Module 2

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Name: Allanie D.

Fernandez Subject and Sched: MWD 4:00-

Year and Section: 3rd year BSBA-HRDM Instructor: Dr Johner D. Montegrande

Lesson 1.1 International Trade

 What are the five main reasons countries participate in International trade?

Source of Raw material and parts

Demand for foreign product
Nee market opportunities for business
Investment opportunities
Improved political relation

 What are the four elements of the international business environment?

Cultural and Social Factors
Political and Legal Factors
Economic Condition

Think Critically
1. In what way might you and other in your community be affected by international

• Increase consumption of imported goods, environmental pollution caused by outsourced

production and transportation of goods. These are some effects of international trade on the
With increase in international trade, the demand for foreign product rise which leads to
increase in imports. Imports offer domestic consumers greater choices, a wider range of quality,
and access to lower-cost goods and services. But it also creates competition and forces
domestic producers to increase the quality and at the same time reduce cost. This also causes

2. How does geography affect international business activities?

•Important or say seems profitable geographical area is commonly termed as geopolitics.
changing paradigm has created a multi-polar in lieu of uni-polar. Earlier bigger powers like U.S
and Russia shaped the winds in their own interests but now situation is changed.

Corporation’s planning internationalization might face many legal and cultural barriers when
planning their market entry strategies. Those barriers are quite ambiguous differences stem
from many different variables such as material culture, social organization, religion, language,
aesthetics and popular culture. These factors need to be successfully implied to local corporate
culture. Culture affects in many business practices from day-to-day operational processes, like
negotiations, management, hiring, communication and performance evaluations. One of the
biggest challenges when operating business globally is understand and benefit from cultural
differences. In fact, many businesses have failed to enter new markets and cultural
understanding is crucial for every corporation to avoid misunderstandings, bad relationships,
inefficiency or cost and to succeed in the marketplace.

3. How might customs, religious beliefs, or other cultural practices affects the
business practices of a nation?

• There is a historical narration. Muslim traders in Southern Europe (nearly 1000 years ago)
depended on their relatives to ensure the quality and payment in international trade.

For example, they would have or post a relative in a city in another country, and such
connections would help them in facilitating long-distance trade. On the other hand Christian
traders depended on the guilds of traders. For example, if a supplier from another country
cheated, then all members of the guild would stop dealing with this supplier, and that would
work as a punishment and deterrent. When there was a possibility to expand trade, these
guilds helped. However the kinship-based trading could not be expanded and that had a
negative impact on Muslim traders.
A business’ belief system is enshrined in its “Statement of Values,” those principles guiding it
when dealing with customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and the community.
Not all businesses, however, have a set of values and so the owners need to decide what those
values are.

For example, if they believe that all their suppliers need to be treated fairly, then that goes into
the set of values. If they believe that all employees need work-life balance that also goes in.

4. Describe a government action that might discourage international trade among

• Every country encourages foreign investment not only to add to the size of domestic stock of
real capital for accelerating its growth rate but also to reduce the economic disparities between
leading and lagging areas. Increasing pool of investible funds, in turn, helps the country in
technology acquisition and its penetration which increases the productivity of the resources but
also improves the quality of the finished products. This improvement in the quality boosts the
exports potential and prospects of the country receiving further foreign investment.

Foreign investors invariably bring new techniques of production which improves the
management and technical skills of the personnel involved in that industry and then its further
diffusion to other sectors and industries through demonstration effect. Last but not the least is
the overall improvement in the tastes of the general public and the high standards they expect
from their local manufacturers.

Foreign investment can come into a country through two sources-officially by the multilateral
institutions or bilateral agreements for investment for mega projects or social sector
development. Second and major source is private foreign investment which again has two
forms- portfolio investment (bank deposits or stock/bond purchased by the foreigners or
expatriate) and direct investment (in manufacturing or services sector singly or through private
joint venture).

