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Petroleum System: Nature’s

Distribution System for Oil

and Gas
U.S. Geological Survey
Menlo Park, California, United States

pod of active source rock as well as all the discovered

1. Importance of the Petroleum System petroleum shows, seeps, and accumulations that origi-
nated from that pod. The geographic extent is mapped
2. Essential Elements and Processes of the
at the critical moment. Also the known extent.
Petroleum System
level of certainty The measure of confidence that petro-
3. Petroleum System Folio Sheet
leum from a series of genetically related accumulations
4. The Petroleum System as a Working Hypothesis originated from a specific pod of active source rock.
Three levels used are known (!), hypothetical (.), and
speculative (?), depending on the level of geochemical,
Glossary geophysical and geological evidence.
overburden rock The sedimentary rock above which
active source rock A source rock that generates petroleum,
compresses and consolidates the material below. In a
either biogenically or thermally. If a source rock was
petroleum system, the overburden rock overlies the
active in the past, it is either inactive or spent in the
source rock and contributes to its thermal maturation
because of higher temperatures at greater depths. An
burial history chart A burial history curve or geohistory
essential element of the petroleum system.
diagram constructed to show the time over which
hydrocarbon generation occurs. Depicts the essential petroleum A mineral oil occurring in subsurface rocks and
elements and the critical moment for the system. at the surface which is a naturally occurring mixture of
critical moment The time that best depicts the generation- hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon compounds. It may
migration-accumulation of hydrocarbons in a petro- occur in the gaseous, liquid, or solid state depending on
leum system. A map and cross section drawn at the the nature of these compounds and the existent
critical moment best shows the geographic and strati- conditions of temperature and pressure. Common
graphic extent of the system. synonyms are hydrocarbons and oil and gas.
essential elements The source rock, reservoir rock, seal petroleum system The essential elements and processes as
rock, and the overburden rock of a petroleum system. well as all genetically related hydrocarbons that occur in
Together with the processes, essential elements control petroleum shows, seeps, and accumulations whose
the distribution of petroleum in the lithosphere. provenance is a single pod of active source rock. Also
events chart A chart for a petroleum system showing when called hydrocarbon system and oil and gas system.
the essential elements and processes took place as well petroleum system age The time over which the process of
as the preservation time and critical moment of the generation-migration-accumulation of hydrocarbons in
system. the system takes place on the events chart.
generation-migration-accumulation One petroleum sys- petroleum system name A compound name that includes
tem process that includes the generation and movement the source rock in the pod of active source rock, the
of petroleum from the pod of active source rock to the reservoir rock containing the largest volume of petro-
petroleum show, seep, or accumulation. The time over leum, and the level of certainty of a petroleum system;
which this process occurs is the age of the petroleum for example, the Mandal-Ekofisk(!) petroleum system.
system. petroleum system processes The two processes of trap
geographic extent The area over which the petroleum formation, and the generation-migration-accumulation.
system occurs, defined by a line that circumscribes the The preservation, degradation, and destruction of

Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 4. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 823
824 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

petroleum is omitted as a process as it generally occurs (primary and secondary), and accumulation of petro-
after a petroleum system is formed (preservation time). leum. These essential elements and processes must
Together with the essential elements, the processes occur in time and space so that organic matter
control the distribution of petroleum in the lithosphere. included in a source rock can be converted into a
pod of active source rock A contiguous volume of source petroleum accumulation. As used in this article,
rock that is generating and expelling petroleum at the
petroleum, hydrocarbons, and oil and gas are syno-
critical moment and is the provenance for a series of
genetically related petroleum shows, seeps, and accu-
nyms and are included under the term petroleum.
mulations in a petroleum system. A pod of mature Petroleum originally referred to crude oil, but was later
source rock may be active, inactive, or spent. broadened to include all naturally occurring hydro-
preservation time The time after generation-migration- carbons, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid. Geochemi-
accumulation of petroleum takes place and encom- cally, hydrocarbon compounds are those that contain
passes any changes to the petroleum accumulations up only hydrogen and carbon, such as aromatic hydro-
to the present day. carbons and saturated hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon
reservoir rock A subsurface volume of rock that has compounds are in contrast to nonhydrocarbon com-
sufficient porosity and permeability to permit the pounds, or those that contain nitrogen, sulfur, and
migration and accumulation of petroleum under ade- oxygen (N, S, O). Hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon
quate trap conditions. An essential element of the
compounds are both found in crude oil and natural
petroleum system.
gas, but hydrocarbon compounds usually predomi-
seal rock A shale or other impervious rock that acts as a
barrier to the passage of petroleum migrating in the nate. Over the past 20 years, whenever the term
subsurface; it overlies the reservoir rock to form a trap hydrocarbons has been used without modifiers it is
or conduit. Also known as roof rock and cap rock an meant to be synonymous with petroleum. When oil
essential element of the petroleum system. and gas are used together, it collectively refers to crude
source rock A rock unit containing sufficient organic oil and natural gas in any proportion. Condensate is a
matter of suitable chemical composition to biogenically gas phase in the accumulation and in a liquid phase at
or thermally generate and expel petroleum. An essential the surface; either way it is considered petroleum as is
element of the petroleum system. solid petroleum (i.e. natural bitumen, natural asphalt,
stratigraphic extent The span of lithologic units that bitumenous sands, etc.).
encompasses the essential elements within the geo-
graphic extent of a petroleum system. It can be dis-
played on the burial history chart and cross section
drawn at the critical moment.
trap Any geometric arrangement of rock regardless of
origin that permits significant accumulation of oil, or PETROLEUM SYSTEM
gas, or both in the subsurface and includes a reservoir
rock and an overlying or updip seal rock. Types are Petroleum or oil and gas accumulations mostly occur
stratigraphic, structural, and combination traps. Trap in sedimentary rocks and less frequently in igneous
formation is one of the petroleum system processes. and metamorphic rocks. These seemingly contra-
dictory occurrences are easily explained when petro-
leum is viewed in the context of a subsurface fluid
A petroleum system encompasses a pod of active distribution network whose origin is an active source
source rock and all related oil and gas, and it includes rock and whose destination is a trap or seep. An active
all the geologic elements and processes that are source rock is sufficiently organic-rich that when
essential if a hydrocarbon accumulation is to exist. heated high enough over sufficient time injects
Petroleum here includes (1) high concentrations of any petroleum into the adjacent country rock. This largely
of the following substances: thermal and biogenic gas thermal process of primary migration or expulsion
found in conventional reservoirs as well as in gas gives way to the physical process of secondary
hydrate, tight reservoirs, fractured shale, and coal; and migration outside the active source rock because of
(2) condensate, crude oil, and asphalt found in nature. buoyancy and diffusion. Depending on the extent of
System describes the interdependent elements and lateral permeability of the country rock, the expelled
processes that form the functional unit that creates petroleum will either stay near the site of expulsion or
hydrocarbon accumulations. The essential elements migrate up dip to the nearest trap. If the nearest trap is
include a petroleum source rock, reservoir rock, seal filled to the spill point, the spilled petroleum will
rock, and overburden rock; whereas the two processes continue to migrate up dip to the next trap and so on
are trap formation, and the generation, migration until migration ceases or it seeps to the earth’s surface.
Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas 825

