Surveying Engineering & Instruments Valeria Shank 2012

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First Edition, 2012

ISBN 978-81-323-4403-2

© All rights reserved.

Published by:
White Word Publications
4735/22 Prakashdeep Bldg,
Ansari Road, Darya Ganj,
Delhi - 110002
Email: [email protected] 

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Surveying

Chapter 2 - Cave Survey

Chapter 3 - Construction Surveying

Chapter 4 - Environmental Surveying

Chapter 5 - Geodetic System

Chapter 6 - Dumpy Level & Gyrotheodolite

Chapter 7 - Hydrographic Survey

Chapter 8 - Traverse (Surveying)

Chapter 9 - Tripod (Surveying) & Tribrach (Instrument)

Chapter 10 - Resection (Orientation) & Theodolite

Chapter 11 - Total Station & Surveyor's Wheel

Chapter 12 - Plumb-Bob & Graphometer

Chapter 13 - Circumferentor

Chapter 14 - Tape Correction (Surveying)

Chapter 15 - Survey Marker

Chapter 16 - Triangulation

Chapter 1


US Navy Surveyor at work with a leveling instrument.

Table of Surveying, 1728 Cyclopaedia

Surveying or land surveying is the technique and science of accurately determining the
terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between
them. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to
establish land maps and boundaries for ownership or governmental purposes.

To accomplish their objective, surveyors use elements of geometry, engineering,

trigonometry, mathematics, physics, and law.

An alternative definition, per the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping

(ACSM), is the science and art of making all essential measurements to determine the
relative position of points and/or physical and cultural details above, on, or beneath the

surface of the Earth, and to depict them in a usable form, or to establish the position of
points and/or details.

Furthermore, as alluded to above, a particular type of surveying known as "land

surveying" (also per ACSM) is the detailed study or inspection, as by gathering
information through observations, measurements in the field, questionnaires, or research
of legal instruments, and data analysis in the support of planning, designing, and
establishing of property boundaries. It involves the re-establishment of cadastral surveys
and land boundaries based on documents of record and historical evidence, as well as
certifying surveys (as required by statute or local ordinance) of subdivision plats/maps,
registered land surveys, judicial surveys, and space delineation. Land surveying can
include associated services such as mapping and related data accumulation, construction
layout surveys, precision measurements of length, angle, elevation, area, and volume, as
well as horizontal and vertical control surveys, and the analysis and utilization of land
survey data.

Surveying has been an essential element in the development of the human environment
since the beginning of recorded history (about 5,000 years ago). It is required in the
planning and execution of nearly every form of construction. Its most familiar modern
uses are in the fields of transport, building and construction, communications, mapping,
and the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership.

History of surveying

Surveying students with professor at the Helsinki University of Technology in the early
20th century.

Surveying techniques have existed throughout much of recorded history. In ancient
Egypt, when the Nile River overflowed its banks and washed out farm boundaries,
boundaries were re-established by a rope stretcher, or surveyor, through the application of
simple geometry. The nearly perfect squareness and north-south orientation of the Great
Pyramid of Giza, built c. 2700 BC, affirm the Egyptians' command of surveying.

 The Egyptian land register (3000 BC).

 A recent reassessment of Stonehenge (c. 2500 BC) indicates that the monument
was set out by prehistoric surveyors using peg and rope geometry.
 The Groma surveying instrument originated in Mesopotamia (early 1st
millennium BC).
 Under the Romans, land surveyors were established as a profession, and they
established the basic measurements under which the Roman Empire was divided,
such as a tax register of conquered lands (300 AD).
 The rise of the Caliphate led to extensive surveying throughout the Arab Empire.
Arabic surveyors invented a variety of specialized instruments for surveying,
o Instruments for accurate leveling: A wooden board with a plumb line and
two hooks, an equilateral triangle with a plumb line and two hooks, and a
reed level.
o A rotating alhidade, used for accurate alignment.
o A surveying astrolabe, used for alignment, measuring angles,
triangulation, finding the width of a river, and the distance between two
points separated by an impassable obstruction.
 In England, The Domesday Book by William the Conqueror (1086)
o covered all England
o contained names of the land owners, area, land quality, and specific
information of the area's content and inhabitants.
o did not include maps showing exact locations

In the 18th century in Europe triangulation was used to build a hierarchy of networks to
allow point positioning within a country. Highest in the hierarchy were triangulation
networks. These were densified into networks of traverses (polygons), into which local
mapping surveying measurements, usually with measuring tape, corner prism and the
familiar red and white poles, are tied. For example, in the late 1780s, a team from the
Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, originally under General William Roy began the
Principal Triangulation of Britain using the specially built Ramsden theodolite. Large
scale surveys are known as geodetic surveys.

 Continental Europe's Cadastre was created in 1808

o founded by Napoleon I (Bonaparte)
o contained numbers of the parcels of land (or just land), land usage, names
etc., and value of the land
o 100 million parcels of land, triangle survey, measurable survey, map scale:
1:2500 and 1:1250

o spread fast around Europe, but faced problems especially in Mediterranean
countries, Balkan, and Eastern Europe due to cadastre upkeep costs and

A cadastre loses its value if register and maps are not constantly updated. Because of the
fundamental value of land and real estate to the local and global economy, land surveying
was one of the first professions to require Professional Licensure. In many jurisdictions,
the land surveyors license was the first Professional Licensure issued by the state,
province, or federal government.

Surveying techniques

A standard Brunton Geo compass, still used commonly today by geologists and surveyors
for field-based measurements.

Example of modern hardware for surveying (Field-Map technology): GPS, laser
rangefinder and field computer allows surveying as well as cartography (creation of map
in real-time) and field data collection.

Historically, distances were measured using a variety of means, such as with chains
having links of a known length, for instance a Gunter's chain, or measuring tapes made of
steel or invar. To measure horizontal distances, these chains or tapes were pulled taut
according to temperature, to reduce sagging and slack. Additionally, attempts to hold the
measuring instrument level would be made. In instances of measuring up a slope, the
surveyor might have to "break" (break chain) the measurement- use an increment less
than the total length of the chain.

Historically, horizontal angles were measured using a compass, which would provide a
magnetic bearing, from which deflections could be measured. This type of instrument
was later improved, with more carefully scribed discs providing better angular resolution,
as well as through mounting telescopes with reticles for more-precise sighting atop the
disc. Additionally, levels and calibrated circles allowing measurement of vertical angles
were added, along with verniers for measurement to a fraction of a degree—such as with
a turn-of-the-century transit.

The simplest method for measuring height is with an altimeter — basically a

barometer — using air pressure as an indication of height. But surveying requires greater
precision. A variety of means, such as precise levels (also known as differential leveling),
have been developed to do this. With precise leveling, a series of measurements between
two points are taken using an instrument and a measuring rod. Differentials in height
between the measurements are added and subtracted in a series to derive the net
difference in elevation between the two endpoints of the series. With the advent of the
Global Positioning System (GPS), elevation can also be derived with sophisticated
satellite receivers, but usually with somewhat less accuracy than with traditional precise
leveling. However, the accuracies may be similar if the traditional leveling would have to
be run over a long distance.

Triangulation is another method of horizontal location made almost obsolete by GPS.

With the triangulation method, distances, elevations and directions between objects at
great distance from one another can be determined. Since the early days of surveying, this
was the primary method of determining accurate positions of objects for topographic
maps of large areas. A surveyor first needs to know the horizontal distance between two
of the objects. Then the height, distances and angular position of other objects can be
derived, as long as they are visible from one of the original objects. High-accuracy
transits or theodolites were used for this work, and angles between objects were measured
repeatedly for increased accuracy.

Surveying equipment

A German engineer surveying during the First World War, 1918

As late as the 1990s, the basic tools used in planar surveying were a tape measure for
determining shorter distances, a level to determine height or elevation differences, and a
theodolite, set on a tripod, to measure angles (horizontal and vertical), combined with the
process of triangulation. Starting from a position with known location and elevation, the
distance and angles to the unknown point are measured.

A more modern instrument is a total station, which is a theodolite with an electronic

distance measurement device (EDM). A total station can also be used for leveling when
set to the horizontal plane. Since their introduction, total stations have made the
technological shift from being optical-mechanical devices to being fully electronic with
an onship computer and software as well as humans.

Modern top-of-the-line total stations no longer require a reflector or prism (used to return
the light pulses used for distancing) to return distance measurements, are fully robotic,
and can even e-mail point data to the office computer and connect to satellite positioning
systems, such as a Global Positioning System (GPS). Though real-time kinematic GPS
systems have increased the speed of surveying, they are still horizontally accurate to only
about 20 mm and vertically accurate to about 30–40 mm.

Total stations are still used widely, along with other types of surveying instruments.
However, GPS systems do not work well in areas with dense tree cover or constructions.
One-person robotic-guided total stations allow surveyors to gather precise measurements
without extra workers to look through and turn the telescope or record data. A faster but
expensive way to measure large areas (not details, and no obstacles) is with a helicopter,
equipped with a laser scanner, combined with a GPS to determine the position and
elevation of the helicopter. To increase precision, beacons are placed on the ground
(about 20 km (12 mi) apart). This method reaches precisions between 5–40 cm
(depending on flight height).

Types of surveys and applicability

 ALTA/ACSM Survey: a surveying standard jointly proposed by the American Land

Title Association and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping that
incorporates elements of the boundary survey, mortgage survey, and topographic
 Archaeological survey: used to accurately assess the relationship of
archaeological sites in a landscape or to accurately record finds on an
archaeological site.
 As-built survey: a survey carried out during or immediately after a construction
project for record, completion evaluation and payment purposes.
 Bathymetric survey: a survey carried out to map the topography and features of
the bed of an ocean, lake, river or other body of water.
 Boundary survey: a survey that establishes boundaries of a parcel using its legal
description, which typically involves the setting or restoration of monuments or
markers at the corners or along the lines of the parcel, often in the form of iron
rods, pipes, or concrete monuments in the ground, or nails set in concrete or
 Deformation survey: a survey to determine if a structure or object is changing
shape or moving. The three-dimensional positions of specific points on an object
are determined, a period of time is allowed to pass, these positions are then re-
measured and calculated, and a comparison between the two sets of positions is
 Engineering surveys: those surveys associated with the engineering design
(topographic, layout and as-built) often requiring geodetic computations beyond
normal civil engineering practise.
 Foundation survey: a survey done to collect the positional data on a foundation
that has been poured and is cured. This is done to ensure that the foundation was
constructed in the location, and at the elevation, authorized in the plot plan, site
plan, or subdivision plan.
 Geological survey: generic term for a survey conducted for the purpose of
recording the geologically significant features of the area under investigation. .
 Hydrographic survey: a survey conducted with the purpose of mapping the
coastline and seabed for navigation, engineering, or resource management

 Measured survey : a building survey to produce plans of the building. such a
survey may be conducted before renovation works, for commercial purpose, or at
end of the construction process "as built survey"
 Mortgage survey or physical survey: a simple survey that delineates land
boundaries and building locations. In many places a mortgage survey is required
by lending institutions as a precondition for a mortgage loan.
 Soil survey, or soil mapping, is the process of determining the soil types or other
properties of the soil cover over a landscape, and mapping them for others to
understand and use.
 Structural survey: a detailed inspection to report upon the physical condition and
structural stability of a building or other structure and to highlight any work
needed to maintain it in good repair.
 Tape survey: this type of survey is the most basic and inexpensive type of land
survey. Popular in the middle part of the 20th century, tape surveys while being
accurate for distance lack substantially in their accuracy of measuring angle and
bearing. Standards that are practiced by professional land surveyors.
 Topographic survey: a survey that measures the elevation of points on a particular
piece of land, and presents them as contour lines on a plot.

Surveying as a career

The basic principles of surveying have changed little over the ages, but the tools used by
surveyors have evolved tremendously. Engineering, especially civil engineering, depends
heavily on surveyors.

Whenever there are roads, railways, reservoir, dams, retaining walls, bridges or
residential areas to be built, surveyors are involved. They establish the boundaries of
legal descriptions and the boundaries of various lines of political divisions. They also
provide advice and data for geographical information systems (GIS), computer databases
that contain data on land features and boundaries.

Surveyors must have a thorough knowledge of algebra, basic calculus, geometry, and
trigonometry. They must also know the laws that deal with surveys, property, and

In addition, they must be able to use delicate instruments with accuracy and precision. In
the United States, surveyors and civil engineers use units of feet wherein a survey foot is
broken down into 10ths and 100ths. Many deed descriptions requiring distance calls are
often expressed using these units (125.25 ft). On the subject of accuracy, surveyors are
often held to a standard of one one-hundredth of a foot; about 1/8th inch. Calculation and
mapping tolerances are much smaller wherein achieving near-perfect closures are
desired. Though tolerances such as this will vary from project to project, in the field and
day to day usage beyond a 100th of a foot is often impractical.

In most of the United States, surveying is recognized as a distinct profession apart from
engineering. Licensing requirements vary by state, but they generally have components

of education, experience and examinations. In the past, experience gained through an
apprenticeship, together with passing a series of state-administered examinations, was
required to attain licensure. Now, most states insist upon basic qualification of a degree in
surveying, plus experience and examination requirements.

The licensing process typically follows two phases. First, upon graduation, the candidate
may be eligible to take the Fundamentals of Land Surveying exam, to be certified upon
passing and meeting all other requirements as a surveyor in training (SIT). Upon being
certified as an SIT, the candidate then needs to gain additional experience to become
eligible for the second phase. That typically consists of the Principles and Practice of
Land Surveying exam along with a state-specific examination.

An all-female surveying crew in Idaho, 1918

Licensed surveyors usually denote themselves with the letters P.S. (professional
surveyor), L.S. (land surveyor), P.L.S. (professional land surveyor), R.L.S. (registered
land surveyor), R.P.L.S. (Registered Professional Land Surveyor), or P.S.M.
(professional surveyor and mapper) following their names, depending upon the dictates
of their particular state of registration.

In Canada, land Surveyors are registered to work in their respective province. The
designation for a land surveyor breaks down by province, but follows the rule whereby
the first letter indicates the province, followed by L.S. There is also a designation as a

C.L.S. or Canada lands surveyor, who has the authority to work on Canada Lands, which
include Indian Reserves, National Parks, the three territories and offshore lands.

In many Commonwealth countries, the term Chartered Land Surveyor is used for
someone holding a professional license to conduct surveys.

