Friday Night

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ინგლისური ენის პრაქტიკული კურსი III

I შუალედური
ვარიანტი II

საუბრის კომპეტენცია (SPEAKING) - 5 ქულა

მოსმენა (LISTENING) -10 ქულა
ენის პრაქტიკული გამოყენება - გრამატიკა (GRAMMAR)- 20 ქულა
ლექსიკა (VOCABULARY)- 20 ქულა
კითხვა (READING) 10 ქულა
წერა (WRITING) – 10 ქულა
Total: 75 ≈ 20

1.Listen to a conversation about Tom’s birthday.Complete each sentence with one
1 Tom’s grandparents, aunt, uncle and _______ __are coming to tea.
2 Tom’s mum, her husband and Tom’s _________are going out for dinner.
3 Some of Tom’s friends are going to put __________on the birthday film.
4 Tom and Paul are going to watch ____________together.
5 There’s going to be a party for Tom and a friend on___Friday


1. When are James and Lisa having lunch together?
A. Tomorrow B. today C. on Friday
2. What doesn’t the customer order with the chicken?
A. Roast potatoes B. peas C. cabbage
3. What does the customer ask for?
A. salmon and tuna B. eggs and tuna C. salmon and eggs
4. What does Harry want to eat before dinner?
A. An apple B. a biscuit C. a biscuit and an apple
5. What is the customer going to buy?
A. Half a kilo or red grapes
B. some raspberries
A. half kilo of green grapes

5 Listening total 10
Use of English

1 Underline the correct form.

Example: We usually get up / get up usually early every morning.

1 Susan doesn’t work / isn’t working tomorrow, so we’re going to

2 Are you watching / Do you watch the tennis match tomorrow
3 In spring, we often cycle / we’re often cycling to school.
4 Harry is taking / takes a lot of vitamins every day.
5 I don’t usually have / I’m not usually having pizza, but I’ll have some
6 Tim buys a lot of takeaways, but I’m preferring /
I prefer home-made food.

2. Complete the time expressions with for or since.

Example: for many years

1 ___cince_ 2003
2 __cince__ we met in college
3 __for __ a very long time
4 _cince___ the lesson began
5 __for__ a couple of months
6 __cince__ Tuesday
7 __for__ three days

3. Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect
simple or the past simple.
Example: I’ve been to Beijing, but I’ve never been (not / go) to Shanghai.

Petra 1 Did you remember (you / remember) to pay that cheque into the
Alan Yes, it went in this morning.
Tom 2 Have you ever borrowed (you / ever / borrow) anyone’s car?
Dave Yes, I borrowed my brother’s and I crashed it!
Anna Hi, can I speak to Sally, please?
Beth I’m sorry, she 3 as just gone _(just / go) out.

Doctor What seems to be the problem?

John I 4 fell (fall) over playing volleyball. I think I 5 have broken

(break) my finger.
Peter How long 6 have you know (you / know) Mike?

Liz Well, we 7 met (meet) in 2008 and we’ve been good friends ever since.

Grammar total 20


1. Write the family word(s).

Example: a mother or father ----parent

1 your grandfather’s / grandmother’s mother


2 your father’s new wife ___________

3 your brother’s / sister’s daughter _____________

4 someone with no brothers or sisters_________________

5 your husband’s / wife’s brother__________________

6 everybody in your family

7 your brother’s / sister’s son ____________

2. Underline the correct word
Example: Jim’s really shy. He hates meeting new people.
shy sensitive extroverted
1. David is always trying to pay for everything. He’s
very .
generous sensitive honest
2. In sport, boys are often more ___than girls. They
really want to win.
reliable competitive bossy
3. Marc is so _______for a 14-year-old! He
seems much older.
Competitive mature sensitive
4. Debbie can seem so different on different days - she’s really
moody mean sensible
5. You must think about other people’s feelings instead
of being so !
independent spoilt selfish

3.Underline the correct word(s).

1 You need to open a business when you start your own business.
cash machine bank account phone bill

2 I think you’ll a lot of money selling clothes in this market.

do pay make

3 Felipe still me the €100 I lent him last month.

owes charges borrows

4 I try to some of my salary every month so that I can go travelling.

save afford cost

5 It’s difficult to get a from a bank during a recession.

contract loan tax

6 He a lot of money from his grandmother when she died last year.
Invested inherited took out
7 I’m trying not to money on gadgets I will never use.
invest waste charge

8 My parents me some money so I could buy a car.

borrowed owed lent


1 Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C.

Vocabulary total 20
While multi-generational living is normal in many
cultures, in some countries such as Britain and the US, it isn’t very usual. However, homes where
grandparents live with their children and their families in the same house are becoming more
common in these countries because of the economic climate. Here, the members of one extended
family explain how it works for them.
Georgina- Anna’s grandmother

I was really pleased when my son wonted to move back home. I love spending time
with Anna, my granddaughter. She’s a lovely little girl at the minute – so happy and
affectionate – everybody who meets her likes her. It will be wonderful to watch her
grow up. I think even my unsociable husband is enjoying it! We eat together twice a
week and, once a month we have a family conference- my husband and I and my son
and his wife – do discuss how things are going. We try to respect each other’s space.
Having my son here makes me less anxious about the future, too. At the moment, we’re
healthy, but in a few years we’re going to need more help.

Esther – Anna’s mother

Actually, it’s all working out well! My mother-in-law remembers what it’s like to have
young children, so she’s very patient with Anna and sympathetic to me when I’m tired.
She often just says: ,,Go and rest. I’ll look after her”. I think she wants to give advice
about what Anna eats and what time she goes to bed, bus she usually says nothing! And
occasionally I ask her opinion and find her ideas are really sensible. We all are learning
to be quite honest with each other, which I think is a good thing.

Chris – Anna’s grandfather

I prefer a quiet life and a tidy house, and I think young people should be independent, but my
wife loves having the family here. From a selfish point of view, it’s good for me too because
Georgina is quite talkative and now she can chat to her daughter-in-law. I think it’s a very
satisfactory situation for everyone concerned!

Alan – Anna’s father

I was worried because my mother can be bossy, but actually, she is being sensitive and we’re
lucky to have a reliable babysitter in the house! My dad is sometimes moody, but he’s very
affectionate with Anna. We’re planning to buy our own house in a couple of years, but I think
we’ll stay near my parents because the relationship between Anna and her grandparents is so

Example: More people are living in extended families in Britain than before.
A True ■✓ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■

1.Georgina is looking forward to seeing Anna grow up.

A True ■ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■
2.Georgina says that Chris isn’t very sociable.
A True ■ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■
3.Georgina doesn’t think she will need her son’s assistance in the future
A True ■ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■
4.Esther cooks for the family twice a week
A True ■ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■
5.Esther says that Anna often gets tired.
A True ■ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■
6.Esther says that Georgina gives very good advice
A True ■ B False ■ C Doesn’t say ■

1 It’s good to have help when I’m tired.
2 We’ll stay for another two years.
3 I try to be sensitive.
4 I’m happy to see what an affectionate grandfather he is.

Reading total 10

Write a description of a person:

Paragraph 1 - age, family, work I study

Paragraph 2 - personality (good side)

Paragraph 3 - hobbies and interests

Paragraph 4 - any negative things?


Total 10

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