones to Headset (input), and headset microphone to Tender
Microphone (input). Turn speaker off to avoid acoustic feedback. Operation with speaker is
possible by extending tenders headset away from the speaker. Use Amron Model 2822-28
headset extension cable (25 foot).

Note: Diver microphone is louder in 4-wire than 2-wire operation.

Tender earphone is louder than divers earphones for both 2-wire and 4-wire
operation. Tender earphone is about 4 times louder than diver's earphone.



Turn power switch to ON; turn speaker switch to ON; adjust both volume controls to mid-scale.
Tender has to depress Push To Talk (PTT) Switches in order to talk to Divers. Tender and Diver
talk to each other during Tender adjusting volume controls as below:


While diver is talking, tender adjusts this volume control to a comfortable hearing level.


While tender is talking into the panel speaker and depressing PTT switch, tender adjust this
volume control to a comfortable diver hearing level.


Turn power switch to ON; turn speaker switch to OFF; adjust both volume controls to mid-scale.
Tender to use headset. Tender and Diver talk to each other during Tender adjusting volume
controls as below:


While diver is talking, tender adjusts this volume control to a comfortable hearing level.


While tender is talking, tender adjusts this volume control to a comfortable diver hearing level.



SPEAKER ON/OFF SWITCH - for normal operation the speaker switch is left on. When
operating in noisy conditions, it may be advantages to use a headset to cut out the background
noise. In this case it will be desirable to shut off the speaker. There are other conditions when
turning off the speaker is desirable, situations where the nature of the work requires a
confidential handling of communications.

PUSH-TO-TALK SWITCH - activation of this switch connects the tender to the diver, necessary
for two wire conversations, optional for simulcom (4-wire) conversations. Always used when
using the speaker for talking to the divers.

MICROPHONE JACKS (RED) - connection for headset microphone. Plug red banana plug
into these jacks when operating in the simulcom mode.

HEADSET JACKS (BLACK) - connection for headset earphones, external speaker. Plug both
headset banana plugs (red & black) into the black headset jacks, red & black when operating in
the two-wire mode. Plug in only the black headset banana plug when operating in the
simulcom mode. Plug hand held microphone black banana plug into the black headset jacks.

PUSH TO TALK JACKS (YELLOW) - connection for remote control of the push-to-talk
function. Plug the hand held microphone yellow banana plug into this jack. Operation of the
hand held microphone is simple and straight forward, hold the microphone in your hand, place
the microphone within one half inch of your mouth, depress lever on side of microphone and
speak clearly and distinctly into the microphone.

The Model 2810A has an automatic speaker disconnect relay, which disconnects the front
panel speaker when using the hand held microphone. This greatly reduces the background
noise during transmissions to the divers. This feature is also functional when using the
AMRON headset, and headset extender (Model 2821-28).

EXTERNAL BATTERY JACKS - the unit may be operated from an external 12-volt battery or
power supply. Connect the positive side of the battery to the red jack and the negative side of
the battery to the black jack. The jacks on the back panel are pin jacks; mating plugs are
available from Amron or any electronic supply store. It is recommended the internal batteries
be removed from the radio to prevent overcharging or charging of none rechargeable batteries.

TAPE RECORD JACK - isolated audio output to drive an audio tape recorder or VCR. Use
standard RCA type audio cable to connect the diver radio to the audio recorder. Test record
audio, checking both tender to diver conversation and diver to tender conversation for proper
record levels.



Simulcom is a communications system designed from the ground-up to take advantage of the
current state of the art in semiconductor technology and to provide superior diver hard wire
communication. Simulcom has the following advantages:

1. 285% More signal from the divers microphone (over 2-wire), using your existing 8-ohm

2. No push to talk!

3. No special diver communication wire required!

5. Diver hears himself talk!

These advantages are real and can be readily demonstrated. The system is simple, easy to
operate, and easy to trouble shoot (in fact, easier than 2-wire once you understand what’s

SIMULCOM pays off in good communication, which after all these years is still a goal some have
yet to achieve. Better communication means higher production, safer diver conditions, and less
down time.

Now that we have made these claims, allow us to explain why and how. First, let’s define some
basic industry terms so that we can all start from the same point.

1. 2-Wire is used almost exclusively in the diving industry. It is technically defined as a single
communication path, a minimum of 2 wires. Normally, the diver is the priority path (tender
listens to diver). Signal reversing is accomplished by pushing the “Push to talk” switch
(diver hears tender). Generally, most diver communication cable has 4 wires i.e., “Army
surplus comm-cable”. Most often the wires are twisted together to create a pair, this is still
a 2-wire system. The tying together is done for redundancy.

