Semis Module - Geco 3

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Analyze how a new conception of global relations emerged from the experiences
of Latin American countries
How did Latin America become part of the global economy?
When Europe and the United States experienced an increase of industrialization, they
realized the value of the raw materials in Latin America, which caused Latin American
countries to move towards export economies. This economic growth also catalyzed
social and political developments that constituted a new order.


Within the first group the most important commodities are sugar, bananas, cocoa,
coffee, tobacco, beef, corn, and wheat. Oil, natural gas, and petroleum products
dominate the second group, while linseed oil, cotton, cattle hides, fish meal, wool,
copper, tin, iron ore, lead, and zinc top the third group.

Differentiate between regionalization and globalization

Globalization affects economic, political processes at the global level, but

regionalization involves, first of all consideration of various events and the needs of
specific areas of the country.

Identify the factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian region

There are a few factors contributing to the growth of the Asian intra-regional trade. They
include the rise in regional income, the removal of trade barriers, and advances in
production and transportation technologies.

Analyze how different Asian states confront the challenges of globalization and
1. Loss of Cultural Identity.
2. Foreign Worker Exploitation.
3. Global Expansion Difficulties.
4. Immigration Challenges and
5. Local Job Loss.

What are the greatest challenges of globalization in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, globalization worsens the already poor situation of the masses.
It sends millions of Filipinos to work on a global stage where there is shortage of
laborers, skilled, domestic and professional workers.
What Are the Challenges of Globalization?

Some of the hurdles companies face when going global include:

1. International Recruiting
First, companies create a plan for how they will interview and thoroughly vet candidates
to make sure they are qualified when thousands of miles separate them from
headquarters. Next, companies need to know the market’s demands for salaries and
benefits to make competitive offers. To ensure successful hires, HR teams must
factor in challenges like time zones, cultural differences, and language barriers to
find a good fit for the company.

2. Managing Employee Immigration

Immigration laws change often, and in some countries, it is extremely difficult to
secure visas for employees that are foreign nationals. The U.S., for example, is
getting stricter with granting H-1B visas, and Brexit makes immigration to the UK

3. Incurring Tariffs and Export Fees

For companies looking to sell products abroad, getting those items overseas can be
expensive, depending on the market.

4. Payroll and Compliance Challenges

Another common global expansion obstacle is managing overseas payroll and
maintaining compliance with changing employment and tax laws. This management
task gets even more difficult if you’re trying to manage operations in multiple markets.

5. Loss of Cultural Identity

While globalization has made foreign countries easier to access, it has also begun to
meld unique societies together. The success of certain cultures throughout the
world caused other countries to emulate (surpass) them. But when cultures begin
to lose their distinctive features, we lose our global diversity.

6. Foreign Worker Exploitation

Lower costs do benefit many consumers, but it also creates tough competition that
leads some companies to search for cheap labor sources. Some western companies
ship their production overseas to countries like China and Malaysia, where lax
regulations make it easier to exploit workers.

7. Global Expansion Difficulties

For businesses that want to go global and discover the benefits of globalization, setting
up a compliant overseas presence is difficult. If companies take the traditional route
of setting up an entity, they need substantial upfront capital, annually to maintain the
business. Additionally, global businesses must keep up with different and ever-
changing labor laws in new countries. When expanding into new countries,
companies must be aware of how to navigate new legal systems. Otherwise, missteps
lead to impediments and severe financial and legal consequences.

8. Immigration Challenges and Local Job Loss

The political climates in the United States and Europe show that there are different
viewpoints on the results of globalization. Many countries around the globe are
tightening their immigration rules, and it is harder for immigrants to find jobs in
new countries. This rise in nationalism is mainly due to anger from the perception
that foreigners fill domestic jobs or at companies moving their operations abroad
to save money on labor costs.

What Are the Benefits of Globalization?

