Parent Handbook and Guide

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Revised 1/4/16

Parent Handbook

450 W. Welbourne Ave.

Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 644-5885 Office
(407) 644-9869 Fax
[email protected]

“Educating Children for a Better Tomorrow”

Table of Contents



Parent’s Role.........................................................................................................5

Admission Procedures and Fees............................................................................6

General Policies.....................................................................................................6

Hours of Operation, Procedures & Closing...........................................................7

Health and Safety..................................................................................................9-12

Handbook Confirmation Page...............................................................................13

Parent Handbook
□Philosophy □Arrival
□Staff □Hours and Days of Operation
□Emergency Closing/ Evacuation/ Disaster
□Holiday and School Closing


□Daily Schedule □Accidents
□Educational Curriculum □Attendance
□Rest/Nap Period □Child Abuse
□Show and Tell □Child Custody
□Disciplinary Policy
□Emergency Medical Care
□Birthday □Health Care
□Communication □Illness/Sickness
□Fundraisers □Medication
□Parent Participation □Parking
□Toilet Training
□Open Door

The entire staff of the Welbourne Avenue Nursery & Kindergarten Inc. would like to
extend a warm welcome to your family. We are pleased that you have chosen our
program for your child. We are committed to providing a loving, safe and nurturing
experience for your child and look forward to continued growth and communication in
our new relationship with you.

This handbook will assist you in understanding the philosophy, policies and procedures
of our child development program. Please read the handbook carefully and then
complete, sign and return the form on the last page of the booklet. If you ever have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Director or the appropriate
classroom teacher at your convenience.

Thank you for choosing Welbourne, we appreciate the privilege we have in sharing this
time with your child.

The Welbourne Avenue Nursery believes each child is a unique individual. We strive to
provide a loving, nurturing, and creative environment for children. The program
promotes the positive growth and development of the whole child through a child-
centered and developmentally appropriate curriculum. The staff operates in partnership
with parents for the well being of the child by establishing open communication and
cooperation between home and school.

 Center staff values cultural, ethnic, religious, ability, and gender differences
among children and families.
 The curriculum celebrates diversity through multi-cultural and anti-biased
 The center has an open door policy for parents, who are always welcome.

Parents are the most significant adults in a child’s life. We strive to create a mutual
respect between parents and teachers – a partnership for the benefit of the child.

Center staff is professional, certified and experienced in early childhood growth,
development and teaching techniques and methods. Each teacher continues the education
process by taking courses and workshops designed to update skills and knowledge of the
young child. Our faculty belongs to professional teaching organizations designed to keep
them current on the latest techniques and concerns of the child development field.
Fingerprinting and background checks of all staff will be conducted in conformity with
the law.

Daily Schedule
The daily schedule outlines the day’s events. It gives specific times when things are to
occur and helps the teacher organize the day. The schedule supports the entire learning
program. It offers a balance between active and quiet times, large group activities, small
group activities and times for children to play alone. It also balances indoor and outdoor
play times and times for children to select materials and for teachers to direct activities.
We are working with children and cannot always predict the flow of the day, the exact
times of activities may vary. The daily schedule is posted in each individual classroom.

Educational Curriculum
 Infant Curriculum
Infants begin to develop an understanding of the world around them through their
senses and physical actions. To develop these skills our infant program is
designed with various age appropriate experiences and exercises which will help
your child develop at his/her own speed. These areas include sensorimotor,
psychomotor, language development, cognitive development, large and small
motor skills and social and emotional development. The children are spoken, sung
and read to frequently, have many different objects in their environment to see
and touch.

 Toddler Curriculum
Toddlers are competent learners and the curriculum occurs naturally during the
two main activities of the day; care giving and free play. The basis of the
curriculum is the interaction with people and with objects. Basic skills are
introduce and enhanced as each child expresses interest and curiosity. The
program includes free play, singing, storytelling, self-help skill development,
manipulative play, gross motor play, and other age-appropriate activities

 2 Year Old Curriculum

Two year olds are beginning to develop social skills, enlarge their vocabulary and
test their independence. To develop these skills, our program for this age group
offers a group experience and private classroom which recognizes the special
needs of each child. The children have many opportunities to explore and learn
about the environment. The children are spoken to frequently and are encouraged
to participate daily in individual and group conversations. Toilet training, dealing
with frustration, encouraging self-help skills and providing successful age
appropriate experiences to enhance the child's self-concept is part of the two-year-
old curriculum.

 3 Year Old Curriculum

The Creative Curriculum provides a basic structure for a developmentally
appropriate program. The curriculum focuses on the environment because young
children learn best through active interactions with the physical and social
environment. By continually changing and enriching the environment, teachers
can support learning and creativity in children. Children are encouraged to ask
questions and explore. This in turn enhances their ability to solve problems,
recognize cause and affect relationships, and plan. Children are encouraged to try
out their ideas, experiment, and use materials creatively. They use songs,
storytelling, language, games, blocks, manipulatives and other creative materials
in more sophisticated ways and are given time to develop their own unique
themes of play.