2. 4-Wire communications is defined as a dual communication path, a signal path (a pair of

wires) for up-link and a separate signal path (a pair of wires) for downlink. This allows
voice communications to go in both directions at the same time. A common example of “4-
wire” like communications is the telephone. A telephone system, which required a push to
talk, would be antiquated today. Another example is a system called Round Robin. Round
Robin is a step in the right direction, however, only a half step. It has several advantages
and some disadvantages which we will get into later. Remember Simulcom and Round
Robin are not the same.


SIMULCOM – WHAT, WHY AND HOW? (continued) 6.8

It is a dual signal path system, with special amplifiers to take care of the problems associated with
Round Robin. It allows everyone on the circuit to talk to each other just as if you were on a


One of the big problems with Round Robin is oscillation, also known as feedback. This can occur
in two ways.

The first is acoustic feedback, which occurs when you have an open microphone next to an open
speaker. What happens is a noise comes out of the speaker, which is then picked up by the
microphone amplified and sent back to the speaker, which now is a larger noise. This process
repeats itself until the amplifier hits the rails (the signal is as large as the amplifier can handle).
The solution to this problem is to turn down the amplifier and put someone’s head between the
speaker and microphone. (Grey matter does not transmit sound well).

The second problem is much more difficult to deal with. With two communication paths (up-link
and down-link) one path is carrying a large signal (to drive the speakers) and one path a small
signal (from the microphone). The signal to the speaker may be several volts, say 4.0 V and the
typical output of a microphone may be 0.004 V. As you can see the large signal may be 1000
times larger than the small one. If part of this signal couples across, we again have feedback. One
solution is to use shielded pairs to prevent this cross coupling, effective but expensive. Another
solution is to use an amplifier, which has common mode rejection. This basically means if the
signal on both wires is the same the amplifier will ignore it, if the signal is different, it will amplify it.
So with Simulcom we ignore the common signals and look for and amplify the different signal from
the microphone. This is a simplification of CMR designs and an over-simplification of the many
design rules one must abide by when designing circuits for CMR.

This technology is not new to the electronics industry; it has been used quite extensively since the
late 60’s in signal processing systems. Current technology produces integrated circuits, which
make this easier to implement. The AMCOM series of diver communications is the first designed
to implement this technology for diver communication.

We use an independent microphone amplifier for each circuit, i.e., Diver and Tender. This allows
us to preserve CMR and provide less loading for each microphone. Let us explain - in two-wire
operation we have each diver with one microphone and two speakers all tied together. When you
talk into the microphone it puts out a signal, which we are going to amplify. Each earphone
absorbs part of this signal, one earphone across a microphone reduces the output of the
microphone by 50%, and the second earphone further reduces the signal to 35%. So by splitting
the microphone from the earphones we have an immediate 2.85 times larger signal from the
microphone. As you can see for the same signal level out we can turn down the gain (less noise is
amplified) the system stability is better with a tremendous improvement in clarity.


SIMULCOM – WHAT, WHY AND HOW? (continued) 6.8


With Round Robin you split the microphone and earphones, but also stack all the microphones
together. The microphones load each other and you are right back where you started. Also, you
have another problem - the headset used by the tender usually has 175-ohm earphones and a
150-ohm microphone. With two diver's microphones we have an impedance of 4 ohms, which
really loads the tender microphone, and the 175-ohm earphones tend to be rather low so you end
up with a volume imbalance as well as low signal levels from the diver & tender microphones.

So it sounds as though it might be worth trying; how do you go about doing it?
Okay - step by step:

1. First you must have an AMCOM I series unit.

2. You must have 4 wires in your communication cable.

3. You must have 4 wires to your hat/helmet, (i.e., Marsh Marine connector or such).

With those three things we can begin:

1. Install male marsh-marine 4-pin connector in hat/helmet. Attach black and white wires to
binding post and both speakers. Attach red and green wires to leads from microphone. It
doesn’t matter which color goes to which lead. Use 8-32 x 1/4 SS screw and nuts, cover
each with tape or shrink tubing. You are now finished with the diving hat/helmet.

2. Install 4-pin female marsh-marine connector on diver's end of communication cable. Red
and green wires to the light colored pair of comm cable wires; black and white wires to
black pair of comm-cable wires. You are now finished with this step.

3. Install black dual banana plug to black pair of wires on tender end of diver comm-cable
and attach red dual banana plug to lighter color pair of wires. If you don’t have red dual
banana plugs, red tape will serve to identify that pair as the microphone circuit. YOU ARE


SIMULCOM – WHAT, WHY and HOW? (continued) 6.8


1. Attach hat to umbilical.

2. Attach comm-cable to AMCOM I, red banana plug to Diver microphone, black banana
plug to Diver earphone.

3. Don hat and talk to yourself; if you hear your voice over the earphones the system is

To revert back to 2-wire, remove black banana plug from earphone jacks (AMCOM I) and plug into
top of microphone banana plug (red).