The extent, connectivity, and type of the conduits and measured in weight-percent of rock matrix. A source
traps radiating up dip from the active source rock rock needs at least 2 wt % of organic carbon before it
determine the nature and area over which these can expel petroleum. Organic carbon content (TOC)
hydrocarbon fluids migrate. This hydrocarbon dis- for a petroleum source rock commonly exceeds 3 wt
tribution network is an integral part of the petroleum % and can get as high as 10 wt % or more.
system; it can be mapped in space and time using Hydrogen content is measured in hydrocarbons
geochemical, geological, and geophysical information. per unit of organic carbon (mg HC/g TOC) and is a
Even though the petroleum system was introduced measure of source rock quality, the higher the
in 1972, the concept was largely overlooked until the hydrogen index (HI), the better the quality. In
early 1990s. In the past decade, many petroleum addition, the HI indicates the type of hydrocarbon
systems have been studied and results published in fluid expelled. For example, HI greater than 300 (mg
journals, magazines, and presented at scientific HC/g TOC) and less than 900 expel mostly oil with
meetings. Petroleum geologists now recognize that some gas, HI between 200 and 300 expel some light
the sedimentary basin provides the rock framework oil but mostly gas, and HI between 50 and 200 is just
in which a hydrocarbon fluid distribution network natural gas. As a source rock thermally matures and
resides (Fig. 1). It is this fluid system that petroleum expels petroleum, the HI is reduced to below 50 so
geologists need to understand if their exploration of the difference between the immature HI and HI of
the play and prospect are to be successful. the depleted source rock is a measure of the amount
of hydrogen or petroleum expelled. For example, if
an immature source rock has an HI of 500 and the
2. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS HI of the spent source rock is 100, the 400 mg HC/g
TOC of oil and gas was expelled as compared to an
AND PROCESSES OF immature HI of 200 and the spent HI is 100, the
THE PETROLEUM SYSTEM amount of expelled gas is 100 mg HC/g TOC.
The presence of porphryns from plant chlorophyll
2.1 Source Rock as well as other complex molecules that are the
A source rock contains sufficient organic matter of building blocks of single and multicellular plants and
suitable chemical composition to biogenically or animals are proof that the organic matter in source
thermally generate and expel petroleum. Only one rocks originates from the biosphere. These so-called
active source rock interval occurs in each petroleum biomarkers indicate the origin and sometimes the age
system. The two important elements in organic of the source rock and the origin of the petroleum.
matter are carbon and hydrogen; the carbon provides
the skeleton on which the hydrogen is attached. The
oxidation of hydrogen provides the energy so the 2.2 Overburden Rock
more hydrogen per unit of carbon, the better quality
the source rock. Overburden rock is the sedimentary rock above
The higher the concentration of carbon in organic which compresses and consolidates the material
matter, the richer is the source rock. Carbon is below. In a petroleum system, the overburden rock
overlies the source rock and contributes to its
Sedimentary basin thermal maturation because of higher temperatures
Economics at greater depths. The age and thickness of the
not overburden rock determines the burial rate and
Petroleum system important thereby influences the heating rate. Frequently, the
reservoir and seal rocks immediately overly the
source rock and are thus included within the over-
Economics burden rock. The close proximity of the source and
very reservoir rocks allow the expelled petroleum im-
Prospect mediate access to a migration conduit. The deposi-
tion and erosion of the overburden rock through
FIGURE 1 Four levels of petroleum investigation. From time determines the slope and form of the burial
Magoon, L. B., and Dow, W. G. (1994). The petroleum system—
From source to trap. Memoir 60, p. 4 (as Figure 1.1). AAPG r history curve of the source rock through petroleum
1994. Reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is expulsion. Rapid burial with little erosion is best for
required for further use. the preservation of the petroleum system.
826 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

