Cues and Evidences Nursing Diagnosis Objectives Interventions Rationale Evaluation

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Cues and Evidences Nursing Diagnosis Objectives Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Hyperthermia related to Within my 1 week holistic Independent After my 1 week holistic
illness (urinary tract nursing care, the client will be nursing care, the client is
The Client’s mother infection or UTI and able to decrease her  Encourage mother  Electrolytes are minerals that able to
verbalized “ning kalit ra Dengue Hemorrhagic temperature as evidenced by: to increase fluid intake to conduct an electrical charge when
siyag hilanat ug taas Fever) patient, especially fluid high mixed by water. They help  Consume 3 glasses of milk
dayun ning sunod sakit in electrolytes. regulate a variety of your body’s or 720ml a day
iyang tiyan.” Vital signs within normal most essential functions, including  Drinks clear water at 3
range: nerve signal, muscle contraction glasses or 720ml
and hydration.
T: 35.9-36.7 ̊C
Objective: PR:60-100bpm  Advice mother to promote  Bed rest is therapeutically used as  Sleeps 12hours a day
RR:12-20cpm bed rest, or limit activity. a means to decrease the metabolic
Vital signs: BP:110-140/ 60-90mmHg demand on the body and promote
T : 39.8 ̊ C recovery during an illness.
HR: 116 bpm
RR: 38 cpm  Monitor patient’s vital signs.  Body temperature is one of the  Manifest normal vitals
BP: 90/100 four main vital signs that must be below noted
monitored to ensure safe and
effective care. Monitoring those T:35.9-36.7 ̊C
makes us determine if there’s an P:60-100bpm
alteration of the previous results. R:12-20cpm
BP:110-140/ 60-90mmHg

 Perform tepid sponge bath to  Tepid sponge bath is a procedure  Manifest decrease body heat
patient that is given to a patient with fever as noted by decrease body
through the use of lukewarm water temperature during vital
and application of friction to the signs taking.
body’s surface.
 Perform cold compress to  Help to relieve pain and swelling
patient or cool a fever.


 Administer medication as  Medicines are chemicals or  Take medication regularly

ordered the physician: compounds used to cure, halt, or and on time without any
prevent disease; ease symptoms; resistance oberved.
Paracetamol 130mg IVTT or help in the diagnosis of illness.
every 4hours for 24hrs then
PRN if Temperature is higher
than 39 degrees celcius


 Provide cooling blanket  Cooling blanket is used to reduce  Sleep well 12 hours with no
fever, usually greater than 39.5 to signs of chills and fever as
40 degrees Celsius. noted by her vital signs at
normal range.
Nursing Care Plan

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