TO RECAP - We now have a system where diver’s microphone is connected to the Diver
microphone input of the AMCOM I and Diver’s earphone is connected to the earphone for Diver.
All features such as diver push to talk switch and independent volume controls of the AMCOM I
remain intact. Tender uses a headset, which is plugged into the tender microphone and headset

With the AMCOM I system you can mix 2-wire/Simulcom systems, for example, Diver Simulcom
while Tender can be 2-wire (no headset - use speaker for tender). Or, one diver can be 2-wire and
one can be Simulcom. Just remember if any one person is on two-wire you must use the push to
talk (PTT) for that diver to hear or for the tender to talk.

Note: the PTT switch overrides diver conversations, (see operating guide for details).

Other configurations, which can be implemented with Simulcom systems:

1. Remote station for equipment operator, or second tender on 2-wire or Simulcom.

2. Several remote stations with any combination of 2-wire or Simulcom.



Refer to the functional block diagram and schematics while reading this section. This Section
describes the function of the electronic circuits.

AMPLIFIER CARD 2811B-200 7.2

INPUT AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT – U2-A and U2-B are differential input amplifiers, which accept
dynamic microphone, level signals (0.1 to 50mv.) and amplify them. Signals common to both
inputs are rejected. Common mode rejection (CMR) is 40db. U2-A amplifier the tender microphone
signal, U2-B amplifier the diver microphone signal. The output of both amplifiers is mixed together.

TAPE RECORDER – U2-D is amplifier circuit to drive the taper recorder transformer.

FILTER – U2-C is bandpass filter that select the speech waveforms for amplification and clarity.

AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIERS – U3 is audio power amplifier integrated circuits connected in a

bridge configuration. The output "floats" at approximately 6 volts and should never be connected
to ground. The amplified audio output signal is directed to Diver or Tender through relays K1, K2
and K3. U3-1 amplify tender signal, U3-2 amplify diver signal.

RELAYS Circuit – The three relays K1, K2, and K3 are activated through PTT switch.
K1 relay cut the Panel Speaker, when activating Hand Held PTT Jack.
K2 relay switch Tender Earphone Jacks from Output to Input, when activating PTT Switch or Hand
Held PTT Jack.
K3 relay switch Diver Microphone Jacks from Input to Output, when activating PTT Switch or Hand
Held PTT Jack.

BATTERY VOLTAGE SENSES CIRCUIT – U1 is used to electronically sense the battery

voltage. Controls the panel LED (battery condition indicator) that indicates operational status:

Good battery voltage .......................steady green light

Low battery voltage .....................blinking green light
Below operational voltage.......................no light


The output of the filter circuit U2-C is attenuated through diver to tender volume control before
signal go to tender Power Amplifier circuit (U3-1).
Also the output of the filter circuit U2-C is attenuated through tender to diver volume control before
signal go to diver Power Amplifier circuit.





The following procedures are a step-by-step procedure to do a functional check of your unit, using
only a headset. These steps check all communication functions of the radio in both 2-wire and
Simulcom modes. This means that if your radio checks with these steps, any communication
problems must be somewhere else in the system, such as umbilical, connections, speakers,
and/or microphone.


This brief procedure checks diver radio functions in Simulcom: set all volume controls at mid-
scale, turn unit on.

Tender Circuit Check

1. Identify headset microphone lead and headset earphone lead. Plug into dual banana jacks.
(The microphone plug is red.)
2. Plug in headset microphone to tender, microphone (input) and headset earphone to tender
headset (output). You should be able to hear yourself talk. This verifies Tender circuit.
3. Move headset microphone to Diver, microphone (input) and headset earphones to Diver
earphone (output). You should be able to hear yourself talk. This verifies Diver circuit.
The basic Simulcom function of the diver radio has now been checked.


Set all volume controls at mid-scale and turn power on.

Tender Circuit Check

1. Identify headset microphone lead and headset earphone lead. Plug into dual banana jack
adapters. (The microphone plug is red.)
2. Plug headset earphone into Tender’s Headset (output) and the headset microphone into
Tender, Microphone (input).
3. Turn power on, speaker off.
4. Put on headset and speak into microphone, listening for your own voice.
5. Adjust tender microphone and earphone volume, and check that controls respond and there is
adequate volume. If you can talk to yourself, then tender circuit is operating properly.

Diver Downlink Check

6. Move Headset microphone plug to tender Headset jack and move headset earphone plug to
Microphone jacks, Diver.
7. Talk into headset while pressing Push To Talk switch. You should be able to talk to yourself
with plenty of volume as long as the Push To Talk switch is depressed. This verifies 2-wire
communication from tender to Diver.
8. Move headset earphone plug from Microphone (input) Diver to Earphone (output) Diver.
9. Talk into headset. There should be plenty of volume. This checks earphone output for diver.

