Void Master Version 1.9

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Table Of Contents Void Cards

Void Master Blaster's Boon

Void Cards Bounding Kick
Combo Casters Created Spell Card
Creating a Void Master Combination Starter
Cooking Grease
Expanded Explanations Dialation Enhancement
Mechanics Explanation Doctor's Wisdom
Lore Explanation Dark Magic Ritual
Class Features Dirty Trick
Spellcasting Empowered Void Spirit
Ritual Casting Ensnaring Madness
Void Spirit Flash Freeze
Void Cards Friend in Need
Void Shuffle Giant Slayer Trifecta
Void Mage Style Illuminating Glow
Ability Score Improvement Illusory Graffitti
Card Expertise Instant Summon
Cunning Plan Internal Dialogue
Void Card Adept Magnetic Will
Draw of Destiny Master of Mists
Void Card Savant Ritual Circle
True Void Master Sinister Sickness
Heart of the Void© Spark's Cackle
Storm Striker
Void Mage Styles Thousand Knives
Void Magician Trebuchet
Ritual Magician True Targeting
Reversal Magician Universal Understanding
Brutish Magician Unquenchable Blaze
Waltzing Magician Void Link Branching
Link Magician Wailing Agony
Warmonger's Focus
Void Master Spell List Watery Grave
Whiplash Removal
Whirling Cyclone
Wind's Trickster
Wight's Hardiness
Zenith's Blind Spot
Zipping Zagging Zap
Zonule Zone
Spells Addendum
Spells from:
The Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
Art Credits
Void Master

n elf looks through a series of ancient cards in
her hand, searching for an answer. Her friends
shout and scream as the dragon draws back to
ready itself for another blast of fire. Drawing
from the deck, she shouts out, "Oh no you
don't!" as a monsterous gale springs forth from
the card, battering the beast back long enough
for the group to escape.
A human surrounded and outnumbered, looks at his hand
and smiles as the hobgoblins make their way up the path to
reach him. Shouting the unintelligible words of a strange and
forgotten ritual, three beasts emerge in a shimmer of light,
only for their essence to shatter and reform into the body of a
shining white dragon with eyes of blue fury.
An assassin quietly picks the lock of a 3rd story window,
gently opening the door to make his way into his target's
room. Before he sets foot on the floor, the floor glows and a
flash of light leaves him wondering what sort of magic he's
set off. A few seconds pass, and the assassin tries to finish
the job, finding that his hand won't bring the dagger down
onto the sleeping gnome as a feeling of death fills his mind
with hesitation. In the morning, the gnome laughs at his
newest lackey and introduces the spellbound assassin to the
party as his new bodyguard.
Void masters are unusual spellcasters who, rather than
practicing a wide variety of spells, focus on bringing out the
true potential of specific spells, altering their spellcasting
focus, a deck of void cards, to aid them in realizing those
spells' fullest potential.
Void Cards
Void cards are unique cards that are typically formed by
harnessing the energy of a plane which normally has no solid
form. The Ethereal Plane or the Astral Plane would be good
examples of what kinds of space need to be used in their
creation. As such, void cards can focus magical energy in
unique ways, allowing spells cast through them to be more
These ancient tools, often used alongside a strange shield
with slots for the cards to be placed in, were thought to have
been created by an ancient civilization that was consumed by
their reliance on the void. Thus, their ancient magics have
become rare and considered unthinkable by modern scholars
of the arcane.
As such, most void masters are either lucky to get their
hands on these artifacts, very far forward thinking to plan out
the steps needed to obtian such a rare and strange artifact, or
some combination of the two.


Combo Casters Creating a Void Master
Void masters are often considered heretical or insane by As you create a void master, think about two elements of your
commonly known spellcasters. Driven by stubbornness, a character's backstory: where did they obtain the otherworldly
desire to seek out the true potential of magic, pure knowledge that allowed them to take up a void deck and why
thrillseeking, or some combination of the three, void masters do they continue to wield it? Was it an archeological uncovery
are odd ducks, even for arcane casters. that altered their life forever, as they searched for an
This usually comes in the form of combining what are explanation as to why these strange cards exist? Did they
normally considered useless or weaker spells with their void recieve the cards from a long line of hidden mages looking to
cards to create powerful combinations of abilities that would keep the secrets in safe hands? Did they just steal it and are
otherwise be impossible to pull off. still trying to figure out how it works because they believe its
Having to deal with the limitations of the void deck, they power can provide them a better life?
have to pick and choose their moments carefully. But if they Whatever the reason, the way they apply their talents will
pick their battles wisely and plan out their combinations allow them to reach their full potential. Do they focus on
ahead of time, there's not much that can stop a void master, getting the most out of their spells by selecting the right tool
especially when they start getting in tune with their void deck. for the job? Do they summon and combine powerful
creatures to fight on their behalf? Do they lay magical traps
for their enemies to stumble into? Whatever style of magic
you choose to pursue, be sure to experiment with these
strange powers, switching them out and trying unique
combinations of spells and void cards to find strategies and
methods that suit your unique style of magic.