Make Connection
5. Business Laws: Describe some laws in foreign countries that are different from
those in the United States?
•The Constitution does not require it, but it gives Congress the power to pass laws to regulate
naturalization. Currently, immigration in the United States is governed by the Immigration and
Naturalization Act. The statute gives close family members of US citizens and permanent
residents the right to immigrate to the US under certain conditions. On top of that, the US can
admit 675,000 other legal immigrants per year, and a certain number of refugees, which can
vary from year to year based on Congressional and/or Presidential decisions in light of events.
There are also programs that allow foreign workers to receive work visas even if they do not
plan on becoming residents.
It should be noted that there were few restrictions on immigration to the United States until
the late 19th century. Until 1875, there were no Federal immigration laws at all. Naturalization
was regulated, as from the beginning of the country, only white immigrants were allowed to
become citizens until 1870, when the law was amended to allow immigrants of African descent
to become citizens. However, anybody could come to the US and work here. The "open door"
to immigration began to close in 1875 when entry into the United States by Asians who wanted
to work as contract laborers was prohibited. By the 1880s, all Chinese immigration was
outlawed, and in 1891, Congress passed the first of a number of comprehensive laws severely
limiting immigration to the US, especially from non-European countries. Things began to loosen
up again in the '60s, when Congress began to eliminate quotas based on race or national origin.

6. Geography: Locate a map for a country in Africa, Asia, South America using the
library or Internet. Describe geographic features of the country and explain how
these factors could affect global business activities and international trade?

• Small commodity production takes an important place. In most African countries small
producers are the main suppliers of agricultural products for the domestic market and for

Most of the products are exported in a raw form. Many African countries are characterized by a
narrow or single-commodity specialization of the economy.

South Africa is one of 25 largest world exporters. The income from foreign trade reaches 50% of
GDP with exports exceeding imports.

Main exports of South Africa are gold, diamonds, platinum, various minerals, machinery and
equipment, food and drinks - wine (30%), canned fruit, tobacco, and sugar.

7. Communication: Interview someone who has lived in or traveled to another

country . Obtain information about the various cultural and economic
differences of that nation. Prepare on oral presentation with a summary of your


 What are three of your favourite countries and Why?
Italy is my favourite country. I studied there in college and have been back
roughly 40 times since. Florence is absolutely amazing. We like the dolomites for
the scenery and the food. Venice and Rome are both magical before the day
tripping arrive and after they leave
Greece especially the island are amazing in summer there nothing like basing out
of an island town for several weeks and just enjoying the atmosphere and the
food. The island are also kid friendly we’ve let our kids explore without us from
fairly young ages and never worried about them.
It doesn’t cater to English speakers, so it still feels foreign. The culture is
wonderful the native is stunning the food is incredible and the cities are so fun to

8. History: Research an event from world history. Write a short paper explaining
how that event might encourage or deter trade among countries?

 The US-China trade war saw an unprecedented episode of reciprocal tariff

increases between the world’s two largest economies. Following a series of
multilateral tariffs in early 2018, the Trump administration increased tariffs on
imports from China in several stages and almost every product category. Average
rates rose from the MFN average of roughly 4% to about 23% by mid-2019.
China retaliated promptly so that bilateral trade collapsed by 15-30% on both
sides. The effects of the trade war are not limited to bilateral trade flows. They
are felt in many areas of economic activity. Supply chain disruptions, higher
prices and increased economic uncertainty cool down consumption and
investment climate at the firm level, exporters exposed to higher tariffs have to
cope with an artificial increase in the price of their sold products, while
importers have to pay more for foreign purchases or find new second-best
suppliers. Both see their competitiveness eroding and lower sales and profits
force them to re-optimize their cost structure and investment decisions,
including their labor demand.

Lesson 1.2 Global Business Basic

 How do import differ from export

Exports refers to selling goods and services produced in the home country to other

Imports are derived from the conceptual meaning, as to bringing in the goods and
services into the port of a country.

 What is gross domestic product (GDP)

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished
goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period. As a broad
measure of overall domestic production, it functions as a comprehensive scorecard of a given
country’s economic health.

Think Critically
1. What might a country use a trade barriers to reduce impact into the nations

• Because it seems to conclude that developing countries would benefit from import barriers to