A licensed land surveyor is typically required to sign and seal all plans, the format of
which is dictated by their state jurisdiction, which shows their name and registration
number. In many states, when setting boundary corners land surveyors are also required
to place survey monuments bearing their registration numbers, typically in the form of
capped iron rods, concrete monuments, or nails with washers.

Building surveying

Building surveying emerged in the 1970s as a profession in the United Kingdom by a

group of technically minded General Practice Surveyors. Building surveying is a
recognised profession in Britain, Australia and Hong Kong. In Australia in particular, due
to risk mitigation and limitation factors, the employment of surveyors at all levels of the
construction industry is widespread. There are still many countries where it is not widely
recognized as a profession.

Services that building surveyors undertake are broad but can include:

 Construction design and building works

 Project management and monitoring
 Property Legislation advice
 Insurance assessment and claims assistance
 Defect investigation and maintenance advice
 Building surveys and measured surveys
 Handling planning applications
 Building inspection to ensure compliance with building regulations
 Pre-acquisition surveys
 Negotiating dilapidations claims

Building surveyors also advise on many aspects of construction including:

 design
 maintenance
 repair
 refurbishment
 restoration and preservation of buildings and monuments

Clients of a building surveyor can be the government agencies, businesses and

individuals. Surveyors work closely with architects, planners, homeowners and tenants
groups. Building surveyors may also be called to act as an expert witnesses. It is usual for

building surveyors to earn a college degree before undertaking structured training to
become a member of a professional organisation.

With the enlargement of the European community, the profession of the building
surveyor is becoming more widely known in other European states, particularly France,
where many English-speaking people buy second homes.

Lidar Surveying - Three-dimensional laser scanning provides high definition surveying

for architectural, as-built, and engineering surveys. Recent technological advances make
it the most cost-effective and time-sensitive solution for providing the highest level of
detail available for interior and exterior building work.

Land surveyor

The job of the land surveyor is to retrace legal description(s) from the deed belonging to
the subject property by locating actual reference monumentation and verifying its correct
position. Over time, development, vandalism and acts of nature often wreak havoc on
monuments, so the land surveyor is often forced to consider other evidence such as fence
locations, woodlines, monuments on neighboring property, parole evidence and other

Reference monumentation refers to actual physical points on the ground that define
location of boundary lines that divide neighboring parcels as well as their respective
corners. Also called survey control, they are most often 1/2" or 5/8" iron rebar rods or
pipes placed at 18" minimum depth. These rods and/or pipes usually have an affixed
plastic cap over the top bearing the responsible surveyors' name and license number In
addition to rods/pipes, 4x4" concrete posts are often used at corners of large parcels or
anywhere that would require more stability ( ex. beach sand). They are placed at a depth
of 3 feet. In places where there is asphalt or concrete, it is common to place nails or
aluminum alloy caps to re-establish boundary corners. Marks should be durable, stable,
and as "permanent" as possible. The aim is to provide sufficient marks so some marks
will remain for future re-establishment of boundaries. The material and marking used on
monuments placed to mark boundary corners are often subject to state laws.

F.V. Hayden's map of Yellowstone National Park, 1871. His surveys were a significant
factor toward establishing the park in 1872.

Cadastral land surveyors are licensed by state governments. In the United States,
cadastral surveys are typically conducted by the federal government, specifically through
the Cadastral Surveys branch of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), formerly the
General Land Office (GLO). This includes consultation and boundary determination
expertise for USFS, Park Service, Corps of Engineers, BIA, Fish and Wildlife Service,
Bureau of Reclamation, etc. In states that have been subdivided as per the Public Land
Survey System (PLSS), the BLM Cadastral Surveys are carried out in accordance with
that system. This information is required to define ownership and rights in real property
(such as land, water, mineral, easements, rights-of-way), to resolve boundary disputes

between neighbours, and for any subdivision of land, building development, road
boundary realignment, etc.

The aim of cadastral surveys is normally to re-establish and mark the corners of original
land boundaries. The first stage is to research relevant records such as land titles (deeds),
easements, survey monumentation (marks on the ground) and any public or private
records that provide relevant data.

In order to properly establish accurate position of survey markers, it is then necessary for
measurements to be taken. This is achieved by placing a [total station] over the points and
recording distances taken with the [EDM].

The data is analysed and comparisons made with existing records to determine evidence
that can be used to establish boundary positions. The bearing and distance of lines
between the boundary corners and total station positions are calculated and used to set out
and mark the corners in the field. Checks are made by measuring directly between pegs
places using a flexible tape. Subdivision of land generally requires that the external
boundary is re-established and marked using pegs, and the new internal boundaries are
then marked.

The art of surveying

Many properties have considerable problems with regards to improper bounding,

miscalculations in past surveys, titles, easements, and wildlife crossings. Also many
properties are created from multiple divisions of a larger piece over the course of years,
and with every additional division the risk of miscalculation increases. The result can be
abutting properties not coinciding with adjacent parcels, resulting in hiatuses (gaps) and
overlaps. The art plays a role when a surveyor must solve a puzzle using pieces that do
not exactly fit together. In these cases, the solution is based upon the surveyor's research
and interpretation, along with established procedures for resolving discrepancies.

Senior Evidence - Priority #1

A land surveyor is an investigator of evidence. The land surveyor creates evidence on and
under the ground to reference/preserve/perpetuate existing evidence. It is not the position
of a land surveyor to make legal determinations; instead, the surveyor provides evidence
that can be ruled on by a judge in a court of law (regarding legal decisions as to boundary
lines). Evidence found and set by the land surveyor can be filed of record to be used for
decisions as to land boundaries. In most States, it is the first one to the court house with
that evidence that wins a boundary dispute unless other evidence is found with senior
importance to the contrary. In most circumstances, the survey marker is of the highest
priority as evidence of the boundary, unless evidence exists to show it was moved.

References to nearby survey markers are important when determining the "preponderance
of evidence" for use by a judge who can set the legal boundary of land. A surveyor's
opinion is valuable as evidence for legal boundary decisions, by those in authority, to

legally settle a boundary dispute. In most cases, it is wiser for both parties to obtain the
evidence and settle the dispute with the help of a land surveyor, than to press a suit in

It has become more common for title companies to try forcing a surveyor to change the
measured distances and bearings to match existing documentation. If the title company is
invested in the closing and promoting a faster "close" to avoid the cost of record
corrections, this is a conflict of interest. Title company employees may not understand
the importance of a bearing base and measured boundary, based on points found and
missing points set, and based on the best fit provided by the surveyor. This has become
more and more of a problem with the lack of common knowledge of the importance of
land surveying evidence. The survey boundary based on survey field evidence, especially
measured boundary markers, should overrule previous written documentation that does
not include the description of the survey markers found by the land surveyor.

Many do not understand the true meaning of a "metes and bounds" boundary description.
The "bounds" or physical location and relationship of the survey markers has priority
over the "metes" or measurements in the recorded description of a boundary. For
example, an old measurement of 420 yards at a bearing of 120 degrees does not take
priority over the actual positions of the survey markers on both ends, unless a marker is
missing and needs to be re-set using that information. Other evidence that will verify the
position of the missing marker, based on the senior evidence nearby as first priority, is
preferred in such a case.

Chapter 2

Cave Survey

A cave survey

A cave survey is a map of all or part of a cave system, which may be produced to meet
differing standards of accuracy depending on the cave conditions and equipment
available underground. Cave surveying and cartography, i.e. the creation of an accurate,
detailed map, is one of the most common technical activities undertaken within a cave
and is a fundamental part of speleology. Surveys can be used to compare caves to each
other by length, depth and volume, may reveal clues on speleogenesis, provide a spatial
reference for other areas of scientific study and assist visitors with route-finding.

Traditionally, cave surveys are produced in two-dimensional form due to the confines of
print, but given the three-dimensional environment inside a cave, modern techniques
using computer aided design are increasingly used to allow a more realistic representation
of a cave system.


There are many variations to surveying methodology, but most are based on a similar set
of steps.


A survey team begins at a fixed point (such as the cave entrance) and measures a series of
consecutive line-of-sight measurements between stations. The stations are temporary
fixed locations chosen chiefly for their ease of access and clear sight along the cave
passage. In some cases, survey stations may be permanently marked to create a fixed
reference point to which to return at a later date.

The measurements taken between the stations include:

 direction (azimuth or bearing) taken with a compass

 inclination from horizontal (dip) taken with a clinometer
 distance measured with a low-stretch tape or laser rangefinder

Coincident with recording straight-line data, details of passage dimensions, shape,

gradual or sudden changes in elevation, the presence or absence of still or flowing water,
the location of notable features and the material on the floor are recorded, often by means
of a sketch map.

Drawing a line-plot

Later, the cartographer analyses the recorded data, converting them into two-dimensional
measurements by way of geometrical calculations. From them he/she creates a line-plot;
a scaled geometrical representation of the path through the cave.


The cartographer then draws details around the line-plot, using the additional data of
passage dimensions, water flow and floor/wall topography recorded at the time, to
produce a completed cave survey. Cave surveys drawn on paper are often presented in
two-dimensional plan and/or profile views, while computer surveys may simulate three
dimensions. Although primarily designed to be functional, some cavers consider cave
surveys as an art form.


Hydrolevelling is an alternative to measuring depth with clinometer and tape that has a
long history of use in Russia. The technique is regularly used in building construction for
finding two points with the same height, as in levelling a floor. In the simplest case, a
tube with both ends open is used, attached to a strip of wood, and the tube is filled with
water and the depth at each end marked. In Russia, measuring the depth of caves by

hydrolevelling began in the 1970s, and was considered to be the most accurate means of
measuring depth despite the difficulties in using the cumbersome equipment of the time.
Interest in the method has been revived following the discovery of Voronja on the
Arabica Massif in the Caucasus—currently the world's deepest cave.

The hydrolevel device used in recent Voronja expeditions comprises a 50-metre (160 ft)
transparent tube filled with water, which is coiled or placed on a reel. A rubber glove
which acts as a reservoir is placed on one end of the tube, and a metal box with a
transparent window is placed on the other. A diver's digital wristwatch with a depth
gauge function is submerged in the box. If the rubber glove is placed on one station and
the box with the depth gauge is placed on a lower one, then the hydrostatic pressure
between the two points depends only on the difference in heights and the density of the
water, i.e. the route of the tube does not affect the pressure in the box. Reading the depth
gauge gives the apparent depth change between the higher and lower station. Depth
changes are 'apparent' because depth gauges are calibrated for sea water, and the
hydrolevel is filled with fresh water. Therefore a coefficient must be determined to
convert apparent depth changes to true depth changes. Adding the readings for
consecutive pairs of stations gives the total depth of the cave.


The accuracy, or grade, of a cave survey is dependent on the methodology of

measurement. A common survey grading system is that created by the British Cave
Research Association in the 1960s, which uses a scale of six grades.

BCRA grading system

BCRA gradings for a cave line survey

Grade 1
Sketch of low accuracy where no measurements have been made
Grade 2
May be used, if necessary, to describe a sketch that is intermediate in accuracy
between Grade 1 & 3
Grade 3
A rough magnetic survey. Horizontal & vertical angles measured to ±2.5 º;
distances measured to ±50 cm; station position error less than 50 cm.
Grade 4
May be used, if necessary, to describe a survey that fails to attain all the
requirements of Grade 5 but is more accurate than a Grade 3 survey.
Grade 5
A Magnetic survey. Horizontal and vertical angles measured to ±1 º; distances
should be observed and recorded to the nearest centimetre and station positions
identified to less than 10 cm.
Grade 6
A magnetic survey that is more accurate than grade 5.
Grade X

A survey that is based primarily on the use of a theodolite or total station instead
of a compass.


1. The above table is a summary and is intended only as an aide memoire; the
definitions of the survey grades given above must be read in conjunction with
these notes.
2. In all cases it is necessary to follow the spirit of the definition and not just the
3. To attain Grade 3 it is necessary to use a clinometer in passages having
appreciable slope.
4. To attain Grade 5 it is essential for instruments to be properly calibrated, and all
measurements must be taken from a point within a 10 cm diameter sphere centred
on the survey station.
5. A Grade 6 survey requires the compass to be used at the limit of possible
accuracy, i.e. accurate to ±0.5 º; clinometer readings must be to the same
accuracy. Station position error must be less than ±2.5 cm, which will require the
use of tripods at all stations or other fixed station markers ('roofhooks').
6. A Grade X survey must include on the drawing notes descriptions of the
instruments and techniques used, together with an estimate of the probable
accuracy of the survey compared with Grade 3, 5 or 6 surveys.
7. Grades 2 and 4 are for use only when, at some stage of the survey, physical
conditions have prevented the survey from attaining all the requirements for the
next higher grade and it is not practical to re-survey.
8. Caving organisations, etc., are encouraged to reproduce Table 1 and Table 2 in
their own publications; permission is not required from BCRA to do so, but the
tables must not be reprinted without these notes.
9. Grade X is only potentially more accurate than Grade 6. It should never be
forgotten that the theodolite/Total Station is a complex precision instrument that
requires considerable training and regular practice if serious errors are not to be
made through its use!
10. In drawing up, the survey co-ordinates must be calculated and not hand-drawn
with scale rule and protractor to obtain Grade 5.

BCRA gradings for recording cave passage detail

Class A
All passage details based on memory.
Class B
Passage details estimated and recorded in the cave.
Class C
Measurements of detail made at survey stations only.
Class D
Measurements of detail made at survey stations and wherever else needed to show
significant changes in passage dimensions.


1. The accuracy of the detail should be similar to the accuracy of the line.
2. Normally only one of the following combinations of survey grades should be
o 1A
o 3B or 3C
o 5C or 5D
o 6D
o XA, XB, XC or XD

Survey error detection

The equipment used to undertake a cave survey continues to improve. The use of
computers, inertia systems, and electronic distance finders has been proposed, but few
practical underground applications have evolved at present.

Despite these advances, faulty instruments, imprecise measurements, recording errors or

other factors may still result in an inaccurate survey, and these errors are often difficult to
detect. Some cave surveyors measure each station twice, recording a back-sight to the
previous station in the opposite direction. A back-sight compass reading that is different
by 180 degrees and a clinometer reading that is the same value but with the reverse
direction (positive rather than negative, for example) indicates that the original
measurement was accurate.

