Nursing Care Plan Cancer

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Client: David Hopper

Care Plan by: C. Senior, RN

Date: 01-01-2021

Nursing Diagnosis Goals & Outcomes Interventions Evaluation

Anticipatory Grieving related to Identify and express emotions Practice therapeutic Is patient aware of grieving
loss of well-being, change in communication skills including process?
lifestyle, potential loss of life Verbalize understanding of the active listening
process, patient feels Does patient demonstrate
supported in the grieving Encourage patient to verbalize understanding of the disease
process feelings process?
Redirect negative thinking Is patient demonstrating denial
of process?
Appropriate referral for
counselling, as necessary Does the patient show
appropriate affect?
Appropriate referral to
community agencies including Is patient setting realistic goals
visiting nurse and/or hospice, for the future?
if appropriate
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Demonstrate stable weight. Monitor daily food intake Weight loss has ceased. Weight
than Body Requirements is stable or increasing.
related to disease process Signs of malnutrition are Measure weight daily
(cancer), medication side absent Adequate intake has been
Assess skin and mucosal recorded.
effects Normal lab values achieved membranes for signs of
dehydration, altered wound No signs of dehydration or
healing malnutrition are present.
Encourage the use of meal Laboratory values have
supplements normalized.
Encourage more frequent but Current medication regime is
smaller meals effective and appropriate.
Evaluate effectiveness of
antiemetic, analgesic

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