Second Quarter MIL

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Agusandel Sur
Binucayan, Loreto, Agusan del Sur


Name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________

Grade & Section: __________________ Teacher: Nhel Anthony P. Derecho

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to systems of signs, put together to create a meaning.
a. codes b. conventions c. symbols d. texts
2. It is the art hiding meaning behind something apparently non-related.
a. content b. technical c. symbolism d. writing
3. Which of the following camera shot types is used to show the subject from a distance, or the area in which the scene is taking place?
a. close-up b. extreme long shot c. long shot d. medium long shot
4. It refers to the recipient of the intended communication.
a. audience b. listener c. spectator d. viewer
5. The following are the types of codes, EXCEPT:
a. camera codes b. symbolic codes c. technical codes d. written codes
6. The Extreme Close Up shot is also called as ________________.
a. American Shot b. French Shot c. Italian Shot d. Spanish Shot
7. This type of shot emphasize more on action and movement rather than a character’s emotional state.
a. close-up b. full shot c. long shot d. medium shot
8. It is a term used to describe a gap between those who have ready access and to those who do not have the access of ICT.
a. digital divide b. digital immigrant c. digital native d. digital technology
9. Which of the following is an example of cyber bullying?
a. Calling your classmate in the hallway loudly. c. Posting rumors about your classmate in the internet.
b. Making fun of your friends on school. d. Texting your friend and ask him to hang out.
10. An internet etiquette which states that “when you borrow something from someone, give them the credit.”
a. Be patient with internet newbies. c. Don’t steal those photographs off the web.
b. Don’t plagiarize. d. Watch your language.
11. It refers to compulsive web surfing or database searching leading to lower work productivity and less social interaction with friends and family.
a. Computer Addiction b. Cybersex Addiction c. Information Overload d. Net Compulsions
12. It was designed so that the owner of a work can give permission to anyone to use their work in specific ways.
a. Creative Commons b. Copyright Law c. Fair Use d. Terms and Conditions
13. According to a study in 2008, how many percent of young people between the age of 12 and 17 went online?
a. 90% b. 91% c. 92% d. 93%
14. The following are don’ts of crowdsourcing, EXCEPT:
a. Don’t be honest especially about mistakes. c. Don’t expect overnight success.
b. Don’t try to be something you’re not. d. Don’t patronize customers or even employees.
15. It is a term used to describe web technologies that have enabled educators to create virtual classrooms.
a. Massive Online Open Course c. Massive Open Online Course
b. Massive Outline Open Course d. Massive Open Outline Course
16. What characteristics of ubiquitous learning states that learning materials are always available unless purposely deleted?
a. accessibility b. availability c. omnipresent d. permanency
17. It is a technique which enables three-dimensional images to be made.
a. Augmented Reality b. Hologram c. Ubiquitous Learning d. Wearable Technology
18. Who was the researcher at Xerox PARC that coined the term “Ubiquitous Computing”?
a. James Hart b. Lloyd Davis c. Mark Weiser d. Ted Hunt
19. Which of the following allows you to create objects in a three-dimensional space?
a. 3D Environment b. 3D Film c. 3D Modeling d. 3D Printing
20. It means understanding and using mass communication in a pro-active, non-passive and assertive way.
a. Information Literacy b. Media Literacy c. Network Literacy d. Technology Literacy
21. These are considered as the most precious wealth that humans possess, EXCEPT:
a. Knowledge how to do things c. Knowledge how to work with other people
b. Knowledge how to communicate d. Knowledge how to improve quality of life
22. A person can be considered as media literate person if he/she ___________________________.
a. comprehends and uses mass communication technologies.
b. discuss and debate issues within the community.
c. seeks for media and information.
d. all of the above
23. It is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed.
a. Information Literacy b. Media Literacy c. Network Literacy d. Technology Literacy
24. They are the primary tool of transferring knowledge and information.
a. books b. journal c. people d. radio
25. It uses internet as the medium in information exchange.
a. Instructional Media b. Print Media c. Radio Media d. Web Media
26. Which of the following choices is an acronym of AM?
a. americium modulation b. amplifies modulation c. amplitude modulation d. amplification modulation
27. It is an act that requires broadcast television stations in the United States to carry a minimum of three hours of programming geared directly
at children.
a. Children’s Television Act of 1990 c. Informational Televisions Act of 1995
b. Children’s Educational Act of 1891 d. US Child’s Television Act of 1909
28. What do you call the process for reproducing text and images using a master form or template?
a. pressing b. painting c. producing d. printing
29. It has a wide audience reach and uses both audio and visual features.
a. Print Media b. Radio Media c. TV Media d. Web Media
30. They hold informative and entertaining content that is of general or special interest.
a. Print Media b. Radio Media c. TV Media d. Web Media
31. Which of the following is a collection of printed pages folded together?
a. books b. journals c. magazines d. newspapers
32. The preparation and production of a magazine takes ______________.
a. days b. hours c. months d. weeks
33. According to _____________, there may be 130 million books in circulation.
a. Bing b. Google c. Yahoo d. Tweeter
34. Where does earliest form of woodblock printing came from?
a. America b. China c. Egypt d. Japan
35. Who developed the printing press?
a. Bi Sheng b. Ed Artzwarns c. Johannes Gutenberg d. Mark Zuckerberg
36. It is a practice of creating audio and video program content and distributing it to the mass audiences.
a. advertising b. broadcasting c. declaring d. publishing
37. Who invented the flexible photographic film?
a. Al Jolson b. Arthur Godfrey c. George Eastman d. Thomas Edison
38. When was colored television developed?
a. 1950’s b. 1960’s c. 1970’s d. 1980’s
39. Who developed the cathode ray tubes in 1897?
a. Bill Gates b. Ferdinand Braun c. Johnny Carson d. Steve Jobs
40. HDR is a promising advancement in picture quality. What does HDR stands for?
a. High Definition Radical b. High Density Relegate c. High Durability Result d. High Dynamic Range
41. The following is an example of everything on-demand phone apps, EXCEPT:
a. Grab b. Lazada c. Uber d. Walmart
42. It is a magnetic tape which sounds can be recorded.
a. compact disc b. hard drive c. memory card d. tape
43. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Audio Media?
a. Costs are relatively expensive c. Good for evoking emotional responses
b. Ideal for extending voice and music d. Good for listener’s imagination
44. What year does audio media been founded?
a. 1991 b. 1992 c. 1993 d. 1994
45. It is used to store data such as texts, pictures, audio and video, for use on small, portable, or remote computing devices.
a. compact disc b. hard drive c. memory card d. tape
46. It refers to a technique used to blend interaction and linear film or video.
a. Interactive Video b. Film c. Multimedia d. Television
47. It is one of the limitations of motion media which states that it cannot be interrupted.
a. cost b. fixed pace c. misinterpretation d. still phenomena
48. It allows the user to move through a space or look at an object.
a. Customizable Online Interactive Videos c. Exploratory Online Interactive Videos
b. Conversational Online Interactive Videos d. Formal Online Interactive Videos
49. A motion formats which allows users to view and broadcast video content using a camera and a computer through the internet.
a. broadcasting b. conference c. film d. livestream
50. Which of the following is NOT an example of film?
a. Animation b. Documentary c. Game Show d. Short Film

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle
Strive harder my dear students!
- Sir Nhel 

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