2.3 Reservoir Rock The major reservoir rock is the second name used in
the name of the petroleum system. The major
A reservoir rock is a subsurface volume of rock that
reservoir rock indicates the optimum migration path
has sufficient porosity and permeability to permit the
between the pod of active source rock and the traps
migration and accumulation of petroleum under
that include the major reservoir rock. The minor
adequate trap conditions. Porosity is a measure in
reservoir rock indicates the least effective migration
percentage of pore volume or size of holes or vugs
path, or it indicates a migration path that should be
per unit volume of rock. For example, a well-sorted studied for overlooked prospects. Major and minor
sand in a 300 ml container will hold about 100 ml of
reservoir rocks should be included on the petroleum
water in its pore space, or a porosity of 33%. If
system events chart.
petroleum is present, it can also occupy this pore
space. During burial of this sand, compaction
reduces this porosity substantially to where only a 2.4 Seal Rock
small percentage of porosity is left.
Seal rock is a shale, evaporite, or other impervious
Permeability is a measure of the connectivity of
rock that acts as a barrier to the passage of petroleum
pores in the subsurface. The sand in the container has
migrating in the sub-surface; it overlies the reservoir
narrow pore throats between the large pores that
rock to form a trap or conduit. The seal rock is also
allows fluid to pass from one pore to another.
known as roof rock or cap rock. A dipping reservoir
Permeability is measured in millidarcies (md) or
rock overlain by a seal rock provides a migration
Darcy (1000 md) of these narrow throats. Com-
path for petroleum.
monly, permeability in the range of 100 to 500 md
are reasonable values for a petroleum reservoir rock.
Values over a Darcy are exceptional. Fractures have 2.5 Trap Formation
infinite permeability.
Any geometric arrangement of rock regardless of
Any lithology can have porosity and permeability.
origin that permits significant accumulation of oil or
Siliciclastic sandstone is most likely to have vertical
gas, or both, in the subsurface and includes a
and lateral porosity and permeability over a relatively
reservoir rock and an overlying or updip seal rock
large distance. Frequently, carbonate rock has the
is a trap. Types are stratigraphic, structural, and
most complex patterns of porosity, frequently vuggy
combination traps. The formation of traps by
porosity with little or no permeability, but dolomi-
deposition, tension or compression is one of the
tized zones can have lateral porosity and perme-
processes needed to create a petroleum system. Trap
ability. Volcanic rock can be vuggy where hot gases
formation must occur before or during petroleum
bubble from molten rock. Metamorphic and other
migration in order to have an accumulation.
sedimentary rocks can acquire secondary porosity
because of weathering or groundwater movement. All
these rock types can be shattered so that unconnected 2.6 Generation-Migration-Accumulation
pores can be connected with fractures.
One petroleum system process that includes the
Major and minor reservoir rocks are determined
generation and movement of petroleum from the
from the percentage of in-place petroleum that
pod of active source rock to the petroleum show,
originated from a particular pod of active source
seep, or accumulation. The time over which this
rock. If the volume of in-place petroleum is unavail-
process occurs is the age of the petroleum system.
able, the volume of recoverable hydrocarbons are
Even though each increment of this process can be
used. All oil and gas fields included in a petroleum
studied separately, it is the petroleum in the
system are listed and the original in-place (recover-
accumulation, seep, or show in a well that is proof
able) hydrocarbons are determined by stratigraphic
that a petroleum system exists.
interval. The volumes of in-place hydrocarbons for
each stratigraphic interval are added up, and the
percentage of in-place hydrocarbons by stratigraphic 3. PETROLEUM SYSTEM
interval is determined. Usually, one stratigraphic
interval contains most of the in-place hydrocarbons,
so this interval is the major reservoir rock. Reservoir
The petroleum-system folio sheet is a graphical way
rocks that contain minor or lesser amounts of in-
to depict the geographic, stratigraphic, and temporal
place hydrocarbons are the minor reservoir rocks.
evolution of the petroleum system (Fig. 2; Table I).
Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas 827

Raven Deer-Boar(.)
Teapot petroleum system
∗ A'
folio sheet

Big oil E

Depth (km)
SOURCE ROCK 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50

Hardy Lucky



Well, no shows, shows
Location of burial history chart
Migration path oil seeps
Fold-and-thrust belt O S
Critical moment, 250 Ma
6 Thick
Fm 1
A ∗ Trap Trap A'

SYSTEM Top oil window George Sh
6 Overburden rock

Essential 5
Boar Ss

elements 5 Seal rock Top gas window 4
of Reservoir rock Deer Sh 3
POD OF petroleum 4
ACTIVE 3 Source rock 2 3 Elk Fm
Petroleum accumulation 2 Underburden rock Critical Moment, 250 Ma
Thrust-belt 1 Basement rock
∗ Location of burial history chart
Top oil window Top gas window
F 400 300 200 100 Geologic Time
Critical moment, 250 Ma
Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic
C Table of oil and gas fields D M P P T J K P N System Events
Field Dis Res API GOR Cum oil Remain 3 4 5 6 6 Rock Units
Name date rock gravity prod reserves
( API) (ft3/bo) (×106 bo) (×106 bo) Source Rock
Reservoir Rock
Big oil 1954 Boar Ss 32 925 310 90
1956 Boar Ss 31 900 120 12 Seal Rock
Owens 1959 Boar Ss 33 950 110 19 Truncation(erosion) Overburden Rock
Just 1966 Boar Ss 34 950 160 36
Trap Formation
Hardy 1989 Boar Ss 29 800 85 89 Gen/Mig/Accum
Lucky 1990 Boar Ss 15 150 5 70
1990 Boar Ss 18 200 12 65 Preservation
Teapot 1992 Boar Ss 21 250 9 34 Critical Moment

FIGURE 2 (A) Map showing the geographic extent of the so-called Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system at the critical moment
(CM, 250 Ma). Thermally immature source rock is outside the oil window. The pod of active source rock lies within the oil and
gas windows. (B) Cross section showing the stratigraphic extent of the so-called Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system at the critical
moment (250 Ma). Thermally immature source rock lies up dip of the oil window. The pod of active source rock is down dip of
the oil window. (C) Table of oil and gas fields in the Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system, or the accumulations related to one pod of
active source rock. (D) The name of the petroleum-fluid system. (E) Burial history chart shows the critical moment (250 Ma)
and the time of oil generation (260-240 Ma) for the so-called Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system. This information is used on the
events chart. All rock unit names used here are fictitious. (F) Events chart shows the relationship between the essential elements
and processes as well as the preservation time and critical moment for the so-called Deer-Boar(.) petroleum system. (G) The
text and other figures needed to describe the petroleum system. From Magoon, L. B., and Dow, W. G. (2000). Mapping the
petroleum system—An investigative technique to explore the hydrocarbon fluid system. Memoir 73, p. 55 (as Figure 1). AAPG
r 2000. Reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use.

The folio sheet includes (1) the petroleum system and provides the supportive information for the
map (Fig. 2A), (2) the petroleum system cross section petroleum system map needed to evaluate the play
(Fig. 2B), (3) a table of genetically related accumula- and prospect.
tions (Fig. 2C), (4) the petroleum system name
(Fig. 2D), (5) a burial history chart located over the
3.1 Petroleum System Map
pod of active source rock (Fig. 2E), and (6) an events
chart to summarize the history of the petroleum The petroleum system map (Fig. 2A; Table I) shows
system (Fig. 2F). In the ideal case, this folio sheet (1) the geographic extent of the petroleum system;
summarizes the detailed work of many specialists (2) the pod of active source rock; (3) the genetically
828 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