labor-intensive goods.
As a general rule, with some exceptions have lower labor costs than their more developed
counterparts. As such, they have a comparative advantage in the production in labor-intensive
However, the suffix implies a continuous tense, such that the economy is becoming
"developed". As an economy becomes more developed, upward pressure on the cost-of-labor
via workers’ demands for higher wages and benefits) will decrease the cost of capital as an
input relative to the cost of labo) within the given production function for labor intensive goods
at equilibrium.
As such, the import barriers to labor-intensive goods may serve to insulate the nation's labor-
intensive industries, in order to maintain the repeating short-run dis-equilibriums (resulting
from constant upward pressure on cost of labor which favor capital investment into labor-
intensive industries,.
2. How can a nation create an absolute advantage through its investment
• Opportunity to get more returns on investment comparing with Bank FD, Mutual Fund,
Postal Saving etc.
• Investment is not blocked for specific time limit. If the market value of your shares
increased you sell it within a short period (Bank FD can be withdraw only after maturity
otherwise interest is deducted.)
•Liquidity- The volume of transactions in share is market is very high.
•If you have a deep study of market trends and have a good confidence you can earn while
market is growing as well as it is sleeping.
• You own your own business with literally do nothing.
•Unlike other business, you need a team. But here, you can work yourself and from home!

Increased Employment and Economic Growth

Human Resources Development
Development of Backward Areas
Provision of finance and technology
Increases in Exports
Exchange Rate Stability
Stimulation of Economic Development
Improved Capital Flow
Creation of Competitive Market

3. What might create an unfavorable balance of trade for a country?

 It is determining a country’s balance of trade by subtracting the value of its

imports from the value of its exports. If a country sells more products than it
buys, it has a favorable balance, called a trade surplus. If it buys more than it
sells, it has an unfavorable balance, or a trade deficit. Reasons behind
unfavorable balance of trade There is lack of resources which can be utilized in
the country to form products to be exported to other countries. There is lack of
skilled and good labor in the country which hinders the ability of the country to
manufacture its own products efficiently. However, Others believe that the
balance of trade has little impact, because the more international trade occurs,
the more likely it is that foreign companies will invest in the home country,
negating any negative effects. An unfavorable balance of trade is also called a
trade deficit.

Make Connection
4. Technology: Several federal and state government agencies and many other
organization offer information and assistance related to international business
activities. Conduct a web search using phrases such as “international business”
“export assistance and International trade. Access two website and write a
summary of the features each contains

 International business refers to the trade of goods, services, technology, capital

and/or knowledge across national borders and at a global or transnational scale.
It involves cross-border transactions of goods and services between two or more
countries. Transactions of economic resources include capital, skills, and people
for the purpose of the international production of physical goods and services
such as finance, banking, insurance, and construction. International business is
also known as globalization. To conduct business overseas, multinational
companies need to bridge separate national markets into one global
 Export incentives are regulatory, legal, monetary, or tax programs that are
designed to encourage businesses to export certain types of goods or services.
Exports are goods that are produced in one country and are then transported to
another country for sale or trade.
 International trade is an exchange involving a good or service conducted
between at least two different countries. The exchanges can be imports or
exports. An import refers to a good or service brought into the domestic country.
An export refers to a good or service sold to a foreign country. International
trade is a method of economic interaction between international entities and is
an example of economic linkage. Other forms of economic linkages include (1)
foreign financial investment, (2) multinational corporations, and (3) foreign

5. Visual Art: Select a country in Asia, Europe, or Latin America. Research the major
exports and imports for their country. Prepare a graph or chart displaying the
top exports and imports of that nation.
 Switzerland’s major exports are machinery and equipment, chemical-
pharmaceutical products, watches, and textiles and apparel. Raw materials,
food, vegetable oils, and fuel account for about one-quarter of total imports and
are transported by rail, truck, and barge. Among other leading imports are
manufactured goods, motor vehicles, and chemical products. Traditionally
Switzerland has been among the forerunners in liberalizing
and facilitating international trade, upon which its economy is heavily
dependent. Most of Switzerland’s trade is with the EU, with about three-fourths
of its imports coming from and three-fifths of its exports going to EU countries . 

6. Communication; Select a country in Africa, Latin America or the Middle East.

Research to determine its major trading partners. Write a paragraph explaining
why this country likely trades with those other nation.

 India is the UAE’s largest trade partner. The UAE’s economic, political, and
cultural links with India date back to more than a century ago when bilateral
trade began. The Indian community is the largest expatriate community in the
UAE, numbering around 1.5 million. The UAE’s other major trade partners are
China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia,
Iran, Oman, and Jordan. As such, trade is predominately concentrated in Asian
markets. In 2010 the value of trade between Dubai and India stood at AED 123
billion ($33.5 billion), representing 26 percent of Dubai’s total trade with the
outside world a substantial portion of India’s exports to the UAE is transshipped
from Dubai to other countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia, and Yemen. Indian exports to the UAE via Dubai have thus opened up a
huge regional market for Indian products.
Lesson 1.3 Economic of global business

 What are the three main types of economic system?

