Void Master Version 1.9
Void Master Version 1.9
Void Master Version 1.9
n elf looks through a series of ancient cards in
her hand, searching for an answer. Her friends
shout and scream as the dragon draws back to
ready itself for another blast of fire. Drawing
from the deck, she shouts out, "Oh no you
don't!" as a monsterous gale springs forth from
the card, battering the beast back long enough
for the group to escape.
A human surrounded and outnumbered, looks at his hand
and smiles as the hobgoblins make their way up the path to
reach him. Shouting the unintelligible words of a strange and
forgotten ritual, three beasts emerge in a shimmer of light,
only for their essence to shatter and reform into the body of a
shining white dragon with eyes of blue fury.
An assassin quietly picks the lock of a 3rd story window,
gently opening the door to make his way into his target's
room. Before he sets foot on the floor, the floor glows and a
flash of light leaves him wondering what sort of magic he's
set off. A few seconds pass, and the assassin tries to finish
the job, finding that his hand won't bring the dagger down
onto the sleeping gnome as a feeling of death fills his mind
with hesitation. In the morning, the gnome laughs at his
newest lackey and introduces the spellbound assassin to the
party as his new bodyguard.
Void masters are unusual spellcasters who, rather than
practicing a wide variety of spells, focus on bringing out the
true potential of specific spells, altering their spellcasting
focus, a deck of void cards, to aid them in realizing those
spells' fullest potential.
Void Cards
Void cards are unique cards that are typically formed by
harnessing the energy of a plane which normally has no solid
form. The Ethereal Plane or the Astral Plane would be good
examples of what kinds of space need to be used in their
creation. As such, void cards can focus magical energy in
unique ways, allowing spells cast through them to be more
These ancient tools, often used alongside a strange shield
with slots for the cards to be placed in, were thought to have
been created by an ancient civilization that was consumed by
their reliance on the void. Thus, their ancient magics have
become rare and considered unthinkable by modern scholars
of the arcane.
As such, most void masters are either lucky to get their
hands on these artifacts, very far forward thinking to plan out
the steps needed to obtian such a rare and strange artifact, or
some combination of the two.
his section is here because while the concept Many of the Void Cards simply add to the power of specific
of dropping a weird spellcaster into a fantasy spells. True Targetting, for example, only provides a buff to
setting isn't inheriently difficult, dropping in the true strike cantrip, allowing you to use the advantage
one so strange into settings where magic is gained from it to gain advantage on attacks made on the turn
common and this form of magic isn't well- you cast it. Which, if you pair it up with Combination Starter,
known can be. It's also here to explain the allows you to use a cantrip with an attack roll, while having
mechanical identity of the class, as well as give advantage, so long as you use your bonus action to cast true
you first-time Void Masters a chance to wrap your head strike. See? Not too complicated, you just need to think about
around the intricacies of this class. which Void Cards you want and if they interact with each
So, if you want to understand how to make the most of this other, how they interact. If you're thinking, "You said this
class and help your DM understand how it works, look at wasn't complicated, but this is way too much work for me!"
Mechanics Explanation. then that's fair.
If you want to help your DM fit your character into the There's a section of Void Cards that are just better
game easier or just want some ideas of how to write a spells.
character of this class into your game, read the Lore Under the Created Spell Card portion of the Void Cards
Explanation. section, there's a list of spells that you can pick. A Created
Spell Card acts a spell that you can cast once per long rest,
Mechanics Explanation and you can swap between which ones you have on a short
Let's get the big one out of the way first: rest, effectively allowing you to rotate out used spells as long
You are a half-caster whose main mechanic is their as you have a short rest to do so. If you're wondering why
spells. there are ritual spells there, you can also use them to cast
That alone probably sounds counter-intuitive. You might ritual spells as normal ritual spells, meaning you can cast
them again after you spend the time to cast them as a ritual
think to yourself, "Wait, if I'm only a half-caster, that means I spell. There are some subclasses that work really well with
don't get to use my spells as often. How am I supposed to use certain spells, so be sure to check to see what your subclass
all my spells if I have fewer than the Sorcerer and the can do with certain spells!
Wizard?" The answer to that question is simple: Oh, and keep in mind, since you're casting these spells
You aren't meant to cast many high-level spells. through spell scrolls, Created Spell Card spells don't
This class is meant to take a handful of their spells and require spell components to cast, not even ones that cost
focus their playstyle around those. Those of you who like to gold.
read ahead might then ask, "These spells are terrible! How The Void Master is very good with spell scrolls, I
am I supposed to work with these?!" That also has a simple recommend you keep an eye out for them and create them if
answer: you find you're starting to fall behind in power. Which, if you
Your Void Cards will enhance your lower-level spells only take created spells cards, you might. This class's full
and Cantrips. power is centered on it's combinations, not individual
Similar to how Eldritch Invocations enhance a Warlock's abilities. "But!" I hear you say, "But I don't want to spend a lot
abilities and Infusions enhance an Artificer's gear, your Void of time having to think through all of this!" To which I would
Cards will serve as a means to enhance your spells. For say:
instance, the Void Card Combination Starter provides a buff If you don't want to spend time crafting combos with
to all cantrips that do not require an attack roll or a saving spells and Void Cards, don't play this class.
