EF3e Int Progresstest 6 10b

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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Grammar, Vocabulary B1


1 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: The letter was posted last week.
1 Kostas asked me _whether_ I’d ever been to Athens.
2 I would never have realized it was Thomas _when_ you’d told me.
3 You haven’t really enjoyed this holiday, _have_ you?
4 Pizza, _which_ is popular all over the world, originally came from Italy.
5 My sister _who_ still get the job in London – we won’t know until next week.
6 Edinburgh is the city _where_ the Harry Potter novels were written.
7 Wait _when_ Dave arrives and then we can all go together.
8 Oh no! That’s the man _whose_ car I crashed into last month!
5 8

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: The house was built (build) in 1906.
1 When we _check in_ (check in), I’ll ask for a room with a view.
2 If we don’t drive less, global warming _will get_ (get) worse more quickly.
3 This passport photo _has been taken_ (take) ages ago – it doesn’t really look like me now!
4 Exam papers _will be hand_ (hand) out in a few minutes, just before the exam starts.
5 Nathalie is really pleased. She _was_ just _offered_ (offer) a job in Paris.
6 Leo’s car _is repairing_ (repair) today so I gave him a lift into work.
7 As soon as Peter arrives, we _will start_ (start) the meeting.
8 If you _are_ (be) a bit taller, you’d make a fantastic basketball player.
9 Dolphins _are_ often _seen_ (see) off the coast of Scotland.
10 Charlotte _likes_ (like) chicken, doesn’t she?
6 10

3 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: I don’t mind to wait / waiting.
1 I forgot turning / to turn off the lights when I went out.
2 Could I have just a few / little more milk in my tea?
3 There are any / no good restaurants in this town.
4 She asked Lorna whether she spoke / did she speak Greek.
5 Bob can’t / must earn a good salary because he’s always eating out.
6 I’m not very good at to cook / cooking, but I like watching cookery programmes on TV.
7 If she’d told me she was worried, I ’d be / ’d have been happy to help her.
8 Will can’t / mustn’t be in his office. His light isn’t on.
9 Helen said she was coming round later, did / didn’t she?
10 It’s too / too much hot in here – can you turn the heating down?
9 10
Grammar total 20 28
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Grammar, Vocabulary B1


4 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: They made the story into a film.
on into off
1 My wife wants to _retire_ from work when she’s 60.
promote retire sacked
2 The film Atonement was _based_ on the novel by Ian McEwan.
based set directed
3 You can have lots of _qualifications_, but it doesn’t mean you’ll find a job.
salaries qualifications training courses
4 Our science teacher isn’t very _patient_. He only explains things once.
impatient patiently patient
5 My favourite _scene_ was when she jumped out of the helicopter into the sea!
scene plot script
6 We’ve _cut out_ coffee recently, so we don’t drink it as often.
cut away cut out cut down on
7 She was _educated_ well by her parents, even though they were very young.
educated taught brought up
8 Paula and I met at _work_. We were colleagues in an insurance company.
work college school
9 If you understand what I’m saying, just _nod_ your head.
point smile nod
10 Anna lives _on_ the outskirts of Edinburgh.
at in on
9 10

5 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: The audience loved the film.
1 I failed my exams because I made too many common mistakes!
2 The hotel was so dirty that we call to the manager.
3 I must go and pick my children up from school – it’s nearly 3.30.
4 Students know they shouldn’t cheat in exams. It’s dishonest.
5 The computer isn’t working because you didn’t plug it in!
6 I need to repeat tonight for the history exam tomorrow.
7 Can you taste the salt in this food? I think it needs some more.
8 Who is in chef of the training department in your company?
9 The police are still trying to solve the crime after ten years.
10 I’ll lend you £30, but only if you can pay me back tomorrow.
7 10
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Grammar, Vocabulary B1

7 Match the words that go together.

slope fiction belt friend station rank

store effects injured jam course

Example: department store

1 close _friend_
2 traffic _jam_
3 ski _slope_
4 taxi _rank_
5 police _station_
6 get _injured_
7 seat _belt_
8 special _effects_
9 science _fiction_
10 golf _store_
10 10
Vocabulary total 26 30
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 48 58
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Reading and Writing B


1 Read the text and tick () A, B, or C.

The first film maker?

When we think of animated films, it’s often Walt Disney’s name that first comes to mind.
However, there is another less-known person whose work is very important to animators.
Eadweard Muybridge was a photographer who taught us more about animal and human
motion than any other, and who, with his camera, recorded details that couldn’t be seen with
the human eye. It could be argued that he is also one of the very earliest cinematographers,
coming up with a device which let him show moving images just like a film projector. He is
particularly famous for discovering that, for a moment, a moving horse lifts all four hooves off
the ground at the same time.