Command Economies, Market Economies, Mixed Economies

 What are three categories are commonly used to describe the level of economic
development in a country?

Literacy Level, Technology, Agricultural Dependency

Think Critically

1. What are some possible benefits of the mixed economy over market
 The benefits of mixed economies it is a blend between government involvement
in business and private ownership for example some countries have publicly
owned transportation companies, communication, network and major
industries. Social refers to economy with most basic industry owned and
operated by government. However individual are usually free to engage in other
business opportunity and free to make buying choices.

2. Why is private property important in a market economy?

 Private property promotes efficiency by giving the owner of resources an

incentive to maximize its value. The more valuable a resource, the more trading
power it provides the owner of the resource. This is because, in a capitalist
system, someone who owns property is entitled to any value associated with the
property. When property is not privately owned, but rather shared by the public,
a market failure emerges known as the Tragedy of the Commons. The fruit of any
labor performed with a public asset does not belong to the laborer but is
diffused among many people. There is a disconnect between labor and value,
creating a disincentive to increase value or production. People are incentivized
to wait for someone else to do the hard work and then swoop in to reap the
benefits without many personal expenses.

3. What actions can improve a country education level?

This are 5 ways to improve a country education level
 Acknowledge and address overcrowding
 Make funding school on priority
 Address the school to prison pipeline
 Rate standard for teacher
 Put classroom running and curriculum building decision in the hands of the


1.    COMMUNICATION Interview a person who is involved with international business

activities. Prepare a one-page report summarizing their experiences. What has the person
observed about economic activities in different countries?

Katelyn Mistele an Internship

 The past two summers I worked at Rockwell Automation which is a large
multinational corporation headquartered out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Rockwell
operates in the industrial automation industry producing equipment and
software that is used to automate manufacturing lines. Two summers ago, I
worked on a culturally diverse team within the inside sales department, and this
past summer I worked in the logistics department and had a boss from Europe
and high levels of interaction with logistics teams all across the world. Both of
these experiences have taught me a great deal of how to work and communicate
effectively with global teams.
 My first summer with Rockwell placed me on a culturally diverse team. My boss
was Indian by heritage raised in a household by immigrant parents. I had a team
member from Russia, and also a team member who was raised in a traditional
Mexican environment as his parents were immigrants as well. This added to a lot
of diverse cultures, all operating towards the common goal of the team. I had
high degrees of interaction with my boss and my coworker from Russia and I
learned a lot about interacting with individuals from other cultures for starters
the conversations with my boss were a lot more of a teaching style than what I
have encountered in the past. My boss never was extremely direct in saying yes
or no. After doing some research on the Indian’s communication culture the
word “no” is considered very direct and hostile. Instead in the Indian culture
individuals tend to have open discussions with each other and respect and place
value in opinions that might oppose their own. I truly did see this when reflecting
on my experience at Rockwell. My boss, even though I was completely new to
the team and industry, always valued my ideas and wanted our dialog to be
open in nature. On the other hand, I experienced a dramatically different
communication style with my team member from Russia. She was extremely
direct and to the point and wouldn’t waver in telling me if a process I was using
was wrong. This was helpful as she was training me on the customer relationship
management platform, so we were able to accomplish a lot in a short period of
time, but it did take some adjusting to the “directness” of her communication
style. This summer my experience was great in exposing me to these differences
that exist within teams and how they communicate. It was great exposure that
allowed me to be successful in my second internship with Rockwell.
 My second summer allowed me to have high degrees of interactions with teams
from all over the world. Specifically, I had to contact teams in Brazil,
Netherlands, and China and for each of these teams I approached these
conversations very differently. I used the awareness I developed in my previous
summer in order to be successful. The very high-level project I was working on
required me to reach out to teams spanning the global and get data from them
from their logistics departments. I knew that I had to be cognizant of the cultures
I was dealing with due to my prior experiences with globally diverse teams.
When approaching individuals in Europe I would explain high level why I needed
the data because otherwise I found it common that they would ask why before
providing what was needed. It was important to explain yourself whereas in the
United States my team members would never explain themselves they would
just expect it to get done. For the teams in the Asia Pacific region, I had to reach
out to it was important for me to be extremely clear in what metrics I needed
since I found out quickly, they had a different way of collecting data in their
 The main take away from this post and my experience is to be open-minded and
receptive to communication styles. They truly do differ from country to country,
and it doesn’t take much time on our end to adjust our style and be adaptable to
others we are working with. At the end of the day by showing effort of doing this
will gain the respect of those you are working with. Also, it not only facilitates
project success, but also builds up your credibility and desirability as a working
employee of a global workforce. I personally love working in diverse
environments because it is challenging and I always learn a lot not only about
other cultures but also about myself