Components of a Complete Petroleum System Study

Figure or table Information required Purpose

Petroleum system map Locate petroleum fields included in system; Geographic extent of a petroleum system at
Indicate whether oil or gas; Indicate surface critical moment shown by circumscribing
and subsurface oil or gas shows included in the pod of active source rock and the outer
system; Indicate direction of petroleum limit of migrated hydrocarbons; Source rock
migration; and Indicate distribution of pod name from pod of active source rock; and
of active source rock. Petroleum system burial history chart
Petroleum system table List all oil or gas fields by petroleum system; In-place petroleum for mass balance
Indicate discovered reserves and in-place calculation; Reservoir rock name from that
petroleum by stratigraphic unit; trap type; reservoir rock with the highest percentage of
reservoir rock name, age, and lithology; and in-place petroleum; Seal rock most
seal rock name, age, and lithology; For oil commonly occuring in trap; and Oil or gas
field indicate GOR, API gravity, sulfur province from average GOR.
content, and Pr/Ph ratio; and For gas field
indicate GOR, d13C, and gas wetness [(C1/
C1 C4)  100].
Petroleum system cross Structural and stratigraphic information such Stratigraphic extent of petroleum system at the
section as deformation style and rock units; Indicate critical moment by identifying the base of
oil window and gas window; Indicate the pod of active source rock or base of
petroleum shows and accumulations; Draw hydrocarbon column, whichever is deeper;
at critical moment; and Indicate direction Geographic extent of petroleum system; Pod
and conduits for petroleum migration. of active source rock shown; Overburden
rock shown; and Petroleum system burial
history chart location.
Petroleum system Stratigraphic units penetrated in well; Time Petroleum system events chart information
burial history chart rock-units were deposited; Thickness of determined from chart, such as onset and
rock units; Names of rock units; Lithology end (at uplift) of petroleum generation, and
of rock units; Present day thermal maturity critical moment; Essential elements of
profile; Present day geothermal gradient; petroleum system shown; Oil window depth
Computer program to determine time and for cross section at critical moment; and Gas
depth for oil window and gas window; and window depth for cross section at critical
Indicate essential elements of petroleum moment.
Petroleum system Age of essential elements of petroleum system; Petroleum system events chart summarizes in
events chart Onset and end of trap formation; Onset and one diagram the essential elements and
end of petroleum generation, migration, processes of the system, as well as the
accumulation; Preservation time of preservation time and critical moment.
petroleum system; and Critical moment.
Petroleum-petroleum Geochemical evidence, such as bulk Geographic and stratigraphic extent of a
correlation properties, biological markers, and isotopic petroleum system is established with this
data to show that more than one petroleum geochemical correction in concert with the
accumulation came from the same source structure and stratigraphy of the pod of
rock (but not necessarily the same pod of active source rock and the adjacent traps.
active source rock).
Petroleum-source rock Geochemical evidence, such as biological Level of certainty is established using
correlation marker and isotopic data, to indicate a geological and geochemical evidence and
certain petroleum originated from a specific indicates the confidence that a specific
source rock. source rock expelled a given petroleum.
Mass balance TOC and Rock-Eval pyrolysis; Source rock Mass of petroleum generated to determine
calculation density; and Volume of pod of active source petroleum system generation-accumulation
rock. efficiency (GAE).

Source. From Magoon, L. B., and Valin, Z. C. (1994). Overview of petroleum system case studies. Memoir 60, p. 332 (as Table 20.2).
AAPG r 1994. Reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use.
Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas 829

related oil and gas accumulations, shows, and seeps; pod of active source rock. The pod of active source
(4) the location of the burial history chart; and (5) rock (also referred to as the kitchen or oil and gas
the location of the petroleum-system cross section. window) is a required feature of the petroleum
Usually this map is drawn at the present day, but may system map because of its genetic control on petro-
be refined later to depict the critical moment or that leum accumulations.
time when most of the hydrocarbons were generated For the fictitious Deer-Boar(.), the pod of active
and accumulating, especially if the petroleum system source rock is in the western part of the map area and
is old. This map is in contrast to a geologic map is mapped using a dashed line (long and short dashes,
which depicts rock units and geometry at the surface Figs. 2A and 2B). The Deer Shale is considered the
or an oil and gas field map. most likely source rock because it is geographically
near and stratigraphically below the Boar Sandstone,
3.1.1 Accumulations, Shows, and Seeps the reservoir rock for the accumulations, shows, and
The genetically related oil and gas fields or petroleum seep. Thermal maturity data for the Deer Shale indi-
accumulations, by inference, originated from the pod cate it is thermally mature in the foreland basin, but
of active source rock. So start with an oil and gas immature in the thrust belt toward the west and on the
field map of the petroleum province. The accumula- craton toward the east. The dashed lines correspond to
tions shown on an oil and gas field map need to be the thermal maturity contours for the top of the oil
grouped into one or more possible petroleum systems window (long and short dashes) and the top of the gas
based on their geographic and stratigraphic loca- window (short dashes) (Figs. 2A and 2B).
tions, and the bulk and geochemical properties of the
fluids in each accumulation (Fig. 2A). For example, 3.1.3 Geographic Extent
the accumulations in the fictitious Deer-Boar(.) The geographic extent of the petroleum system at the
petroleum system include Teapot in the thrust belt; critical moment is described by a line that circum-
Raven, Owens, Just, and Big Oil in the anticlines scribes the pod of active source rock and includes all
adjacent to the foreland basin; and Marginal, Hardy, the discovered petroleum shows, seeps, and accumu-
and Lucky, the most distal accumulations. These lations that originated from that pod. The critical
widely spaced accumulations are in the same strati- moment is a snapshot of the petroleum system at the
graphic interval, the Boar Sandstone, and all have time when most of the hydrocarbons were generated
similar geochemical properties, as known from wells and migrating. A map of the Deer-Boar(.) petroleum
that sample these accumulations. system, drawn at the end of the Paleozoic time
The exploratory wells indicate that some of the (250 Ma), includes a line that circumscribes the pod
wells have oil shows in the Boar Sandstone. One of active source rock and all related, discovered
surface seep occurs in the southeast portion of the hydrocarbons. This area represents the geographic
map where the Boar Sandstone crops out. These oil extent or known extent of the petroleum system
occurrences have geochemical similarities with the (Fig. 2A).
oil accumulations. Based on this information, these To draw this petroleum system map, we assume
oil occurrences are judged to belong to the same that all the petroleum occurrences emanate from the
petroleum system. same pod of active source rock. The pod of active
source rock is shown as a shaded area, and the depth
3.1.2 Pod of Active Source Rock to the source rock is assumed to be close to the
The pod of active source rock is a contiguous volume thickness of overburden rock which is contoured in
of source rock that generated and expelled petroleum thousands of meters. Based on the locations of the
at the critical moment and is the provenance for a accumulations, drill-stem tests, and exploratory
series of genetically related petroleum shows, seeps, wells with and without oil shows the geographic
and accumulations in a petroleum system. A pod of extent of the petroleum system is drawn. Using the
mature source rock may be active, inactive, or spent. guidelines discussed earlier, the location of the cross
There is only one pod of active source rock for each section and the burial chart are indicated. This
petroleum system. petroleum system map emphasizes the short migra-
The kerogen type for the thermally mature source tion path of the discovered oil fields and that the long
rock has been shown by numerous investigators to migration path to the northwest lacks an oil field.
control the type and volume of petroleum expelled. This map strongly suggests that the most likely place
Other investigators have provided explanations of to find undiscovered oil is above or close to the pod
the tools and techniques to characterize and map the of active source rock and along the preferential
830 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

