Inflation Theory Presentation
Inflation Theory Presentation
Inflation Theory Presentation
Naxxatra Sciences
October 9, 2021
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
1 Introduction
2 Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
3 The Standard Big Bang Model
4 Inflation Theory
5 Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
The Horizon Problem
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Flatness Problem
Solution to the flatness problem
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Introduction I
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Introduction II
1915: Einstein came up with his general theory of relativity
Set of field equations that explains gravity, space-time
continuum and curvature of the universe
1922: Alexander Friedmann derived the Friedmann equations
by solving Einstein’s equations
1927: Georges Lemaı̂tre derived an expression relating redshift
(recession) of galaxies to their distance from the observers,
hinting at an expanding universe
1929: Edwin Hubble experimentally verified Lemaı̂tre’s
Hubble-Lemaı̂tre Law: v = H0 D
H0 - Hubble’s constant, H0 = 74kms −1 Mpc −1 approx.
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory I
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory II
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
The Standard Big Bang Model
Inflation Theory
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Z t
DHorizon = a(t)r (t) = a(t)
0 a(t)
where DHorizon - maximum physical distance upto which a light
ray that started at the big bang (t = 0) can reach at time t.
Calculated to be about 2◦ in terms of angular size
Any two points in the CMB separated by distance DHorizon or
angular separation greater than 2◦ lie outside each other’s
horizon and are causally disconnected.
CMB radiation is almost perfectly homogeneous and isotropic.
This is only possible if all parts of the sky have been causally
connected long enough for it to reach thermal equilibrium.
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
The light signal that started its journey when the universe was
375,000 years old.
It started out as visible light, its wavelength now stretched to
the microwave range due to the expansion of the universe.
It is a black body radiation (electromagnetic) which is
completely uniform throughout the sky in all directions
Has a measured temperature of 2.725K which is uniform
throughout, with an accuracy up to 4 decimal places - shows
that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic
Studying the CMB, we could infer that the big bang model
was a plausible explanation of the evolution of the universe.
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
ce 100
Dend (tend ) = ≈ 1019 cm
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
The flatness problem deals with the fact that the universe is
globally flat, which is quite puzzling as it has an extremely low
probability of occurrence.
When physicists observed the curvature of the universe, it
suggested a very fine tuned specific value of density of energy
and matter in the early universe, equal to the critical density
ρc .
This critical density is the threshold value of the energy
density in the universe above which it would be closed
(positive curvature), and below which it would be open
(negative curvature).
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
Unlike the big bang expansion that dilutes the energy density
in space with time, inflation keeps the energy density ρ of the
field constant throughout. So even if the value of Ω deviated
a bit, this exponential expansion would basically force it to get
close to 1.
This can be understood better by manipulating the Friedmann
equation. The mathematical reasoning of the above
arguments is as follows -
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
8πG kc 2
Consider the Friedmann equation H 2 = 3 ρ − a2
3H 2
Putting k = 0, we get ρ = ρc = 8πG
Substituting this value in the Friedmann equation, we get
3kc 2
ρc a2 − ρa2 = −
Taking ρc out common and substituting for Ω, we get
3kc 2
(Ω−1 − 1)ρa2 = −
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang
The Horizon Problem
Einstein’s Theory of Gravity
Solution to the Horizon Problem
The Standard Big Bang Model
The Flatness Problem
Inflation Theory
Solution to the flatness problem
Shortcomings of the Big Bang Model
(Ω−1 − 1) −→ 0 =⇒ Ω −→ 1
Julie Jacob Thomas, Nagashree S., Srinidhi Murali Inflationary Theory: Putting the Bang in Big Bang