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Pyromancer 5e Class - GM Binder

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A 5e class by platinumsketch

Some gain the ability to conceal themselves in a fiery
Pyromancer mantle, burning all those who near much as the Phoenix
Wreathed in flame and fury, a human man stands surrounded. itself, while others breath dragon fire, both from the ground
Though the devils that oppose him try their hardest to near and the heights to which they can fly. Further more, some gain
him, his flames cut them short before they can do so much as their flame and temperament from their lineage, an ancestry
lay a hand on him. of fire giants being their spark, one that gives the martial
adeptness in addition to the flames and magic they now cast.
A Dragonborn dances around a fire, emulating the Others still may gain their powers from some higher being, be
movements of a Dragon he studied so long ago. As he does, that devil, demon or deity, with those of the hellish variety
his already natural flames and scales become stronger, and summoning great evil to aid them , and those who draw their
the once bare back he had now sprouts wings. His power from the gods gaining sight far into the future.
embodiment of the dragon complete.
In a tavern stands a tall human woman. Unnaturally strong Creating a Pyromancer
and fortuitous, she takes on foes in an arm wrestling
competition. After beating a large orcish man, a tavern brawl While making your Pyromancer, consider where they got their
begins, in the midst of which she can be seen both casting power and how they use it. For instance, is your character an
spells and swinging her gigantic maul. Soon, she is the last oracle for some far flung kingdom, using their power to guide
standing, with guards alone quickly approaching. the king alongside many other diviners? Or is your character
In the midst of a battle, a Tiefling stands still, looking, the survivor of the rebirth of a Phoenix, gaining their power
waiting. As an opposing creature nears her, she simply from simply surviving the experience? How does your
mumbles under her breath, unleashing a torrent of flame and character use their power? Do they try to help others with
horrible thoughts unto the creature that neared her. Finally, their ability to see the future? Maybe they use their fire and
her target is within sight, but she is not the only one who sees fury to cast out evil from some place they hold dear? Or,
him. Trying to lay claim to her bounty, she creates a rift beside perhaps, their fire is evil in nature, and they use it to summon
her and summons forth a small group of demons to fend off forth and aid demons and devils?
those that are around her as she nears her foe, hellbent on Quick Build
killing him herself.
An Orc shaman stands in front of a fire, chanting. As he You can make a Pyromancer quickly by following these
speaks, he throws a set of dice into the flame, causing a loud suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest score if you
series of cracks, and then a vision of the future to appear plan to use the Dragon Spark, or Charisma if you plan to use
through the fire. As this happens, the Orc is filled with a level the Fire Giant Soul or Infernal Contract Spark. Alternatively,
of resolve, knowing of his future he is prepared to face his you could make Wisdom your highest score if you plan to use
fate. the Phoenix Feather, Holy Fire, or Sky Bolt Spark. No matter
Alone, standing in the center of a horde of orcs, stands an the spark, make your second highest ability score
Aasimar. Shrouded in lightning, bolts fly off of him, Constitution. Second, choose the Hermit background.
accompanied by thunderous blast as they strike all those
around him. Outnumbered, he stands his ground, sending
waves of lightning to and fro, alongs side occasional bouts of
Masters of Flame
All Pyromancers have the ability to control flames and magic
alike, with these powers coming from differing sources. The
flames which they utilize can burn through all they see,
overcoming even the hellish temperament of demons and
Their magic is nothing to scoff at either, as even though its
focus is on nearly fire and flame alone, their use is
extraordinary, with their ability to alter the damage of other
spells they cast to that of the same flames they are so use to
producing; as well as their ability to summon elementals
made of fire.
Shifting Infernos
As was stated before, the fires that Pyromancers create come
from differing sources, his being called their Spark. Here is
where their flames truly take form ,as even though all tell of its
origin, they also all shape its power.