Expanded Explanations

his section is here because while the concept Many of the Void Cards simply add to the power of specific
of dropping a weird spellcaster into a fantasy spells. True Targetting, for example, only provides a buff to
setting isn't inheriently difficult, dropping in the true strike cantrip, allowing you to use the advantage
one so strange into settings where magic is gained from it to gain advantage on attacks made on the turn
common and this form of magic isn't well- you cast it. Which, if you pair it up with Combination Starter,
known can be. It's also here to explain the allows you to use a cantrip with an attack roll, while having
mechanical identity of the class, as well as give advantage, so long as you use your bonus action to cast true
you first-time Void Masters a chance to wrap your head strike. See? Not too complicated, you just need to think about
around the intricacies of this class. which Void Cards you want and if they interact with each
So, if you want to understand how to make the most of this other, how they interact. If you're thinking, "You said this
class and help your DM understand how it works, look at wasn't complicated, but this is way too much work for me!"
Mechanics Explanation. then that's fair.
If you want to help your DM fit your character into the There's a section of Void Cards that are just better
game easier or just want some ideas of how to write a spells.
character of this class into your game, read the Lore Under the Created Spell Card portion of the Void Cards
Explanation. section, there's a list of spells that you can pick. A Created
Spell Card acts a spell that you can cast once per long rest,
Mechanics Explanation and you can swap between which ones you have on a short
Let's get the big one out of the way first: rest, effectively allowing you to rotate out used spells as long
You are a half-caster whose main mechanic is their as you have a short rest to do so. If you're wondering why
spells. there are ritual spells there, you can also use them to cast
That alone probably sounds counter-intuitive. You might ritual spells as normal ritual spells, meaning you can cast
them again after you spend the time to cast them as a ritual
think to yourself, "Wait, if I'm only a half-caster, that means I spell. There are some subclasses that work really well with
don't get to use my spells as often. How am I supposed to use certain spells, so be sure to check to see what your subclass
all my spells if I have fewer than the Sorcerer and the can do with certain spells!
Wizard?" The answer to that question is simple: Oh, and keep in mind, since you're casting these spells
You aren't meant to cast many high-level spells. through spell scrolls, Created Spell Card spells don't
This class is meant to take a handful of their spells and require spell components to cast, not even ones that cost
focus their playstyle around those. Those of you who like to gold.
read ahead might then ask, "These spells are terrible! How The Void Master is very good with spell scrolls, I
am I supposed to work with these?!" That also has a simple recommend you keep an eye out for them and create them if
answer: you find you're starting to fall behind in power. Which, if you
Your Void Cards will enhance your lower-level spells only take created spells cards, you might. This class's full
and Cantrips. power is centered on it's combinations, not individual
Similar to how Eldritch Invocations enhance a Warlock's abilities. "But!" I hear you say, "But I don't want to spend a lot
abilities and Infusions enhance an Artificer's gear, your Void of time having to think through all of this!" To which I would
Cards will serve as a means to enhance your spells. For say:
instance, the Void Card Combination Starter provides a buff If you don't want to spend time crafting combos with
to all cantrips that do not require an attack roll or a saving spells and Void Cards, don't play this class.
throw to cast, reducing their cast time to a bonus action, with And I don't mean that in a bad way.
the exception of the mending cantrip, which requires an New players to D&D can often be turned away from the
action to cast. game because it's a complicated game with a lot of rules. I
And to clarify, no, that does not mean you can cast a cantrip wouldn't recommend that most new players play a wizard for
and a leveled spell every turn. Using the SRD 5e rules as their first character, as the wizard has a lot more to deal with,
written, "A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. mechanically, than a fighter would.
You must use a bonus action on your turn to cast the spell, This is a pretty complicated class and if you don't like that,
provided that you haven't already taken a bonus action this then that's fine. There are other classes that are simpler and
turn. You can't cast another spell during the same turn, do somewhat similar things to what this one does, like the
except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action." artificer and the warlock. If you take nothing else from this
So you can cast another cantrip the turn you cast a cantrip pdf:
with your bonus action, but not another leveled spell. The Play something you want to play.
Void Cards do a good job of allowing you to bypass certain But if you're not intimidated by the mechanical complexity,
restrictions on spells that you'd normally be stuck with, like you'll find that you've got a lot of options to choose from.
being unable to cast minor illusion and prestidigitation in the Heck, you can even switch up your playstyle from short rest
same turn. You might now be thinking, "This is complicated! to short rest if you pick your Known Cards right. And that
Do I have to know all the rules to make these Void Cards leads me to what is probably my biggest recommendation,
work?" The answer is, thankfully: which will probably guide you through this class fairly easily:
No. Pick Void Cards you know you'll use together.
The True Targetting and Combination Starter are a great As you can probably tell, challenging them is mechanically
example. If you pick them, you know exactly how to use them similar to challenging a wizard or sorcerer, though, you
together to their fullest potential. And you know when you'll may not need to focus so hard on the Void Master, as their
probably want to use them, that time being once you run out limited spell slots ensure they won't be able to bring their
of leveled spells to cast. Which might be a lot of the time, full power to bear too often.
considering you only have half the spells of a full casting
class. Oh, and just in case you're worried the True Targetting and
If you can group your Void Cards into sets you'll use Combination Starter will have your martial class players
effectively, you'll be just fine. scrambling to multiclass...
Now, for the DM's out there who are reading over this, I'm ... as per the rules of the Player's Hanbook, page 190, under
going to try to save you some time and reading through this "Other Activity on Your Turn",
entire pdf. You can also interact with one object or feature of the
If a player wants to play this class, but you're worried environment for free. For example, you could open a door
it'll be too much work, tell them they need to let you during your move as you stride toward a foe, or you could
know which Void Cards they want, what archetype they draw your weapon as part of the same action you use to
want, and how they intend to play the class. attack.
I know that you, as the DM, can change anything you want If you want to interact with a second object, you need to
or just not allow the class entirely, and that's cool, you ARE use your action.
the DM. But if you want to let your players try this class out Which means that, in order to cast true strike, they'd need
without digging through every 'once per long rest' clause, to have a free hand to cast the spell. Then, they could attack
that's not fair to you. with their weapon.
If they know what they want, they should be able to give That's 1 turn with advantage on all attacks. Pretty strong,
you a list, cutting your reading down from every page of this right?
document to a handful of pages. And if you find that you're But, after that, they only have 1 free item interaction.
struggling to challenge a Void Master, I recommend the Which means if they want to cast true strike, they have to
following hurdles: sheath their weapon or otherwise drop it. Now that they have
Void Masters are more powerful with spell scrolls than no more free item interactions, they can't draw their weapon
other classes. If spell scrolls they can use are scarce, it's to attack with, which means that they've just taken 2 levels in
essentially a debuff. this class to only attack with advantage every other turn after
the first, and only if they don't attack on the turns in between.
Void Masters are best with one-on-one encounters with Again, I would just ask them what they want to use and
powerful enemies, so swarms of smaller enemies tend to why if you want to consider letting them run this class. I'm
be harder to fight for Void Masters. working continually and playtesting to make sure it isn't
completely overpowered or completely underpowered, but
Void Masters typically need both hands, working eyes, and feel free to, as always, change things if you want to make this
the ability to speak to do their best work. Making any of class more fun for your table.
these difficult can make a Void Master's life very difficult. That was a lot of reading.
Void Masters typically avoid the Strength ability score like Here's a picture of a three-headed, lightning-blasting
the plague. Grappling a Void Master to keep them in place dragon for getting this far.
is usually a good way to bring them down.