throw to cast, reducing their cast time to a bonus action, with And I don't mean that in a bad way.
the exception of the mending cantrip, which requires an New players to D&D can often be turned away from the
action to cast. game because it's a complicated game with a lot of rules. I
And to clarify, no, that does not mean you can cast a cantrip wouldn't recommend that most new players play a wizard for
and a leveled spell every turn. Using the SRD 5e rules as their first character, as the wizard has a lot more to deal with,
written, "A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. mechanically, than a fighter would.
You must use a bonus action on your turn to cast the spell, This is a pretty complicated class and if you don't like that,
provided that you haven't already taken a bonus action this then that's fine. There are other classes that are simpler and
turn. You can't cast another spell during the same turn, do somewhat similar things to what this one does, like the
except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action." artificer and the warlock. If you take nothing else from this
So you can cast another cantrip the turn you cast a cantrip pdf:
with your bonus action, but not another leveled spell. The Play something you want to play.
Void Cards do a good job of allowing you to bypass certain But if you're not intimidated by the mechanical complexity,
restrictions on spells that you'd normally be stuck with, like you'll find that you've got a lot of options to choose from.
being unable to cast minor illusion and prestidigitation in the Heck, you can even switch up your playstyle from short rest
same turn. You might now be thinking, "This is complicated! to short rest if you pick your Known Cards right. And that
Do I have to know all the rules to make these Void Cards leads me to what is probably my biggest recommendation,
work?" The answer is, thankfully: which will probably guide you through this class fairly easily:
No. Pick Void Cards you know you'll use together.
The True Targetting and Combination Starter are a great As you can probably tell, challenging them is mechanically
example. If you pick them, you know exactly how to use them similar to challenging a wizard or sorcerer, though, you
together to their fullest potential. And you know when you'll may not need to focus so hard on the Void Master, as their
probably want to use them, that time being once you run out limited spell slots ensure they won't be able to bring their
of leveled spells to cast. Which might be a lot of the time, full power to bear too often.
considering you only have half the spells of a full casting
class. Oh, and just in case you're worried the True Targetting and
If you can group your Void Cards into sets you'll use Combination Starter will have your martial class players
effectively, you'll be just fine. scrambling to multiclass...
Now, for the DM's out there who are reading over this, I'm ... as per the rules of the Player's Hanbook, page 190, under
going to try to save you some time and reading through this "Other Activity on Your Turn",
entire pdf. You can also interact with one object or feature of the
If a player wants to play this class, but you're worried environment for free. For example, you could open a door
it'll be too much work, tell them they need to let you during your move as you stride toward a foe, or you could
know which Void Cards they want, what archetype they draw your weapon as part of the same action you use to
want, and how they intend to play the class. attack.
I know that you, as the DM, can change anything you want If you want to interact with a second object, you need to
or just not allow the class entirely, and that's cool, you ARE use your action.
the DM. But if you want to let your players try this class out Which means that, in order to cast true strike, they'd need
without digging through every 'once per long rest' clause, to have a free hand to cast the spell. Then, they could attack
that's not fair to you. with their weapon.
If they know what they want, they should be able to give That's 1 turn with advantage on all attacks. Pretty strong,
you a list, cutting your reading down from every page of this right?
document to a handful of pages. And if you find that you're But, after that, they only have 1 free item interaction.
struggling to challenge a Void Master, I recommend the Which means if they want to cast true strike, they have to
following hurdles: sheath their weapon or otherwise drop it. Now that they have
Void Masters are more powerful with spell scrolls than no more free item interactions, they can't draw their weapon
other classes. If spell scrolls they can use are scarce, it's to attack with, which means that they've just taken 2 levels in
essentially a debuff. this class to only attack with advantage every other turn after
the first, and only if they don't attack on the turns in between.
Void Masters are best with one-on-one encounters with Again, I would just ask them what they want to use and
powerful enemies, so swarms of smaller enemies tend to why if you want to consider letting them run this class. I'm
be harder to fight for Void Masters. working continually and playtesting to make sure it isn't
completely overpowered or completely underpowered, but
Void Masters typically need both hands, working eyes, and feel free to, as always, change things if you want to make this
the ability to speak to do their best work. Making any of class more fun for your table.
these difficult can make a Void Master's life very difficult. That was a lot of reading.
Void Masters typically avoid the Strength ability score like Here's a picture of a three-headed, lightning-blasting
the plague. Grappling a Void Master to keep them in place dragon for getting this far.
is usually a good way to bring them down.