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Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Spark 3 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Empowered Flame 3 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 ─ 3 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 3 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 ─ 3 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 Spark Feature 3 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 Empowered Flame Feature 3 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 3 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 ─ 3 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Spark Feature 4 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 ─ 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 Empowered Flame Feature 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Spark Feature 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 ─ 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 Empowered Flame Feature 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Spark Feature 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 True Flame 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

(a) a component pouch or (b) a druidic focus

Class Features (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
As a Pyromancer, you gain the following class features Spellcasting
Hit Points Through study, worship or infusion of blood lines, you have
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Pyromancer level gained the ability to cast pyromantic spells.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Cantrips
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier for every pyromancer level after 1st At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from the
pyromancer spell list. You learn additional cantrips of your
Proficiencies choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known
Armor: light armor column of the Pyromancer table.
Weapons: simple weapons, light crossbow
Tools: none Preparing and Casting Spells
Saving Throws: Constitution and Wisdom The Pyromancer table shows how many spell slots you have
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Medicine, Nature, to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these
Perception, and Survival pyromancer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level
or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish
Equipment a long rest. You prepare the list of pyromancer spells that are
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the available for you to cast, choosing from the pyromancer spell
equipment granted by your background: list. When you do so, choose a number of pyromancer spells
equal to your Wisdom modifier + your pyromancer level
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, (b) any simple weapon or (minimum of 1). These spells must be of a level for which you
(c) any martial weapon and a shield if you are proficient have spell slots. Casting a spell does not remove it from your
(a) leather armor or (b) chain shirt if you are proficient list of prepared spells.

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You can also change your list of prepared spells when you When you are attacked you can give a retributive strike by
finish a long rest. Preparing a list of new pyromancer spells sending forth a small amount of flame. Using your reaction,
requires time spent in study or meditation of some sort for 1 you can send forth a bout of flame, dealing 1d10 + your Spark
minute per spell level for each spell on your list. modifier + your pyromancer level. If the attack used dealt Fire
damage, you also reduce the damage you took by your Spark
Spellcasting Ability modifier. You can do this a number of times per day equal to
Your spellcasting ability depends on the Spark chosen, as your Spark modifier.
such in place of any score, Spark is said below to denote the
place in which the ability score would go.. Unerring Inferno
The fire you create becomes a strong inferno. Any Fire
Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + damage you deal ignores Resistance and treats Immunity like
your Spark modifier
Continual Blaze
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
When you cast a spell, you produce an excess of fire, which
your Spark modifier you can then use to attack again. After you cast a spell that
Spellcasting Focus deals fire damage, you can use a bonus action to unleash a
You can use a druidic focus as a spellcasting focus for your small bolt of fire, which acts as if you cast the Firebolt cantrip.
pyromancer spells. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your Spark
Spark Charismatic Zeal
As a pyromancer, your flames are not always yours. They tend The fire you make alters your personality in some way. You
to come from an outside source this is your Spark. Choose a gain proficiency in one of the following: Deception,
Spark, for which you will gain features at 1st, 6th, 11th, 14th, Intimidation or Persuasion.
and 18th level.
Master Combustion
Empowered Flames When you cast a spell, your mastery over fire and magic alike
Beginning at 2nd level, your pyromantic magics gain some allows you to alter it. Any time you cast a spell that deals
form of empowerment. Choose one Flame Empowerment, damage, you can alter its damage type to Fire. You can do this
then choose another at 7th, 13th and 17th level. a number of times per day equal to your Spark modifier.
Unnatural Burn Conflagration
The fire you create is more potent than those of natural origin. When you cast a spell that deals fire damage, its radius is
When you deal Fire damage, add your Spark modifier to that increased by 5 feet. If the spell targets one creature, it instead
damage. has a 5 foot radius, and if it is a cone its size is increased by 5
Cauterizing Flame
Your create cauterize your wounds. When you cast a spell that Ability Score Increase
uses a spell slot and deals fire, you heal an amount equal to When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
the expended spell slot level + your Spark modifier. 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by
2, or two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
Command Fire can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
You can use a bonus action to extinguish, reduce, or heighten
a fire. When the flame is reduced, the amount of light it gives True Flame
off is cut by half. When you heighten a fire, the light it gives off At 20th level, the fire you produce has been perfected. Any Fire
is doubled, and any creatures within 10 feet of the light must damage you deal ignores resistance and immunity, and you
make a Dexterity saving throw versus your Spell DC or take gain immunity to Fire damage. Additionally, when you are to
1d6 damage, taking half on a success. Additionally, you can take Fire damage, you can choose to instead gain a number of
use a bonus action to light a flame the size of a candle while temporary hit points equal to half the damage as a reaction.
holding something flammable, such as a piece of tinder or a This can be done once per long rest.
candle wick.
Unyielding Ward Spark
You have an unconscious guard against others flames. When Fire comes from many place, natural and unnatural alike.
you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, you gain a Yours comes from somewhere within your past, be that a
natural AC equal to 10 + your Spark modifier + your Dexterity prayer to a god, an infernal contract, nature, study or an
modifier. Additionally, while this natural AC is active you have ancestor. Choose a Spark to represent where your pyromantic
resistance to Fire damage. abilities come from.

