At The End of The Lessons, at Least 75% of Students Will Be Able To

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At the end of the lessons, at least 75% of students will be able to:
A. Illustrate linear equations in two variables and determine the solutions to systems of
linear equations in two variables
B. Solve System of Linear Equation in two variables by elimination method; and
C. Apply the substitution principle to check whether the answer/s is/are correct.
Topic: Solving System of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Materials: PowerPoint, Kahoot App, and Google meet, Word wall, Slido, Jamboard
Values Integration: to develop the critical thinking, collaboration, self-confidence,
and determination of the students.
III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings! Good morning, Ma’am!

Good morning, Class!

2. Opening Prayer
(The students will open their camera)
Class, kindly open your camera for the opening prayer

May I call on Ms. _________ to lead the prayer (The student will lead the prayer)

3. Checking of Attendance
None ma’am
Class, may I know who are absent for today?

Very good, maintain that perfect Attendance.

4. Drill/Energizer
Before we start our day, let’s first play a game. Who
familiar with the game Wordsearch?
(Students will answer the game.)
Amazing! It seems that most of you are familiar with
the game. Expected Answers:
This game is an individual; I will send the link on the 1. Solving System
in-call message and you just click the link and start the 2. Variables
game you have 5 minutes to answer. And those who 3. Method
can get a higher score will be rewarded.  4. Elimination
5. Additive Inverse 6. Linear Equation
7. Addition

B. Discussion
(Student will define Linear Equation in two variables)
To begin our discussion So, let’s first define what is
linear equation in two variables?

Very Good!

A linear equation in two variables is an equation that

can be written in the form Ax + By=c, where a, b, and (Possible answers of the students)
c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0. 1. Linear Equation in Two Variables
2. Linear Equation in Two Variables
For example: 3. NOT
5x + 3y = 4 0r x + y = 20 4. Linear Equation in Two Variables
5. NOT
Let’s try to answer these examples based on the 6. Linear Equation in Two Variables
definition of Linear Equation:

Tell whether if the following is a linear equation in

two variables or not.
1. X + y = 4
2. 2x = 4y – 2 (Student will define System of Linear Equation)
3. 5x – 3 = 12
4. 12 = 2x + 3y
5. X2 – 3y = -5
6. 7 = 10 – x

Very Good!

Now let’s define what is System of Linear Equation?

And what are the steps in solving system of linear
equations by elimination method


A System of Linear Equation is a set of two or more

linear equations that have variables in common.
Now let’s discuss the steps in solving systems of linear
equations by elimination method.

1. Decide which variable you want to eliminate.
2. Multiply one or both equations by the
appropriate constants so that the variable that
you want to eliminate becomes additive inverse
of each other.
3. Add the resulting equations.
4. Solve the equation obtained in STEP 3.
5. Substitute the value of the variable obtained in
STEP 4 into one of the original equations and
solve for the other variable.
6. Check your solution in both original equations

-2x + y = 4 -2x+y = 4
2x + 3y = 20 -2x + 6 = 4
4y = 24 -2x +6 – 6 = 4 – 6
-2x = -2
4y = 24 -2x = - 2
4 4 -2 -2
y= 6 x=1

C. Application

A. Multiple Choice with a Twist

Directions: In this activity, I will send the link on the in-call

message and you just click the link and start the game you
have 3 minutes in every item to answer. And those who
can get a higher score will be rewarded.

B. Who Will Be Eliminated?

Directions: Identify the terms that can be eliminated. If

elimination by addition or
subtraction cannot be directly performed, state first the
number or
numbers that should be multiplied to one or both
equations (see
example). Then solve each system by elimination. Check
your solutions.

C. Solve Me!

Directions: Solve the following system of linear Equation

in two Variables using Elimination method. Show your
complete solution and checking.

Solve each system by elimination.

1. 10x − 8y = 4 −5x + 3y = −9
2. −15x + 9y = 27 −5x − y = 17
3. −7x − 8y = −23 4x + 4y = 12
4. −3x − 10y = −4 x − 5y = 18
A linear equation in two variables is an equation that
D. Generalization can be written in the form Ax + By=c, where a, b, and
What is Linear Equation in two variables c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 0.

What is system of linear equation in two variables A System of Linear Equation is a set of two or more
linear equations that have variables in common.

E. Evaluation

Since you now have full of knowledge, click the link that I
have sent to the in-call message and answer the Activity.

A. Elimination Scavenger Hunt

Solve each system by elimination and show the

complete Solution
5) 10x + 10y = −10 −9x + 2y = −24
6) 4x − 8y = −4 −12x + 5y = −26
7) −5x − y = 2 4x + 3y = 5
8) x − 2y = −1 −5x + 8y = 11
B. Collaborative Activity:

Choose your own group and you will make a 1–2-

minute yell on about Solving System of Linear Equation in
Two Variables and present your yell.

F. Assignment
A. Research the steps how to solve the following:

1. Solving System of Linear Equations in Two Variables

by Substitution
2. Solving System of Linear Equations in Two Variables
by Graphing

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