Muybridge was an Englishman who moved to the United States in the 1850s, taking up
photography after he was seriously injured in a road accident. If he hadn’t suffered serious
head injuries when he was thrown out of a vehicle, he might never have chosen the creative
profession that he did.

By the 1860s, Muybridge was already well known for his landscape photos of California, but
in 1872 he was hired by a race horse owner to try and work out the exact sequence of
movements of a horse. By placing cameras along the edge of the track, Muybridge managed
to capture a series of images which he then copied on to a disc. Using his invention, the
zoopraxiscope, he was able to create a little film which proved that horses moved quite
differently from how artists used to paint them.

He then took thousands of images not only of animals, but also of people doing athletic
activities and performing everyday tasks such as walking up steps, or throwing water from a
bucket. As travel became easier, he was able to give lectures around the world. With his
careful, patient art, Muybridge contributed a great deal to science. He didn’t have a quiet
personal life, however. In 1874, he killed a man, but was later acquitted of murder.

In 1893, Muybridge charged the public to see his moving images in a hall in Chicago that
was built specially for the purpose. This building should really be called the first ever cinema.
His extraordinary photos are still an invaluable reference for cinema animators.

Example: Walt Disney is _______ in film animation.

A not important c B the only name c C the most famous name c
1 In his photographs, Muybridge showed _______.
A the human eye c B film cameras c C people and animals c
2 His photographs showed details that _______ by the human eye.
A could sometimes be seen c B had never been seen before c
C couldn’t usually be seen c
3 Muybridge discovered that a running horse _______.
A briefly doesn’t touch the ground c B always has one of four hooves on the ground c
C always has two hooves on the ground c
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Reading and Writing B

4 Muybridge decided to learn photography _______.

A before he moved to the US c B before he had an accident c
C after he’d had an accident c
5 Muybridge became famous for his photographs of California _______.
A before 1860 c B in 1860 c C after 1860 c
6 He used his series of photographs to _______.
A make a film c B invent a device c C help an artist c
7 Before Muybridge’s film, artists painted moving horses that were _______.
A almost the same as his photographs c B just like his photographs c
C very different to his photographs c
8 Muybridge gave lectures _______.
A in the UK c B all over the world c C around the US c
9 After he’d committed a serious crime, he _______.
A went abroad c B avoided going to prison c C was sent to prison c
10 People were able to _______ in Chicago.
A see his films for free c B pay to see his films c C see his films at home c

2 Match five of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions.

Example: people who make animated films like cartoons animators
1 inventing __________
2 a machine to show images on a screen __________
3 horses’ feet __________
4 a container for water __________
5 extremely useful __________
Reading total 15


Answer one of the questions and write 75–100 words.

1 What do you like or dislike about shopping?
2 What is your favourite film and why?
3 Write about the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Listening and Speaking B


1 Listen. Tick () the five tips which the expert mentions.
1 Keep your revision plan in a safe place. c
2 Let other people see your revision plan. c
3 It’s important to go to bed early when you’re revising. c
4 The best time to study for many people is before lunch. c
5 Don’t study for more than an hour at a time. c
6 Write a list of questions and answers and then test yourself. c
7 Make sure you have an internet connection. c
8 Keep your mobile switched on so you can call a friend for help. c
9 Working with a friend helps you remember things. c
10 Be relaxed about the exam. c

2 Listen to five conversations. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 Rich would like to see _____ this weekend.
A an action film c B a science-fiction film c C a thriller c
2 John would like to live _____.
A in an old, small house c B in a big, modern house c C in a modern flat c
3 _____ often sells things on the internet.
A Sally’s sister c B Fred’s wife c C Sally’s friend c
4 Kate’s office is _____.
A in the centre of town c B on the ground floor c C in her house c
5 Tess thinks that Rob should _____.
A change his profile picture c B get better friends c C find a new girlfriend c
Listening total 10


1 Answer your partner’s questions.

Now make questions and ask your partner.
1 prefer / live in big flat in city centre or small house in countryside?
2 What school subject / would / like / be better at?
3 you / like / go / boarding school?
4 What / worst / job / ever / have?
5 How long / spend on / phone / every day?
6 you / have / favourite teacher / at school?
7 often / watch horror films?
8 ever be / very lucky?
9 you / patient or impatient person?
10 good idea / have / TV in children’s bedrooms?
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Progress Test Files 6–10

Listening and Speaking B

2 Listen to your partner. Do you agree with him / her?

3 Talk about one of the statements below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give reasons.
1 ‘Films should never be dubbed.’
2 ‘People who have good luck also usually work hard.’
3 ‘Teachers have more influence over children than their parents do.’
Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

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