migration paths as expressed by the geographic be used in the petroleum system name. For example,
extent of the petroleum system. if all the oil is in the Boar Sandstone, it is included in
the name (Fig. 2D).
3.1.4 Location of Cross Section For example, the Deer-Boar(.) is a 1.2 billion
The cross section is placed on the map so that it barrel petroleum system with a simple plumbing
passes through the largest accumulations, thickest system. This size designation using recoverable
overburden rock, and extends over the entire petroleum is most useful to the explorationist who
geographic extent of the petroleum system (Figure is interested in (1) comparing the sizes of different
2B). If possible, start with an available present-day petroleum systems to rank or plan an exploration
cross section unless the petroleum system is so old or program and (2) comparing the field-sizes in a
structurally altered that a restored cross section petroleum system to determine the most likely
representing a previous time is required to depict prospect size and what volumes can be produced.
the time when most of the hydrocarbons migrated However, the size (volume of recoverable petro-
and accumulated. Here, a cross section at the end of leum) of the petroleum system needed for material
the Paleozoic (250 Ma) was used (Fig. 2B). The balance equations is quite different. Here, three
largest accumulations are included because they are additional types of information are estimated: the in-
usually located on the simplest, most efficient place petroleum for each field, what is left behind
migration path from the pod of active source rock. along the migration path, and what was lost in
A transect through the thickest overburden rock surface seeps and exhumed accumulations. These
shows the most likely area where the source rock is estimates are made by the investigator. This volume
thermally mature and, therefore, the provenance of of petroleum can then be compared to the esti-
the hydrocarbons. The cross section should transect mated volume of petroleum generated in the active
the entire the petroleum system so that the basis for source rock.
the geographic extent can be demonstrated.

3.1.5 Location of Burial History Chart

3.3 Cross Section
The location of the burial history chart is along the
cross section line within the pod of active source rock The petroleum system cross section (Fig. 2B; Table I),
(Fig. 2B, E). At this location, the source rock must be drawn at the critical moment, or time when most of
thermally mature (active or spent) otherwise petro- the hydrocarbons were generated, shows the geo-
leum would be absent in the conduits or migration graphic and stratigraphic extent of the petroleum
paths. The reconstruction of the burial history system and how each rock unit functions within the
provides the basis for the times of the onset (O) of system to distribute the oil and gas. Stratigraphically,
generation-migration-accumulation, the depletion the petroleum system includes a petroleum source
(D) of the source rock, and the critical moment (CM). rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, and overburden rock.
This cross section is in contrast to structural or
stratigraphic cross sections.
3.2 Table of Fields
The presence of adequate overburden rock in the
The table showing all the oil and gas accumulations correct geometry provides (1) the burial needed to
included in the folio sheet provides important thermally mature the source rock, (2) the up dip
information about the petroleum system (Fig. 2C; vector needed for oil and gas to migrate to shallower
Table I). First, the discovery dates and sizes of the depths, (3) the burial depth variations needed to
fields are useful for field-size distributions and form traps for petroleum accumulations, and (4) the
discovery-rate modeling. Second, the complexity of burial depth of accumulations that allow for the
the hydrocarbon plumbing system is suggested by the preservation or biodegradation of oil. If the history
number of reservoir rocks. One reservoir rock for all of the petroleum system is to be correctly modeled,
fields indicates a simple plumbing system, whereas the age, thickness, and erosional history of the
many reservoir rocks indicates a more complicated overburden rock is required. The cross section,
system. Third, the size of the petroleum system and drawn to represent the end of the Paleozoic
the generation and expulsion efficiency can be (250 Ma), shows the geometry or structural style of
determined by using the total volume of recoverable the essential elements at the time of hydrocarbon
oil and gas for all fields. Finally, the reservoir rock accumulation, or critical moment, and best depicts
with the highest percentage of oil or gas reserves is to the stratigraphic extent of the system (Fig. 2B).
Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas 831