Tender’s Speaker Downlink Check

10. Unplug headset from Microphone (input) and turn Speaker on. Press Push-To-Talk switch and
talk into speaker. You should hear yourself in headset earphones. This verifies speaker
11. Turn speaker off.



Diver Up-link Check

12. Place headset microphone into the Diver Microphone jacks (input) and the headset earphone
plug into the Tender Headset jacks (output).
13. Talk into headset. You should hear yourself in the headphones with plenty of volume. This
verifies Diver, Microphone (input).


Unit Not Operating
Check to see that unit is turned on, (speaker switch is on). Check that battery condition indicator is
steady green (ok). Check to see that connections are proper, correct if necessary. Use diver radio
field check procedure to determine if problem is within the unit or elsewhere within the
communication system. Check to see that the P.C. Card connectors are properly seated, there
should be no gap between the bottom of the connector housing and the connector header on the
circuit card. Check that connectors are installed correctly, (headers are not offset left or right).
Push connector down and recheck.
A great number of problems are very simple failures and can often be found by a very careful and
close inspection of the unit or system. Logical deductions and equipment familiarity can often
reduce the suspected area to just one component or circuit. Often upon examination, clues are
revealed which can also aid in locating and correcting the problem. Visual inspections should
include checking all screws for tightness, all solder joints for correctness, broken parts, corrosion,
electrolysis, foreign material, check connectors for proper insertion and alignment. Check to see
that unit is turned on, speaker on.

Check that battery condition is ok, (battery condition indicator). Operate from line voltage or
charge batteries, depending upon options.

Check to see that connections are proper, correct if necessary.

Check operating voltage, using a digital voltmeter or equivalent, measure the voltage across the
yellow push to talk jacks on the front panel of the unit. The voltage must be greater than 8.5 volts
D.C. for the unit to operate reliably. Normal voltage is from 9 to 18 Volts D.C.

Low Volume
Check volume control settings, and adjust if desired. Check diver connections, correct if bad. Use
diver radio field check procedure. Check for low batteries.

Garbled Voice To Diver

Tender volume to diver is set too high – reduce tender microphone volume or diver earphone
volume. Divers earphones corroded or defective, replace same. Tender’s microphone (speaker)
defective or full of moisture, empty water out of speaker or replace tender headset. Check diver
communication cable and connections.

Garbled Voice To Tender

The diver volume to tender is set too high; reduce diver microphone volume or tender earphone
volume. Tender’s headset is marginal, speaker has water in it, or diver’s microphone is marginal,
damaged communication cable or connections. Substitute with known good units to determine
exact problem and correct.



Diver cuts out

Check for intermittent connection, substitute system components with known good units to
determine exact problem and correct fault.

Most diver communications problems are caused by bad connections. The time spent in making
good connections will result in years of good communications. All connections must be soldered to
last for any period of time. Copper wire must be tinned as a minimum, it is strongly suggested that
dual banana plugs be used for topside connections. This provides convenient and secure
connections, which will last for several years if treated with a reasonable amount of care.
All cable splices must be soldered, splices should be staggered, covered with shrink tubing
preferably shrink tubing with an adhesive sealant, and a general splice cover to protect the
connections. Potting of splices is a very good and professional approach, however not necessary
to create a reliable splice.

Push To Talk Does Not Function But Tender Hears Diver (2-Wire Mode)
Find which push to talk switch is not working (PTT all Divers, PTT-Diver1, PTT-Diver2, and PTT-
Diver3). Check connection to tender headset microphone if used. Check battery condition indicator
to be steady green. It could be a broken wire on the switch terminals or a bad connection with PC

Diver hears tender but tender cannot hear diver, or volume is very low
Check to see if diver is connected to microphone and not earphone. Check to see that volume
levels are not turned down. Inspect diver connections, hat components.

Feedback - Simulcom
Check orientation of cable wiring, earphone and microphone wire pairs should be opposing wires.
These situations may cause feedback, tender’s speaker on while headset is connected, unused
diver communications connected to system, damaged communications cable or connections,
(open or shorted wires or connections). Resistance for a new cable should be in excess of 10 Meg
In a situation where the communication cable is damaged, reduce volume to diver as low as
possible (reduce side-tone), or go to 2-wire operation until cable can be repaired.

Feedback can be caused by leakage between the microphone and earphone wires in the umbilical
better know as a cross coupling signal between umbilical wires. Adjust the diver microphone
volume to determine which umbilical has cross coupling signal between wires. Rotate the
earphone banana plug (black) 180 degrees on the communicator as this it may stop the feedback.
We highly recommend using Amron’s CC1 communication cable that has been specially designed
and tested for use with our communicators.