Empowering Ritual
At 3rd level, you've learned how to bend the void to create
powerful creatures. If you summon a familiar using the find
familiar spell, when you cast a cantrip with a range of self,
your familiar can deliver the spell as if it had cast the spell.
Your familiar must be within 100 feet of you, and it must use
its Reaction to deliver the spell when you cast it. If the spell
requires an Attack roll, you use your attack modifier for the
Fusing Ritual
Starting at 5th level, you've learned the ancient art of fusing
creatures to combine their power.
Select 2 or more creatures that you have summoned using
the find familiar spell, the flock of familiars spell, the unseen
servant spell, or a conjuration spell that requires
concentration and summons a creature with a stat block
(such as summon fey). Those creature are merged together
into a single creature.
Add the level of the spell used to summon each creature,
then select one creature from the Fusion Summon chart
whose Level Total is equal to the sum and summon that
creature within 30 feet of you. Creatures summoned using
flock of familiars are counted as spell level 1 for the purposes
of this feature.
That creature has its own initiative and will follow your
commands on its turn. If you give it no commands, it defends
itself on its turn. This creature remains in existance for 1
minute has passed or its HP becomes 0. You cannot use this
feature while a creature you summoned using this feature
has an HP higher than 0.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency modifier and you regain all expended uses after
completing a long rest.
Fusion Summon
Creature Total Level
Animated Armor 2
Dire Wolf 2
Hipogriff 2
Black Dragon Wyrmling 3
Minotaur Skeleton 3
Rug of Smothering 3
Hell Hound 4
Owlbear 4
Wight 4
Elephant 5
Ghost 5
Red Dragon Wyrmling 5
Instant Ritual
Starting at 9th level, you've discovered a way to use your own
life force as a catylyst for your rituals. When you use the
Fusing Ritual feature, you may select your hit dice pool as
one of the targets. You may expend up to 6 hit dice when you
use your hit dice as a target for the Fusing Ritual feature.
Half of the number of hit dice expended, rounded down, is
added to the levels for the purposes of calculating the Level
Advanced Fusion Summons
Starting at 15th level, you push the powers of fusion to their
limits. When you use the Fusing Ritual feature, you may
select creatures from the Expanded Fusion Summon table.
Survival Instincts
At 3rd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move
and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your
turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the
Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Magic Salvager
Starting at 5th level, during a short rest, if you have a spell
scroll which contains a leveled spell of a level that you can
cast, you may spend 10 minutes unbinding the scroll's magic.
If you do so, the spell scroll's magic is consumed as though
the spell had been cast and you regain a spell slot whose level
is equal to the spell slot of the magic from the spell scroll
Void Trap
Starting at 9th level, you may cast the warding glyph spell
without expending a spell slot, its casting time becomes 1
action, and the duration of the spell becomes 10 mintues.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.
Void Binding
Starting at 15th level, you've figured out how to use the void's
power to bind a being into a void card. When you cast the
planar binding spell, the casting time is 10 minutes and the
material component is a 1,000 gold void card, which the spell
If the target fails the saving throw, it is bound into the card.
You may release from the card or reseal it inside the card
using a bonus action for the duration of the spell.
Fancy Footwork
At 3rd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things
nearby aren't as they should be, giving you an edge when you
dodge away from danger. You have advantage on Dexterity
saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps
and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened,
or incapacitated.
You gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don’t
already have it.
Partner Rotation
At 5th level, you learn the time-honored art of switching
dance partners to keep the show exciting. While you are
concentrating on a spell with a single target, a duration
shorter than 24 hours, and the target's HP is reduced to 0,
you may select a new target for the spell that you can see
within 30 feet of the original target and transfer the spell's
effects onto the new target. The spell's duration is not
extended when you select a new target.
If the spell requires a saving throw, the new target makes
that saving throw when the spell's effects are transferred
onto them.
Tempo Tampering
At 9th level, you may cast either the haste spell or the slow
spell without expending a spell slot or requiring material
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.
Void Links
Starting at 3rd level, you've become able to forge an
unbreakable Void Link. As an action while you have your void
deck, you target a willing creature you can see within 100
feet of you and create a line of etherial blue light that links
the target to you. The link lasts for 1 hour, until you use this
feature to create another link, until the linked creature is
reduced to 0 hit points, or until the target ends its turn more
than 100 feet from you.
While you and the target creature are linked, you gain the
following benefits:
If a spell that requires concentration is cast on the
creature you are linked to and that spell does not have a
range of self, that spell's effects are applied to you as well.
Both you and the target creature gain bonus to your
Investigation check equal to your intelligence modifier,
minimum 1.
You can create the link a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
Pain Passage
Starting at 5th level, if you are linked to a creature, if you or
the creature you are linked to would take damage, you may
use a reaction to transfer that damage to the linked creature
or to transfer the damage from the linked creature to