1. Access to New Cultures

Globalization makes it easier than ever to access foreign culture, including food,
movies, music, and art. This free flow of people, goods, art, and information is the
reason you can have Thai food delivered to your apartment as you listen to your
favorite UK-based artist or stream a Bollywood movie.

2. The Spread of Technology and Innovation

Many countries around the world remain constantly connected, so knowledge and
technological advances travel quickly. Because knowledge also transfers so fast,
this means that scientific advances made in Asia can be at work in the United States in
a matter of days.

3. Lower Costs for Products

Globalization allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products. It
also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger
variety of choices for consumers. Lowered costs help people in both developing and
already-developed countries live better on less money.

4. Higher Standards of Living Across the Globe

Developing nations experience an improved standard of living—thanks to
globalization. According to the World Bank, extreme poverty decreased by 35% since
1990. Further, the target of the first Millennium Development Goal was to cut the 1990
poverty rate in half by 2015. This was achieved five years ahead of schedule, in 2010.
Across the globe, nearly 1.1 billion people have moved out of extreme poverty since
that time.
5. Access to New Markets
Businesses gain a great deal from globalization, including new customers and diverse
revenue streams. Companies interested in these benefits look for flexible and
innovative ways to grow their business overseas. International Professional
Employer Organizations (PEOs) make it easier than ever to employ workers in other
countries quickly and compliantly. This means that, for many companies, there is no
longer the need to establish a foreign entity to expand overseas.

6. Access to New Talent

In addition to new markets, globalization allows companies to find new, specialized
talent that is not available in their current market. For example, globalization gives
companies the opportunity to explore tech talent in booming markets such
as Berlin or Stockholm, rather than Silicon Valley. Again, International PEO allows
companies to compliantly employ workers overseas, without having to establish a legal
entity, making global hiring easier than ever.

Analyze how various media drive various forms of global integration

The mass media are today seen as playing a key role in enhancing globalization,
and facilitating cultural exchange and multiple flows of information and images
between countries through international news broadcasts, television programming,
new technologies, film, and music

Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production

The dynamics between local and global cultural production. Cultures have always
been a result of the encounter of local developments with outside influence.
Adventurers, traders and warriors for example brought their cultures to the world but
were also influenced by what they. encountered.
Globalization tends to emphasize similarities, whereas local emphasizes
difference. The relationship between the individual and the group is dynamic in
that both depend upon and interact with each other. The cultural context in which this
occurs is what distinguished societies from one another.

Explain how globalization affects religious practices and beliefs

Another way in which globalization has impacted on religion is the way religions have
made use of global communications. Religious groups are able to take advantage of
modern technology to recruit new members, spread the word and keep in contact
with other members of the religion
What do you mean by globalization of religion?
In short, globalization allows for religions previously isolated from one another to
now have regular and unavoidable contact. As a result, globalization brings to the
light the fact that since religions have similar values, not one of them is “correct” and,
therefore, can be changed.

What is the role of religion in the contemporary world?

Religion serves several functions for society. These include (a) giving meaning and
purpose to life, (b) reinforcing social unity and stability, (c) serving as an agent of
social control of behavior, (d) promoting physical and psychological well-being,
and (e) motivating people to work for positive social change.

What are the impacts of globalization on religion?

By diminishing the barriers between different cultures, globalization lands religion in
a quagmire of conflicts which reinforce social identities as some do not accept the
new realities and turn to religion to rediscover their own identity. Religion provides a
sense of belongingness to a group in the world

Analyze the relationship between religion and global conflict and, conversely,
global peace
Religious communities also directly oppose repression and promote peace and
reconciliation. Religious leaders and institutions can mediate in conflict situations,
serve as a communication link between opposing sides, and provide training in
peacemaking methodologies
According to the analysis, countries without a dominant religious group are on
average, 17% more peaceful than countries with a dominant religious group.
Identify the attributes of a global city
The criteria of a global city have varied over time and depending on the source;
common features include a high degree of urban development, a large population,
the presence of major multinational companies, a significant and globalized
financial sector, well developed and internationally linked transportation

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