Lore Explanation When you use Void Cards to cast spells, they bond to you in
a way no other magic item does. Void Cards are not sentient,
Alright, time to help you answer the million dollar question: but when you directly command the forces of the universe
How the heck do I explain a spellcaster that uses cards using pieces of creation, you alter them and yourself forever.
of all things to do magic? If a Void Master looses their deck, they can retrieve it from
And the answer is pretty simple: the furthest reaches of the universe by performing a ritual
They're not normal cards. that cannot be erased from their memory, even with magic.
Void cards, as I've laid them out for this class, are a As such, their able to better observe the fundemental
spellcasting focus that can be modified to allow the caster to interactions of magic, allowing them to work around the rules
modify their spells and fundementally change them. That's that most people would think are unbreakable.
not something even a sorcerer can do, so there's got to be This has the unforunate byproduct of leaving Void Masters
more to a void deck than just being magical. with a reputation of being insane people that sit around
Now, to explain to you my personal solution, I typically staring at the unintelligible scribbles on tiny pieces of paper
explain void cards as physical pieces of creation magic. They that even wizards wouln't bother looking at all day. However,
allow people to cast spells time and time again because even Void Masters tend to shake that stigma once they start
when magic isn't being drawn through them, the cards have actually casting spells. After all, if a wizard spends his time in
the potential to do just about anything. a tower studying all day, he's a scrawny old man. But if that
However, discovering their secrets takes time, as these scrawny old man can make you explode with the power of his
things are incredibly rare, and even people who have them mind, he's a scrawny old man you'll probably have a modicum
tend not to understand what it is they have. Even most Void of respect for.
Masters don't know how to draw out the full potential of the Except, most people know what a wizard is.
cards until the end of their careers. Most people do not know what a Void Master is.
As such, Void Masters are rare individuals that have So imagine, if you will, a world without wizards (terrifying,
managed to put together a void deck. Either because they I know). If you dropped one into it, most people would
discovered the nature of the cards became known to them, probably laugh at the idea that this silly old man with his little
they were called to do so by a spirit that wanders through the pointy hat could ever blow them up using a few words and
Astral Plane or an equivilent space for wandering souls, or waving his hands. Then some of those people would explode
because they managed to steal the void cards from people and the rest would run screaming. Now replace the word
who had them. "wizard" with "void master" and the pointy hant for a deck of
You can, of course, change them however you wish, but playing cards. See what I mean?
keep the following statement true: People generally underestimate Void Masters because
Void cards very rare, very hard to obtain, and even their method of casting seems silly to most people.
harder to use. Again, feel free to change any and all of this as you see fit,
People who see a Void Master will probably be just as but these general guidelines have worked for my games and
confused as most people reading through the rules for this helped me fit Void Masters into my games fairly easily.
class the first time. Questions like, "You can do what?!",
"That's not how magic works!", and "Why? Just why?", will be
commonly asked.
And that's typically what gives a Void Master the edge.
Truth be told, they can't cast high level spells without
dedicating massive amounts of time to focusing their power
into a single card, and even then, they can only use that card
once a day. Sure, their lower level spells are more powerful,
but their real strength lies in their versatility.
Warlocks? Can't cast that often.
Sorcerers and Wizards? Get a powerful spellcaster of your
own and you can level the playing field.
Artificers? Take their toys away and you're golden.
But a Void Master?
As far as the laws of magic are concerned, the Void Master
shouldn't be able to cast spells at all. But the Void Master
draws a card, casts a spell, and the spell is somehow better
than it would normally be, because the Void Master doesn't
care about what the laws of magic think. As a result, normal
folks that obey the laws of magic tend not to like them. Until
they're helpful, that is.
Void Masters are wild cards and generally thought of as
As far as a normal fantasy world is concerned, you're just
another person that stumbled upon a magic item and figured
out how to use it to cast spells.
But, that's not quite the case.


Void Master
Proficiency Known Used
Level Bonus Features Cards Cards Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Void Spirit, Spellcasting — — 2 2 — — — —
2nd +2 Void Cards 4 2 2 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Void Shuffle, 4 2 2 3 — — — —
Void Mage Style
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 2 3 — — — —
5th +3 Void Mage Style Feature 4 2 2 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Card Expertise 6 3 2 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Cunning Plan 6 3 2 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 2 4 3 — — —
9th +4 Void Mage Style Feature 6 3 2 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Void Card Adept 8 4 3 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Draw of Destiny 8 4 3 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 3 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 — 8 4 3 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Void Card Savant 10 5 4 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Void Mage Style Feature 10 5 4 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 10 5 4 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 — 10 5 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 True Void Master 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Heart of the Void© 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2

Quick Build Equipment

Make Intelligence your highest score, followed by Dexterity. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Then, take the Sage or Noble background. equipment granted by your background:
(a) a sling and 30 rocks(b) any simple weapon.
Class Features (a) a Void Disk or (b) a component pouch
As a Void Master, you gain the following class features: (a) a Scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
A void deck (your void deck acts as your arcane focus).
Hit Points A Void Disk is a shield that may hold your void deck. This
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Void Master level means that you have a free hand while having both a shield
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier and an arcane focus in one hand. Here's a picture of one:
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (4) + your Constitution
modifier per Void Master level after 1st.
Armor: Shields.
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs.
Tools: Calligrapher's Tools and Playing Cards.
Saving Throws: DEX, INT
Skills: Pick 2 from Arcana, Acrobatics, History, Slight of
Hand, Religion, and Stealth.


Spellcasting Void Cards
By using your void cards, you can cast spells. At second level, you've gained an understanding of how void
cards work and can start reshaping your void deck.
Preparing and Casting Spells
The Void Master table shows how many spell slots you have Known Void Cards
to cast your spells. To cast one of your Void Master spells of When you gain this feature, pick four void cards to learn. You
1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level learn additional void cards of your choice when you reach
or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish certain levels in this class, as shown in the Known Cards
a long rest. You prepare the list of Void Master spells that are column of the Void Master table.
available for you to cast, choosing from the Void Master spell Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
list. When you do so, choose a number of Void Master spells of the known cards you learned with a new one.
equal to your INT modifier + half your Void Master level,
rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of Using Cards
a level for which you have spell slots. You can change your list Whenever you finish a long rest, you can reorganize your
of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. deck to decide what cards are in it. You can only use a set
number of Known Cards in the deck as listed in the Used
Spellcasting Ability Cards column of the Void Master table. You gain the benefits
INT is your spellcasting ability for your Void Master spells. of the Known Cards you decide to use in the deck. If you do
You use your INT whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting not have your void deck, you lose all benefits of the cards
ability. In addition, you use your INT modifier when setting used in the deck.
the saving throw DC for a Void Master spell you cast and You can replace any and all of the cards in the deck with
when making an attack roll with one. other Known Cards during a long rest.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Void Shuffle
your INT modifier Starting at 3rd level, you've learned to keep certain cards at
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + the ready in case you need them in a pinch. You may use a
your INT modifier bonus action to switch out one of your Used Cards with one
of your Known Cards that you are not currently using.
Spellcasting Focus Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
Must be a void deck. Void decks are indestructable, but if you rest before you can use it again.
lose your void deck, you may spend 10 minutes conducting a
ritual to summon your void deck. This ritual requires 50 Void Mage Style
gold's worth of paper and ink, which the ritual consumes, and At third level, you may choose what kind of magic style to
you must have at least one free hand (or a way to meet the dedicate yourself to. Your choice grants you features at 5th,
Somatic component of a spell) for the duration in order to 9th, and 15th level.
conduct the ritual.
Upon completion of the ritual, your deck teleports to your Ability Score Improvement
hand, regardless of its previous location or if it was on a
seperate plane of existance. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
Ritual Casting by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
You can cast a void master spell as a ritual if that spell has 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat.