When a loop within a cave is surveyed back to its starting point, the resulting line-plot
should also form a closed loop. Any gap between the first and last stations is called a
loop-closure error. If no single error is apparent, one may assume the loop-closure error
is due to cumulative inaccuracies, and cave survey software can 'close the loop' by
averaging possible errors throughout the loop stations. Loops to test survey accuracy may
also be made by surveying across the surface between multiple entrances to the same

The use of a low-frequency cave radio can also verify survey accuracy. A receiving unit
on the surface can pinpoint the depth and location of a transmitter in a cave passage by
measurement of the geometry of its radio waves. A survey over the surface from the
receiver back to the cave entrance forms an artificial loop with the underground survey,
whose loop-closure error can then be determined.

In the past, cavers were reluctant to redraw complex cave maps after detecting survey
errors. Today, computer cartography can automatically redraw cave maps after data has
been corrected.

Surveying software

There is a large number of surveying packages available on various computer platforms,

most of which have been developed by cavers with a basis in computer programming.
Many of the packages perform particularly well for specific tasks, and as such many cave
surveyors will not solely choose one product over another for all cartographic tasks.

A popular program for producing a centerline survey is Survex, which was originally
developed by members of the Cambridge University Caving Club for processing survey
data from club expeditions to Austria. It was released to the public in 1992. The
centerline data can then be exported in various formats and the cave detail drawn in with
various other programmes such as AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. Other
programmes such as Tunnel and Therion have full centerline and map editing
capabilities. Therion notably, when it closes survey loops, warps the passages to fit over
their length, meaning that entire passages do not have to be redrawn.

Automated methods

In recent years an underground geographic positioning technology called HORTA has

been utilized in the mining industry. The technology utilizes a gyroscope and an
accelerometer to aid in 3D-position determination.

Such automated methods have provided a more than fifty-fold increase in underground
surveying productivity with more accurate and finer detail maps as well.

Chapter 3

Construction Surveying

Construction surveying (otherwise known as "lay-out" or "setting-out") is to stake out

reference points and markers that will guide the construction of new structures such as
roads or buildings. These markers are usually staked out according to a suitable
coordinate system selected for the project.

History of construction surveying

 The nearly perfect squareness and north-south orientation of the Great Pyramid of
Giza, built c. 2700 BC, affirm the Egyptians' command of surveying.
 A recent reassessment of Stonehenge (c.2500 BC) indicates that the monument
was set out by prehistoric surveyors using peg and rope geometry.
 In the sixth century BC geometric based techniques were used to construct the
tunnel of Eupalinos on the island of Samos.

Elements of the construction survey

 Survey existing conditions of the future work site, including topography, existing
buildings and infrastructure, and underground infrastructure whenever possible
(for example, measuring invert elevations and diameters of sewers at manholes);
 Stake out reference points and markers that will guide the construction of new
 Verify the location of structures during construction;
 Conduct an As-Built survey: a survey conducted at the end of the construction
project to verify that the work authorized was completed to the specifications set
on plans.

Coordinate systems used in construction

Land surveys and surveys of existing conditions are generally performed according to
geodesic coordinates. However for the purposes of construction a more suitable
coordinate system will often be used. During construction surveying, the surveyor will

often have to convert from geodesic coordinates to the coordinate system used for that

Chainage or Station

In the case of roads or other linear infrastructure, a chainage will be established, often to
correspond with the center line of the road. During construction, structures would then be
located in terms of chainage, offset and elevation. Offset is said to be "left" or "right"
relative to someone standing on the chainage line who is looking in the direction of
increasing chainage. Plans would often show plan views (viewed from above), profile
views (a "transparent" section view collapsing all section views of the road parallel to the
chainage) or cross-section views (a "true" section view perpendicular to the chainage). In
a plan view, chainage generally increases from left to right, or from the bottom to the top
of the plan. Profiles are shown with the chainage increasing from left to right, and cross-
sections are shown as if the viewer is looking in the direction of increasing chainage (so
that the "left" offset is to the left and the "right" offset is to the right).

"Chainage" may also be referred to as "Station".

Building grids

In the case of buildings, an arbitrary system of grids is often established so as to

correspond to the rows of columns and the major load-bearing walls of the building. The
grids may be identified alphabetically in one direction, and numerically in the other
direction (as in a road map). The grids are usually but not necessarily perpendicular, and
are often but not necessarily evenly spaced. Floors and basement levels are also
numbered. Structures, equipment or architectural details may be located in reference to
the floor and the nearest intersection of the arbitrary axes.

Other coordinate systems

In other types of construction projects, arbitrary "north-south" and "east-west" reference

lines may be established, that do not necessarily correspond to true coordinates.

Equipment and techniques used in construction surveying

Surveying equipment, such as levels and theodolites, are used for accurate measurement
of angular deviation, horizontal, vertical and slope distances. With computerisation,
electronic distance measurement (EDM), total stations, GPS surveying and laser scanning
have supplemented (and to a large extent supplanted) the traditional optical instruments.

The builder's level measures neither horizontal nor vertical angles. It simply combines a
spirit level and telescope to allow the user to visually establish a line of sight along a
level plane. When used together with a graduated staff it can be used to transfer
elevations from one location to another. An alternative method to transfer elevation is to

use water in a transparent hose as the level of the water in the hose at opposite ends will
be at the same elevation.

Equipment and techniques used in mining and tunneling

Total stations are the primary survey instrument used in mining surveying.

Underground mining

A total station is used to record the absolute location of the tunnel walls (stopes), ceilings
(backs), and floors as the drifts of an underground mine are driven. The recorded data is
then downloaded into a CAD program, and compared to the designed layout of the

The survey party installs control stations at regular intervals. These are small steel plugs
installed in pairs in holes drilled into walls or the back. For wall stations, two plugs are
installed in opposite walls, forming a line perpendicular to the drift. For back stations,
two plugs are installed in the back, forming a line parallel to the drift.

A set of plugs can be used to locate the total station set up in a drift or tunnel by
processing measurements to the plugs by intersection and resection.

Professional status of construction surveyors

Building Surveying emerged in the 1970s as a profession in the United Kingdom by a

group of technically minded General Practice Surveyors. Building Surveying is a
recognized profession within Britain and Australia. In Australia in particular, due to risk
mitigation/limitation factors the employment of surveyors at all levels of the construction
industry is widespread. There are still many countries where it is not widely recognized
as a profession. The Services that Building Surveyors undertake are broad but include:

 Construction design and building works

 Project Management and monitoring
 CDM Co-ordinator under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations
 Property Legislation adviser
 Insurance assessment and claims assistance
 Defect investigation and maintenance adviser
 Building Surveys and measured surveys
 Handling Planning applications
 Building Inspection to ensure compliance with building regulations
 Undertaking pre-acquisition surveys
 Negotiating dilapidations claims

Building Surveyors also advise on many aspects of construction including:

 design
 maintenance
 repair
 refurbishment
 restoration

Clients of a building surveyor can be the public sector, Local Authorities, Government
Departments as well as private sector organisations and work closely with architects,
planners, homeowners and tenants groups. Building Surveyors may also be called to act
as an expert witness. It is usual for building surveyors to undertake an accredited degree
qualification before undertaking structured training to become a member of a
professional organisation. For Chartered Building Surveyors, these courses are accredited
by the Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors. Other Professional organisations that
have building surveyor members include CIOB, ABE, HKIS and RICS.

With the enlargement of the European community, the profession of the Chartered
Building Surveyor is becoming more widely known in other European states,particularly
France. Chartered Building Surveyors, where many English speaking people buy second

Distinction from land surveyors

In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and most Commonwealth countries
land surveying is considered to be a distinct profession. Land surveyors have their own
professional associations and licencing requirements. The services of a licenced land
surveyor are generally required for boundary surveys (to establish the boundaries of a
parcel using its legal description) and subdivision plans (a plot or map based on a survey
of a parcel of land, with boundary lines drawn inside the larger parcel to indicated the
creation of new boundary lines and roads).

Chapter 4

Environmental Surveying

Environmental Surveying is the title of a profession within the wider field of surveying,
the practitioners of which are known as Environmental Surveyors. Environmental
Surveyors use surveying techniques to understand the potential impact of environmental
factors on real estate and construction developments, and conversely the impact that real
estate and construction developments will have on the environment.

Environmental Surveying as a professional group

The exact activities that make up the day to day work of an Environmental Surveyor vary
from surveyor to surveyor and from project to project. Two Environmental Surveyors
could have careers that consist of quite different professional activities depending on their
and their practices area of specialisation.

In the strictest sense, the field of Environmental Surveying is distinct from that of
Environmental Consultancy. Environmental Consultancies may have some overlap with
the work of Environmental Surveyors, but may be members of different professional
bodies and may carry out activities not involving the built environment. They may for
example be involved with arboriculture the specifics of which fall out of the remit of
Environmental Surveyors. The terms are however sometimes used interchangeably, and
practices often use the term consultants if the practice is seeking a wider client base than
would be attracted to a pure Environmental Surveyor practice.

Main Areas of Operation of Environmental Surveyors

The main areas of operation for Environmental Surveyors in the UK include:

• Flood Risk Assessment- This is to assess how likely it is that a building or proposed
building will flood. If a building is thought to be at risk it will receive a designation of
either Band 1 (200:1 chance of flooding in a year) Band 2 (between 200:1 and 75:1
chance of flooding annually) or Band 3 (greater than a 75:1 chance of flooding annually,
currently thought to account for around 4% of flood risk properties in the UK).

• Contaminated Land Assessment- Contaminated Land Surveys are carried out to assess
the level of threat posed to existing or proposed buildings. Land can be contaminated if it
is on or near a site that is currently or has in the past been used for industrial or waste
disposal purposes. Such surveys form part of the due diligence that must be carried out
before construction or modification of a real estate asset can begin. Both during and after
construction a contaminated land survey could be an important factor in informing risk
management strategies.

• Environmental Screenings- Provide a general overview of environmental risks proposed

to an existing or proposed real estate development. The screening can help gain a picture
of: whether or not the property in question might have been damaged by undermining,
whether the property might be susceptible to ground gas, the closeness of government
licensed waste disposal facilities and an assessment of a properties water resource
vulnerability to contamination.

• Fire Risk Assessment- All work premises in the UK must have a fire risk assessment.
The assessment is designed to ascertain what could start a fire, how the fire could be dealt
with and ensuring that the staff will be sufficiently warned of a fire, have exits from the
building and a safe place to congregate afterwards.

• Asbestos Surveys- Because asbestos is extremely dangerous material to the health of

humans, its use is strictly controlled. 52 countries globally have now banned the
substance. The substance is banned by the European Union, with the exception of its use
in a very limited number of specific industrial applications. Because of its wide spread
use in the building industry before banning, many existing buildings contain asbestos and
sites where buildings have been previously may have been contaminated with it. For this
reason buildings may need an asbestos survey to ascertain the level of use of the
substance and the level of contamination to the site this has resulted in.

Environmental Surveying Techniques

Environmental Surveyors use a range of techniques to assess the environmental

conditions of an area and compile their reports.

• Historical data is drawn from maps and older survey information to establish the exact
boundaries of a property, and are also used to see if there has been any historical
pollution or waste dumping on the site.

• Water Sampling allows Environmental Surveyors to gain a picture of the quality of and
pollution levels in local water sources.

• In a similar way to Water Sampling, Earth Sampling can be used to analyse the level of
pollutants in an area’s soil.

• Geometric data may used to establish areas that are likely to flood or monitor the spread
of pollutants.

• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can cross reference map data with statistical
data. If an Environmental Surveyor was compiling a flood report for a building and
wanted to establish the odds of a property flooding in any given year then they could
cross reference the geographic location of a property with historically obtained statistical
data on flooding in the area.

• Visual Inspection might be used if for example the surveyor wished to establish the
level of asbestos contamination to a given property. This might be enhanced by or
presented in reference to the collection

Chartered Environmental Surveyors

In the UK as well as in many other countries globally, recognition by the Royal

Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is looked upon as conferring a high
professional standard, and guaranteeing a level of quality in the work of its member
surveyors. Environmental Surveyors form one professional group within RICS and are
listed in their Land Professional Group. To achieve the status of Chartered Environmental
Surveyor, the candidate must pass an Assessment of Professional Competencies (APC).
This consists of completing structured work experience and providing written documents
as evidence of the activities carried out during this work experience. Finally the candidate
must pass an hour long oral exam. All surveyors regardless of their field are required to
demonstrate mastery of RICS core competencies, and then move on to demonstrate
knowledge of competencies in their specific fields. Competencies specific to
Environmental Surveying Include:

• Sustainability • Contaminated Land • Environmental Assessment • Environmental Audit

• Laboratory Procedures • Management of the Natural Environment and Landscape

Outside of the UK, other professional bodies may offer equivalent designations to signify
the professional level of Environmental Surveyors.

Surveyors Practices in the UK

General Surveyors may perform the duties of an Environmental Surveyor as one of a

range of services they supply. If they are a Chartered Surveyor, they will have completed
an APC however it will not be in the specific area of Environmental Surveying. An
example of a practice of this sort would be the London based .

A relatively small number out of the total number of surveying companies in the UK
specialise in Environmental Surveying. Some practices such as are explicitly a company
of Environmental Surveyors, providing the services outlined above. Other companies
such as incorporate environmental services into a wider remit of surveying work, in this
case Rural Surveying.

Chapter 5

Geodetic System

Geodetic systems or geodetic data are used in geodesy, navigation, surveying by

cartographers and satellite navigation systems to translate positions indicated on their
products to their real position on earth.

The systems are needed because the earth is not a perfect sphere. Neither is the earth an
ellipsoid. This can be verified by differentiating the equation for an ellipsoid and solving
for dy/dx. It is a constant multiplied by x/y. Then derive the force equation from the
centrifugal force acting on an object on the earth's surface and the gravitational force.
Switch the x and y components and multiply one of them by negative one. This is the
differential equation which when solved will yield the equation for the earth's surface.
This is not a constant multiplied by x/y. Note that the earth's surface is also not an equal-
potential surface, as can be verified by calculating the potential at the equator and the
potential at a pole. The earth is an equal force surface. A one kilogram frictionless object
on the ideal earth's surface does not have any force acting upon it to cause it to move
either north or south. There is no simple analytical solution to this differential equation. A
power series solution using three terms when substituted into this differential equation
bogs down a TI-89 calculator and yields about three hundred terms after about five

The USGS uses a spherical harmonic expansion to approximate the earth's surface. It has
about one hundred thousand terms.