Defensive Blast

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Phoenix Feather At 18th level, the flames of the Veil of the Phoenix have
reached their apex. The radius of the bright and dim light is
Your flames and magic come from a close encounter with a increased to 30 feet, and the Fire damage dealt within the
phoenix, be that surviving its rebirth, or being engulfed by its bright light is increased to 3d4. Additionally, the temporary hit
flames. From this event you became infused with some of its points you gain become equal to three times your Wisdom
power, making it your own. modifier (minimum of 1).
Phoenix Spark Magic Dragon's Flame
Your Spark modifier is Wisdom, so as to represent your You gained your fire and magic through study and practice,
connection with nature. Additionally, you gain the spells below taking after the way a dragon uses flame itself. Your magics
at the listed levels. They do not count against your total are much like that of a wizards, though the philosophy and
number of known spells. training that comes with is reminiscent of a monk.
Phoenix Feather Spark Spells Dragon Spark Magic
Pyromancer Level Spells
Your Spark modifier is Intelligence, so as to represent your
1st Feather Fall knowledge and studies of such a style. Additionally, you gain
3rd Gust of Wind
the spells below at the listed levels. They do not count against
your total number of known spells.
5th Fly
Dragon's Flame Spark Spells
7th Polymorph
Pyromancer Level Spells
9th Reincarnate
1st Jump
Veil of the Phoenix 3rd Enhance Ability
Beginning at 1st level when you choose this Spark, you can 5th Fear
summon forth a small amount of energy from that phoenix. As
an action, you can activate a ward of flames around yourself, 7th Dominate Beast
causing you to shed bright light in a 10 foot radius, and dim 9th Hold Monster
light in a further 10 foot radius, as well as gain temporary hit
points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). All Dragonbreath
creatures that enter this bright light take 1d4 Fire damage, Beginning at 1st level when you choose this Spark, you gain
and continue to take this damage at the beginning of their turn the ability to breath fire. Once per short or long rest, you con
if they stay within the bright light. This lasts for 1 minute, and breath a 15 foot cone of fire as an action, forcing all creatures
can be done once per short or long rest. in its range to make a Constitution saving throw using your
Burning Speed Spell Save DC or take 2d6 Fire damage.
By 6th level, the flames of the phoenix grants you some Heart of the Dragon
modicum of its speed. Your base walking speed is increased By 6th level, you have begun to take more of the dragon's form.
by 15 feet and you take half damage from falling. Additionally, You have advantage on saves against being frightened or
when you use Veil of the Phoenix you gain a flight speed equal charmed, and the damage of your Dragon breath increases to
to your base walking speed. 3d6 Fire damage. Additionally, once per long rest you can cast
Improved Veil Fear without expending a spell slot.
Once you reach 10th level, the power of the Veil of the Inferno
Phoenix increases. The radius of the bright and dim light is Once you reach 10th level, your Dragonbreath further
increased to 20 feet, and the Fire damage dealt increases to improves. You can use your Dragonbreath twice per short or
2d4. Additionally, the number of temporary hit points you gain long rest, and it deals 4d6 Fire damage. Additionally, when
is increased to two times your Wisdom modifier (minimum of you use Dragonbreath, you can instead choose to use expel a
1) 5 by 60 foot line of fire.
Undying Unyielding Form
Beginning at 14th level, the power of the Phoenix can keep Beginning at 14th level, you gain a level of resistance
death's door at bay. Once per long rest, when you drop to 0 hit comparable to a dragon. One per long rest, you can choose to
points or are effected by something that would instantly kill succeed on a saving throw that you would have otherwise
you, you instead drop to 1 hit point, and unleash a 30 foot failed. Additionally, your Dragonbreath now deals 5d6 Fire
blast of flames. This forces all creatures within 30 feet to damage.
make a Constitution saving throw versus your Spell Save DC,
or take 4d6 Fire damage.