Void Spirit Card Expertise

At first level, you've found a spirit within your void cards that Starting at 6th level, you've become an expert in the field of
aids you in special ways. To use this feature, you must have a magical paper and cardboard. When you cast a spell using a
void deck in hand or on a void disk. You may summon the spell scroll that is higher level than you can currently cast,
spirit using a bonus action and it has the following you have advantage on the ability check required to cast the
properties: spell using the spell scroll.
The spirit lasts until it moves more than 30 feet away from
The spirit cannot move through solid objects or interact
with solid objects, has a fly speed of 30 feet, and is
invisible, though it can be seen by creatures with Void
Master levels, See Invisibility, or Truesight.
You can command the spirit telepathically, but it cannot
take the Help action or interact with objects.
The spirit has 30 feet of darkvision.
Cunning Plan Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
Starting at 7th level, your void cards begin to synchronize rest before you can use it again.
with your will, allowing your strategies to succeed more often. Void Card Savant
When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of
you makes a saving throw because of a spell that you cast, Starting at 14th level, when you cast a spell using a spell
you can use your reaction to subtract 1d4 from the roll. You scroll, you may use your own spell save DC or spell modifier.
can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency modifier. True Void Master
You regain all uses of this feature after finishing a long rest. Starting at 18th level, when you take a long rest, you may
Void Card Adept switch 1 Void Card among your Known Cards for any other
Void Card you meet the prerequisites for.
When you reach 10th level, you achieve a profound
understanding of how to use and make void cards. You may Heart of the Void©
store spell scrolls that you've made in your void deck. If you
use a ritual to summon your void deck, spell scrolls stored in Starting at 20th level, you unlock the truest potential of the
your void deck are returned to you when the deck is void cards: creation magic. Select 1 of the following effects:
summoned. You may cast the wish spell. You can only use the wish
spell to duplicate any other spell of 5th level or lower.
Draw of Destiny Select 1 exhausted Created Spell Card, it is no longer
Beginning at 11th level, you gain a supernatural ability to exhausted.
draw exactly the card you need. You may cast any one spell Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
you have learned one time without expending a spell slot. rest before you can use it again.
Improved Magical Critical
Void Mage Styles At 3rd level, you learn to consistently draw on the void's
Void masters tend to focus on specific styles of magic that magic, improving the odds that your spells will achieve their
allow them to further enhance their most used spells. maximum power.
Your spell attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.
Void Magician
Signature Move
Pursuing the power of pure spells, you take void magic to its At 5th level, select a 1st level spell from your void master spell
explosive conclusion, gathering some of the most powerful list. You may cast that spell without expending a 1st level
spells and using them to great effect. spell slot.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
Void Magician Spells rest before you can use it again.
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Labyrinthine Mind
Void Magician Spells table. These spells count as void master Starting at 9th level, your knowledge of the void has
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of void expanded to the point where your mind is actively able to use
master spells you prepare. the void's magic to empower itself.
Void Magician Spells You can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to
Void Master Level Void Magician Spells
any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check you make that
doesn't already use your proficiency bonus.
3rd Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile
5th Melf's Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray Superior Magical Critical
Starting at 15th level, your draw on the void has become
9th Tidal Wave, Vampiric Touch stronger, further increasing the potential of your spells.
13th Greater Invisibility, Storm Sphere Your spell attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.
17th Animate Objects, Modify Memory


Ritual Magician
From the infinite nothing springs creation, and from creation
springs life. In your pursuit of void magic, you've become
acutely aware of the power of creation and can use that to
make beings of greater power.
Ritual Magician Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the
Ritual Magician Spells table. These spells count as void
master spells for you, but they don’t count against the number
of void master spells you prepare.
Ritual Magician Spells
Void Master Level Void Magician Spells
3rd Comprehend Languages,
Unseen Servant
5th Beast Sense, Summon Beast
9th Summon Undead,
Summon Shadowspawn
13th Summon Aberation,
Summon Greater Demon
17th Conjure Elemental,
Summon Celestial

Empowering Ritual
At 3rd level, you've learned how to bend the void to create
powerful creatures. If you summon a familiar using the find
familiar spell, when you cast a cantrip with a range of self,
your familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell.
Your familiar must be within 100 feet of you, and it must use
its Reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell
requires an Attack roll, you use your atta⁠ck modifier for the
Fusing Ritual
Starting at 5th level, you've learned the ancient art of fusing
creatures to combine their power.
Select 2 or more creatures that you have summoned using
the find familiar spell, the flock of familiars spell, the unseen
servant spell, or a conjuration spell that requires
concentration and summons a creature with a stat block
(such as summon fey). Those creature are merged together
into a single creature.
Add the level of the spell used to summon each creature,
then select one creature from the Fusion Summon chart
whose Level Total is equal to the sum and summon that
creature within 30 feet of you. Creatures summoned using
flock of familiars are counted as spell level 1 for the purposes
of this feature.
That creature has its own initiative and will follow your
commands on its turn. If you give it no commands, it defends
itself on its turn. This creature remains in existance for 1
minute has passed or its HP becomes 0. You cannot use this
feature while a creature you summoned using this feature
has an HP higher than 0.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency modifier and you regain all expended uses after
completing a long rest.
Fusion Summon
Creature Total Level
Animated Armor 2
Dire Wolf 2
Hipogriff 2
Black Dragon Wyrmling 3
Minotaur Skeleton 3
Rug of Smothering 3
Hell Hound 4
Owlbear 4
Wight 4
Elephant 5
Ghost 5
Red Dragon Wyrmling 5

Instant Ritual
Starting at 9th level, you've discovered a way to use your own
life force as a catylyst for your rituals. When you use the
Fusing Ritual feature, you may select your hit dice pool as
one of the targets. You may expend up to 6 hit dice when you
use your hit dice as a target for the Fusing Ritual feature.
Half of the number of hit dice expended, rounded down, is
added to the levels for the purposes of calculating the Level
Advanced Fusion Summons
Starting at 15th level, you push the powers of fusion to their
limits. When you use the Fusing Ritual feature, you may
select creatures from the Expanded Fusion Summon table.

Expanded Fusion Summon

Creature Total Level
Barbed Devil 6
Hill Giant 6
Gladiator 6
Chimera 7
Invisible Stalker 7
Mammoth 7
Chain Devil 8
Frost Giant 8
Young Bronze Dragon 8


Reversal Magician
Thrillseeking, while not always your direct aim, has left you
with the understanding that failing to plan is planning to fail.
Reversal magicians have learned to plan out their moves
carefully, laying traps and ensuring that when the opportunity
presents itself, they'll be ready to strike, finishing off their
opponents before they knew what hit them.
Reversal Magician Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the
Reversal Magician Spells table. These spells count as void
master spells for you, but they don’t count against the number
of void master spells you prepare.
Reversal Magician Spells
Void Master Level Reversal Magician Spells
3rd Absorb Elements, Shield
5th Crown of Madness, Magic Mouth
9th Counterspell, Warding Glyph
13th Banishment, Charm Monster
17th Geas, Planar Binding

Survival Instincts
At 3rd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move
and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your
turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Magic Salvager
Starting at 5th level, during a short rest, if you have a spell
scroll which contains a leveled spell of a level that you can
cast, you may spend 10 minutes unbinding the scroll's magic.
If you do so, the spell scroll's magic is consumed as though
the spell had been cast and you regain a spell slot whose level
is equal to the spell slot of the magic from the spell scroll
Void Trap
Starting at 9th level, you may cast the warding glyph spell
without expending a spell slot, its casting time becomes 1
action, and the duration of the spell becomes 10 mintues.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.
Void Binding
Starting at 15th level, you've figured out how to use the void's
power to bind a being into a void card. When you cast the
planar binding spell, the casting time is 10 minutes and the
material component is a 1,000 gold void card, which the spell
If the target fails the saving throw, it is bound into the card.
You may release from the card or reseal it inside the card
using a bonus action for the duration of the spell.


Brutish Magician Brutish Magician Spells
Void Master Level Brutish Magician Spells
Occasionally, an individual who uses the power of the Void
Cards will find themselves enchanted directly by the void's 3rd Mage Armor, Witch Bolt
magic. When this happens, the user is enveloped by the true 5th Blur, Shadow Blade
powers of creation, transforming into powerful entities with 9th Fly, Vampiric Touch
incredible physical might.
In combat, brutish magicians are bare-handed monsters 13th Elemental Bane,
that are able to throw their weight around and tank hits with Freedom of Movement
their magically-powered bodies. 17th Enervation, Wall of Light

Brutish Magician Spells Magical Strength

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared When you adopt this void mage style at 3rd level, and you
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the gain the the following benefits:
Brutish Magician Spells table. These spells count as void
master spells for you, but they don’t count against the number You gain proficiency with light armor.
of void master spells you prepare. Your unarmed strike uses a d4 for damage.
You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill if you don’t
already have it.


