Annexure 1.3: Reporting Format For Newborn Facility: Section A To Be Filled From Labor Room & OT Records (As Applicable)
Annexure 1.3: Reporting Format For Newborn Facility: Section A To Be Filled From Labor Room & OT Records (As Applicable)
Annexure 1.3: Reporting Format For Newborn Facility: Section A To Be Filled From Labor Room & OT Records (As Applicable)
(All new born care facilities should submit a Monthly /Quarterly report to the District.
NBCCs will only fill in section A, while Section A, B and C will be filled in from all NBSUs
and SNCUs. A compiled report from all newborn care facilities in the district should be
forwarded to the State.)
Name of the Health Facility: Aruna Asaf Ali Govt. Hospital Contact Person_ Dr. Ritu Chopra
No. of beds Six Date of operationalization of unit: SNCU /NBSU /NBCC (Tick one or more
options as applicable) (For example, the DH will have all three, while the FRU will have both
4a. Fresh
5 Term babies 163
6 LBW babies (< 2.5 kgs.)
> 2500gm 124
1500 – 2499 gm 41
1000 – 1499 gm 2
< 1000 gm 0
7 Preterm births(Gestation) 4
>37 weeks 163
< 37 weeks 4
Section B to be filled from the Special Newborn Care Unit/ Newborn Stabilization Unit
7b Female 11 4
In case of District hospital, the higher facility (like the NBSU or SNCU) may be in the same premises.
8 Birth weight /weight at
admission *
(Inborn – Record the birth
weight/ Extra-mural – Record
birth weight if available; if it is
not available ,record and report
8a > 2500gm 13 8
8b 1500 – 2499 gm 11 2
8c 1000 – 1499 gm 2 0
8d < 1000 gm 00 0
9 Gestation
9a >37 weeks 18 8
9b 8 2
34 – 37 weeks
9c < 34 weeks 0 0
10 Morbidity Profile
10 Respiratory Distress 1 0
a syndrome
10 Meconium aspiration 1 0
b syndrome
10 Other causes of 4 0
c respiratory distress
10 HIE/ Moderate-Severe 4 0
d Birth Asphyxia
10 Sepsis/ Pneumonia/ 4 5
e Meningitis
10f Major Congenital 0 0
10 Jaundice requiring 11 4
g phototherapy
10 Hypothermia 0 0
10i Hypoglycemia 0 0
10j Others 1 1
11 Management (no. of
babies who received )
11 11 4
a Phototherapy
11 5 5
b Antibiotics
11 15 5
c Oxygen
13 Discharge 25 8
Referral 0 1
13 LAMA 0 1
13 Died 1 0
14 Duration of stay
14 < 1 day 1
14 1-3 days 0
14 4-7 days 0
14 >7days 0
e Average duration of stay
Section C to be filled from the Special Newborn Care Unit/ Stabilization Unit death records
20 PRE-term 1 0
20b Preterm Post term 0 0