 Pre-K4 (VPK)
Pre-kindergarten helps ensure that the child is intellectually, emotionally,
physically and socially ready to enter school. The basis of the curriculum focuses
on vocabulary, letters, words, math and cognitive skills, hands on experiences,
group activities that focus on social skills, help in developing school readiness
skills and developmentally appropriate curriculum that encourages creativity and

Rest Time
Quiet time is important for a child’s health and well being. Such time also allows a child
to “reenergize” and develop self-control. Depending upon their age, children are
expected to rest quietly or engage in quite activities, allowing those who need to sleep the
opportunity to do so. Children will be provided a cot or mat for rest time. They will be
required to bring their own blanket and crib sheet. Infants will use their designated crib
and will be allowed to rest according to their individual needs.

Parents Role
Birthdays & Holidays
Birthdays and holidays are an especially exciting time for young children and the Center
will be pleased to help your child celebrate with classmates and staff. Please discuss this
with your child's teacher prior to the date. Please only store brought items!

From time to time, we will run a fundraiser. We encourage your participation but we
recognize your other obligations. All monies raised will be utilized to improve the
operation of the Center.

Parent Participation
Welbourne Avenue Nursery is committed to working with families. We strongly
encourage them to participate in every aspect of their child’s program. Parents are
welcome to visit the center any time. Our main focus is your child. If you have any
concerns or questions, please immediately contact the Director. It is vitally important that
you as parents/guardians communicate your needs and desires regarding your child’s
development openly and honestly with your child’s teachers. You are encouraged to
discuss any developmental milestones you have encountered and share any other
information that may be appropriate.

A. Parent Conferences – Parents are asked to come in mid-year for a conference

with their child’s teacher. Information concerning this will be on the parents’
bulletin board when that time approaches.

B. Home/School – Parents need to communicate pertinent information with the
school. This should include such things as illnesses, changes in sleeping
patterns, and changes in eating, teething, and so forth.

C. Donations – As your child develops mentally and physically, please consider

whether books, toys or outgrown clothes may be appropriate for use in our

D. Parent Concerns – If you have any problems or concerns about our operation
or your child’s progress, please contact the Director immediately. Your concern
is our concern.
Admission Procedures and Fees
Pick Up/ Late Pick Up
Parents are asked to be sensitive to the needs of the teaching staff. They too have
commitments to other classes, families, and personal lives. The clock in the main office
will be used in case of disputes about time.

Fees for late pick-ups are as follows: Late pick up charges are $10.00 for each 15
minutes late per child.

Tuition is due weekly and payments made by check or money order can be placed in the
tuition/suggestion box in the main office. You may also pay using a debit card in the
front office. Tuition is due for holidays, and all days your child misses. Tuition is not due
for the one week we are out for winter break. Tuition must be paid in full by Monday at 6
p.m. of each week. Accounts not paid on Monday will be charged a $10.00 late fee. Your
child will not be admitted into school the next business day, unless you have made pre-
arrangements for payments. If an account becomes two weeks in the arrears, Welbourne
will ask the family to disenroll their child for nonpayment. Please remember you are
paying for a slot.

Return Check Policy

There is a $35 return check fee. Failure to remit payment after 5 business days
constitutes termination of services with Welbourne Avenue Nursery.

A two-week notice is required if it becomes necessary for you to withdraw your child
from our program. If a two week notice is not given, you will be charged for that two
week period.
General Policies
On occasion, parents ask teachers and center staff to baby-sit. Welbourne does not
authorize or take responsibility for any services that Welbourne employees may provide
outside the Welbourne programs, and that is arranged between employees and parents, no
matter where the services are provided or where they are arranged.

Children's clothing should be comfortable, allowing and suitable for daily indoor and
outdoor activities. Since children spend time outdoors almost every day, parents should
consider weather conditions when planning daily dress. To encourage development of
independent bathroom skills, children's clothing should be easy for them to manipulate
with a minimum of assistance.

Children must wear shoes which are practical as well as comfortable. Open toe sandals
and flip-flops are prohibited.

A complete change of clothing should be kept at the Center.

Please include a complete set of weather and size appropriate, labeled clothes (including
underwear and socks). Please remember we serve over 60 children and clothing items
may look very similar. Welbourne relies on clothing and footwear being properly labeled
with child’s full name.

Hair Accessories
No beads are allowed in the infant, ones or twos classroom, due to choking hazard,
sticking in ears and nose.