Supreme Veil of the Phoenix

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Draconic Form The fire and magic you wield is not natural or holy in any
At 18th level, you begin to embody the dragon. You gain a fly sense, its origin amongst the ranks of the highest demons and
speed of 30 feet, your AC is permanently increased by 1, and devils. This fire works much as a pact with a warlock, with you
your maximum HP increase by 1 for every level of this class gaining such powers from some sort of contract with an
you have, and every level you take here after. Additionally, your infernal being.
dragon breath can be used three times per short or long rest, Infernal Contract Spark Magic
and deals 6d6 Fire damage. Your Spark modifier is Charisma, so as to represent your
Fire Giant's Soul ability to make such an unholy contract alongside maintaining
it. Additionally, you gain the spells below at the listed levels.
Your fire and magic comes from your blood relation to Fire They do not count against your total number of known spells.
Giants. In this way your powers are like a sorcerer's, yet the
flames that come from you are just as practiced as the brush Infernal Contract Spark Spells
strokes that are produced by an artist, Pyromancer Level Spells

Fire Giant Spark Magic 1st Armor of Agathys

Your Spark modifier is Charisma, so as to represent your 3rd Darkness
innate magics and your personality's control over them. 5th Summon Lesser Demon
Additionally, you gain the spells below at the listed levels. They
do not count against your total number of known spells. 7th Summon Greater Demon
9th Contagion
Fire Giant's Soul Spark Spells
Pyromancer Level Spells
Unholy Origin
1st False Life Beginning when you choose this Spark at 1st level, your
3rd Enlarge/Reduce infernal contract begins to take form. You learn either Abyssal
or Infernal, and gain proficiency in one of the following:
5th Fear Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion. You can cause your
7th Stoneskin contract to take partial form by casting Armor of Agathys once
per day without expending a spell slot. When you do so, the
9th Wall of Stone armor is made of and deals Fire damage instead of Cold.
Giant Physique Dark Thoughts
Once you choose this Spark at 1st level, your natural At 6th level, your infernal pack bestows an increased amount
connection to your giant kin begins to show. You learn Giant of power unto you. You gain permanent telepathy out to a
and your hit point maximum increases by 1, with it increasing range of 30 feet. Additionally, as a bonus action you can send a
by an additional 1 every time you level in pyromancer. torrent of harmful thoughts towards a creature within the
range of your telepathy, dealing 1d4 Psychic damage to them.
Giant Weapon Training
Once you choose this Spark at 1st level, you gain knowledge of Hellish Resistance
some Giant weapons. You gain proficiency with medium By 10th level, more fiendish features begin to take form on
armor, shields and martial weapons. Additionally, you can cast you. Your thick hide causes you to become resistance to non
spells with somatic components without needing a free hand. magical attacks, and you become immune to the Poisoned
condition and Poison damage. Additionally, the damage of
Unending Strikes Dark Thoughts increases to 1d6 Psychic damage.
By 6th level, you gain some mastery of combat. When you use
an action to make a weapon attack or cast a spell, you can use Demonic Form
a bonus action to make a weapon attack. Once you reach 14th level, your body shows very noticeable
traits of of your fiendish deal. You gain 30 feet of Darkvision
Soul and Body that is unimpeded by magical darkness, your AC permanently
At 10th level, your giant traits become prominent. You act as if increases by 1, and you sprout bat-like wings, gaining a 15 foot
you permanently have Enlarge cast upon you, though your size fly speed. Additionally, you can cast Summon Lesser Demon
can't increase above Large. at its lowest level once per long rest without expending a spell
slot, and the damage of Dark Thoughts is increased to 1d8
Advanced Combatant
Beginning at 14th level, your weapons begin to take on your
own abilities. When you make a weapon attack, it deals an
additional 1d4 Fire damage. Additionally, when you take the
attack action you attack twice, instead of once, on your turn.
Giant Form
By 18th level, you fully embody the Fire Giant. Your Strength
and Constitution scores increase by 2, to a maximum of 22.
Infernal Contract