Void Form Extra Attack
Starting at 3rd level, you can invoke the power of the void to Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
enhance your body, a feint light enveloping your body as your whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, so long as
muscles become tireless, your sense become sharper, and the at least one of those attacks is an unarmed strike. Moreover,
sensation of pain is lessened. you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those
You can use a bonus action to change to your Void Form, attacks.
which lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are
incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy armor, or if you Void Barrier
use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. You can also Beginning at 9th level, you can direct your magic to absorb
dismiss the Void Form at any time (no action required). damage while in your Void Form. When you take damage,
While you are in Void Form, you gain the following you can use your reaction to expend one spell slot and reduce
benefits: that damage to you by an amount equal to ten times the spell
You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence slot's level.
modifier (minimum of +1) Hightened Form
Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. Starting at 15th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of +1) to the damage of your unarmed melee
You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks. attacks while in Void Form.
You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throw you
make to maintain your concentration on a spell. The
bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it
when you finish a long rest.


Waltzing Magician
Ensuring that the show will go on, the Waltzing Magician can
help dancers with two left feet outperform the competition
and leave even the most capable dancers swept off their feet!
Here, there, and everywhere, the Waltzing Magician is a
master of elegenatly chaging the tempo, changing partners,
and making a dramatic getaway at the drop of a hat.
Waltzing Magician Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the
Waltzing Magician Spells table. These spells count as void
master spells for you, but they don’t count against the number
of void master spells you prepare.
Waltzing Magician Spells
Void Master Level Waltzing Magician Spells
3rd Charm Person, Heroism
5th Enhance Ability,
9th Haste, Slow
13th Elemental Bane,
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
17th Contaigon,
Teleportation Circle

Fancy Footwork
At 3rd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things
nearby aren't as they should be, giving you an edge when you
dodge away from danger. You have advantage on Dexterity
saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps
and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened,
or incapacitated.
You gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don’t
already have it.
Partner Rotation
At 5th level, you learn the time-honored art of switching
dance partners to keep the show exciting. While you are
concentrating on a spell with a single target, a duration
shorter than 24 hours, and the target's HP is reduced to 0,
you may select a new target for the spell that you can see
within 30 feet of the original target and transfer the spell's
effects onto the new target. The spell's duration is not
extended when you select a new target.
If the spell requires a saving throw, the new target makes
that saving throw when the spell's effects are transferred
onto them.
Tempo Tampering
At 9th level, you may cast either the haste spell or the slow
spell without expending a spell slot or requiring material
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.


Encore of Escape
At 15th level, you may cast the teleportation circle spell
without expending a spell slot or requiring material
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again.


Link Magician
Recognizing the inherent power within all creatures of
creation, the Link Magician seeks to draw out the power of
others using the strange power of void links.
Empowering those around them, Link Magicians aren't
typically strong on their own, but their knack for bringing out
the power of their allies tends makes them indispensable
allies to an adventuring party.
Link Magician Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the
Link Magician Spells table. These spells count as void master
spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of void
master spells you prepare.
Link Magician Spells
Void Master Level Link Magician Spells
3rd Bless, Ceremony
5th Invisibility, Prayer of Healing
9th Intellect Fortress,
Protection From Energy
13th Polymorph,
Shadow of Moil
17th Dispel Evil and Good,
Far Step

Void Links
Starting at 3rd level, you've become able to forge an
unbreakable Void Link. As an action while you have your void
deck, you target a willing creature you can see within 100
feet of you and create a line of etherial blue light that links
the target to you. The link lasts for 1 hour, until you use this
feature to create another link, until the linked creature is
reduced to 0 hit points, or until the target ends its turn more
than 100 feet from you.
While you and the target creature are linked, you gain the
following benefits:
If a spell that requires concentration is cast on the
creature you are linked to and that spell does not have a
range of self, that spell's effects are applied to you as well.
Both you and the target creature gain bonus to your
Investigation check equal to your intelligence modifier,
minimum 1.
You can create the link a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Pain Passage
Starting at 5th level, if you are linked to a creature, if you or
the creature you are linked to would take damage, you may
use a reaction to transfer that damage to the linked creature
or to transfer the damage from the linked creature to


Binding Link Unbreakable Bond
Starting at 9th level, your void links gain the following benefit: At 15th level, your void links have reached their fullest
If a spell that requires concentration is cast on you and potential. When you create a void link, you can make it with
any creature that you can see, and the link lasts for 1 hour,
that spell has a range of self, that spell's effects are applied until you use this feature to create another link, or until the
to the creature you are linked to as well. linked creature is reduced to 0 hit points.


Void Master Spell List
Cantrips 1st Level Locate Object 4th Level
Blade Ward Catapult Mind Spike Blight
Control Flames Create or Destroy Water Mirror Image Dimension Door
Firebolt Detect Magic Misty Step Fire Shield
Gust Detect Poison and Disease Ray of Enfeeblement Hallucinatory Terrain
Infestation Earth Tremor Tasha's Mind Whip Leomund's Secret Chest
Light Expeditious Retreat Warding Wind Sickening Radiance
Lightening Lure Feather Fall Stoneskin
Mage Hand Find Familiar 3rd Level Summon Construct
Magic Stone Fog Cloud Bestow Curse Summon Elemental
Mending Grease Clairvoyance Watery Sphere
Message Illusory Script Dispel Magic
Minor Illusion Jump Erupting Earth 5th Level
Mold Earth Silent Image Feign Death Cloudkill
Poison Spray Tenser's Floating Disk Gaseous Form Contact Other Plane
Prestidigitation Thunderwave Life Transferrance Dream
Shape Water Magic Circle Far Step
Shocking Grasp 2nd Level Major Image Hold Monster
Sword Burst Aganazzar's Scorcher Nondetection Insect Plague
Thunderclap Cloud of Daggers Remove Curse Scrying
True Strike Gust of Wind Sleet Storm Synaptic Static
Hold Person Summon Fey
Knock Tongues
Water Walk


