E3sconf Peee2021 02002
E3sconf Peee2021 02002
E3sconf Peee2021 02002
PEEE 2020
Abstract. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) areas are locations that have limited land area. Solar PV
systems are planned to be installed in these areas to support electric vehicles such as e-scooters, electric cars,
motorcycles, and buses. However, solar PV systems in general require a large land area. The purpose of this
paper is to find out and compare the Performance Ratios (PR) of a solar PV system installed on the rooftop
with a floating solar PV system installed on the lake to determine which solar PV system fits better for TOD
areas. PR analysis uses two methods, PVSyst software simulation and is validated using mathematical
calculations. The result of the PR of floating solar PV is 76.39% using PVSyst simulation and 80.24% using
mathematical calculation. Meanwhile, the PR of rooftop solar PV is 82.69% using PVSyst simulation and
73.41% using mathematical calculation. The significant factors that influence PR value are the energy
produced by the solar PV system, its losses, and albedo value of the reflector surface for bifacial solar PV.
Albedo value has to be maximized in order to obtain a higher performance ratio value. Based on this study,
both rooftop and floating PV systems are equally suitable for TOD areas.
costs for electricity generation [10, 11]. Floating solar power per inverter. Meanwhile, the rooftop solar PV has
PV has an advantage over ground and rooftop mounting an installed capacity of 41.1 kWp with 160 modules and
systems due to its cooling effect. It also reduces reservoir 2 inverters with a power of 20 kW per inverter. The two
or lake evaporation and algae growth by shading the systems are connected to the electrical grid at the Faculty
water. However, rooftop PV systems are easily installed of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. The capacity of
in areas packed with buildings. The purpose of this paper one panel in the Floating solar PV system is 260 Wp and
is to find out and compare the performance ratios of a the capacity of one panel in the rooftop solar PV is 320
rooftop solar PV system with a floating solar PV system Wp, more details can be seen in Table 1. The
to determine which system fits better for TOD areas and configuration of the floating and rooftop solar PV
integrated with electric vehicles’ charging stations. systems can be seen in Figure 2, where the systems are
connected to the electric utility grid. In floating solar PV,
the bifacial PV uses water as a light reflector on the back
2 Methodology side of the PV, where the albedo value of water is 0.1 or
The location of the floating solar PV system on Lake 10% [8, 9].
Mahoni, Universitas Indonesia has coordinates of The formula for calculating PV performance ratio:
6°21'47.0"S 106°49'33.4"E with a capacity of 9.36 kWp (1)
which requires an area of the lake to be covered by 165
m2 of floating solar PV. As for the location of the The calculated reading of plant output contains the
rooftop solar PV system, it has coordinates of result of the following calculation:
6°21'44.1"S 106°49'31.0"E, and is installed above the (2)
Engineering Center Building of the Faculty of Legend:
Engineering, Universitas Indonesia with a capacity of
Global Horizontal Irradiation (
41.1 kWp which requires a roof area of 460 m2. The
rooftop PV system and floating PV system can be seen PV surface area (
in Figure 1. Energy and power data from the system can PV module efficiency
be accessed through the Sunny Portal website, where the
data is used to calculate PR using a mathematical
equation and compared with simulation results from the
PVSyst software. The difference in installed power
capacity and land requirements between the two systems
is very significant. However, the two systems will be
compared in terms of system performance by evaluating
and analyzing the performance ratios (PR).
Fig. 2. Floating and Rooftop Solar PV Diagram
E3S Web of Conferences 231, 02002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123102002
PEEE 2020
operating on February 19, 2020. Within this period, the 3.2 Floating PV system losses analysis
temperature ranged between 22 and 35 degrees Celcius.
For the floating PV system with a PV surface area of Loss diagram for the floating PV system is shown at
57.9 m2, PV efficiency of 16.7%, and the actual energy Figure 4. Annual global horizontal irradiation received
sent to the grid for 162 days is 5832.52 kWh, the by the floating PV system is 1731 kWh/m2. Because the
calculated performance ratio is: system uses bifacial PV, there is additional solar
irradiation reaching the reflecting surface at the bottom
of the PV by 526 kWh/m2. In this system, because it uses
For the rooftop PV System with a PV surface of 320 water, with an albedo value of 0.1 as a reflector, only
m2, PV efficiency of 16.2%, and the actual energy sent 10% of the solar irradiance can be reflected back, and
only 55.3% can be absorbed by PV after the reflection
to the grid for 162 days is 37747.27 kWh, then the
process from the water. Thus, this Bifacial PV produces
performance ratio is:
an additional 2% of energy from the Global Horizontal
Irradiation, or 34 kWh/m2. After deducting the power
(4) losses and the addition of the rear side of the bifacial,
Based on the mathematical equation of the
during the solar irradiance conversion process, the array
performance ratio, which is a comparison between the
nominal energy at Standard Testing Condition (STC) is
actual energy and the calculated energy, the factors that
16.20 MWh. Furthermore, after losses due to irradiance
affect the PR further are the energy produced by solar
level (-4.3%), temperature (-11.1%), and inverter (-
PV along with the losses. The two graphs in Figure 3
6.5%), the resulting energy sent to the grid is 12.53
show the comparison of the PR between floating PV
MWh per year.
system and rooftop PV system using simulation with
PVSyst and mathematical calculations from actual data.
There are differences in the values of the PR from
the two methods used. For the floating PV system, this is
because the mathematical PR calculation only accounts
the front side of the panels, so that the sunlight received
by the bifacial PV at the rear side due to water reflection
is not included, whereas PVSyst simulation includes it.
The additional output from the rear side of the bifacial
PV increases the divisor in the PR equation leading to a
lower PR result. For the rooftop PV system, this is due to
heat reflected by the concrete below the PV modules
which is not considered in the PVSyst simulation.
E3S Web of Conferences 231, 02002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123102002
PEEE 2020
82 81.02
Performance Ratio (%)
80 77.93
78 77.11 76.59
75.77 76.39
Base Soil Desert Sand Fresh Asphalt New Concrete Worn Asphalt Lake Water Green Grass
E3S Web of Conferences 231, 02002 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123102002
PEEE 2020