This can be caused by several conditions – microphone volumes is adjusted too high, system is
on the verge of feedback, marginal components (earphones or microphone). Check by
substitution, replace defective component. Note: when operating with a standby diver who does
not have his hat/helmet on, acoustic feedback or distortion may occur. Correct by turning his
volume down or disconnecting his communication cable (at least his microphone, which will
reduce overall system noise.).



Low Battery Indication

The battery voltage can be checked by measuring the voltage across the yellow push-to-talk jacks.
Turn the unit on. To measure the battery voltage, disconnect the External Power Supply at the
back of the unit. The minimum operation voltage is 9 Volt.

For Model 2810A-1, non-rechargeable batteries (dry cell batteries), replace the batteries with a
new fresh set.

For Model 2810A, rechargeable batteries, charge battery for a minimum of 24 hours to fully charge
battery. Battery will charge anytime External Power Supply is plugged into the unit. The preferred
method to charge the battery is with power switch off. The Amron charger is designed to maintain
the battery at full charge during normal operation, and power can be left on without damage to the

WARNING: Should it become necessary to change the battery, be sure to connect the RED wire
to Positive terminal and the BLACK wire to Negative terminal. There is a fuse F1 in the amplifier
card. When reversing internal battery terminals, this fuse will blow to protect the electronic circuits
and wiring from being damaged. F1 fuse is replaceable with 3.15A-250V Fast Blow Micro Fuse.


Your solid state AMCOM diver communicator will provide years of continuous failure-free service,
if properly used and maintained.

These are important areas of user care, which will determine the length of service you can expect
from your equipment.

 Take care of your equipment. Protect it, handle it with care, do not throw it around, set it
down - don't just drop it. Select a work area where the equipment will be out of everyone's
way, so that it doesn't get knocked over.

 Clean your equipment. After the work is done at the job site, clean up the equipment. If you
are on an extended work program, have the equipment operators clean the equipment
during slow work periods. Rinse off salt deposits with fresh water; clean the terminals (diver
connections); use mild vinegar and water solution and a small brush. Other than cleaning
there is no additional maintenance required.


General 9.1
The following drawings illustrate the electrical and mechanical details of the diver communication
unit. The corresponding parts lists for each drawing are detailed in the parts lists section, or are
included as part of the drawing.

When drawings are updated, information about changes is incorporated into a revision sheet. This
revision sheet appears in the manual immediately after the drawings. It lists the drawing number,
reference designator of the part or parts involved, a description of the revision, and the effective serial
number of the change. With this information the technician can determine the correct drawing for the
current version, and any previous version, of the unit covered by this manual. If the revision is
applicable for all versions of the unit, it is not included in the revision notice, as the change applies to
all units.


SCHEMATIC, 2810A and 2810A-1 9.2







The parts lists include both mechanical and electrical parts. The following information will be useful
in interpreting data which is not self-explanatory.


The parts lists in this manual are for the current model of diver communicator as of the printing
date. If a different part was used in a previous build, details of the parts change are included in the
revision listing sheet. This will enable you to determine the correct replacement part. If the new
part is the recommended replacement part for all units, the old part is not listed in the revision

To Order Replacement Parts Contact:

Amron international Diving Supply, Inc.

1380 Aspen Way, Vista, California, 92081 U.S.A.
Telephone: (760) 208-6500 Fax: (760) 599-3857
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.amronintl.com

When ordering replacement parts, you should give as much information as possible to enable us
to supply the correct part. This information should include the part number, description, reference
designator, value, radio model number, and serial number. Failure to provide sufficient information
may hinder our ability to fill your parts orders promptly and correctly.



Reference Part Number Description

1................................ 2811B-200 ........................................ P.C. Card Assembly

2................................ 2811-300 .......................................... Case Assembly Components Only
3................................ 2811-400 .......................................... Front Panel Assembly Amcom I
4................................ 2811-700 .......................................... Wiring Harness
5................................ SN/Decal .......................................... Decal
6................................ 4-40x1/2SSPHP ............................... Screw 4-40 1/2" SS PHP
7................................ 4NUTSSL ......................................... Nut Locking 4-40 S/S
8................................ 2890-05 ............................................ Battery Rechargeable 12v 7amp
9................................ 2-520194-2 ....................................... Slide Terminals
10.............................. 2810A/MANUAL ............................... Operations Manual
11.............................. MFS-PEE1........................................ #2 ethafoam
12.............................. TAT-1/8............................................. Heat Shrink Tubing 1/8”
13.............................. 2823-602 .......................................... Charger Assembly External


Reference Part Number Description

1................................ 2811B-200 ........................................ P.C. Card Assembly