The level of the spell cast from a Created Spell Card spell
Void Cards scroll is always the lowest level at which the spell can be cast
Void cards are extraordinary items that allow you to push a and you can only cast it while it is among your Used Cards.
spell beyond its normal limits. The description of each of the If the spell is a ritual spell, you may spend 10 minutes
following cardss details what a void card can do when it is longer than the cast time of the spell to cast it from the
put into your deck. Some cards specify a minimum void Created Spell Card without exhausting the spell scroll.
master level. You can't create such a card until you are at least Once a Created Spell Card has been used, the magic in it is
that level. Unless a card's description says otherwise, you exhausted and it cannot be used again until you finish a long
can't create a card more than once. rest.
You must have a void deck in your hand or in a void disk Created Spell Cards (2nd Level Void
you have equipped to gain the benefits of any of these cards.
Spell Ritual Spell Level
Blaster's Boon
Command No 1st
Prerequisite: 6th level void master.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, if you cast a Healing Word No 1st
spell that requires a ranged spell attack roll and rolls more Faerie Fire No 1st
than 1 damage dice, if you hit, you may select 2 damage dice Identify Yes 1st
with the same number of sides. You may change the value of
the second dice you picked to match the value of first dice Ice Knife No 1st
you picked. The dice is treated as though you rolled that value Unseen Servant Yes 1st
for the purposes of the spell.
Dragon's Breath No 2nd
Bounding Kick Flock of Familiars No 2nd
While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the Silence Yes 2nd
jump spell, the creature you touch gains the following Spiritual Weapon No 2nd
benefits for the duration of the spell:
You may use a bonus action to jump 10 feet in a direction Created Spell Cards (6th Level Void
either towards an upright wall or to an unnocupied space Master)
you can see. Spell Ritual Spell Level
If you jump into an upright wall, select another point Catnap No 3rd
within 10 feet in a direction towards or to an unnocupied
space you can see, you jump towards that space. Fireball No 3rd
If there is a creature that is not prone standing in the path Glyph of Warding No 3rd
of your jump, that creature must make a dexterity saving
throw against 8 + your proficiency bonus + your dexterity Leomund's Tiny Hut Yes 3rd
modifier. On a failure, the creature is knocked prone and Lightning Bolt No 3rd
you fall to the ground in front of the creature, landing on Divination Yes 4th
your feet. On a success, you fall to the ground in front of
the creature, landing on your feet. Ice Storm No 4th
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound No 4th
Created Spell Card Storm Sphere No 4th
You bind a void card to a single purpose and make it into a
spell scroll that does not disintegrate upon casting, can only Vitriolic Sphere No 4th
store a single spell, and it can regain its magic. The spell
stored within a Created Spell Card counts as though it were
on your class spell list, though you may not expend a spell
slot to cast it without a created spell card.
Created spell cards may only be used by a creature with at
least 2 Void Master class levels. If you attempt to cast a spell
using a Created Card that is a higher level than you can cast
and fail, the card retains its magic an you may attempt to cast
the spell again.
You can add this card to your Known Cards multiple times;
each time you do so, select a spell to imbue the card with,
selecting from the Created Spell Card table. A table's title
tells you the level you must be in the class to choose a spell
from the table. Alternatively, you can choose a cantrip from
the Cleric or Wizard spell list.


Created Spell Cards (10th Level Void Dialation Enhancement
Master) Prerequisite: Waltzing Magicain Void Mage Style.
Spell Ritual Spell Level
While this card is one of your Used Cards, while you are
Awaken No 5th concentrating on the Enlarge/Reduce spell, the spell gains the
Cone of Cold No 5th following effects:
Geas No 5th If you select the Enlarge option, the target’s attack with its
Legend Lore No 5th enlarged weapons gains an additional 1d4 damage.
If you select the Reduce option, the target's attack with its
Rary's Telepathic Bond Yes 5th reduced weapons loses an additional 1d4 damage
Arcane Gate No 6th (minimum 1).
Contingency No 6th
If a creature makes an unarmed attack, the damage for
that roll is add to or subtracted from as though it were a
Drawmij's Instant Summons Yes 6th weapon attack for the purposes of this spell.
Programmed Illusion No 6th
Doctor's Wisdom
Soul Cage No 6th
While this card is one of your Used Cards, if you cast the
Summon Fiend No 6th detect poison and disease spell, you gain the following
benefits for the duration:
Created Spell Cards (14th Level Void You gain advantage on Medicine checks to stabalize any
Master) creature that has fallen unconscious due to the effects of a
Spell Ritual Spell Level
poison or disease.
Delayed Blast Fireball No 7th You may make an ability with advantage using the
Mirage Arcane No 7th herbalism kit to lessen the pain of an individual suffering
from poison or disease. This does not decrease any
Plane Shift No 7th damage taken due to the disease or poison.
Project Image No 7th If you have an herbalism kit, you may expend 3 gold and 1
Whirlwind No 7th
spend 1 hour crafting to create a healer's kit.
Antimagic Field No 8th Dark Magic Ritual
Demiplane No 8th Prerequisite: Ritual Magicain Void Mage Style.
Dominate Monster No 8th If you select a fiend as a target for the Fusing Ritual ability,
double the spell level of the spell used to summon it when
Illusory Dragon No 8th calculating the Spell Total.
Maddening Darkness No 8th
Dirty Trick
Combination Starter Prerequisite: The mold earth cantrip.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, if you cast a While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
Cantrip that does not require an attack roll or a saving throw following benefits:
and requires an action to cast, you may cast that Cantrip When you cast the mold earth spell, if you move a block of
using a bonus action. The Mending spell has a casting time of dirt into a space occupied by a creature of size medium or
1 action when you cast it. smaller, that creature is eveloped by the dirt. A creature
The Mending Cantrip cannot be cast using a bonus action enveloped by dirt must expend an extra 5 feet of
using this Card's benefits. movement to exit the dirt and has disadvantage on melee
weapon attack rolls while enveloped in the dirt.
Cooking Grease If you cast mold earth targeting a block of dirt that is
Prerequisite: Void Magicain Void Mage Style. enveloping a creature, when you move the dirt, you also
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the move the creature enveloped by it.
following benefits: When you cast the earth tremor spell, a cloud of dust
covers the area affected by the spell. Until the start of your
When you cast the grease spell, the grease is flammable next turn, all creatures without blindsight, tremorsense, or
grease. If lit, the grease burns for the duration unless truesight have disadvantage on attack rolls against
magically extinguished and deals 5 fire damage to any creatures within the area of the spell's effect.
creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A
creature can take this damage only once per turn.
When you case the grease spell, you may cast control
flames as a reaction to light the grease instantly.