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Abyssal Portal By 18th level, your ability to divine is the best in the world,
Beginning at 18th level, your contract allows you manifest a with your rivals being amongst the gods alone. You add Find
portal to the same fiends who you made that deal with so long the Path and Foresight to your known spells, though it doesn't
ago. Once per day, you can cast Summon Greater Demon at count against your total amount, and further more can cast
5th level without expending a spell slot once per long rest. cast Find the Path once per long rest without expending a
Additionally, your fly speed is increased to 25 feet, and the spell slot. Additionally, the size of the die you gain from
damage of Dark Thoughts is increased to 1d10 Psychic Diviner increases to d12s, and you can reroll three d20 a day.
damage. Sky Bolt Spark
Holy Fire The flames you create come from nature, but not only do they
Much as a cleric, your magic and fire is holy, coming from act as fire like you know, but they can be concentrated and
prayer and worship. Your fire is no longer just a tool of amplified, becoming a burst of lightning and thunder.
destruction, but one of divination. Sky Bolt Flame Spark Magic
Holy Flame Spark Magic Your Spark modifier is Wisdom, so as to represent your
Your Spark modifier is Wisdom, so as to represent your attachment to nature. Additionally, you gain the spells below
prayers and connection to some higher deity. Additionally, you at the listed levels. They do not count against your total
gain the spells below at the listed levels. They do not count number of known spells.
against your total number of known spells. Sky Bolt Fire Spark Spells
Holy Fire Spark Spells Pyromancer Level Spells
Pyromancer Level Spells 1st Witchbolt
1st Bless 3rd Shatter
3rd Augury 5th Lightning Bolt
5th Clairvoyance 7th Storm Sphere
7th Divination 9th Maelstrom
9th Commune
Magnified Fire
Diviner Once you choose this Spark at 1st level, you gain the ability to
Once you choose this spark at 1st level, your ability to tell the alter you and concentrate your fire. You can alter the type of
future as well as aid your allies begins to manifest, as does damage a spell you caste deals to Lightning damage a number
your connection to some deity. By spending one hour during a of times a day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
short or long rest, you can look into your fate, trying to find a Additionally, you learn the Shocking Grasp cantrip.
way to alter it. Until you perform this meditation again, you Enhanced Lightning
gain a pool of dice which consist of a number of d4 equal to By 6th level, you have learned how to apply the same tricks
your Spark modifier (minimum of 1) at 1st level. You can add you know when casting Fire spells to Lightning spells. Any
these die to any roll you make. Additionally, you know time you cast a spell that deals Lightning damage, you apply
Celestial and the Guidance cantrip. the same modifiers as you do to spells that deal Fire damage.
Truth Seer Additionally, as an action you can create and throw bolts of
By 6th level, your ability to divine has increased. Once per long lightning. These deal 3d6 Lightning damage each, have a
rest, you can cast Augury without expending a spell slot. range of 60 feet, and act as a ranged spell attack, this can be
Additionally, the size of the die you gain from Diviner done a number of times per long rest equal to your Wisdom
increases to d6s. modifier (minimum of 1).
Prophet Storm Caller
At 10th level, you see into the future consistently, not knowing At 10th level, you learn how to not just focus your own
the difference between a dream and a vision. Once per long lightning, but call it from its source--nature. You learn the spell
rest, you can reroll any one roll you make with a d20, and you Call Lightning*, and can cast it without using a spell slot once
can cast Divination once a week without expending a spell per long rest. Additionally, you have advantage on Constitution
slot. Additionally, the size of the die you gain from Diviner checks and saving throws made to maintain concentration on
increases to d8s. any of the spells you learn from this Spark.
Beginning at 14th level, you become a medium for your deity.
You can cast Commune once per week without expending a
spell slot. Additionally, the size of the die you gain from
Diviner increases to d10s, and you can reroll two times per
long rest instead of just one.