3.4 Petroleum System Name system, the investigator should select a unique name
that identifies the fluid system, not the rock units.
The name of a petroleum system labels the hydro-
carbon-fluid system or distribution network
(Fig. 2D) in the same way the name Colorado River
3.5 Burial History Chart
designates an aqueous distribution system, the river The purpose of the burial history chart is to show the
and its tributaries. The name of the petroleum system essential elements, and three important hydrocarbon
includes the geological formation names of the events, which are (1) the onset (O) of generation-
source rock followed by the major reservoir rock migration-accumulation, (2) the partially spent or
(Fig. 2C) and then the symbol expressing the level of depleted (D) active source rock, and (3) the critical
certainty. For example, the Deer-Boar(.) is the name moment (CM) of the petroleum system (Fig. 2E;
of a hydrocarbon fluid system whose source rock, the Table I). The top of the oil and gas windows, and the
Deer Shale, most likely generated the petroleum that lithology and name of the rock units involved should
charged one or more reservoir rocks, which in this also be shown. This chart uses sedimentologic and
case is the Boar Sandstone. It is the major reservoir paleontologic evidence in the overburden rock to
rock because it contains the highest percentage by reconstruct the burial or thermal history of the
volume of hydrocarbons in the petroleum system. source rock. The onset of generation-migration-
A petroleum system can be identified at three accumulation usually occurs when the source rock
levels of certainty: known, hypothetical, and spec- reaches a thermal maturity at a vitrinite reflectance
ulative. At the end of the system’s name, the level of equivalence of 0.6% Ro and ends when the source
certainty is indicated by (!) for known, (.) for rock is either uplifted before all the hydrocarbons
hypothetical, and (?) for speculative. The symbol can be expelled or is depleted as the source rock is
indicates the level of certainty that a particular pod more deeply buried. The location of the burial
of active source rock has generated the hydrocarbons history chart is shown on the petroleum system
on the table of accumulations (Fig. 2C). In a known map and cross section.
petroleum system, a well-defined geochemical corre- In this example, the Deer Shale (rock unit 3) is the
lation exists between the source rock and the oil source rock, the Boar Sandstone (4) is the reservoir
accumulations. In a hypothetical petroleum system, rock, the George Shale (5) is the seal rock, and all the
geochemical information identifies a source rock, but rock units above the Deer Shale (4, 5, 6) comprise the
no geochemical match exists between the source rock overburden rock. The burial history chart is located
and the petroleum accumulation. In a speculative where the overburden rock is thickest, and indicates
petroleum system, the link between a source rock that the onset of generation-migration-accumulation
and petroleum accumulations is postulated entirely started 260 Ma in Permian time and was at
on the basis of geological or geophysical evidence. maximum burial depth 255 Ma. Oil generation
In certain frontier areas of the world, especially in ended about 240 Ma because the source rock is
the offshore, the stratigraphic units are poorly depleted. The critical moment as judged by the
understood and frequently undesignated. Here, the investigator is 250 Ma because modeling indicates
judgment of the investigator is required. The most (450%) of the hydrocarbons have been
geologist should avoid using ages, such as Jurassic, expelled and are accumulating in their primary traps.
in the name because it fails to uniquely identify the However, the investigator would be correct to have
petroleum system. Other situations arise where it is chosen anytime between 250 and 240 Ma, but
difficult or confusing to follow the naming rules. For 250 Ma was chosen because the best geologic
example, when a rock unit that includes both the information is available to reconstruct the map and
source and reservoir forms more than one petroleum cross section. The time of generation-migration-
system, the same name might be used more than accumulation ranges from 260 to 240 Ma and is
once, such as Monterey(!) petroleum systems. Here, the age of the petroleum system.
a geographic modifier can be used to differentiate the As mentioned in the cross section discussion,
systems. Another naming problem arises in frontier knowing the age and thickness for each increment of
areas where formal rock units are lacking, so only overburden rock is crucial for any modeling exercise.
ages or geophysically mapable units are used. A Each increment needs to be bounded by time lines
geographic name or the name of an accumulation in whose dates are supported by paleontologic dates,
the petroleum system may be used. If it is impossible isotopic age dates, or other means of dating strata.
to follow the formal designation of a petroleum As the number of increments in the overburden rock
832 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

increases, the details of the burial history of the Geologists use the concept of the critical moment
source rock will be better understood. For instance, for other exercises. Whenever a map, such as an iso-
in the previous example, the overburden rock is pach map, is constructed, it is frequently reconstructed
Permian, undifferentiated. Suppose, however, that to its original thickness at the moment of deposition.
paleontologic dates indicate that 95% of the over- The kinematic development of a fold-and-thrust belt
burden rock is Early Permian and that the rest is occurs over many millions of years, but it is frequently
Late Permian. This increase in increments in the represented by one cross section, or a snapshot in time.
overburden rocks will change the time when the A structural cross section of a fold-and-thrust belt
underlying source rock becomes thermally mature. reconstructed at the end of the Cretaceous, for
In this example, the change in time that the source example, utilizes the critical moment concept.
rock becomes mature might be considered insignif- The critical moment is the time that best depicts
icant, but in other examples the difference could be the generation-migration-accumulation of hydrocar-
significant. bons in a petroleum system. This definition needs an
explanation and an example to be better understood.
3.5.1 Location of Burial History Chart A moment is a brief, indefinite interval of time that is
The burial history chart chosen to show the three of particular importance. For a camera to take a
hydrocarbon events for a petroleum system should be picture, a moment is less than a second. In geology,
located in the pod of active source rock where, in the the further one goes back in time, the interval
judgment of the investigator, much of the oil and gas becomes thousands or even millions of years. For the
originated. Usually this location is down-dip from a petroleum system, moment relates to the shortest
major migration path to the largest fields. measurable time. Critical refers to the moment that
Petroleum systems are seldom so simple that only best shows, in the judgment of the investigator, the
one burial history chart adequately describes the process of generation-migration-accumulation.
same three hydrocarbon events for every location in Best is a keyword in this definition. Best contains
the pod of active source rock. The investigator the criteria the investigator should use to select the
chooses the burial history curve that best suits the appropriate moment. The best time needs to fulfill
purpose. If the investigator is presenting (oral or several criteria: (1) it must be within the age of the
written) a petroleum system investigation, he or she petroleum system; (2) it must be when most, or more
would use the burial history curve down-dip from a than half, of the hydrocarbons are migrating and
major migration path to the largest fields. However, accumulating; and (3) it must be shown as an arrow,
if the subject is a play or prospect, the burial history not an interval, on the burial history and events charts.
curve would be down-dip on a suspected migration The critical moment of a petroleum system can vary
path to the area of the play or prospect. depending on its purpose. If the purpose is a petroleum
system case study, then the critical moment should be
3.5.2 Critical Moment representative of the entire system. However, if the
The generation, migration, and accumulation of oil purpose is related to an exploration play or prospect,
and gas in a petroleum system never starts when the then the critical moment should be for that part of the
source rock is being deposited and seldom extends pod of active source rock most likely to charge the
into the present day. If a source rock is deposited in traps in the play or prospect. Depending on the size,
the Paleozoic, it may be the Mesozoic before it thickness, and variation of the thermal maturity of the
becomes thermally mature and charges adjacent pod of active source rock and the objective of the
traps, and by the Cenozoic, this source rock is investigator, these could be different best times, none
probably depleted. The time over which the process of which are incorrect. In fact, the investigator may
of generation-migration-accumulation takes place need to make numerous burial history charts of a
could be tens of millions of years. This is a long large, thick pod of active source rock that has a wide
period of time to chose from if an investigator needs range of thermal maturity to determine which best
to select the most appropriate moment during this moment properly depicts generation-migration-accu-
process to make a map and cross section that shows mulation for the intended audience.
the petroleum system when most (450%) of the The burial history chart omits important informa-
hydrocarbons were migrating and accumulating. To tion available in most modeling software packages
help the investigator with this important exercise, the that explains the critical moment from a different
critical moment was introduced and incorporated perspective (Fig. 3). This graph shows cumulative
into the petroleum system folio sheet. volumes of generated or expelled oil and gas.
Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas 833

