MIL Midterm Exam

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Department Of Education

Region V (Bicol)
Immaculate Conception Seminary Academy
Fiat Village, Cavinitan, Virac, Catanduanes


SY: 2021-2022

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____

Grade 12: ABM STEM Permit No: __________________________ Score: __________/50

I. Directions: Answer the following questions below. Write the letter of your answer on the blank before each numbers.

______ 1. In communication, the _____ is thought of as the technical or physical means by which information is transmitted.
a. instrument b. communication tool c. medium d. all of the above.
______ 2. It refers to raw or unprocessed facts, figures and values.
a. data b. information c. technology d. media
______ 3. It is the processes data or data translated into something meaningful and significant.
a. information b. data c. literacy d. technology
______ 4. It is the ability to use technological tools responsibly, appropriately, and effectively.
a. Media Literacy b. Technology Literacy c. Information Literacy d. Social Media Literacy
______ 5. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
a. Information Literacy b. Technology Literacy c. Media Literacy d. Social Media Literacy
______ 6. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you’re using. You should:
a. nothing b. shut down your pc c. tell the person off d. report to the moderator of the site
______ 7. It is widely known as the “new media” and the most valuable innovation in the 20 th century.
a. internet b. smartphone c. tablet d. bitcoin
______ 8. It covers processes data and knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, and signals.
a. Literacy b. Technology c. Information d. Media
______ 9. It pertains to the means and resources being used for creating, delivering, sharing, and processing information.
a. Information b. Literacy c. Media d. Technology
______ 10. When a message is transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system, the process is referred to as:
a. encoding b. noise c. decoding d. interpretation
______ 11. When media identify a certain group of people they wish to get their message across to, this group of people is known as:
a. Audience poll b. Narrowcasting audience c. Target audience d. Demographic audience
______ 12. It is the ability to recognize when information is needed as well as locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in various formats.
a. Technology Literacy b. Information Literacy c. Social Media Literacy d. Media Literacy
______ 13. It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute using written or nonwritten materials
associated with varying context.
a. Literacy b. Technology c. Media d. Information
______ 14. It is a set of essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other information providers
effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and lifelong learning skills.
a. Media Literacy b. Information Literacy c. Technology Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
______ 15. Matthew’s friend makes use of technology and media effectively in a way that is highly advantageous for the purpose of
communication. Matthew’s friend is a/an ______ individual.
a. knowledgeable b. responsive c. technology savvy d. critical with information
______ 16. All information taken from different sources are of equal quality and value.
a. True b. False
______ 17. Data found on the Internet is always varied in form and content. Thus, it is easy to determine its reliability and accuracy.
a. True b. False
______ 18. Throughout history, other information may be timeless and proven to be the same in reliability, accuracy, and value.
a. True b. False
______ 19. Information is said to be reliable if it cannot be verified and evaluated. Others refer to the trustworthiness of the source
in evaluating the reliability of information.
a. True b. False
______ 20. A piece of information may be found as accurate, reliable, and valuable during the time it was produced, but with the
passing of time it will become more relevant and accurate.
a. True b. False
______ 21. Mia can acquire, process, share, and translate deep information about his field. She can discuss and elaborate on discipline-
specific texts and become an expert of his field. Mia is a/an ______ individual.
a. knowledgeable b. responsive c. considerate d. independent
______ 22. Lora’s brother can adjust the way he communicates with others depending on the audience, task purpose, discipline, and
other demands or factors in the situation. Lora’s brother is a/an ______ individual.
a. knowledgeable b. responsive c. considerate d. independent
______ 23. Student Reina acknowledges, understands, and respects others’ perspectives and cultures. She is aware of individual
difference and keeps these in mind when communicating. Reina is a/an ______ individual.
a. knowledgeable b. responsive c. considerate d. independent

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______ 24. Anton loves to critique the content, delivery, and the processing of data. He questions the media and gives great
emphasis on the provided evidence, he always tries to figure if it is credible and relevant. Anton possesses what
characteristic of being a media and information literate individual? He is someone who is ______.
a. knowledgeable b. responsive c. technology savvy d. critical with information
______ 25. In this age, people used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing
of various products.
a. Electronic Age b. Information Age c. Industrial Age d. Pre-Industrial Age
______ 26. Which among the following statements below is true about the Electronic Age?
a. Radio telephoning that led to radio broadcasting was the start of the most significant feature of this age.
b. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient.
c. One-way communication was invented.
d. all of the above.
______ 27. John can process with self-reliance the digital and printed texts of varying complexity, discuss and elaborate ideas with
others, and understand and apply conventions of vocabulary and grammar. John is a/an ______ individual.
a. knowledgeable b. responsive c. considerate d. independent
______ 28. Social media such as _____ allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.
a. email b. PowerPoint c. Facebook d. all of the above
______ 29. Which among the following are examples of media in the Pre-Industrial Age?
a. cave paintings, clay tablets, printing press c. codex, dibao, newspaper
b. acta diurnal, typewriter, papyrus d. telegraph, telephone
______ 30. Among the statements below which is false?
a. A library contains print materials only. c. Mass media may influence a big group of people.
b. A textbook is an example of a secondary source. d. Information from the internet is always true and accurate.

II. Directions: Analyze each statement. Find the word below which the following statements pertain to. Write the letter of your
answer on the blank before each numbers.
a. code b. form/style c. convention d. digital divide e. computer addiction
f. copyright g. libel h. plagiarism i. netiquette j. media language

______ 31. The excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life.
______ 32. An economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT.
______ 33. These are systems of rules that shape the practice of communication and the production of meaning.
______ 34. This refers to the media context, refers to a standard or norm that acts as a rule governing behaviour.
______ 35. A legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell
that work.
______ 36. It is a term that combines two words and encompasses proper protocol or manners when using the internet or electronic
______ 37. These are the codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate the meaning of media
messages to an audience.
______ 38. The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed
through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.
______ 39. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization; the
representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.
______ 40. Also pertains to tone, mood, color, font types, space, speed, direction, balance, repetition, emphasis, movement,
rhythm, unity, contrast, hierarchy, contrast, proportion, alignment, proximity, pattern, others.

III. Directions: In three to five sentences, answer the question below.

41.-50. Cite one (1) danger of the internet and provide two (3) ways to lessen or prevent it from happening.

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
School Principal

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