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Master Tempest
Beginning at 14th level, the lightning bolts you create are
much as those that come from nature. The lightning bolts you
create using the Enhanced Lightning feature now deal 3d10
Lightning damage, and have a radius of 5 feet. Additionally,
anytime you deal lightning damage, you deal an additional 1d6
Thunder damage added on.
Thunder God's Wrath
By 18th level, you have mastered the storm. Once per long
rest, you can embody the fury that nature shows through
thunderstorms, gaining a fly speed of 30 feet, resistance to
Cold, Lightning and Thunder damage, and gaining an aura of
lightning around yourself, which deals 2d6 Lightning damage
to all creatures within 10 feet of yourself. These effects last 1

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Pyromancer Spell List
Cantrips (0 Level) 3rd Level 6th Level 9th Level
Blade Ward Counterspell Chain Lightning Gate
Dancing Lights Daylight Disintegrate Meteor Swarm
Druidcraft Fireball Flesh to Stone Power Word Kill
Fire Bolt Fly Harm
Light Gaseous Form Sunbeam
Mending Haste True Seeing
Prestidigitation Stinking Cloud
Produce Flame 7th Level
Sacred Flame 4th Level Delayed Blast Fireball
Conjure Minor Elementals Firestorm
1st Level Dimension Door Regenerate
Burning Hands Fire Shield Teleport
Chromatic Orb Freedom of Movement
Expeditious Retreat Wall of Fire 8th Level
Faerie Fire Albi-Dalzam's Horrid Wilting
Fog Cloud 5th Level Incendiary Cloud
Guiding Bolt Antilife Shell Sunbursts
Hellish Rebuke Cloudkill
Mage Armor Conjure Elemental
Shield Flamestrike
Shield of Faith Hallow

2nd Level
Continual Flame
Flame Blade
Flaming Sphere
Heat Metal
Misty Step
Scorching Ray
See Invisibility

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As with most homebrew, multiclassing can cause unexpected
results. The following are rules on how to do so, though do so
at your own risk.
To qualify for your new class, you must meet both the
prerequisites for your new class, shown in the Prerequisites
table, and the prerequisites of your current class.
Class Ability Score Minimum
Pyromancer Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 13

When you gain a level in a class other than your first, you only
gain some of that class's starting proficiencies, as shown in
the Multiclassing Proficiencies table.
Multiclassing Porficiencies
Class Proficiencies Gained
light armor, simple weapons, one skill from
the class's skill list

Author: u/platinumsketch

Thanks to r/UnearthedArcana for feedback and reviews.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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