Welbourne serves three meals per day including breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon
supplemental snack. Each meal is prepared in compliance with governing federal and
state guidelines to assure nutritional value. Breakfast will be served up to 8:40 a.m. each

Any variation in diet is permitted only in accordance with a physician’s written order or
for religious purposes. Please notify us in writing if your child has any food allergies.

Information relating to your child is confidential and will not be released unless written
authorization is provided by a parent or legal guardian. An exception will be made in the
event of suspected child abuse. Any such suspicion will be reported to the Director for
immediate investigation and action with the appropriate authorities.

Open Door Policy

Any parent has the right to inspect the Center at any time. We have observation windows
in all of our rooms so that a parent may see the classroom without the child or teacher
knowing they are watching. Parents may also go right into the room to be with their child
at any time. We encourage parents to visit.

Hours of Operation, Procedures and Closing

We ask parents to bring children to the Center no later than 9:30 am each day they
attend. Parents who know in advance that a child will be late, are required to notify the
center by 10:30.This allows us to maintain the appropriate staff to child ratios upon your
child’s arrival at school.

It is a requirement to sign your child in upon arrival at the center each morning. Sign in
books are located in each classroom. Parents are expected to walk their children into the
classroom each morning. Do not leave until you have been greeted by a teacher.

Our motto at drop off is “the shorter the goodbye the shorter the cry.” We know from
experience that after your child has been here a few times, the “cry” will be less, if at all.
Children have a unique capacity to make new friends quickly. If you wish to stay and
observe through a window, please do so. Please sign in to verify your arrival time.
Please discuss any information you feel pertinent about your child with his/her teacher at
this time.

Hours of Operation
The Center is open year round, Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Emergency Closing
Information regarding emergency closings can be obtained by calling Welbourne Avenue
Nursery. You may also listen to radio stations and television for information. Remember
if Orange County Public Schools are closed we will be as well.

Evacuation/ Disaster Preparedness

Welbourne Avenue Nursery & Kindergarten has a responsibility to protect the health and
safety of each individual at all times. Our disaster preparedness policies and procedures
are important not only for the children but also the staff.
There are many kinds of disasters that we must be able to respond appropriately to base
on the conditions created by the disaster. Some conditions require a shelter-in approach
(ex: disruptive/threatening people, chemical or radiation disasters).
All children will be brought into their classrooms. Attendance will be taken using the
sign-in and sign-out sheets. All openings to the outside will be sealed as much as
possible (windows closed, blinds drawn, towels put at base of door, etc.).
Communication between the classroom and the office will be via cell phone.
If in the event we need to remove the children from the premises, we will walk them out
to the Winter Park Community Center.

The Center is closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President’s Day Good Friday
Labor Day Memorial Day
Summer Break Independence Day
Thanksgiving Day (and Day After) Christmas Eve
Christmas Day WinterBreak

Health and Safety
Accident Policy
Our primary concern is your child’s safety. Children will be supervised and every
precaution will be taken to prevent accidents from happening. However, children are
active, and occasionally accidents will occur. Should an accident occur involving your
child, you will be notified immediately. An Accident/Incident form will be filled out for
every accident that cannot be cured with a hug. The form will be shared with the parent
then placed in your child’s file.

If your child is going to be absent, please notify the center. If your child is ill, you should
notify the center as to the nature of the illness, particularly if it is contagious. Payment
will be due for each day enrolled and school is open, whether or not a child attends.

Child Abuse
All staff members are required by state law to report suspected cases of child abuse or
neglect to the Department of Children & Families.

Child Custody
If only one parent has custody of a child, the center must be notified upon enrollment. If a
non-custodial parent is not authorized to pick up the child, the custodial parent must
provide the Center Director with a certified copy of the court order confirming that one
parent does not have visitation rights. Without such a court order the law grants parents
joint custody and the center is not allowed to refuse release of the child to either parent.

Disciplinary Policy
We feel children learn and play within firm, responsible limits, and that within these
limits there should be a wide range of possible acceptable behaviors. Discipline problems
seldom occur if children are presented with an interesting and loving environment which
meets their needs. We attempt to reinforce positive behavior, and redirect children before
USED. Your signature indicates that you are aware of the disciplinary procedures and
that you approve of the options.

 Redirecting
 Positive Reinforcement
 Rewards for proper behavior
 Counseling by staff members
 Parent Conference

Emergency Medical Care
Staff members will document all accidents or injuries occurring at the center. Parents will
be notified of any such accident or injury. If the center feels that a child needs emergency
medical care, the center will take the appropriate steps to secure such care for the child.
These steps include, but are not limited to:
1. Attempt to contact parent or guardian
2. Attempt to contact parent or guardian through emergency contacts
3. Contact paramedics/ambulance 911
Expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the child’s family.

