Demonstration Teaching Lesson Plan On Visual Verbal RELATIONSHIP For Grade 8

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a. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian
literature as an art form inspired and influenced by
nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals
in both literary and expository texts; strategies in
listening to long descriptive and narrative texts; value of
literal and figurative language; and appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns
of idea development.
b. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech
featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic
development, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
c. Learning Competencies (Quarter 2, EN8SS-IIe-1.2)
Explain visual- verbal relationships illustrated in tables,
graphs, and information maps found in expository texts
d. Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a. analyze visual-verbal relationships through
tables, graphs, infographics, and information
b. interpret information presented in a text
c. demonstrate appreciation and understanding of
expository text through infographic
A. Topic Visual Verbal Relationship
B. Reference K to 12 Curriculum Guide
C. Skills Listening, Reading, Speaking,Viewing
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Good morning Class” “Good morning Ma’am”

Before we start, I would like to ask one of (One student will lead the prayer)
you to lead us in a short prayer.
For your attendance, can you please
comment your whole name on the in-call (Students will type their names on in-call messages)
messages so I could monitor those who are

The teacher will present the Objectives of

the lesson.

Are you ready to learn virtually with me “Yes Ma’am”


Okay, now let’s get started.

ACTIVITY: I remember it all too well

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
But before we proceed to our lesson proper,
let’s have first an activity which will surely
test your memory skills.

This Activity is entitled: “I REMEMBER


In 20 seconds, I need you to memorize all

the details that you can remember from the
infographic which I will show you. You “Yes Ma’am”
need this to be able to answer the follow up
questions later on. Did you get it class?

If so, then let’s get started. Your 20 seconds

to memorize all the details well, starts now.

(Infographic will be shown)

(After 20 seconds)
Okay class time is up! To test if you have a
sharp memory,
Here are the questions you need to answer:

1. What is the title of the Infographic? 1. Rainfall Advisories, Classifications and

2. What are the colors used for the Measurement.
advisory? 2. Red, Orange, Yellow
3. What should the response of Orange 3. Alert
Rainfall Advisory? 4. Possible
4. What is the possibility of flooding 5. More than 30 mm rain.
for Yellow Rainfall Advisory?
5. What is the rain measurement for
Red Rainfall Advisory?
“Very good to those who have perfect
scores, this only shows that you have a sharp
memory” To those who have minimal
mistakes, it is still very good for you have
tried your best.”

“With the previous activity, what do you “Visual-Verbal Relationship”

think is our lesson for today? Any guess?”

ANALYSIS: Define me!
“Today’s topic is about Visual-Verbal

What comes into your mind when we say Students will type their answers
Visual? (Word Cloud)

How about when we say Verbal? (Word Students will type their answers

So, to put those two definitions together,
Visual-verbal illustrations are the ways of
presenting information in a simple and
attractive manner to catch the readers’
interest. These illustrations help explain
concepts easily using graphs, maps, tables,
infographics, charts and the like. Here are
the commonly used visual-verbal

1. Graph is a diagram that shows the

relationships of information
Can you give examples of graph?

You are all correct, it is good to know that “Line graph Ma’am”
you have background knowledge about “Bar graph Ma’am”

Line Graph is a kind of graph that presents

information trends using data dots connected
by straight line segments.
Bar Graph is a kind of graph that
characterizes categorical data with
rectangular bars of equal width.

Our second example of Visual-Verbal

relationship is
2. Table is an organized arrangement of
data usually in rows and columns.
Based from the table presented, what
can you infer?
Precisely! Instead of making the data long
by means of writing it into words, the data
were minimize by means of table. That is
the main use of visual and verbal “It shows the enrolment data of Grade 8 Gumamela
relationship. Ma’am.”

Now, we move on to number three.