2.    SCIENCE Describe how scientific discoveries might improve the economic

 We live in a knowledge society. Knowledge in addition to mineral resources,

capital and physical activity is an increasingly important resource. It contributes
to the functioning of democracies and innovation and helps countries to be
competitive on a global scale. But science which contributes significantly to
knowledge production, is confronted with new challenges.  The role of science in
an increasingly fragmented and digital society, as well as its significance for
politics and civil society, will be redefined. Science can never offer a universal
truth or an objective representation of the world

3.    GEOGRAPHY Conduct Internet research about a country with a developing

economy. How could its natural resources, agricultural products, climate, or waterways
be used to improve the nation’s level of economic development?

 Developing countries could obtain bigger stakes of the proceeds of the

exploitation of their natural resources. Even when, later, many developing
countries opened their markets to foreign investors again and agreed to sign
BITs which ensured a higher degree of protection to foreign companies, the
control over natural resources and the right to obtain a relevant part of the
proceeds of their exploitation remained to them. Moreover, foreign direct
investments, bringing capitals, technologies, and know-how, proved useful to
allow a more effective exploitation of natural resources and a better
commercialization of them on the world markets, increasing even further the
gains of developing countries. Some developing countries took advantage of this
situation and implemented political and economic reforms which made it
possible to reduce wasteful uses of the revenues obtained from natural
resources and to invest them in other dynamic sectors of the economy in order
to reduce dependency on natural resources. In recent years, as a result of
increasing demand for commodities, countries rich in natural resources have got
further strength which have allowed them to pretend new renegotiations of
concession agreements and to obtain even more favorable conditions.

Vocabulary Builder

D. COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES 1) A situation in which a country specializes in the

production of a good or service at which it is relatively more efficient
J. IMPORTS 2) Products bought by a company or government from businesses in other
M. TRADE BARRIERS 3) Restrictions that reduce free trade among countries
H. INFRASTRUCTURE 4) A nation’s transportation, communication, and utility systems
B. BALANCE OF PAYMENT 5) A measurement of the total flow of money coming into a
country minus the total flow going out  
A. ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGES 6) A situation when a country can product a good or a service
at a lower cost than other countries
K. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 7) The business activities necessary for creating, shipping, and
selling goods and services across national border.
I. EXPORTS 8) Products sold to companies or governments in other countries.
C. BALANCE OF TRADE 9) The difference between a country’s exports and imports.
F. ECONOMIC SYSTEM 10) The method a country uses to answer the basic economic

Review Concept
11)How does international business create investment opportunities?

 International business creates investment opportunities as many people invest

money in businesses to earn additional fund as company expand their business
activities in other countries new investment opportunities are created.

12)What factors can influence a country’ economic condition?

 The factors that influence country economic condition includes economic system,
availability of natural resources and the general education level of the country

13)What is some examples of trade barrier?

 Trade barriers includes import taxes that increase the cost of foreign products,
restriction on imports, and laws preventing certain product from coming into a country,
one of common trade barriers are tariff.

14)How does absolute advantages differ from a comparative advantage?

 Absolute advantages exist only when a country can produce a good or services at lower
cost than other countries while comparative advantages is a situation in which a country
specialize in the production of a good or services at which it is relatively more efficient.

15)When does a country achieve a favorable balance of trade?

 When a nation favorable balance of payments receives more money in a year than it
pays out.

16)How are economic decisions made in a command economy?

 In a command economy the government or a control planning committee regulates the

amount, distribution and piece om everything product the government itself owns the
productive resources of the country

17)What is the main characteristic of market economy?

 The main characteristic of market economies includes private property, profit motive,
free competitive marketplace.

18)What factors influence the economic development of a country?

 The factors that influence economic development of country includes literacy level,
technology, and agricultural dependency.

19)Why the infrastructure important for economic development?