It is easy to calculate the tangent to the surface at points on an ellipsoid representing the
earth's surface. Drawing one of them on a graph at about latitude 45 degrees shows them
dipping below the ellipsoid to the south and rising above to the north. But if this is the
case every where, we are led to a contradiction. Starting from the equator, the true surface
would be above the ellipsoid, but starting from the north pole, the true surface would be
below the ellipsoid.

This problem has applications to moving Apollo asteroids. Some of them are loose rock
and spinning. Their surface will be determined by the solution to this differential

An interesting experiment will be to spin a mass of water in the space station and
accurately measure its surface and do this for various angular velocities. Also, we can
accurately measure Jupiter's surface using our telescopes. We can accurately determine
earth's surface by using GPS.

Examples of map datums are:

 WGS 84, 72, 64 and 60 of the World Geodetic System

 NAD83, the North American Datum which is very similar to WGS84
 NAD27, the older North American Datum, of which NAD83 was basically a
 OSGB36 of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
 ED50, the European Datum

The difference in co-ordinates between data is commonly referred to as datum shift. The
datum shift between two particular datums can vary from one place to another within one
country or region, and can be anything from zero to hundreds of metres (or several
kilometres for some remote islands). The North Pole, South Pole and Equator may be
assumed to be in different positions on different datums, so True North may be very
slightly different. Different datums use different estimates for the precise shape and size
of the Earth (reference ellipsoids).

The difference between WGS84 and OSGB36, for example, is up to 140 metres
(450 feet), which for some navigational purposes is an insignificant error. For other
applications, such as surveying, or dive site location for SCUBA divers, 140 metres is an
unacceptably large error.

Because the Earth is not a perfect ellipsoid, localised datums can give a more accurate
representation of the area of coverage than the global WGS 84 datum. OSGB36, for
example, is a better approximation to the geoid covering the British Isles than the global
WGS 84 ellipsoid. However, as the benefits of a global system outweigh the greater
accuracy, the global WGS 84 datum is becoming increasingly adopted.


In surveying and geodesy, a datum is a reference point or surface against which position
measurements are made, and an associated model of the shape of the earth for computing
positions. Horizontal datums are used for describing a point on the earth's surface, in
latitude and longitude or another coordinate system. Vertical datums are used to measure
elevations or underwater depths.

Horizontal datums

The horizontal datum is the model used to measure positions on the earth. A specific
point on the earth can have substantially different coordinates, depending on the datum
used to make the measurement. There are hundreds of locally-developed horizontal
datums around the world, usually referenced to some convenient local reference point.
Contemporary datums, based on increasingly accurate measurements of the shape of the
earth, are intended to cover larger areas. The WGS 84 datum, which is almost identical to
the NAD83 datum used in North America and the ETRS89 datum used in Europe, is a
common standard datum.

Vertical datum

A vertical datum is used for measuring the elevations of points on the Earth's surface.
Vertical datums are either tidal, based on sea levels, gravimetric, based on a geoid, or
geodetic, based on the same ellipsoid models of the earth used for computing horizontal

In common usage, elevations are often cited in height above mean sea level; this is a
widely used tidal datum. Mean Sea Level (MSL) is a tidal datum which is described as
the arithmetic mean of the hourly water elevation taken over a specific 19 years cycle.
This definition averages out tidal highs and lows due to the gravitational effects of the
sun and the moon. MSL is defined as the zero elevation for a local area. However, zero
elevation as defined by one country is not the same as zero elevation defined by another
(because MSL is not the same everywhere). Which is why locally defined vertical datums
differ from one another. Whilst the use of sea-level as a datum is useful for geologically
recent topographic features, sea level has not stayed constant throughout geological time,
so is less useful when measuring very long-term processes.

A geodetic vertical datum takes some specific zero point, and computes elevations based
on the geodetic model being used, without further reference to sea levels. Usually, the
starting reference point is a tide gauge, so at that point the geodetic and tidal datums
might match, but due to sea level variations, the two scales may not match elsewhere.
One example of a geoid datum is NAVD88, used in North America, which is referenced
to a point in Quebec, Canada.

Geodetic coordinates

The same position on a spheroid has a different angle for latitude depending on whether
the angle is measured from the normal (angle α) or around the center (angle β). Note that
the "flatness" of the spheroid (orange) in the image is greater than that of the Earth; as a
result, the corresponding difference between the "geodetic" and "geocentric" latitudes is
also exaggerated.

In geodetic coordinates the Earth's surface is approximated by an ellipsoid and locations

near the surface are described in terms of latitude (φ), longitude (λ) and height (h). The
ellipsoid is completely parameterised by the semi-major axis a and the flattening f.

Geodetic versus geocentric latitude

It is important to note that geodetic latitude (φ) is different from geocentric latitude (φ').
Geodetic latitude is determined by the angle between the normal of the spheroid and the
plane of the equator, whereas geocentric latitude is determined around the centre. Unless
otherwise specified latitude is geodetic latitude.

Defining and derived parameters

Parameter Symbol
Semi-major axis a
Reciprocal of flattening 1/f

From a and f it is possible to derive the semi-minor axis b, first eccentricity e and second
eccentricity e′ of the ellipsoid

Parameter Value

semi-minor axis b = a(1-f)
First eccentricity squared e2 = 1-b2/a2 = 2f-f2
Second eccentricity e′2 = a2/b2 - 1 = f(2-f)/(1-f)2

Parameters for some geodetic systems

Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 [AGD66] and Australian Geodetic

Datum 1984 (GDA84)

AGD66 and AGD84 both use the parameters defined by Australian National Spheroid

Australian National Spheroid (ANS)

ANS Defining Parameters
Parameter Notation Value
semi-major axis a 6378160.000 m
Reciprocal of Flattening 1/f 298.25

Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) and Geocentric Datum of

Australia 2000 (GDA2000)

Both GDA94 and GDA2000 use the parameters defined by GRS80

Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80)

GRS80 Defining Parameters

Parameter Notation Value
semi-major axis a 6378137 m
Reciprocal of flattening 1/f 298.257222101

World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) to
determine the location of a point near the surface of the Earth.

WGS84 Defining Parameters

Parameter Notation Value
semi-major axis a 6378137.0 m
Reciprocal of flattening 1/f 298.257223563
WGS84 derived geometric constants
Constant Notation Value
Semi-minor axis b 6356752.3142 m

First Eccentricity Squared e2 6.69437999014x10−3
Second Eccentricity Squared e′2 6.73949674228x10−3

Other Earth based coordinate systems

Earth Centred Earth Fixed and East, North, Up coordinates.

Earth Centred Earth Fixed (ECEF or ECF) coordinates

The Earth-centred Earth-fixed (ECEF or ECF) or conventional terrestrial coordinate

system rotates with the Earth and has its origin at the centre of the Earth. The X axis
passes through the equator at the prime meridian. The Z axis passes through the north
pole but it does not exactly coincide with the instantaneous Earth rotational axis. The Y
axis can be determined by the right-hand rule to be passing through the equator at 90o

Local east, north, up (ENU) coordinates

In many targeting and tracking applications the local East, North, Up (ENU) Cartesian
coordinate system is far more intuitive and practical than ECEF or Geodetic coordinates.
The local ENU coordinates are formed from a plane tangent to the Earth's surface fixed to
a specific location and hence it is sometimes known as a "Local Tangent" or "local
geodetic" plane. By convention the east axis is labeled x, the north y and the up z.

Local north, east, down (NED) coordinates

In an airplane most objects of interest are below you, so it is sensible to define down as a
positive number. The NED coordinates allow you to do this as an alternative to the ENU
local tangent plane. By convention the north axis is labeled x', the east y' and the down z'.
To avoid confusion between x and x', etc. in this web page we will restrict the local
coordinate frame to ENU.

Conversion calculations

Geodetic to/from ECEF coordinates

From geodetic to ECEF

Geodetic coordinates (latitude φ, longitude λ, height h) can be converted into ECEF

coordinates using the following formulae:

Where a and e2 are the semi-major axis and the square of the
first numerical eccentricity of the ellipsoid respectively.

is called the Normal and is the distance from the surface to the Z-axis along the
ellipsoid normal.

From ECEF to geodetic

The conversion of ECEF coordinates to geodetic coordinates (such WGS84) is a much

harder problem.

There exist two kinds of methods in order to solve the equation.

Newton-Raphson method

The following Bowring's irrational geodetic equation is efficient to be solved by Newton-

Raphson method: , where

. .

is a good starter for the iteration for . Bowring showed that the
single iteration produces the sufficiently accurate solution.

Ferrari's solution

The following solve the above equation:

ECEF to/from ENU Coordinates

To convert from geodetic coordinates to local ENU up coordinates is a two stage process

1. Convert geodetic coordinates to ECEF coordinates

2. Convert ECEF coordinates to local ENU coordinates

To convert from local ENU up coordinates to geodetic coordinates is a two stage process

1. Convert local ENU coordinates to ECEF coordinates

2. Convert ECEF coordinates to geodetic coordinates

From ECEF to ENU

To transform from ECEF coordinates to the local coordinates we need a local reference
point, typically this might be the location of a radar. If a radar is located at {Xr,Yr,Zr} and
an aircraft at {Xp,Yp,Zp} then the vector pointing from the radar to the aircraft in the ENU
frame is

Note: φ is the geodetic latitude. A prior version of this page showed use of the geocentric
latitude (φ'). The geocentric latitude is not the appropriate up direction for the local
tangent plane. If the original geodetic latitude is available it should be used, otherwise,
the relationship between geodetic and geocentric latitude has an altitude dependency, and
is captured by:

Obtaining geodetic latitude from geocentric coordinates from this relationship requires an
iterative solution approach, otherwise the geodetic coordinates may be computed via the
approach in the section below labeled "From ECEF to geodetic coordinates."

The geocentric and geodetic longitude have the same value. This is true for the Earth and
other similar shaped planets because their latitude lines (parallels) can be considered in
much more degree perfect circles when compared to their longitude lines (meridians).

Note: Unambiguous determination of φ and λ requires knowledge of which quadrant the

coordinates lie in.

From ENU to ECEF

This is just the inversion of the ECEF to ENU transformation so

Chapter 6

Dumpy Level & Gyrotheodolite

Dumpy Level

Leveler for use by hand

A dumpy level, builder's auto level, leveling instrument, or automatic level is an
optical instrument used in surveying and building to transfer, measure, or set horizontal

The level instrument is set up on a tripod and, depending on the type, either roughly or
accurately set to a leveled condition using footscrews (levelling screws). The operator
looks through the eyepiece of the telescope while an assistant holds a tape measure or
graduated staff vertical at the point under measurement. The instrument and staff are used
to gather and/or transfer elevations (levels) during site surveys or building construction.
Measurement generally starts from a benchmark with known height determined by a
previous survey, or an arbitrary point with an assumed height.

A dumpy level is an older-style instrument that requires skilled use to set accurately. The
instrument requires to be set level in each quadrant, to ensure it is accurate through a full
360° traverse. Some dumpy levels will have a bubble level ensuring an accurate level.

A variation on the dumpy and one that was often used by surveyors, where greater
accuracy and error checking was required, is a tilting level. This instrument allows the
telescope to be effectively flipped through 180°, without rotating the head. The telescope
is hinged to one side of the instrument's axis; flipping it involves lifting to the other side
of the central axis (thereby inverting the telescope). This action effectively cancels out
any errors introduced by poor setup procedure or errors in the instrument's adjustment.
As an example, the identical effect can be had with a standard builder's level by rotating
it through 180° and comparing the difference between spirit level bubble positions.

An automatic level uses a swinging prism to compensate for small inclination deviations.

An automatic level, self-levelling level or builder's auto level, includes an internal

compensator mechanism (a swinging prism) that, when set close to level, automatically
removes any remaining variation from level. This reduces the need to set the instrument
truly level, as with a dumpy or tilting level. Self-levelling instruments are the preferred
instrument on building sites, construction and surveying due to ease of use and rapid
setup time.

A digital electronic level is also set level on a tripod and reads a bar-coded staff using
electronic laser methods. The height of the staff where the level beam crosses the staff is

shown on a digital display. This type of level removes interpolation of graduation by a
person, thus removing a source of error and increasing accuracy.

The term dumpy level endures despite the evolution in design.


A Wild GAK gyroscope mounted on a Wild T-16 theodolite.

A gyro-theodolite is a surveying instrument composed of a gyroscope mounted to a
theodolite. It is used to determine the orientation of true north by locating the meridian
direction. It is the main instrument for orientating in mine surveying and in tunnel
engineering, where astronomical star sights are not visible.


In 1852, the French physicist Léon Foucault discovered a gyro with two degrees of
freedom points north. This principle was adapted by Max Schuler in 1921 to build the
first surveying gyro. In 1949, the gyro-theodolite - at that time called a "meridian pointer"
or "meridian indicator" - was first used by the Clausthal Mining Academy underground.
Several years later it was improved with the addition of autocollimation telescopes. In
1960, the Fennel Kassel company produced the first of the KT1 series of gyro-
theodolites. Fennel Kassel and others later produced gyro attachments that can be
mounted on normal theodolites.


A gyroscope is mounted in a sphere, lined with Mu-metal to reduce magnetic influence,

connected by a spindle to the vertical axis of the theodolite. The battery-powered gyro
wheel is rotated at 20,000 rpm or more, until it acts as a north-seeking gyroscope. A
separate optical system within the attachment permits the operator to rotate the theodolite
and thereby bring a zero mark on the attachment into coincidence with the gyroscope spin
axis. By tracking the spin axis as it oscillates about the meridian, a record of the azimuth
of a series of the extreme stationary points of that oscillation may be determined by
reading the theodolite azimuth circle. A mid point can later be computed from these
records that represents a refined estimate of the meridian. Careful setup and repeated
observations can give an estimate that is within about 10 arc seconds of the true meridian.
This estimate of the meridian contains errors due to the zero torque of the suspension not
being aligned precisely with the true meridian and to measurement errors of the slightly
damped extremes of oscillation. These errors can be moderated by refining the initial
estimate of the meridian to within a few arc minutes and correctly aligning the zero
torque of the suspension.

When the spinner is released from restraint with its axis of rotation aligned close to the
meridian, the gyroscopic reaction of spin and Earth’s rotation results in precession of the
spin axis in the direction of alignment with the plane of the meridian. This is because the
daily rotation of the Earth is in effect continuously tilting the east-west axis of the station.
The spinner axis then accelerates towards and overshoots the meridian, it then slows to a
halt at an extreme point before similarly swinging back towards the initial point of
release. This oscillation in azimuth of the spinner axis about the meridian repeats with a
period of a few minutes. In practice the amplitude of oscillation will only gradually
reduce as energy is lost due to the minimal damping present. Gyro-theodolites employ an
undamped oscillating system because a determination can be obtained in less than about
20 minutes, while the asymptotic settling of a damped gyro-compass would take many
times that before any reasonable determination of meridian could possibly be made.