3. Map is a diagram or visual
representation that shows the relative
position of the parts of something. It
could be a drawing or a photograph.
Basically, map is an example of visual
and verbal because it is a combination of
both. Try to use the Google map, when
we zoom it, we can see visuals and
words which states the location of the
visuals put on the map.
4. Concept map displays the
organization and relationship of
concepts and ideas.
When do we usually use concept map?
“When summarizing a story”
Concept map are good for processing
“When we summarize long details”
and storing large amounts of

Next one, we have Chart.

“Pie Chart”
Since we were young, teachers usually
“Flow Chart”
use different charts. Can you name
different examples of chart?

Well said!
5. Chart is an illustration that presents
information in a tabular or circular
. Pie Chart is circular in form that presents
how a whole is sliced into parts.

Flowchart is an illustration that shows a

step-by-step process.

Last one, we have Infographic. This is very “In Facebook”

rampant of use nowadays. When do you “School announcement”
usually see Infographics? “Business Promotion”

Very good! Infographics are commonly used

nowadays on different Social Media
platforms to convey message while
attracting users because of its engaging and
artistic designs.

Infographic is a combination of visual

images and text presentation of specific

Those are the examples of visual-verbal

“Yes Ma’am”
“Did you understand the lesson class?” “None Ma’am”
“Do you have questions?”

“Okay class, to see if you really understand

the lesson, I have prepared an activity for
In this activity, I will present you pictures
which you need to explain in words or in

1. Image
2. Image
3. Image “Students will write their answer on short answer”
4. Image
5. Image

Well done class! It seems like most of you

now really know how to interpret visuals to
text. With that, a virtual clap for you all.
For the final activity, I will be grouping you
into two. I shall pick randomly.
For the instruction, I will present 2 different
expository texts here and you shall illustrate
it by searching for image on Google which
you know is closest to the text presented. I
will give you 3 minutes for this activity. All
of you must search for an image even
though you are grouped together. Everyone
must send images or photos.

Group 1:
1. STAY home as much as you can.
2. KEEP a safe distance from people.
3. WASH hands often for 20 seconds.
4. WEAR face mask when going out
and in public places.
5. COVER your mouth when sneezing
or coughing.
6. CALL for an emergency assistance
when symptoms arise.
Group 2:
The earth is made up of three layers: the
crust, the mantle, and the core. The outer
layer, called the crust, is between 16 and 40
kilometers thick. It floats on a thicker layer
known as the mantle, which is 2,895
kilometers thick. The core, which is 3,475
kilometers thick, is surrounded by the
mantle. The innermost part is solid (the
inner core) while the outer part is liquid (the
outer core).

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.


1. It is a diagram or visual representation that shows the relative position of the parts of something.
a. Map
b. Graph
c. Table
d. Chart
e. Infographic
2. It is is a combination of visual images and text presentation of specific information.
a. Map
b. Graph
c. Table
d. Chart
e. Infographic
3. It is an organized arrangement of data usually in rows and columns.
a. Map
b. Graph
c. Table
d. Chart
e. Infographic
4. An illustration that presents information in a tabular or circular form.
a. Map
b. Graph
c. Table
d. Chart
e. Infographic
5. A diagram that shows the relationships of information presented.
a. Map
b. Graph
c. Table
d. Chart
e. Infographic

II. The teacher shall show pictures and the students will identify what type of visual-verbal is
being presented.
6. Image
7. Image
8. Image
9. Image
10. Image
I. The following assignment shall give you more practice to enrich further your knowledge on
explaining visual illustrations.

Directions: Interpret the given data in the pie chart through writing a three-paragraph
composition following the guide questions below. Use a separate sheet for your

Data Interpretation (paragraph 1)

• What is the pie chart all about?
• What happened to the number of cases from March to June?

Explanations/Reasons (paragraph 2)
• Why do you think COVID -19 cases increased rapidly?
• What do you think are the reasons for the increase?

Probable Suggestions (paragraph 3)

• As a learner, you can be of great help. What advice can you suggest to your family
and friends in preventing the spread of the virus?

II. Make an advance reading about Opinion Marking Signals.

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