 Infrastructures is important on economic development because it helps to facilitate

business activities such as transportation, communication, and utilize system. Countries
that have natural infrastructures like climate, waterways, farmland, and other natural
resources can contribute to nations economic development.

20)What are some examples of the United States global dependency on other counties?
 United States is 100 percent import dependent for at least 20 critical and strategic
minerals (not including the “rare earths”), and between 50 percent and 99 percent
dependent for another 30 key minerals. For example, the United States is totally
dependent on imports for vital strategic metals that are necessary components for
military weapons systems, cellphones, solar panels, lithium-ion batteries, and many
high-technology products. The reason for this dependency is not due to geologic
impediments, but due to politics. Large portions of public lands in the West have not
been sufficiently explored, and permitting in the United States takes seven to ten years
compared to two or three years in Australia and Canada. In fact, the United States is
much more dependent upon the key imported minerals that are essential for making
the electric cars and renewable energy sources advocated for by opponents of fossil
fuels than the United States was ever dependent on imported fossil fuels.

21)Why would a country with many natural resources have the potential for strong

 If the country provides good protection of property rights and are favorable to
productive and entrepreneurial activities, natural resources are likely to benefit the
economy by being a source of income, new investment opportunities, and of potential
positive spillovers to the rest of the economy which provide a strong economy

22)Name a famous person who is able to do something better than any one else. This is an
absolute advantage. Now for an example of comparative advantages describe a person who
does several things well but select only one of these talents to make a living.

23)What action could a country takes to improve the balance of trade?

 Consume less and save more. If US households or the government reduce consumption
(businesses save more than they spend), imports will drop and less borrowing from
abroad will be needed to pay for consumption. ...
 Depreciate the exchange rate. ...
 Tax capital inflows.

24)What problems may arise when a government decide to sell government owned
businesses to private companies?
 When government sell its property to private companies the impact of it is there will be
an increase on the prices of goods and services as the government have no authority or
control over the prices of products and services of nation.

25)What would you recommend to a country with a weak infrastructure? How could this
contribute to economic development?

 Infrastructure are the soul of the economy if nation focuses in improving its transport
system it will improve its economic stability as the goods and services can be transport
easily from different areas. It will improve the nations GDP as the flow of goods and
services are efficient as a result lot of new business will emerge and more vacant jobs to
be hire which can help the economy development of a country.

26)How would expand use of technology improve a country’s economic development?

 The technological advances of the fourth industrial revolution have seen monumental
and unprecedented changes take place in the functioning of the global economy, giving
rise to new globalizing processes in increasingly interactive and sophisticated ways.
Technology has enabled instantaneous communication, new products and
manufacturing systems, improved air and sea transportation and seen the revolution of
the construction sector. It has allowed those with access to such technologies to
improve their livelihoods and even live-in luxury, working from home via online
platforms, ordering restaurant deliveries, personal transport services and even booking
massage and home cleaning services via the internet. But we are only beginning to see
the potential for transformation that technology can offer the developing world, posing
innumerable opportunities for economic and social development in countries that have
traditionally fallen behind the rest of the pack. Advances in technology are often linked
to increased levels of income, which can improve living conditions and long-term
prospects in poorer countries, while on an even broader scale technology can improve
livelihoods by increasing food production

27)Business Math

Country Exports Imports Trade Balance Favorable/Unfavorable

A $79bil $73bil + $6bil Favorable
B $186bil $193bil - $7bil Unfavorable
C $7.8bil $8.3bil -0.5bil Unfavorable
D $27.1bil $30.9bil -3.8bil Unfavorable
E $273.4bil $267.3bil +6.1bil Favorable

28) Technology
United Arab Emirates – ae Switzerland – ch Spain – es Finland - fi
Greece – gr Ireland – il Sweden – sc Morocco – ma
Poland – pl Netherlands – nl Norway – no Grest Britian - gb

29) Ethics

 For me this action is inappropriate action as the company want to paid those media for
an biased report based on law this action is act of fraud in which they use media as tool
to manipulate fake news to look like credible journalistic report that are easily spread
online to large audience willing to believe the fiction and spread the word.

30) Career

 Marketing managers combine the best of both worlds they balance a competitive business
strategy with a creative vision. What makes such job position so attractive is the diversity in the
scope of work; marketing managers work with art directors, sales executives, product
developers, public relations managers and so many other departments to create a strong and
coherent campaign.

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