A 300 140 elements, processes, preservation, and critical mo-

ment for each petroleum system in bar graph form
HC generated/ TOC (mgHC/g TOC)

(Fig. 2F; Table I). The events chart concept is flexible

HC expelled mass (mg Oil/g rock)

and is used as a risk chart to evaluate plays and
100 prospects
The events chart shows the following items
80 (Fig. 2F). The rock units include those that are
within the stratigraphic extent of the petroleum
60 system. On a certainty scale, the ages of the four
100 essential elements (source, reservoir, seal, and over-
40 burden rocks) are usually better established from
paleontology or radiometric age dates than those
associated with the two processes (trap formation
0 and generation-migration-accumulation). Determin-
220 200 180 160 ing the times over which the traps form and
Age (Ma) Age (Ma)
hydrocarbons accumulate (generation-migration-ac-
cumulation) is more interpretive because there is less
B precise temporal information about these processes.
Gas Therefore, risk or uncertainty with regard to the
times over which the two processes takes place is
higher or less certain than for the better established
oil times of development of the four essential elements.
This certainty relationship is important if a similar
chart is constructed for a complementary play/
50 100
prospect or assessment unit.
Expulsion (%)
When an events chart is constructed for a
FIGURE 3 (A) Cumulative curves showing the time over which complementary prospect, it becomes a risk chart.
hydrocarbons (HC) are generated and expelled. (B) Distribution
The risk chart is derived from the petroleum-system
curve for oil and gas (HC) expulsion using the same information
and showing the onset (O) of expulsion, peak (P) expulsion, and events chart which, in turn, is derived from the
depletion (D) of the source rock. The critical moment (CM) is summation of the events chart for each oil and gas
selected to be any time between P and D. From Magoon, L. B., and field in the petroleum system. These oil or gas fields
Dow, W. G. (2000). Mapping the petroleum system—An investi- are successful prospects. Unsuccessful prospects are
gative technique to explore the hydrocarbon fluid system. Memoir
dry holes. For example, if a risk chart for a prospect
73, p. 64 (as Figure 7). AAPG r 2000. Reprinted by permission of
the AAPG whose permission is required for further use. is similar to the petroleum-system events chart, then
it can be concluded that this prospect is more likely
Wherever the curves are horizontal, no volume is to contain petroleum than one that has a dissimilar
being added. This graph shows the onset of genera- risk chart. Conversely, if an events chart is con-
tion (dashed line) precedes expulsion (solid line) by structed for each dry hole within a petroleum system,
almost 20 million years. According to this graph, they should be dissimilar from producing fields. This
most expulsion occurs more than 15 million years dissimilarity indicates where the greater uncertainty
from 195 to 179 Ma. When this cumulative expul- lies. Used this way, the events chart is a useful
sion curve is transformed to a curve showing the analytical tool to deal with uncertainty or risk.
distribution of expulsion, it shows peak expulsion at One important issue this simple bar graph
187.5 Ma (Fig. 3). At this time, at least half of the addresses is as follows: For an evolving petroleum
petroleum is migrating so the critical moment can be system to effectively trap migrating hydrocarbon
selected by the investigator as any time between fluids, the trap forming process must occur before or
187.5 to 179 Ma. during the generation-migration-accumulation pro-
cess in order for petroleum to accumulate.
When constructing an events chart, these rules
should be followed. First, there is only one pod of
3.6 Events Chart
active source rock for each petroleum system.
The petroleum-system events chart shows the tem- Second, every effective reservoir rock needs a seal,
poral relationship of the rock units, essential no matter how thin. Third, show only reservoir rocks
834 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

petroleum-source rock Known(!)

Petroleum occurrences Source rock extract

have the same similar to

geochemical properties petroleum

Hypothetical (.)
l of c Petroleum occurrences Source rock has
have the same sufficient TOC and HI
bulk properties to generate petroleum

Petroleum occurrences Source rock near

are in same stratigraphic interval
stratigraphic interval as petroleum

Source rock
Speculative (?)
Petroleum occurrences Source rock in same
are in same geographic location
geographic location as petroleum

FIGURE 4 The logic sequence used for the levels of certainty from guessing to knowing. From Magoon, L. B., and Dow,
W. G. (2000). Mapping the petroleum system—An investigative technique to explore the hydrocarbon fluid system. Memoir 73,
p. 56 (as Figure 2). AAPG r 2000. Reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use.

that contain petroleum accumulations, shows, or available geological and geochemical data, which
seeps. Fourth, show eroded overburden rock with evolves as more data becomes available (Fig. 2A, B).
hatcher lines so that it can be incorporated in the The investigator starts with an oil and gas field map
modeling exercise. Fifth, the best information for and related field data for the petroleum province of
timing of trap formation comes from oil and gas interest. The geographic location of the accumula-
fields. Sixth, the best information for generation- tions is important because accumulations located
migration-accumulation comes from geological and close together are more likely to have originated
geochemical information about the source rock that from the same pod of active source rock (Fig. 4).
are then incorporated into the burial modeling and Accumulations that occur in the same or nearly the
kinetics. This information indicates the onset, peak, same stratigraphic interval are also likely to be from
and end of generation-migration-accumulation or the same active source rock. In contrast, accumula-
when the active source rock is depleted (spent) or tions separated by barren rock sections are presumed
uplifted (inactive source rock). This process takes to have originated from different pods of active
place over a relatively short period of time. Seventh, source rock. Accumulations of widely differing bulk
preservation time, by definition, starts when genera- properties, such as gas versus oil, API oil gravity, gas-
tion-migration-accumulation ends and continues to to-oil ratios, and sulfur contents, may also be
the present. Some petroleum systems have no presumed to originate from different pods of active
preservation time. Last, when the critical moment source rock. Detailed geochemical data on oil and
occurs is, as discussed earlier, in the judgment of gas samples provide the next level of evidence for
investigator, but modeling software packages are determining whether a series of hydrocarbon accu-
useful tools as they show the time over which mulations originated from one or more pods of
expulsion from the pod of active source rock occurs. active source rock. Last, comparing the geochemistry
of oils and gases to possible source rocks provides the
highest level of certainty as to which active source
rock generated which oil or gas type.
4. THE PETROLEUM SYSTEM AS A By acquiring and organizing information that
WORKING HYPOTHESIS addresses these issues of location, stratigraphic
position, and geochemistry, an investigator can take
A petroleum system investigation starts with a a working hypothesis of how a particular petroleum
working hypothesis for generation, migration, and system formed to increasing levels of certainty
entrapment of petroleum in a province, based on (Fig. 2; Table I). The investigator organizes the
Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas 835