2................................ 2811-300 .......................................... Case Assembly Components Only
3................................ 2811-400 .......................................... Front Panel Assembly Amcom I
4................................ 2811-700 .......................................... Wiring Harness
5................................ SN/Decal .......................................... Decal
6................................ 4-40x1/2SSPHP ............................... Screw 4-40 1/2" SS PHP
7................................ 4NUTSSL ......................................... Nut Locking 4-40 S/S
8................................ 2890-01 ............................................ Battery 6v Non-rechargeable
9................................ 8/18-22 ............................................. Ring Terminal
10.............................. 2810A/MANUAL ............................... Operations Manual
11.............................. MFS-PEE1........................................ #2 ethafoam
12.............................. TAT-1/8............................................. Heat Shrink Tubing 1/8”


2811B-200 PC CARD ASSEMBLY 10.4

Reference Part Number Description

C1 ............................. 21CB068........................................... Capacitor 68pf 50v Ceramic
C2,C9,C15 ................ MKS2-334J50................................... Capacitor .33uf 5% 50v
C3,C18...................... UVP1C330MDA................................ Capacitor 33uf 20% 16v
C4,C6,C7,C8 ............ MKS2-104K63 .................................. Capacitor .1uf 10% 63v
C12,C14.................... MKS2-104K63 .................................. Capacitor .1uf 10% 63v
C19,C20.................... MKS2-104K63 .................................. Capacitor .1uf 10% 63v
C5 ............................. ME208-50V1.0.................................. Capacitor 1uf 50 V
C10 ........................... ME208-25V1000............................... Capacitor 1000uf 25v
C11 ........................... 16V100UF ........................................ Capacitor 100uf 16v Upl
C13,C16.................... 23BJ250 ........................................... Capacitor .005mf 100v Poly
C17 ........................... 10V1000UF ...................................... Capacitor 1000uf 10v Upl
D1,D4........................ 1N4003 ............................................. Diode 1a 200v
D2,D5,D6,D8 ............ BAV21 .............................................. Diode general Purpose 200v
D3,D7........................ 1N4689 ............................................. Diode Zener 5.1v 500mw Do-35
F1.............................. 0034.6019......................................... Fuse 3.15 Amp 250v Micro Quick
F1-1 .......................... 2324A-2005 ...................................... Fuse Holder250v Microfuse
J1 .............................. 39-30-3045 ....................................... Header 4pin Mini-Fit
J2 .............................. 43045-1612 ...................................... Header 16Pin Microfit
J3 .............................. 22-03-2031 ....................................... Header 3pin Flat
J4 .............................. 43045-1212 ...................................... Header12pin Microfit
J3-1........................... 2831-2001 ........................................ Jumper pc 2 Pin .100 Spacing
K1,K2,K3................... DS2E-S-DC9V.................................. Relay dip Min.Dpdt 9v 3a
Q1 ............................. BS170............................................... Transistor Mosfet N Channel
R1,R4,R9,R24 .......... 29SJ250-10K.................................... Resistor 10k Ohms 5% 1/4w
R2 ............................. 29SJ250-24K.................................... Resistor 24k Ohms 5% 1/4w
R3,R13...................... 29MF250-51.1K................................ Resistor 51.1k Ohms 1/4w 1%
R5 ............................. 29MF250-4.7K.................................. Resistor 4.7k Ohms 1/4w 1%
R6 ............................. 29SJ250-100K.................................. Resistor 100k Ohms 5% 1/4w
R7,R21...................... 29SJ250-4.7K................................... Resistor 4.7k Ohms 5% 1/4w
R8 ............................. 29SJ250-1K...................................... Resistor 1k Ohm 5% 1/4w
R10 ........................... ME271-47K....................................... Resistor 47k Ohms 1% 1/4w Mf
R11 ........................... 29SJ250-33K.................................... Resistor 33k Ohms 1/4w 5%
R12 ........................... 29MF250-62K................................... Resistor 62k Ohm 1% 1/4w
R14,R19,R20 ............ 29MF250-10K................................... Resistor 10k 1% 1/4w
R23,R26,R30 ............ 29MF250-10K................................... Resistor 10k 1% 1/4w
R15 ........................... 29SJ250-470K.................................. Resistor 470k 5% 1/4w
R16,R18,R27,R29 .... 29MF250-100 ................................... Resistor 100 Ohm 1% 1/4w
R17,R25,R28 ............ 29SJ250-100 .................................... Resistor 100 Ohm 5% 1/4w
R22 ........................... 29MF250-174K................................. Resistor 174kk 1% 1/4w
T1.............................. 42TL012 ........................................... Transformer 10kct-5kct Audio
U1 ............................. LM339J............................................. Ic Comparator Quad Cer
U2 ............................. LM837N ............................................ I.C. Amplifier quad dip
U3 ............................. TDA1552QU ..................................... I.C. Audio Power Amp
PCB .......................... PC2811B .......................................... Pc-Card Four Wire One Diver
.................................. 2811-009 .......................................... Bracket Heat Sink
.................................. 4-40X1/2SSPHP............................... Screw 4-40x1/2ss Ph Phil
.................................. 4NUTSSL ......................................... Nut locking 4-40 S/S


