Cultural Appropriation Objectives: Contemporary Art Forms Elements and Principles
Cultural Appropriation Objectives: Contemporary Art Forms Elements and Principles
Cultural Appropriation Objectives: Contemporary Art Forms Elements and Principles
Name: Date:
Grade/ Section: Teacher:
1. explain cultural appropriation.
2. realize the value of cultural appropriation in some minority cultures.
3. apply awareness about culture appropriation when following trends nowadays.
What is Cultural appropriation? Why is it a controversial practice?
“Taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s
culture without permission. (Susan Scafidi, Law Prof. from Fordham University) This can include
unauthorized use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional
medicine, religious symbols, etc.” Very often those who appropriate culture of another group profit from
their exploitation. They not only gain money but also status for popularizing art forms, modes of
expression and other customs of marginalized groups.
Cultural appropriation happens in music, films, television, and visual art all the time.
It is often brushed off as “homage.” Other times, it hides within the idea that “Imitation is the highest
form of flattery.” But the reappropriation of cultural music, dance, or visuals by some, rarely preserves
the meanings and values of the original source. It is not flattery. It is often just glamorized by others for
personal gain.
When is it okay to borrow, quote, or pay homage to a culture that is not your own? And how can we
do that thoughtfully and respectfully?
Borrowing from other cultures is inevitable, but there are positive ways in which it can be
done. We should engage with other cultures on more than just an aesthetic level. And we
should also give credit to where credit is due. Pay homage and acknowledge the source.
Guide Questions:
Make a reflection on what do you think about cultural appropriation and its concerns surrounding
When it comes to appropriation, it is a perverse reality that influenced many artist until the present.
Yet others also crossed some extents arriving to the infamous controvesies especially when an art is
subjected to represent one’s culture or tradition. I believe that cultural appropriation should be taken
seriously to avoid misinterpretation, misrepresentation and inpertinence towards another culture.
One problem that artists might commit is the lack of knowledge and awareness about one’s culture
and its members. Usually, artists were pitted and ditched into shame whenever artists commit mistakes in
the usage or application of culture. For that, the resolution for proper appropriation is to conduct an
extensive research before applying these concepts in art.
Secondly, is the brazen acts of artists to represent one’s culture especially if someone representing
the culture is greatly dominant than the members of the culture they are trying to represent. This act calls
for superiority complex, and it may insult the minorities. For instance, when a certain art is using a
blackface, blaccent or a historical language coming from a minority, it might be offensive due to the fact
that superiors tainted one’s culture just for the aesthetics. Avoiding the representation and imitation of
certain cultures, being aware of crossing the limit, and the proper promotion of culture instead of using
appropriation is farly better than causing ruckus and disobedience from them. Also, when artists finish
doing research and other precautions, they should ask for consultation and guidance from the members of
the culture they are representing, so that execution of the art could be optimized. Lastly, giving credits and
asking permission before doing appropriation art is a magnificent thing that artists could do for to boosts
his esteem in creating a wonderful art.
Taking inspiration from others is surely a nice thing. Yet, one must come with proper mindset first
by taking modesty, respect and appreciation to other cultures. Intuition to create something comes from
mindfulness. We must make sure to take a proper steps before coming up with something that we could
consider as a new collection in our artworks.