When not in operation, the gyroscope assembly is anchored within the instrument. The
electrically powered gyroscope is started while restrained and then released for operation.
During operation the gyroscope is supported within the instrument assembly, typically on
a thin vertical tape that constrains the gyroscope spinner axis to remain horizontal. The
alignment of the spin axis is permitted to rotate in azimuth by only the small amount
required during operation. An initial approximate estimate of the meridian is needed. This
might be determined with a magnetic compass, from an existing survey network or by the
use of the gyro-theodolite in an extended tracking mode.


Gyro-theodolites are primarily used in the absence of astronomical star sights. For
example, where a conduit must pass under a river, a vertical shaft on each side of the
river might be connected by a horizontal tunnel. A gyro-theodolite can be operated at the
surface and then again at the foot of the shafts to identify the directions needed to tunnel
between the base of the two shafts. During the construction of the Channel Tunnel, which
runs under the English Channel from France to the UK, gyro-theodolites were used to
prevent and correct the tunnels from curving.


Although a gyro-theodolite functions at the equator and in both the northern and southern
hemispheres, it cannot be used at either the North Pole or South Pole, where the Earth's
axis is precisely perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the spinner and the meridian is
undefined. Gyro-theodolites are not normally used within about 15 degrees of the pole
because the east-west component of the Earth’s rotation is insufficient to obtain reliable

Unlike an artificial horizon or inertial navigation system, a gyro-theodolite cannot be

relocated while it is operating. It must be restarted again at each site.

When available, astronomical star sights are able to give the meridian bearing to better
than one hundred times the accuracy of the gyro-theodolite. Where this extra precision is
not required, the gyro-theodolite is able to produce a result quickly without the need for
night observations.

Chapter 7

Hydrographic Survey

NOAA Survey Ship

Private Survey Ship Neptune

DTM - Digital Terrain Model

Hydrographic survey is the science of measurement and description of features which

affect maritime navigation, marine construction, dredging, offshore oil
exploration/drilling and related disciplines. Strong emphasis is placed on soundings,
shorelines, tides, currents, sea floor and submerged obstructions that relate to the
previously mentioned activities. The term Hydrography is sometimes used synonymously
to describe Maritime Cartography, which in the final stages of the hydrographic process
uses the raw data collected through hydrographic survey into information usable by the
end user.

Hydrography is collected under rules which vary depending on the acceptance authority.
Traditionally conducted by vessels and with Echo sounding, surveys are increasingly
conducted with the aid of aircraft and sophisticated electronic sensor systems in shallow

National and International Maritime Hydrography

Hydrographic offices evolved from naval heritage and are usually found within national
naval structures, for example Spain's Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina. Coordination of
those organizations and product standardization is voluntarily joined with the goal of
improving hydrography and safe navigation is conducted by the International
Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The IHO publishes Standards and Specifications
followed by member states as well as Memoranda of Understanding and Co-operative
Agreements with hydrographic survey interests.

The product of such hydrography is most often seen on nautical charts published by the
national agencies and required by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and national regulations to be carried on vessels for safety

purposes. Increasingly those charts are provided and used in electronic form unders IHO

History and responsibilities

The United Kingdom has a long hydrographic history officially begun with the 1683
appointment of Captain Grenville Collins as Hydrographer to the King. With the Royal
Navy dominating the seas hydrography grew to a worldwide hydrographic activity. That
tradition extended to the nations with a common legacy in the Empire, for example, the
Australian Hydrographic Service. The British Admiralty Hydrographic Office became the
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office which continues the legacy within the Ministry of
Defence with responsibility for the Admiralty Charts. The Royal Navy maintains a
number of hydrographic survey vessels to continue the work today.


The Argentine Hydrographic Service was established in 1879.


Hydrographic services are provided by the Royal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service.

United States

In United States statutory authority for hydrographic surveys of territorial waters and the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) lies with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). NOAA hydrographic surveys are conducted by the National
Ocean Service, a uniformed corps within NOAA and a fleet of survey vessels based at
two major centers. The organic survey assets are supplemented by other agencies and
contract surveys in order to survey the large areas within its responsibility. Those were
identified in the NOAA Hydrographic Survey Priorities (NHSP) - East Coast alone as
being 3,603 square miles (9,330 km2) classified as critical. The 2009 status shows
29,412 square nautical miles (100,900 km2) out of 510,841 square nautical miles
(1,752,000 km2) "Navigationally Significant" were completed. The NOAA Office of
Coast Survey, Hydrographic Surveys Division estimates it has awarded approximately
$250 million in contracts for hydrographic surveying and related support since 1994.

For inland surface waters such as rivers, streams and inland lakes the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS) has national responsibility. USGS coordinates survey data collection and
publishes a National Hydrography Dataset that is designed to be used with geographic
information systems (GIS). Other federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection
Agency and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service use these data and, along with state and
local hydrographic collection organizations, contribute to the national hydrographic data
base. The Environmental Protection Agency conducts or contracts for surveys on projects
such as the GE/Hudson River Super Fund site.

The U.S. Coast Guard conducts hydrographic survey operations, particularly in the Polar

The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) oversees charting of international

waters for Department of Defense purposes. The Navy's Naval Oceanographic Office
conducts many the oceanic surveys. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducts
hydrographic surveys supporting its responsibility for the major waterway projects that
include navigation and flood control. Hydrographic data from those surveys is published
by districts. Such data is incorporated into both NOAA and NGIA products and the Corps
engages in efforts to improve hydrographic collection methods. Military combat
organizations such as the Navy's SEAL and engineering units have specialized
hydrographic reconnaissance survey capability.

The NOAA Office of Coast Survey, Coast Survey Partners web page offers a useful list
and summary of major player activities, government and private, with links to those
partner web sites.

Hydrograpic survey conducted by non-national agencies

Governmental entities below national level conduct or contract for hydrographic surveys
for waters within their jurisdiction with both internal and contract assets. Such surveys
are commonly conducted by or under the standards approved by or the supervision of
national organizations, particularly when the use is for the purposes of chart
making/distribution or dredging of state controlled waters.

In the United States there is coordination with the National Hydrography Dataset in
survey collection and publication. State environmental organizations publish
hydrographic data relating to their mission.

Hydrograpic survey conducted by private organizations

Large scale hydrographic and geophysical survey is conducted by commercial entities,

particularly in the dredging, marine construction, oil exploration & drilling industries.
Industry installing submarine cable for communications or power require detailed surveys
of cable routes prior to installation with increased use of acoustic imagery equipment
previously found only in military applications. There are specialized companies with both
the assets and expertise to contract for such surveys with both commercial and
governmental entities. Companies, Universities and investment groups will often fund
Hydrographic surveys of public waterways prior to developing areas adjacent those
waterways. Survey firms are also contracted to survey in support of design and
engineering firms that are under contract for large public projects. Private surveys are
also conducted before dredging operations and after these operations are completed.
Companies with large private slips, docks or other water front installations have their
facilities and the open water near their facilities surveyed regularly.


Modern surveying relies as much on software as hardware. In suitable shallow water

areas Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) may be used. Equipment can be installed on
inflatable craft, such as Zodiacs, small craft, AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles),
UUVs (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles) or large ships, and can include sidescan, single
beam and multibeam equipment. At one time different data collection methods and
standards were used in collecting hydrographic data for maritime safety and for scientific
or engineering bathymetric charts. Increasingly with aid of improved collection
techniques and computer processing the data is collected under one standard and
extracted for the specific use.

After data is collected, it has to undergo post-processing. A massive amount of data is

collected during the typical Hydrographic survey, often several soundings per square
foot. Depending on the final use (navigation charts, Digital Terrain Model, volume
calculation for dredging, topography, Bathymetry) this data must be thinned out. It must
also be error corrected (bad soundings,) and corrected for the effects of tides,
waves/heave, water level and water temperature differences (thermoclines.) Usually the
surveyor has additional data collection equipment on site to record the data required for
correcting the soundings. Final output of charts can be created in a combination of
specialty charting software or a CAD package, usually Autocad.

Chapter 8

Traverse (Surveying)

Traverse is a method in the field of surveying to establish control networks. It is also

used in geodesy. Traverse networks involved placing survey stations along a line or path
of travel, and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next
point. Traverse networks have many advantages, including:

 Less reconnaissance and organization needed;

 While in other systems, which may require the survey to be performed along a
rigid polygon shape, the traverse can change to any shape and thus can
accommodate a great deal of different terrains;
 Only a few observations need to be taken at each station, whereas in other survey
networks a great deal of angular and linear observations need to be made and
 Traverse networks are free of the strength of figure considerations that happen in
triangular systems;
 Scale error does not add up as the traverse is performed. Azimuth swing errors
can also be reduced by increasing the distance between stations.

The traverse is more accurate than triangulateration (a combined function of the

triangulation and trilateration practice).


Frequently in surveying engineering and geodetic science, control points (CP) are
setting/observing distance and direction (bearings, angles, azimuths, and elevation). The
CP throughout the control network may consist of monuments, benchmarks, vertical
control, etc.

Diagram of an open traverse

Diagram of a closed traverse


An open, or free traverse (link traverse) consist of a series of linked traverse lines which
do not return to the starting point to form a polygon.

 Open survey is utilised in plotting a strip of land which can then be used to plan a
route in road construction.


A closed traverse (polygonal, or loop traverse) is when the terminal point closes at the
starting point. A closed traverse enables a check by plotting or computation, with any gap
called the linear misclosure. When within acceptable tolerances, the misclosure can be
distributed by adjusting the bearings and distances of the traverse lines using a systematic
mathematical method. The adjusted measurements then close. The "Bowditch rule" or
"compass rule" in geodetic science and surveying assumes that linear error is proportional
to the length of the side in relation to the perimeter of the traverse.

 Closed traverse is useful in marking the boundaries of wood or lakes.

Construction and civil engineers utilize this practice for preliminary surveys of

proposed projects in a particular designated area. The terminal (ending) point
closes at the starting point.


A compound traverse is where an open traverse is linked at its ends to an existing traverse
to form a closed traverse. The closing line may be defined by coordinates at the end
points which have been determined by previous survey. The difficulty is, where there is
linear misclosure, it is not known whether the error is in the new survey or the previous



 Control point — the primary/base control used for preliminary measurements; it

may consist of any known point capable of establishing accurate control of
distance and direction (i.e. coordinates, elevation, bearings, etc.).

1. Starting – It is the initial starting control point of the traverse.

2. Observation – All known control points that are setted or observed within the
3. Terminal – It is the initial ending control point of the traverse; its coordinates are

Chapter 9

Tripod (Surveying) & Tribrach


Tripod (Surveying)

A surveyor's tripod with a shoulder strap. The head of the tripod supports the instrument
while the feet are spiked to anchor the tripod to the ground.

A surveyor's tripod is a device used to support any one of a number of surveying
instruments, such as theodolites, total stations, levels or transits.


Older surveying tripods had slightly different features compared to modern ones. For
example, on some older tripods, the instrument had its own footplate and did not need to
move laterally relative to the tripod head. For this reason, the head of the tripod was not a
flat footplate but was simply a large diameter fitting. Threads on the outside of the head
engaged threads on the instrument's footplate. No other mounting screw was used.

Fixed length legs were also seen on older instruments. Instrument height was adjusted by
changing the angle of the legs. Widely spaced tripod feet resulted in a lower instrument
while closely spaced legs raised the instrument. This was considerably less convenient
than having variable length legs.

Materials for older tripods were predominantly wood and brass, with some steel for high
wear items like the feet or foot points.


This shows the head of a surveyor's tripod with the mounting screw in the opening.

This shows a surveyor's tripod's foot. The platform is used to push the spike into the
ground. Above the foot is the height adjustment.

The tripod is placed in the location where it is needed. The surveyor will press down on
the legs' platforms to securely anchor the legs in soil or to force the feet to a low position
on uneven, pock-marked pavement. Leg lengths are adjusted to bring the tripod head to a
convenient height and make it roughly level.

Once the tripod is positioned and secure, the instrument is placed on the head. The
mounting screw is pushed up under the instrument to engage the instrument's base and
screwed tight when the instrument is in the correct position. The flat surface of the tripod
head is called the foot plate and is used to support the adjustable feet of the instrument.


Many modern tripods are constructed of aluminum, though wood is still used for legs.
The feet are either aluminum tipped with a steel point or steel. The mounting screw is
often brass or brass and plastic. The mounting screw is hollow to allow the optical plumb
to be viewed through the screw. The top is typically threaded with a 5/8" x 11 tpi screw
thread. The mounting screw is held to the underside of the tripod head by a movable arm.
This permits the screw to be moved anywhere within the head's opening. The legs are
attached to the head with adjustable screws that are usually kept tight enough to allow the
legs to be moved with a bit of resistance. The legs are two part, with the lower part
capable of telescoping to adjust the length of the leg to suit the terrain. Aluminum or steel
slip joints with a tightening screw are at the bottom of the upper leg to hold the bottom
part in place and fix the length. A shoulder strap is often affixed to the tripod to allow for
ease of carrying the equipment over areas to be surveyed.

Tribrach (Instrument)

A tribrach with an optical plummet (the black cylinder pointing to the left lower corner of
the image).

View through an optical plummet of a prism adapter.

The head of a surveyors tripod with the screw for mounting the tribrach.

In surveying science, a tribrach means an instrument attachment plate containing three
thumbscrews. The device consists of two triangular metal plates, which are connected at
their corners by thumbscrews. By turning these, it is possible to level the top plate, when
the bottom plate has been mounted atop a tripod.

Both metal plates making up the tribrach have a large circular hole in the center, through
which goes the attachment screw of the theodolite. When tightened, this screw firmly
attaches the theodolite, placed atop the tribrach, to a flange pressing against the bottom
surface of the tribrach. In this way, it is possible to mount the instrument firmly, but
freely (within some inches) choose the horizontal position of attachment.

A tribrach is used to iteratively and simultaneously realize the dual requirements placed
on a theodolite mounted for measurement over a benchmark: that it be centered and
levelled. Usually the tribrach also contains a forced centering mechanism, allowing the
theodolite to be replaced by a target, optical plummet or other instrument to the same
position with sub-mm precision, by just loosening and re-tightening a locking screw.