Empowered Void Spirit Giant Slayer Trifecta
Prerequisite: 6th level void master. Prerequisite: The magic stone cantrip.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, if you have a While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
familair obtained using the find familiar or flock of familiars following benefits:
spell, you may select 1 familiar you currently have and cast a
spell with a range of self as though the familiar was you. If you make a ranged attack roll with a sling using a stone
If you cast a spell that has a duration, any effects of the created with the magic stone spell against a giant, you
spell that would affect the caster affect the selected familiar have advantage on the attack roll.
for the duration of the spell. Only a single familiar can benefit When you cast the magic stone spell, starting at 5th level,
from the effects of a single casting of a self ranged spell using the stones deal 2d6+your spellcasting ability modifier.
this feature. If the spell requires concentration, you cannot When you cast the magic stone spell, starting at 11th level,
cast another spell that requires concentration while you are the stones deal 3d6+your spellcasting ability modifier.
concentrating another spell, unless you end concentration on When you cast the magic stone spell, starting at 15th level,
the previous spell. If the familiar dies while you are the stones deal 4d6+your spellcasting ability modifier.
concentrating on a spell cast using this feature, your Illuminating Glow
concentration on that spell ends.
Prerequisite: The light cantrip.
Ensnaring Madness While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
Prerequisite: Reversal Magician Void Mage Style. following benefits:
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the When you cast the light spell, you can select a target up to
following benefits: 30 feet away as the target for this spell.
When you cast the locate object spell, you can sense
When you cast the infestation spell, you may determine where the object was in the past 10 minutes. This
what direction the target move in if it fails the Constitution manifests as a trail of blue light that you can see, starting
saving throw. where the object was 10 minutes ago and leading to its
When you cast the crown of madness spell, if the target current location that only you can see.
dies, you may use your reaction to switch the spell to a
new target that immediately makes a Wisdom saving Illusory Graffitti
throw against the spell's effects.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
Flash Freeze following benefits:
Prerequisite: 6th level void master, the shape water cantrip. When you cast the illusory script spell, you can write the
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the illusion onto any flat surface you can touch and the
following benefits: message is written upon that surface, covering an area of
at least one foot by one foot and no larger than 20 feet by
When you cast the create or destroy water spell and select 20 feet.
Create Water, you may select 1 5-foot square within 30 When you cast the prestidigitation spell to leave a symbol
feet of you for each gallon of water created. The water you or image on a surface, you may leave a hidden message in
create instantly coats those squares. it. A creature may make an investigation check against
When you cast create or destroy water and choose to coat your spell save DC to decipher the hidden message. On a
the ground in water, you may use your reaction to cast success, they decipher the message. On a failure, they
shape water, freezing the water on the ground and cannot understand the message. Creatures that are aware
creating a layer of ice. The ice created in this manner lasts that a message exists have advantage on the roll.
for 1 minute and is difficult terrain. If you freeze the
ground beneath a creature other than yourself, that Instant Summon
creature must make a dexterity saving throw against your
spell save DC. On a failure, the creature falls prone. While this card is one of your Used Cards, the find familiar
and flock of familiars spells have a casting time of 1 action
Friend in Need and require no material components when you cast it.
Prerequisite: Link Magician Void Mage Style. Internal Dialogue
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
following benefits: While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the
message spell, you do not have to point at your target as long
If a creature you are linked to must make a saving throw, as you can see them and the target may use their reaction to
you may use your reaction to add your ability score respond to you in a whisper only you can hear.
modifier for the saving throw to the creature's roll.
If you are linked to a creature and must make a saving
throw, the creature you are linked to may use its reaction
to add its ability score modifier for the saving throw to
your roll.


Magnetic Will When you cast the witch bolt spell, you may use a bonus
action instead of an action to automatically deal 1d12
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the lightning damage to a target hit by this spell. This spell
following benefits: only ends the round it does not deal damage to the target
When you cast the mage hand spell, the hand may lift of the spell, the target is ever outside the spell’s range, or if
objects which weigh up to 30 pounds if the object it is it has total cover from you.
lifting is made of iron or steel.
When you cast the Tenser's floating disk spell, while you Storm Striker
are standing on top of the disk, you may use a bonus Prerequisite: The thunderclap cantrip.
action to telepathically command the disk to float up to 30 While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
feet in a direction of your choice. following benefits:
Master of Mists When you cast the thunderclap spell, the damage dealt
Prerequisite: 6th level void master. ignores any resistance the target has to thunder damage.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the When you cast the thunderwave spell, creatures within 5
following benefits: feet of you have disadvantage on the Constitution saving
While you are concentrating on the fog cloud spell, you throw caused by the spell.
may use an action to telepathically command the fog to
move up to 30 feet in any direction you choose. Thousand Knives
When you take the hide action within a fog, add +5 to the
stealth check. Prerequisite: The sword burst cantrip.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
Ritual Circle following benefits:
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the When you cast the sword burst cantrip, you may select 1
following benefits: creature within 30 feet of you to make the save instead of
all creatures within 5 feet of you and if you do, the damage
During your turn, if you have not spent any of your dice of this spell becomes 1d10 (2d10 if you are 5th level,
movement, you may cast the blade ward cantrip using a 3d10 if you are 11th level, and 4d10 if you are 15th level).
When you cast the magic circle spell, the casting time is 1 While you are concentrating on the cloud of daggers spell,
minute. you can move the daggers up to 30 feet to another point
within the spell's range as a bonus action. A creature
Sinister Sickness cannot take damage more than once from moving the
Prerequisite: The poison spray cantrip. cloud in this way.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
following benefits: Trebuchet
When you cast the poison spray spell, ignore resistance to Prerequisite: 14th level void master, the magic stone cantrip.
poison damage. While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
following benefits:
When you cast the ray of enfeblement spell, you may select
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You may expend a reaction to cast the magic stone spell.
On a hit, the target deals only half damage with weapon When you cast the catapult spell, you may select up to 2
attacks and spell attacks that use the selected ability score additional objects to launch with the spell as though you
until the spell ends. This spell does not effect spells that had cast it an additional 2 times at the level which you
require a saving throw. cast it. Each additional object launched this way makes
At the end of each of the target’s turns, it can make a requires an additional saving throw.
Constitution saving throw against the spell. On a success,
the spell ends. You can launch stones created with the magic stone spell
using the catapult spell. If you do, the stone is treated as
Spark's Cackle though it was hurled using a sling.
Prerequisite: The shocking grasp cantrip, Brutish Magicain
Void Style.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
following benefits:
When you make an attack of opportunity, you may cast the
shocking grasp cantrip instead of making a weapon attack
or an unarmed attack.


True Targeting Void Link Branching
While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the Prerequisite: 6th level void master, Link Magician Void Mage
true strike spell, it gains the following effects: Style.
When you use the Void Link feature, you may select 1
If you make one or more attack rolls this turn after you additional creature as a target for the link.
cast True Strike, you have advantage on each of those
attack rolls and the effect of this spell ends at the end of Wailing Agony
your turn.
Prerequisite: Reversal Magician Void Mage Style.
Universal Understanding While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the magic mouth spell, you may decide for the created mouth to
following benefits: wail instead of reciting a message.
If you choose for it to wail, when it is triggered, the mouth
When you cast the minor illusion spell, you may create a begins screaming in an agonizingly shrill voice. Creatures
scent that can be smelled up to 10 feet from a point within within 30 feet of the mouth when it wails must make a
range of the spell. If a creature uses its action to try to dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a
locate the scent, the creature can determine that it is an failure, they take 4d10 thunder damage and become deaf for
illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) an hour. On a success, they take half as much thunder
check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns damage. Creatures that are deaf when the mouth wails
the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the automatically succeed on the saving throw.
creature. The spell ends once the mouth wails.
When you cast the silent image spell, you may create a Warmonger's Focus
sensation of smell and heat to accompany the image. The
heat sensation cannot be hot enough to burn anything or Prerequisite: Brutish Magician Void Mage Style.
cold enough to cause freeze anything. A creature that While this card is one of your Used Cards, you can maintain
succeeds on an investigation check to see through the concentration on 2 spells, but only if at least 1 of those spells
effects of the spell can tell that the heat or lack thereof is are on the Brutish Magician Spell table.
fake. If you take damage while concentrating on 2 spells, you
must roll a constitution saving throw for each spell as per the
When you cast contact other plane, you have advantage on rules for concentrating on a spell you are concentrating on as
the Intelligence saving throw listed in the spell's effect. listed on page 203 of the Player's Handbook under
Unquenchable Blaze
Prerequisite: 14th level void master, the control flame Watery Grave
cantrip. While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the watery sphere spell, you may expend your bonus action to
following benefits: force all creatures restrained by the sphere to make a
Constitution saving throw.
When you cast control flames, you may select an area On a failure, if the creatures needs to breathe, water forces
within a 10 foot cube instead of a 5 foot cube. If there is a itself into their lungs and they begin drowning. On a success,
creature within range is wearing something flammable, they manage to keep the water out. Any creature that dies
such as common clothes, cloaks, or non-studded leather, within the sphere is pushed to an open space within 5 feet of
you may expand flames onto them, using their flammable the place where it died.
clothes as fuel for the fire.
When you cast the spell scorching ray, if you hit a target Waterstrider
and the target is wearing something flammable, such as
common clothes, cloaks, or non-studded leather, the target While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the
is set on fire. water walk spell, the creatures affected by the spell gain an
Creatures set on fire with this Void Card's effect may take additional 10 feet of movement.
an action to put out the fire and take 5 fire damage at the
end of each turn they are on fire. The fire can also be Whiplash Removal
extinguished with at least 1 gallon of water or if the Prerequisite: 9th level void master, Waltzing Magician Void
creature moves 5 feet while prone. Mage Style.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the
haste spell, when the spell ends, the creature may move and
take actions as normal during its next turn.