2811-300 CASE ASSEMBLY 10.5

Reference Part Number Description

1................................ 1120-101-240 ................................... Case

2................................ 1120-PANEL-FRAME....................... Frame
3................................ 105-0602-001 ................................... Jack Tip Red
4................................ 105-0603-001 ................................... Jack Tip Black
5................................ 1498-103 .......................................... Jack Banana Black
6................................ 1498-107 .......................................... Jack Banana Yellow
7................................ 1498-102 .......................................... Jack Banana Red
8................................ 14002R ............................................. 5-Way Binding Post (Red)
9................................ 14002B ............................................. 5-Way Binding Post (Black)
10.............................. 2810-3005 ........................................ Bumper Recessed Black
11.............................. ME161-2003 ..................................... Jack Phono
12.............................. 6-32x1/2SSPHP ............................... Screw 6-32 1/2" SS PHP
13.............................. 6ISW................................................. Washer #6 Internal Star SS
14.............................. 6NUTSS ........................................... Nut 6-32 S/S
15.............................. 6NUTSSL ......................................... Nut Locking 6-32 S/S
16.............................. 4NUTSSL ......................................... Nut Hex #4 S/S Machine
17.............................. 4-40x7/8SSPHP ............................... Screw 4-40 X 7/8 SS PHP
18.............................. 1902A ............................................... Stand-off, 4-40x1/4 nylon hex
19.............................. 4-40x1/2SSPHP ............................... Screw 4-40 X 1/2 Ss PHP
20.............................. 74115-04 .......................................... Insert, Spred-lok, brass
21.............................. 2820-3006 ........................................ Tubing, gasket


Reference Part Number Description

1................................ 2811-001 .......................................... Panel Front Amcom

2................................ DC32WI-A ........................................ Speaker 3.5" 1w 8 Ohm Square
3................................ 7580K6 ............................................. Switch Toggle SPST
4................................ 5168.................................................. Seal Half Boot Toggle Gray
5................................ LEDGREEN...................................... Led Green Bright
6................................ 6-32x3/8HSBHC ............................... Screw 6-32 3/8"
7................................ 6NUTSSL ......................................... Nut 6-32 S/S Locking
10.............................. P16NP-10K....................................... Potentiometer 10k Ohm W/Knob
11.............................. PBSWITCH....................................... Switch Sealed Push-Button Mom
12.............................. LEDHOLDER-BLK.25....................... Mounting Clip for 5mm LED


2811-700 HARNESS ASSEMBLY 10.7

Reference Part Number Description

1................................ 43025-1200 ...................................... Receptacle 12 Pin Micro-Fit

2................................ 43025-1600 ...................................... Receptacle 16 Pin Micro-Fit
3................................ 39-01-4040 ....................................... Receptacle 4 Pin Mini-Fit
4................................ 39-00-0039 ....................................... Terminal Female Crimp Mini-Fit
5................................ 43030-0007 ...................................... Contact 3.Omm Female Socket
6................................ 3500.................................................. Cable Tie 3/32" X 3.5"

2823-602 CHARGER ASSEMBLY 10.8

Reference Part Number Description

1................................ 2823-6002 ........................................ Charger Chassis Assembly

2................................ 2823-6001 ........................................ Ac Inlet Harness Snap-In
3................................ 2324-011 .......................................... Cover Model 2823-600C Charger
4................................ LEDGREEN...................................... Led Green Bright
5................................ 530-105-0772-1 ................................ Plug Tip Red
6................................ 530-105-0773-1 ................................ Plug Tip Black
7................................ 517-SJ-5003 ..................................... Rubber Bumper Foot
8................................ 4-24x1/4SSPHP ............................... Screw Self-Tap
9................................ P-2392 .............................................. Cord Ac Euro 3 Conductor
10.............................. 528-1017 .......................................... Bushing Strain Relief Nylon
11.............................. 39-01-2060 ....................................... Receptacle 6 Pin Mini-Fit.
12.............................. 39-00-0039 ....................................... Terminal Female Crimp Mini-Fit
13.............................. LEDHOLDER-BLK.25....................... Mounting Clip for 5mm LED