information on the oil and gas accumulations into Now the provenance or origin of the petroleum is
groups of like petroleum types on the oil and gas field mapped as the pod of active source rock. Only one
map, cross section and table (Figs. 2A, 2B, and 2C). pod of active source rock occurs in each petroleum
With this step completed, the investigator then system. A pod is a contiguous body of source rock
locates all surface seeps on the oil and gas field map, that has or is expelling oil and gas. Because this pod
which now becomes the petroleum system map. The has thickness and area, it can be mapped using well,
seeps with the same geochemical composition as the outcrop, or geophysical data. When an organic-rich
subsurface accumulation provides geographic evidence rock is in close, or reasonably close, proximity, both
for the end point of a migration path. The strati- stratigraphically and geographically, to oil and gas
graphic unit from which the fluid emanates can be accumulations, shows, or seeps, it is tentatively
compared to the stratigraphic unit in which oil and gas correlated with those fluids. Based on seismic, well,
accumulations are found to determine the complexity or outcrop data, the likelihood of correlation
of their migration paths. If the stratigraphic units are increases when the source rock’s burial depth is
the same, then the migration paths are simple. If they known to reach 3 km, which in the experience of the
are different, migration may be more complex. authors is a reasonable minimum burial depth for
Geochemical information from seeps can be compared thermal maturity or when burial depth modeling
with that of discovered accumulations in order to link indicates a source rock is in of below the oil window.
the seep fluid to the proper petroleum system. The correlation gains certainty if the source rock, by
Oil and gas shows in exploratory wells are added vitrinite reflectance or some other analytical techni-
to the petroleum system map and cross section to que, is established as being thermally mature. If the
better define the migration paths. As this map and kerogen type of the source rock is consistent with that
cross section evolve, the investigator is encouraged to of the oil and gas, then confidence increases that the
anticipate how the final map will look based on the source rock is correctly correlated. If the geochemical
framework geology and petroleum fluid information. composition of the organic matter in the source rock
Intuitively, exploration risk is high if the petroleum compares favorably with the migrated petroleum, the
system is complicated and hence less predictable; risk oil-source rock correlation is considered a match.
is lower if the petroleum system is simple and thus Using seismic, well, and outcrop data, the suspected
more predictable. or confirmed active source rock is mapped as a
After similar hydrocarbon fluids in the petroleum contiguous, three-dimensional body, or pod, on the
system have been mapped individual oil and gas petroleum system map and cross section.
accumulations are tabulated to better understand the In this manner, the petroleum system map and
size (by volume) and complexity of the petroleum cross section evolve, as the working hypothesis is
system. The petroleum system table is organized by taken to successive level of certainty. To further refine
stratigraphic interval in each field (Fig. 2C). These this work, a burial history chart and events chart are
stratigraphic intervals are zones, members, and constructed and the petroleum system is named. This
formations that produce or contain measurable article discussed each of these petroleum system
amounts of oil and gas. The table should include components in sequence, but they are frequently
age of the stratigraphic interval, API gravity and developed in parallel, and their relationship to each
sulfur content of the oil, gas-to-oil ratio (GOR), other is considered so that the petroleum system can
cumulative amount of oil and gas produced, and the be properly mapped. To organize these components,
remaining amount of oil and gas that can be the petroleum system folio sheet is used.
produced. Other information the investigator may
chose to include are lithology, gross and net
thickness, porosity and permeability of the reservoir
rock, geometry, closure, and area of the trap, and
detailed geochemistry of the oil and gas. The SEE ALSO THE
information included in the table will depend on FOLLOWING ARTICLES
what is available and the objectives of the investiga-
tion. The required information is used to determine Natural Gas Resources, Global Distribution of  Oil
the size (by volume) of the petroleum system, which and Natural Gas Drilling  Oil and Natural Gas
reservoir rock name is to be used in the name of the Exploration  Oil and Natural Gas Liquids: Global
petroleum system, and to evaluate the complexity of Magnitude and Distribution  Oil Recovery  Oil
the migration path. Refining and Products
836 Petroleum System: Nature’s Distribution System for Oil and Gas

Further Reading Magoon, L. B., and Dow, W. G. (1994). The petroleum system–
From source to trap. American Assn. Petroleum Geol. Memoir
Dow, W. G. (1974). Application of oil-correlation and source-rock 60, 655.
data to exploration in Williston basin. American Assn. Magoon, L. B., and Dow, W. G. (2000). Mapping the petroleum
Petroleum Geol. Bull. 58(7), 1253–1262. system–An investigative technique to explore the hydrocarbon
Law, B. E., and Curtis, J. B. (2002). Unconventional petroleum fluid system. In ‘‘Petroleum Systems of South Atlantic Margins’’
systems. American Assn. Petroleum Geol. Bull. 86(11), (M. R. Mello and B. J. Katz, Eds.). American Association of
1851–1999. Petroleum Geologists Memoir 73, pp. 53–68.
Magoon, L. B. (1995). The play that complements the petroleum Magoon, L. B., and Schmoker, J. W. (2000). The total petroleum
system–A new exploration equation. Oil Gas J. 93(no. 40), system–The natural fluid network that constrains the assess-
85–87. ment unit. In ‘‘World Petroleum Assessment 2000’’ (U.S.
Magoon, L. B., and Beaumont, E. A. (1999). Petroleum system. Geological Survey World Energy Assessment Team, eds.). U.S.
In ‘‘Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps’’ (E. A. Beaumont and Geological Survey DDS-60, 2 CD-ROMs.
N. H. Foster, Eds.), pp. 3.1–3.34. American Association Magoon, L. B., and Valin, Z. C. (1994). Overview of petroleum
of Petroleum Geologists Treatise of Petroleum Geology, system case studies. American Association of Petroleum
Tulsa, OK. Geologists Memoir 60, 332.

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