Whirling Cyclone Zenith's Blind Spot
While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the
warding wind spell, the radius of the wind is increased from nondetection spell, the creature affected by the spell creates
10 feet to 20 feet and any fire or lightening damage that an invisible, spherical nondetection zone which has a radius
would be taken within the wind's area of effect becomes 0. of 30 feet. Anything within the nondetection zone cannot be
percieved via divination magic and creatures within the zone
Wind's Trickster gain advantage on stealth checks.
Prerequisite: The gust cantrip.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the Zipping Zagging Zap
following benefits: Prerequisite: The lightning lure cantrip.
When you cast the gust spell, you may use the following While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
options: following benefits:
-- One Medium or smaller creature that you choose When you cast the lightning lure spell, you may choose to
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled up give it a range of 30 feet and require somatic components.
to 5 feet towards from you. If you do, the spell's effect changes to the following effect:
-- You create a small blast of air capable of moving one -- You point at a surface or object which is not being
object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs no worn or carried by a creature. The initial target must be
more than 5 pounds. The object is pulled up to 10 feet within 30 feet of you.
towards from you. It isn’t pushed with enough force to -- Select a secondary target that you can see within 15
cause damage. feet of the initial target. The secondary target must
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled 10 feet
When you cast the gust of wind spell, you may choose to towards the object and then take 1d8 lightening damage.
cause the wind to pull things towards you. If you choose to -- This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach
cause things to be pulled towards you, the spell's effect 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
changes to the following effects:
--A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide
blasts towards you in a direction you choose for the spell’s Zonule Zone
duration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must While this card is one of your Used Cards, you gain the
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled 15 feet following benefits:
towards from you in a direction following the line.
--Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of When you cast the hold person spell on a single target,
movement for every 1 foot it moves when moving away every creature which could be targeted by the spell that is
from you. within 15 feet of the target must also succeed on a
--The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At
candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the the end of each turn of each creature under the effect of
area. It causes protected flames, such as those of lanterns, the spell, each target can make another Wisdom saving
to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance to extinguish throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
them. When you cast the hold monster spell on a single target,
--As a bonus action on each of your turns before the every creature which could be targeted by the spell that is
spell ends, you can change the direction in which the line within 15 feet of the target must also succeed on a
blasts towards you. Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At
the end of each turn of each creature under the effect of
Wight's Hardiness the spell, each target can make another Wisdom saving
While this card is one of your Used Cards, when you cast the throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
feign death spell, the target is not blinded or incapacitated,
and its speed is unnaffected by the spell.
While this card is one of your Used Cards, feign death is
not a ritual spell for the purposes of ritual casting, and its
duration is reduced to 1 minute.


Spells Addendum
This page lists the spells for the Void Master that cannot be
found in the Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to
Everything, or Tasha's Cauldron of Everything for the sake of
the sanity of anyone looking to play or just understand this
Spells from:
The Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
Flock of Familiars
2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You temporarily summon three familiars—spirits that take
animal forms of your choice. Each familiar uses the same
rules and options for a familiar conjured by the find familiar
spell. All the familiars conjured by this spell must be the same
type of creature (celestials, fey, or fiends; your choice). If you
already have a familiar conjured by the find familiar spell or
similar means, then one fewer familiars are conjured by this
Familiars summoned by this spell can telepathically
communicate with you and share their visual or auditory
senses while they are within 1 mile of you.
When you cast a spell with a range of touch, one of the
familiars conjured by this spell can deliver the spell, as
normal. However, you can cast a touch spell through only one
familiar per turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher, you conjure an additional familiar
for each slot level above 2nd.


Yusei & Jack "Dueling" on Page 12: ebira, who I had
Multiclassing immense trouble finding, but deserves all the credit they
Void Masters follow all the normal rules for multiclassing. can get.
The following tables function as additions to those listed on
page 163 and 164 of the Player’s Handbook. ZEXAL art on Page 13: Najin, who did an excellent job.
Multiclassing Prerequisites Nash art on Page 14: noppe, who ALSO did an awsome
Class Abilitiy Minimum Score job.
Void Master Dexterity 13 and Intelligence 13 ARC V art on Page 15: Yuto Sakaki
Yuya art on Page 16: Meyley
Multiclassing Proficiencies
Class Proficiencies Gained VRAINS art on Page 17:さんのイラストまとめ, aka
Void Master Playing Cards, Shields
VRAINS art on Page 18:AlanMac95, rocking the png
Spell Slots format.
Add half your levels (rounded up) in the void master class to Cool Blue Eyes Dragons Spread on Page 19: Also 緒方 春
the appropriate levels from other classes to determine your 斗,the absolute boss.
available spell slots.
Art on Last Page: Tokiru, you ended it in style.
A huge thanks to the Homebrewery that allowed me to make
this pdf so pretty, Kasuki Takahashi for being the mangaka of
Yugioh!, which helped inspire this class's concept, my close
freinds and family that put up with me while I talked
endlessly about how much fun this class would be once I
made it, and anybody who has fun with this class and making
all my efforts worth it.
Art Credits
I do not own any of the art except for the void card on page 2
and the Void Disk on Page 6, which I made myself.
Art on the cover: moribuden, who is pretty awesome.
Void Master Jaiden on Page 1: Hom Factory Dev patreon
Void Card on Page 2: Me. I made this one. That's why it
looks so weird.
Three-headed, lightning-blasting dragon on Page 4: 緒方
春斗,the absolute boss.

Executive producer on Page 5: Also 緒方 春斗,the

absolute boss.
Duel Disk on Page 6: Also me. Noticing a patern with the
really bad art?
Executive producer on Page 5: Also 緒方 春斗,the
absolute boss.
Black Dragon with Red Eyes on Page 8: 緒方 春斗,the
absolute boss.
Pharaoh Atem on Page 9: kawacy, excellent job.
Jaiden image on Page 10: also moribuden, who is pretty
Jaiden Image on Page 11: also moribuden, who is pretty



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