Chapter 10

Resection (Orientation) & Theodolite

Resection (Orientation)
Resection is a method for determining a position (position finding) using a compass and
topographic map (or nautical chart).

Resection versus intersection

Resection and its related method, intersection, are used in surveying as well as in general
land navigation (including inshore marine navigation using shore-based landmarks). Both
methods involve taking azimuths or bearings to two or more objects, then drawing lines
of position along those recorded bearings or azimuths.

When intersecting lines of position are used to fix the position of an unmapped feature or
point by fixing its position relative to two (or more) mapped or known points, the method
is known as intersection. At each known point (hill, lighthouse, etc.), the navigator
measures the bearing to the same unmapped target, drawing a line on the map from each
known position to the target. The target is located where the lines intersect on the map. In
earlier times, the intersection method was used by forest agencies and others using
specialized alidades to plot the (unknown) location of an observed forest fire from two or
more mapped (known) locations, such as forest fire observer towers.

The reverse of the intersection technique is appropriately termed resection. Resection

simply reverses the intersection process by using crossed back bearings, where the
navigator's position is the unknown. Two or more bearings to mapped, known points are
taken; their resultant lines of position drawn from those points to where they intersect
will reveal the navigator's location.

Fixing a position

When resecting or fixing a position, the geometric strength (angular disparity) of the
mapped points affects the precision and accuracy of the outcome. Accuracy increases as

the angle between the two position lines approaches 90 degrees. Magnetic bearings are
observed on the ground from the point under location to two or more features shown on a
map of the area. Lines of reverse bearings, or lines of position, are then drawn on the map
from the known features; two and more lines provide the resection point (the navigator's
location). When three or more lines of position are utilized, the method is often popularly
(though erroneously) referred to as triangulation (in precise terms, using three or more
lines of position is still correctly called resection, as angular law of tangents (cot)
calculations are not performed). When using a map and compass to perform resection, it
is important to allow for the difference between the magnetic bearings observed and grid
north (or true north) bearings (magnetic declination) of the map or chart.

Resection continues to be employed in land and inshore navigation today, as it is a simple

and quick method requiring only an inexpensive magnetic compass and map/chart.

Resection in surveying

In surveying work, the most common methods of computing the coordinates of a point by
resection are Cassini's Method and the Tienstra formula, though the first known solution
was given by Willebrord Snellius. For the type of precision work involved in surveying,
the unmapped point is located by measuring the angles subtended by lines of sight from it
to a minimum of three mapped (coordinated) points. In geodetic operations the
observations are adjusted for spherical excess and projection variations. Precise angular
measurements between lines from the point under location using theodolites provides
more accurate results, with trig beacons erected on high points and hills to enable quick
and unambiguous sights to known points.

Caution: When planning to perform a resection, the surveyor must first plot the locations
of the known points along with the approximate unknown point of observation. If all
points, including the unknown point, lie close to a circle that can be placed on all four
points, then there is no solution or the high risk of an erroneous solution. This is known
as observing on the “danger circle”. The poor solution stems from the property of a chord
subtending equal angles to any other point on the circle.


An optical theodolite, manufactured in the Soviet Union in 1958 and used for topographic

A theodolite is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical
planes. Theodolites are mainly used for surveying applications, and have been adapted
for specialized purposes in fields like meteorology and rocket launch technology. A
modern theodolite consists of a movable telescope mounted within two perpendicular
axes — the horizontal or trunnion axis, and the vertical axis. When the telescope is
pointed at a target object, the angle of each of these axes can be measured with great
precision, typically to seconds of arc.

Transit refers to a specialized type of theodolite developed in the early 19th century. It
featured a telescope that could "flip over" ("transit the scope") to allow easy back-
sighting and doubling of angles for error reduction. Some transit instruments were
capable of reading angles directly to thirty seconds. In the middle of the 20th century,
"transit" came to refer to a simple form of theodolite with less precision, lacking features
such as scale magnification and micrometers. Although precise electronic theodolites
have become widespread tools, the transit still finds use as a lightweight tool on
construction sites. Furthermore, the Brunton Pocket Transit, commonly employed for

field measurements by geologists and archaeologists, has been in continuous use since
1894. Some types of transits do not measure vertical angles.

The builder's level is often mistaken for a transit, but it measures neither horizontal nor
vertical angles. It uses a spirit level to set a telescope level to define a line of sight along a
level plane.

Concept of operation

Diagram of an Optical Theodolite

The axes and circles of a theodolite

Both axes of a theodolite are equipped with graduated circles that can be read through
magnifying lenses. (R. Anders helped M. Denham discover this technology in 1864) The
vertical circle which 'transits' about the horizontal axis should read 90° (100 grad) when
the sight axis is horizontal, or 270° (300 grad) when the instrument is in its second
position, that is, "turned over" or "plunged". Half of the difference between the two
positions is called the "index error".

The horizontal and vertical axes of a theodolite must be perpendicular, if not then a
"horizontal axis error" exists. This can be tested by aligning the tubular spirit bubble
parallel to a line between two footscrews and setting the bubble central. A horizontal axis
error exists if the bubble runs off central when the tubular spirit bubble is reversed
(turned through 180°). To adjust, remove half the amount the bubble has run off using the
adjusting screw, then relevel, test and refine the adjustment.

The optical axis of the telescope, called the "sight axis", defined by the optical center of
the objective lens and the center of the crosshairs in its focal plane, must also be
perpendicular to the horizontal axis. If not, then a "collimation error" exists.

Index error, horizontal axis error and collimation error are regularly determined by
calibration and are removed by mechanical adjustment. Their existence is taken into
account in the choice of measurement procedure in order to eliminate their effect on the
measurement results.

A theodolite is mounted on its tripod head by means of a forced centering plate or

tribrach containing four thumbscrews, or in modern theodolites, three for rapid levelling.
Before use, a theodolite must be precisely placed vertical above the point to be measured
using a plumb bob, optical plummet or laser plummet. The instrument is then set level
using levelling footscrews and circular and more precise tubular spirit bubbles.


Sectioned theodolite showing the complexity of the optical paths

The term diopter was sometimes used in old texts as a synonym for theodolite. This
derives from an older astronomical instrument called a dioptra.

Prior to the theodolite, instruments such as the geometric square and various graduated
circles and semicircles were used to obtain either vertical or horizontal angle
measurements. It was only a matter of time before someone put two measuring devices
into a single instrument that could measure both angles simultaneously. Gregorius Reisch
showed such an instrument in the appendix of his book Margarita Philosophica, which
he published in Strasburg in 1512. It was described in the appendix by Martin
Waldseemüller, a Rhineland topographer and cartographer, who made the device in the
same year. Waldseemüller called his instrument the polimetrum.

The first occurrence of the word "theodolite" is found in the surveying textbook A
geometric practice named Pantometria (1571) by Leonard Digges, which was published
posthumously by his son, Thomas Digges. The etymology of the word is unknown. The
first part of the New Latin theo-delitus might stem from the Greek θεᾶσθαι, "to behold or
look attentively upon" or θεῖν "to run", but the second part is more puzzling and is often
attributed to an unscholarly variation of one of the following Greek words: δῆλος,
meaning "evident" or "clear", or δολιχός "long", or δοῦλος "slave", or an unattested
Neolatin compound combining ὁδός "way" and λιτός "plain". It has been also suggested
that -delitus is a variation of the Latin supine deletus, in the sense of "crossed out".

There is some confusion about the instrument to which the name was originally applied.
Some identify the early theodolite as an azimuth instrument only, while others specify it
as an altazimuth instrument. In Digges's book, the name "theodolite" described an
instrument for measuring horizontal angles only. He also described an instrument that
measured both altitude and azimuth, which he called a topographicall instrument [sic].
Thus the name originally applied only to the azimuth instrument and only later became
associated with the altazimuth instrument. The 1728 Cyclopaedia compares
"graphometer" to "half-theodolite". Even as late as the 19th century, the instrument for
measuring horizontal angles only was called a simple theodolite and the altazimuth
instrument, the plain theodolite.

The first instrument more like a true theodolite was likely the one built by Joshua
Habermel (de:Erasmus Habermehl) in Germany in 1576, complete with compass and

The earliest altazimuth instruments consisted of a base graduated with a full circle at the
limb and a vertical angle measuring device, most often a semicircle. An alidade on the
base was used to sight an object for horizontal angle measurement, and a second alidade
was mounted on the vertical semicircle. Later instruments had a single alidade on the
vertical semicircle and the entire semicircle was mounted so as to be used to indicate
horizontal angles directly. Eventually, the simple, open-sight alidade was replaced with a
sighting telescope. This was first done by Jonathan Sisson in 1725.

The theodolite became a modern, accurate instrument in 1787 with the introduction of
Jesse Ramsden's famous great theodolite, which he created using a very accurate dividing
engine of his own design. The demand could not be met by foreign theodolites due to
their inadequate precision, hence all instruments meeting high precision requirements
were made in England. Despite the many German instrument builders at the turn of the
century, there were no usable German theodolites available. A transition was brought
about by Breithaupt and the symbiosis of Utzschneider, Reichenbach and Fraunhofer. As
technology progressed, in the 1840s, the vertical partial circle was replaced with a full
circle, and both vertical and horizontal circles were finely graduated. This was the transit
theodolite. Theodolites were later adapted to a wider variety of mountings and uses. In
the 1870s, an interesting waterborne version of the theodolite (using a pendulum device
to counteract wave movement) was invented by Edward Samuel Ritchie. It was used by
the U.S. Navy to take the first precision surveys of American harbors on the Atlantic and

Gulf coasts. With continuing refinements, the instrument steadily evolved into the
modern theodolite used by surveyors today.

Operation in surveying

U.S. National Geodetic Survey technicians observing with a 0.2 arcsecond resolution
Wild T-3 theodolite mounted on an observing stand. Photo was taken during an Arctic
field party (circa 1950).

Triangulation, as invented by Gemma Frisius around 1533, consists of making such

direction plots of the surrounding landscape from two separate standpoints. The two
graphing papers are superimposed, providing a scale model of the landscape, or rather the

targets in it. The true scale can be obtained by measuring one distance both in the real
terrain and in the graphical representation.

Modern triangulation as, e.g., practised by Snellius, is the same procedure executed by
numerical means. Photogrammetric block adjustment of stereo pairs of aerial
photographs is a modern, three-dimensional variant.

In the late 1780s Jesse Ramsden, a Yorkshireman from Halifax, England who had
developed the dividing engine for dividing angular scales accurately to within a second of
arc, was commissioned to build a new instrument for the British Ordnance Survey. The
Ramsden theodolite was used over the next few years to map the whole of southern
Britain by triangulation.

In network measurement, the use of forced centering speeds up operations while

maintaining the highest precision. The theodolite or the target can be rapidly removed
from, or socketed into, the forced centering plate with sub-mm precision. Nowadays GPS
antennas used for geodetic positioning use a similar mounting system. The height of the
reference point of the theodolite—or the target—above the ground benchmark must be
measured precisely.

The American transit gained popularity during the 19th century with American railroad
engineers pushing west. The transit replaced the railroad compass, sextant and octant and
was distinguished by having a telescope shorter than the base arms, allowing the
telescope to be vertically rotated past straight down. The transit had the ability to 'flip'
over on its vertical circle and easily show the exact 180 degree sight to the user. This
facilitated the viewing of long straight lines, such as when surveying the American West.
Previously the user rotated the telescope on its horizontal circle to 180 and had to
carefully check the angle when turning 180 degree turns.

Modern theodolites

Modern theodolite Nikon DTM-520

In today's theodolites, the reading out of the horizontal and vertical circles is usually done
electronically. The readout is done by a rotary encoder, which can be absolute, e.g. using
Gray codes, or incremental, using equidistant light and dark radial bands. In the latter
case the circles spin rapidly, reducing angle measurement to electronic measurement of
time differences. Additionally, lately CCD sensors have been added to the focal plane of
the telescope allowing both auto-targeting and the automated measurement of residual
target offset. All this is implemented in embedded software.

Also, many modern theodolites, costing up to $10,000 apiece, are equipped with
integrated electro-optical distance measuring devices, generally infrared based, allowing
the measurement in one go of complete three-dimensional vectors — albeit in instrument-
defined polar co-ordinates, which can then be transformed to a pre-existing co-ordinate
system in the area by means of a sufficient number of control points. This technique is
called a resection solution or free station position surveying and is widely used in
mapping surveying. The instruments, "intelligent" theodolites called self-registering
tacheometers or "total stations", perform the necessary operations, saving data into
internal registering units, or into external data storage devices. Typically, ruggedized
laptops or PDAs are used as data collectors for this purpose.


A gyrotheodolite is used when the north-south reference bearing of the meridian is

required in the absence of astronomical star sights. This mainly occurs in the
underground mining industry and in tunnel engineering. For example, where a conduit
must pass under a river, a vertical shaft on each side of the river might be connected by a
horizontal tunnel. A gyrotheodolite can be operated at the surface and then again at the
foot of the shafts to identify the directions needed to tunnel between the base of the two
shafts. Unlike an artificial horizon or inertial navigation system, a gyrotheodolite cannot
be relocated while it is operating. It must be restarted again at each site.

The gyrotheodolite comprises a normal theodolite with an attachment that contains a

gyroscope mounted so as to sense rotation of the Earth and from that the alignment of the
meridian. The meridian is the plane that contains both the axis of the Earth’s rotation and
the observer. The intersection of the meridian plane with the horizontal contains the true
north-south geographic reference bearing required. The gyrotheodolite is usually referred
to as being able to determine or find true north.

A gyrotheodolite will function at the equator and in both the northern and southern
hemispheres. The meridian is undefined at the geographic poles. A gyrotheodolite cannot
be used at the poles where the Earth’s axis is precisely perpendicular to the horizontal
axis of the spinner, indeed it is not normally used within about 15 degrees of the pole
because the east-west component of the Earth’s rotation is insufficient to obtain reliable
results. When available, astronomical star sights are able to give the meridian bearing to
better than one hundred times the accuracy of the gyrotheodolite. Where this extra
precision is not required, the gyrotheodolite is able to produce a result quickly without
the need for night observations.

Chapter 11

Total Station & Surveyor's Wheel

Total Station

Archaeological survey using a Leica TPS1100 total station on an Iron Age dwelling in
Ytterby, Sweden.

A total station is an electronic/optical instrument used in modern surveying. The total

station is an electronic theodolite (transit) integrated with an electronic distance meter
(EDM) to read slope distances from the instrument to a particular point.

