Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation

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S: “I am sleepless
because my knees and Pain related to Within 8hours of Assess patient signs and symptoms The guarding behavior of acute pain After 8 hours of
associated with agitation, may become a persistent change in
ankles hurt” Disease Process nursing irritability, and sleep disturbance body posture for the patient with nursing
interventions, chronic pain. interventions,
O: Patient reports pain Patient has reported
-swelling knees and at a level less than 3 Assess the patient’s beliefs and Patients with chronic pain may not pain at a level less
expectations about pain relief. anticipate complete relief of pain but
ankles to 4 on a 0 to 10 may be satisfied with diminishing
than 3 to 4 on a 0 to
- irritable rating scale. severity of the pain and increasing 10 rating scale.
activity level.
Evaluate the patient’s approach Patients may perceive medications as
towards pharmacological and the only effective treatment to
Goal Met.
nonpharmacological means of pain alleviate pain and may question the
management. effectiveness of nonpharmacological

If opioid dose is increased, Patients receiving long-term opioid

monitor sedation and respiratory therapy generally develop tolerance
status for a brief time. to the respiratory depressant effects
of these agents.
Implement nonpharmacological Nonpharmacological interventions
interventions when pain is should be used to reinforce, not
relatively well controlled with replace, pharmacological
pharmacological interventions. interventions.

Plan care activities around periods Pain diminishes activity.

of greatest comfort whenever

S: “I have not
defecated for a long Constipation related Within 8hours of Check on the usual pattern of The normal frequency of stool After 8 hours of
elimination, including frequency passage ranges from twice daily to
time now” to Lack of Physical nursing and consistency of stool. once every third or fourth day. nursing
Activity interventions, activity level. interventions,
O: restless, agitated, Patient maintains Check out usual dietary habits, Irregular mealtime, type of food, and Patient verbalizes
irritable passage of soft, eating habits, eating schedule, and interruption of usual schedule can maintenance
liquid intake. lead to constipation.
formed stool at a passage of soft,
frequency perceived Encourage the patient to take in Sufficient fluid is needed to keep the formed stool at a
as “normal” by the fluid 2000 to 3000 mL/day, if not fecal mass soft. . frequency perceived
patient. contraindicated medically. as “normal” by the
Assist patient to take at least 20 g Fiber adds bulk to the stool and
of dietary fiber (e.g., raw fruits, makes defecation easier because it
fresh vegetable, whole grains) per passes through the intestine
day. essentially Goal Met.
Consider the degree to which the Ignoring the urge to defecate
patient responds to the urge to eventually leads to chronic
defecate. constipation because the rectum no
longer senses or responds to the
presence of stool.

Feel the need for privacy for Defecating is a private thing. Most
elimination. patients may have a hard time having
a bowel movement away from the
sense of privacy in their home.

Classify current medications usage A lot of drugs can slow down

that may lead to constipation. peristalsis. Opioids, antacids with
calcium or aluminum base,
antidepressants, anticholinergics,
antihypertensives, etc.

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