Ref. Electrical Part Number Description

PCB .......................... PC2324D .......................................... Pc-Card power Supply/Charger
R1, R6....................... 29SJ250-470K.................................. Resistor 470k 5% 1/4w
R2 ............................. 29SJ250-390 .................................... Resistor 390 Ohm 5% 1/4w
R3 ............................. 29SJ250-62K.................................... Resistor 62k 1/4w 5%
R4 ............................. 29SJ250-3.3M .................................. Resistor 3.3m Ohms 5% 1/4w
R5 ............................. 29MF250-249K................................. Resistor 249k 1% 1/4w
R7 ............................. 29SJ250-120K.................................. Resistor 120k 5% 1/4w
R8 ............................. 29SJ250-10K.................................... Resistor 10k Ohm 5% 1/4w
R9 ............................. 29SJ250-100K.................................. Resistor 100k Ohm 5% 1/4w
R10 ........................... 29MF250-2.67K................................ Resistor 2.67k 1% 1/4w
R11 ........................... 29MF250-249 ................................... Resistor 249 Ohm 1% 1/4w Mf
R12 ........................... RM0/X47-1WJ .................................. Resistor Oxide 0.47 Ohm 1w
R13 ........................... 29MF250-1K..................................... Resistor 1k 1% 1/4w
R14 ........................... 29SJ250-1.2K................................... Resistor 1.2k Ohm 5% 1/4w
R15 ........................... 29SJ250-1K...................................... Resistor 1k Ohm 5% 1/4w
D1, D2, D5 ................ 1N4006 ............................................. Diode800v 1a
D2 ............................. 1N4749 ............................................. Diode Zener 24v 1w Nom D041
D3 ............................. 1N5388B........................................... Diode Zener 200v 5w Nom Cs 17
D7 ............................. 1N5236B........................................... Diode Zener 7.5v
D8 ............................. BAV21 .............................................. Diode General Purpose 200v
D9 ............................. 2324A-2002 ...................................... Diode Silicon Rectifier 1n5392
Q1 ............................. TIP50 ................................................ Transistor NPN 400v 1a 40w
Q2, Q3, Q4 ............... MPSA42 ........................................... Transistor NPN 300v Gp
Q5 ............................. 2N4403 ............................................. Transistor PNP 40v .5a Gen
Q6, Q7 ...................... 551-NT2222A ................................... Transistor NPN
F3.............................. 0034.6019......................................... Fuse 3.15 Amp 250v Micro Quick
F1, F2 ....................... 0034.6611......................................... Fuse 400ma/250v Slow Micro
F1, F2, F3 ................. 2324A-2005 ...................................... Fuse Holder 250v Microfuse
C1 ............................. 400V4.7UF ....................................... Capacitor 4.7uf 400v
C3, C4....................... CK06-BX-474M ................................ Capacitor .47uf 50v
K1, K2 ....................... DS2E-SL2-DC24V............................ Relay 2 Amp Miniature 2 Form C
D6 ............................. 2324A-2001 ...................................... Rectifier Bridge Ir
J1 .............................. 350428-1 .......................................... Header Vertical 2 Pin Pc Board
J2 .............................. 39-31-0060 ....................................... Header 6 Pin Mini-Fit Jr
C2, C5....................... ME208-25V470................................. Capacitor 470uf 25v Radial
C6, C7....................... 2324A-2003 ...................................... Capacitor 4700uf 25v
U4 ............................. 597-LM317T ..................................... I.C. Lm317t
T1.............................. 4-44-6016-4H ................................... Transformer 220/16v


2810A-FS Field Spares Kit For 2810A AND 2810A-1 10.10

Reference Part Number Description Quantity

1................................ 105-0603-001 ................................... Jack, Tip Black 1

2................................ 105-0602-001 ................................... Jack, Tip Red 1
3................................ 1498-103 .......................................... Jack, Banana Black 2
4................................ 1498-102 .......................................... Jack, Banana Red 2
5................................ 1498-107 .......................................... Jack, Banana Yellow 2
6................................ 14002B ............................................. 5-Way Binding Post Black 2
7................................ 14002R ............................................. 5-Way Binding Post Red 2
8................................ 7580K6 ............................................. Switch, Toggle SPST 1
9................................ 5168.................................................. Seal, Half boot Toggle Gray 1
10.............................. PBSWITCH....................................... Switch, Push Button, Sealed 1
11.............................. P16NP-10K....................................... Potentiometer, 10k Ohm w/knob 1

2810A-SS Shop Spares Kit For 2810A AND 2810A-1 10.11

Reference Part Number Description Quantity

1................................ LM837N ............................................ IC Amplifier Quad 1

2................................ LM339J............................................. IC Comparator Quad 1
3................................ TDA1020 .......................................... IC Amplifier Audio 12W 1
4................................ 43030-0007 ...................................... Contact 3.Omm Female Socket 5
5................................ ME208-50V1.0.................................. Capacitor, 1uf 50v 1
6................................ ME208-25V1000............................... Capacitor, 1000uf 25v 1
7................................ ME208-50V4.7.................................. Capacitor, 4.7uf 25v 1
8................................ 2324A-2002 ...................................... Diode, Silicon Rectifier, 1N5392 2
9................................ DS2E-S-DC9V.................................. Relay, Dip Min. DPDT 9V 3A 2
10.............................. 2810A-FS ......................................... Field Spares Kit 1


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