Robotic total stations allow the operator to control the instrument from a distance via
remote control. This eliminates the need for an assistant staff member as the operator
holds the reflector and controls the total station from the observed point.


Coordinate Measurement

Coordinates of an unknown point relative to a known coordinate can be determined using

the total station as long as a direct line of sight can be established between the two points.
Angles and distances are measured from the total station to points under survey, and the
coordinates (X, Y, and Z or northing, easting and elevation) of surveyed points relative to
the total station position are calculated using trigonometry and triangulation. To
determine an absolute location a Total Station requires line of sight observations and
must be set up over a known point or with line of sight to 2 or more points with known

For this reason, some total stations also have a Global Navigation Satellite System
interface which do not require a direct line of sight to determine coordinates. However,
GNSS measurements may require longer occupation periods and offer relatively poor
accuracy in the vertical axis.

Angle measurement

Most modern total station instruments measure angles by means of electro-optical

scanning of extremely precise digital bar-codes etched on rotating glass cylinders or discs
within the instrument. The best quality total stations are capable of measuring angles to
0.5 arc-second. Inexpensive "construction grade" total stations can generally measure
angles to 5 or 10 arc-seconds.

Distance Measurement

Measurement of distance is accomplished with a modulated microwave or infrared carrier

signal, generated by a small solid-state emitter within the instrument's optical path, and
reflected by a prism reflector or the object under survey. The modulation pattern in the
returning signal is read and interpreted by the computer in the total station. The distance
is determined by emitting and receiving multiple frequencies, and determining the integer
number of wavelengths to the target for each frequency. Most total stations use purpose-
built glass corner cube prism reflectors for the EDM signal. A typical total station can
measure distances with an accuracy of about 1.5 millimetres (0.0049 ft) + 2 parts per
million over a distance of up to 1,500 metres (4,900 ft).

Reflectorless total stations can measure distances to any object that is reasonably light in
color, to a few hundred meters.

Data processing

Some models include internal electronic data storage to record distance, horizontal angle,
and vertical angle measured, while other models are equipped to write these
measurements to an external data collector, such as a hand-held computer.

When data is downloaded from a total station onto a computer, application software can
be used to compute results and generate a map of the surveyed area.


Total stations are mainly used by land surveyors. They are also used by archaeologists to
record excavations and by police, crime scene investigators, private accident
reconstructionists and insurance companies to take measurements of scenes.


Total stations are the primary survey instrument used in mining surveying.

A total station is used to record the absolute location of the tunnel walls (stopes), ceilings
(backs), and floors as the drifts of an underground mine are driven. The recorded data is
then downloaded into a CAD program, and compared to the designed layout of the

The survey party installs control stations at regular intervals. These are small steel plugs
installed in pairs in holes drilled into walls or the back. For wall stations, two plugs are
installed in opposite walls, forming a line perpendicular to the drift. For back stations,
two plugs are installed in the back, forming a line parallel to the drift.

A set of plugs can be used to locate the total station set up in a drift or tunnel by
processing measurements to the plugs by intersection and resection.

Instrument manufacturers

 F. W. Breithaupt & Sohn

 Fennel (today: Geo-Fennel)
 Hilti
 Leica Geosystems
o Kern & Co. AG (until 1992, today Leica Geosystems)
o Wild Heerbrugg AG (historical). The company was incorporated into
Leica Geosystems in 1990
 Miller, Innsbruck (until ca. 1990)
 Nikon
 Sokkia
 Topcon
 Trimble Navigation Ltd.
o Carl Zeiss (historical), today part of Trimble Navigations Ltd.
o Geodimeter (historical), today part of Trimble Navigations Ltd.
o Spectra Precision, today part of Trimble, although still manfactured under
its own brand.

Surveyor's Wheel

Surveyor's wheel

A surveyor's wheel, also called a clickwheel, hodometer, waywiser, trundle wheel,

measuring wheel, or perambulator is a device for measuring distance.


The origins of the surveyor's wheel are connected to the origins of the odometer. While
the latter is derived to measure distances travelled by a vehicle, the former is specialized
to measure distances. Much of the material on the earliest stages in the development of
the hodometer are adequately covered in odometer.

In the 17th century, the surveyor's wheel was re-introduced and used to measure distances.
A single wheel is attached to a handle and the device can be pushed or pulled along by a
person walking. Early devices were made of wood and may have an iron rim to provide
strength. The wheels themselves would be made in the same manner as wagon wheels
and often by the same makers. The measuring devices would be made by makers of
scientific instruments and the device and handles would be attached to the wheel by
them. The device to read the distance travelled would be mounted either near the hub of
the wheel or at the top of the handle.

In some cases, double-wheel hodometers were constructed.

Modern surveyor's wheels are constructed primarily of aluminium, with solid or

pneumatic tires on the wheel. Some can fold for transport or storage.

How the surveyor's wheel works

A diagram of a surveyor's wheel taking a measurement.

The surveyor's wheel is marked in fractional increments of revolution from a reference

position and its current position can be represented as of a revolution from this
reference, where a and b are integers. In the figure on the right, the blue line is the
reference starting point. As the wheel turned during measurement, it is shown the wheel

sweeps out an angle of radians or turns. In this situation, the fraction, , would be

the relevant ratio. The usefulness of this ratio becomes clear after further consideration
of the equation for the arc length of a circle.

This equation is

s = θr,

where s is the arc length, θ is the angle, in radians, of the circle swept through and r is the
radius of the circle. Now, substitute into the arc length equation the conversion from
radians to revolutions to obtain the form,

The equation for the circumference of a circle, C = 2πr, can clearly be seen and
simplifying gives,


Thus showing that the base unit of measurement of the surveyor's wheel is determined
only by the circumference of the wheel attached.

Usage of the surveyor's wheel

Each revolution of the wheel measures a specific distance, such as a yard, metre or half-
rod. Thus counting revolutions with a mechanical device attached to the wheel measures
the distance directly.

Surveyor's wheels will provide a measure of good accuracy on a smooth surface, such as
pavement. On rough terrain, wheel slippage and bouncing can reduce the accuracy. Soft
sandy or muddy soil can also affect the rolling of the wheel. As well, obstacles in the way
of the path may have to be accounted for separately. Good surveyors will keep track of
any circumstance on the path that can influence the accuracy of the distance measured
and either measure that portion with an alternative, such as a surveyor's tape or measuring
tape, or make a reasonable estimate of the correction to apply.

Surveyor's wheels are used primarily for lower accuracy surveys. They are often used by
road maintenance or underground utility workers and by farmers for fast measures over
distances too inconvenient to measure with a surveyor's tape.

The surveyor's wheel measures the distance along a surface, whereas in normal land
surveying, distances between points are usually measured horizontally with vertical
measurements indicated in differences in elevation. Thus conventionally surveyed
distances will be less than those measured by a surveyor's wheel.

Chapter 12

Plumb-Bob & Graphometer


A plumb-bob

A plumb-bob or a plummet is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, that is
suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line, or plumb-line.

The instrument has been used since at least the time of ancient Egypt to ensure that
constructions are "plumb", or vertical. It is also used in surveying to establish the nadir
with respect to gravity of a point in space. They are used with a variety of instruments

(including levels, theodolites, and steel tapes) to set the instrument exactly over a fixed
survey marker, or to transcribe positions onto the ground for placing a marker.


The "plumb" in "plumb-bob" comes from the fact that such tools were originally made of
lead (Latin plumbum, probably through French plomb). The adjective "plumb" developed
by extension.


Up until the modern age, on most tall structures, plumb-bobs were used to provide
vertical datum lines for the building measurements. A section of the scaffolding would
hold a plumb line that was centered over a datum mark on the floor. As the building
proceeded upwards the plumb line would also be taken higher, still centered on the
datum. Many cathedral spires, domes and towers still have brass datum marks inlaid into
their floors, that signify the center of the structure above.

Plumb-bob with scale as an inclinometer

Although a plumb-bob and line alone can only determine a vertical, if mounted on a
suitable scale the instrument may also be used as an inclinometer to measure angles to the

The early skyscrapers used heavy plumb-bobs hung on wire in their elevator shafts. The
weight would hang in a container of oil to dampen any swinging movement, functioning
as a shock absorber.

Determining center of gravity of an irregular shape

Students of figure drawing will also make use of a plumb line to find the vertical axis
through the center of gravity of their subject and lay it down on paper as a point of
reference. The device used may be purpose-made plumb lines, or simply makeshift
devices made from a piece of string and a weighted object, such as a metal washer. This
plumb line is important for lining up anatomical geometries and visualizing the subject's
center of balance.


Butterfield compass graphometer

A German graphometer in Göttingen, Stadtmuseum. The instrument is on its side. At the
back, the socket for a Jacob's staff can be seen.

The graphometer or semicircle is a surveying instrument used for angle measurements.

It consists of a semicircular limb divided into 180 degrees and sometimes subdivided into
minutes. The limb is subtended by the diameter with two sights at its ends. In the middle
of the diameter a "box and needle" (a compass) is fixed. On the same middle the alidade
with two other sights is fitted. The device is mounted on a staff via a ball and socket joint.
In effect the device is a half-circumferentor. For convenience, sometimes another half-
circle from 180 to 360 degrees may be graduated in another line on the limb.

The form was introduced in Philippe Danfrie's, Déclaration de l’usage du graphomètre

(Paris, 1597) and the term "graphometer" was popular with French geodesists. The
preferable English-language terms were semicircle or semicircumferentors. Some 19th-
century graphometers had telescopic rather than open sights.


Figure 1: Angle EKG

To measure an angle, say, EKG, place the diameter middle C at the angle apex K using
the plummet at point C of the instrument. Align the diameter with leg KE of the angle
using the sights at the ends of the diameter. Align the alidade with the leg KG using
another pair of sights, and read the angle off the limb as marked by the alidade. Further
uses of the graphometer are the same as those of the circumferentor.

Chapter 13


Drawing of a circumferentor from the Cyclopaedia

Circumferentor with gunter's chain at Campus Martius Museum in Marietta, Ohio

A circumferentor, or surveyor's compass, is an instrument used in surveying to

measure horizontal angles, now superseded by the theodolite.

It consists of a brass circle and an index, all of one piece. On the circle is a card, or
compass, divided into 360 degrees; the meridian line of which is in the middle of the
breadth of the index. On the circumference of the circle is a brass ring, which, with
another ring fitted with glass, make a kind of box for the needle, which is suspended on a
rivet in the center of the circle. On each extreme of the index is a sight. The whole
apparatus is mounted on a staff, with a ball-and-socket joint for easy rotation.

Circumferentors were made throughout Europe, including England, France, Italy, and
Holland. By the early 19th century, Europeans preferred theodolites to circumferentors.
However, in America, and other wooded or uncleared areas, the circumferentor was still
in common use.


Figure 1: Angle EKG

Figure 2: Region ABCDEFGHK

Measuring angles

To measure an angle with a circumferentor, such as angle EKG (Figure 1), place the
instrument at K, with the fleur-de-lis in the card towards you. Then direct the sights, until
through them you see E; and note the degree pointed at by the south end of the needle,
such as 296°. Then, turn the instrument around, with the fleur-de-lis still towards you,
and direct the sights to G; note the degree at which the south end of the needle point, such
as 182°. Finally, subtract the lesser number, 182, from the greater, 296°; the remainder,
114°, is the number of degrees in the angle EKG.

If the remainder is more than 180 degrees, it must be subtracted from 360 degrees.

Surveying a region

To take the plot of a field, forest, park, etc, with a circumferentor, consider region
ABCDEFGHK in Figure 2, an area to be surveyed.

1. Placing the instrument at A, the fleur-de-lis towards you, direct the sights to B;
where suppose the south end of the needle cuts 191°; and the ditch, wall, or
hedge, measuring with a Gunter's chain, contains 10 chains, 75 links.
2. Placing the instrument at B, direct the sights as before to C; the south end of the
needle, e.g. will cut 279°; and the line BC contains 6 chains and 83 links.

Then move the instrument to C; turn the sights to measure D, and measure CD as before.
In the same manner, proceed to D, E, F, G, H, and lastly to K; still noting the degrees of
every bearing, or angle, and the distances of every side. This will result in a table of the
following form:

Station Degrees Min. Chains Link

A 191 00 10 75
B 297 00 6 83
C 216 30 7 82

From this table, the field is to be plotted, or protracted.

Surveyor's double prism

Double prism as used in surveying.

It's a device to mesurate right angles, a double pentaprism (two pentaprisms stacked on
top of each other) and a plumb-bob are used to stake out right angles, e.g. on a
construction site.

Chapter 14

Tape Correction (Surveying)

In surveying, tape correction(s) refer(s) to specific mathematical technique(s) used to

apply corrections into a taping operation. Tape correction is applied to systematic or
instrument errors or combination of both.

Correction due to incorrect tape length

Manufacturers of measuring tapes do not usually guarantee their tape products, and
standardization requires additional processes. On the other hand, nominal length of tapes
were often due to physical imperfections like manufacture, stretching or wear. Constant
use of tapes tend it to become worn, kinked or sometimes improperly repaired when
breaks occur.

The correction due to tape length was given by:


CL is the corrected length of the line to be measured or laid out;

ML is the measured length or length to be laid out;
NL is the nominal length of the tape as specified by its mark.

Note that incorrect tape length introduces systematic error that must be calibrated

Correction due to slope

Correction due to slope. Ch is the correction of height due to slope, θ is the angle formed
by the slope line oriented from the horizontal ground, s is the measured slope distance
between two points on the slope line, h is the height of the slope.

When distances are measured along the slope, then the equivalent horizontal distance
may correspondingly be determined by applying an approximate slope correction.

When applying corrections due to slope, it is necessary to determine the slope orientation
of the length to be measured. (Refer to the figure on the other side) Thus,

 For gentle slopes, m < 20%

 For steep slopes,

 For very steep slopes, m > 30%

Ch = s(1 − cosθ)


Ch is the correction of height due to slope;

θ is the angle formed by the slope line oriented from the horizontal ground;
s is the measured slope distance between two points on the slope line.

The obtained correction Ch is subtracted from s to obtain the corrected tape length of the
horizontal distance between two points on the slope line:

d = s − Ch

Correction due to temperature

When measuring or laying out distances, there is always a change in temperature

especially when the taping operation requires time to do so. Usually, to avoid
circumstances where there is an introduced error due to temperature, tapes were
standardized as a response to such factor.