One of our goals is to help your child develop a positive self image. We recognize that
children need clearly defined limits set in a non-threatening yet firm manner. We
encourage children to be self directed and exhibit self control. In order to achieve these
goals, we apply principles that build individual esteem and avoid any shaming practices.
As such, we accomplish order and thus discipline through close supervision, gentle
guidance, and redirection. We do not condone or employ corporal punishment as a means
of discipline.

Health Care
We are concerned for the health of your child and all other children in class. The
following guidelines have been created. We appreciate your cooperation in complying
with them. Children who are ill will NOT be accepted at the Center. Children who
become ill during the day will be sent home. In all cases, the Center reserves the right to
send home a child with suspicious or prolonged symptoms. It will be the responsibility
of the teacher (and in his/her absence, the Director or Program Coordinator) to make that
determination based on his/her best judgment. When a child is absent due to illness, the
parent is asked to notify the Center as early as possible in the morning.

In the event the following occurs, we ask that you keep your child at home:
A. A temperature of 100 or any fever accompanied by:
1. a deep cough
2. earache or draining ear
3. spasms of cough
4. sore throat
B. A rash of any kind until diagnosed, treated or declared harmless by a physician
C. Early colds (coughing and sneezing), very bad colds with purulent discharge
D. Diarrhea or vomiting the previous evening or before morning – child needs to be
free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24-48 hours before returning to school
E. Red, runny or matting eyes – may be pink eye (conjunctivitis) – please call your
F. Bronchitis – if your child is coughing frequently
G. Discolored running nose (yellow or green), 24-48 hours with Doctors Notice

We are a Center for “healthy” children. A child who is not well does not benefit from
our program and can adversely affect the health of our other children. If you have any
doubts about your child’s health, please keep your child at home and contact your family

In the event your child becomes sick while at the Center, you will be promptly notified.
We expect you to come to the Center as quickly as possible to take your child home. A
sick report will be completed and reviewed with you at the time you pick your child up.

Illness: May Return:
Chicken Pox 24 hours after lesions have crusted
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) 48 hours after start of treatment
(if specific drainage and excessive tearing have stopped)
Croup After illness has subsided
Diarrhea-Gastro Enteritis 24 hours after last loose stool or after 1 normal bowel
Rubella At least 7 days and 24 hours after symptoms end
Hepatitis A At least 7 days after onset of jaundice
Impetigo 24 hours after treatment has started
Fever 24 hours after temperature is normal
Influenza 24 hours after symptoms have subsided
Measles At least 4 days after onset of rash
Lice 24 hours after treatment has begun
Whooping Cough At least 7 days after therapy has started
Pin worms & Ringworms 72 hours with medication
Roseola After illness has subsided
Scabies 48 hours after start of treatment
Strep throat 72 hours after start of treatment
Poison Ivy After lesions have dried up
Pneumonia or Epiglottis Written note from physician
Bacterial (Spinal) Meningitis When Health Dept. gives OK
Mumps 14 days after swelling begins
*Source: US Dept. of Health & Human Services

Medication Policy
Prescription medication may be given only upon written order of a physician stating that
the child care provider may administer such medication and specifying the circumstances,
if any, under which the medication must not be administered accompanied by written
instructions from the parent.

Prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled with the child’s
complete name, the medication name, recommended dosage, time intervals for
administration, method of administration, expiration date and prescriber’s name and
license number. Such medications will be stored according to the instructions on the
label, kept beyond the reach of children and returned to the parent when no longer

Over-the-counter medication may be given on an infrequent, non-routine basis under

written instructions from the child’s doctor, provided such instructions are consistent with
the directions on the manufacturer’s label.

*Medication Release forms can be obtained from the teachers in your child’s room.
These forms will be maintained and reviewed by the Center Director.

Our parking area can be a busy place at certain times of the day. Please help us in
providing a safe environment by driving slowly and holding your child’s hand.

Toilet Training
We hope that children, from toddlers on up, will be toilet trained. If they are not, it is not
a problem. We are happy to work with them to achieve this important milestone. We
focus on positive reinforcement. We feel there is a window of opportunity that comes at
approximately 2 ½ years of age. We try to maximize this opportunity. We will do our
best to support your at-home initiatives.

“Educating Children for a Better Tomorrow”
Parent Handbook Form
Please sign and return to front office.

I/We, _____________________________________, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of

______________________________, acknowledge that I/We have received a copy of

Welbourne Avenue Nursery & Kindergarten Inc. Parent Handbook and have been given
the opportunity to read and ask questions about all policies.

I/We also acknowledge that I/We have read the contents of the handbook and have a
clear understanding of its information.

I/We understand that the information in the Parent Handbook does not create a contract
between Welbourne Avenue Nursery and the parents. Welbourne Avenue Nursery
reserves the right to alter, amend, or otherwise modify this Handbook in its sole
discretion, without prior notice.

Print Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Signature: _______________________________

Print Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Signature: _______________________________


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