The correction of the tape length due to change in temperature is given by:


Cf is the correction to be applied to the tape due to temperature;

T is the observed temperature or average observed temperature at the time of
Ts is the temperature at which the tape was standardized;
C is the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tape;
L is the length of the tape or length of the line measured.

Usually, for common tape measurements, the tape used is a steel tape. Therefore, the
coefficient of thermal expansion C is equal to 0.0000116 per degree Celsius. It means
that the tape stretched by 0.0000116 units for every rise of one degree Celsius

Correction due to tension

Tension usually introduces error when the tape is pulled at a force that causes the tape to
stretch to a certain length. Correspondingly, it will stretch less than its standard length
when an insufficient pull is applied making the tape too short.

The tape stretches in an elastic manner (up until it reaches its elastic limit where it will
deform permanently, essentially ruining the tape). The correction due to tension is given


Cp is the total elongation in tape length due to pull; or the correction to be applied
due to incorrect pull applied on the tape; meters;
Pm is the pull applied on the tape during measurement; kilograms;
Ps is the pull applied on the tape during standardization; kilograms;
A is the cross-sectional area of the tape; square centimeters;
E is the modulus of elasticity of the tape material; kilogram per square
L us the measured or erroneous length of the line; meters

The value for A is given by:


W is the total weight of the tape; kilograms;

Uw is the unit weight of the tape; kilogram per cubic centimeter.

In steel tapes, the value for Uw is given by .

Correction due to sag

When a tape is not supported along its length it will sag, forming a catenary between
supports. The correction due to sag must be calculated for each unsupported stretch
separately and is given by:


Cs is the correction applied to the tape due to sag; meters;

ω is the weight of the tape per unit length; kilogram per meters;

L is the interval length between two supports or unsupported lengths of the tape;
P is the tension or pull applied to the tape that causes it to sag; kilogram.

Note that the weight of the tape per unit length is equal to the actual weight of the tape
divided by the length of the tape:


W = ωL

Therefore, we can rewrite the formula for correction due to sag by:

Chapter 15

Survey Marker

Closeup of a Geodetic Survey marker

This USGS survey marker is designed to be a standard nail to be used by the USGS to
mark high-watermarks, set reference points, set bench marks, set reference marks, and
turning points for levels. This nail is designed to be recovered (re-found) at a later date
without any question that the nail was set by the USGS.

Survey markers, also called survey marks, and sometimes geodetic marks, are objects
placed to mark key survey points on the Earth's surface. They are used in geodetic and
land surveying. Informally, such marks are referred to as benchmarks, although strictly
speaking the term "benchmark" is reserved for marks that indicate elevation. Horizontal
position markers used for triangulation are also known as trig points or triangulation

A common type of marker for a triangulation station. The triangle at its center indicates
that it is a "station mark."

A reference mark disk for the main station shown above. This is one of six such marks
for this station.

All sorts of different objects, ranging from the familiar brass disks to liquor bottles, clay
pots, and rock cairns, have been used over the years as survey markers. Some truly
monumental markers have been used to designate tripoints, or the meeting points of
three or more countries. In the 19th Century, these marks were often drill holes in rock
ledges, crosses or triangles chiseled in rock, or copper or brass bolts sunk into bedrock.
Today, the most common survey marks are cast metal disks (with stamped legends on
their face) set in rock ledges, sunken into the tops of concrete pillars, or affixed to the
tops of pipes that have been sunk into the ground. These marks are intended to be
permanent, and disturbing them is generally prohibited by federal and state law.

These marks were often placed as part of triangulation surveys, measurement efforts that
moved systematically across states or regions, establishing the angles and distances
between various points. Such surveys laid the basis for map-making in the United States
and across the world.

Geodetic survey markers were often set in groups. For example, in triangulation surveys,
the primary point identified was called the triangulation station, or the "main station". It
was often marked by a "station disk", a brass disk with a triangle inscribed on its surface
and an impressed mark that indicated the precise point over which a surveyor's plumb
bob should be dropped to assure a precise location over it. A triangulation station was
often surrounded by several (usually three) reference marks, each of which bore an
arrow that pointed back towards the main station. These reference marks made it easier
for later visitors to "recover" (or re-find) the primary ("station") mark. Reference marks
also made it possible to replace (or reset) a station mark that had been disturbed or

Some old station marks were buried several feet down (to protect them from being struck
by plows). Occasionally, these buried marks had surface marks set directly above them.

In the U.S., survey marks that meet certain standards for accuracy are part of a national
database that is maintained by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). Each station mark in
the database has a PID (Permanent IDentifier), a unique 6-character code that can be
used to call up a datasheet describing that station. The NGS has a web-based form that
can be used to access any datasheet, if the station's PID is known. Alternatively,
datasheets can be called up by station name.

A typical datasheet has either the precise or the estimated coordinates. Precise
coordinates are called "adjusted" and result from precise surveys. Estimated coordinates
are termed "scaled" and have usually been set by locating the point on a map and reading
off its latitude and longitude. Scaled coordinates can be as much as several thousand feet
distant from the true positions of their marks.</ref> In the U.S., some survey markers
have the latitude and longitude of the station mark, a listing of any reference marks (with
their distance and bearing from the station mark), and a narrative (which is updated over
the years) describing other reference features (e.g., buildings, roadways, trees, or fire
hydrants) and the distance and/or direction of these features from the marks, and giving a
history of past efforts to recover (or re-find) these marks (including any resets of the
marks, or evidence of their damage or destruction).

Current best practice for stability of new survey markers is to use a punch mark stamped
in the top of a metal rod driven deep into the ground, surrounded by a grease filled
sleeve, and covered with a hinged cap set in concrete.

Survey markers are now often used to set up a GPS receiver antenna in a known position
for use in Differential GPS surveying.

Chapter 16


In trigonometry and geometry, triangulation is the process of determining the location of

a point by measuring angles to it from known points at either end of a fixed baseline,
rather than measuring distances to the point directly (trilateration). The point can then be
fixed as the third point of a triangle with one known side and two known angles.

Triangulation can also refer to the accurate surveying of systems of very large triangles,
called triangulation networks. This followed from the work of Willebrord Snell in
1615–17, who showed how a point could be located from the angles subtended from
three known points, but measured at the new unknown point rather than the previously
fixed points, a problem called resectioning. Surveying error is minimized if a mesh of
triangles at the largest appropriate scale is established first. Points inside the triangles can
all then be accurately located with reference to it. Such triangulation methods were used
for accurate large-scale land surveying until the rise of global navigation satellite systems
in the 1980s.


Optical 3d measuring systems use this principle as well in order to determine the spatial
dimensions and the geometry of an item. Basically, the configuration consists of two
sensors observing the item. One of the sensors is typically a digital camera device, and
the other one can also be a camera or a light projector. The projection centers of the
sensors and the considered point on the object’s surface define a (spatial) triangle. Within
this triangle, the distance between the sensors is the base b and must be known. By
determining the angles between the projection rays of the sensors and the basis, the
intersection point, and thus the 3d coordinate, is calculated from the triangular relations.

Distance to a point by measuring two fixed angles

Triangulation can be used to calculate the coordinates and distance from the shore to the
ship. The observer at A measures the angle α between the shore and the ship, and the
observer at B does likewise for β . With the length l or the coordinates of A and B known,
then the law of sines can be applied to find the coordinates of the ship at C and the
distance d.

The coordinates and distance to a point can be found by calculating the length of one side
of a triangle, given measurements of angles and sides of the triangle formed by that point
and two other known reference points.

The following formulas apply in flat or Euclidean geometry. They become inaccurate if
distances become appreciable compared to the curvature of the Earth, but can be replaced
with more complicated results derived using spherical trigonometry.



Using the trigonometric identities tan α = sin α / cos α and sin(α + β)

= sin α cos β + cos α sin β, this is equivalent to:

From this, it is easy to determine the distance of the unknown point from either
observation point, its north/south and east/west offsets from the observation point, and
finally its full coordinates.


Liu Hui (c. 263), How to measure the height of a sea island. Illustration from an edition
of 1726

Gemma Frisius's 1533 proposal to use triangulation for mapmaking

Nineteenth-century triangulation network for the triangulation of Rhineland-Hesse

Triangulation today is used for many purposes, including surveying, navigation,

metrology, astrometry, binocular vision, model rocketry and gun direction of weapons.

The use of triangles to estimate distances goes back to antiquity. In the 6th century BC
the Greek philosopher Thales is recorded as using similar triangles to estimate the height
of the pyramids by measuring the length of their shadows at the moment when his own
shadow was equal to his height; and to have estimated the distances to ships at sea as
seen from a clifftop, by measuring the horizontal distance traversed by the line-of-sight
for a known fall, and scaling up to the height of the whole cliff. Such techniques would
have been familiar to the ancient Egyptians. Problem 57 of the Rhind papyrus, a thousand
years earlier, defines the seqt or seked as the ratio of the run to the rise of a slope, i.e. the
reciprocal of gradients as measured today. The slopes and angles were measured using a
sighting rod that the Greeks called a dioptra, the forerunner of the Arabic alidade. A
detailed contemporary collection of constructions for the determination of lengths from a
distance using this instrument is known, the Dioptra of Hero of Alexandria (c. 10–70

AD), which survived in Arabic translation; but the knowledge became lost in Europe. In
China, Pei Xiu (224–271) identified "measuring right angles and acute angles" as the fifth
of his six principles for accurate map-making, necessary to accurately establish distances;
while Liu Hui (c. 263) gives a version of the calculation above, for measuring
perpendicular distances to inaccessible places.

In the field, triangulation methods were apparently not used by the Roman specialist land
surveyors, the agromensores; but were introduced into medieval Spain through Arabic
treatises on the astrolabe, such as that by Ibn al-Saffar (d. 1035). Abu Rayhan Biruni (d.
1048) also introduced triangulation techniques to measure the size of the Earth and the
distances between various places. Simplified Roman techniques then seem to have co-
existed with more sophisticated techniques used by professional surveyors. But it was
rare for such methods to be translated into Latin (a manual on Geometry, the eleventh
century Geomatria incerti auctoris is a rare exception), and such techniques appear to
have percolated only slowly into the rest of Europe. Increased awareness and use of such
techniques in Spain may be attested by the medieval Jacob's staff, used specifically for
measuring angles, which dates from about 1300; and the appearance of accurately
surveyed coastlines in the Portolan charts, the earliest of which that survives is dated

Gemma Frisius and triangulation for mapmaking

On land, the Dutch cartographer Gemma Frisius proposed using triangulation to

accurately position far-away places for map-making in his 1533 pamphlet Libellus de
Locorum describendorum ratione (Booklet concerning a way of describing places) ,
which he bound in as an appendix in a new edition of Peter Apian's best-selling 1524
Cosmographica. This became very influential, and the technique spread across Germany,
Austria and the Netherlands. The astronomer Tycho Brahe applied the method in
Scandinavia, completing a detailed triangulation in 1579 of the island of Hven, where his
observatory was based, with reference to key landmarks on both sides of the Øresund,
producing an estate plan of the island in 1584. In England Frisius's method was included
in the growing number of books on surveying which appeared from the middle of the
century onwards, including William Cunningham's Cosmographical Glasse (1559),
Valentine Leigh's Treatise of Measuring All Kinds of Lands (1562), William Bourne's
Rules of Navigation (1571), Thomas Digges's Geometrical Practise named Pantometria
(1571), and John Norden's Surveyor's Dialogue (1607). It has been suggested that
Christopher Saxton may have used rough-and-ready triangulation to place features in his
county maps of the 1570s; but others suppose that, having obtained rough bearings to
features from key vantage points, he may have the estimated the distances to them simply
by guesswork.

Willebrord Snell and modern triangulation networks

The modern systematic use of triangulation networks stems from the work of the Dutch
mathematician Willebrord Snell, who in 1615 surveyed the distance from Alkmaar to
Bergen op Zoom, approximately 70 miles (110 kilometres), using a chain of quadrangles

containing 33 triangles in all. The two towns were separated by one degree on the
meridian, so from his measurement he was able to calculate a value for the circumference
of the earth – a feat celebrated in the title of his book Eratosthenes Batavus (The Dutch
Eratosthenes), published in 1617. Snell calculated how the planar formulae could be
corrected to allow for the curvature of the earth. He also showed how to resection, or
calculate, the position of a point inside a triangle using the angles cast between the
vertices at the unknown point. These could be measured much more accurately than
bearings of the vertices, which depended on a compass. This established the key idea of
surveying a large-scale primary network of control points first, and then locating
secondary subsidiary points later, within that primary network.

Snell's methods were taken up by Jean Picard who in 1669–70 surveyed one degree of
latitude along the Paris Meridian using a chain of thirteen triangles stretching north from
Paris to the clocktower of Sourdon, near Amiens. Thanks to improvements in instruments
and accuracy, Picard's is rated as the first reasonably accurate measurement of the radius
of the earth. Over the next century this work was extended most notably by the Cassini
family: between 1683 and 1718 Jean-Dominique Cassini and his son Jacques Cassini
surveyed the whole of the Paris meridian from Dunkirk to Perpignan; and between 1733
and 1740 Jacques and his son César Cassini undertook the first triangulation of the whole
country, including a re-surveying of the meridian arc, leading to the publication in 1745
of the first map of France constructed on rigorous principles.

Triangulation methods were by now well established for local mapmaking, but it was
only towards the end of the 18th century that other countries began to establish detailed
triangulation network surveys to map whole countries. The Principal Triangulation of
Great Britain was begun by the Ordnance Survey in 1783, though not completed until
1853; and the Great Trigonometric Survey of India, which ultimately named and mapped
Mount Everest and the other Himalayan peaks, was begun in 1801. For the Napoleonic
French state, the French triangulation was extended by Jean Joseph Tranchot into the
German Rhineland from 1801, subsequently completed after 1815 by the Prussian
general Karl von Müffling. Meanwhile, the famous mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss
was entrusted from 1821 to 1825 with the triangulation of the kingdom of Hanover, for
which he developed the method of least squares to find the best fit solution for problems
of large systems of simultaneous equations given more real-world measurements than

Today, large-scale triangulation networks for positioning have largely been superseded
by the Global navigation satellite systems established since the 1980s. But many of the
control points for the earlier surveys still survive as valued historical features in the
landscape, such as the concrete triangulation pillars set up for retriangulation of Great
Britain (1936–1962), or the triangulation points set up for the Struve Geodetic Arc
(1816–1855), now scheduled as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


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